1 2 3 http://www.accirad.eu 4 www.accirad-workshop.eu 5 6 7 Contract ENER/D4/160-2011 8 9 Patient safety in external beam radiotherapy – 10 Guidelines on risk assessment and 11 analysis of adverse events and near misses 12 13 14 Draft 10, 26 April 2013 15 16 ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 1 of 226 1 FOREWORD 2 3 These guidelines are the main outcome of an EC project ENER/D4/160-2011, “Guidelines on a 4 risk analysis of accidental and unintended exposures in radiotherapy (ACCIRAD)”. The objective 5 of the project was 6 • to perform an EU-wide study on the implementation of the requirements of Article 11 of 7 the Council Directive 97/43/EURATOM (Medical Exposure Directive, MED) and 8 • to develop guidelines on a risk analysis of accidental and unintended exposures in 9 external beam radiotherapy. 10 11 Article 11 of MED requires that "Member States shall ensure that all reasonable steps to 12 reduce the probability and the magnitude of accidental or unintended doses of patients from 13 radiological practices are taken (...)" and stipulates that "the main emphasis in accident 14 prevention should be on the equipment and procedures in radiotherapy (...)". The overall aim of 15 this project has thus been to reduce of the probability and the magnitude of accidents in 16 radiotherapy. 17 18 The Guidelines are based on a thorough review of available international and national 19 documents, recommendations and guidelines, and the results of two steps of detailed 20 questionnaires to the EU Member States. The first step of the questionnaire addressed the 21 overall status and the legal and practical arrangements in EU Member States regarding the 22 implementation of Article 11 of MED. The second step collected more detailed information on 23 the systems and guidelines from those countries which had this information available. Moreover 24 relevant background information from on-going EC projects like MPE and MEDRAPET was also 25 taken into account. The draft European Guidelines was presented and subjected to critical 26 discussion at the European Workshop (Poznan, 4-6 June 2013) and, in addition, distributed for 27 comments to the several relevant international and European organisations. ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 2 of 226 1 LIST OF CONTENTS 2 3 FOREWORD...........................................................................................................................2 4 LIST OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................3 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................6 6 1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................7 7 2. Purpose and Scope............................................................................................................9 8 3. Legislative and normative basis.......................................................................................10 9 3.1 “Safety requirements” in IAEA Basic Safety Standards ( BSS)...........................................10 10 3.2. Risk analysis in ISO 9001: 2000 standard for healthcare.................................................12 11 3.3. Safety issues in the European medical device directive..................................................12 12 3.4. Safety issue in Euratom BSS (proposal December 2012, to be updated)..........................13 13 3.5 Council recommendation on patient safety (2009/C151/01)...........................................13 14 3.6 Conclusions...................................................................................................................14 15 4. Risk Management...........................................................................................................14 16 4.1 General.........................................................................................................................14 17 4.1.1 Basic concepts and implementation.............................................................................................14 18 4.1.2. General concepts.........................................................................................................................16 19 4.2 Proactive risk assessment methods...............................................................................20 20 4.2.1 Generic features............................................................................................................................20 21 4.2.2 Methods Dedicated to External Radiotherapy..............................................................................26 22 4.2.3. Interests and Limits of the different proactive methods.............................................................26 23 4.2.4. National regulations or recommendations on proactive risk analysis.........................................28 24 4.2.5 Examples of local practice.............................................................................................................29 25 4.3. Reactive methods.........................................................................................................31 26 4.3.1 Generic features............................................................................................................................31 27 4.3.2 Method dedicated to external beam radiotherapy: Specific Human Factor (HFACS)..................36 28 4.3.3. Interests and limits of the different reactive methods................................................................37 29 4.3.4. National regulations or recommendations on reactive analysis of events..................................39 30 4.3.5. Examples of local practice............................................................................................................39 31 5. Classification and reporting of adverse events and near misses in radiotherapy................42 32 5.1. General Introduction....................................................................................................42 33 5.2. Terminology.................................................................................................................42 34 5.2.1 Terms and definitions in generic use............................................................................................42 35 5.2.2 Definition of terms for patient safety in radiotherapy.................................................................45 36 5.2.3. Conclusions..................................................................................................................................46 37 5.3. Classification................................................................................................................46 38 5.3.1. Purpose of classification..............................................................................................................46 39 5.3.2. Classification criteria....................................................................................................................47 40 5.3.3. General classification system vs Radiotherapy-specific classification system.............................64 41 5.3.4. Taxonomy of causes.....................................................................................................................64 42 5.3.5. Harmonization of taxonomies......................................................................................................65 ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 3 of 226 1 5.3.6. