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CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ARDITA (FACIAL PALSY) THROUGH NASYA AND SHIROBASTI BY DR. ANIL GUPTA B.A.M.S . DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA, BANGALORE. IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (AYURVEDA) IN KAYACHIKITSA GUIDE DR. M.A.HULLUR M.D. (Ayu), PhD, B.A.M.S. (Integ), L.L.B PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI. DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI 2011 DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that this dissertation entitled “CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ARDITA (FACIAL PALSY) THROUGH NASYA AND SHIROBASTI” is a bonafied and genuine research work carried out by me under the guidance of DR. M.A. HULLUR, M.D. (Ayu), PhD, Professor, Department of Post- Graduate studies in Kayachikitsa, AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI. Date: Place: Hubli DR. ANIL GUPTA P.G. SCHOLAR Department of Post-Graduate Studies in Kayachikitsa Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Hubli, (Karnataka) DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ARDITA (FACIAL PALSY) THROUGH NASYA AND SHIROBASTI” is a bonafied research work done by DR. ANIL GUPTA in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (AYURVEDA) in KAYACHIKITSA. GUIDE DR. M.A. HULLUR M.D. (Ayu), PhD, B.A.M.S. (Integ), L.L.B Professor Department of Post-Graduate studies in Kayachikitsa, AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI (KARNATAKA) Date: Place: Hubli DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ARDITA (FACIAL PALSY) THROUGH NASYA AND SHIROBASTI” is a bonafide research work done by DR. ANIL GUPTA under the guidance of DR. M.A. HULLUR, M.D.(Ayu), PhD, Professor, Department of Post- Graduate studies in Kayachikitsa, AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI. H.O.D. Dr. P.G.SUBBANAGOWDA M.D. (Ayu) Professor and Head Department of Post-Graduate studies in Kayachikitsa, AYU RVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI (KARNATAKA) DATE: PLACE: HUBLI DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ARDITA (FACIAL PALSY) THROUGH NASYA AND SHIROBASTI” is a bonafide research work done by DR. ANIL GUPTA under the guidance of DR. M.A. HULLUR, M.D.(Ayu), PhD, Professor, Department of Post- Graduate studies in Kayachikitsa, AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI. PRINCIPAL Dr. S.J.DESHPANDE PRINCIPAL AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI (KARNATAKA) DATE: PLACE: HUBLI COPYRIGHT DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE I, DR. ANIL GUPTA hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka shall have the rights to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation / thesis in print or electronic format for academic / research purpose. DR. ANIL GUPTA P.G. SCHOLAR DEPARTMENT OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES IN KAYACHIKITSA AYURVEDA MAHAVIDYALAYA, HUBLI, (KARNATAKA) DATE: PLACE: HUBLI © RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. No. Topic Pg. No. 1. Acknowledgement …………………………………… i - iii 2. Abbreviations ………………………………………… iv 3. Abstract……………………………………………….. v – vi 4. List of Tables ………………………………………… vii – viii 5. List of Illustrations……….…………………………… ix 6. Introduction…………………………………………… 1-3 7. Previous works done...……………………………...... 4-5 8. Objectives of the study……………………………….. 6 9. Review of Literature (Ayurveda and Modern) • Historical Review……………………. 7-11 • Nirukti/Paribhasha, Paryaya…………. 12 • Review of Vata………………………. 13-17 • Nidana……………………………….. 18-23 • Samprapti ……………………………. 24-33 • Bheda ………………………………… 34 • Poorvaroopa …………………………. 35 • Roopa………………………………… 36-40 • Upadrava……………………………… 41 • Sadhyasadhyata ……………………….. 42 • Chikitsa……………………………….. 43-45 • Pathyapathya………………………….. 46 • Modern Review……………………….. 47-62 10. Methodology • Materials……………………… 63-73 • Methods ……………………… 74-80 11. Observations ………………………………………….. 81-98 12. Results …………………………………...…………… 99-106 13. Discussion……………………………………………... 107-126 14. Conclusion……………………………………………. 127-128 15. Summary…………………………………… ………… 129-131 16. Reference ……………………………………………… 132-133 17. Bibliography …………………………..