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Preview Guidelines for Renal Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease

Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 DOI10.1186/s41100-017-0114-y POSITION STATEMENT Open Access 2015 Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy: Guidelines for Renal Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease Hiroyasu Yamamoto1*, Shinichi Nishi2, Tadashi Tomo3, Ikuto Masakane4, Kazuhide Saito5, Masaomi Nangaku6, Motoshi Hattori7, Takahiro Suzuki8,9, Satoshi Morita10, Akira Ashida11, Yasuhiko Ito12, Takahiro Kuragano13, Yasuhiro Komatsu14, Ken Sakai15, Yoshiharu Tsubakihara16,17, Kazuhiko Tsuruya18, Terumasa Hayashi19, Hideki Hirakata20,21 and Hirokazu Honda22 Abstract Renal anemia is a complication of chronic kidney disease. Guidelines for safe and effective treatment inpatients withrenal anemia are needed. The JapaneseSociety for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT) published guidelines for the treatment ofrenal anemia inchronic hemodialysis patients in2004 and inhemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, predialysis, and pediatric patients in2008. These two publications provide excellent guidance withrespect to clinical practice issues, including thedefinitionand diagnosis of renal anemia, thecriteria for the initiation of treatment, target hemoglobin levels,iron supplementation therapy, blood transfusion, and side effects. The guidelines significantly improved thetreatment of renal anemia in Japan. However, since 2008, many studies have assessed the treatment ofrenal anemia, and erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are now available. Therefore, theExecutiveBoard of the JSDT decided that it was time to revise the guidelines to makethem more appropriate to thesituationof chronic kidney disease patients inJapan.This is the third edition of theguidelinesfor renal anemia published by the JSDT. The purpose is to improve the prognosis ofchronic kidney disease patients, including after renal transplantation, through thetreatmentof renal anemia. The intended users ofthe guidelines are allhealthcare professionals engaged inthe treatment ofchronic kidney disease. Regarding thetreatmentof adult dialysis and predialysis patients, statements and commentary are provided in the context of answers to clinical questions inChapter 2 (Target Hb leveland criteria for starting renalanemia treatment) and Chapter 4 (Evaluation of iron status and iron therapy). Furthermore, the essential information is provided alongside the critical issues in Chapter 1(Diagnosis ofrenal anemia), Chapter 3 (Administrationof ESAs—administration route and dose), Chapter 5(ESA hyporesponsiveness), Chapter 6(Side effects and concomitant symptoms ofESAs), and Chapter 7 (Red blood cell transfusion).In addition, thetreatmentof pediatric patientsand post-renal transplant patients is discussed inChapter 8 and Chapter 9, respectively. Keywords: Guideline, Anemia, Chronic kidney disease,Erythropoietin-stimulating agents, Iron *Correspondence:[email protected] ThisarticleistranslatedfromJapanesewithpermissionfromtheJapanese SocietyforDialysisTherapy.Theoriginalarticlewaspublishedas“Guidelines forRenalAnemiainChronicKidneyDisease2015”intheJournalofthe JapaneseSocietyforDialysisTherapy,49:89–158,2015.Theoriginalworkisat https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jsdt/49/2/_contents/-char/ja/©Japanese SocietyforDialysisTherapy. 1DepartmentofInternalMedicine,AtsugiCityHospital,1-16-36,Mizuhiki, AtsugiCity,Kanagawa243-8588,Japan Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©JapaneseSocietyforDialysisTherapy.2017OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttribution4.0InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse, distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource, providealinktotheCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomain Dedicationwaiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle, unlessotherwisestated. Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page2of46 Scope they would be more appropriate to the situation of Background CKD patients in Japan. The Working Group (WG) on Renal anemia is a complication of chronic kidney the Revision of Guidelines for Renal Anemia in disease (CKD). The features of CKD are as follows: the Chronic Kidney Disease (hereafter, the third WG), frequency and severity of renal anemia increase with whose aim was to prepare the revised third edition of the progress of renal insufficiency, and the progress of the guidelines, was established in November 2012. anemia is accompanied by not only the deterioration in Anemia in post-renal transplantation patients was quality of life but also organ damage, such as deterior- included in these guidelines for the first time in Japan. ation of renal function or cardiac function due to The third WG started preparing guidelines for the chronic ischemia. Previously, the treatment of renal treatment of renal anemia in all CKD patients, anemia relied on blood transfusion because no other ef- including HD patients, PD patients, predialysis CKD fective treatment was available. In the 1980s, however, patients, pediatric patients, and post-renal transplant- the treatment of renal anemia drastically changed with ation patients. the development of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO). Since 1990, when it became possible to use Cooperationwithrelatedorganizationsinthepreparation rHuEPO in hemodialysis (HD) patients in Japan, oftheguidelines therapeutic intervention has been promoted for renal The members of the third WG were selected not only anemia. Before this time, there were no guidelines for from the JSDT. Those with expertise in the treatment of the management of renal anemia, and decisions regard- predialysis CKD patients, pediatric patients, and post-renal ing the timing, method, and target of therapeutic inter- transplantation patients were invited from the Japanese vention were