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Guide to Modeling and Simulation of Systems of Systems: User’s Reference PDF

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Preview Guide to Modeling and Simulation of Systems of Systems: User’s Reference

Sprin ger Briefs in Com puter Sci ence Series Editors Stan Zdo nik Peng Ning Shash i She khar Jon a than Katz Xin dong Wu La khmi C. Jain David Pad ua Xue min Shen Borko Fur ht V. S. Su brah ma nian Mar tial He bert Ka tsu shi Ikeu chi Bruno Si cili ano For fur ther vol umes: http://www.springer.com/series/10028 Ber nard P. Zeigler Guide to Mod el ing and Sim u la tion of Sys tems of Sys tems User’s Ref er ence 1 3 Ber nard P. Zeigler Chief Scientist RTSync Corp Rockville, MD USA ISSN 2191­5768 ISSN 2191­5776 (electronic) ISBN 978­1­4471­4569­1 ISBN 978­1­4471­4570­7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978­1­4471­4570­7 Springer Lon don Hei del berg New York Dordr echt Library of Con gress Con trol Num ber: 2012946625 © Ber nard P. Zeigler 2013 This work is sub ject to copy right. All rights are reserved by the Pub lisher, whether the whole or part of the mate rial is con cerned, spe cif cally the rights of transl a tion, reprint ing, reuse of illus tra tions, rec­ i ta tion, broad cast ing, repro duc tion on micro flms or in any other phys i cal way, and transm is sion or infor ma tion stor age and retrieval, elec tronic adap ta tion, com puter soft ware, or by sim i lar or dis sim i lar meth od ol ogy now known or herea f ter devel oped. Exempted from this legal rese r va tion are brief excerpts in con nec tion with reviews or schola rly anal y sis or mater ial sup plied spe cif cally for the purp ose of being entered and exec uted on a com puter sys tem, for exclu sive use by the purc haser of the work. Duplic a­ tion of this publ i ca tion or parts thereof is perm it ted only under the pro vi sions of the Copy right Law of the Publ isher’s loca tion, in its cur rent ver sion, and per mis sion for use must always be obtained from Springer. Per mis sions for use may be obtained through Right sLink at the Copy right Clear ance Cen ter. Vio la tions are lia ble to pros e cu tion under the respect ive Copy right Law. The use of gen eral descrip tive names, reg is tered names, trade marks, ser vice marks, etc. in this pub li ca­ tion does not imply, even in the absence of a spe cifc state ment, that such names are exempt from the rel e vant prot ec tive laws and reg u la tions and there fore free for gen eral use. While the advice and infor ma tion in this book are believed to be true and accur ate at the date of pub li­ ca tion, nei ther the authors nor the edi tors nor the pub lisher can accept any legal respon si bil ity for any errors or omis sions that may be made. The pub lisher makes no war ranty, express or implied, with respect to the mate rial con tained herein. Printed on acid­free paper Springer is part of Springer Scie nce+Busi ness Media (www.springer.com) To Dooh wan Kim, Chung man Seo, Rob ert Coop, and Phil lip Ham monds whose ded i ca tion, hard work, and exper tise brought the DEVS con cept to its real i za tion in the MS4 Mod el ing Envi ron ment™ Preface “Guide to Mod el ing and Sim u la tion of Sys tems of Sys tems” expli cates inte grated develo p ment envi ron ments to sup port vir tual build ing and test ing of Sys tems of Sys tems. As focal point of such envi ron ments, the MS4 Mod el ing Envi ron ment™ (ms4sys tems.com), is cov ered in some depth. This user’s refe r ence pro vides a quick ref er ence and expo si tion of the var i ous con cepts and func tional fea tures cov ered in the book. The MS4 Mod el ing Envi ron ment™ opens with the launch page shown below with a default workflo w for using the tools and objects required for Sys tem of Sys tems mod el ing and sim u la tion. This ref er ence col lects together and orga nizes the var i ous con cepts and fea tures dis cussed in “Guide to Mod el ing and Sim u la tion of Sys tems of Sys tems.” In align­ ment with the launch page the refe r ence col lects fea tures grouped under head ings, Atomic Mod els, Sys tem Entity Struct ure, Prun ing SES, and Mis cel la neous. If you know the cate gory of a feat ure you are looki ng up you can go to the corr e spond ing group ing; if not, you can look up the feat ure alpha bet i cally in the Index. Each fea ture is expli cated under the head ings: Why use it, When to use it, How to use it, and Other Comm ents. Links to related fea tures are also included. vii Con tents 1 Atomic Mod els List .......................................... 1 1.1 Topic: The “Accepts Input” State ment for FDDEVS ............. 1 1.2 Topic: The “After” Statem ent in FDDEVS .................... 2 1.3 Topic: Exter nal Event Tagged Code Block .................... 3 1.4 Topic: The Finite Determ in is tic DEVS Model .................. 4 1.5 Topic: The “From … go to” Statem ent in FDDEVS ............. 4 1.6 Topic: The “Gen er ates Output” State ment for FDDEVS .......... 5 1.7 Topic: The “Hold in” Statem ent in FDDEVS .................. 6 1.8 Topic: Inter nal Event Tagged Code Block ..................... 7 1.9 Topic: Output Event Tagged Code Block ...................... 7 1.10 Topic: The “To Start” Statem ent in FDDEVS .................. 8 1.11 Topic: Declari ng (State) Instance Varia bles in FDDEVS Elab o ra tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.12 Topic: The “When in” Statem ent in FDDEVS .................. 