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H-Plane Sectoral Horn Antennas in Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Technology Electrical and PDF

113 Pages·2017·62.19 MB·English
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Preview H-Plane Sectoral Horn Antennas in Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Technology Electrical and

H-Plane Sectoral Horn Antennas in Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Technology Guilherme Coelho Grácio da Silva Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. José Eduardo Charters Ribeiro da Cunha Sanguino Supervisor: Prof. Custódio José Oliveira Peixeiro Member of the Committee: Prof. Marco Alexandre dos Santos Ribeiro November 2017 ii Dedicatedtomybelovedfamilyandfriends iii iv Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Custo´dio Peixeiro for all support, dedication,knowledgeandguidance,providedcontinuouslyduringthedevelopmentofthepresentwork. To Instituto Superior Te´cnico, the school where I found the tools and knowledge that helped me completethishardjourney. Toallmycolleagueswhichhelpedmethroughoutthisdegree,Iamdeeplygrateful. To Mr. Jorge Farinha and Mr. Anto´nio Almeida for the knowledge, experience and ability for the constructionandtestsoftheprototypes. Tomyparents. Ioweeverythingtothem,andIwillbeforevergratefulfortheirunconditionalsupport andencouragementduringmyentirestudentlife. Tomyfriendsforenduringthisprocesswithmeandalwaysofferingsupport,adviceandloveduring thetoughesttimes. v vi Resumo A comunicac¸a˜o e a transmissa˜o de informac¸a˜o sem fios tornaram-se uma parte essencial da nossa sociedade e economia actual e a sua importaˆncia e interesse esta˜o a aumentar continuamente a um ritmoacelerado. Asantenassa˜oelementosessenciaisdequalquercomunicac¸a˜osemfios,oqueimplica quemelhoriasestejamsempreaserestudadasparaacompanharaevoluc¸a˜odemuitossistemassem fios e melhorar a qualidade das comunicac¸o˜es. Medir antenas e´ um processo meticuloso que e´ feito quasesempreusandoantenaspadra˜o. Esta dissertac¸a˜o tem como objectivo estudar antenas corneta de sector magne´tico usando a tec- nologia substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) para serem utilizadas como antenas padra˜o no Instituto deTelecomunicac¸o˜es/InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnicoeassimmelhoraracolecc¸a˜odeantenaspadra˜oexis- tente. Nestecontexto,atecnologiaSIWpermiteobtercornetasdepesoaceita´veleta˜orobustascomo ascornetaspiramidaispadra˜o. Estatecnologiapermitedimensionarestruturasplanarescompactas. Para cumprir estesobjetivos, um par decornetas no plano H usandotecnologia SIW foi projectado e constru´ıdo. Este par de antenas foi dimensionado para utilizac¸a˜o na banda-L de microondas, com ganhode10dBinafrequeˆnciacentral. Umatransic¸a˜ocoaxial-guiafoiintegradanosproto´tipos. O dimensionamento e as simulac¸o˜es em espac¸o livre foram realizadas usando o software CST MWS.Apo´saconstruc¸a˜odasantenas, oseudesempenhofoimedidousandoumanalisadorderedes vectorial e uma caˆmara aneco´ica, permitindo uma comparac¸a˜o dos resultados experimentais com os simulados. Aboaconcordaˆnciaobtidapermitevalidarosprocedimentosutilizadosnoprojectoeprovar oconceitoproposto. Palavras-chave: Antenacornetadesectormagne´tico,Substrate-integratedwaveguide(SIW), Antenasdeganhopadra˜o,Transic¸a˜ocoaxial-guia,Banda-L vii viii Abstract Communication and wireless transmission of information has become an essential part of our current society and economy and its importance and interest is continuously increasing at an acelerated pace. Antennas are essential elements of any wireless communication, which implies that improvements are always under study to follow the developments of many wireless systems and improve the quality of communications. Measuringtheperformanceofantennasisameticulousprocesswhichismadebythe useofstandardgainantennas. Thisdissertationaimstostudysubstrate-integratedwaveguide(SIW)H-planesectoralhornantennas tobeusedasstandardgainantennasinInstitutodeTelecomunicac¸o˜es/InstitutoSuperiorTe´cnicoand enhance the existing standard gain antennas collection. In this context, the SIW technology allows to build horns of acceptable weight and as robust as the standard gain pyramidal horns. This technology allowstodesigncompactplanarstructures. Inordertofulfilltheseobjectives,onepairofSIWH-planehornshavebeendesignedandmanufac- tured. ThispairofantennashaveworkingfrequencyinthemicrowavesL-bandandgainofabout10dBi atthecentralfrequency. Acoaxial-to-waveguidetransitionhasbeenintegratedintheprototypes. The design and the free space simulations were performed using the CST MWS software. After manufacturing the antennas, its performance was measured using a vector network analyzer and an anechoic chamber, and thus allowing a comparison of experimental and simulated results. The good agreementobtainedprovidedvalidationofthedesignprocedureandprovedtheproposedantennacon- cept. Keywords: H-plane sectoral horn antenna, Substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW), Standard gainantenna,Coaxial-to-waveguidetransition,L-band ix x

To my parents. and encouragement during my entire student life. Keywords: H-plane sectoral horn antenna, Substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW), slotted SIW array operating at 10 GHz [21]. SIW cavity fed by a coplanar waveguide. A cavity-backed antenna with reconfigurable circular.
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