Gwama-English-Amharic Dictionary Gwama-English-Amharic Dictionary First Edition ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This document contains data written in Gwama[kmq]. For more information about this language, visit Gwama-English-Amharic Dictionary First Edition This dictionary is a product of the Benishangul-Gumuz Language Development Project, which is a joint project between: Education Bureau, Bureau of Culture & Tourism, Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State, P.O. Box 64, Assosa, and SIL Ethiopia, P.O. Box 2576, Addis Ababa English title: Gwama-English-Amharic Dictionary Language: Gwama, spoken in Ethiopia and Sudan Type of book: Trial dictionary Year of publication: 2015/2008 ዓ.ም. Number of copies: 300 Table of Contents Introduction .........................….................................................4 Acknowledgements.........….......................................................5 Gwama–English–Amharic………….............................…...........7 Amharic–Gwama………….................................…………........70 English–Gwama………..............….........................................115 3 Introduction The entries found in this dictionary represent a portion of the words collected during a two week Rapid Word Collection (RWC) workshop held in Assosa in November of 2014. The Gwama entries first list the headword, which can be one word or multiple words, followed by source language information, followed by abbreviated grammatical information in italics. The following abbreviations are used: n noun adv adverb num numeral pro pronoun v verb dem demonstrative adj adjective prep preposition If a word has multiple senses, a sense number ( 1) ) will appear between the headword and the grammatical information. The English definition and Amharic definition complete the entry. Some entries do not have grammatical information included because they are long phrases which are comprised of multiple grammatical categories. 4 For Amharic-Gwama the order is headword, grammatical information and Gwama definition. For English-Gwama entries the order is headword, Gwama definition, grammatical information and reference. Example Gwama-English-Amharic entry: headword – (source language) – (sense number) – grammatical information – English definition – Amharic definition Example Amharic-Gwama entry: headword – grammatical information – Gwama definition Example English-Gwama entry: headword – Gwama definition – grammatical information – reference English definition from Gwama-English-Amharic Acknowledgements This dictionary has been been made possible through the effort of many people. The initial word collection phase was completed during a Rapid Word Collection workshop over a two week period in November of 2014. RWC workshop participants: Nasralla Mustafa, Sadik Habte, Wandimu Zeleke, Giregna Tesfa, Yakob Ttawul, Bekama 5 Jiregna, Sadik Ulan, Elias Sabi, Zariya Bashir, Somale Pogi, Mikael Siber, Abdualem Matahir, Uman Bashir, Ganale Shangela, Rimate Qintser, Mehamed Belekir and Kerse Miskin Typists: Alemtsehay Lemessa and David Ford Amharic help: Melese Miretu and Gashew Mola Organizer: Anne-Christie Hellenthal RWC workshop leader: Kevin Warfel Editors: Asadik Habte, Bekama Jiregna, Nasralla Mustafa, Sadik Ulan, Giregna Tesfa, Sumale Pogi, Mengistu Mulat, Anne-Christie Hellenthal and Justin Goldberg Finally, this dictionary has been made possible because of the partnership of The Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State Education Bureau and Culture Bureau along with SIL Ethiopia. Funds were provided by the Norwegian Mission Society (NMS). Without the support, interest and encouragement of these partners, this project would not be possible. The completion of this dictionary is a demonstration of the strength found in cooperative effort. Each contribution has been integral to reaching this achievement. 6 a ttɨpɨl Gwama-English-Amharic A a a bʉn pro their የነሱ a mɨnɨ pro our (including a dapp pro her የሷ the hearer) የኛ (ያዳማጭም) a de pro his የሱ a na pro my የኔ a didish adj new አዲስ a naya adj many ብዙ a dule adj modern ዘመናዊ a paŋ v be not there የለም a kama (kama) adv a paŋgo be not there የለም yesterday ተላንትና a pɨpaŋ n thing that doesn't a kamusu adv after exist የሌለ yesterday ከትላንት ወዲያ a pɨpash adj leftover; a ke pro your ያንተ; ያንቺ remaining የተረፈ a kʉm pro your (plural) a shibishi adj የናንተ understandable የሚረዱት (የሚገባ) a kkasa adj another ሌላ a shishi adj sharp ሹል a kkɨkkatt adj soft; smooth ለስላሳ a shɨshaya adj beautiful ቆንጆ (የሚያምር) a kkɨkkɨŋɨ adj fragile ተሰባሪ a tab pwaŋa adj logical a kkukkopp adj smell bad; መልካም አሰተሳሰብ stinky መጥፎ ሽታ a takkɨ adj tasteless ጣዕም a ma pro our (excluding the የለሽ hearer) የኛ (ያድማጭ አይደለም) a tutu adj tall ረጃጅም a ttɨpɨl adj narrow ጠባብ 7 a ttɨttɨbɨ ata swaya a ttɨttɨbɨ adj difficult an n menstruation የወር አበባ አስቸጋሪ andure n cat ድመት a waŋgɨ adj poor ድሃ angar n bed አልጋ a ziziŋ adj green አረንጓዴ ansa n gold ወርቅ abar v measure ለካ antt n fire እሳት adal v improve ተሻሻለ ap v 1) fix; repair አስተካከለ; ade n belonging የግል አደሰ 2) maintain ጠገነ 3) alaŋ n wiper (made of hide) care for ተንከባከበ አለንጋ apa n uncle; mother's albenɨ n sickle ማጭድ brother አጎት (የእናት ወንድም) algada n plate (wood made) መመገቢያ እቃ (ከእንጨት apɨ n fruit ፍሬ የተሰራ) asan n gourd ቅል algipa n shirt ሸሚዝ asilama n Islam እስላም alhadʉm n finger ring የጣት ash v 1) plant ተከለ 2) sow ቀለበት ዘራ 3) bury ቀበረ alɨtɨ ttwa arabi n holiday ash sit n burial ceremony በዓል ስርአተ ቀብር almʉzʉ ttwa gozom n ashambɨ sham adj banana ሙዝ important አስፈላጊ alsaliya n local beer ata 1) v count ቆጠረ 2) v read የተጠመቀ ጠላ አነበበ 3) n number ቁጥር 4) aman 1) n faith እምነት 2) adj n passage; piece of honesty ታማኝ writing ምንባብ amana ttwa arabi v bring a ata n medicine መድሃኒት message መልእክት አደረሰ ata sit kkoro medicine to amattish v 1) bad smell cure evil eye የቡዳ መድሃነት ሸተተ (መጥፎ ሽታ) 2) peeld ata swaya local medicine; fruit, grain የተላጠ ፍሬ፥ዘር medicine from a tree amʉmʉn n dream ሕልም ባህላዊ መድሃኒት 8