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Guide to simulation-based disciplines : advancing our computational future PDF

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Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications Saurabh Mittal Umut Durak Tuncer Ören Editors Guide to Simulation- Based Disciplines Advancing Our Computational Future Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications Series editor Louis G. Birta, University of Ottawa, Canada Advisory Board Roy E. Crosbie, California State University, Chico, USA Tony Jakeman, Australian National University, Australia Axel Lehmann, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany Stewart Robinson, Loughborough University, UK Andreas Tolk, Old Dominion University, USA Bernard P. Zeigler, University of Arizona, USA More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/10128 Ö Saurabh Mittal Umut Durak Tuncer ren (cid:129) (cid:129) Editors Guide to Simulation-Based Disciplines Advancing Our Computational Future 123 Editors TuncerÖren Saurabh Mittal University of Ottawa MITRECorporation Ottawa, ON McLean,VA Canada USA UmutDurak German Aerospace Center(DLR) Braunschweig Germany ISSN 2195-2817 ISSN 2195-2825 (electronic) Simulation Foundations,Methods andApplications ISBN978-3-319-61263-8 ISBN978-3-319-61264-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-61264-5 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017943822 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland To the pioneers of simulation, who used models and computation to generate new knowledge that opened new frontiers To Vandana and Ekaansh and Reyaansh, My wife and my sons, who create the life I love, every single moment To the Almighty, who guides and inspires in interesting ways Saurabh Mittal To Rabia, My beloved companion in my never-ending story Umut Durak To Füsun, My wife and lifelong friend Tuncer Ören Foreword Nothing like thisbook ison themarkettoday. Of course, allbooksmake a similar claimbuttherereallyisnobookthatofferstoguidereaderstowardanchoringtheir disciplines on modeling and simulation (M&S)—in fact, toward a far-reaching concept of simulation-based disciplines. Why is such a guide needed? Most dis- ciplines employ models, some to a larger extent than others. Further, today almost all disciplines employ computers and very often this includes methods that are referred to as simulation. However, it is less appreciated, that we are witnessing the development of M&S as a discipline itself. Indeed, M&S is contributing tothe enhancementofmanyother disciplinesanditsperspectives andmethods arebeing absorbed into full-fledged practice. In this light, the editors of this book attest that “simulation is mature enough to provide a solid basis for advancement in many disciplines, from life sciences to engineering, from architecture to arts to social sciences”.Sotheadvance ofyourdiscipline,andindeed, theadvance ofyourown careerinit,warrantcheckingoutboththegeneralchaptersthatbringyouuptodate onthecurrentstateofM&Sasadiscipline,aswellasthechaptersthatdiscussthe benefits that M&S is bringing to a selected array of disciplines. This one-of-its-kind book is concerned with how computational methods embodiedinM&Sareusedandhowtheypushforwardscienceandtechnology.As is befitting of a book that spans disciplines, its editors and authors bring a diverse rangeoftopical,nationalandglobalperspectives.Eachoftheseperspectivesthrows somewhat different light on the common theme that computers and computation takecentralrolesintheacceleratingadvance ofhumanknowledge.Onthiscritical journey, modeling and its knowledge generation vehicle, simulation, will increas- ingly drive the advance of disciplines. Potomac, MD, USA Bernard P. Zeigler vii Preface Motivation We live in the information age and every technology in today’s modern world is based on information technology. Scientific theories—introduced in the last five decades—arerealizedwithtoday’sscalablecomputationalinfrastructureeffectively characterized by Moore’s Law. Modeling and Simulation (M&S), along with Big Data technologies, is at the forefront of such exploration and investigation. Furthermore, simulation has a unique characteristic: Dynamic models associated withdiverseexperimentalconditionsandscenarios(sometimesinextremeandeven at adverse conditions) have the power of generating new knowledge. M&S is often taken as a single activity but in practice and engineering, are separate activities. While modeling has been adequately embraced by various disciplines,leadingtomanymodelingtechniques,manytimesthemodelingactivity is not supported by simulation activity. On the other hand, a simulation-based approach subsumes modeling as an inherent activity. As editors, we believe while modeling helps in bringing a common understanding across all stakeholders (e.g., scientists, engineers, practitioners), it is usually through simulation that a model’s correctness is evaluated. A validated model must be amenable to simulation. A model represents a real-world phenomenon using abstractions. A properly