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Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 291–302, 2008 H-SHAPED STACKED PATCH ANTENNA FOR DUAL BAND OPERATION J. A. Ansari, P. Singh, and S. K. Dubey Department of Electronics & Communication University of Allahabad Allahabad, India R. U. Khan and B. R. Vishvakarma Department of Electronics Engineering I. T. BHU Varanasi 221005, India Abstract—Analysis of U-slot loaded patch stacked with H-shaped parasitic elements is given in this paper. It is found that the antenna exhibits dual resonance and both the resonance frequency (upper and lower) depends directly on slot width and inversely on slot length. Bothupperandlowerresonancefrequencyincreasewithincreasingthe value of h . Typically the bandwidth at lower and upper resonance is 2 found 3.66% and 10.25% respectively. The radiated power at higher frequency (beamwidth 64◦) is 0.73dB as compared to lower resonance frequency(beamwidth71◦). Thetheoreticalresultsarecomparedwith the simulated data obtained from IE3D. 1. INTRODUCTION In spite of having advantage like light weight, low profile, compact and cost effective, the conventional microstrip antenna has disadvantages of narrow bandwidth and low gain. A number of researchers have tried to minimize these drawbacks of the patch antenna by way of addition of parasitic elements either laterally or vertically [1], cutting slot including probe fed U-slot loaded patch antenna [2], double C- patch antennas [3] and E-shape patch [4]. Among various proposed methods stacked patch configuration seems to be very promising due to its capability of providing dual frequency characteristics [5–7] and wider bandwidth [8,9]. 292 Ansari et al. In the present paper, an analysis of a U-slot loaded patch stacked with H-shaped patch is carried out. A U-slot loaded patch along with its initial dimensions provides other parameters such as slot length and slot width to improve the various antenna characteristics. In the presentworkvariationofsubstratethicknessisalsostudied. Theentire investigation is based on equivalent circuit model. 2. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The configuration of the proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 1. The upper element is H-shaped parasitic patch and lower one is the U- slot loaded patch. Due to the presence of parasitic element in the stackedpatchantenna,therearetworesonanceassociatedwiththetwo resonators [10]. The first resonator is considered as a microstrip patch with dielectric cover which causes a change in resonance frequency as well as effective dielectric constant (ε ). ff Microstrip patch with a dielectric cover is considered as a single patch with a semi-infinite superstrate with relative permittivity equal to unity and the single relative dielectric constant (ε ) given as: s 2ε −1+p ff ε = s 1+p where 10h 1 p = 1+ W 1e in which W is the effective width and ε is the effective dielectric 1e ff constant of the structure [11]. The effective dielectric constant of the lower substrate is given as (cid:2) (cid:3) ε +1 ε +1 12h s s 1 ε = + 1+ (1) e1 2 2 W 1 where h = height between ground plane and lower patch 1 W = width of the patch 1 The equivalent circuit of the simple patch antenna is parallel combination of resistance (R ), inductance (L ) and capacitance (C ) p p p (Fig. 2), whose values are defined as [12] (cid:2) (cid:3) ε ε (cid:8) W πy C = 0 e1 1 1 cos−2 0 (2) p 2h (cid:8) 1 1 Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 2008 293 Y 1 s WE W Ls X 1 Feed point wb WN Ws (a) U-slot loaded fed patch 2 w n d W 2 side stripes (b) H-shaped parasitic patch H-shaped parasitic patch U-slot loaded fed patch ε h εr2 h2 r1 h1 (c) Side view of the proposed antenna Figure 1. Configuration of stacked patch antenna. 