……………… 134-136 18. Annexure I-XII • Case Performa with consent form …... • Master charts……………………….... XIII-XIV Acknowledgement i ACKNOWLEDGMENT At this very juncture of completion of the thesis work, I bow down in front of Almighty for having blessed me with this day and also providing a smooth and speedy completion of this work. This work is the result of the combined effort of a good number of people who include parents, researchers, academicians, friends, colleagues and laymen. I have no words to extend my gratitude for my grandmother whose innumerable blessings give me strength at every step of my life. I also seek the blessing of my late grandfather whose footsteps I would always like to follow. My reverence and deep sense of gratification is due for my parents Shri. Hem Raj Gupta and Mrs. Sanjeevani Gupta who are architects of my career. The culture, discipline and perseverance, which I could imbibe, is solely because of them. I will always remain in debt to them for their sacrifices. I also thank my sister Dr Madhvi and Brother Arun for their ever loving and supportive nature. I extend my sincere and warm salutations to my respected teacher and guide Dr. M. A. Hullur whose painstaking guidance and precious suggestions helped me in accomplishing this dissertation. The strict disciplined nature of him made me move constantly towards the goal. It is great pleasure for me to express my gratitude with profound respect to Dr. P. G. Subbanagouda, Professor and H.O.D, Department of Post Graduate Studies in Kayachikitsa, for his generous time and commitment. I thank Dr. A.I. Sanakal and Dr Prashanth A.S. for their suggestions right from the time of selection of topic for dissertation, during clinical trials and during the presentations. Clinical Management of Ardita ( Facial Palsy) Through Nasya and Shirobasti Acknowledgement ii I want to thank Dr. S. K. Bannigol, Dean of PG studies, Professor and H.O.D, Department of Post Graduate Studies in Shalya Tantra, for helping to fulfill all the requirements as and when asked for. In the same way I thank Dr. J. R. Joshi, Dr. C. Tyagaraja, Dr. S. A. Patil, Dr. Deepak Naik and Dr. Mahesh Desai for their valuable suggestions. I also extend thanks Dr. B. B. Joshi, Dr. Pradeep Agnihotri and Dr. Anita for giving their precious time and suggestions during the preparation of drugs for the trial. I specially thank Dr. Srivatsa Navalur who was always ready to spend his precious time and extend his help and suggestions at any time. It’s my privilege to express my gratitude towards our ex-principal honorable Dr.M.A. Kundagol and our principal honorable Dr.S.J. Deshpande for providing all the necessary facilities required to complete this work. I am thankful to Mrs. Iitagimath, statistician KIMS hubli for her valuable suggestions. I want to thank my seniors, Dr. Amit Paliwal, Dr. Rahul, Dr. Dhanvantari, Dr. Shivkumar, Dr. Girish, Dr. Madhusudhan, Dr. Prabhu, Dr. Reshma for the help and support they had rendered throughout my research study. I thank my batch mates Dr. Suhail, Dr. Piyush, Dr. Praveen, Dr. Keshav, Dr. Ravi, and Dr. Sunil for their supportive nature. I also thank my juniors Dr. Raghavendra, Dr. Rohini, Dr. Hari, Dr. Yogesh, Dr Alok, Dr. Manoj and Dr. Markandeya for their encouragement and support. My regards are also due for Mr. Rajashekar, librarian, P.G. library, Mr. Prashant librarian of U.G. library and Mr. Kolyal, lab technician Clinical Management of Ardita ( Facial Palsy) Through Nasya and Shirobasti Acknowledgement iii I am thankful to Internees, Students of third professional B.A.M.S. for their help in doing the panchakarma procedures. My special thanks to Raghu and Shobha for their help in the panchakarma procedures. I express my gratitude towards all my patients, without their consent and support my Clinical study would not have been possible. I sincerely, give my thanks to all those persons, who directly or indirectly helped me in my work. Last but not the least; I thank all the listed and unlisted well wishers. DATE DR. ANIL GUPTA PLACE – HUBLI Clinical Management of Ardita ( Facial Palsy) Through Nasya and Shirobasti

AMARA KOSHA. •. A.S. -. ASHTANGA .. Amarakosha. 40 facial movements and often some degree of paralysis of the arm and leg or aphasia (in.
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