made according to trial and error. Society of Nephrology, the Japanese Society for Pediatric Guidelines for the safe and effective treatment for the Nephrology, and the Japanese Society for Clinical Renal majority of patients with renal anemia were therefore Transplantation, respectively. Those with expertise in needed. In the late 1990s, various guidelines were hematologyandmedicalstatisticswerealsoinvitedtojoin prepared based on the clinical studies and statistical thethirdWG. surveys accumulated in Europe and the USA. Since then, these guidelines have been revised or new guide- Purposeoftheguidelines lines have been published. Thepurposeoftheguidelinesistoimprovetheprognosis of CKD patients in Japan through the treatment of renal Preparationofguidelines anemia. The first issue discussed by the third WG was In Japan, the Japanese Society of Dialysis Therapy what information to include in the guidelines. This infor- (JSDT) published the Guidelines for Renal Anemia in mationshouldbereliableandusefulinclinicalpractice.It Chronic Hemodialysis Patients (Chairman, Fumitake wasalsoimportanttoclarifyhowtodeterminethegrades Gejyo) for the first time in 2004. In 2008, the JSDT of recommendation of the medical practices that seem to published the Guidelines for Renal Anemia in Chronic bemostappropriate.Inaddition,themembersagreedthat Kidney Disease (Chairman, Yoshiharu Tsubakihara), the interpretation and evaluation of many lines of evi- the target of which was expanded to include peritoneal dence accumulatedto date are veryimportantfor prepar- dialysis (PD) patients, predialysis CKD patients, and ing treatment guidelines suitable for CKD patients in pediatric patients. These two guidelines provided ex- Japan. Based on the above, the principles and procedures cellent information related to the issues of clinical for the revision of the guidelines were established as de- practice, including the definition and diagnosis of renal scribedbelow. anemia, the criteria for the initiation of treatment, tar- get hemoglobin (Hb) level, iron supplementation ther- apy, blood transfusion, and side effects. The guidelines Principlesforthepreparationoftheguidelines significantly improved the treatment of renal anemia in Japan. However, since 2008, there have been many Targets The guidelines targeted all CKD patients, in- studies on the treatment of renal anemia, rHuEPO has cluding HD patients, PD patients, predialysis CKD pa- been markedly improved over the more than 30 years tients, pediatric patients, and post-renal transplantation since its development, and erythropoiesis-stimulating patients. Post-renal transplantation patients were added agents (ESAs), including long-acting agents, have be- as targets in the guidelines. The intended users of the come available. Therefore, the need for new guidelines guidelines are all healthcare professionals engaged in the was discussed, and, in October 2012, the Executive treatment of CKD. Please note that the guidelines are Board and the Academic Committee of the JSDT de- designed for use in clinical practice and not as materials cided that it was time to revise the guidelines so that formedicallawsuits. Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page3of46 Style a) The most critical issues in the treatment of of HD patients in Japan is better than that in Europe renal anemiawereraised asclinicalquestions(CQs) and the USA. Although racial characteristics seem to and werediscussedwithrespecttoeach typeof contribute to this difference, it is also pointed out patient. that this difference results from the differences in the b) Basicinformation wasprovidedtocomplementthe dialysis therapy provided in Japan and abroad, includ- answerstoCQs sothattheguidelines couldbemore ing the purity of dialysate, the dialyzers used, and the usefulandeasytounderstand. arteriovenous fistula utilization rate. Such differences in medical conditions should be fully taken into Literature search Research papers in the literature re- consideration when interpreting various lines of evi- lated to CQs and basic information written in English dence collected worldwide. Recently, there have been or Japanese and published in PubMed or Igaku Chuo differences between evidence and clinical outcomes in Zasshi (ICHUSHI) during the period from 2003 to Japan and other countries. The reasons for such June 2014 were searched. Important research papers differences were examined objectively after being dis- published before or after this period were manually cussed in the plenary meeting. Furthermore, although searched and added to the target. The keywords for the JSDT’s statistical surveys are classified as observa- the literature search included anemia, kidney, renal, tional studies, the data collected by those surveys iron, overload, deficiency, and transplantation. Reports were regarded as direct evidence because they on animal experiments and genetic research were ex- provided valuable information about a large number cluded from analysis. of HD patients in Japan. Although all of the treat- ments mentioned in the revised guidelines are as- Determination of statements and grades of recom- sumed to be covered by health insurance in Japan, mendation Statements related to CQs and the grades of those treatments were not evaluated in terms of recommendation of the statements were discussed and health economics. determined in the plenary meeting of the WG. Care was taken to ensure that no bias was introduced while deter- miningthe target of analysis while collectively evaluating CriticalissuesinclinicalpracticeandCQs the relevant literature. If no consensus was reached, the Various issues arise, in daily clinical practice, with CQs and grades of recommendation were adopted ac- respect to treatment for renal anemia in Japan. cording to the agreement of more than two thirds of the However, if all such issues were considered critical in members. When no CQs were raised but basic points the guidelines, it would be difficult to distinguish alone were provided, the basic points were used not as which are the core principles for the treatment of statements but considered to represent the opinion of renal anemia. Therefore, only the issues related to the theWGwith respecttothe issue. following four items were considered as “critical” in clinical practice: External review An External Review Committee was established independent of the third WG and was tasked 1) Atwhich Hblevelshouldthe treatment ofrenal toreview thedraft guidelines. anemia bestarted? 