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Hackney Independent Autumn 2001 PDF

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Preview Hackney Independent Autumn 2001

NewsletteLr of the HEackney InFdependeTnt Working Class Association - Autumn 2001 TO ROT ! ABANDONED 1 Cars vandalised and dumped on our estates while the council carry out less and less repairs and cleaning. Will the council ever fulfil its responsibilities? Councillors abandon Hoxton and Haggerston Do you know who your local councillors have effectively abandoned a major source are? When was the last time they asked of support to families struggling to stay in you what you thought about anything? work. Do they know - or even care - what most Hackney IWCA have launched a survey people in Hackney think are the impor- across seventeen estates in the area. tant issues affecting our lives? When we ask people what concerns they Haggerston Pool lies decaying with an have about their local area crime and anti- undecided future because Hackney coun- social behaviour and lack of facilities are cillors voted for its closure. Local people the top of the list. Do our elected councillors fought to keep it open and the fight contin- know this? And if so, do they care? They ues. Meanwhile new private gyms open up do nothing about crime and are actively ABANDONED 2 for those who can afford them. involved in making sure the facilities we do HIT LIST have are closed down or sold off. Aban- Haggerston Pool closed down for over a year while new Stoke Newington leisure complex Across the Borough public buildings and doned and burnt out cars, muggings and goes massively over budget. Will the pool ever spaces are being closed and left to rot or vandalism are common-place. Quality of re-open? sold off to the private sector. As we reported life on our estates is not a priority for them. in our last issue a hit-list has been drawn They think that a new café society for the up by councillors. Those who depend most Town Hall square is much more deserving on these resources - Hackney’s working of regeneration funding. class majority- are being asked to sacri- OUT OF TOUCH fice them to bail out the middle-class coun- Councillors are out of touch with the major- cillors and chief officers who created the ity of us. As far as they are concerned, we mess in the first place. In fact we are not can be left to rot. Instead of asking us what even being “asked”. we need, the people we vote for just go ahead and do what they want - with our We can’t afford the rents on the new flats money. Labour, Lib Dem and Tory council- being built around here - like the £200 a lors do not represent working class inter- week flats on Cremer Street. But the Coun- ests. We need our own independent repre- cil prefers to let these flats be built rather sentation. than build flats at rents we can afford. Want to see the council’s hitlist of buildings and ABANDONED 3 We can’t afford the fees charged by private open space that they plan to sell? nurseries, but the Council closes down the Apples and Pears playground - first funding council nurseries and jacks up the fees Phone us on 07000 752 752, leave your details cut and now proposals for flats built on it. Will and we’ll send you a copy. at the ones they keep open. The council our kids have any facilities left? Hit the council where it hurts! See back page. “GETTING RESULTS” A Bridge Too Far? Local Activists Expose Developers’ Plans Carl Taylor lives in Haggerston and is a leading member of the IWCA. The Hackney Independent asked him about his involvement. Fast work by community leaders in Haggerston has stopped the New Deal plan to put a bridge through Why did you join the IWCA? make a profit out of it. And when it all went wrong, Laburnum estate. But why would a new bridge be built Because the IWCA is trying to improve the area they tried to pass the buck and say it’s not the over the canal in Haggerston that no-one wants? where I live, which has been consistently neglected Council’s fault, it’s all down to ITNet. This could only happen in the mad world of the Shoreditch New Deal, in partnership with the Canal- by the authorities. I couldn’t see anyone else doing Why didn’t they sort the problem out sooner? side Developers who have taken over Whitmore, parts anything about it. For two reasons. First they believe in privatisation of Haggerston estate and want to expand further. There’s a real ideological push to privatise and and so wanted to prove that it works. And secondly The New Deal is meant to be “community-led.” In real- basically redistribute resources in this area from because our middle class councillors and senior ity it is and has always been consultant led. The people who get the most benefit out of the New Deal are the working class to the middle officers are so out of touch with the architects and consultants who are taking huge and business classes. The IWCA “It’s not what I think how the majority of us live that chunks out of the New Deal money to pursue their understands this. The main politi- they didn’t understand how big own projects. The worst offender is Levitt Bernstein, is important, it’s the who last year targeted 822 homes in Shoreditch and cal parties understand it as well, a problem it was. In the end produced estate agent style brochures describing their of course, because they’re either views of the local they only took the contact back “attractive location” and called for most to be knocked actively encouraging it - like because it was costing them down