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Hadrian's Wall Bridges Frontispiece:A Watercolour by David Mossman showing the early stages of excavation at Chesters in 1860; the uppermost suroiving course of the main abutment face of bridge 2 has been exposed. (Reproduced by permission of Tyne and Wear Museums Seroice) B Watercolour by David Mossman showing trench across the north wing-wall of bridge 2 at Chesters (the seated figure is out of scale, exaggerating the size of the masonry). (Reproduced by permission of Tyne and Wear Museums Service) EnglishOHeritage Archaeological Report no 9 Hadrian's Wall Bridges P T Bidwell and N Holbrook with contributions by AD H Bartlett, L Bown, J C Coulston, J N Dore, K Hartley, N Shiel, P Wilthew, and N Hammo Yassi Historic Buildings & Monuments Commission for England 1989 v Contents The structure of Hadrian's Wall at the bridge ......... 58 The Broad Wall ............................................ 59 The structure of the Broad Wall ....................... 58 The height of Hadrian's Wall .......................... 58 The Narrow Wall .......................................... 59 Preface and acknowledgements ......................... vii The Wall Ditch ............................................. 61 L~st of c_olour plates ........................................ ~ Bridge 1 .......................................................... 63 Ltst of figures ................................................ V11l The tower ................................................... 64 List of tables .................................................... ix The pier ...................................................... 65 1 Chesters: Introduction and Bridge 1 ................. 1 A possible reconstruction .................................. 66 Introduction ..................................................... 1 Conjectural architectural reconstruction ............ 67 The setting ....................................................... 1 Miscellaneous blocks ..................................... 70 Antiquarian accounts ......................................... 3 Design of bridge .............................................. 70 Nineteenth-century survey and excavation ............ 3 Building of the bridge ....................................... 73 Twentieth-century survey and excavation .............. 6 Bridge 1A ....................................................... 73 Survey and excavations in 1982-3 ......................... 6 The southern wing-wall ................................. 74 The discovery of bridge 1 and its relationship to Repair work ................................................ 75 Hadrian's wall .................................................. 7 The extent of damage to bridge 1 ..................... 75 The Broad Wall ............................................. 8 The destruction of bridge 1A ........................... 76 The Narrow Wall ........................................... 9 5 Willowford: bridge 2 .................................. 78 Deposits south of Hadrian's Wall ..................... 11 Sources of materials .......................................... 78 The river pier .................................................. 11 The reconstructed curtain wall and abutment ........ 80 The site of the east abutment and its relationship to The abutment wing-walls .................................. 83 Hadrian's Wall ................................................ 12 The northern wing-wall ................................. 83 The overall plan of the bridge ............................. 13 The southern wing-wall ................................. 83 The later causeway ........................................... 14 Reconstruction and discussion ............................ 84 2 Chesters: Bridge 2 ....................................... 15 The tower ....................................................... 86 Introduction .................................................... 15 Activities associated with bridge 2 ....................... 89 The west abutment and ramp of approach ............ 15 Bridge 2A? .................................................. 89 The river piers ................................................. 15 Natural processes ......................................... 90 The east abutment ............................................ 17 The curtain wall ........................................... 90 The main abutment .......................................... 18 The tower ................................................... 90 The north wing ................................................ 19 6 Willowford: bridge 3 and later activities ......... 91 The south wing. ............................................... 21 The abutment .................................................. 91 The tower ....................................................... 21 The pier ......................................................... 93 The function of the tower ............................... 24 Reconstruction of the bridge ............................... 93 The ramp and drain ...................................... 26 The watermill? ................................................. 94 Dating evidence ............................................... 28 The course of the Military Way in the vicinity of the The water channel ............................................ 28 bridge ............................................................ 94 The purpose of the water channel .................... 30 Later activities ................................................. 95 The destruction and decay of the bridge ............... 31 The dates of the bridges ..................................... 95 Later crossings of the North Tyne at Chollerford .... 32 Resistivity survey by A D H Bartlett ...................... 97 Archaeomagnetic dating of samples from the hearth Mortar analysis by P Wilthew .............................. 97 in the tower of bridge 2 at Chesters by N B Hammo Medieval activity .............................................. 