2) Whatisthe Hblevelthatshouldbemaintained Literatureevaluation duringthe treatment ofrenalanemia? The following were some of the factors considered in 3) Isitrecommendedtoadministeriron the evaluation of reports in the literature selected as supplementationpriortoESAtherapy? the target of analysis. It is usually expected that the 4) What are the criteria for the initiation of iron contents of several guidelines are almost the same supplementation therapy? Should there be any when those guidelines are prepared based on the upper limits? same literature. However, when the context, ethnicity of subjects, and medical practices described in the Specific CQs were raised focusing on these critical literature vary, it is also important to determine issues. Regarding the treatment of adult HD and PD whether the information is applicable to patients who patients and predialysis CKD patients, statements and are the targets of the guidelines being prepared. The commentary are provided in answers to the CQs in differences in the background of the literature and Chapter 2 (Target Hb level and criteria for starting the results were examined in the plenary meeting so renal anemia treatment) and Chapter 4 (Evaluation of that no bias was introduced into the evaluation of the iron status and iron therapy). Furthermore, the basic literature. Part of the discussion at the plenary meet- pointsthatareessentialtothesafeandeffectivetreatment ing was as follows. It is known that the life prognosis of renal anemia are provided complementary to the Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page4of46 critical issues in Chapter 1 (Diagnosis of renal Processofpreparationofguidelines anemia), Chapter 3 (Administration of ESAs—admi- In accordance with the principles described above for nistration route and dose), Chapter 5 (ESA the preparation of the guidelines, the third WG held hyporesponsiveness), Chapter 6 (Side effects and con- 10 meetings, including ad hoc meetings, and drafted comitant symptoms of ESAs), and Chapter 7 (Red the revised version of the guidelines. We sincerely blood cell transfusion). In addition, the treatment of thank all committee members for their effort in pediatric patients and post-renal transplantation pa- collecting and comprehensively evaluating numerous tients is discussed in Chapter 8 (Renal anemia in research studies, exchanging opinions in earnest pediatric patients) and Chapter 9 (Post-transplant discussions, and drafting the guidelines despite their anemia in renal transplant recipients), considering the busy schedules. characteristics of the target patients. The style of de- scription in these two chapters is similar to that in Externalreview the chapters on the treatment of adult patients. To increase the validity and transparency of the guidelines, an External Review Committee was Indicationanddeterminationofstatementsandgradesof established independent of the third WG and was recommendation requested to review the draft of the guidelines. The The answers to CQs were provided in the form of state- External Review Committee consisted of 22 members in- ments with grades of recommendation. The grades of cluding Noritomo Itami (Chairman) and Takayuki recommendationwereindicatedbythecombinationofthe Hamano (Vice Chairman), who were requested by the strength of recommendation and the strength of evidence JSDTtofillthesepositions. withreferencetoMinds2014.Asdescribedintheprinciples for the preparation of the guidelines, decisions were made ReviewbytheExternalReviewCommittee by voting when no consensus was reached. Most of the The first meeting of the External Review Committee statements were adopted unanimously. Only part of the was held on January 15, 2014, and the committee statement regarding CQ3, “What are the criteria for start- spent 1 year reviewing the guidelines drafted by the ing and stopping iron therapy?” was adopted by the agree- third WG. The main points raised by the review were ment of more than two thirds of all members. Because as follows: there was still room for discussion about this issue, an as- terisk(*)wasattachedtothisstatement. 1) Theappropriateness oftheestablishedCQsand the principlesofthe preparationofthe guidelines Strengthofrecommendation 2) Theappropriateness ofthenumberofresearch reports selected asthetargetofanalysis 1: Recommend 3) Theappropriateness oftheevaluationand 2: Suggest interpretation oftheliterature 4) Theappropriateness ofthestatementsand *If a statement cannot be expressly recommended, it is commentary indicatedas“not graded.” 5) Theappropriateness ofthegradesof Strengthofevidence(examples) recommendation A (Strong): High confidence in the estimate (e.g., meta-analyses) The External Review Committee provided feedback B (Medium): Moderate confidence in the estimate fourtimestothethirdWG,whichexaminedthefeedback (e.g., randomizedcontrolled trials) and modified the drafted guidelines. Although it was the C(Weak):Limited confidence inthe estimate (e.g., ob- first time that such a review process was adopted by the servational studies) JSDT,theobjectivefeedbackprovidedbytheExternalRe- D(Veryweak):Littleconfidenceintheestimate(others) view Committee was helpful for the preparation of the The grades of recommendation in the revised version guidelines.WesincerelythankallmembersoftheExternal of the guidelines were determined by strictly following ReviewCommittee. the procedure described above. However, because the procedure to determine the grade of recommendation FinalreviewbytheExecutiveBoardandAcademic was not exactly the same as that used in the 2008 ver- CommitteeoftheJSDT sion of the guidelines, there may be differences between The Executive Board and the Academic Committee of thegradesofrecommendationofthestatementsindicated the JSDTconstituted the supervisory committee for the in the 2008 version of the guidelines and the revised preparation of the guidelines and reviewed the drafted version of the guidelines. guidelines prepared by the process described above. Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page5of46 Afterthedraftguidelineswereapprovedbythiscommit- currentstateofrenalanemiainJapan,althoughitwasnot tee, they were published on the website of the JSDT. easy to deal with all pathological conditions in CKD Then, a public hearing was held and the draft guidelines patients. We hope that the guidelines are helpful to were reviewed and modified based on the opinions healthcare professionals engaged in the treatment of expressed at the public hearing to establish the final ver- patientswithrenalanemiawiththeaimofimprovingtheir sionoftheguidelines. prognoses. December 2015 Promotionoftheuseoftheguidelinesinclinicalpractice HiroyasuYamamoto,Chairman The following efforts aimed at improving the conveni- Working Group on Revision of Guidelines for Renal ence for users and promoting the use of the Anemia inChronicKidneyDisease guidelines: Guideline Preparation Committee – Theguidelines werepublishedonthewebsite ofthe JapaneseSociety forDialysisTherapy JSDT. Working Group on Revision of Guidelines for Renal – Specificnumericalvalueswereprovided (e.g.,target Anemia inChronicKidneyDisease Hblevel). Chairman: HiroyasuYamamoto, DepartmentofInternal – Allmedical treatmentsmentionedinthe guidelines Medicine,AtsugiCityHospital. arecoveredbyhealthinsurance. Vice Chairman: Shinichi Nishi, Division of Nephrology and Kidney Center, Kobe University Graduate School of Futurerevisionoftheguidelines Medicine. The first and second editions of the guidelines for the Member and Chairman of Academic Committee: treatment of renal anemia, were published by the Tadashi Tomo, Blood Purification Center, Oita Univer- JSDT in 2004 and 2008, respectively, and in 2015, the sityHospital. third edition was published. It will be important to Member and Chairman of Guideline Preparation review the treatment guidelines along with the Subcommittee: Ikuto Masakane, Department of Nephrol- development of novel drugs and the accumulation of ogy,YabukiHospital. new evidence. Member (Japanese Society for Clinical Renal Trans- plantation): Kazuhide Saito, Department of Urology, Editorialindependence Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and The total cost of preparing the guidelines was covered Dental Sciences. by the JSDT. No other organizations, institutions, or Member (Japanese Society of Nephrology): Masaomi companiesprovidedfinancialsupport. Nangaku, Division of Nephrology and Endocrinology, TheUniversityofTokyo. Conflictofinterestandsecuringofuniversality Member (Japanese Society for Pediatric Nephrology): Motoshi Hattori, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, 1) AllmembersofthethirdWGandtheExternalReview Tokyo Women’sMedicalUniversity. Committee submitted a self-report on conflicts of Member (invited): Takahiro Suzuki, Division of interest to the Conflict of Interest Committee of Hematology, Jichi Medical University (Present Address: the JSDT. KitasatoUniversitySchoolofMedicine). 2) Toensuretheabsenceofbiasinthecontentofthe Member (invited): Satoshi Morita, Department of Bio- guidelines,the membersofthe thirdWGwere medical Statistics and Bioinformatics, Kyoto University invitedmembersnotonlyoftheJSDTbutalso of GraduateSchool ofMedicine. theJapanese Society ofNephrology,the Japanese Member: Akira Ashida, Department of Pediatrics, SocietyforPediatricNephrology,and theJapanese Osaka Medical College. SocietyforClinicalRenalTransplantation. Member: Yasuhiko Ito, Department of Renal Replace- Furthermore,those with expertise inhematology ment Therapy, Nagoya University Graduate School of and medical statisticswereinvitedinordertoensure Medicine. theuniversalityoftheguidelines. Member: Takahiro Kuragano, Division of Nephrology andDialysis,DepartmentofInternalMedicine,HyogoCol- As described above, the Guidelines for Renal legeofMedicine. Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease were revised using Member: Yasuhiro Komatsu, Division of Nephrology, a new procedure for preparing evidence-based and re- DepartmentofMedicine,St.Luke’sInternationalHospital. liable treatment guidelines. The utmost effort was made Member: Ken Sakai, Department of Nephrology, Toho to make the guidelines as suitable as possible for the UniversityFacultyofMedicine. Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page6of46 Member: Yoshiharu Tsubakihara, Department of Cardiovascular Risk Reduction by Early Anemia Comprehensive Kidney Disease Research, Osaka Treatment with Epoetin Beta (CREATE) trials were University Graduate School of Medicine (Present published 6 months later. Since then, there has been Address: Master Course of Management in Health a growing emphasis on transparency, neutrality, and Care Sciences, Graduate School of Health Care validity in the preparation of guidelines. If the state- Sciences, Jikei Institute). ments are prepared by conducting a literature search Member: Kazuhiko Tsuruya, Department of Integrated aimed at finding answers to clinical questions (CQs) Therapy for Chronic Kidney Disease, Kyushu University and by evaluating evidence, almost identical contents GraduateSchool ofMedical Sciences. of the statements will be obtained. If there are differ- Member: Terumasa Hayashi, Department of Kidney ences between guidelines drafted by the Guideline DiseaseandHypertension,OsakaGeneralMedicalCenter. Preparation Committee and the opinions of the Member: Hideki Hirakata, Division of Nephrology and External Review Committee under the same CQs, the Dialysis Center, Japanese