and some to have luxury penthouses on top! community that And for this they received over £600,000 of our money! Labour and the Tories - or cannot money – not because people This year they came back calling for a footbridge to be trusted to put up a fight - like count. And apart were suffering. run over the canal between the Laburnum and Stone- the Lib Dems. bridge estates. No one wanted this apart from Levitt from the IWCA What do you think are the Bernstein and Carolyn Clark, a New Deal Project Man- What kind of things have you major issues in Haggerston? ager. no-one else seems done in the IWCA? It’s not what I think is important, As Laburnum estate tenant Eugene Francis, an elected The best activities have been to be trying to find it’s the views of the local com- New Deal Board member told the Hackney Independ- ent “this is supposed to be a community led initiative. talking to people and trying to munity that count. And apart the views out.” The New Deal Project Managers and the Master Plan- get improvements on our estates. from the IWCA no-one else ners Levitt Bernstein, work for and on behalf of our This has been through things like seems to be trying to find the communities. This seems to have been forgotten. None going door-to-door with surveys, lobbying the New views out. of our communities have asked for this work to be undertaken.” Deal for money to make blocks safer and doing the The people I talk to mostly complain about lack of surgeries to help people get their benefits. Either repairs and cleaning, anti-social behaviour - aban- way you can see that it is possible to make a dif- doned cars, mugging, drug dealing on our estates. ference – getting results. Most of the time deci- But also housing privatisation – the service Pinna- sions are being made behind closed doors over cle provides to tenants where they have taken over which we think we have no control. If you can dem- and where estates have been sold to Canalside. onstrate that ordinary people can influence those There are always rumours around about what is decisions in our own interests it sets a good exam- going to happen to this estate or that block but ple. there’s no real consultation. So accountability is You were a leading campaigner against ITNet. also a big issue. All the big discussions about Tenant activist Eugene Francis and Why did you get involved in that campaign? housing and the local environment should be out IWCA’s Peter Sutton look at the Because the Housing Benefit problem was affect- in the open. planned route for the bridge ing so many people in our community. People were What do you think the role of a councillor The bridge would have turned Laburnum estate from being evicted or harassed or worried about rent should be? a quiet cul de sac into a mugger’s paradise and bring arrears. As well as getting involved with Whose noise and disruption through the estate, particularly if To listen to and represent the interests of Benefit? – which did a lot of good work publicis- the Haggerston tube station opens in a few years time, their voters. Unfortu- the estate would be a cut through for everyone south ing the real extent of nately, Town Hall and of the canal. the crisis and organ- national party manifes- Originally the plans showed the bridge being built ised some very good tos seem to take priority through Laburnum Boat Club. Tenants opposed it, public meetings – the and Laburnum Boat Club chair Patrick Hammill per- when it comes to most IWCA published a suaded Levitt Bernstein to move the bridge to Labur- councillors. That’s why num estate. This would have been quite easy for him help-line and set up they can’t be trusted as he is a senior partner in Levitt Bernstein! some local Benefit to do what they say Tenant leader Eugene Francis lead community oppo- surgeries to give when they’re standing sition to the bridge and got the plans withdrawn. But people advice and for him the real issue is why this came up in the first for election. reassurance. place “Why are Levitts looking at proposals, which have already been dismissed, and putting them for- They might say they Why did the Coun- ward as New Deal initiatives? And, how much are want to keep the local they charging us for this useless piece of work? Who cil give the contract nursery, school or commissioned it and why? Also if this is supposed to to ITNet? be a consultation on what local people would like to swimming pool open Because all the par- see happen along the canal, why have they not asked but once they get into local people first? Why, if this is an English Waterways ties on the Council the Town Hall they’ll project, was £100,000 of our New Deal money going to - Labour, Lib Dems Carl Taylor finding out what local people think. follow the party line. be spent on it?” More questions than the hapless New and the Tories - Deal Director Michael Pyner can answer. After all he’s One of the benefits of only on £60,000 a year to run the whole show. support privatisation. the IWCA is that we haven’t got an inflexible mani- The housing benefit system wasn’t working very IWCA co-ordinator Peter Sutton added “this really was festo – we’re committed to listening to the views a bridge too far”. But it is just one of many schemes well. They could have put more resources into it, of the working class majority. The middle-class put forward by New Deal officers, with no support in made it more efficient and got the staff working minority are already over-represented in Hackney the community. The New Deal Officers have pushed