tap_836240..275 TherapeuticApheresisandDialysis14(3):240–275 doi:10.1111/j.1744-9987.2010.00836.x ©2010TheAuthors Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis 2008 Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy: Guidelines for Renal Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease Yoshiharu Tsubakihara,1 Shinichi Nishi,2 Takashi Akiba,3 Hideki Hirakata,4 Kunitoshi Iseki,5 Minoru Kubota,6 Satoru Kuriyama,7 Yasuhiro Komatsu,8 Masashi Suzuki,9 Shigeru Nakai,10 Motoshi Hattori,11 Tetsuya Babazono,12 Makoto Hiramatsu,13 Hiroyasu Yamamoto,14 Masami Bessho,15 and Tadao Akizawa16 1DepartmentofKidneyDiseaseandHypertension,OsakaGeneralMedicalCenter,Osaka,2BloodPurification Center,NiigataUniversityMedicalandDentalHospital,9KidneyCenter,ShinrakuenHospital,Niigata, 3DepartmentofBloodPurification,KidneyDiseaseGeneralMedicalCenter,11DepartmentofPediatric Nephrology,KidneyCenter,and12DepartmentofMedicine,DiabetesCenter,TokyoWomen’sMedical University,6OjiHospital,7DivisionofNephrology,SaiseikaiCentralHospital,8KidneyCenter,St.Luke’s InternationalHospital,14DivisionofKidneyandHypertension,DepartmentofInternalMedicine,Jikei UniversitySchoolofMedicine,16DivisionofNephrology,DepartmentofMedicine,ShowaUniversitySchoolof Medicine,Tokyo 4KidneyUnit,FukuokaRedCrossHospital,Fukuoka,5DialysisUnit,UniversityofThe Ryukyus,Okinawa,10DivisionofClinicalEngineeringTechnology,FujitaHealthUniversityCollege,Aichi, 13DepartmentofNephrology,OkayamaSaiseikaiGeneralHospital,Okayama,and15Departmentof Hematology,SaitamaMedicalSchool,Saitama,Japan Abstract: The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy associatedwithrenaldisordersistheprimarycauseofrenal (JSDT) guideline committee, chaired by Dr Y. Tsubaki- anemia, and that renal anemia refers to a condition in hara, presents the Japanese guidelines entitled “Guide- whichthereisnoincreasedproductionofEPOandserum lines for Renal Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease.” EPOlevelsremainwithinthereferencerangeforhealthy These guidelines replace the “2004 JSDT Guidelines for individualswithoutanemia,irrespectiveoftheglomerular Renal Anemia in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients,” and filtration rate (GFR). In other words, renal anemia is contain new, additional guidelines for peritoneal dialysis clearly identified as an“endocrine disease.”It is believed (PD), non-dialysis (ND), and pediatric chronic kidney that defining renal anemia in this way will be extremely disease (CKD) patients. beneficialforNDpatientsexhibitingrenalanemiadespite Chapter 1 presents reference values for diagnosing having a high GFR.We have also emphasized that renal anemiathatarebasedonthemostrecentepidemiological anemiamaybetreatednotonlywithESAtherapybutalso data from the general Japanese population. In both men with appropriate iron supplementation and the improve- and women,hemoglobin (Hb) levels decrease along with ment of anemia associated with chronic disease,which is anincreaseinageandthelevelfordiagnosinganemiahas associated with inflammation, and inadequate dialysis, beensetat<13.5g/dLinmalesand<11.5g/dLinfemales. anothermajorcauseofrenalanemia. However,theguidelinesexplicitlystatethatthetargetHb InChapter2,whichdiscussesthetargetHblevelsinESA levelinerythropoiesisstimulatingagent(ESA)therapyis therapy, the guidelines establish different target levels different to the anemia reference level. In addition, in for hemodialysis (HD) patients than for PD and ND defining renal anemia, the guidelines emphasize that the patients, for two reasons: (i) In Japanese HD patients, reduced production of erythropoietin (EPO) that is Hb levels following hemodialysis rise considerably above their previous levels because of ultrafiltration-induced hemoconcentration;and(ii)asnotedinthe2004guidelines, although10to11g/dLwasoptimalforlong-termprognosis ReceivedJanuary2010. iftheHblevelpriortothehemodialysissessioninanHD AddresscorrespondenceandreprintrequeststoDrYoshiharu patienthadbeenestablishedatthetargetlevel,ithasbeen Tsubakihara,Department of Kidney Disease and Hypertension, reportedthat,basedondataaccumulatedonJapanesePD OsakaGeneralMedicalCenter,3-1-56Bandaihigashi,Sumiyoshi- andNDpatients,inpatientswithoutseriouscardiovascular ku,Osaka558-8558,Japan.Email:[email protected] PublishedinJJpnSocDialTher2008;41:661–716(inJapanese). disease,higherlevelshaveacardiacorrenalfunctionpro- ReprintedwithpermissionfromtheJournaloftheJapaneseSociety tective effect, without any safety issues.Accordingly, the forDialysisTherapy. guidelines establish a target Hb level in PD and ND 240 2009JDSTAnemiaGuidelines 241 patientsof11g/dLormore,andrecommend13g/dLasthe theexpertopinionthatevidenceobtainedfromstudiesin criterionfordosereduction/withdrawal.However,withthe which an ESA cost-savings effect had been positioned resultsof,forexample,theCHOIR(CorrectionofHemo- as the primary endpoint should not be accepted globinandOutcomesinRenalInsufficiency)studyinmind, unquestioningly. the guidelines establish an upper limit of 12g/dL for In Chapter 4, which discusses ESA dosing regimens, patientswithseriouscardiovasculardiseaseorpatientsfor andChapter5,whichdiscussespoorresponsetoESAs,we whom the attending physician determines high Hb levels gave priority to the usual doses that are listed in the wouldnotbeappropriate. package inserts of the ESAs that can be used in Japan. Chapter 3 discusses the criteria for iron supplementa- However,ifthemaximumdoseofdarbepoetinalfathatcan tion. The guidelines establish reference levels for iron currentlybeusedinHDandPDpatientsweretobeused, supplementationinJapanthatarelowerthanthoseestab- thenthemajorityofpoorresponderswouldberescued. lished in the Western guidelines.This is because of con- Blood transfusions are discussed in Chapter 6. Blood cerns