Red Cross Fukuoka Hospital examination of such differences will be helpful in (PresentAddress:FukuokaRenalClinic). enhancing the objectivity of the guidelines. This is Member: Hirokazu Honda, Division of Nephrology, why the External Review Committee was established. Departmentof Medicine, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital. Committeemembers (Japanesesyllabaryorder;honorifics omitted) Among the nominated young researchers with an interest in renal anemia, Noritomo Itami, who was Records of committee meetings and interim commissioned by the Japanese Society for Dialysis reporting Therapy (JSDT) to serve as Chairman, selected 21 First meeting:November30,2012 members who were specialists in internal medicine, Secondmeeting: April18,2013 pediatrics, and urology. He appointed Takayuki Thirdmeeting:June14,2013 Hamano to serve as Vice Chairman. The members Fourth meeting: November 24,2013 were approved by the Executive Board. Fifthmeeting:January17,2014 Sixth meeting: April 18,2014 Methods Seventhmeeting: May16,2014 Because the Guideline Preparation Committee had Adhocmeeting: June13,2014 achieved a consensus on the draft guidelines at the An- Eighth meeting: July3,2014 nual Meeting of the JSDT in 2013, the External Review Ninth meeting: August15,2015 Committee followed the example of the Kidney Disease: Committee-sponsored symposium at the 58th Annual Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) anemia guidelines MeetingoftheJSDT:June21,2013(Fukuoka) publishedin2012,onwhichcommentswereexpressedby Committee-sponsored consensus conference at the severalcountries. 59thAnnual MeetingoftheJSDT:June15,2014(Kobe) With respect to the four CQs raised by the Guide- BriefreportonGuidelinesforRenalAnemiaatthe60th line Preparation Committee, the External Review AnnualMeetingoftheJSDT:June26,2015(Yokohama) Committee searched and analyzed research papers DraftguidelinesapprovedbytheAcademic Committee that were written in English or Japanese and pub- oftheJSDT:May1,2015 lished in PubMed or Igaku Chuo Zasshi from 2003 to Draft guidelines published on the website of the JSDT: June 2014. The committee members were divided into July27,2015 five teams assigned to the themes of pediatric Publichearingonguidelines: August 15,2015(Tokyo) patients, renal transplantation, blood transfusion, Guidelines approved by the Executive Board of the target Hb level, and iron therapy, for conducting the JSDT:December 4,2015 literature search. They examined whether the statements correctly answered the CQs and assessed the strength of Summary of reviews by the External Review evidence for the statements by reviewing the relevant Committee research papers. The strength of evidence was graded as Background follows, in a similar way as in the draft guidelines: A The target hemoglobin (Hb) level suggested in the (strong; high confidence in the estimate), B (moderate; 2006 revised edition of the Kidney Disease Outcomes moderate confidence in the estimate), C (weak; limited Quality Initiatives (KDOQI) anemia guidelines needed confidenceintheestimate),D(veryweak;littleconfidence to be modified immediately after publication, when in the estimate), and not graded (a statement cannot be the results of the Correction of Hemoglobin and expresslyrecommended).Therewerealimitednumberof Outcomes in Renal Insufficiency (CHOIR) and research papers from Japan that presented strong Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page7of46 evidence. However, the External Review Committee Fourth meeting: August10,2014 agreed with and followed the policy adopted by the Fifthmeeting:November1,2014 Guideline Preparation Committee that the data col- Sixth meeting: January 25,2015 lected from JSDT statistical surveys represent strong evidence, although those surveys were classified as External Review Committee observational studies. Moreover, at plenary meetings, Chairman: Noritomo Itami, Kidney Center, Nikko Me- the External Review Committee examined and con- morial Hospital (Present Address: Department of Neph- firmed whether the research papers were properly rology, ItamiKidneyClinic). cited in the commentaries and whether the observa- Vice Chairman: Takayuki Hamano, Department of tions in such studies were accurately reflected in the ComprehensiveKidneyDiseaseResearch,OsakaUniversity commentaries. The results of the plenary meetings GraduateSchoolofMedicine. were reported to the Guideline Preparation Commit- Members: tee in the form of “Agreed” or “Modifications Takaya Abe, Department of Urology, Iwate Medical required” (with the reasons explained). In total, the University. External Review Committee re-examined the modifi- Hiroaki Ueda, Department of Pediatrics, Osaka City cations of the draft guidelines shown by the Guideline GeneralHospital. Preparation Committee and provided feedback four Akira Okada, Division of Nephrology and Endocrin- times. The final draft of the guidelines was completed ology,The University ofTokyo. after six meetings of the External Review Committee. Tadashi Okada, Department of Nephrology, Hakuyu ChiyodaClinic. Conclusions Daisuke Katagiri, Division of Nephrology and Endo- In contrast to the evidence review team for the KDIGO crinology/Division of Hemodialysis and Apheresis, The guidelines, the External Review Committee did not con- UniversityofTokyo(PresentAddress:studyingabroad). duct a thorough systematic review. However, the com- Takayuki Katsuno, Department of Nephrology, Nagoya mittee members of each team earnestly searched the UniversityGraduateSchool ofMedicine. literature and exchanged opinions at plenary meetings. Sawako Kato, Department of Nephrology, Nagoya Dr. Hamano is greatly appreciated for his leadership as University Graduate School of Medicine. the chairman of the meetings. The strength of evidence Noritaka Kawada, Department of Nephrology, Osaka of52statementswasevaluatedasfollows:0=A(strong), Minato Central Hospital (Present Address: Osaka Bay 3=B(medium),9=C(weak),8=D(veryweak),and32= CentralHospital). not