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IAEA-EBP-WWER-01 XA9744138 GUIDELINES FOR ACCIDENT ANALYSIS OF WWER NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS A PUBLICATION OF THE EXTRABUDGETARY PROGRAMME ON THE SAFETY OF WWER AND RBMK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS December 1995 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY VOL 2 8 Ne 1 5 The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Safety Assessment Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria GUIDELINES FOR ACCIDENT ANALYSIS OF WWER NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS IAEA, VIENNA, 1995 IAEA-EBP-WWER-01 ISSN 1025-2762 © IAEA, 1995 Printed by the IAEA in Austria December 1995 FOREWORD The IAEA initiated in 1990 a programme to assist the countries of central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in evaluating the safety of their first generation WWER-440/230 nuclear power plants. The main objectives of the Programme were: to identify major design and operational safety issues; to establish international consensus on priorities for safety improvements; and to provide assistance in the review of the completeness and adequacy of safety improvement programmes. The scope of the Programme was extended in 1992 to include RBMK, WWER-440/213 and WWER-1000 plants in operation and under construction. The Programme is complemented by national and regional technical co-operation projects. The Programme is pursued by means of plant specific safety review missions to assess the adequacy of design and operational practices; Assessment of Safety Significant Events Team (ASSET) reviews of operational performance; reviews of plant design, including seismic safety studies; and topical meetings on generic safety issues. Other components are: follow-up safety missions to nuclear plants to check the status of implementation of IAEA recommendations; assessments of safety improvements implemented or proposed; peer reviews of safety studies; and training workshops. The IAEA is also maintaining a database on the technical safety issues identified for each plant and the status of implementation of safety improvements. An additional important element is the provision of assistance by the IAEA to strengthen regulatory authorities. The Programme is extrabudgetary and depends on voluntary contributions from IAEA Member States. Steering Committees provide co-ordination and guidance to the IAEA on technical matters and serve as forums for exchange of information with the European Commission and with other international and financial organizations. The general scope and results of the Programme are reviewed at Advisory Group meetings. The Programme, which takes into account the results of other relevant national, bilateral and multilateral activities, provides a forum to establish international consensus on the technical basis for upgrading the safety of WWER and RBMK nuclear power plants. The IAEA further provides technical advice in the co-ordination structure established by the Group of 24 OECD countries through the European Commission to provide technical assistance on nuclear safety matters to the countries of central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Results, recommendations and conclusions resulting from the IAEA Programme are intended only to assist national decision makers who have the sole responsibilities for the regulation and safe operation of their nuclear power plants. Moreover, they do not replace a comprehensive safety assessment which needs to be performed in the frame of the national licensing process. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this publication for press, staff of the IAEA have made up the pages from the original manuscript(s). The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the governments of the nominating Member States or of the nominating organizations. Throughout the text names of Member States are retained as they were when the text was compiled. The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. CONTENTS SUMMARY 7 1. INTRODUCTION 8 1.1. Objectives of the guidelines 8 1.2. Approach and documents used 8 1.3. Structure of the guidelines 9 2. EVENTS TO BE CONSIDERED 10 2.1. List of initiating events 10 2.2. Initiating events categorization 10 3. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 11 3.1. Basic considerations 11 3.2. Safety requirements and related criteria 13 4. ASSUMPTIONS FOR ACCIDENT ANALYSIS 14 4.1. Initial conditions 14 4.2. Availability and functioning of systems and components 15 4.3. Operator actions 16 4.4. Modelling assumptions 16 5. QUALITY ASSURANCE 16 5.1. General requirements 16 5.2. Specific requirements 17 6. COMPUTER CODES 18 6.1. General requirements 18 6.2. Code validation 19 REFERENCES 23 APPENDIX I: LIST OF INITIATING EVENTS TO BE CONSIDERED 24 APPENDIX II: ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR TRANSIENT AND ACCIDENT ANALYSIS OF WWER NPPs 26 APPENDIX III: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION OF INITIAL CONDITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS 28 APPENDIX IV: SAMPLE ACCIDENT ANALYSES 29 IV. 1. SPECTRUM OF ROD EJECTION ACCIDENTS FOR NPP TEMELIN . . .. 