Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «ЮЖНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Инженерно-технологическая академия В. П. ОВЧАРЕНКО Ю. В. ПРИВАЛОВА GUIDE ON ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC TALKS Учебное пособие Ростов-на-Дону – Таганрог Издательство Южного федерального университета 2021 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» УДК 81.2 ББК 72.5 О-35 Печатается по решению кафедры лингвистического образования Института управления в экономических, экологических и социальных системах Южного федерального университета (протокол № 9 от 21 апреля 2021 г.) Рецензенты: кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Южного федерального университета Л. В. Буренко кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка ТИ имени А. П. Чехова РГЭУ (РИНХ) М. Г. Аханова Овчаренко, В. П. О-35 Guide on Academic and Scientific Talks : учебное пособие / В. П. Овчаренко, Ю. В. Привалова ; Южный федеральный универси- тет. – Ростов-на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федераль- ного университета, 2021. – 100 с. ISBN 978-5-9275-3984-0 Учебное пособие предназначено для аспирантов дневной формы обучения образовательных программ 24.06.01 – Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника, 11.06.01 – Электроника, радиотехника и системы связи, 15.06.01 – Машиностроение для изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык», а также для широкого круга лиц, интересующихся данной тематикой. УДК 81.2 ББК 72.5 ISBN 978-5-9275-3984-0 © Южный федеральный университет, 2021 © Овчаренко В. П., Привалова Ю. В., 2021 © Оформление. Макет. Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2021 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ ..................................................................................................... 5 1. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC TALKS .............................................................................................................. 6 1.1. Listening as an important part of communication ................................. 6 1.2. Listening process and listening strategies ............................................ 7 1.3. Ways of improving listening comprehension ..................................... 10 2. PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC TALKS ............................................................................................................ 15 2.1. Robotics, Mechatronics and Robotics Systems ..................................... 15 2.1.1. Meet the Dazzling Flying Machines of the Future ..................... 15 2.1.2. The Robot Revolution: The New Age of Manufacturing ........... 16 2.1.3. What is Mechatronics: The Very Basics In 7 Minutes ................ 18 2.1.4. Revision Exercises ...................................................................... 19 2.2. Radio Location and Navigation ............................................................. 21 2.2.1. How to fool a GPS? ................................................................... 21 2.2.2. The Raptor Surveillance System ................................................ 23 2.2.3. How does your Smartphone Know your Location? .................... 24 2.2.4. Revision Exercises ...................................................................... 25 2.3. Electronic Warfare ................................................................................ 28 2.3.1. The Power and Promise of High Power Electromagnetic Weapons ............................................................................................... 28 2.3.2. Digital Electronic Warfare System Overview ............................ 30 2.3.3. Electronic Warfare Technology .................................................. 31 2.3.4. Revision Exercises ...................................................................... 32 2.4. Aircraft Design and Production ............................................................ 35 2.4.1. How Autonomous Flying Taxis Could Change the Way You Travel .................................................................................................. 35 2.4.2. Nasa Mars 2020: First Aircraft to Fly on Another Planet ............ 36 2.4.3. The Brilliant Engineering of First Flight! ................................... 38 2.4.4. Revision Exercises ...................................................................... 39 2.5. Electric Power Systems and Electrical Equipment ................................. 41 2.5.1. How Free Energy Will Change the World ................................. 41 2.5.2. How Does the Power Grid Work? .............................................. 43 2.5.3. Electrical System Design ............................................................ 44 3 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» Содержание 2.5.4. Revision Exercises. .................................................................... 46 2.6. Antennas, Microwave Devices and Technologies ................................. 49 2.6.1. What the Discovery of Gravitational Waves Means ................... 49 2.6.2. Frequency Matters ...................................................................... 50 2.6.3. Understanding Microwave Antenna Sidelobes ............................ 51 2.6.4. Revision Exercises ...................................................................... 53 WORDLISTS .................................................................................................. 56 Robotics, Mechatronics and Robotics Systems ............................................ 56 Radio Location and Navigation ..................................................................... 57 Electronic Warfare ....................................................................................... 59 Aircraft Design and Production .................................................................... 60 Electric Power Systems and Electrical Equipment ....................................... 61 Antennas, Microwave Devices and Technologies ........................................ 62 KEYS ............................................................................................................... 64 Robotics, Mechatronics and Robotics Systems ............................................ 64 Radio Location and Navigation ..................................................................... 65 Electronic Warfare ....................................................................................... 67 Aircraft Design and Production ..................................................................... 