graded. There was no statement with the strength of Eiichiro Kanda, Department of Nephrology, Tokyo evidence grade A, and grade B accounted for 5.7% of all KyosaiHospital. statements. As the Chairman of the External Review Kan Kikuchi, Department of Nephrology, Shimoochiai Committee, Dr. Itami is responsible for all of the results Clinic. andinadequaciesoftheassessmentbythecommittee. Toshihiro Sawai, Department of Pediatrics, Shiga In the KDIGO guidelines, the strength of evidence was University of Medical Science. graded as A for 5.4% of all statements. It seems that the TakaichiSuehiro,DepartmentofNephrology,Harasanshin amount of strong evidence for the treatment of renal Hospital (Present Address: Social Insurance Nakabaru anemiaislimitedworldwide.Theamountofdatacollected Hospital). from JSDT statistical surveys and the number of reports Yuki Tsuruta, Department of Nephrology and Blood onJapanesepatientsincreasedintherevisededitionofthe Purification, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital guidelines comparedwith those in the original version.In (at present: Department ofNephrology,TsurutaItabashi the future, it will still be necessary to accumulate more Clinic). evidenceonthetreatmentofrenalanemiainJapan. Hyogo Nakakura, Department of Pediatrics, Osaka Finally, we hope that these guidelines will contribute Medical College (Present Address: Department of to improvements in the prognosis of all patients with HemodialysisandApheresis,ArisawaGeneralHospital). chronic kidneydisease. Toshihide Naganuma, Department of Urology, Osaka NoritomoItami,ChairmanofExternalReviewCommittee City University Medical School. Masahiko Nagahama, Division of Nephrology, St. Records of meetings of the External Review Luke’sInternationalHospital. Committee Hiroki Nishiwaki, Division of Nephrology, Department First meeting:January25,2014 ofMedicine,ShowaUniversityFujigaokaHospital. Secondmeeting: April12,2014 Kiichiro Fujisaki, Kidney Care Unit, Kyushu University Thirdmeeting:May 24,2014 Hospital. Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page8of46 Yukio Maruyama, Division of Kidney and Hyperten- TakayukiHamano:Receivedanhonorariumforgivinga sion, the Jikei University Kashiwa Hospital (Present lecture and research grants from, and belongs to a project Address: Division of Kidney and Hypertension, the Jikei endowedby,BayerYakuhin,Ltd.(acompanythatdevelops, UniversityHospital). imports, produces, and sells pharmaceuticals, medical YukihiroWada,DepartmentofNephrology,Department devices, and veterinary products), Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., ofMedicine,ShowaUniversityHospital. Ltd.(acompanythatproducesandsellsprescriptiondrugs), (Japanesesyllabaryorder;honorifics omitted) ChugaiPharmaceuticalCo.,Ltd.(acompanythatproduces, sells, and imports/exports prescription drugs), Glaxo- Information about conflicts of interest SmithKline K.K. (a company that conducts research and InorderfortheWGmemberstomaintainaneutralandfair development and imports, produces, and sells prescription perspectiveinthepreparationofclinicalpracticeguidelines, drugs and general pharmaceuticals), Furuno Electric Co., theJSDTmakeseveryefforttoavoidanyconflictofinterest Ltd. (a company that produces, sells, and imports/exports that exists or that could arise in the future. All WG mem- medical instruments), Asahi Kasei Pharma Corporation (a bers are required to submit a signed document agreeing to company that produces and sells prescription drugs, diag- disclose information about conflicts of interest that exist or nostic enzymes, diagnostic agents, and liquid food), Otsuka could arise, and this form needs to be updated every year Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (a company that produces, sells, and modified whenever the situation changes. The submit- andimports/exportspharmaceuticals,clinicaltestingequip- ted information is listed in the “Disclosure of conflicts of ment, medical devices, and food products), and Baxter (a interest in the External Review Committee” below, and the companythatimports,produces,andsellsdialysisproducts, records of the facts that support such information are kept plasmaproteinproducts,anddrugadministrationsystems). bytheSecretariatoftheJSDT. (The members not listed above have no conflict of Reference interesttoreport.) *)JSDT: JSDT Guideline on Conflict of Interest (COI) in Medical Research. 2011: http://www.jsdt.or.jp/jsdt/ 1370.html Chapter 1. Diagnosis of renal anemia Disclosure of conflicts of interest in the External ReviewCommittee 1)Renalanemiaoccurswhentheamountoferythropoietin(EPO) Noritomo Itami: Received an honorarium for giving a producedinthekidneysisinsufficienttocompensateforthedecrease inhemoglobin(Hb)level.Thediagnosisofrenalanemiaismade lecture from Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (a com- whenchronickidneydisease(CKD)aloneistheprimarycauseof pany that produces, sells, and imports/exports pharma- anemiaandtherearenootherdiseasespresentthatcauseanemia. ceuticals, clinical testing equipment, medical devices, ThemeasurementofserumEPOlevelisusefulforthediagnosisof renalanemiainpredialysisCKDpatients. andfood products). Sawako Kato: Received research grants from Sanwa 2)ThecausesofanemiaotherthandecreasedEPOproduction capacityincludethesuppressionoferythropoiesis,shortenedred Kagaku Kenkyusho Co., Ltd. (a company that conducts bloodcell(RBC)survivaltime,disordersofironmetabolism,residual research and development, and produces and sells medical bloodinthedialysiscircuit,bleeding,andmalnutritiondueto products and diagnostic agents), Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., variousfactors.Thesefactors,however,arenotyetfullyunderstood. Ltd.(acompanythatproducesandsellsprescriptiondrugs), 3)Hblevelshouldbeusedasareferenceforthediagnosisofanemia. ThefollowingareappropriatereferenceHblevelsforthediagnosisof OtsukaPharmaceuticalCo.,Ltd.