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GUNS Magazine November 1961 PDF

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Preview GUNS Magazine November 1961

PRESENTS THE CONVERTIBLE·SINGLE-SIX® The Convertible Single-Six~a.22 cal. hand gun with a dual personality. A quick change of cylinders withoutthe aid of so much as ascrew driv~trconverts thefamous Single-Six®from regular to magnum. The two different cylinders permit you to use low cost .22 regular for practice and magnumfor small game.Thisdyn'amic advanceisthe resultofthe basic quality of the Single-Six~ such as its unique molybdenum steel frame. But it is also the resurt of advanced engineering techniques and rigid quality'control methods. Make it a point to see this new gun at your dealer today. 4%",5%" or 6%" bbl. $69.50-9%" bbl. $75.50. This feature cannotbe incorporated into guns now in the field. Write for descriptive literature on allRUGERfirearms. Manufactured entirely in the U.S.A. STU R M ~ RUG E R & C OM PAN Y ~ INC. 45 LACEY PLACE, SOUTHPORT, CONNECTICUT, U.S.A. BrowningArmsCo.,Dept.E5, St. Louis3, Missouri inCANADA:BrowningoCGanada,Dept.ES•P.O.Box991,Montreal9.P.Q, GUNS NOVEMBER 1961 3 NOVEMBER. 1961 Vol. VII, No. II-B3 George E. von Rosen Publisher Arthur S. Arkush Ass't to the Publisher E. B. Mann , Editor R. A. Steindler, Managing Editor IN TH IS ISS UE Wm. B. Edwards. ,Technical Consultant special ... Kent Bellah " .. , ",Handloading GUNS THAT WAIT AROUND BERLIN "., William B. Edwards IB Roslyn Wallis Editorial Ass't "••• AND STILL THE CHAMPION •••" E. B. Mann 21 THE YOUNG GUNS ,.." Ellis Christian Lenz 26 hunting ... Sydney Barker Art Director TRY NEBRASKA FOR PRAIRIE BUCKS Gene Hornbeck 22 DEER RIFLES FOR CHUCKS Clyde Ormond 32 Lew Merrell Ass'tArt Director HOW MUCH DO YOU LEAD A DUCK7 Col. George W. Busbey 42 historical . . . Lee Salberg Advertising Director THE SOUTH'S SECRET WEAPON ,, Claude D. Crowley 25 THE SPRINGFIELD'S DAY OF GLORY ,.,, Fred E. Bissell 28 Lou Weber Advertising Sales workshop. SOME LIKE 'EM SHORT John S. Harris 30 Sanford Herzog..Production Manager technical ... HOW TO FEED AN AUTO·LOADER Capt. George C. Nonte, Jr. J.4 Kay Elliott.....Ass't Production Mgr. TEST THAT LOAD ,.Bob Tremaine 36 gun of the month . . . Donald M. Partrick. ,,Circulation Mgr. IS THIS A HICKOK GUN7 Lilian Brooks 41 departments . . . George Tsoris....Promotion Manager ARMS LIBRARY ..,.,,." , ,,..," , , , 6 GUN RACK , ,......•........., ,..R. A. Steindler 8 CROSSFIRE , " ,.............. 10 Editorial Advisory Board HANDLOADING BENCH , " Kent Bellah 12 KNOW YOUR LAWMAKERS. .................... ...... 16 Lt. Col. Lyman P. Davison " ." ...Military PULL! , Dick Miller 40 Carola Mandel, AI Schuley ,.",.Skeet SHOPPING WITH GUNS , Roslyn Wallis 68 Dick Miller.............•...••....,...Trap THE GUN MARKET .. , ,., ..72 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS ,.., 74 Harry Reeves ,...,...Pistol Competition Jim Dee.,..", ,.,.,.",,Junior Hunters Dee Woolem..,.....,...,., Fast Draw Bill Toney, Frank J. Schira ,.,.,.Police EDITORIAL OFFICES: E.I.Mann, R..A.Steindler, 8150 N.Central Park, Skokie,III.,ORchard5-5602. W. I. Edwards, 843 Judson Ave., Evanston, III., Kent lellah. St. Jo, Texas. THE COVER REPRESENTATIVES: NEW YORK, EUgene L. Pollock, 60 East 42nd St., NewYork 17, N.Y. YUkon This is the second time we've had to 6-9280. MIDWESTADY. OFFICES, 1150 N.Central ParkAve., Skokie, III., ORchard 5-6967'. "flop" a negative (thereby reversing a gun) to make it fit our cover, but not many, we think, will fail to recognize an old friend here, even with his left side where his right side should be. A Winchester Model 94 .30·30 is hardly a novelty, but this one has a serial num· ber that is pretty special. Read about it in the article on page twenty.one. 4 GUNS NOVEMBER 1961 elr one ConSI era IOn. Enjoy good shooting- thrill to the pride ofownership VARIABLE POWER SCOPES that only Husqvarna can give you. Fin .German optics. Larger field of view, Popular Husqvarna models greater Jight transmission, binocular focusing, lightweight range in price from tube. Dot,p r crosshairs. TW·4·4X Power $129.95 to.