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Preview GURPS 4th edition. Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables

TM TM Written by MATT RIGGSBY Edited by NIKOLA VRTIS Editorial Assistance by JASON “PK” LEVINE Illustrated by GUY BURWELL and DAN SMITH An e23 Sourcebook for GURPS® STEVE JACKSON GAMES ® Stock#37-0313 Version1.1–February2011 C ONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ShieldsTable ....................................35 AbouttheAuthor..................................3 ShieldQualityTable ..............................35 AboutGURPS ....................................3 4. MIRACLES AND WONDERS . . . . . . . . . . 36 1. AWARDING TREASURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CONCOCTIONSTABLE...........................36 EXPENSES....................................4 UNUSUALITEMSTABLE.........................38 ClaimtoHospitality................................4 RAREARTIFACTSTABLE.........................42 UPGRADINGGEAR..............................5 DelayedGratification...............................5 USINGTHETABLES .............................6 NegativeCFs......................................6 TreasureTypeTable................................7 2. MUNDANE ITEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 VALUABLEMATERIALS..........................11 SpicesTable.....................................11 5. ENCHANTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 FibersandFabricsTable ..........................12 GENERALENCHANTMENTS ......................44 OtherMaterialsTable.............................13 AttackTable.....................................44 LootingtheBodies................................13 BuffsTable......................................45 HOUSEHOLDITEMSTABLE ......................14 DefenseTable....................................46 GARMENTSANDJEWELRY .......................17 EnvironmentalTable..............................46 GarmentsTable..................................17 InfluenceTable ..................................47 JewelryTable....................................18 PowerTable.....................................47 GemsTable......................................19 PowerReserves..................................47 CONTAINERSTABLE............................20 ARMSANDARMORENCHANTMENTS ...............48 WeaponEnchantmentsTable ......................48 3. DUNGEONEERING GEAR. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 EnchantmentandPowerItems......................48 ACCOUTREMENTSTABLE ........................21 ArmorEnchantmentsTable........................49 BOOKSANDMAPSTABLE .......................27 ShieldEnchantmentsTable........................49 TextPropertiesTable..............................27 SUPERNATURALORIGINSTABLE...................50 BookbindingTable ...............................28 CURSESTABLE ...............................51 MapPropertiesTable .............................28 TextLanguageTable..............................28 6. EMBELLISHMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 SCROLLSTABLE...............................29 DECORATIVEEMBELLISHMENTS...................53 ScrollPropertiesTable............................29 SoftItemsTable..................................53 ARMSANDARMOR.............................29 HardItemsTable.................................54 BasicSetMeleeWeaponsTable.....................29 CosmeticDamage.................................54 MartialArtsMeleeWeaponsTable ..................30 DecorativeMotifTable............................55 FuriousFiststotheRescue! ........................31 SUPERNATURALEMBELLISHMENTSTABLE...........56 BasicSetMissileWeaponsTable....................31 SOCIALSTUDIES ..............................57 MartialArtsMissileWeaponsTable .................31 CoordinatingAppearances.........................57 ProjectileTypeTable..............................31 PreviousOwnerTable ............................58 BizarreWeaponTable.............................32 ClassTable......................................59 SizeandShape...................................32 RaceTable ......................................59 WeaponQualityTable.............................33 ArmorTable.....................................34 INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ArmorQualityTable..............................34 