vali- datedandverifiedandproperlycomputerizedmodellendsitselftoexperimentation. Experimentation with a dynamic model as well as gaining experience based on a dynamic model lies within the domain of simulation-based approaches. This book has several examples from diverse disciplines demonstrating simu- lation maturity to provide a solid basis for advancement in many disciplines; from life sciences to engineering; from architecture to arts to social sciences. As a sign ofthetimes,wearetrulyatthecrossroadswhereM&Sisbecominga“discipline”. This book emphasizes the fact that simulation may enhance the power of many disciplines. Not only is M&S benefiting disciplines like sociology, which has largelybeeninsulatedfromsuchexperimentation,butitisalsoundoubtedlyusedin ix x Preface every aspect of life, whether transportation, finance, economics, biology, and so forth. The book’s emphasis is on highlighting the state-of-the-art simulation in the modern era and how simulation-based approaches across multiple disciplines advance the very discipline itself. Overview The book is organized in Background, Engineering and Architecture, Natural Sciences,SocialSciencesandManagement,andLearning,EducationandTraining sections. We appreciate very much our eminent colleagues who accepted our invitations to contribute to this volume. TheBackgroundsectionendeavorstoprovideacomprehensivesimulationview in two chapters. In Chap. 1, the editors, Tuncer Ören, Saurabh Mittal and Umut Durak,trytoestablish abasefor thebookbyelaboratingsimulationevolutionand highlighting simulation as vital infrastructure for many disciplines. Ernest H. Page presentsinChap.2thesimulationtechnologylandscapeinacademia,industrialand government sectors throughout various scientific and engineering disciplines. The Engineering and Architecture section is composed of six chapters each drawingattentiontoacertaintechnicaldomain.InChap.3,MelihÇakmakcı,Güllü Kızıltaş Şendur, and Umut Durak address the role of simulation in engineering design. Andreas Tolk, Christopher G. Glazner, and Robert Pitsko promote simu- lation in Chap. 4 as an evolution of model-based systems engineering toward an integrated discipline within systems engineering. Chapter 5 Simulation-Based Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things by Bo Hu Li, Lin Zhang, Tan Li, Ting Yu Lin, and Jin Cui explains the relation of simulation with these emerging fields of technical systems. InChap.6, Saurabh Mittal and Jose LuisRisco Martin accentuate complex and adaptive systems and introduce required simulation infrastructure for their design. Following that, Chap. 7 is from Oryal Tanir, where he presents simulation as a means of understanding the impact of a new complex solution on the business and information technology process in a software design life cycle. The last chapter of this section is by Rhys Goldstein and Azam Khan. They introduce the emerging role of simulation in designing model compelling, functional, sustainable, and cost-effective buildings in Chap. 8. The Natural Sciences section includes two chapters. First in Chap. 9, Levent Yilmaz conducts a comprehensive discussion on the position of simulation in relation to scientific method towards simulation-based science. Then in Chap. 10 Hannes Prescher, Allan H. Hamilton, and Jerzy Rozenblit introduce the contribu- tion of simulation to health-care as well as health education and training. The Social Sciences and Management section contains two chapters. It starts with Chap. 11 where David C. Earnest and Erika Frydenlund introduce simulation evolution in social sciences and discuss its position in research. In Chap. 12 Greg Zacharewicz, Amir Pirayesh-Neghab, Marco Seregni, Yves Ducq, and Guy Preface xi Doumeingts present simulation of service systems for simulation-based enterprise management. ThelasttwochaptersestablishtheLearning,EducationandTrainingsection.In Chap.13,TuncerÖren,CharlesTurnitsa,SaurabhMittalandSaikouDiallopresent the role of simulation in learning and education. Finally, the last chapter by Agostino Bruzzone and Marina Massei discusses the role of simulation in military training. Invitation The notable contribution of this book is providing a comprehensive collection of chapters from diverse disciplines with the unique characteristics of simulation. Authors explore and elaborate the position of simulation within their domain and noteitsimpactfortheadvancementsoftheirdisciplines.Weinviteyoutoajourney about simulation through various disciplines and anticipate that such a synergistic approach will provide you an overview of the role of simulation as we are advancing towards a computational future in the twenty-first century: a computa- tional future to be enhanced and empowered by simulation-based approaches. Herndon, VA, USA Saurabh Mittal1 Braunschweig, Germany Umut Durak Ottawa, ON, Canada Tuncer Ören February 2017 1TheauthorsaffiliationwithTheMITRECorporationisprovidedforidentificationpurposesonly, andisnotintendedtoconveyorimplyMITRE’sconcurrencewith,orsupportfor,thepositions, opinionsorviewpointsexpressedbytheauthor.Approvedforpublicrelease:Case:17-0904.

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