about long-term toxicity if the results of short-term transfusions are attributed to the difficulty of managing studies conducted byWestern manufacturers,in which an renalanemianotonlyinHDpatients,butalsoinend-stage ESA cost-savings effect has been positioned as a primary ND patients who respond poorly to ESAs. It is believed endpoint,are too readily accepted.In other words,if the thatthenumberofpatientsrequiringtransfusionscouldbe serum ferritin is <100ng/mL and the transferrin satura- reducedfurtheriftherewerenovellong-actingESAsthat tion rate (TSAT) is <20%, then the criteria for iron couldbeusedforNDpatients. supplementation will be met;if only one of these criteria Chapter 7 discusses adverse reactions to ESA therapy. is met, then iron supplementation should be considered Ofparticularconcernistheemergenceandexacerbationof unnecessary. hypertension associated with rapid hematopoiesis due to Although there is a dearth of supporting evidence for ESAtherapy. these criteria,there are patients that have been surviving ThetreatmentofrenalanemiainpediatricCKDpatients onhemodialysisinJapanformorethan40years,andsince is discussed in Chapter 8;it is fundamentally the same as there are approximately 20000 patients who have been that in adults. Key Words: Chronic dialysis, Erythropo- receiving hemodialysis for more than 20years,which is a iesis stimulating agent, Guidelines, Hemoglobin, Non- situationthatisdifferentfromthatinmanyothercountries. dialysis Chronic kidney disease, Pediatric chronic kidney Asthereareconcernsaboutadversereactionsduetothe disease,Quality of life,Renal anemia,Serum erythropoi- overuseofironpreparationsaswell,wethereforeadopted etinconcentration. Renal anemia is a major complication in patients theguidelinesofdifferentcountriesandregionscite with chronic kidney disease (CKD), particularly virtuallyidenticalevidence,differencesmaybeseen. dialysis patients,and is a problem that has yet to be In all of the guidelines outside of Japan, the target conquered. However, the feeling has been that this Hb levels for ESA therapy in hemodialysis (HD), problem had been solved by the development of peritoneal dialysis (PD), and ND patients are recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO), almost identical. which became available for use by dialysis patients In 2001, there was a groundswell of momentum in Japan in 1990,and immediately began to be used for the preparation of guidelines in Japan as well, by approximately 80% of patients with unprec- and the First Renal Anemia Treatment Guideline edented efficacy.Then,in 1994,an additional indica- Preparation Working Group (WG) of the Japanese tion was approved for non-dialysis (ND) CKD Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT), chaired by patients, yielding a dramatic reduction in blood Professor F. Gejyo, was formed.The working group transfusions given when starting dialysis and afford- first assessed the Western guidelines that had ing various other beneficial effects, including sup- already been prepared, as well as the evidence pression of the progression of renal failure and an on which they had been based, and then explored improvement in patient quality of life (QOL). An what data were available in Japan. However, since improved vital prognosis following the start of there was virtually no evidence that was suitable dialysis was also reported.Moreover,new problems forcitinginJapan,theuseoftheWesternguidelines were identified with the target hemoglobin (Hb) was one option that was considered. On the levels in ESA therapy and also with the criteria for other hand,given that the dialysis and blood collec- the concomitant use of iron preparations. In order tion methods that are used in the West in HD to find solutions to these problems, clinical studies patients are different than those used in Japan, the were conducted,and guidelines based thereon were working group decided against adopting the formulated and revised in various countries and Western guidelines in their present form.There was regions around the world.Although the majority of also considerable debate about whether or not to ©2010TheAuthors Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 242 YTsubakiharaetal. handle PD and ND patients in the same way as including those of JSDT members, reported the HD patients, whose Hb values change markedly overall framework at the JSDT Annual Meeting in from before to after hemodialysis. In the end, June 2008, obtained approval, and published the renal anemia treatment guidelines were established guidelines in that same year,in the October issue of only for HD patients. The working group also J Jpn Soc Dial Ther, the Japanese-language journal proposed preparing its own evidence on HD of the JSDT. patients.Although this is not usually how guidelines Intheseguidelines,thecitedpapersaredividedinto are prepared, there was no other way of preparing three levels, A, B, and C, in order of decreasing Japan-specific guidelines,and this plan was accepted strengthoftheevidencecontainedtherein.Sothatthe by all the members of the working group. In recommendations shown in the boxes in the guide- order to prepare the evidence, the results of the lines are easier to understand, they have also been statistical surveys conducted by the JSDT Commit- divided into three levels: Strong Recommendation; tee of Renal Data Registry (CRDR) at the end of Moderately Strong Recommendation; and Opinion each year at all dialysis facilities in Japan were ana- (recommendation as the committee’s opinion).Fur- lyzed retrospectively. Based on the evidence thermore,evidencefromJapanandrecommendation obtained, finally, in 2004, the “Guidelines for Renal levels that are based on evidence from Japan are Anemia in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients” were