$350.00. TW-Zoom·Variable Itto 4X Available in calibers ax to $69.50 TW-Vari·Variable 2tx .243, .30-06, .270 .308, 7mm, 1 ~9ttf:+ '\)1ereurv [ .358 Magnum STOLS with strong HVA Mauser Action. Compact and trouble free, Write now for details. with "fixed barrel" accuracy. Blue or chromeYengraved finish in miniature full pocke Finest Belgian C!J '" Rand .25 cal. TRADEWINDS, INC. to $49.95. P.O. B\')X 1191 TACOMA 1, WASHINGTON 5 GUNS • NOVEMBER 1961 •• GUN DIGEST 1962 Edited byJohn Amber (Gun Digest Association,Chicago. $3.95) This is the biggest and also the best of the 16-year-long series of books of gun lore and gun reference which have appeared un der this title. Its 30 chapters on subjects covering practically every gun interest carry the bylines of many of the very best gun experts and gun writers; and the many ad ditional departments provide an up-to-date catalog of modern arms and accessories, plus ammunition tables, a list of recommended books on assorted shooting subjects, a shoot ModelK4.4-PowerScope, er's glossary, and a Directory of the shooting shownwithWeaver-DetachableTop industry, including gunsmith schools. You Mount.Scope$45.00;Mount$9.75. can't go wrong with this one; there's some thing in it for everyone, including many you'll see better, hours of reading enjoyment.-E.B.M. shoot more accurately SAFARI TODAY Robert M. Lee (Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pa., 1960. $6.00) WEAVER PATENTED If you are planning, or even dreaming of, With a Model K Weaver·Scope a safari, this is a textbook essential to your FIXED-RETIGLES* you'll make the most of your planning. If you are strictly a vicarious ad· rifle's accuracy and your shooting venturer, this book is still your meat. Bob ~ skill. You'll seeyourgame in clear, Lee has made 14 safaris in seven African sharp detail, aim easily and countries, quit a lucrative construction busi ~ accurately at a magnified target, ness to head the firm of Lee Expeditions, Ltd., the only company in the U. S. devoted and your shooting will be more solely to the planning, outfitting, and con (rosshoirs ore always ac· accurate. ' curately centered in Weaver ducting of big game expeditions. His book is Model KScopes. Only the K Models are designed and built authoritative; it is also fascinating reading image moveswhen you turn for dependable performance in -the work of a devoted hunter at his per· the adjusting screws. suasive best.-E.B.M. the field. They feature advanced lens systems for best image qual· THE MULE DEER ities,micrometerclickadjustment, ByJim Bond nitrogen processing, compression (Jim Bond, 5255N.E. Cleveland Ave., O·ring sealing, fixed and con· Portland11,Ore. $2.50) No more off·center reticles stantly-centered reticle*, plus Perhaps the most comprehensive compila like this when you use Ihe sturdy construction throughout. tion of specific information about muleys so Weaver KModels with rat far available, it is too bad that this book has ented Fixed·Reticie and There are seven K Models, from only an impermanent paper cover. Neverthe inlernat adjustments. 1-to lO-power, pricedfrom$34.50. less, here in one package is a great deal of There's a model that's just right specific information the reader would have all-weather for you. See them at your dealer. to spend a lot of time and postage to get for sealing himself: where the muleys are (herd popu· Blackarrowsindicate ©1961 w. R. WeaverCompany *ExceptModelKl lation and annual kill, by states), how to NeopreneO·ringsinall hunt them, cost of licenses, and special state threaded joints,givinga regulations as to minimum firearms are only positivecompressionseal. part of the data. If you're planning a hunt, 11*.•# WEAVER· it~ 0 DETACHABLE this one is worth the money.-E.B.M. TOP MOUNT ~ BRITISHMILITARY Whitearrowsindicate Proved in the field by lenseshermetically • • shooters everywhere. FIREARMS1650-1850 airsaenadlemdoaigsatuinrest• Quickly detachable, By Howard L. Blackmore ModelKWeayer-Scopesare accurate, sturdy, (Herbert Jenkins Ltd., London) nitrogen processed topre dependable. $9.75. This is the first book on British military vent logging. firearms of that period, and represents the culmination of ten years of research and dig FREE send fornew ging for little known facts. Profusely illus 36-page,full-color Name----:'1/-------lr--------- trated with ample documentation, this work catalo Address'----4ii-----_, _ bridges a gap that has existed for too long a period. Although a scholarly work, it is Cily__-;{,::. -', highly readable and should prove of great value to those of us whose interest lies in Dept. A3 EI Paso.Texas antique guns. I wish that more gun books had such superlative photography.