10 2 Sys tem Entity Struc ture List .................................. 13 2.1 Topic: The “All sends to all” Statem ent in SES ................. 13 2.2 Topic: The “All sends to One” Statem ent in SES ................ 14 2.3 Topic: The “Can be” (Spec ial iza tion) State ment in SES .......... 15 2.4 Topic: Cou pling Spec i f ca tion for Multi­aspect Mod els .......... 16 2.5 Topic: The “Each sends to each” Statem ent in SES .............. 18 2.6 Topic: The “Each sends to one” Statem ent in SES .............. 19 2.7 Topic: The “Made of” Statem ent in SES ...................... 20 2.8 Topic: The “Sends to all” Statem ent in SES ................... 21 2.9 Topic: The “Sends” (Inter nal Cou pling) State ment in SES ........ 22 2.10 Topic: The “Sends” (Extern al Input Coup ling) Statem ent in SES ..... 23 2.11 Topic: The “Sends” (External Output Coupling) statement in SES ....................................... 24 2.12 Topic: The “Sends” (Inter nal Cou pling) State ment in SES ........ 25 2.13 Topic: The Sys tem Entity Struc ture (Intro duc tion) .............. 26 2.14 Topic: Vari ables in SES ................................... 27 ix x Con tents 3 Prun ing SES List ............................................ 29 3.1 Topic: Cou pling Spec i f ca tion for Multi­aspect Mod els .......... 29 3.2 Topic: The “If Select” Cond i tional Prun ing State ment ........... 30 3.3 Topic: The Inherit Pruni ng State ment ........................ 31 3.4 Topic: Restruc ture SES State ment ........................... 33 3.5 Topic: The “Select Aspect” Pruni ng State ment ................. 34 3.6 Topic: The “Select Entity” Pruni ng State ment .................. 34 3.7 Topic: The “Set Mul ti plic ity” State ment ...................... 36 3.8 Topic: The “Set Name of Model” Pruni ng State ment ............ 37 4 Mis cel la neous List ........................................... 39 4.1 Topic: Test ing Atomic Mod els .............................. 39 4.2 Topic: Test ing Cou pled Mod els ............................. 40 4.3 Topic: Java Class Def ni tion ................................ 42 Index ......................................................... 43 Chap ter 1 Atomic Mod els List Abstract This chap ter lists state ments for cre at ing and manip u lat ing atomic mod­ els in the MS4 Mode l ing Envi ron ment™. The statem ents relate to using the con­ strained nat u ral lan guage for defn ing Finite Deter min is tic DEVS mod els and enhanc ing these mode ls using tagged code blocks. These blocks add java code to the appro pri ate slots in the java class es that are autogen er ated from the nat u ral lan guage spec i f ca tions. 1.1 Topic: The “Accepts Input” Statem ent for FDDEVS Why use it: This state ment adds an input port to the model which enables proper han dling of extern al events set up by “whenIn” state ments. Pro vid ing the type of the value to appear on a port enables the sys tem to check at com pile time whether val ues that are assigned to the port are of the spec i fed type. When to use it: Write this statem ent after you have cre ated a new state in a *.dnl fle and you wish to use an input port in an extern al tran si tion, i.e., when you wish to use the. input port in a “whenIn” state ment. How to use it: Write the state ment in a *.dnl fle: The state ment takes two forms: 1. Form 1 accepts input on <input port> with type <port type>! where <input port> is the name of the port and <port type> is the Java type assigned to it. Note the input port crea ted in the atomic model Java class fle, and used in the sim u la tion pre fxes “in” to the <input port> For exam ple, accepts input on Job with type WorkTo D o! B. P. Zeigler, Guide to Mod el ing and Sim u la tion of Sys tems of Syst ems, 1 SpringerBriefs in Computer Science, DOI: 10.1007/978­1­4471­4570­7_1, © Ber nard P. Zeigler 2013 2 1 Atomic Mod els List will result in a decl a ra tion of an input port “inJ ob” with type WorkT oD o in the Java fle. 2. Form 2 accepts input on <input port>! where <input port> is the name of the port and the port type defaults to type Serializable.class. Note the input port cre ated in the atomic model Java class fle and used in the sim u la tion pre fxes “in” to the <input port> For exam ple, accepts input on Job! will result in a dec la ra tion of an input port “inJ ob” with type Seri al iz able.class in the Java fle. Other Com ments: • You can use sim ple data types such as String, Integer, and Double as well as Java clas ses as port types. • To see how to defne a Java class to pro vide as type for a port, go to the entry “Java Class Def ni tion.” • The Seri al iz able.class that is assigned as port type by default is very accept ing since many com mon types are sub­classed to it. 1.2 Topic: The “After” State ment in FDDEVS Why use it: This state ment allows you to tell the model to output on a spec ifc output port after its time has elapsed in the curr ent state. When to use it: Write this state ment after you have crea ted a new state. How to use it: The state ment has the form: after <someState> output <Port>! Which tells the model that after its time has expired in <someState> it should place an output on port out<Port>. Note that the time it spends in <someState> should be set by a “hold in” statem ent. Other Com ments: • A pas sive state (for which resti ng time is infn ity) does not have an “after” assign ment. • There should be only one “after” statem ent for every non­pas sive state.

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