97 Yassi .............................................................. 32 7 A review of evidence for other stone bridges on 3 Chesters: The superstructure of bridge 2 .......... 34 Hadrian's Wall and in northern Britain ............... 99 Introduction .................................................... 34 Introduction .................................................... 99 Voussoirs ....................................................... 34 Other bridges on or in the environs of Hadrian's Cornice blocks ................................................. 36 Wall .............................................................. 99 The purpose of the grooves in the cornice Newcastle upon Tyne .................................... 99 blocks ........................................................ 39 Corbridge ................................................. 103 The position of the parapet and cornice ............. 39 The structure on the north bank, east of the Roman Other types of cornice block ........................... 40 bridge at Corbridge ..................................... 106 The columns ................................................... 41 Stanwix .................................................... 107 Bridges with parapets incorporating columns and Bridges south of Hadrian's Wall ........................ 110 other elements ................................................ .43 Pierceb ridge .............................................. 110 A possible reconstruction of bridge 2 .................... 44 Binchester ................................................. 112 Quantity survey .............................................. .47 Hylton ..................................................... 112 4 Willowford: Bridges 1 and 1A ....................... 50 Ebchester .................................................. 113 The setting ..................................................... 50 Alston ...................................................... 113 The River Irthing .............................................. 50 Bridges north of Hadrian's Wall ........................ 113 Antiquarian accounts ........................................ 52 Risingham ................................................ 113 Nineteenth-century survey and excavation ........... 52 Elishaw .................................................... 114 Twentieth-century survey and excavation ............. 52 Newstead ................................................. 114 Survey and excavation in 1984-5 ......................... 53 Summerston .............................................. 116 vi 8 Techniques of construction ......................... 117 10 The finds and miscellaneous reports ........... 141 Introduction .................................................. 117 Introduction .................................................. 141 The dressing and finishing of stone ................... 117 The stone artifacts .......................................... 141 Crowbar slots ................................................ 119 Inscriptions ............................................... 141 Lewis holes ................................................... 119 Sculptures by] C Coulston ............................. 142 The crane ..................................................... 121 Coins ........................................................... 142 The barrel-shaped stone (possible counterweight) Chesters ................................................... 142 from Chesters ................................................ 123 Willowford ................................................ 142 Clamps ........................................................ 124 Metal and other finds (excluding structural metal- Dovetail clamps ............................................. 125 work) ........................................................... 142 Bar clamps .................................................... 126 The Roman Pottery with contributions by J N Dore and Bar clamps from Chesters and Willowford .......... 128 K F Hartley .................................................... 143 Dowels ........................................................ 128 Chesters ................................................... 143 Tie-bars ........................................................ 130 Willowford ................................................ 144 Fragments of lead tie-bars from Chesters and Willowford Medieval Pottery by L Bown .............. 148 Corbridge ..................................................... 133 Appendix 1: The pre-Hadrianic and Hadrianic 9 The significance of the Wall bridges ............. 134 road-systems between Tyne and Solway ............. 15'0 Introduction .................................................. 134 Appendix 2: A note on Roman river transport in The function and significance of the Hadrianic Wall north-east England ......................................... 153 bridges ......................................................... 134 Summary ..................................................... 155 The Wall bridges and the Military Way ............... 136 Resume ........................................................ 155 The place of the bridges at Chesters and Willowford Zusammenfassung ......................................... 156 in the road system .......................................... 137 Bibliography ................................................. 157 The date of the road bridges ............................. 138 Index ........................................................... 