-R.A.s. 6 GUNS NOVEMBER 1961 Craftsmanship' '. '"TraditIon 'PerfOrmance in a word... ••• B E R E T T A Craftsmen with the most highly developed tech nical skills have made every Beretta gun a testimonial to their exacting standards of workmanship. All parts are machined and hand-fitted. None are stamped. For almost three hundred years Beretta has'produced firearms which are recognized throughout the entire world for their standards of excellence in design and functioning qualities. To own a Bere~ta Gun is to own craftsmanship and tradition. To fire a Beretta is to experience the ultimate in performance. Take Your Choice From The Following Shotguns: Single Barrel $ 41.95 Automatic from $139.75 Over& Under from 174.75 DoubleBarrel from 167.75 Pump from 91.25 22 Cal. AutomaticRifle 72.95 Write Department G.ll for FREE color brochure featuring the complete .line of Beretta Featherweight Shotguns. Also available Beretta Pistol Catalog if requested. Beretta Guns available at all leading Sporting Goods Stores J. L. Gale!& Son, Inc., 85 ChambersSt., N. Y. 7, N. Y. GUNS • NOVEMBER 1961 7 By R. A.STEINDLER "FRICTION-FIT" The Breda Mark II Cartridge Corporation that, from now, this danger is going to be somewhat reduced. Recently I had the chance to shoot the Jr. Scope Mount Federal is now going to market their 20 Breda Mark II autoloading shotgun. Al gauge shells with a gold-yellow paper and though not new on the market, it was new Precisioned to 4/10,000 Inch! to me, and it has several features that I like. the color sticks out from the usual colors of the 12 gauge shells like the proverbial sore Among these, are the ventilated rib, the thumb. I consider this a major advance, and Breda Quick·Choke, and the adjustable re ~ Perfect roundness to coil spring that makes it possible to shoot although I never slipped a 20 gauge shell hold scope solid. into a 12 gauge gun and have no intention of light and heavy loads without malfunctions. doing so, I say "thanks very much" to • No screws to The gun is light enough to be carried afield come loose all day, yet it is heavy enough to reduce re Federal. where rings . ...attach to base coil to less than is normally found in auto· • I matic shotguns. I think, however, that a rub A Rifle is Restocked ~l' Drawing shows <Siij;Y_fricNtoioscnrewfist.. banerd mreacdoeilshpoadotinadgdist fsoormseetrhvienrgalthooutrhsemgourne tinMi,yreschhoaomtibnegrefdrifeonrds.35c7alMl amgynuBm.S,.Ath.eM"bairg to come loose in comfortable. game rifle for chipmunks." Well, I enjoy the base. Ittook meseveral boxes ofammunition be· shooting the little plinker, and it is a very fore I became used to the safety. The safety poor week when I don't fire 200-400 rounds lever is on the right side of the receiver and through it. When I bought the gun, it still requires a downward stroke of the thumb-a had the military stockand the whole gun was Dualite and Junior somewhat awkward position if you are set in in need of a face-lifting. I got one of the fine are friction your ways. It should be remembered, of stocks made by Fajen, and started to look fitted to bases. and are course, that European hunting conditions are around for a good stock maker. I had heard interchangeable. vastly different from ours and that the safety some very good reports about Chicago Gun CANNOT is not as important to European hunters as it Center's stock work, so I decided to give is to us. There, most of the game is driven them a try. Bill Van Rooy, who does the and relatively little walking is done by the stocking there, is a product of a Canadian SHOOT LOOSE hunter. I understand from Simmons, who are the sales agents for the Dakin importers, that By far the most rugged, hand they are working on something akin to the some, finely tooled scope mount top tang safety. ever! Rings are precision fitted to I particularly liked the fact that the gun can be field stripped without tools in some· 4110,000 inch for an absolutely what less than 60 seconds. Also noteworthy solid friction fit to the base. No is the fact that the gun