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................66 2 5.4. Event Reporting and Learning Systems..........................................................................66 3 5.4.1. Characteristics of reporting and learning systems.......................................................................68 4 5.4.2. Investigation of events.................................................................................................................75 5 5.4.3. How to encourage reporting: 10 golden rules.............................................................................77 6 5.4.4. Training........................................................................................................................................78 7 5.4.5. Communication strategies...........................................................................................................79 8 5.4.6. Conclusions..................................................................................................................................80 9 6. Preventive measures/ risk reduction interventions...........................................................82 10 6.1 Hierarchy of effectiveness of preventive measures.........................................................82 11 6.2 Quality assurance and quality control programs.............................................................86 12 6.3 Clinical audit..................................................................................................................87 13 7. Recommendations...........................................................................................................90 14 7.1. Risk management for external beam radiotherapy........................................................90 15 7.1.1 How to prepare/get prepared for making proactive and reactive risk assessment.....................90 16 7.1.2 How to implement risk management...........................................................................................91 17 7.1.3 How to follow up/monitor the results, how to learn, benefit, improve the system....................92 18 7.1.4 Recommendations or “Roadmap” for risk management at radiotherapy institutions.................92 19 7.2 Classification and reporting of adverse events and near misses in external beam 20 radiotherapy.......................................................................................................................94 21 7.2.1 Terminology and classification......................................................................................................94 22 7.2.2. Reporting and learning systems – General principles.................................................................95 23 7.2.3. Reporting and learning systems – Investigation of events..........................................................96 24 7.2.4. Reporting and learning systems – Dissemination of information................................................96 25 7.2.5. Reporting and learning systems – Follow-up and supplementary actions..................................97 26 References..........................................................................................................................98 27 ANNEX 1. EXAMPLES OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS FOR EVENT CLASSIFICATION AND 28 REPORTING........................................................................................................................106 29 ANNEX 2: Status of MED implemention...............................................................................112 30 A2.1 General......................................................................................................................112 31 A2.2 Questionnaire structure..............................................................................................112 32 A2.3 Satistics of replies.......................................................................................................113 33 A2.4 Regulatory framework and guidelines.........................................................................113 34 A2.4.1 Risk management.....................................................................................................................113 35 A2.4.2 Classification of adverse events and near misses.....................................................................115 36 A2.4.3 Reporting of adverse events and near misses..........................................................................116 37 A2.5 Some national features of external beam radiotherapy...............................................118 38 A2.5.1 QA and QC programs................................................................................................................118 39 A2.5.2 Regulatory control....................................................................................................................119 40 A2.5.3 Clinical audit.............................................................................................................................121 41 ANNEX 3: Status of risk management.................................................................................123 42 A3.1 Proactive risk assessment...........................................................................................124 43 A3.1.1 Regulation.................................................................................................................................124 44 A3.1.2 Proactive risk assessment method...........................................................................................126 45 A3.2. Reactive risk analysis