indicatedbyasterisks. completed. Itisoursincerehopethattheseguidelinescontrib- Thefollowingyear,inDecember2005,inaddition ute to the improved treatment of anemia in CKD to revising the 2004 guidelines, the Second Renal patients in Japan. In the future, these guidelines Anemia Treatment Guidelines Working Group, should be revised as necessary as new evidence is chaired by Dr Y. Tsubakihara, was formed for the obtained, and after giving due consideration to the purpose of preparing renal anemia treatment guide- opinionsofJSDT,JSN,JSPD,andJSPNmembersand lines for PD,ND,and pediatric CKD patients.Most otherrelevantparties. of the members of the first working group were retained, and JSDT CRDR members and hematol- ogy specialists were added. In addition, in order to CHAPTER1 prepare guidelines for ND, PD, and pediatric CKD Diagnosis,criteria,andtreatmentofrenalanemia patients, the cooperation of the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN), the Japanese Society of Peri- 1. Hemoglobin(Hb)levelsinhealthyadultsdependonage, gender,andrace.Therefore,thecriteriaforanemiamustbe toneal Dialysis (JSPD), and the Japanese Society establishedconsideringthesefactors.(Table1-1). for Pediatric Nephrology (JSPN) was obtained. 2. “Hb levels” should be used as reference values for Each society was invited to send a representative diagnosisofanemia(Strongrecommendation). 3. In diagnosing anemia, various disorders causing anemia to join the working group as a member, and a mustbedifferentiated.Meancorpuscularvolume(MCV)is working group with 16 members was thereby ausefulindex(Opinion). formed. In January 2006, at a meeting with the US 4. The primary cause of renal anemia is decreased erythropoietin (EPO)-producing capacity associated with National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Out- renaldisorder.Thediagnosisofrenalanemiaismadefor comes Quality Initiative (NKF K/DOQI) Guideline the first time when no other diseases causing anemia are Preparation Committee members, we were found.Insomenon-dialysis(ND)patients,measurementof serumEPOlevelmaybeuseful(Opinion*). reminded anew of the differences in the patient backgrounds between the patient populations in the large-scale clinical studies conducted in the US and 1. Generaldiagnosticcriteriaforanemia the patients that we see in the clinical setting in ThereferencevaluesfordiagnosisofanemiainJapaneseare Japan.We therefore determined that,as a matter of Hblevelsof<13.5g/dL(hematocrit[Ht]levels<40%)inadult policy, as had been done by the First Working males and <11.5g/dL in adult females (Ht levels <35%) (Recommendation*). Group, we would emphasize Japanese evidence wherever possible. We then initiated a search of the literature and (1) Definitionofanemia. Anemiaisnotadisease communications amongst ourselves, held 13 meet- name but a condition in which the Hb level is ings of the working group,exchanged opinions with decreased. Hb transports oxygen to each body the Japan Bio-Iron Society (JBIS) regarding the use tissue; therefore, when anemia occurs, oxygen of iron preparations, held a public hearing with supply to tissues is reduced, and the physical func- JSDT members, posted the draft guidelines on the tion is influenced in accordance with the severity of JSDT home page, compiled numerous opinions, anemia. ©2010TheAuthors TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis 2009JDSTAnemiaGuidelines 243 TABLE1-1. MeanhemoglobinlevelsinJapanesemalesandfemalesandthe criteria foranemia MiwaHematology, Chronological 3rdedition(1) scientific(2) 19–60years 60–69years 70–79years Maleg/dL(Mean(cid:2)SD) 15.3(cid:2)0.9 13.8(cid:2)0.9 13.5(cid:2)1.2 Femaleg/dL(Mean(cid:2)SD) 13.3(cid:2)0.9 12.5(cid:2)1.0 12.2(cid:2)0.9 ReferenceLevelsforDiagnosis Maleg/dL(Mean-2SD) 13.5 12.0 11.1 Femaleg/dL(Mean-2SD) 11.5 10.5 10.4 SD,standarddeviation. (2) Diagnosticcriteria. Therehavebeenfewtext- Hemodialysis Patients” (2004 Guideline) (5) also books which provide diagnostic criteria for anemia specified the diagnostic reference values, but they based on measurement results in healthy Japanese. were revised as shown in Table1-1 and 1-2 Whenmean-2SD(standarddeviation)valuesofHb because of revisions to the supporting data. The or Ht levels in Japanese judged to be healthy by provided age-specific Japanese diagnostic reference certainstandardsaredefinedasreferencevaluesfor values for both males and females aged 60years or diagnosis of anemia, the values are as shown in oldertendtobelowerthanthoseinEuropeandthe Table1-1and1-2(1,2)(LevelB*).Asindicatedinthe US. tables, the reference values for diagnosis of anemia Inbloodtestswithanautomaticanalyzerwhichis differbetweenmalesandfemalesandamongtheage now commonly used, the red blood cell count, Hb groups. Table1-3 lists common reference values for level,andMCVareobtainedasmeasuredvalues,and diagnosis of anemia in Europeans and Americans the Ht level as a calculated value.Unlike Hb levels which are provided in the European Best Practice which remain relatively constant after blood sam- Guidelines(EBPG)(3)andUS(K/DOQI)(4)guide- pling, the values of MCV and Ht change due to linesforrenalanemia(hereinafterabbreviatedasthe variousinfluencesoccurringwithtimeaftersampling EuropeanandUSguidelines). (3) (Level A).Therefore, unless Ht levels are mea- In Japan, the “2004 Japanese Society for Dialysis sured directly, the use of Hb levels in diagnosing Therapy Guideline for Renal Anemia in Chronic anemiaisrecommended. TABLE1-2. MeanhematocritlevelsinJapanesemalesandfemalesandthe criteriaforanemia MiwaHematology, Chronological 3rdedition(1) scientific(2) 19–60years 60–69years 70–79years Male%(Mean(cid:2)2SD) 45.0(cid:2)2.5 42.0(cid:2)2.8 40.9(cid:2)3.6 Female%(Mean(cid:2)2SD) 40.0(cid:2)2.5 37.6(cid:2)3.1 36.9(cid:2)2.9 