TREASURE...................................61 Playtesters:PeterDell’Orto,S.A.Fisher,andPhilMasters GURPS,Warehouse23,andtheall-seeingpyramidareregisteredtrademarksofSteveJacksonGamesIncorporated.Pyramid,DungeonFantasy,TreasureTables,e23, andthenamesofallproductspublishedbySteveJacksonGamesIncorporatedareregisteredtrademarksortrademarksofSteveJacksonGamesIncorporated, orusedunderlicense.GURPSDungeonFantasy8:TreasureTablesiscopyright©2009,2011bySteveJacksonGamesIncorporated. Someart©2009,2011JupiterImagesCorporation.Allrightsreserved. Thescanning,uploading,anddistributionofthismaterialviatheInternetorviaanyothermeanswithoutthepermissionofthepublisherisillegal, andpunishablebylaw.Pleasepurchaseonlyauthorizedelectroniceditions,anddonotparticipateinorencourage theelectronicpiracyofcopyrightedmaterials.Yoursupportoftheauthor’srightsisappreciated. C 2 ONTENTS I NTRODUCTION Adventurers may come into possession of valuable objects film (for example, Jack Vance’s Dying Earth stories and the duringtheiradventures. LordoftheRingsfilms)areparticularlymemorablefortheway –GURPSFantasy they present material items. Even the most mundane items havenotjustfunctions,butdistinctiveforms.Gearislikewise Reduced to its essentials, the dungeon fantasy genre con- a tool for establishing character. What self-respecting swash- sists of sword-and-sorcery heroes with cool powers killing bucklerwoulddefendhimselfwithaplainoldcloakwhenhe things and taking their stuff. Most of the GURPS Dungeon could have a crimson velvet cape embroidered with nymphs Fantasyvolumesuptothispointhaveprovidedtheheroes,the andfringedwithermine? coolpowersand,tosomeextent,thethingstokill,particularly Moreover,treasureisnotjustthegoalofanadventure,but whencharactertemplates,allies,andfamiliarsareusedtocre- aninfluenceonhowheroesachievetheirgoalsandwhatthey ate opposition. This volume, along with GURPS Dungeon do when all the bodies have been buried. A bag full of gem- Fantasy6,addressesthatlastslot:stuff. stones can be pocketed on the fly and evenly divided when Treasureis,ofcourse,amajormotivatorforfantasyadven- thingscalmdown,butwhatifdelverscomeacrossatreasure turers,avitalsourceofimprovedgear,andawayofkeeping intheformofanelegantlygildedandbejeweledthrone,which score.However,it’smorethanjustpilesofcoininachestand must be dragged back through levels of a dungeon? Or bun- a+nSwordofThwacking.It’salsoaveryimmediate,tangible dled tapestries, which must be protected from the elements? wayofcreatingalookandfeelforadventuresorevenawhole Who carries them, how, and can you divide them up fairly campaign. Many of the great works of fantasy literature and withouthaulingthemallbacktotown? GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tablesisaconstructionkitforrichtreasures About GURPS and mighty artifacts. Not only can it help generate a nigh-infinite range of valuable Steve Jackson Games is committed to full support of GURPS players. enchanted and mundane items, it can be OuraddressisSJGames,P.O.Box18957,Austin,TX78760.Pleaseinclude used as a shopping list by PCs flush with aself-addressed,stampedenvelope(SASE)anytimeyouwriteus!Wecan cash.LiketheotherDungeonFantasyvol- alsobereachedbye-mail:[email protected]: umes,thisisnotastandalonebook.Inaddi- tiontorequiringtheGURPSBasicSet,this Newsupplementsandadventures.GURPScontinuestogrow–seewhat’s book has extensive references to GURPS newatwww.sjgames.com/gurps. Magic and the first four GURPS Dungeon e23.Oure-publishingdivisionoffersGURPSadventures,playaids,and Fantasy volumes. GURPS Martial Arts, supportinPDFform...digitalcopiesofourbooks,plusexclusivematerial whichisalsousefulinthe“killthings”arena, availableonlyone23!Justheadovertoe23.sjgames.com. isrecommendedbutnotrequired.Likewise, Pyramid (www.sjgames.com/pyramid). Our monthly PDF magazine GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 6: 40 Artifacts includes new rules and articles for GURPS, systemless locations, adven- and GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics tures,andmuchmore.Lookforeachthemedissuefrome23! arehelpfulbutnotabsolutelynecessary. Internet. Visit us on the World Wide Web at www.sjgames.com for errata,updates,Q&A,andmuchmore.TodiscussGURPS withourstaff and your fellow gamers, visit our forums at