160 vii Preface and acknowledgements directed by P T Bidwell but in the event the commitments of a full-time job elsewhere allowed him to spend only a very limited amount of time on 'Those who have seen the magnificent site and N Holbrook assumed responsibility for the remains of the Pont du Gard (justly the direction of the project. The supervisors were pride of Gallia Narbonensis), lighted by the Stephen Speak (who was also responsible for all the glorious sun of Languedoc, may think photography), Paul Harrison, Martin Hicks, and Nick lightly of these meagre relics of the bridge Hodgson. All who worked at Willowford will know of Cilurnum, under the darker skies of how much help and kindness was shown by Mr Northumberland; but it may be affirmed, Donald Dalrymple of Willowford Farm. that the bridge over the river Gardon does P T Bidwell was responsible for the chapters on not span a lovelier stream than the North Chesters and on the techniques of construction and Tyne, and that so much as remains of the the sections on the bridges at Newcastle and masonry of the bridge at Cilurnum leads Corbridge; N Holbrook dealt with Willowford and to the conclusion, that this bridge, as the other bridges, principally Piercebridge, Carlisle, originally constructed, was not inferior, in and Risingham. However, at every stage after the solidity of material and excellence of first season at Chesters, almost all the aspects of the workmanship, to the mighty structure bridges and their wider significance have been reared by Roman hands in Gaul.' discussed at length by the authors, whether on site, So wrote John Clayton in a paper read to the Society in the study or in convivial surroundings, so that in of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1861, every sense this is a joint publication. (Clayton 1865) describing the east abutment of Bridge The plans of Chesters were drawn by Jacqui 2 at Chesters laid bare by his workmen in 1860. Bayliss, and those of Willowford by Anne Gibson Modern opinion shows no alteration and in a recent Ankers. Frank Gardiner of English Heritage con edition of the Handbook to the Roman Wall (Daniels tributed the fine watercolours of the bridges and Jim 1978) the bridge is still judged to be 'the most Thorn drew the dedication of Aelius Longinus and remarkable feature on the whole line of the Wall.' the possible counterweight stone from Chesters. Re-examination of the bridge in 1982-3 has shown Ralph Mills kindly supplied the plan of the bridge at that in its final form, probably as a result of the Pierce bridge. N Holbrook would like to thank Prof initiative of Severus, it was built entirely of stone, Peter Fowler, while both authors have benefited from rather than partly of timber as was previously discussions with Jim Crow, Charles Daniels, Nick thought, and that it was embellished with a cornice, Hodgson and Derek Welsby. They also gratefully stone parapets, a series of columns, and possibly acknowledge information received from Stuart accommodated one or more shrines. That the bridge Brown, Ian Caruana, the late John Gillam, Dr can now be seen to bear comparison with the more Lawrence Keppie, Norman Shiel, Colin Richardson, important road-bridges of the Empire does not mean Raymond Selkirk, the late Peter Scott and Dr Grace that the remarks of Clayton and others have been Simpson. They offer special thanks to Tom Blagg and mere hyperbole. Few could fail to be impressed by Stephen Johnson who read and commented in detail the remains of the great east abutment, partly shaded on the manuscript and Pamela V Irving who by mature oaks in a hollow by the river's edge, and prepared it for publication. reached from the modern road by a walk through P T Bidwell owes a special debt of gratitude to lush meadows in the valley bottom. Adam Welfare who as a preliminary to a projected The situation of the bridge at Willowford is scarcely study of the bridge at Chesters had collected a less striking and, although its remains are less comprehensive list of bibliographical references and impressive, it is of an importance equal to that of excerpts from unpublished sources which he was Chesters. Indeed, the two sites are complementary: kind enough to make available. Lindsay Allason at Willowford the recent work has produced a much Jones kindly commented on some of the small finds, fuller picture of the bridge in its earlier stages than it and made available for study fragments of lead has been possible to achieve at Chesters. tie-bars from Chesters and Corbridge in the Museum The opportunity to examine these bridges in of Antiquities, Newcastle upon Tyne. The Trustees advance of consolidation is the result of the foresight of the Clayton Collection (Chesters Museum) and vigorous administration of Dr Stephen Johnson, through Dr David Smith granted permission for the who at the time was the Inspector of Ancient new drawings of the inscription of Aelius Longinus Monuments with responsibility for Hadrian's Wall. and the possible counterweight to be made. P T The work at Chesters was directed by P T Bidwell Bidwell also wishes to thank Stuart Brown for useful and supervised in 1982 by Dr Jem Poster; in 1983 N discussion of the Roman and medieval bridges at Holbrook supervised the project and Stephen Speak Newcastle upon Tyne. was responsible for the planning of the site. Special Both authors acknowledge with gratitude the mention must also be made of Anne Gibson Ankers, contributions of A D H Bartlett, L Bown, J C Margaret Finch, Nick Hodgson, Corinne Ogden, Coulston, J N Dore, K Hartley, N Shiel, P Wilthew Stuart Sinclair and Margaret and Michael Snape; and N B Hammo Yassi. Hughie Grant and Ken McQueen organised the transportation of blocks of great weight across the site Paul T Bidwell Benwell - Condercum using the most rudimentary equipment. Neil Holbrook Exeter- Isca Dumnoniorum The work at Willowford was also to have been 3 November 1987 viii Colour plates removal of modern debris in 1983 ........................ 22 Figure 22 Remains of the floor-level, hearth and partition in the tower ........................................ 23 Plate 1 The interior of the tower at Chesters by Figure 23 West-facing section through deposits David Mossman below the original floor-level of the tower ............. 23 Figure 24 Internal junction of north and east walls Plate 2 The east abutment of bridge 2 at Chesters by H B Richardson of the tower .................................................... 