ReferenceLevelsforDiagnosis Male%(Mean—2SD) 40.0 36.4 33.7 Female%(Mean—2SD) 35.0 31.4 31.1 TABLE1-3. EuropeanBestPracticeGuidelines(EBPG)(3)andKidney DiseaseOutcomesQualityInitiative(K/DOQI)(4)criteriaforanemia EBPG K/DOQI Adultmale Hblevel<13.5g/dL Hblevel<13.5g/dL Adultfemale Hblevel<11.5g/dL Hblevel<12.0g/dL Maleaged>70years Hblevel<12.0g/dL Hb,hemoglobin. ©2010TheAuthors Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 244 YTsubakiharaetal. TABLE1-4. Differentialdiagnosisofanemia Microcytic iron-deficiencyanemia,ACD,sideroblasticanemia,thalassemia,atransferrinemia Normocytic renalanemia,hemolyticanemia,aplasticanemia,PRCA,myelodysplasticsyndrome, ACD,leukemia Macrocytic renalanemia,megaloblasticanemia(VitaminB12deficiency,folicaciddeficiency), hepatopathy,hypothyroidism,aplasticanemia,myelodysplasticsyndrome,and drug-relateddisordersinDNAsynthesis ACD,anemiaofchronicdisease;PRCA,pureredcellaplasia. 2. Differentialdiagnosisofanemiaandexamination EPO-producing capacity of the kidney which is not items attributabletocausesotherthanrenaldisease(Level B*)(6,7).However,inbroadly-definedrenalanemia, Indiagnosinganemia,variousdisorderscausinganemiamust causes other than the decreased EPO-producing be differentiated.In the differential diagnosis of anemia,the typeofanemiashouldbeclassifiedintomicrocytic,normocytic, capacity due to renal disease (such as shorter life andmacrocyticcategoriesbasedonMCV.(Opinion). spanofredbloodcells)arealsotakenintoconsider- ation. In Japan, it is reasonable to regard values in In diagnosing renal anemia, differentiation of Table1-1 and 1-2 as the reference values of Hb variousdiseasescausinganemiaisneeded.Tomakea dependingonthesexandage. differential diagnosis of anemia in clinical practice, Referencevaluesofadecreaseinglomerularfiltra- classification of microcytic, normocytic, and macro- tion rate (GFR) at which the incidence of renal cytic categories based on MCV is clinically useful. anemia abruptly increases are approximately serum ThedisordersclassifiedaccordingtoMCVvaluesare creatinine (Cr) of 2mg/dL or more, or creatinine showninTable1-4. clearance(Ccr)oflessthan20to35mL/min(chronic The examination items necessary for the differen- kidneydisease[CKD]stage4to5)(8–10)(LevelC). tiation of the individual diseases are summarized in Inpatientswithdiabeticnephropathy,renalanemiais Table1-5.The items include a peripheral blood test, knowntooccuratanearlierstagethaninthosewith parametersofironmetabolism,biochemistry,asero- non-diabeticnephropathy,andtheroughindicationof logicaltest,serumEPOlevel,bonemarrowexamina- such occurrence is Ccr of less than 45mL/min (3) tion, and vitamin/hormone measurements. It is (LevelC). important to select the examination items in accor- However,the presence of renal anemia cannot be dancewithdisorderstobedifferentiated. ruledouteveninpatientswithrelativelyhigherGFR. Given that “renal anemia is an endocrine disease”, 3. Definitionofrenalanemia factors responsible for anemia other than decreased renal EPO production due to renal disease must be 1. Renalanemiareferstoanemiacausedbydecreasedrenal EPO-producingcapacityduetorenaldisease. excludedbeforediagnosingrenalanemia.Neverthe- 2. Othercausesofrenalanemiaincludeshorterlifespanofred less, in most cases, renal anemia may be diagnosed blood cells, hypo-responsiveness of erythroid progenitor when a decrease in GFR is within the ranges cellstoEPO,malnutrition,andresidualbloodinthedialysis bloodcircuitinhemodialysis(HD)patients. describedaboveandnoothercausesofanemia(par- ticularly,irondeficiencyanemia,etc.)arefound. In a limited sense,renal anemia refers to a condi- AlthoughmeasurementofserumEPOleveliscon- tion in which the Hb level cannot be maintained sideredtobeoflessdiagnosticsignificanceinpatients above the reference value because of decreased with end stage renal failure (3–5),it should be con- TABLE1-5. Usefulexaminationitemsforthedifferentialdiagnosisofanemia 1. RBC,Hb,Ht,andMCV 8. Bonemarrowtest 2. Reticulocytes 9. VitaminB ,folicacid,Zn,andCu 12 3. Parametersofironmetabolism(Fe,UIBC,Ferritin,andTSAT) 10. Coombs’testandhaptoglobin 4. Leukocytecount,WBCfraction,andplateletcount 11. Bloodaluminumlevel 5. Occultbloodinstool 12. Thyroidfunction 6. Bloodbiochemistry,CRP,andproteinfraction 13. Parathyroidfunction(intactPTH) 7. SerumEPOlevel 14. Others TSAT(%)=[serumiron(mg/dL)/TIBC(mg/dL)]¥100;CRP,C-reactiveprotein;EPO,erythropoietin;Hb,hemoglobin;Ht,hematocrit; MCV,meancorpuscularvolume;PTH,parathyroidhormone;RBC,redbloodcell;TSAT,transferrinsaturation;UIBC,unsaturatediron bindingcapacity;WBC,whitebloodcell. ©2010TheAuthors TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis 2009JDSTAnemiaGuidelines 245 sidered when no other causes of anemia are found 4. Treatmentofrenalanemia despite a relatively mild decrease in GFR (3,6) 1. Whenadefinitediagnosisofrenalanemiaisreachedand (Level B). The national health insurance in Japan criteria for treatment are met, ESA therapy should be covers such measurement when conducted before started(Strongrecommendation). thestartoftreatmentwitherythropoiesisstimulating 2. Treatment with iron preparations required for erythropoiesis should be used concomitantly (Strong agents (ESAs). Renal anemia can be diagnosed recommendation). when,although the GFR is relatively preserved,the 3. In maintenance HD patients, efforts should be made to Hblevelislowandnoothercausesofanemiaorno purify the dialysate, and adequate dialysis should be conducted(Strongrecommendation). increased serum EPO level is observed.Re-analysis 4. In patients with malnutrition or inflammation,aggressive ofdatafromJapaneseclinicalstudiesofrecombinant treatment for them should be conducted (Strong human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) in ND patients recommendation). (conducted by Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.and Kirin Pharma Company, Ltd.; both studies included The first-line treatment of renal anemia is ESAs. patientswithCrof2mg/dLormore,orCcrof30mL/ Anabolic steroids covered by the national health min,orlessandHboflessthan10g/dL)revealedthat insurance in Japan should not be used because of the mean(cid:2)standard deviation (SD) of serum EPO adverse reactions (4) (Level A). In special cases, levelin422patientswas22.7(cid:2)12.1mIU/mL(range including those where no ESA preparations can be 5.0 to 151.0mIU/mL) and that the mean+2SD was used, anabolic steroids should be used after 46.9mIU/mL (7). In ND patients with Hb levels of adequate informed consent is obtained. Causes of less than 10g/dL and lower serum EPO levels than renal anemia include uremic toxin or endotoxin, this value, renal anemia is suspected irrespective of malnutrition,shorterlifespanofredbloodcellsdue GFR(LevelC*). to inflammation and other factors, poor responsive- In Japan, most laboratory testing companies use ness of erythroid progenitor cells to EPO, and the radioimmunoassay (RIA) method to measure residual blood in the hemodialysis circuit of HD the EPO level,while the enzyme-linked immunoas- patients. The EBPG recommends that adequate say (ELISA) method is mainly used in Europe and dialysis doses should be Kt/V of 1.2/week or more the US. Since there have been no studies which for HD patients and 1.8/week or more for PD addressed cross validation of these methods, data patients (3) (Level B). However, the more recent obtained from the different methods cannot be PD guidelines published in Europe and the US simply compared. The values previously described (11,12) recommend Kt/V of 1.7 or more as the are based on RIA. The method used for measure- minimum target. ment should be confirmed prior to outsourcing the In HD patients, purification of the dialysate and test. In the laboratory testing companies below, all long-term dialysis are effective not only in treating use the identical reagent (Recombigen EPO kit*). renal anemia but also in improving survival progno- Slight differences in their reference values (healthy sis (3) (Level B). Since malnutrition and inflam- individuals without anemia) are considered to cause mation are also among the causative factors of no problem in measurement (as of September renal anemia, treatment for these events should be 2008). conducted in combination with ESA therapy (3) (Level B). In addition, hemodiafiltration (HDF) is 1. SRL,Inc.(Tokyo,Japan): 8–36mIU/mL believed to be more effective than ordinary HD (3) 2. Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corp. (Tokyo, (Level B). Japan): 9.1–32.8mIU/mL 3. BML,Inc.(Tokyo,Japan): 29.0mIU/mL orlower 4. FALCObiosystemsLtd.(Tokyo,Japan): CHAPTER2 9.1–32.8mIU/mL TargetHblevelandcriteriaforstartingESA 5. Health Sciences Research Institute,Inc.(Tokyo, therapy Japan): 8–36mIU/mL 6. Koto Biken Medical Laboratory (Ibaraki, HDpatients 1. WerecommendthatESAtherapyinpatientsundergoing Japan): 8.0–36.0mIU/mL HD should target an Hb level of 10 to 11g/dL in blood samplescollectedinthesupinepositionbeforeHDatthe *Manufactured and distributed by: Mitsubishi beginning of the week (2days from the last dialysis) KagakuIatron,Inc. (Moderately strong recommendation*). Hb levels Reference material for calibration:WHO 2nd IRP exceeding12g/dLshouldbethecriteriafordosereduction orinterruptionofESAs(Opinion*). (HUM,urinary/Bioassay67/343(194). ©2010TheAuthors Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 246 YTsubakiharaetal. very little information on PD or ND patients.Com- 2. WhentheHblevelislessthan10g/dLinseveraltestresults pared to anemia treatment in Europe and the US, followingadiagnosisofrenalanemia,ESAadministration shouldbeinitiated.(Opinion*). circumstances such as limitations of types and doses 3. Inrelativelyyoungpatientswithhighactivitylevels,anHb of ESAs covered by the national health insurance levelof11to12g/dLshouldbemaintained.(Opinion*).Hb resulted in markedly lower Hb levels (17). Further- levels exceeding 13g/dL should be the criteria for dose reduction or interruption of ESAs (Opinion*).When the more there were no large-scale studies to set the Hb level is less than 11g/dL in several test results,ESA targetHblevel.After2004,thetargetHblevelinthe administrationshouldbeinitiated.(Opinion*). US K/DOQI guidelines was revised twice. In the PDandNDpatients 1. WerecommendthatESAtherapyinPDandNDpatients update in 2006 (4),the upper limit of Hb levels was shouldtargetanHblevelof11g/dLorhigher(Moderately removed as in the EBPG (3) (although it included strongrecommendation*).IftheHblevelexceeds13g/dL, the statement that there is no evidence to recom- dose reduction or interruption should be considered (Opinion*). mend that Hb levels be maintained at 13g/dL or 2. WhentheHblevelislessthan11g/dLinseveraltestresults higher). In 2007, the guideline was revised again followingadiagnosisofrenalanemia,ESAadministration based on the results of large-scale,randomized,con- shouldbeinitiated.(Opinion*). 