69 Electric Power Systems and Electrical Equipment ....................................... 71 Antennas, Microwave Devices and Technologies ........................................ 72 TAPESCRIPTS ............................................................................................... 75 The Robot Revolution: The New Age of Manufacturing .............................. 75 What is Mechatronics: The Very Basics In 7 Minutes .................................. 77 The Raptor Surveillance System ................................................................... 80 How does your Smartphone Know your Location? ...................................... 81 Digital Electronic Warfare System Overview ............................................... 83 Electronic Warfare Technology .................................................................... 83 Nasa Mars 2020: First Aircraft to Fly on Another Planet .............................. 83 The Brilliant Engineering of First Flight! ..................................................... 84 How Does the Power Grid Work? ................................................................ 87 Electrical System Design .............................................................................. 91 Frequency Matters ........................................................................................ 93 Understanding Microwave Antenna Sidelobes .............................................. 97 СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ ........................................................................... 99 4 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» ВВЕДЕНИЕ Учебное пособие разработано для аспирантов следующих направлений подготовки: 24.06.01 – Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника, 11.06.01 – Электроника, радиотехника и системы связи, 15.06.01 – Машиностроение. Данное учебное пособие предназначено для изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык». Программа пособия «Guide on Academic and Scientific Talks» направлена на формирование коммуникативной компетенции аспирантов, включающей лингвистическую, социокультурную и прагматическую компетенции для осуществления социального взаимодействия на иностранном языке в профессиональном общении. Пособие позволяет актуализировать технологическую подготовку, сформировать компетенции в области аудирования, позволяющие работать в соответствии с полученной квалификацией и быть конкурентоспособным на международном рынке труда. Задания, предложенные в пособии, направлены на расширение словарного запаса, необходимого для осуществления аспирантами научной и профессиональной деятельности в соответствии с их специализацией и направлениями научной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка, на развитие профессионально значимых умений и опыта иноязычного общения по такому виду речевой деятельности, как аудирование, в условиях научного и профессионального общения. Пособие призвано облегчить аспирантам доступ к научной информации с использованием ресурсов Интернет и расширить возможности повышения их профессионального уровня. Авторы выражают признательность рецензентам и всем сотрудникам кафедры Лингвистического образования за советы и замечания, которые значительно помогли в работе над пособием. 5 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 1. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC TALKS 1.1. Listening as an important part of communication Listening has an important role both in daily life and in academic contexts as it is crucial for people to sustain effective communication. It is one of the four major skills in language acquisition. Even though the other skills such as reading, speaking and writing are essential to develop language proficiency, listening contributes primarily for language expertise. Listening awakens awareness of the language as it is a receptive skill that first develops in a human being. Learning to listen to the target language improves language ability [4]. As we get to understand spoken language by listening it is easier to improve the other skills and gain confidence. Other than being the primary form of communication, listening helps the language learner to understand the beauty of the language. Especially in terms of communicative language teaching it is said that the basis for communicative competence is listening as it provides the aural input and enables learners to interact in spoken communication and hence language learning largely depends on listening. Being aware of the difference between hearing and listening is an important feature for learning listening effectively. Hearing is the reception of sound, listening is the attachment of meaning to the sound. Hearing is passive, listening is active. Listening is the most significant part of communication as it is pivotal in providing a substantial and meaningful response. Especially in learning a language for communicative purpose, listening plays a vital role, as it helps the language learner to acquire pronunciation, word stress, vocabulary, and syntax and the comprehension of messages conveyed can be based solely on tone of voice, pitch and accent; and it is only possible when we listen. Without understanding input appropriately, learning simply cannot get any improvement. In addition, without listening skill, no communication can be achieved. Also, every study conducted regarding the language skills acquisition has proved that when we communicate, we gain 45% of language competence from listening, 30% from speaking, 15% from reading and 10% from writing. With the highest percentage of involvement in the exchange of information in effective communication, listening has to be considered a language forerunner [3]. 6 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 1.2. Listening process and listening strategies Listening plays an important role in communication in people’s daily lives. Most people think that being able to write and speak in a second language means that they know the language; however, if they do not have the efficient listening skills, it is not possible to communicate effectively. M. Rost in 1994 explained the importance of listening in language classroom as follows: 1. Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for the learner. Without understanding input at the right level, any learning simply cannot begin. 2. Spoken language provides a means of interaction for the learner. Because learners must interact to achieve understanding. Access to speakers of the language is essential. Moreover, learners’ failure to understand the language they hear is an impetus, not an obstacle, to interaction and learning. 