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HCCC sen Sse ovals A, Dey, Governor Welael Tele ‘Dikecor Daoies EU eg Aran, ML 108 1280 Ws Tele Stee Peni Aas 8503 Prot, Aviva ESCO Janaary 16, 2019 Patrick Whit Chief Fxceutive Olfiecr Hacienda NeslthCare V2 1, South Mountains Avenue Phosnix, AZ 8xH2 Mir, White: (Over the past two ane. a hall weeks, the Aczoma Teall Care Cot Conisinment Syston (AHCCCS), Arizona Departneut of Healt Services (ADIIS), nnd Arizucn Depactnent of Reamamie Soetri'y {ADES) have conducted oemerous onsite visits at Hacienéa HeathCare (Hacienda) rollowing nlifeation ‘hal an exremoly vulnerable patient was sexually assaulted ané carried a baby to tmn ssitkaul anyone ul the filly notiving her abuse or veaiion, During the course of these vit, Here have been several sgailicant vonsemy vaisod, and conostive action [stars have beca issued. Noneceless, in oles 10 guarantee ongoing improvement, additions oversight is smmeciate:y Warranted and nevessayy ty protect the medically rapile patients uf Hacienda wn In assure their loved ‘once tat they are safe aad protected. As such, ATICGCS and ADES, persuan! to ther legal authority, are dizceting you to immediately ake sep retina qualified third pry changer, al you ww eos kx monitor amd wyersee the operations andl appropriaus delivery of hesith eae survives al the Inferirediate Care Facility (ICT) ard the Skiled Nursiag Facility (SNF) epesated by Hacienda located at [402 [, South Mountain Avene, Phoenis, AZ8504?, On oF bufone Wednesday, Tamuary 23, 2019, Hacienda shall demify and sotain - after obtaining the aproval of ANICCCS an DRS - a ysulified thd party ommaysr whe sill wwsume responsibitite For overseeing day-to-day opecsrions of the Zocty, Hacionda saall ensuew that she third party manager is in place and overseeing perations on or detnr2 Wesvesdey, Jannary ¥0, 2019, The conbect with the ‘hind party must a ualifiestions, authty, anc compensation us set Forth in 42. OR, a coay af whiek is atached, Soloction of Uae third party is susie’ to appruval hy ‘Ths eortrwct with the Ohird party must roquite thet the meager assess cach resident ard ests iraivéuulized continnity of ware glans, no eer thwe. 90 days from the date of shis Ismet. Bach contisuily af care plur rust ensure the salely al’ the vesideat andl identify plan in the ever: the rsident needs to desires tn transfert a diferent helth care setting Patrick White January 16, 2019 Page 2 The contract with the third party must reflect that Hacienda has waived all privileges (other than attorney-client) with respect to the third party and that the State (AHCCCS, DES, or both) have unrestricted access to third party staff at the facility and any documentation regarding the work of the third party or the operations of the facilities, Hacienda should communicate in writing its intent to comply with this letter on or before 5:00 p.m., Thursday, January 17, 2019, or the State will pursue any and all of remedies legally available to it. Questions regarding this directive and issues related to it are to be directed to: Virginia Rountree, Assistant Director for AHCCCS at 602-417-4122, i or James Charlie Green, Assistant Director for DES at 602-542-1243, Sincerely, Qu die Jami Snyder b Michael Trailor Director Director Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Arizona Department of Economic Security Attachment AHCCCS san Siytee Dougan 4. Daosy, Geer ich The Diselor Dheetar 80! Bat user, 4 4 00 1789 Wee IePoren Sts ox ae 85036 Phoews, Arias $5007 § 488.415 Temporary manegousent ) Defisitioe. Temporary management mens ihe emporuy appointcent by CMS ot the State ofa lotiuretacUity manager or adiins:rator with awhorly Wo Aire, texninare or reassia. sal, obligate Facility funds. alier facility procedimes, aud macage the Catiily to eontect cc ‘dente in the city's aperaci (0) Qualifications. ‘The temps mayer must = (2) Be qualified te oversoe curreution of Gelicinuios om Cae basis of expec slotermined by the State: Four! yuity of misconduct by aay licensing bourd or professional society in any (3) Lave, oc a member of kis ue her immediate family heve, no fiaaccial ownership interest ia Secility; and (4) Not currently serve or, within the past 2 years, anve secved as 2 raember of Une staff of the Sil (6) Pagyoment of salary. The temporary remager’s sexy — snanages is assis that Iailysd (1) Is pat direc by the Invi ty while dhe tera (2) Must be at least equivaleet. tn the sem of the following (i The prevailing seleoy paid hy providers Cr positions of this type in what she Stars corsiders tn he the failt’s peogeaphe area i) Adeltioual costs that would have reason in an croployoient relaioas9; and ly heer nwarced hy the provider ifsuch person het bee il) Any other casts incurred by tach a nemion in furnvaing servieas dsr sue an eezangeitent oras cotuerwise sot by the St G) May ex vovateact 2 qual vis una Ure ume special in joeyrap el temporary menage 9) a this section (a) aihure wo retingnish autinsity se tersporary managernent = 1) Termiation mage as de sccovdanee si (2) Faitne to pay salary of temporary evanager, A aii’ flare ts pay the salary the tomporanye ‘anager is cousidered « failure to selinquish aurhorty to emporary nianegement (¢} Duration of temporary management, Temporary rasnagenont one's whee the Baility meets uny of The eanditiors pect ied in 8 ARRAS,

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