and reporting...........................................................................127 ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 4 of 226 1 A3.2.1 Regulation and guidance..........................................................................................................127 2 A3.2.2. Reactive analysis methods.......................................................................................................131 3 A3.3. Periodical review of the results of risk assessment conducted by radiotherapy centres 4 ..........................................................................................................................................132 5 A3.4. Organization for feedback on risk assessment............................................................132 6 ANNEX 4: Examples of local risk management.....................................................................134 7 ANNEX 5: Status of classification and reporting of adverse events and near misses..............148 8 A5.1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................148 9 A5.2 RESULTS.....................................................................................................................149 10 A5.3 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................160 11 ANNEX 6. Summaries of the risk assessment systems (proactive and reactive).....................161 12 A6.1. Proactive risk assessment method............................................................................162 13 A6.1.1. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.............................................................................................162 14 A6.1.2. Preliminary Risk Analysis (PRA)................................................................................................165 15 A6.1.3 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)...........................................................................................................168 16 A6.1.4. Event Tree Analysis (ETA)........................................................................................................170 17 A6.1.5. Process Analysis including critical points.................................................................................172 18 A6.1.6. Dedicated to External Radiotherapy: Specific FMEA (ASN, France)........................................173 19 A6.1.7. Dedicated to External Radiotherapy: Risk Matrix Methodology (Spain – FORO)...................178 20 A6.2. Reactive risk assessment methods............................................................................186 21 A6.2.1 Root cause analysis RCA..........................................................................................................186 22 A6.2.2. ALARM.....................................................................................................................................188 23 A6.2.3. Causal tree analysis (CTA)........................................................................................................189 24 A6.2.4 ORION.....................................................................................................................................191 25 A6.2.5 Dedicated methodology to External Radiotherapy: Specific Human Factor (HFACS)..............193 26 ANNEX 7. Existing reporting and learning systems for patient safety in radiotherapy...........197 27 A7.1. Introduction.............................................................................................................197 28 A7.2. Results......................................................................................................................198 29 ANNEX 8. Relation between ISO 9001: 2000 standard for healthcare and ASN quality 30 management guidelines for safety and quality....................................................................220 31 ANNEX 9. Safety issues in European medical device directive...............................................223 32 ANNEX 10. List of national contact persons.........................................................................225 33 ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 5 of 226 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 3 [To be written at the end; summary of the main conclusions and recommendations, and advice 4 on how to use this guideline ] ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 6 of 226 1 1. Introduction 2 3 Radiotherapy is one of the major treatment options in cancer management. According to 4 best available practice1, 52% of patients should receive radiotherapy at least once during the 5 treatment of their cancer. Together with other modalities such as surgery and chemotherapy it 6 plays an important role in the treatment of 40% of those patients who are cured of their 7 cancer2. Radiotherapy is also a highly effective treatment option for palliation and symptom 8 control in cases of advanced or recurrent cancer. Thus, radiotherapy effectively saves lives, 9 prolongs lives and improves the quality of life. 10 11 While radiotherapy is widely known to be one of the safest areas of modern medicine, yet, 12 for some, this essential treatment can bring harm, personal tragedy and even death. Though 13 errors in radiotherapy are rare, when they do occur the consequences can be significant for the 14 patient, as proved by severe radiotherapy accidents occurred during the last years. Review of 15 available literature3 has shown that in the years 1976 to 2007, 3125 patients were reported to 16 be affected by radiotherapy incidents that led to adverse events. About 1% (N=38) of the 17 affected patients died due to radiation overdose toxicity. Only two reports estimated the 18 number of deaths from under-dosage. In the years 1992 to 2007, more than 4500 near misses 19 (N=4616) were reported in the literature and publically available databases. Looking at these 20 event rates, it is also important to recognize that the radiotherapy-related error rate compares 21 favourably with the rate of other medical errors3. For example, the risk of mild to moderate 22 injurious outcome to patients from these errors was about 1500 per million treatment courses, 23 which was much lower than the hospital admission rates for adverse drug reactions (about 65 24 000 per million)4. 