3. Authentic spoken language presents a challenge for the learner to understand language as native speakers actually use it. 4. Listening exercises provide teachers with a means for drawing learners’ attention to new forms (vocabulary, grammar, new interaction patterns) in the language [5]. To summarize, listening has an important role both in daily life and in academic contexts as it is crucial for people to sustain effective communication. Emphasizing the importance of listening, we may state that listening skills are as important as speaking skills because people cannot communicate face-to-face unless both types of skills are developed together. Listening skills are also important for learning purposes since through listening students receive information and gain insights. Answer the questions 1. What are the four major skills in language acquisition? 2. What is the difference between hearing and listening? 3. Why is listening the most significant part of communication? 4. How much information do people gain through listening when they communicate? 5. Why is listening vital in the language classroom? 1.2. Listening process and listening strategies People experience several stages during the listening process. In the related literature, top-down and bottom-up are two common processes that are usually mentioned related to the process of listening. Top-down processing is the 7 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 1. Theoretical Aspects of Academic and Scientific Talks process of using our prior knowledge and experiences; we know certain things about certain topics and situations and use that information to understand. On the other hand, bottom-up processing refers to the process of using the information we have about sounds, word meanings, and discourse markers like first, then and after that to assemble our understanding of what we read or hear one step at a time. During bottom-up processing, learners hear the words, keep them in their short-term memory to combine them with each other and interpret the things that they have heard before. Top-down processing is more used by skilled listeners while less-skilled listeners use bottom-up processing. It is important to mention that depending on the purpose for listening, learners may use top-down or bottom-up process more than another. In other words, both processes usually happen together in real-life listening. Successful listeners are those who can use both bottom-up and top-down processes by combining the new information and the knowledge that they already know. Advanced listening skills are the results of combining listening process with the cognitive development. In that sense, in order to be effective listeners, students should use both bottom-up and top-down processing in listening. Anderson and Lynch in 2003 stated that effective listening involves a multiplicity of skills and they list four steps that make up the process of listening in face-to-face conversation: 1. The spoken signals have to be identified from the midst of surrounding sounds. 2. The continuous stream of speech has to be segmented into units, which have to be recognized as known words. 3. The syntax of the utterance has to be grasped and the speaker’s intended meaning has to be understood. 4. We also have to apply our linguistic knowledge to formulating a correct and appropriate response to what has been said [6]. Compared to the other comprehension skills such as reading, listening can be objectively harder because there are quite a few factors that can affect your understanding. 1. Talking speed. Oral texts exist in real time and need to be processed quickly; when the text is over, only a mental representation remains. Unlike reading, listening requires instantaneous processing with little or no option to access the spoken input again, making the skill arguably more complex than, for example, reading. 8 Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 1.2. Listening process and listening strategies 2. Dialects. While some dialects may not differ much from each other, others can be quite a challenge. When you come across an unfamiliar dialect, understanding it might be hard, even if your knowledge of a language is quite high. 3. ‘Wrong’ sounds. Native speakers don’t always pronounce words the way they are represented in dictionaries and textbooks: they use contractions and reduced forms and sounds change when joined together in speech. Vocabulary and grammar also tend to be far more colloquial and much less formal. 4. Lack of practice. No matter how well you have mastered other language skills, your listening skills won’t improve without sufficient practice. 5. Lack of contextual knowledge. Sociolinguistic elements of listening, such as the student’s cultural background and the student’s knowledge of the cultural background of the foreign language can also play a significant part in the student’s comprehension of the verbal discourse. As much as culturally-centred vocabulary may impede comprehension, a general understanding of the country’s culture and history can also help to avoid conversational impasses. 6. Bad tech. Bad headphones, an unreliable Internet connection – all this can add to the difficulty of listening comprehension. All of the aforementioned factors contribute towards the complex process that the student undergoes whilst interpreting an oral dialogue, making the activity of listening very demanding of the student, who is constantly and simultaneously dealing with multiple dynamics in order to decipher and grasp the message of the spoken discourse [1]. Listening strategies are techniques or activities that contribute directly to the recall of listening input. Strategic listeners also use metacognitive strategies to plan, monitor, and evaluate their listening. Metacognitive development can be described as conscious development in one’s metacognitive abilities, such as the move to greater knowledge, awareness and control of one’s learning, selecting strategies, monitoring the progress of learning, correcting errors, analysing the effectiveness of learning strategies, and changing learning behaviours and strategies when necessary. Learners who use their metacognitive abilities seem to have the following advantages over the others: Learners become more strategic. Progress in learning is faster with improved quality and speed of their cognitive development. They are confident in their abilities to learn and hence can provide accurate assessments of why they are successful learners. 9