forums.sjgames.com. The ABOUT THE AUTHOR GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tableswebpagecanbefoundat Matt Riggsby has been playing RPGs www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/dungeonfantasy/dungeonfantasy8. sincetheonlygameintowncameinthree Bibliographies. Many of our books have extensive bibliographies, and poorlytypesettanbookletsinawhitebox, we’reputtingthemonline–withlinkstoletyoubuytheresourcesthatinter- using cheap dice that slowly converted estyou!Gotoeachbook’swebpageandlookforthe“Bibliography”link. themselvesfromicosahedronstospheres. Errata.Everyonemakesmistakes,includingus–butwedoourbestto Having been educated in the lore of lost fixourerrors.Up-to-dateerratapagesforallGURPSreleases,includingthis civilizations,hestillkillsthingsandtakes book,areavailableonourwebsite–seeabove. theirstuffwhileworkingadayjobforarti- Rules and statistics in this book are specifically for the GURPS Basic ficers of engines of great healing. The Set,FourthEdition.PagereferencesthatbeginwithBrefertothatbook,not marching order for the rest of his party thisone. includes a sorceress, a first-level rogue, andapackofdogs. GURPSSystemDesign(cid:2)STEVEJACKSON PageDesign(cid:2)PHILREEDand MarketingDirector(cid:2)PAULCHAPMAN GURPSLineEditor(cid:2)SEANPUNCH JUSTINDEWITT DirectorofSales(cid:2)ROSSJEPSON ManagingEditor(cid:2)PHILIPREED ArtDirector(cid:2)WILLSCHOONOVER GURPSFAQMaintainer(cid:2)––––––– e23Manager(cid:2)STEVENMARSH ProductionArtist&Indexer(cid:2)NIKOLAVRTIS VICKY“MOLOKH”KOLENKO PrepressChecker(cid:2)MONICASTEPHENS I 3 NTRODUCTION C O HAPTER NE A WARDING T REASURE Before getting to the treasure itself, the GM has to decide This chapter also provides the master Treasure Type Table, how much to hand out. To do that, he may want to consider details on how to use it to generate random loot, and guide- howthetreasureheawardsislikelytobeused. linesfordeterminingtypicalmarketvalue. E XPENSES When they emerge from the dungeon and head back to RechargingPowerItems.Startingspellcastersareunlikelyto town,delvershaveanumberofwaysthattheycanspendtheir have to spend more than $50 to get their power item com- loot.Whatevertheymaywanttodowithit,thetoppriorityis pletely recharged. most likely spending some of it just to keep up. Necessary More experienced maintenancecostsincludethefollowing. delvers, who have acquired more valu- Living Expenses. One nagging sink for loot is day-to-day able items to imbue expenses.Roomandboardintowncosts$150perpersonper with mystic power, week.Foodawayfromcivilization($6perpersonperdayfor must spend corre- threemealsofregularrations)andlightwhileunderground,in spondingly more to exceptionally dark and dense forest, or adventuring at night be topped off after an ($3 per hour for torches; candles and lanterns bring lighting adventure. costsdownto$1-$5perdaybutshedlesslight)arethemost Replacing Consumables. Food and power points aren’t the obvious and the bare minimum. Assuming a week’s travel to onlyexpendableresourcesdelversarelikelytouse.Nageteppos, andfromthelocationoftheadventure,asingledayinthedun- Alchemist’sFire,OozingDoom,andlow-costpotionsforrestor- geon, and a week afterward to rest up in town, each delver ingHPorFPareinexpensiveenoughtohaveonhandroutinely, needstomakeover$250justtobreakevenonanexpedition. butmustbereplacedafteruseat$40tomorethan$100apop. Lessexpensiveitems,suchasropesand10- foot poles, may likewise be lost or aban- donedduringthecourseofadventuring. Claim to Hospitality Training. If using the Training Expenses rules(DungeonFantasy3:TheNextLevel, AdventurersmaytakeClaimtoHospitality(p.B41)torepresentmem- p. 43), modest improvements to existing bershipinaholybrotherhood,amercenaries’,thieves’,orwizards’guild,or abilities are fairly inexpensive, but picking simplyanetworkoffriendstheadventurercanstaywith;thisisachange up a new skill or improving one bought fromDungeonFantasy1:Adventurers.Anadventurermayrolltosearch fromoff-templateislikelytocosthundreds formembersofhisgroupwhileintown.Ifadelverdoessosuccessfully,he attheveryleast. canstaywithhiscolleagueforuptoaweek,savingthe$150costofliving forthattime(thisalsoprovidesasourceofadvice,smallloans,etc.).After Ofcourse,adventuringpartieswiththe theweekisup,ifhecontinuestostayintown,hishostmoveson,andthe right traits can minimize their