25 26 The potential for adverse effects and near misses in radiotherapy is dictated by the fact that 27 radiotherapy is a highly complex, multi-step process, which requires the input of many different 28 staff groups in the planning and delivery of the treatment. Complexity arises from the wide 29 range of conditions treated, professional involved, technologies used and professional expertise 30 needed. This complexity is compounded by the multiple steps involved and the fact that 31 processes are continually changing in the light of research and the introduction of new 32 technologies. Over the last decade, the rapid development of new technology has significantly 33 changed the way in which radiotherapy is planned and delivered: three-dimensional computed 34 tomography (CT) based planning, multi-leaf collimation (MLC), improved immobilization, and 35 more sophisticated planning and data management software now permit complex treatment 36 plans to be prepared individually for many patients5. Modern radiotherapy departments are 37 multisystem-dependent environments that rely heavily on transfer of patient data between 38 different units, systems and staff of different disciplines. 39 40 The understanding of the complex process of radiotherapy requires many kinds of expertise: 41 it involves understanding of the principles of medical physics, radiobiology, radiation safety, 42 dosimetry, radiotherapy planning and simulation and interaction of radiation therapy with other 43 treatment modalities, among others. Several professional groups are needed for the team work 44 of radiotherapy; the main professionals involved are the Radiation Oncologists (RO), Radiation 45 Therapists (RT) and Medical Physicists (MP). Each of these disciplines work through an 46 integrated process to plan and deliver radiotherapy to patients. Skills and competences in 47 radiation protection requirements are essential for all radiation treatment health professionals. 48 49 A high level of accuracy is needed at every step of the radiotherapy process so that the 50 maximum tumour control probability is produced with minimal risk to normal tissue. Risks 51 should be managed prospectively and dose errors should be maintained within acceptable ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 7 of 226 1 tolerances; for external beam radiotherapy, the radiation dose should be delivered within 5% of 2 the prescribed dose6. Several studies have concluded that, for certain types of tumours, the 3 accuracy should be even better (up to 3.5%)7-9. 4 5 It is imperative that proper QA measures are in place in order to achieve and maintain the 6 required high accuracy, and to reduce the likelihood of adverse events and errors occurring, and 7 increase the probability that the errors will be recognized and rectified if they do occur. Studies 8 in radiotherapy practice have shown that development of a comprehensive QA system, 9 including an explicit and uniform protocol for implementation and timely assessment of errors, 10 may reduce the level of incidents10-12. Radiation treatment-specific quality assurance guidelines 11 have been issued by a number of worldwide organizations such as the World Health 12 Organization (WHO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the International 13 Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)13-16. 14 15 There is a long history of documenting incidents and examining adverse events in 16 radiotherapy. However, there is a consensus neither in the basic terminology of adverse events 17 and near misses nor in the way how to classify and report these events. Several international 18 and national systems of classification, recording and reporting of the events have been 19 developed. It is of interest, therefore, to study the available systems and the possibility to find 20 out a more harmonized way to manage the events. 21 22 It is unrealistic to expect to reduce the error rate to zero, in any field, including radiotherapy, 23 but every effort should be taken to keep the rates low. International safety guidelines have been 24 developed and are regularly updated to deal with radiotherapy errors related to equipment and 25 dosimetry. However, there is no consensus as yet as to how best to deal with errors not covered 26 by regular system quality assurance checks. Recently, several organizations have addressed the 27 need for proactive risk analysis in radiotherapy, to supplement the most common reactive 28 analysis of adverse events and near misses. From the study of the events and the factors 29 underlying them it has been possible to map the risks3. Risk model researchers17 generally claim 30 that errors can always be reduced to the minimum possible consistent with the accumulated 31 experience by effective error management systems and tracking progress in error reduction 32 down the learning curve. This can also lead to identification of incidents earlier in the process 33 with less serious consequences. 34 35 The present guidelines aim at giving basic information and recommendations for an overall 36 risk management in radiotherapy, as highlighted above: proactive risk analysis and reactive 37 assessment of events (Section 5), classification, reporting and learning from adverse events and 38 near misses in radiotherapy (Section 6) and preventive measures to reduce the risks (Section 7). 39 The main emphasis will be on the two first items, as the third one has been traditionally 40 discussed in a more comprehensive and compact way in several international 41 recommendations. 42 43 References to Section 1: 44 45 1. Delaney G et al. The role of radiotherapy in cancer treatment: Estimating optimal 46 utilization from a review of evidence-based clinical guidelines. Cancer,2005, 47 104:1129–1137. 48 2. The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU). Systematic 49 Overview of Radiotherapy for Cancer including a Prospective Survey of Radiotherapy 50 Practice in Sweden 2001 –Summary and Conclusions. Acta Oncologica, 2003,42:357– 51 365. 52 3. World Health Organization (WHO). Radiotherapy Risk Profile. WHO 2008. ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 8 of 226 1 4. Munro AJ. Hidden danger, obvious opportunity: error and risk in the management of 2 cancer. British Journal of Radiology, 2007, 80:955-966. 3 5. Huang G et al. Error in the delivery of radiation therapy: results of a quality assurance 4 review. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2005, 5 61(5):1590–1595. 6 6. International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU). 7 Determination of Absorbed Dose in a Patient Irradiated by Beams of X or Gamma 8 Rays in Radiotherapy Procedures. ICRU Report 24. Bethesda, MD: ICRU, 1976. 