better. Instead they privatised it. They believe that for the closure of Burbage school, the demolition of – who is going to represent the rest of us? Harwood Court, building a supermarket on Hoxton a private company can do the job cheaper and still Gardens, and building a sixth from centre on Colville Congestion Charges - ¨ Anyone who has to visit relatives or has any estate. All of these schemes were dreamt up behind other business in Finsbury or anywhere else closed doors and plans were being made until commu- who’s gaining? nity activists found out and put a stop to them. Every- in the charging area will have to pay £5 a day. one should keep an eye on what the New Deal officers Ken Livingstone and the Labour-run Greater Even if you drive in by accident you still have to are up to. London Assembly plan to charge £5 to anyone pay! So after paying your road tax and any park- It goes to show that it is the consultants who call the who crosses Old Street or City Road in their car. ing fees to Hackney Council you still can’t drive shots on the New Deal. The community is not in con- Because we are just outside the area: a few minutes from your house without getting trol. The best that we can do is to put a block on their crazy schemes, stop them from wasting our money ¨ More cars will be parked in Shoreditch . another charge – and then you will still have to and selling off our homes whilst continually pushing ¨ There will be more traffic in Shoreditch as cars pay on a meter when you reach where you are the issue of a complete refurbishment of every council try to avoid the charging area. going! (continued on page 4) home in the New Deal area. Now that’s a way to spend New Deal money that we can all agree on. WHERE’S THE EDITORIAL Labour Doesn’t MONEY GONE? Part one: Clissold Leisure Centre Represent Us How could the Council have got us into such a mess? The Hackney Independent plans to look at a series of areas where the Council have – through incompetence or by pursuing their priva- tisation agenda at any cost – wasted our money and run up a huge debt. In this issue we look at the Clissold Leisure Centre. The majority of Hackney voters did not take part lowed the same policy as Labour - cutting repairs, in the general election in June. This is no surprise privatising services and selling off our estates. The Leisure Centre is being built on Clissold Road, because there was nothing for the majority of us Stoke Newington by Clissold Park. It was meant to to vote for. Nationally the Labour Government was Labour has the most councillors in Haggerston, cost £7 million, but has so far cost the Council at elected with another huge majority - but only 25% Hoxton and De Beauvoir. What have they done least £16 million more than this. This £16 million of the electorate voted for them. And that was on for the area since they were elected three years could have been used to keep Haggerston Pool the lowest turnout ever recorded. As new middle ago? We have seen estates privatised, Hagger- open, refurbish the Britannia, keep the Apples and class voters have been attracted by Labour’s pro ston Pool closed, all our local facilities threatened big business policies - paid for by cuts in public or closed down. Instead they have prioritised build- Pears playground open and pay for a whole load spending - working ing flats for rich more things. class voters have people and pro- PROBLEMS stayed at home. moting the “night- Writing in Stoke Newington’s N16 magazine, Ken time economy” - Worpole reported that “although most of the build- Labour pushes the more trendy bars ing work is now completed, there are apparently same agenda and restaurants still problems in controlling the quality of water – locally as nationally. in Hoxton Square black algae has been seen on test runs and a The Labour Party and Curtain large glass screen in the entrance foyer is caus- that privatises hous- Road. Did you ing problems in getting a fire rating. But even ing benefit and the vote for that? when these details are solved – and the taxi meter dustbins in Hack- There was a time ney is the same when Labour was keeps ticking away, clocking up tens of thousands Labour Party that criticised for only of pounds every month – final decisions have still won’t take control of coming round at to be made about the running of the centre, and Railtrack and now elections. Now what pricing and programming policies are to be wants to privatise they and the adopted.” the tube. Labour other parties have announced don’t even do that they want to that. Labour can see the end of coun- no longer claim to cil housing in ten represent work- Two Labour MP’s and two new Labour councillors were years, and Hackney ing class inter- Labour have done elected on June 7th. Let’s try and wipe the smug smiles off ests - in fact it has their faces in next May’s local elections. everything they can not even tried to to sell-off our do so for years. estates, with the Borough’s biggest estate, Wood- berry Down in Stamford Hill, being their next And what was the result of June’s election in target. Hackney? We are left with a Labour Council, two Labour MP’s and no representation for the working Labour are looking for the middle class vote. class. Labour used to take the working class vote Twenty years ago our estates were covered in for granted - now they take it for granted that we The new Clissold Leisure Centre Labour posters during elec- won’t vote, but that Hackney’s tions. Now there are hardly “There was a time when middle class minority will turn