expenses. travelermustlookforsomeoneelsetostaywith.Onacriticalfailureonthe Food-creating wizards don’t need rations, search roll, the adventurer locates another member of his group in even and cat-folk who can see in the dark (as greaterneedthanhimself.Hemustcoverthatperson’scostoflivingforthe wellasanyonewhocancastaLightspell) week as well as his own. This advantage only aids the delver who has it. rarely need torches. Likewise, gamblers (See also Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics, pp. 11-12, for a discussion of an and scroungers can reduce their living urbanpriest’sClaimtoHospitality.) expenses while out of the dungeon, and clericsandalchemistscanreducethecosts ofsomeconsumables. A T 4 WARDING REASURE U G PGRADING EAR Only when immediate needs are filled can delvers think meteoricironscalearmor,orstronglyenchantedarmor(with aboutturninganyextrabagsfullofgoldintobettergear.They Deflect at +2, Lighten at -50%, or a Defending shield). At oftenwanttobuyenhanceditemssuchasmeteoricironarmor, around $15,000, orichalcum swords, weapons with the best fine-qualityswords,andelvenbowstoreplacemundanegear. commercially available enchantments, and most of the more Assuming starting adventurers with Average wealth and an expensive armor variants (dragonskin, dwarven armor) unexceptionalabilitytoconvertequipmentintoreadymoney, becomeavailableinfullsuits.Almosteveryweaponorarmor priceranges(andthereforetreasureawards)forgearupgrades variant,withtheexceptionofthemostexpensiveplatearmor fallintoseveraldistinctstages. treatments, is available at $20,000, with each $5,000 beyond Thefirstlevelisaround$500.StartingPCsarelikelytohave thatallowingoneortwoadditionalequipmentupgrades. goodarmororagoodweapon,butnotboth,thoughhigh- qualityaxes,spears,andotherinexpensiveweaponsare certainly possible from the outset. With an additional $500orso,theycanupgradealess-sturdyweapon(say,a Delayed Gratification cheapswordtoanaverage-qualityone)orpieceofarmor (puttingamailshirtorsteelcorseletoverasuitofleather Oneoftheclassicdilemmasofdungeondelvingiswhether armor), or replace a naturally low-cost weapon with togetslightlybetterstuffnoworsaveandpurchasemuchbet- somethingofmuchhigherquality,suchasafine-quality terstufflater.Thisresemblesthequestionofwhethertospend or dwarven one. A few lightweight enchantments are earnedcharacterpointsastheycomeinonskillsortosaveup availableatthislevel,suchasahandfulofarrowswith toacquirebig-ticketadvantagesorbuyoffdisadvantagesdown Icy Weapon, Flaming Weapon, or Accuracy, or armor theroad.However,anadditionalelementofriskand“economic withFortify+1.Adventurers,particularlystartingones, friction” occurs when it comes to gear. Treasure hunters can may also want to augment their mundane adventuring buyincrementallybetterequipmentiftheydon’tsaveupacross gear,suchasrope,tents,webbing,diggingtools,andlong adventures,sellinganolditemandusingthemoneyfromthat poles.That$500willpayforawideassortmentofsuch tohelppayforanewone.However,unlikespendingcharacter gear,ortwoorthreespecializeditemssuchasbattering points(whereanearnedCPisalwaysworthaCP),theprocess rams,shackles,andbooks. is inefficient. While adventurers can trade in previously pur- The next step up is around $2,000. At this level, chased gear, they don’t get a full return on their investment. delverscanupgradetoabroadrangeoftypical-quality Furthermore,itcanbechallengingtofind–andaccumulate– equipment, such as a good-quality sword and several enoughtobuyahighlydesireditem.Thefightermightdecide pieces of plate armor. They can start investing in thatagoodbroadswordwith+1Puissanceinthehandisbetter weapons of exceptional quality, such as a fine or bal- than a fine-quality Shatterproof Flaming Broadsword of Dis- ancedsword,orafullyloaded(fine,balanced,dwarven, membermentwith+3Puissanceonlayaway. andmadefromsilver,meteoriciron,ororichalcum)axe or mace. It’s around this range that full suits of improvedarmorbecomeanoptionaswell,suchasfine cloth armor (for those who travel light) and some mail vari- Finally,delverscanshopforluxuries.Barbariansmaybuy ants. Adventurers may also want to invest in horses, which helmetswithpointierhorns,wizardscanpurchaserobeswith startinthispricerange. shinierstars,andswashbucklerscanacquirebiggerhatswith Thenext$4,000-$5,000allowsdelverstoupgradetoheavily