294 Ansari et al. C Rp Lp p Figure 2. Equivalent circuit of patch antenna. 1 L = (3) p ω2C 1 p Q 1 R = (4) p ω C 1 p where √ c ε Q = e1 1 4f h 1 1 (cid:8) = length of the lower patch 1 y = Y-coordinate of the feed point o ω = 2πf 1 1 c f = √ 1 2((cid:8) +2∆(cid:8) ) ε 1 1 eff c = velocity of light ∆(cid:8) = fringing length for the lower patch 1 When a U-slot is etched into the patch, current distribution changes which ultimately changes the resonance behaviour of the patch. This change in the patch adds series inductance (∆L ) and 1 series capacitance (∆C ) in the initial circuit of the patch. Therefore 1 the equivalent circuit of U-slot loaded patch can be given as shown in Fig. 3, in which the resonance resistance R , ∆L and ∆C are given 1 1 1 as [13–15] (cid:4) (cid:5) Q h πy R = 1 1 cos2 0 (5) 1 πf ε ε W (cid:8) (cid:8) r eff 0 1 1 eff 1 where (cid:8) is the effective length of the fed patch [16] and can be given eff 1 as L s (cid:8) = (cid:8)+(sin(πw /(cid:8))) eff b 1 2 (cid:2) (cid:3) Z +Z πf L ∆L = 1 2(cid:6) (cid:7) tan 1 s (6) 1 16πf cos−2 πy0 c 1 WE Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 2008 295 L L L L b b b b C R1 Lp Cp Cb b ∆L1 ∆C1 Figure 3. Equivalent circuit of U-slot loaded patch. where W = W −W E 1 N 120π Z = (cid:6) (cid:7) 1 Ws +1.393+0.667log Ws +1.44 h1 h1 120π Z = (cid:6) (cid:7) 2 Ws−2s +1.393+0.667log Ws−2s +1.44 h1 h1 ∆C is calculated as gap capacitance and given by [14]. The value of 1 C and L are calculated as [15] b b C w b b = (9.5ε +1.25) +5.2ε +7.0pF/m (7) w r1 h r1 b (cid:2) 1(cid:3) 2L w b = 100 4 b −4.21 nH/m (8) h h 1 1 2.1. Analysis of Stacked Patch Antenna Considering the top patch as a simple rectangular microstrip patch, the values of resistance (R ), inductance (L ) and capacitance (C ) 2 2 2 can be given as ε ε (cid:8) W C = 0 r2 2 2 (9) 2 2h 2 1 L = (10) 2 ω2C 2 2 Q 2 R = (11) 2 ω C 2 2 296 Ansari et al. where √ c ε Q = e2 2 4f h 2 2 where (cid:8) = length of the parasitic patch 2 W = width of the parasitic patch 2 ω = 2πf 2 2 c f = √ 2 2((cid:8) +2∆(cid:8) ) ε 2 2 e2 ∆(cid:8) = fringing length for the top patch 2 Whentwosymmetricalnotchesareincorporatedintotheparasitic patch an H-shaped patch is obtained and the equivalent circuit thus obtained is shown in Fig. 4(a), in which∆L and ∆C are the 2 2 additionalinductanceandcapacitancerespectivelywhichoriginatedue to introducing the two notches and R is resonance resistance after H ∆L ∆C RH L2 C2 ∆L ∆C (a) Zn Z p L L m m C C m m (b) Figure 4. (a) Equivalent circuit of RMSA due to notch effect. (b) Equivalent circuit of H-shaped parasitic patch. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 2008 297 cutting the notches into the patch. The value of R can be calculated H using Equation (5) and the additional inductance and capacitance can be given as [16] (cid:2) (cid:3) h µ π W 1 0 2 ∆L = (12) 2 8 w n where µ = 4π10−7H/m. 0 And (cid:2) (cid:3) W 2 ∆C = C (13) 2 s w n where C is the gap capacitance between two side strips [17]. Now s the equivalent circuit of H-shaped patch is given as shown in Fig. 4(b) in which ‘Zn’ is the impedance of the notch incorporated patch and is calculated from Fig. 4(a), Z is the impedance of the initial patch p andC andL arethecapacitiveandinductivecouplingbetweentwo m m resonant circuits. Z m Z Z H U Figure 5. Equivalent circuit of proposed stacked patch antenna. The equivalent circuit of the proposed stacked antenna can be givenasshowninFig.5,inwhichonlycapacitivecouplingisconsidered and is given by [18] (cid:8) (cid:6) (cid:7) (cid:6) (cid:7) (cid:6) (cid:7) C +C(cid:3) + C +C(cid:3) 2−4C C(cid:3) 1−k−2 eq eq eq eq eq eq c C(cid:3) = − (14) m 2 where ∆C C 1 p C = eq 2C +∆C p 1 ∆C C (cid:3) 2 2 C = eq 2C +∆C 2 2 and k is the coupling coefficient between two resonators. c 298 Ansari et al. Thus the total input impedance can be calculated from Fig. 5 as Z (Z +Z ) U m H Z = (15) in Z +Z +Z U H m InwhichZ andZ aretheimpedancesoflowerandparasiticpatches U H calculated from Figs. 3 and 4(b) respectively and Z is the impedance m due to mutual coupling between driven patch and parasitic patch. 