The Council won’t manage the Leisure Centre, a any posters up - but in out enough votes for Labour Labour was criticised for private company will. Like with all Labour Party private streets the bigger to get them back in. We have schemes, we put public money in and private the house the more chance a chance to elect new council- only coming round at sector managers come in and make a profit out of there is of a Labour poster. lors next May. Lets make sure elections. Now they and there are no Labour councillors it. Ken Worpole calls it “the much-loved Railtrack There are reasons why so in Shoreditch or Haggerston model” although he could just as well call it the many new yuppie flats are the other parties don’t after the local elections next ITNet model. being built around here. year. Labour doesn’t repre- even do that” The trendy design of the Leisure Centre – which Look at the “glass-house” sent us. on Murray Grove, the yellow will no doubt win awards for the architect – means flats on Cremer Street or the that it will cost a fortune to maintain the building. Government to take over Hackney? new £220 a week flats in Haggerston Library. And who will pick up the bill? The architects? The They are not for us. They are for the City workers Because of how bad things have got, the private sector managers? As usual it will be us – and lawyers. Labour wants them to live in Hack- Government is thinking of taking over Hack- both through high ticket prices and through further ney because they will turn out and vote for New ney Council. At first this might seem like a Council subsidies. Labour. These people aren’t affected by the lack good idea – to stop the incompetent coun- PAY-OFFS of repairs and cleaning on our estates, the lack of cillors and senior officers making more of So who is to blame? As usual all the top Council facilities for young people. They don’t use the local a mess. But when you think about what officers who drew up the plans have now left – buses, nurseries or advice centres. Labour wants them for two reasons. Because they will still vote the national Labour government policies mainly with big pay-offs. The councillors will all Labour and because they don’t mind the Council are – privatising the tube, PFI for hospitals, blame each other – as Labour, Lib Dem and Tory cutting all the local facilities. Because Labour rep- giving public services to private managers councillors have run the Council at some point resents them, we need independent working class – then letting them run Hackney would only during the building work. You could say that the candidates to represent working class interests. be a recipe for further privatisation here. blame lies with all of us who have let them get away with it for so long. We can’t look to the Tories or Lib Dems to help us. Instead the answer has to be to vote out all The Tories have three councillors in Haggerston the sitting councillors in the local elections And, seven years after the plans were drawn up, and Shoreditch and the Lib Dems have two. When next May. The IWCA will be putting our own the Leisure Centre is still not open, and nor is did you see them and what have they done for candidates forward and supporting other Haggerston Pool. And the Council are still collect- you? Although they can both make some sense independent pro-working class candidates. ing our ever increasing rents and council tax every when they are in opposition, they have both had a week and providing less and less for it. go at running the Town Hall in recent years and fol- Hit the council where The Diary with “The Green Man” it hurts You Heard It Here First! Front covers of Spring The case for a rent freeze. How does it work? edition of Hackney Inde- For years the Council have been charging us pendent & Hackney 1. We are trying to get 1000 tenants to register more and giving us less. Think of your council tax, Gazette June 14th with the rent freeze campaign that they will garage, home help, car space or rent and you not pay any rent increase next year. No-one know what I mean. But it is with the rent that we should stop paying until they are informed have a new weapon to hit the Council where it that there are 1000 people registered. hurts – starting next April. If at least 1000 tenants say now that they will not pay any rent increase 2. Put the money you are not paying the Coun- then we will get the Council worried. The council- cil into a bank account. If you do not have lors will all be up for election just five weeks after one, you can set up a credit union account next year’s increase come in. How many of them by walking into the Credit Union office on will want to put our rent up when they know that Hoxton Market. not only are we preparing not to pay it – but also 3. If the rent increase is £2, it would take at that there are candidates standing in the elec- least a year for you to get two weeks behind tions who oppose all rent increases until we get a The last edition of the Hackney Independent told with the rent and so for the Council to send decent service? you all about the sell-offs of council facilities you the first warning letter. By then we would caused by the council’s massive debts three Normal protests against the Council are things hope to have thousands more tenants sup- months before the local Hackney Gazette ran the that they can ignore like petitions and lobbies of porting the campaign. same story. the Town Hall. Even when the Council workers go How can you help the rent freeze campaign? on strike it saves the