can undergo several screws to shoot loose and destroy stock adjustments without having to return accuracy at the trophy moment it to the factory. The stock is adjustable for of your hunting life. cast and/or drop, and the little inletting that is required to complete the job can be en· Redfield's "Friction-Fit" Jr. trusted to any competent gunsmith. In ex Scope Mount is guaranteed for tensive tests, the gun functioned smoothly, life. Withstands the recoil of any the safety was positive, the ejection perfect. gunsmithingschool, and he learned his t,rade rifle. Recommended for all the It is claimed that the Mark II is the fastest well indeed. Bill put me and my little B.S.A. regularly available American and autoloader on the market, and this might through the paces. He measured, grunted, imported scopes with internal el well be the case-the gun cracks out the measured, and grunted some more. Then I evation adjustments~ shots so fast that even I was able to hit was told to come back in a month. REDFIELD 2·PIECE ~".. doubles in trap shooting. The Breda Mark II Of some 30 guns in my racks, this stock passed its field tests with flying colors, and if stands out by a country mile, and I'have DUALITE you are in the market for an autoloader, I somefairly handsomestocksin my collection. g.'" would suggest that you take a good look at The finish looks like a high-gloss oil job, but MOUNT . this one. It is available in 12 and 20 gauges. John Juda, who does the finishing of the Lighter than two .3Q.06 cartridges!" Split-Type Rings used interchange-. stocks for Bill, tells me that it is a process ably with Jr. orDualite bases. Same ..\••,.. ...• Yellow 20Gauge Shells the two young men cooked up all alone. constructionand precision Iit asRed- ... field Jr. Mount but made from . Being addicted to 12 and 20 gauge guns, I Having seen the stock work of some of the rugged light weight alloy. . revered old-timers, I'd say that we have two have had a long-standing rule that all pock· See your Dealer or Gunsmith young men well on the way up in the world ets of all hunting jackets are emptied and Maonf ufacStEuAAre~sscopes•._~ .-aIlPJ'l'lmiate;.shells,.are.-I{)llded int()j.~he..jackets of artisan stock-makers. famous • • P··'--•.,- just before going hunting or shooting. Every PatterningTargets year there are reports about hunters who in advertently slipped a 20 gauge hull into a For 10 these many years, whenever I had REDFIELD GUNSIGHT CO. 12 gauge gun, and that sort of accident to pattern a new shotgun or wanted to check 1313 So. Clarkson • Denver 10. Colo. makes too much newspaper copy. the performance of one of my handloads, I Comes word from Bill Horn of the Federal had to chase around, looking for paper at 8 GUNS NOVEMBER 1961 least30 inches wide. At long last, special tar gets have become available. The new Hunt· ers·Aid Patterning Targets, sold by the T. H. Fuge Sporting Supplies, 11687 San Vincente Blvd., Los Angeles 49, California, are justthe ticket for the job. The extra strong paper on which the targets are printed stands up well in use, and the information that is print. ed on them should prove valuable to a good many shooters. All in all, the new targets are II worthwhile investment, especially to men who own more than one smoothboreand want to keep track of the various patterns their guns throw with different shot. New Buehler Mounts Maynard Buehler has now made available new mounts especially designed for three new guns. One of the mounts is for the long awaited Ruger Deerstalker, that hot little .44 Magnum carbine that has made so much gun news recently. This mOlint has been given the code RC 2. The code letters BS have been given to the mounts designed for Browning's.243 and .308rifles. Maynard tells me that he also has scope mounts for the Smith & Wesson Model 53. I have scoped my Model 53 with a make-shift mount and foresee where a lot of varminters and small game hunters will also mount scopes, making the S&W gun one of the most important handguns to hit the market in the past few years. Unfortunately, the Buehler mounts, as well as other mounts, require the drilling and tapping of the gun and this requires careful work. Pachmayr Pistol Boxes I have been enjoyingaPachmayrpistolbox for some time. Now .Frank Pachmayr has come out