3. If the patient has a history of serious cardiovascular trolled trials (RCTs), including the Correction of disease or complications or if it is medically necessary, Hemoglobin and Outcomes in Renal Insufficiency dosereductionorinterruptionshouldbeconsideredifthe (CHOIR)studyinNDpatientspublishedattheend Hb level exceeds 12g/dL (Moderately strong recommen- dation*). of 2006 (18) in addition to consideration of the US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) alert (13).In 1. BackgroundofsettingthetargetHblevel(Ht this update, given the Hb target should be set by level)forESAtherapy taking the conditions of individual patients into Although the Europe and US guidelines for renal account, it was specified that the Hb target should anemia (3,4) provide identical target Hb levels for generallybeintherangeof11to12g/dLandshould HD, PD, and ND patients, the 2004 Guideline (5) notbegreaterthan13g/dL.TheEBPGrecommends restricted its application to HD patients, and the that the target Hb level should be higher than 11g/ setting of Hb levels for PD and ND patients was dL,without setting the upper limit.However,it also postponed.This was primarily because Hb levels in states that the target Hb level for patients with con- HD patients vary depending on hemoconcentration gestive heart failure and severe cardiovascular duetofluidremovalcausedbyHD(13,14).IntheUS, diseaseshouldbe11to12g/dL(3)(LevelA). an increase of 1 to 3g/dL of Hb levels after HD has Looking back on changes in Japanese anemia beenreported(13)(LevelB).Inaddition,itisknown treatment after the publication of the 2004 Guide- thatthedryweight(DW)ofJapaneseHDpatientsis lines,theresultsofthestatisticalsurveysbytheJSDT lessthanthatofWesternersandthatmanyJapanese at the end of 2005 and 2006 (19,20) revealed that patients have high weight gain rates (15) (Level B). approximately 40% of HD patients still had Hb Therefore,itisexpectedthatthechangeofHblevels levelsoflessthan10g/dLasthelowerlimitoftheHb between pre-HD and post-HD is larger in Japanese target recommended by the 2004 Guidelines (Level patients than in Europeans and Americans. Taking A*).This implied that the 2004 Guidelines had not such changes of Hb levels into consideration, the been understood or adequately penetrated.In addi- EuropeandUSguidelinesrecommendthatsampling tion,inassociationwiththerevisionofmedicaltreat- for Hb levels in HD patients should be conducted mentfeesforHDpatientsin2006,thecostofESAs midweek as the weight gain is smaller (4).However wasincludedinaflatpaymentsystem.Becauseofthis inJapan,mostinstitutionsconductbloodsamplingat event, the survey results at the end of 2006 showed the beginning of the week,and the statistical survey that as compared to the survey at the end of 2005 data by the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (19), the used dose of rHuEPO had decreased (20) (JSDT) are also based on this sampling schedule. andthatpatientswithsevereanemiatendedtohave Therefore, the increase in Hb after HD cannot be higher iron stores. Given such influence of this flat disregarded.Attheendof1997,thestatisticalsurvey payment system,more efficient ESA therapy will be results by the JSDT showed that the percentage of pursued further in the future. On the other hand, a patients with Ht levels of 40% or higher reached long-acting ESA, darbepoetin alfa (DA), has been 12.7% after HD compared to 2.0% before HD (16) approved also in Japan for the treatment of renal (LevelA*). anemiainHDandPDpatientsandclinicalstudiesin For these reasons, the 2004 Guidelines in Japan ND patients are being conducted presently.In addi- restricteditsapplicationtoHDpatients(5).Another tion,clinicalstudiesofanotherlong-actingESA,con- majorreasonforsucharestrictionwasthattherewas tinuous erythropoietin receptor activator (CERA), ©2010TheAuthors TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis 2009JDSTAnemiaGuidelines 247 arealsoongoinginHD,PD,andNDpatients.Before TABLE2-1. Influenceofthehematocrit(Ht)levelprior publication of the 2004 Guidelines, the Japanese tohemodialysis(HD)attheendof1995onthe5-year survivalrate(5)(correctedbyage,gender,underlying targetHblevelsforHD,PD,andNDpatientswereall disease,Kt/Vurea,andpercentweightlossduringHD) approximately 10g/dL (Ht: approximately 30%), which was the target Hb level specified in the Htlevelprior package insert of rHuEPO.The same criteria were toHD(%) RR(95%CI) P-value also recommended in the report on HD patients by <24 1.714(1.610–1.82) 0.0001 the 1990 Health Sciences Research Committee 24(cid:3)<27 1.219(1.159–1.28) 0.0001 27(cid:3)<30 1.026(0.980–1.07) 0.2722 (chairperson;YoshiheiHirasawa)(21).However,the 30(cid:3)<33 1.000(control) control Japanese clinical studies of DA provided higher 33(cid:3)<36 1.112(1.050–1.178) 0.0003 target Hb levels than before separately in HD, PD 36(cid:3)<39 1.254(1.156–1.362) 0.0001 39(cid:3) 1.306(1.185–1.440) 0.0001 andNDpatientsbasedontheEuropeandUSguide- lines.Inthesestudies,nosafetyissueswereobserved, CI,confidenceinterval;RR,relativerisk. and favorable results were reported in QOL and cardiac function.As a result, an increased Hb (Ht) between 27 and 33% was lowest when adjusted by targetofapproximately11g/dL(33%)wasprovided age,sex,primary disease,weight gain rate,and Kt/V in the package insert of DA. The results of these (Table2-1).Analysesbyageandprimarydiseasealso studies targeting higher Hb levels are important for indicatedthatsurvivalprognosiswasmostfavorable they were obtained from Japanese patients with in the group with Ht levels between 30 and 33%, chronickidneydisease(CKD).Therefore,thisGuide- although a slight difference was observed between lineacknowledgedthesefindingstochangethecrite- theresultsoftheseanalyses(5)(LevelB*). ria for ESA dose reduction or interruption in HD Hirasawa etal. retrospectively investigated a patients and also to set target Hb levels for PD and 3-yearprognosisin2654Japanesemaintenancedialy- NDpatients. sis patients receiving rHuEPO at 22 institutions, based on mean Ht levels divided into 3% intervals. 