Council a day’s wages and gives them an excuse for having a disrupted serv- •Get in touch to register your support A blue car and a red car were abandoned next ice. The difference is that the rent freeze costs to each other by the canal in Haggerston, both •If your tenant association have not yet sup- them money and they cannot ignore it. vandalised. A local tenant activist spray painted ported the campaign, get the campaign invited “Tories” on one and “New Labour” on the other, You may have seen the orange posters and stick- to speak to the next meeting which is useful as you normally can’t tell them ers already supporting the rent freeze. Lets cover •Help us to spread the campaign – can you apart. The Green Man’s only comment was to ask the whole of the area in them before next April. knock on some doors in your block with us to why the pile of sand and builders rubbish piled The campaign is already supported by a number help get more people involved? next to them wasn’t sprayed with “Lib Dems.” of tenant associations as well as the IWCA. •If you want more information about the cam- We know that it’s already impossible to find your Lets put the boot on the other foot and hit paign write to Tenants Fightback, PO Box councillor apart from at election time, but two them in the pocket for once! 3519, London, E8 4XW or leave a message on Hackney councillors have taken things a step fur- 07623 758 782 (40p per minute). ther. Labour’s Jessica Webb and Lib Dem Adrian Gee-Turner stood for Parliament in the June elec- tions for constituencies outside Hackney. All their fine words about standing up for local people and at the first chance they are off, pledging to stand up for people in Woodford and Dagenham respec- tively. Lib Dem Councillor Gee-Turner also made a Box 48, 136 Kingsland High Street, London, E8 2NS tel:07000 752 752 fool of himself in the Gazette recently, supporting www.hackneyiwca.fsnet.co.uk email:[email protected] plans to make hard core porn films in his ward. Hackney IWCA was set up to involve and represent the interests of the working class majority in the borough. Since the mainstream political parties all represent middle class interests we thought we had We hear that £1000 a week New Deal Director to start standing up for ourselves. We are committed to finding out about the issues that are important Michael Pyner has been keeping himself busy in on our estates and getting something done about them. Since the last newsletter we have carried out his weekend home in Brighton. He’s has joined surveys on 9 separate estates asking tenants what they want sorting out. We have also continued our a far Left group and spent the election campaign campaigns to get proper refurbishment of council blocks and worked with individual tenants to get Pin- helping them to get a few hundred votes for “saving nacle and the Council to fulfil their responsibilities. The Hackney Independent is one way in which we the planet.” If he wants to bring their “tax the rich” try to put across a working class perspective. Do you like what you read in the Hackney Independent? slogan closer to home he could put his hand in We are the only paper that goes out in Hackney that is on the side of the working class. But we are not his pocket and fund the next issue of the Hackney strong enough yet, and you can do something about that. Independent. All donations welcome. Can you deliver the next edition of the paper to your block or street? Thanks to Paul from De Beauvoir estate for send- Better still could you be a local contact for the IWCA? This would mean phoning in any ing us an advert from – of all places - the Tatler. information about what is happening on your estate so that we can either cover it in the paper This is not the usual reading material for most of or campaign for things to be done about it. As a contact you might also get our posters put up us, which is exactly why the new flats opposite the on local noticeboards or ask shops to put them up. college on Kingsland Road are being advertised If you can attend occasional meetings to help plan campaigns and agree what should go in the there. With the cheapest flat going for £400,000 paper then you would be very welcome. there’s no chance of the average Hackney Inde- pendent reader moving in. And that’s exactly the If you want to help, but are not sure what you can do then you can give us a ring. If you are point – they are not for us. not sure what he IWCA is about you can also give us a call. If you want we can send someone around to have a chat, or we can meet in your local cafe or pub. Get in touch and we can (congestion charges from page 2)IWCA spokes- begin to change things around here. man Peter Sutton told the Hackney Independent Send this form to New Contacts, Hackney IWCA, Box 48, 136 Kingsland High Street, London “It seems to me that the Labour Party is trying E8 2NS.If you want to talk to someone first, leave a message on 07000 752752 and we will get to make it easier to drive in Central London for back to you. Please repeat your phone number. those who can afford it. City workers, lawyers and dot.com millionaires will be happy to pay £25 a I can deliver the Hackney Independent in my block or street [] week to keep the rest of us off their streets. When I can be a local contact for the IWCA [] you look at it that way it is a class issue.” One group has managed to get themselves exempted I can come to IWCA meetings [] from charges, though. MP’s will not have to pay.

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