with a new one and this is a dilly. The "Match Shooters" box is just what the Fun, fup featheps... name implies and guns ride safely, as does 01' the rest of the truck that we usually lug around. I had the new case for some days before I got around to moving guns from one there's no gun as useful box to the other. I no more closed the cover on the new one, when the whole thing top as the famous Savage 24 pled off the bench-guns and all. Fortunate· Iy, I was able to catch the box before it hit the floor, but I might have saved myself the There's no other gun like the famous over-and-under trouble. Aside from the fact that my spare Savage 24! As a 22 rifle, it's accurate for small game, set of earplugs popped out of the plastic box and a box of shells was turned upside down, varmints, targets. A flick of the selector button makes it a no damage was done and all my treasured .410 shotgun for flying or running game. With the Savage guns survived safely. For those who value 24, you get the fun and utility of both kinds of shooting! their match guns I say nothing more. Pach mayr has been building very fine pistol boxes The 24 is a must for experienced sportsmen...perfect.for for some time now, but I think that the new campers,trappers,fishermen...agreat"firstgun"forbegin "Match Shooters" case will be a hard one ners. See it at your sporting arms dealer's. While you're to beat. there, look over the new Savage 24-M-with upper rifle barrel chambered for the hot new 22 magnum rimfire car- Clothing for the Hunter tridge, effective at ranges of 100 yards or more! . The trend to lighter inner and outer cloth ing is continuing. Right in step with this Writefor free catalogof Savage, Stevensand Foxfir8earms. trend is some very interesting news from Savage Arms, Westjield113J.1tlass. Prices subjectto change. Duofold. Is there a hunter or fisherman who Slightly higher in Canada. does not own a set of their famed under wear? Wool outside, cotton inside, the Duo Nowallailable...Mode/24-M, fold underwear is standard winter equipment for outdoorsmen and I would not think of $44.95 for powerful 22 magnum going on a trip, even in the summer time rimfire cartridge. into the mountains, without taking a set along. Now comes word that a 10 per cent MODEL S a l / a g e . nylon addition to the outer layer has been 24 added. And completely new is the Duofold underwear with the all-Viyella outer layer, (Continued on page 17) GUNS NOVEMBER 1961 9 NEW 22cal.rimfire MAGNUM CARBINE ROSSFIRE' look outvarmints! Here's another Mossberg "Chuckster." A sure·fire beauty only 381,4/1 long, wt. only 5 pounds. Hinged A Shrinking Minority into print earlier. Why not write Mr. Burch And 22 cal. fore-end. anyway? Maybe there will be similar appal" Magnum ammo Carryingstrap As President of one of the larger Fast tunities later.-Editor. costs less on leftofstock. Draw Clubs in the Mid-West, I want to than 6¢ each. compliment you on the article by Clyde OTHER Howell in your August issue. It was interest Warning From Within "CHUCKSTERS" ing reading and I trust that it will serve to I have been enjoying your magazine for 640K.5·rsihfloet. help educate that shrinking minority who several years, but the situation in Cuba is Model 642K 640KSd5e-lsuhxoet.. sirtrilelspboenlsieibvlee,tuhnastafFeassptoDrt.raw is a reckless, cnoouwntriyn.toAlesrabsoleonanasd II hhaavveeanto alded.arveessthine 5·shot, clip "Chuckgsotledre"n. I am also enclosing my renewal subscrip· the States I will renew my subscription. carbine 620K tion to your magazine. I've found it most The army made a search of a house in $3988 top-losaidnignlge illuminating, always interesting, and. highly Cuba and found copies of GUNS and "The shot. worth while. American Rifleman." Now all connected with Richard A. Girvin that house are suspected of having military Don'tfail Gunfighters of Horsethief Hollow information from a capitalistic country. This toseethem .