2. TargetHblevelforHDpatients Evaluation of the survival prognosis using the Ht In the Europe and US guidelines, the target Hb levelsadjustedbyage,sex,primarydisease,concomi- levelsaresetat11to12g/dLorhigher,basedonthe tant disease, albumin (Alb) level, and other param- results of several endpoints, including survival rate, etersrevealedthattheprognosiswasmostfavorable morbidity,leftventricularmassindex(LVMI),QOL, in the group with Ht levels between 30 and 33% physical activity level, number (length) of hospital- (Table2-2)(23)(LevelB*). izations,othercognitiveabilities,metabolicfunction, Taken together, the results described above sug- andsleeppattern(3,4)(LevelB). gested that the target Hb level for rHuEPO therapy On the other hand, a slight ethnic difference is is10to11g/dL(Htlevel:30to33%)(5)whenevalu- observedinthenormalHb(Ht)levelbetweenJapa- ated in terms of survival prognosis, (Level B*). nese and Westerners, and it is slightly lower in the However,when limited to younger individuals aged Japaneseelderly(seeChapter1).However,thereare 35 to 45years, analysis of 5-year survival using the only a few studies that address the setting of Hb statistical data by the Japanese Society for Dialysis target for rHuEPO therapy in Japanese that are Therapy revealed that the RR in the group with Ht worthciting.Intheannualstatisticalsurveyresultsby levels of 33 to 36% was as low as 0.78,with no sig- theJSDT,evaluationofindependentfactorsaffecting nificant difference compared to the group with Ht 1-yearsurvivalrevealedthattheoptimalHtlevelwas levels between 30 and 33% because of the limited 30 to 35%. However, this evaluation was limited to number of patients.Therefore, the 2004 Guidelines the short-term prognosis of 1-year survival and the recommendedtheHblevelof11to12g/dL(Htlevel evaluated Ht range was divided into intervals as of33to36%)onlyforrelativelyyounger,activeindi- broadas5%.Forthesereasons,theHtlevelwithan viduals with fewer arteriosclerotic lesions (5) (Level intervalof5%isconsideredinappropriateforrecom- C*). mendation. It was presumed that the difference in the target In this context,using the statistical survey data by Hb level (Ht level) between the Japanese and theJSDT,westratifiedHtlevelsobtainedattheend Europe or US guidelines could be explained by dif- of 1995 (55855 patients, including non-rHuEPO ferencesintheethnicity,dayofbloodsampling,body users) into 3% intervals as in Europe and the US to positionduringbloodsampling,andotherfactors.To examinetheeffectofHtlevelson5-yearsurvival.The test this hypothesis, two types of additional studies resultrevealedthattherelativerisk(RR)ofHtlevels belowwereconducted. ©2010TheAuthors Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 248 YTsubakiharaetal. TABLE2-2. Influenceofthehematocrit(Ht)level/patientcharacteristicsonthe1-yearand3-yearmortalityrates 1-yearmortalityrate 3-yearmortalityrate Backgroundfactor RR 95%CI P-value RR 95%CI P-value Group1(Ht(cid:4)36%) 0† 0† 0.9694 0.915 0.405–2.072 0.8321 Group2(33%(cid:3)Ht<36%) 0.605 0.320–1.146 0.1231 1.111 0.816–1.514 0.5036 Group3(30%(cid:3)Ht<33%) 0.447 0.290–0.689 0.0003 0.677 0.537–0.855 0.001 Group4(27%(cid:3)Ht<30%) 1 Group5(Ht<27%) 1.657 1.161–2.367 0.0054 1.604 1.275–2.019 <0.0001 Age:1-yearincrease 1.029 1.016–1.043 <0.0001 1.048 1.039–1.056 <0.0001 Gender:Female 0.85 0.620–1.167 0.3159 0.758 0.629–0.913 0.0036 Underlyingdisease Diabeticnephropathy 0.958 0.671–1.368 0.815 1.354 1.114–1.647 0.0024 Complications Heartfailure 1.224 0.883–1.696 0.2256 1.596 1.319–1.932 <0.0001 Occlusivearteriosclerosis 1.281 0.844–1.944 0.2456 1.639 1.302–2.063 <0.0001 Cerebrovasculardiseases 1.683 1.142–2.480 0.0085 1.522 1.211–1.913 0.0003 Digestivedisorders 1.190 0.870–1.628 0.2759 0.907 0.753–1.093 0.3051 Hepatobiliarysystemdisorders 1.438 0.978–2.117 0.0651 1.264 0.997–1.603 0.0528 Cancer 1.725 0.943–3.156 0.0768 2.716 1.910–3.862 <0.0001 Alb <3.5g/dL 1 (cid:4)3.5g/dL 0.424 0.307–0.585 <0.0001 0.603 0.501–0.726 <0.0001 †NodeathsamongN=36.ThistableisquotedfromthestudydescribedbyHirasawaetal.(23).Alb,albumin;CI,confidenceinterval;RR, relativerisk. In the JSDT survey of the current status,most of greaterdecreaseinHtlevelsthaninhealthyindividu- the Ht levels were obtained at the beginning of the als (24). In Europe and the US, many HD patients week,while in Europe and the US,results of blood receive dialysis while sitting in a chair bed,whereas sampled at midweek are used. Therefore, it is those in Japan receive dialysis in a supine position. expectedthatthereisaninfluencefromadifference Thus,thebodypositionduringbloodsamplingisdif- in the weight gain rate between Japan and Western ferent. In this context, in 99 HD patients with little countries. In this context, a comparison between residual renal function who were receiving dialysis peripheral blood data obtained on Monday and three times weekly at four institutions, peripheral Wednesday from the same patient was conducted in bloodwastakenwhiletheywereinasittingposition 247 Japanese patients undergoing HD three times shortly after admission to the laboratory test room. weekly(Monday,Wednesday,andFriday)atasingle Data on these peripheral blood samples were com- institution. The result showed that the Ht level on paredtothoseobtainedaftertheyrestedinasupine Monday corresponded to 99.1% of that onWednes- position for approximately 10min. The result day(Table2-3)(5)(LevelC*). revealed that the Ht level of the blood samples in a In addition, it is known that the patient’s body supinepositionwas94.3%ofthatinasittingposition positionduringbloodsamplingaffectstheHtlevel.A (Table2-4)(5)(LevelC*). study conducted in Japan has shown that in HD Asimplecalculationwiththetwofactorsdescribed patients’ blood sampled in a supine position had a aboverevealedthatHtlevelsof33to36%inEurope and the US correspond to those of 30.8 to 33.6% in Japan. TABLE2-3. Differencesbetweenthedaysofblood However, the studies on the survival prognosis collection(5).