evenbiggerfeathers.Afterall,iftreasurecanbeinspirational loadedswords(forexample,atleasttwooffine,balanced,and and evocative of its source (armor from the kingdom of the silver-coated)orsomeofthelightercombatenchantmentsfor insect-men has many segmented joints, loot is kept in con- meleeweapons.Substantialpiecesofarmorcanbepurchased gealed resinous cases in the stronghold of the Extradimen- at fine quality or made from meteoric iron or orichalcum, sional Things, etc.; see Social Studies, pp. 57-59, for more thoughnotyetinentiresuits. ideas),itcanalsoexpresssomethingabouttheherohimself– After that, improvement comes in increments of about likehowgoodheisatkillingthingsandtakingtheirstuff.How $5,000. For example, with about $10,000, an adventurer can elsecouldheaffordthatoutfit? consider buying a meteoric or silver sword, orichalcum or Thus,ifaGMhandsoutanaverageof$500worthoftreas- ureperPCafterregularexpensesanddiscountsforsellinggear inDungeonFantasy1(p.23),PCscanexpecttobuyonesmall gearupgradeaftereachadventure.Ortheycangetasignificant Your lovin’ gives me a thrill, gearupgradeaftereveryfouradventures.Ortheycangofora But your lovin’ don’t pay my bills majorupgradeafter10,occasionallypunctuatedbyadventures wheretreasurehastogotowardexceptionalexpensessuchas Now give me money! removingcursesandextraordinaryhealing.Similarly,thepossi- (That’s what I want!) bility always exists of losing gear. Depending on how tough a campaignis,swordsandarmormaybedissolvedbyacidslimes, – Barrett Strong enchanteditemsdrainedbymagic-eaters,andsoon,requiring PCstobuynewgearoutright. A T 5 WARDING REASURE U T SING THE ABLES PlayersandGMalikecanrefertothetablesinthefollowing worth calling treasure! Obviously, the GM may use the table chapters as shopping lists or construction kits. The tables list wheneverhedesires,pickingdeliberatelyhereandthrowingdice justabouteveryusefulmundaneitemfromtheBasic Setand attheproblemthere. theDungeonFantasyseriestodate.Uniqueandhigher-quality Tofigureoutthefinalcostofanitem,multiplythebaselist gearcanbecreatedbypickingabasicitem,suchasaswordor value by (1 + total CF), then add the cost of embellishments woodenchest,andselectingembellishmentsasdesired(and,for whichhaveaflatcostratherthanCFs,suchasgems,andthe players,asallowedbytheGM).Decorativeembellishmentsare totalcostofenchantments.Seethefirstexamplebelowforan generallyfreelyavailableforpurchase,butmostenchantments, illustrationofthisformula. quality improvements, and special mundane items are not; Example 1 (Shopping List): A player wants a distinctive what’sthepointofexploringdangerouscatacombsandforestsif weapon for his knight. It has to be not just high quality but everythingyouwantisavailabledownattheshops? attractive as well. He starts with a thrusting bastard sword The tables may also help with designing individual treas- (p.30andB271),withabasecostof$750.Lookingoverthe uresandentirehoardsrandomly.Ifatableusesthe“Nd”nota- WeaponQualityTable(p.33),finequality(+3CF)isanobvi- tion (for example, “roll 2d”), roll the dice and add them ous embellishment, and he wants it silver plated as well (+2 together.Ifatablesaystorollaseriesofdiceseparatedbycom- CF). He also decides (using pp. 54-55 of the Decorative mas(forexample,“roll1d,1d,1d”),rollthedicebutdonotadd Embellishmentssection)tohavehisfamilycrestinlaidonthe themtogether.Beforerolling,designateoneasthefirstdie,one center of the blade (minimal expensive inlay, +6 CF), some asthesecond,andsoon;usingdifferentcolorsorsizesofdice attractivesilktasselsdanglingfromthehilt(expensivefringe, makesthiseasier.The“Roll”columnindicatesavalueorrange +0.5 CF), and a large (five-carat) sard in the hilt ($1,125). foreachdie.Forexample,“2,4-5,1”meansarollof2onthe Finally, after examining the Weapon Enchantments Table firstdie,4or5ontheseconddie,and1onthethirddie. (pp.48-49),hegetsitenchantedwithPuissance+1($5,000). ThetotalCFmodifieris11.5,forafinalcostof($750¥12.5) +$1,125+$5,000,or$15,500.Sincethedecorativeembellish- Akissonthehandmaybequite ments are a bit over 10 times the sword’s base price, the continental,butdiamondsareagirl’sbest swordprovides +3toreactionrollsfrompotentialbuyers. Example 2 (Semi-Random Generation): The GM decides friend. thattheleaderofagroupoforcswearsadistinctivegarment, –JuleStyne