2.2. Design Specifications of Proposed Antenna Substrate material used Foam Dielectric constant (ε , ε ) 1.1 r1 r2 Thickness between ground and lower patch (h ) 6.0mm 1 Thickness between lower and parasitic patch (h ) 5.5mm 2 Length of the fed patch ((cid:8) ) 39.40mm 1 Width of the fed patch (W ) 29.40mm 1 Length of the slot (L ) 15mm s Width of the slot (s) 1.2mm Feed location (x , y ) (0, −5.27mm) 0 0 Length of the parasitic patch ((cid:8) ) 26mm 2 Width of the parasitic patch (W ) 18mm 2 Depth of the notch (w ) 4mm n Width of the notch (d) 15mm 3. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The variation of return loss with frequency for different slot width (s) is shown in Fig. 6, for a given value of slot length L = 12mm, s h = 6mm, h = 5.5mm. It is observed that the antenna shows 1 2 dual resonance in which both lower and upper resonance frequency increases with increasing value of slot width and the bandwidth at upper resonance (10.25%) is higher than the bandwidth at the lower resonance (3.26%). The bandwidth of the antenna also increases with slot width whereas at lower resonance it is almost the constant. All theoretical results are found to be approximately in good agreement with the simulated results using MOM based IE3D [21]. The variation of return loss with frequency for different value of slot length (L ) is shown in Fig. 7 for a given value of s = 1.2mm, s h = 6mm, h = 5.5mm. It is found that both lower and upper 1 2 resonancefrequencydecreaseswithincreasingslotlengthandtheband width at the upper resonance (10.25%) is higher as compared to the Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 5, 2008 299 0 s=1.2mm(theoretical) s=1.2mm(simulated) s=3.2mm(theoretical) s=3.2mm(simulated) -5 b)-10 d s ( s o n l ur Ret-15 -20 -25 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Frequency(Hz) x 109 Figure 6. Variation of return loss with frequency for different slot width (L = 12mm, h = 6mm, h = 5.5mm). s 1 2 0 Ls=12mm(theory) Ls=12mm(simulated) Ls=14mm(theory) Ls=14mm(simulated) -5 -10 Return loss (db)-15 -20 -25 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Frequency (Hz) x 109 Figure 7. Variation of return loss with frequency for different slot length (s = 1.2mm, h = 6mm, h = 5.5mm ). 1 2 300 Ansari et al. 0 h2=4mm(theory) h2=4mm(simulated) h2=5.5mm(theory) h2=5.5mm(mimulated) h2=9mm(theory) h2=9mm(simulated) -5 b) -10 d oss ( n l ur Ret -15 -20 -25 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Frequency (Hz) x 109 Figure 8. Variation of return loss with frequency for different value of h (L = 12mm, s = 1.2mm, h = 6mm). 2 s 1 0 Theoretical (3.26 GHz) -2 Theoretical (4.66 GHz) Simulated (4.66 GHz) -4 -6 B) -8 wer (d Relative radiative po---111420 -16 -18 -20 -22 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Angle (degree) Figure 9. Radiation pattern. lower resonance (3.66%). It is further observed that the bandwidth at upper resonance increases with increasing slot length where as it is almost invariant at lower resonance. The theoretical results are found to be in good agreement with simulated results using IE3D.

tried to minimize these drawbacks of the patch antenna by way of addition of parasitic slot including probe fed U-slot loaded patch antenna [2], double C-.
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