29 IV.2. LARGE BREAK LOCA FOR WWER-1OOO/32O REACTOR 65 IV.3. STEAM GENERATOR PRIMARY COLLECTOR HEAD RUPTURE IN A WWER 440/213 REACTOR 74 IV.4. SPECTRUM OF ROD EJECTION ACCIDENTS - FOR BOHUNICE V-2 (WWER 440/213) 96 IV.5 - PRESSURIZER SURGE LINE BREAK - FOR BOHUNICE V-2 (WWER 440/213) 115 ABBREVIATIONS 135 CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW 136 SUMMARY The need for detailed guidance in the performance and review of accident analysis for WWER nuclear power plants has been identified as a priority within the IAEA Extrabudgetary Programme on Safety of WWER and RBMK NPPs. The present guidelines were developed through the organization of three consultants meetings in 1994 and 1995. The guidelines deal with the transient and accident analysis required to justify existing or newly proposed technical solutions such as plant modifications for safety upgrading at nuclear power plants with WWER type reactors. The guidelines give advice on selection and categorization of initiating events to be considered, on adequate specification of acceptance criteria, methods, computer codes, and assumptions to be used as well as on quality assurance procedures for accident analysis. The guidelines are complemented with a series of analyses examples of various accident presented in Appendix IV which illustrate possible applications of these guidelines. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. OBJECTIVES OF THE GUIDELINES These guidelines deal with the transient and accident analysis required to justify existing or newly proposed technical solutions, such as plant modifications for safety upgrading, at nuclear power plants with WWER type reactors. The guidelines give advice on selection and categorization of initiating events to be considered, on adequate specification of acceptance criteria, methods, computer codes, and assumptions to be used as well as on quality assurance procedures for accident analysis. The guidelines apply to WWER plants which were designed according to earlier standards, which at present are in operation and/or under construction. Requirements for new designs might be in some parts more stringent than expressed in these guidelines. The objective of the guidelines is to establish a minimum set of requirements for accident analysis, reflecting current approaches adopted both in eastern or western countries involved in accident analysis for WWER reactors. Naturally, in some cases national regulations might deviate and in particular be more restrictive than requirements presented here. On the other hand, the guidelines go beyond original design requirements, especially for the WWER 440/230 reactor type. However, application of the guidelines should not be contradictory to original design philosophy and it is subject to final judgement of competent national authorities. The guidelines mostly deal with transients and accidents considered in the reactor design and coped by existing safety systems. To a limited extent, accidents beyond the original design basis are also addressed. Generally, accident analysis should consider many different issues related to potential loss of integrity for all barriers against radioactivity releases into environment. Although no aspect is explicitly excluded, present guidelines deal for simplicity with considerations related to the integrity of the fuel and the primary circuit only. Specific guidelines for containment analysis are dealt with in another relevant IAEA document. Attention was mainly focused on neutronic and thermohydraulic aspects of reactor accidents. The analysis under consideration in these guidelines is based on the deterministic assumption of occurrence of faults and functioning of systems. The so-called "conservative method" of treatment is characteristic of this analysis, while the level of conservatism may be dependent on frequency of initiating event analyzed. The guidelines have been elaborated to be used primarily by regulatory bodies for the review of accident analysis provided by the operating organizations. Of course, corresponding utility guidelines should follow the same basic principles, being more specific with their explanations of how to respond properly to more general regulatory requirements. 1.2. APPROACH AND DOCUMENTS USED The need for detailed guidance in the performance and review of accident analysis for WWERs has been identified as a priority by the fact that the Safety Review Missions conducted by the IAEA at several WWER plants have uncovered significant deficiencies in this area [1 ]. The idea was further supported by the WWER Steering Committee in its meeting of June 1993. According to the IAEA NUSS Code on Design [2], accident analysis shall be performed "to ensure that the overall plant design is capable of meeting prescribed and acceptable limits for radiation doses and releases set by the regulatory body for each plant condition category". The NUSS Code on Governmental Organization [3] further specifies that the regulatory body shall review and assess the design of a NPP "to confirm that it can meet acceptable safety requirements". Additional NUSS guidance on the requirements and contents for accident analysis is provided in the Safety Guides 50-SG-D11 [4] and 50-SG-G2 [5], which define the procedures for conducting accident analysis and reviewing the results, respectively. More detailed national standards have been developed in several countries. These standards, especially those from Finland [6], France [7], Germany [8], Russian Federation [9, 10] and USA [11, 12], have been considered for the elaboration of the present guidelines, when