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Guidelines for Filing FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration PDF

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Preview Guidelines for Filing FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration

Guidelines for Filing FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration Revision No. 1 Prepared by: City of Philadelphia / Division of Aviation Planning and Environmental Services Revised June 24, 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction........................................................................................................................2 Who Must File....................................................................................................................2 When To File......................................................................................................................3 How To File........................................................................................................................3 What To File.......................................................................................................................4 Questions...........................................................................................................................5 How to Fill Out Form 7460-1..............................................................................................5 Future Requirements (Form 7460-2).................................................................................5 APPENDIX.........................................................................................................................9 ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 1 of 9 Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide DOA Staff, Airport Consultants, and those doing work near or around the Airport, with guidelines for preparing and submitting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Form 7460-1 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION. It is important to note that the City of Philadelphia - Division of Aviation will be the Sponsor for most on Airport construction or alteration projects requiring the FAA Form 7460-1. Deviations to this procedure will result in the submitted documents to be returned without action and possibly delaying the project. The purpose for filing a notice is as follows: (cid:52) Evaluate the effect of the construction or alteration on operating procedures; (cid:52) Determine the potential hazardous effect of the proposed construction on air navigation; (cid:52) Identify mitigating measures to enhance safe air navigation; (cid:52) Place new objects on Navigational Charts Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, establishes in part, standards for determining obstructions to navigable airspace. It also establishes requirements for filing notice to the FAA for certain construction or alteration proposals. This guideline booklet will provide general guidance accordingly for initiating the 7460-1 process. However, the applicant is encouraged to review Part 77 regulations and related advisory circulars and forms that are available at the FAA’s website link below: http://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraffic/airports/regional_guidance/central/construction/part77/#ac Although the above regulations govern the overall criteria for filing, this document, which is for guidance purposes only, was created in cooperation with FAA’s local Airport District Office (ADO) and attempts to incorporate their specific informational needs in order to allow their review to proceed efficiently. Who Must File Per FAR Part 77.13, in general, any person proposing any construction or alteration on any public use airport, regardless of height, and listed in the Airport Directory shall file notice with the FAA in the manner prescribed in FAR Part 77.17. Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) and Philadelphia Northeast Airport (PNE) are covered by this requirement. ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 2 of 9 Furthermore, FAR Part 77.13 states that notice shall be filed with the FAA for any construction or alteration that is near a public-use airport and is more than 200 feet in height above the ground at its site, or penetrates imaginary surfaces defined in Part 77.13. For PHL and PNE this would be an imaginary envelope boundary extending 20,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway, with a projected slope of 100 feet horizontal for each 1 foot vertical – see EXHIBIT A, EXHIBIT B and EXHIBIT C in APPENDIX A. In addition, filing is required when the object is a traverse way (roadway) for mobile objects and it penetrates the above imaginary surfaces created by a sloped line from the edge of the nearest runway upward to an adjusted height above the traverse way. For example, if the object were a private roadway, the imaginary intersection point would be from the surface of the road adjusted upward 10 feet, or to the height of the highest mobile object to use that road. Furthermore, if the obstruction were a railroad, the imaginary intersection point would be from the surface of the track adjusted upward to 23 feet. When To File For work on Airport property, submission of completed form and attachments must be made to DOA 60-100 days prior to anticipated work start. This is to allow time for DOA to review your submission and forward it the FAA for a consolidated response. NOTE: Work cannot begin until the airspace consolidated response is received from the FAA. DOA will advise of such notice to proceed. For work off of Airport property, submit directly to FAA as early as possible in the planning stage, but not less than 30 days before construction begins, or as otherwise required by the FAA procedures. How To File For work on Airport Property: All Form 7460-1 and attachments are to be submitted to the Division of Aviation (DOA) in PDF format for review. DOA will review and approve the submission on behalf of the party making the filing, and then forward to the applicable FAA office. Submit to: For Tenant Projects For DOA Projects Only Joseph Foley Your Division of Aviation Construction Engineer Project Manager Division of Aviation Division of Aviation Philadelphia International Airport Philadelphia International Airport Terminal E Terminal E Philadelphia, PA 19153 Philadelphia, PA 19153 Once received, the 7460 submission will be reviewed and processed by the Airport’s Planning and Environmental Services Unit and electronically filed to the FAA. ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 3 of 9 For work off of Airport Property: All Form 7460-1 and attachments are to be submitted directly to the FAA. See the following website for further instructions on where to file (it is strongly recommended that you use the e-Filing option): https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/portal.jsp What To File One (1) completed original FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration (See examples and form in APPENDIX B) with the following attachments: (cid:52) If federal funds are being used for the project, include AIP Project Number(s) on all correspondence and drawings; (cid:52) USGS 7.5 Quadrangle Map (8½” x 11” non-reduced format) denoting precise site location is to be provided; (cid:52) Partial copy of the latest approved Airport ALP (8½” x 11”) clearly indicating the physical dimensions of the proposed facility and/or work area with the distance from the permanent or temporary obstruction to nearest runway centerline and/or taxiway, and ALP boundary (property line or security fence). Include accurate geodetic datum NAD 83 latitude and longitude coordinates for the corner of any applicable obstruction or structure closest to the nearest runway or taxiway-DO NOT DERIVE COORDINATES FROM THE USGS QUAD MAP. See examples in APPENDIX C. This is to include all temporary construction equipment or structures such as: Cranes (cid:133) Derricks (cid:133) Earth Moving Equipment (cid:133) Drilling Rigs (cid:133) Haul Routes (cid:133) Staging Areas (cid:133) Stock Piles (cid:133) Temporary Lights (cid:133) Fences (Construction or Permanent) (cid:133) (cid:52) Phasing Plan; (cid:52) Safety Plan (to be submitted at 75% Design Stage – see APPENDIX D for description) ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 4 of 9 Once successfully reviewed by DOA Planning, you will need to email PDF file(s) of all final documents to the person noted above, or all documents in PDF format on CD. NOTE: If a proposed permanent obstruction is not indicated on the latest approved ALP, then an Environmental Assessment must be conducted for the project. Questions Do not call the FAA directly regarding any questions or concerns about filing the Form 7460-1 package submittal for projects located on Airport property. Instead, direct all inquiries to DOA, who will contact the FAA as necessary. The DOA contact is Michael McCartney, Planning and Environmental Services Manager at 215-937-6727. How to Fill Out Form 7460-1 For your convenience the FAA instructions are duplicated below with additional clarification comments, and a color-coded version and examples of completed forms are located in APPENDIX B. Please read the instructions thoroughly before attempting to fill out the form. The responsibility for the accuracy of the form’s contents is with the party making the submission. DOA will only review to confirm location of the obstruction and to insure compatibility with the Airport’s Master Plan. Additional copies of the Forms are available from the FAA website: PDF format: https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/content/forms.jsp WORD format is no longer available for the new form. DOA will be unable to process any submissions made on the old form. Future Requirements (Form 7460-2) If advised by the FAA office, a supplemental notification Form 7460-2 will be required to be submitted within 48 hours prior to start of the construction or alteration, or within 5 days of the structure reaching its greatest height. DOA will advise on the need for this document. If required the form is available in PDF format from the following website: https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/content/forms.jsp ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 5 of 9 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FAA FORM 7460-1 PLEASE TYPE or PRINT ITEM #1 SPONSOR. Please include the name, address and phone number of a personal contact point as well as the company name. This will be: For On Airport Property: For DOA Projects Only: For Tenant Projects: Michael J. McCartney or Mark Coval Official Company Representative City of Philadelphia / Division of Aviation (Date and Signature boxes) Philadelphia International Airport (DOA Planning will review) Terminal E Philadelphia, PA 19153 Telephone: 215-937-6727 FAX: 215-937-5576 For Off Airport Property: This will be the building owner, developer, etc. ITEM #2. Please include the name, address and phone number of a personal contact point as well as the company name. This is usually your design professional. ITEM #3. New Construction would be a structure that has not yet been built. Alteration is a change to an existing structure such as the addition of a side-mounted antenna, a change to the marking and lighting, a change to power and/or frequency, or a change to the height. The nature of the alteration shall be included in ITEM #21 “Complete Description of Proposal”. Existing would be a correction to the latitude and/or longitude, a correction to the height, or if filing on an existing structure that has never been studied by the FAA. The reason for the notice shall be included in ITEM #21 “Complete Description of Proposal”. ITEM #4. If Permanent, so indicate. If Temporary, such as a crane or drilling derrick, enter the estimated length of time the temporary structure will be up. If both apply, so indicate on same form. ITEM #5. Enter the date that construction is expected to start and the date that construction should be completed. ITEM #6. Please indicate the type of structure. DO NOT LEAVE BLANK. ITEM #7. In the event that obstruction marking and lighting is required, please indicate type desired. If no preference, check “other” and indicate “no preference” DO NOT LEAVE BLANK. NOTE: High Intensity lighting shall be used only for structures over 500’ AGL. In the absence of high intensity lighting for structures over 500’ AGL, marking is also required. ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 6 of 9 ITEM #8. If this is an existing tower that has been registered with the FCC, enter the FCC Antenna Structure Registration number here. ITEM #9 and #10. Latitude and longitude must be geographic coordinates, accurate to within the nearest second or to the nearest hundredth of a second if known. Latitude and longitude derived solely from a hand-held GPS instrument is NOT acceptable. A hand- held GPS is only accurate to within 100 meters (328 feet) 95 percent of the time. This data, when plotted, should match the site depiction submitted under ITEM #20. ITEM #11. NAD 83 is preferred; however, latitude and longitude may be submitted in NAD 27. Also, in some geographic areas where NAD 27 and NAD 83 are not available other datums may be used. It is important to know which datum is used. DO NOT LEAVE BLANK. ITEM #12. Enter the name of the nearest city and state to the site. If the structure is or will be in a city, enter the name of that city and state. This would be Philadelphia, PA for PNE, and depending on project location, either Philadelphia, PA and/or Lester, PA for PHL. ITEM #13. Enter the full name of the nearest public-use (not private-use) airport or heliport or military airport or heliport to the site. This would be either Philadelphia International Airport, or Northeast Philadelphia Airport, as applicable. ITEM #14. Enter the distance from the airport or heliport listed in #13 to the structure. Specify the perpendicular distance in feet from the obstruction to the centerline (or extended centerline) of the nearest runway and/or taxiway. Include the name of the runway and/or taxiway, as applicable. ITEM #15. Enter the direction from the airport or heliport listed in #13 to the structure. Specify the direction from centerline of the nearest runway and/or taxiway. Include the name of the runway and/or taxiway, as applicable. ITEM #16. Enter the site elevation above mean sea level and expressed in whole feet rounded to the nearest foot (e.g. 17’3” rounds to 17’, 17’6” rounds to 18’). This data should match the ground contour elevations for site depiction submitted under ITEM #20. ITEM #17. Enter the total structure height above ground level in whole feet rounded to the next highest foot (e.g. 17’3” rounds to 18’). The total structure height shall include anything mounted on top of the structure, such as antennas, obstruction lights, lightning rods, etc. This is not to include any temporary structures and equipment such as cranes and other construction equipment. Those heights will be noted in Item #21. ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 7 of 9 ITEM #18. Enter the overall height above mean sea level and expressed in whole feet. This will be the total of ITEM #16 + ITEM #17. This is to include all temporary structures and equipment such as cranes and other construction equipment. ITEM #19. If an FAA aeronautical study was previously conducted, enter the previous study number. ITEM #20. Enter the relationship of the structure to roads, airports, prominent terrain, existing structures, etc. Attach an 8-1/2” x 11” non-reduced copy of the appropriate 7.5 minute U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Quadrangle Map MARKED WITH A PRECISE INDICATION OF THE SITE LOCATION. To obtain maps, contact USGS at 1-800-435-7627 or via internet at http://mapping.usgs.gov. If available, attach a copy of a documented site survey with the surveyor’s certification stating the amount of vertical and horizontal accuracy in feet. This description is to include accurate latitude and longitude data (as per ITEM #11-either NAD 27 or NAD 83) applicable to the structures and work to be done. The USGS map is not a substitute for this descriptive information. ITEM #21 [Full Description of Work]. For transmitting stations, include maximum effective radiated power (ERP) and all frequencies. For antennas, include the type of antenna and center of radiation (Attach the antenna pattern, if available). For microwave, include azimuth relative to true north. For overhead wires or transmission lines, include size and configuration of wires and their supporting structures (Attach depiction). For each pole/support, include coordinates, site elevation, and structure height above ground level or water. For buildings, include site orientation, coordinates of each corner, dimensions, and construction materials. For alterations, explain the alteration thoroughly. For existing structures, thoroughly explain the reason for notifying the FAA (e.g. corrections, no record or previous study, etc.). Include in the narrative the purpose, location, duration, time of day (night work, etc) and scheduling. Mention any other existing conditions that could potentially negate the degree of additional hazard created by the proposed development, such as an adjacent structure that is taller than the proposed new work or structure. Include a description of materials to be used in exterior wall construction (i.e. precast metal siding, etc.). This is important because various materials may reflect navigational signals in a negative manner. Both permanent and temporary obstructions can be listed in this section, but should be noted in separate paragraphs. Include heights for all temporary obstructions. If the proposed work will be done in phases, describe each phase and respective schedule and attach references. DATE & SIGNATURE: Fill in the submission date. The signature will be of the Sponsor’s Authorized Representative-Michael J. McCartney or Mark Coval for all DOA on-Airport projects. ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 8 of 9 APPENDIX APPENDIX A Exhibit A-7460 Potential PHL Filing Boundary Exhibit B-7460 Potential PNE Filing Boundary Exhibit C-7460 Obstruction Slope Near Airport Condition APPENDIX B Form 7460-1 APPENDIX C Samples of 7460-1 Form and annotated Airport Layout Plan APPENDIX D Construction Safety Presentation ____________________________________________________Form 7460-1 Guidelines Page 9 of 9

It is important to note that the City of Philadelphia - Division of Aviation establishes requirements for filing notice to the FAA for certain construction or
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