(Comparisonofthehematologicaldata mentionedabovewereallretrospectiveandbasedon betweenMondayandWednesdayofthesameweekin247 patientsundergoingdialysisonMonday,Wednesdayand Htlevelsduringacertainperiod. Friday) In order to set target Hb levels, large-scale, pro- spectiveRCTswithendpointssuchassurvivalprog- Monday Wednesday Difference nosisandQOLwillbeneededinthefuture. BW(kg) 53.1(cid:2)0.7 52.6(cid:2)8.9 0.6 Although not an RCT, there is a report on the Hblevel(g/dL) 10.4(cid:2)1.0 10.5(cid:2)1.3 0.15 Htlevel(%) 32.3(cid:2)3.5 32.6(cid:2)4.4 0.36 results of a prospective, open-label clinical study in TP(g/dL) 6.7(cid:2)0.5 6.7(cid:2)0.5 0.05 which DA was administered for approximately Values are reported as Mean(cid:2)SD. BW, body weight; Hb, oneyear to 513 HD patients in maintenance phase hemoglobin;Ht,hematocrit;TP,totalprotein. receivingrHuEPO(25).Inthisstudy,atargetHblevel ©2010TheAuthors TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010 Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis 2009JDSTAnemiaGuidelines 249 TABLE2-4. ComparisonoftheHtlevelbetweenthe Inthe2004Guidelines,theHbtargetswerestrictly sittingpositionandthesupinepositioninpatients set within narrow ranges; 10 to 11g/dL and 11 to undergoingHD(5) 12g/dL for active younger patients. However, Hb Results Sittingposition Supineposition levels of patients vary by various factors, and the variationrangeofapproximately1g/dLisconsidered Crlevel(mg/dL) 10.9(cid:2)2.8 10.9(cid:2)2.8 BUN(mg/dL) 74.4(cid:2)12.4 74.0(cid:2)12.2 acceptable in clinical practice.Although it is impor- Hblevel(g/dL) 10.7(cid:2)1.0 10.1(cid:2)0.9(94.4%) tant to pay attention to the upper limit of Hb levels Htlevel(%) 33.2(cid:2)3.0 31.3(cid:2)2.9(94.3%) during the ESA use, excessive adherence to this TP(g/dL) 6.7(cid:2)0.5 6.3(cid:2)0.5(94.0%) upperlimitmaycauseHblevelstobemaintainedat ExaminationinOsakaprefectureHospitalandthreeotherhos- a relatively lower level. This probably leads to the pitals. Examination was conducted in 99 patients with little result mentioned above that the number of patients residual renal function who were undergoing HD three times a week in four hospitals, and from whom informed consent was with Hb levels of less than 10g/dL have not yet obtained.We collected blood via the venous route in the sitting decreased. As described above, the clinical study positionimmediatelyafterarrival,andviathearterialrouteabout resultsofDAandCERAhaveshownnosafetyissues 10min after they were placed in the supine position.The levels werecompared.ValuesarereportedasMean(cid:2)SD.BUN,blood withthehightherapyrangeofHbfrom10to13g/dL. ureanitrogen;Cr,reatinine;Hb,hemoglobin;Ht,hematocrit;TP, Therefore,ascriteriafordosereductionorinterrup- totalprotein. tion, in addition to target Hb levels, we decided to recommend Hb levels are more than 12g/dL, and more than 13g/dL for active younger patients with higherthanthatrecommendedbythe2004Guideline mildvascularlesions. wasused;specifically,thestudyHbtargetwassetat11 A large-scale, prospective, observational study of to12g/dL(10to13g/dLastherapeuticwindow).The rHuEPOisbeingconductedpresentlyinHDpatients meanHblevelafterthestartoftheDAtreatmentwas to investigate Hb targets from the viewpoint of sur- maintained at approximately 11g/dL, but no safety vivalprognosis(22).Thisresultisnotable,butaRCT issues were observed.In addition,we compared the in HD patients to investigate Hb targets is also medical outcomes study 36-item short-form health neededinJapan. survey(SF-36)ofQOLassessmentatthestartofDA treatmentandwhentheHblevelincreasedto11g/dL orhigher.Theresultrevealedthatallscoresshoweda 3. TargetHblevelforPDandNDpatients tendencytowardanincreaseaftertheDAtreatment. The Europe and US guidelines for renal anemia Particularly in patients in whom the Hb level (3,13) provide the same Hb targets for HD,PD,and increasedby1g/dLorgreaterandreached11g/dLor NDpatients.However,thereisnoscientificevidence higher,the score of vitality significantly increased as for handling these patient subgroups equally, since comparedtothoseinwhomtheHblevelincreasedby Hb levels of PD and ND patients are more stable lessthan1g/dLandremainedlowerthan11g/dL(26) than those of HD patients which change before and (LevelB*).TheseresultsmaysuggestthattargetHb after HD. However, only a few studies have been levels for HD patients which are higher than the conducted regarding target Hb levels for PD or ND conventional reference value cause no safety issues patientsinJapan.EarlierclinicalstudiesofrHuEPO andaremoreuseful. in Japanese ND patients have suggested that an Based on these clinical study results, the package increase in Hb levels to approximately 12g/dL or insert of DA states the target Hb level of approxi- higherwouldbeusefulinimprovingcardiacfunction mately11g/dL,whichishigherthantheconventional (28)orprotectingrenalfunction(29).Anincreasein target of approximately 10g/dL. This explains the Htlevelstoarangeof32%to39%byadoseincrease currentdoublestructureofJapanesetargetHblevel of rHuEPO has been reported to significantly for ESA therapy in the package inserts, which con- improveLVMIwithoutsafetyissues(28)(LevelB*). sists of approximately 10g/dL for rHuEPO and In other research which prospectively investigated approximately11g/dLforDA. effectsontherenalfunctioninNDpatientsrandom- Inaprospective,open-labelclinicalstudyinwhich ized to rHuEPO group or untreated group, it has 145 HD patients in maintenance phase on rHuEPO beenreportedthatdeteriorationoftherenalfunction received CERA for approximately oneyear,the Hb (as evaluated by doubling of Cr) was significantly targetwassetat10to12g/dL.Theresultshowedthat prevented in the rHuEPO group (the Ht level the mean Hb level after the CERA administration increasedfrom27%to32%)comparedtothatinthe was maintained at approximately 11g/dL, and no untreated group (29) (Level A*). Furthermore, in safetyissueswereobserved(27)(LevelB*). postmarketing clinical studies of rHuEPO in ND ©2010TheAuthors Journalcompilation©2010InternationalSocietyforApheresis TherApherDial,Vol.14,No.3,2010