(acompanythatproduces, anemiaintheJapanesepopulationaccordingtoageandgender. sells, and imports/exports pharmaceuticals, clinical testing Thesereferencevaluesarealsousedforthediagnosisofrenalanemia. equipment,medicaldevices,andfoodproducts),andSumi- However,decisionsregardingthetreatmentofrenalanemiashouldbe madebasedontherecommendationsorsuggestionsineachchapter. tomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd. (a company that pro- ducesandsellsprescriptiondrugsanddiagnosticagents). Kan Kikuchi: Receivedanhonorariumforgivingalec- ture from Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (a company that produces, sells, and imports/exports prescription drugs)andDaiichiSankyoCo., Ltd.(acompanythatcon- 4)Inthediagnosisofrenalanemia,itisnecessarytodifferentiate ducts research and development, and produces and sells renalanemiafromvarioushematologicaldiseasesthatcancause anemia.Thefollowingareusefulcriteriafordifferentiatingblood prescriptiondrugs). diseases: ToshihiroSawai:ReceivedtravelexpensesfromAlexion (1)Presenceorabsenceofabnormalitiesofleukocytesand Pharma(acompanythatproduces,sells,andimportsphar- platelets(abnormalitiesinfractionation,morphology,andcount, andthepresenceofmyeloblasts) maceuticalsinJapanandabroad). (2)Cytometriccategoriesbymeancorpuscularvolume(MCV) Hiroki Nishiwaki: Received research grants from (microcytic,normocytic,andmacrocytic) Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd. (a company that produces (3)Increaseanddecreaseinreticulocytecount (4)SerumEPOlevel andsellsprescription drugs). Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page9of46 Rationale there may be other factors contributing to the devel- opment of anemia in these cases. Some pathological 1)RenalanemiaoccurswhentheamountofEPOproducedinthe conditions associated with CKD may be related to the kidneysisinsufficienttocompensateforthedecreaseinHblevel. ThediagnosisofrenalanemiaismadewhenCKDaloneisthe development of anemia, but their details are not yet primarycauseofanemiaandtherearenootherdiseasespresent fully understood. thatcancauseanemia.ThemeasurementofserumEPOlevelis usefulforthediagnosisofrenalanemiainpredialysisCKDpatients. Rationale 2)ThecausesofanemiaotherthandecreasedEPOproduction capacitymaybethesuppressionoferythropoiesis,shortenedRBC EPO-producing cells in the kidneys are fibroblast-like survivaltime,disordersofironmetabolism,residualbloodinthe cells in the peritubular interstitium of the proximal tubule dialysiscircuit,bleeding,andmalnutritionduetovariousfactors. that produce EPO in response to a low partial pressure of Thesefactors,however,arenotyetfullyunderstood. oxygen [1]. The partial pressure of oxygen surrounding EPO-producingcellsisdeterminedbythebalancebetween the supply of oxygen from arteries and the oxygen con- Ithasbeenreportedthatvariousfactorscontributetothe sumptionoftissues.Thesupplyofoxygenisdeterminedby development of anemia, in addition to the relative decrease renal blood flow and Hb level, whereas oxygen consump- inEPOproductioncapacityinthekidneys,inCKDpatients. tionisdeterminedmainlybytheNare-absorptioncapacity (1)Suppressionoferythropoiesis oftheproximaltubule[2]. It has been pointed out that the levels of various uremic In CKD patients, the supply of oxygen to tissues is sup- toxins are elevated in the blood of CKD patients and may pressed dueto decreased renal blood flow and, atthe same suppresstheformationoferythroblasts[7,8].However,the time, local oxygen consumption decreases due to tubular uremic toxins that suppress the formation of erythroblasts defects.Asaresult,itisassumedthatthepartialpressureof havenotbeenidentified,andtheirroleshavenotbeensuffi- oxygen surrounding the proximal tubule often remains ciently clarified. Because the levels of inflammatory cyto- withinthe normal range. In such cases,stimulation of EPO kinessuchasinterferonandtumornecrosisfactor-α(TNF- productioncapacityto compensateforthelowpartialpres- α), which decrease the sensitivity of erythroblasts to EPO, sure of oxygen is inappropriate. Therefore, when Hb level increase in some CKD patients [9, 10], abnormal cytokine decreases for some reason, anemia persists because EPO levelsmayberelatedtoanemiainCKDpatients. production is not sufficientlyinduced. Renal anemia canbe (2)ShortenedRBCsurvivaltime explained as anemia that becomes apparent when the It has been reported that RBC survival time is short- amount of EPO produced in the kidneys is insufficient to ened by 30–60% in CKD patients, although the rate of compensateforthedecreaseinHblevel(relativedeficiency). shortening varies between reports. In a recent analysis Therehavebeenanumberofreportsontherelationship usingradioisotopes,theRBCsurvivaltimeinhemodialysis between Hb level and serum EPO levels. In these reports, (HD) patients was shortened by ~20% [11]. Osmotic fra- mostpatientswithhematopoieticdisorderssuchasaplastic gility, RBC deformability, and RBC metabolism disorders anemia and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with Hb due to red cell membrane dysfunction are considered to levels of <10 g/dL showed serum EPO levels of >50 mIU/ causetheshorteningofRBCsurvivaltime,butthemecha- mL [by radioimmunoassay or the chemiluminescent en- nismsarenotyetfullyunderstood. zymeimmunoassay(CLEIA)][3,4],whereasmostCKDpa- (3)Disordersofironmetabolism tients showed serum EPO levels of <50 mIU/mL [by Serum hepcidin levels increase in CKD patients be- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or the cause of the enhanced synthesis of hepcidin in the liver, CLEIA method] [5, 6] (different measurement methods mediated by an inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-6, may affect the measured value of EPO, but such an effect and due to the attenuated clearance of hepcidin in the has not been examined). Moreover, it has been reported kidneys [12]. Hepcidin is a peptide hormone that sup- that the increase in EPO level in response to the decrease pressesthereleaseofironfromcellsintotheblood.Thein- in Hb level is suppressed at more advanced stages of CKD crease in hepcidin levels leads to decreased serum iron [6]. As a result, upregulation of EPO in response to the levelsandincreasedintracellularironlevels(ferritinlevels), samedegreeofanemiaisinsufficientinCKDpatientscom- causing defective iron utilization in the bone marrow and paredtothosewithnormalrenalfunction. anemia (functional iron deficiency). It has been found that SerumEPOlevelismaintainedwithinthereferencerange theincreaseinhepcidinlevelisamajorcauseofanemiaas- regardless of Hb level in most CKD patients [5, 6]. This sociated with chronic inflammation and that a similar findingindicatesthatEPOproductionisnot sufficientlyin- pathologicalconditionisalsoobservedinCKDpatients. duced in CKD patients to reverse anemia. This suggests (4)Residualblood inthedialysiscircuitandbleeding that, in addition to decreased EPO production capacity, (5)Malnutrition Yamamotoetal.RenalReplacementTherapy (2017) 3:36 Page10of46 The risk of malnutrition is high in CKD patients, al- Table1HemoglobinlevelsintheJapanesepopulationbyage though the degree of malnutrition varies from patient to andgender patient.Thelackofnutrientsrequiredforerythropoiesis, Miwa’sHematology ChronologicalScientific such as vitamins and folic acid, can also accelerate the 3rdedition[280] [281] progressionofanemia. 19–60years(g/dL) 60–69years 70–79years (g/dL) (g/dL) It is assumed that the above factors associated with CKD contributetothedecreaseinHblevelandthattheinsufficient Male(mean±SD) 15.3±0.9 13.8±0.9 13.5±1.2 EPO production capacity in the kidneys leads to the persist- Female(mean±SD) 13.3±0.9 12.5±1.0 12.2±0.9 ence of anemia. However, which factors and to what extent Male(mean−2SD) 13.5 12.0 11.1 theyarereallyrelatedtoanemiahavenotyetbeenelucidated. Female(mean−2SD) 11.5 10.5 10.4 Rationale Becausetherearevariousdiseasesthatcancauseanemia, it is important to differentiate renal anemia from anemia 3)Hblevelshouldbeusedasareferenceforthediagnosisof causedbyhematologicaldiseases.Figure1showsthediffer- anemia.ThefollowingaretheappropriatereferenceHblevelsfor entiationchart. thediagnosisofanemiaintheJapanesepopulationaccordingto ageandgender.Thesereferencevaluesarealsousedforthe InCKDpatientswithrenalanemia,althoughEPOpro- diagnosisofrenalanemia.However,decisionsregardingthe duction is suppressed, EPO levels oftenremain withinthe treatmentofrenalanemiashouldbemadebasedonthe reference range. Therefore, absolute EPO level is not a recommendationsorsuggestionsineachchapter. <60years,60–69years,≥70years clear indication of decreased EPO production capacity, Male:Hb<13.5g/dL,Hb<12.0g/dL,Hb<11.0g/dL anditisnecessarytocompareEPOlevelswithHblevels. Female:Hb<11.5g/dL,Hb<10.5g/dL,Hb<10.5g/dL According to the re-analysis of data from Japanese clinical studies of recombinant human erythropoietin in Because the physiological Hb level in healthy individuals predialysis CKD patients (conducted by Chugai Pharma- varies according to age, gender, and race, the criteria for ceutical Co., Ltd. and Kirin Pharma Co., Ltd.), the anemia diagnosis should be determined while considering mean±SDserumEPOlevelwas22.7±12.1mIU/mL(5.0– these factors. It seems appropriate to use the mean−2 151.0mIU/mL)andthemean+2SDsserumEPOlevelwas standard deviations (SDs) of Hb level in Japanese individ- 46.9 mIU/mL [13] in 422 patients with a creatinine ualswhowerejudgedtobehealthybycertainstandardsas levelof≥2mg/dLoracreatinineclearancerateof≤30mL/ referencevaluesforthediagnosisofanemia.Table1shows minandHblevelof<10g/dL.Similarresultswerealsoob- theHblevelsintheJapanesepopulation,andTable2shows tainedinstudiesabroad,althoughtheEPOlevelsincreased the criteria for anemia diagnosis used in other countries. up to ~100 mIU/mL in some patients with stage 3 Target Hb levels and the criteria for starting treatment CKD [5, 6]. In contrast, EPO levels were >50 mIU/mL in should be determined based on the recommendations or mostpatientswithhematologicaldiseases[3,4]. suggestionsinthefollowingchapters. Considering the above, the measurement of EPO level is In blood tests using an automatic analyzer, which is now usefulasanancillarytestinthediagnosisofrenalanemia.If commonly used, RBC count, Hb level, and MCVare meas- CKD patients show anemia (Hb levels <10 g/dL) and have urementvalues,andhematocrit(Ht)levelisacalculatedvalue. EPOlevelsof<50mIU/mL,theycanbediagnosedwithrenal UnlikeHblevel,whichremainsrelativelyconstantafterblood anemia. In contrast, when EPO levels are >50 mIU/mL, the sampling,MCVchangesduetovariousfactorsoccurringwith EPOproductioncapacityofthekidneysmightbemaintained timeaftersamplingandHtlevelalsochangeswithchangesin and it may be necessary to consider the possibility of other MCV. Therefore, unless Ht level is measured directly, it is diseases that can cause anemia. Particular attention is recommendedtouseHblevelasthecriterionforanemia. requiredforpatientswithEPOlevelsof>100mIU/mL. Reticulocyte count reflects the erythropoietic activity in the bone marrow. Reticulocyte count increases when the Rationale formation of erythroblasts is enhanced due to hemolysis or 4)Inthediagnosisofrenalanemia,itisnecessarytodifferentiate renalanemiafromvarioushematologicaldiseasesthatcancause anemia.Thefollowingareusefulforthedifferentiationof Table2EuropeanBestPracticeGuidelinesandKidneyDisease hematologicaldiseases. OutcomesQualityInitiativescriteriaforanemia (1)Presenceorabsenceofabnormalitiesofleukocytesand platelets(abnormalitiesinfractionation,morphology,andcount, EBPG[80](g/dL) KDOQI[282](g/dL) andthepresenceofmyeloblasts) Adultmale Hb<13.5 Hb<13.5 (2)CytometriccategoriesbyMCV(microcytic,normocytic,and macrocytic) Adultfemale Hb<11.5 Hb<12.0 (3)Increaseanddecreaseinreticulocytecount (4)SerumEPOlevel Male≥70years Hb<12.5

ESA overdose should be avoided, and the improve- ment in anemia and the risk of developing complica- tions such as thrombosis should also be carefully monitored. 1) ESA therapy in patients with cancer complicated with anemia, particularly in patients undergoing chemotherapy, may increase.
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