appropriate. It was recognized, however, that further guidance for the performance of accident analysis in the specific case of WWER NPPs, specially in cases of periodical reassessment or licensing of plant modifications, was needed. The development of these guidelines started with the organization of a small consultants group on 12-14 January, 1994. The consultants reviewed Refs [6-12] and the experiences of WWER users through the calculations performed under the IAEA Technical Co-operation project RER/9/004 [13]. A preliminary draft document was developed by the consultants and further completed by the IAEA secretariat. This document was later circulated among specialists in the field of accident analysis for comments. A second consultants meeting was convened in August 1994, which reviewed the draft. A third consultants meeting in April 1995 finalized the guidelines. Relevant IAEA documents have been considered in the elaboration of these guidelines. 1.3. STRUCTURE OF THE GUIDELINES The first problem addressed in Section 2 of these guidelines is the proper selection and categorization of initiating events to be considered for accident analysis. The events are grouped into categories according to the probability of their occurrence and consequences. Appendix I presents an extensive list of initiating events to be considered in the analysis of a WWER NPP. Although the list was developed with the idea of having a list from which a certain number of initiating events would be selected for analysis of a specific plant, there is still no guarantee that all relevant events have been included. The list is generally limited to such events which might have an impact on fuel or primary system integrity (e.g. external events are not included). Section 3 explains the different types of acceptance criteria to be used when evaluating results of different accidents. The correlation between the probability of an event and the acceptable consequences is also discussed. A typical list of acceptance criteria specific for WWERs is presented in Appendix II. Section 4 discusses the assumptions to be made when postulating a given event in order to ensure that the analysis is reasonably conservative, i.e. will lead to a result which will sufficiently and reliably ensure safety. Adequate selection of assumptions on functioning of systems and operating actions are discussed. Lists of initial conditions and other assumptions specific for WWERs are presented in Appendix III. Section 5 summarizes both general and specific recommendations on quality assurance for performing accident analysis. Recommendations for the computer codes used in accident analysis are discussed in Section 6, with special attention devoted to the problems of code validation. The guidelines are complemented with a series of analysis examples of various accidents, presented in Appendix IV, which should be considered as the applications of these guidelines. It is intended that examples for additional accidents might be included in this appendix in future revisions. 2. EVENTS TO BE CONSIDERED 2.1. LIST OF INITIATING EVENTS The aim for setting a list of initiating events is to ensure a complete analysis of the response of the plant to postulated disturbances in process variables and to postulated malfunctions or failures of equipment. The analysis should determine the consequences and evaluate the capability built into the plant to control or accommodate such failures and situations. Criteria to govern the selection of initiating events and, consequently, the list itself are continuously evolving due to operational experience feedback and also due to improvement of nuclear safety knowledge. The basic criteria for selection can be based on physical effects induced by the event itself regarding the core neutronic and thermohydraulic field, as for instance: Increase in heat removal Decrease in heat removal Reactivity and power distribution anomalies Increase in reactor coolant inventory Decrease in reactor coolant inventory Decrease in reactor coolant system flowrate Radioactive releases from subsystems or components Fuel handling accidents Anticipated transients without scram (ATWS) Compilation of the list of initiating events corresponding to each of the above areas is usually based on engineering judgement and also on probabilistic considerations, taking into account the design features of a given nuclear power plant. 2.2. INITIATING EVENTS CATEGORIZATION For events with a high probability of occurrence, more stringent requirements need to be applied to prevent an excessive equipment damage and to reduce the potential for development of an initiating event into a more serious accident. So the initiating events may be categorized into two broad groups: Anticipated transients which are defined as relatively frequent deviations (probability of occurrence about > 10 2/year) from normal operating conditions which are caused by malfunction of a component or operator error. These transients should not have safety related consequences which prevent the plant operation to be continued. 10

prevention or reduction of the possibility for fuel cladding damage, Accordingly, limitations are placed on embrittlement of the cladding by oxidation, .. with Hydroaccumulator Injection, IAEA-TECDOC-477, Vienna (1988). For the zero-power cases, two main coolant pumps are assumed in
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