soheconsultstheGarmentsTable(p.17).Rollingthreedice,he gets3,1,2:ahoodedtunic($39.60,0.66lb.).Tomakeitareally impressivetunic,herollstwiceontheSoftItemsTableinDec- orative Embellishments (pp. 53-54). He gets 3, 3 (expensive Torandomlyselectanitem,rollontheTreasureTypeTable fringe, +6 CF) and 1, 5 (cheap dye, +1.5 CF). The tunic is a (pp.7-10)todeterminewhatkindofitemtheadventurersfind. muddyyellow,withaluxuriousfurfringe,anditcosts$336.60. Thetablealsoindicatesspecialpropertiestheitemmayhave; Example 3 (Random Generation): The GM wants to award adash(“–”)inacolumnmeansthattheobjectdoesnothave sometreasureandhehasn’ttheslightestideawhatitshouldbe. thatfeature. Herollsthreedice,getting1,5,6andconsultstheTreasureType Quality. This is the number of functional enhancements Table,whichindicatesOtherMaterialsTable(p.13)withadeco- combat equipment has, such as high-quality material or fine rativeembellishment.Rollingtwodice,hegets4and6,whichis balance. Weapons, armor, and shields each have their own flowerwater.Rolling1d+1,hedeterminesthatit’sfourounces, quality enhancement tables (Weapon Quality Table, p. 33; or $20 worth. Obviously, the flower water has to be in a con- ArmorQualityTable,pp.34-35;orShieldQualityTable,p.35). tainer (p. 20), so he selects a crystal vial ($5, 0.25 lbs.) and Enchantments. This is the number of enchantments the decidestoapplytheembellishmenttoitratherthanthematerial item has on it; see Enchantments (pp. 44-49). If an item has itcontains.Rolling3,4ontheHardItemsembellishmenttable enchantments on it, roll 2d. On a 10-12, the item also has a (pp.54-55),hegets“minimalrelief”(+1.5CF),foratotalvalue curseonit(seeCursesTable,pp.51-52). of$20fortheflowerwater+$5¥2.5forthevial=$32.50. Decorative Embellishments. This is the number of mun- dane adornments the item has, such as painted figures or furtrim.Rollontheappropriatetablefortheitemtype;see Negative CFs DecorativeEmbellishments,pp.53-55. SupernaturalEmbellishments.Thisisthenumberofusu- Some item options have negative Cost Factors, repre- allycosmeticsupernaturalfeaturesanitemhas.Foreach, sentingshoddyoreasilymanufacturedgoods.Addnegative rollontheSupernaturalEmbellishmentsTable(pp.56-57). CFsalongwithpositiveCFs.AnitemmayhaveafinalCF nolowerthan-0.8.TreatlowerCFtotalsas-0.8.Forexam- If applying an embellishment or enchantment to the ple,aShortsword(basecost$400)whichischeap(-0.6CF) selected item would be absurd, pick a container (p. 20) for butgilded(+19CF)costs$400¥(1+-0.6+19),or$7,760. theitemthatisthuslyenhancedinstead.Almosteverymun- dane item generated with this table should have at least one decorative embellishment – if it’s not fancy, it’s not A T 6 WARDING REASURE T T T REASURE YPE ABLE Roll1d,1d,1d. Roll Table Quality Enchantments Embellishments Pages Notes Decorative Supernatural 1,1,1 Spices – – – – 11 1,1,2 Spices – – – – 11 1,1,3 Spices – – – – 11 1,1,4 Spices – – – – 11 1,1,5 Spices – – – – 11 1,1,6 Spices – – 1 – 11 1,2,1 Spices – – – – 11 [1] 1,2,2 Spices – – – – 11 [1] 1,2,3 Spices – – 1 – 11 [1] 1,2,4 Spices – – – – 11 [2] 1,2,5 Spices – – – – 11 [2] 1,2,6 Spices – – 1 – 11 [2] 1,3,1 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 1,3,2 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 1,3,3 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 1,3,4 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 1,3,5 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 1,3,6 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 1,4,1 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 [1] 1,4,2 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 [1] 1,4,3 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 [1] 1,4,4 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 [2] 1,4,5 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 [2] 1,4,6 FibersandFabrics – – – – 12-13 [2] 1,5,1 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 1,5,2 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 1,5,3 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 1,5,4 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 1,5,5 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 1,5,6 OtherMaterials – – 1 – 13 1,6,1 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 [1] 1,6,2 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 [1] 1,6,3 OtherMaterials – – 1 – 13 [1] 