24 Plate 3 North wing of the east abutment of bridge Figure 25 Internal elevations of the walls of the 2 at Chesters by H B Richardson tower ............................................................. 25 Figure 26 Holmes' reconstruction of the east abut- Plate 4 South wing of bridge 2 at Chesters by H B Richardson ment of bridge 2, (Holmes 1894, pl27) .................. 26 Figure 27 Broken lintel from the water channel, Plate 5 Later view of the east abutment of bridge 2 by H B Richardson showing the walling above set back from the face Plate 6 Harrow's Scar by H B Richardson ofthe original north wall of the tower ................... 29 Figure 28 Bridge over the Cendere <;ay in Cappa- Plate 7 Reconstruction drawing of bridge 1 at dacia ............................................................. 35 Willowford by Frank Gardiner Figure 29 Holmes' reconstruction of the parapet and Plate 8 Reconstruction drawing of bridge 2 at other details of bridge 2 (Holmes 1894, pl26) ......... 36 Chesters by Frank Gardiner Figure 30 Blocks from bridge 2 at Chesters .......... 37 Figure 31 Underside of block no 96 with a moulding ofType2 ........................................................ 38 List of figures Figure 32 Parapet slab, block no 121 from Chesters ......................................................... 40 Figure 33 Columns from bridge 2 at Chesters ....... 42 Figure 1 Chesters bridge in its setting .................. 2 Figure 34 Column no 1 at Chesters ................... .43 Figure 2 The site of the bridge at Chesters in relation Figure 35 Length of a column with a tenon cut in to the line of the Wall and Valium and the fort of the top, from Nemrud Dag, Cappadocia ............... 44 Cilurnum ........................................................ 4 Figure 36 Reconstruction drawing of bridge 2 at Figure 3 Overall site plan and trench location ....... 7 Chesters ......................................................... 45 Figure 4 North-facing section of trench 6 ............. 8 Figure 37 Reconstructed plan of bridge 2 at Figure 5 Narrow Wall on Broad Wall foundation, Chesters ......................................................... 46 looking west .................................................... 8 Figure 38 Willowford bridge in its setting ............ 50 Figure 6 A: north elevation of Narrow Wall and Figure 39 Willowford bridge, the eastern abut- north face of tower. B: south elevation of Narrow ments ......................................................... 52/3 Wall on Broad foundation ................................. 8/9 Figure 40 Elevations 1 and 2 showing north and Figure 7 Original Narrow Wall; with the rebuilt south faces of Hadrian's Wall .......................... 52/3 portion contemporaneous with the construction of Figure 41 Willowford, sections 1-3 .................... 55 the tower ......................................................... 9 Figure 42 Plan of bridges 1 and 1A ..................... 57 Figure 8 Bridge 1 at Chesters, with later causeway, Figure 43 Stepped core at the eastern end of the site of abutment, Broad Wall foundation and Narrow Broad Wall ...................................................... 58 Wall .............................................................. 10 Figure 44 Outline plans of the successive eastern Figure 9 Pier of bridge 1 incorporated in the east bridge abutments at Willowford .......................... 60 abutment of bridge 2 ........................................ 11 Figure 45 Willowford, sections 4-7 .................... 62 Figure 10 Detail of the west side of a pier showing Figure 46 Recess within the Broad Wall of Willow- sockets for dovetail clamps and crowbar slots ........ 11 ford bridge 1 ................................................... 64 Figure 11 Reconstruction drawing of the south Figure 47 The Broad Wall core following the elevation of the east abutment of bridge 1 ............. 13 destruction of bridge lA .................................... 65 Figure 12 Bridge 2 with restored plan of bridge 1 .. 16 Figure 48 Fragment of an iron bar clamp set in a lead Figure 13 George Bruce's plan of bridge 2 of about filled socket from Willowford bridge lA ................ 66 1850 ............................................................... 17 Figure 49 A: reconstructed plan of a cutwater of a Figure 14 Plan of bridge 2 by Robert Elliot and pier of bridge 1; B: reconstructed elevation of the Henry Wilson published in Clayton 1865,figure pier below the level of the arch springing .............. 67 facing p 80 ...................................................... 18 Figure 50 Blocks from Willowford bridge 1 .......... 68 Figure 15 East abutment and tower of bridge 2 18119 Figure 51 Carved relief of a phallus .................... 69 Figure 16 Elevations of Chesters bridge abutment, Figure 52 Blocks from Willowford bridge 1 .......... 70 wing walls and extension ............................... 18/19 Figure 53 Block no 394 ..................................... 72 Figure 17 Full height of the north wing of Chesters Figure 54 Block no 524 ..................................... 72 bridge abutment revealed by trench 2 ................... 19 Figure 55 Schematic plan showing the river currents Figure 18 Phallus carved on fifth course of the north of the Irthing at the bridge ................................. 73 wing of Chesters bridge abutment ....................... 20 Figure 56 Southern wing-wall of Willowford bridge Figure 19 Dogtooth foundation at the base of the lA, the junction of the Broad Wall foundation and south wing ..................................................... 20 reconstructed curtain wall of bridge 2 ................... 74 Figure 20 The tower, looking south, before the Figure 57 Blocks from Willowford bridge 1A ........ 75 excavations in 1983 ........................................... 22 Figure 58 Block possibly reused, from the Valium Figure 21 The tower, looking west, after the crossing at Birdoswald ...................................... 78

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