-atyourdealer's. Oaklawn,Illinois will show you the extent of red infiltration. FREE: If you publish this letter with my name it Complete Belated, But- will cause me trouble, but I pray to you to on recqatuaelsotg. Readers of GUNS who would like to get in do all you can to alert your countrymen to lots of deer hunting in a new location might the dangers of a red base 90 miles from your be interested in learning about two special coast. O. F. MOSSBERG & SONS, INC. hunts to be held on the Southern Ute Indian Name Withheld 18111 St.John St., New Haven S, Conn. reservation in Southwcstern Colorado. Habana,Cuba Formanyyears our reservation-which has been described as a "deer paradise"-has Pictures, Anyone? been closed to non-Indian hunters. Last fall, I would like to thank you for the way in as an experiment, one section was opened which you produced the article about me to public hunting in a special season. Results and my attempt to illustrate antique fire· were so satisfactory that two special seasons arms. As far as personal publicity is con will be held this year, on two reservalion cerned, this may well have been the high areas. point of my life. The first special season will be Oct. 7·15, The thought has occurred to me that in advance of the regular state season. A possibly some of the readers of GUNS would maximum of 750 tribal permits will be be interested in purchasing some of the issued on first come-first served basis, and it illustrations which appeared in the article. is probable that each hunter will be per At any rate, most of these drawings, and mitted to take two deer. quite a number of others, are for sale, and if The second season will be Nov. 9·19, after anyone is interested, please have them con ORDER BY MAIL the regular state season. There will be no tact me. Prices vary, depending on the gun 7()(J~ed:t";tlte4t limit on the number of permits sold, and a or number of guns in the drawing. three-deer kill probably will be allowed. Robert M. Reilly SLEEPING BAGS Hunting conditions on the reservation vary 3604West84th Stl'eet from rugged to easy, the terrain includes ?~!Eddie Chicago52,Illinois BAUER sleeping bags both mountain country with Ponderosa Pine are rated the finest by expedition leaders, cover and, at lower elevations, juniper-pinon guides, mountaineers, foresters, authorities Headspace Those Barrels everywhere. ALL TYPES: Singles, Twin thickets and sagebrush flats. Good roads lead Sets, Mummies, StaIt.ion Wagon Bags. to the hunting areas from reservation fringe Your August issue is the usual good one, FREE NCEAWT6A4L·POAGGE towns, principally Durango and Pagosa but we would like to make a few commenls Springs, Colo., both of which offer ample in regard to the article by Larry S. Street, BEFORE YOU BUY any sleeping bag, out doorclothingorinsulatedunderwear, GET accommodations. Good camp sites are avail entitled"CarbineLength for ShotgunLoads." THEFACTSabout insulations.Readwhat able on the reservation itself for those who He has some good points in this article, authorities say. ""A.JA~JI prefer to rough it. hut has left out the one most important SEND FOR YOUR COpy ,~. Since public hunting has been banned for point, the omission of which might cause Includestents& othercampingequipment. eo~! more than 20 years, the reservation deer some good fellow to have an accident if he ORDER AND herds include many trophy heads. follows Larry's advice in buying "surplus" NO RISK! Compare with others of similar quality: If you do not agree you save Complete information concerning the spe barrels, and simply puts them on his gun about 1/3andthatoursare finer inevery cial hunts may be obtained by writing the and starts shooting. If you do this without way, return for prompt full refund ••• including shipping costs both ways. Program Office, Southern Ute Tribe, Ignacio, having the barrel expertlyand correctlyfitted ORIGINAL & GENUINE. Made exclusively Colorado. to insure exactly the proper headspace, you in our own factory under U.S. Patents. Sold directtoyou only . . . neverthrough Anthony Burch, Chairman could conceivably cause an accident to occur. dealers, never underotherbrands. Southern Ute Tribal Council Insuring correct headspace entails competent Ignacio, Colorado gunsmithing and the use of the proper head· Sorry this is so late; our publication space gage. schedule is such that we could not get this Larry starts off his article by saying "do 10 GUNS NOVEMBER 1961

Wis., Mr. C. H. Wallace he calls hisself, was shore a reckeleck seein Mr. Wallace's name on any featured artickles. If hes so .. ammo loose in a GI ammo box.
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