9 7. Brahme A et al. Accuracy requirements and quality assurance of external beam 10 therapy with photons and electrons. Acta Oncologica, (Suppl. 1) 1988. 11 8. Mijnheer BJ, Battermann JJ, Wambersie A. What degree of accuracy is required and 12 can be achieved in photon and neutron therapy? Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1987, 13 8:237–252. 14 9. Mijnheer BJ, Battermann JJ, Wambersie A. Reply to: Precision and accuracy in 15 radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1989, 14:163–167. 16 10. Huang G et al. Error in the delivery of radiation therapy: results of a quality assurance 17 review. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2005, 18 61(5):1590–1595. 19 11. Yeung TK et al. Quality assurance in radiotherapy: evaluation of errors and incidents 20 recorded over a 10 year period. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2005, Mar;74(3):283– 21 291. 22 12. Lawrence G et al. The Impact of changing technology and working practices on errors 23 at the NCCT. 1998–2006. Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists), 24 2007;19(3):S37. 25 13. World Health Organization (WHO). Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy. Geneva: 26 WHO, 1988. 27 14. Comprehensive audits of radiotherapy practices: a tool for quality improvement: 28 Quality Assurance Team for Radiation Oncology (QUATRO) — Vienna: International 29 Atomic Energy Agency, 2007. 30 15. Setting up a radiotherapy programme: clinical, medical physics, radiation protection 31 and safety aspects. — Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2008. 32 16. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). Radiological Protection 33 and Safety in Medicine. ICRP 73. Annals of the ICRP, 1996, Vol. 26, Num. 2. 34 17. Duffey RB, Saull JW. Know the risk: Learning from errors and accidents: Safety and 35 risk in today’s technology. US: Butterworth-Heinemann Publications, 2003. 36 2. Purpose and Scope 37 38 Article 11 of MED requires that "Member States shall ensure that all reasonable steps to 39 reduce the probability and the magnitude of accidental or unintended doses of patients from 40 radiological practices are taken (...)" and stipulates that "the main emphasis in accident 41 prevention should be on the equipment and procedures in radiotherapy (...)". As shown in 42 Section 2.4, these requirements will be re-enforced in the proposed update of the European 43 BSS. 44 45 The objective of these guidelines, dealing with a risk analysis and assessment of accidental 46 and unintended exposures in external beam radiotherapy, is to support Member States in the 47 implementation of the legislative requirement derived from the provision of Article 11 of MED 48 (and the future update of the European BSS). These requirements are aimed at the reduction of 49 the probability and the magnitude of adverse events in radiotherapy. ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 9 of 226 1 2 The document provides a comprehensive review of the risk assessments methods, both 3 proactive and reactive, and discusses their benefits and shortcomings as for the application in 4 external beam radiotherapy (Section 4). Because the effective management and comparison of 5 events requires clear and sufficiently consistent terminology and classification systems, the 6 terminology used and the available systems of classification are discussed in detail (Section 5). 7 As the main purpose of recording and reporting adverse events and near misses is to achieve an 8 efficient learning system for their prevention, a sample of the available national and 9 international reporting and learning systems are also reviewed and discussed in Section 5. 10 Finally, because quality management should incorporate and promote a safety culture that aims 11 at preventing adverse events and near misses, such preventive measures (quality assurance, 12 quality control, clinical audit, education and training etc) are also briefly summarized (Section 6). 13 For the main topics of risk assessment and the classification and reporting of events, a set of 14 conclusions and recommendations are given, based on the reviews and discussion (Section 7). 15 As such, the document will clarify the links between the risk analysis, the principle of defence in 16 depth and user experience feedback, and stress the benefits of an effective exchange of risk 17 analysis results between equipment manufacturers and users. 18 19 While the scope of the guidelines by definition is limited to external beam radiotherapy, 20 many of the general principles of risk analysis, event classification and reporting, and preventive 21 measures, are also applicable to other modalities of radiotherapy (brachytherapy etc). 22 3. Legislative and normative basis 23 24 Risk assessment and risk analysis in relation with accidental and unintended medical 25 exposures has been addressed in international and European safety standards. In the following, 26 a critical review of these standards is presented. 27 28 3.1 “Safety requirements” in IAEA Basic Safety Standards ( BSS) 29 30 As stated in the Fundamental Safety Principles [X, date] issued by IAEA, “The fundamental 31 safety objective is to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing 32 radiation”. In relation with this very fundamental objective, ten Safety Fundamental principles 33 have been defined. Among them, at the same level than the justification and optimisation 34 principles, well known by medical practitioners, appears the principle of prevention of accidents 35 which could occur in the use of ionising radiations for medical or industrial or research purposes. 36 37 A definition of this safety fundamental principle which also applies to accidental and 38 unintended medical exposure, is given : “Principle 8 - Prevention of accidents - All practical 39 efforts must be made to prevent and mitigate nuclear or radiation accidents”. 40 41 (i) Prime responsibility in protection and safety [IAEA, General Safety Requirements, 42 part 3] 43 44 The prime responsibility for safety must rest with the person or organization responsible for 45 facilities and activities that give rise to radiation risks. Other parties also bear certain 46 responsibilities (manufactures and suppliers of radiation generators for instance). In the case of 47 medical exposures, primary responsibility for protection and safety for patients lies with the 48 health professional responsible for administration of the radiation dose, so called “the ACCIRAD Guidelines, Draft 10, 26 April 2013 Page 10 of 226