1,6,4 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 [2] 1,6,5 OtherMaterials – – – – 13 [2] 1,6,6 OtherMaterials – – 1 – 13 [2] 2,1,1 HouseholdItems – – 1 – 14-16 2,1,2 HouseholdItems – – 1 – 14-16 2,1,3 HouseholdItems – – 1 – 14-16 2,1,4 HouseholdItems – 1 – – 14-16 2,1,5 HouseholdItems – 1 1 – 14-16 2,1,6 HouseholdItems – 1 2 – 14-16 2,2,1 HouseholdItems – 1 2 1 14-16 2,2,2 HouseholdItems – 2 2 – 14-16 2,2,3 HouseholdItems – 2 2 1 14-16 2,2,4 HouseholdItems – – 3 – 14-16 2,2,5 HouseholdItems – 1 3 – 14-16 2,2,6 HouseholdItems – 2 2 – 14-16 2,3,1 Garments – – 1 – 17 2,3,2 Garments – – 1 – 17 2,3,3 Garments – 1 – – 17 2,3,4 Garments – 1 – – 17 2,3,5 Garments – 1 1 – 17 2,3,6 Garments – 1 2 – 17 2,4,1 Garments – 1 2 1 17 2,4,2 Garments – 2 2 – 17 A T 7 WARDING REASURE Treasure Type Table (Continued) Roll Table Quality Enchantments Embellishments Pages Notes Decorative Supernatural 2,4,3 Garments – 2 2 1 17 2,4,4 Garments – – 3 – 17 2,4,5 Garments – 1 3 – 17 2,4,6 Garments – 2 2 – 17 2,5,1 Jewelry – – – – 18-19 2,5,2 Jewelry – 1 – – 18-19 2,5,3 Jewelry – 2 – – 18-19 2,5,4 Jewelry – – – – 18-19 [1] 2,5,5 Jewelry – 1 – – 18-19 [1] 2,5,6 Jewelry – 2 – – 18-19 [1] 2,6,1 Jewelry – – – – 18-19 [1] 2,6,2 Jewelry – 1 – 1 18-19 [1] 2,6,3 Jewelry – 2 – 1 18-19 [1] 2,6,4 Gems – – – – 19-20 2,6,5 Gems – – – – 19-20 2,6,6 Gems – 1 – – 19-20 3,1,1 Gems – 2 – – 19-20 3,1,2 Gems – – – – 19-20 [1] 3,1,3 Gems – 1 – – 19-20 [1] 3,1,4 Gems – 2 – – 19-20 [1] 3,1,5 Gems – – – – 19-20 [1] 3,1,6 Gems – 1 – 1 19-20 [1] 3,2,1 Gems – 2 – 1 19-20 [1] 3,2,2 Containers – – 1 – 20 3,2,3 Containers – – 1 – 20 3,2,4 Containers – 1 1 – 20 3,2,5 Containers – 1 1 – 20 3,2,6 Containers – 1 2 – 20 3,3,1 Containers – 1 2 1 20 3,3,2 Containers – 2 2 – 20 3,3,3 Containers – 2 2 1 20 3,3,4 Containers – – 3 – 20 3,3,5 Containers – 1 3 – 20 3,3,6 Containers – 2 2 – 20 3,4,1 Accoutrements – – – – 21-27 3,4,2 Accoutrements – – – – 21-27 3,4,3 Accoutrements – – 1 – 21-27 3,4,4 Accoutrements – – 1 – 21-27 3,4,5 Accoutrements – – 1 – 21-27 3,4,6 Accoutrements – 1 1 – 21-27 3,5,1 Accoutrements – 1 1 – 21-27 3,5,2 Accoutrements – 1 2 – 21-27 3,5,3 Accoutrements – 1 2 1 21-27 3,5,4 Accoutrements – 2 2 – 21-27 3,5,5 Accoutrements – 2 2 1 21-27 3,5,6 Accoutrements – 2 2 – 21-27 3,6,1 BooksandMaps – – 1 – 27-28 3,6,2 BooksandMaps – 1 1 – 27-28 3,6,3 BooksandMaps – 1 2 – 27-28 3,6,4 BooksandMaps – 1 2 1 27-28 3,6,5 BooksandMaps – 2 2 – 27-28 3,6,6 BooksandMaps – 2 2 1 27-28 4,1,1 BooksandMaps – – 3 – 27-28 4,1,2 BooksandMaps – 1 3 – 27-28 4,1,3 BooksandMaps – 2 2 – 27-28 4,1,4 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,1,5 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,1,6 Scrolls – – – – 29 A T 8 WARDING REASURE Treasure Type Table (Continued) Roll Table Quality Enchantments Embellishments Pages Notes Decorative Supernatural 4,2,1 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,2,2 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,2,3 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,2,4 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,2,5 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,2,6 Scrolls – – – – 29 4,3,1 BasicSetMeleeWeapons – – 1 – 29-30 4,3,2 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 1 – – – 29-30 4,3,3 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 1 – 1 – 29-30 4,3,4 BasicSetMeleeWeapons – 1 1 – 29-30 4,3,5 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 1 1 1 – 29-30 4,3,6 BasicSetMeleeWeapons – 1 2 – 29-30 4,4,1 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 1 1 2 1 29-30 4,4,2 BasicSetMeleeWeapons – 2 2 – 29-30 4,4,3 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 1 2 2 1 29-30 4,4,4 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 2 – 2 – 29-30 4,4,5 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 2 1 2 – 29-30 4,4,6 BasicSetMeleeWeapons 1 2 2 1 29-30 4,5,1 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons – – 1 – 30 [3] 4,5,2 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 1 – – – 30 [3] 4,5,3 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 1 – 1 – 30 [3] 4,5,4 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons – 1 1 – 30 [3] 4,5,5 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 1 1 1 – 30 [3] 4,5,6 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons – 1 2 – 30 [3] 4,6,1 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 1 1 2 1 30 [3] 4,6,2 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons – 2 2 – 30 [3] 4,6,3 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 1 2 2 1 30 [3] 4,6,4 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 2 – 2 – 30 [3] 4,6,5 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 2 1 2 – 30 [3] 4,6,6 MartialArtsMeleeWeapons 1 2 2 1 30 [3] 5,1,1 BasicSetMissileWeapons – – 1 – 31 5,1,2 BasicSetMissileWeapons 1 – – – 31 5,1,3 BasicSetMissileWeapons 1 – 1 – 31 5,1,4 BasicSetMissileWeapons – 1 1 – 31 5,1,5 BasicSetMissileWeapons 1 1 1 – 31 5,1,6 BasicSetMissileWeapons – 1 2 – 31 5,2,1 BasicSetMissileWeapons 1 1 2 1 31 5,2,2 BasicSetMissileWeapons – 2 2 – 31 5,2,3 BasicSetMissileWeapons 1 2 2 1 31 5,2,4 BasicSetMissileWeapons 2 – 2 – 31 5,2,5 BasicSetMissileWeapons 2 1 2 – 31 5,2,6 BasicSetMissileWeapons 1 2 2 1 31 5,3,1 MartialArtsMissileWeapons – – 1 – 31 [3] 5,3,2 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 1 – – – 31 [3] 5,3,3 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 1 – 1 – 31 [3] 5,3,4 MartialArtsMissileWeapons – 1 1 – 31 [3] 5,3,5 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 1 1 1 – 31 [3] 5,3,6 MartialArtsMissileWeapons – 1 2 – 31 [3] 5,4,1 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 1 1 2 1 31 [3] 5,4,2 MartialArtsMissileWeapons – 2 2 – 31 [3] 5,4,3 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 1 2 2 1 31 [3] 5,4,4 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 2 – 2 – 31 [3] 5,4,5 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 2 1 2 – 31 [3] 5,4,6 MartialArtsMissileWeapons 1 2 2 1 31 [3] 5,5,1 Armor – – 1 – 34 5,5,2 Armor 1 – – – 34 5,5,3 Armor 1 – 1 – 34 5,5,4 Armor – 1 1 – 34 A T 9 WARDING REASURE Treasure Type Table (Continued) Roll Table Quality Enchantments Embellishments Pages Notes Decorative Supernatural 5,5,5 Armor 1 1 1 – 34 5,5,6 Armor – 1 2 – 34 5,6,1 Armor 1 1 2 1 34 5,6,2 Armor – 2 2 – 34 5,6,3 Armor 1 2 2 1 34 5,6,4 Armor 2 – 2 – 34 5,6,5 Armor 2 1 2 – 34 5,6,6 Armor 1 2 2 1 34 6,1,1 Shields – – 1 – 35 6,1,2 Shields 1 – – – 35 6,1,3 Shields 1 – 1 – 35 6,1,4 Shields – 1 1 – 35 6,1,5 Shields 1 1 1 – 35 6,1,6 Shields – 1 2 – 35 6,2,1 Shields 1 1 2 1 35 6,2,2 Shields – 2 2 – 35 6,2,3 Shields 1 2 2 1 35 6,2,4 Shields 2 – 2 – 35 6,2,5 Shields 2 1 2 – 35 6,2,6 Shields 1 2 2 1 35 6,3,1 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,3,2 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,3,3 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,3,4 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,3,5 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,3,6 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,4,1 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,4,2 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,4,3 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,4,4 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,4,5 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,4,6 Concoctions – – – – 36-38 6,5,1 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,5,2 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,5,3 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,5,4 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,5,5 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,5,6 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,6,1 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,6,2 UnusualItems – – – – 38-42 6,6,3 RareArtifacts – – – – 42-43 [4] 6,6,4 RareArtifacts – – – – 42-43 [4] 6,6,5 RareArtifacts – – – – 42-43 [4] 6,6,6 RareArtifacts – – – – 42-43 [4] Notes that table produces an item that is unavailable, roll on the [1]Iftheitemhasanamountorsizedeterminedbydieroll, UnusualItemsTable(pp.38-42)instead. doubleit. [2]Iftheitemhasanamountorsizedeterminedbydie roll,tripleit. [3] This table contains weapons from GURPS Martial Arts.Ifthatbookisnotavailable,seeFuriousFiststothe Rescue(p.31),whichusesGURPSAction3:FuriousFists, formeleeweapons,orrollonthecorrespondingBasicSet weaponstableinstead. [4]ThistablecontainsitemsfromDungeonFantasy6: 40 ArtifactsandDungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics.Ifarollon A T 10 WARDING REASURE

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