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G GM ROUPE EXCLUSIVE AMENITIES GUEST  AMENITY PORTFOLIO OUR 我们的宗旨 PHILOSOPHY The amenities your establishment offer are 您供顾客使用的设施代表了您的特色、反映了您 your signature, a reflection of your values 的价值观以及您对顾客舒适度的重视。我们的使 and the essence of your focus on your guests’ 命是为您提供能代表您形象的设施,完美适应您 comfort. Our raison d’être is offering amenities 的需求,同时尊重大自然。 in your image that are perfectly suited to your needs and respectful of nature. 出于这一精神,我们在过去45多年来设计、创造 In this spirit, for more than 45 years, we have 和制作了量身定制的洗漱用具和配件。 designed, created, and manufactured lines of toiletries and accessories just for you. 自成立以来,Groupe GM与本地和全球知名的化 妆品、时尚、设计和水疗领域品牌通过独家许可 Since it was founded, Groupe GM has 协议,建立了紧密的合作伙伴关系。我们独一无 developed close partnerships, through exclusive licensing agreements, with locally 二的品牌组合,结合卓越的创新理念,能够给您 and internationally recognized brands from 无限的选择。 the cosmetics, fashion, design, and spa sectors. Our unique brands portfolio, combined 我们的全球销售网络由独家零售商和子公司组 with exceptional custom creation savoir-faire, 成,专门提供定制化解决方案,并为您带来完美 gives you an unlimited choice of lines. 无缺的服务。 Our global sales network, made up of 在产品开发的各个阶段中,我们尽力减少对环境 exclusive retailers and subsidiaries, comes to 的影响。我们的行业合作伙伴致力于保护地球, you, offering customized solutions and giving you the benefit of irreproachable service. 并拥有多份相关环保证明。 At every stage of product development, we do 我们集团的核心价值观是创造力、质量、创新、 everything within our means to reduce our 生态、可靠性以及服务意识。这些价值观始终贯 impact on the environment. We work with 穿于我们的工作。 industrial partners who are committed to respecting our planet and who have a number of environmental certifications. 洛朗·马尔尚 (Laurent Marchand), Our group’s core values are creativity, quality, 董事长 innovation, ecology, reliability, and a sense of service. These values are ever-present in our work. Laurent Marchand - Chief Executive Officer CONTENTS 摘要 A GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL KNOW-HOW 13 全球行业知识 A WORLDWIDE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK 39 全球分销网络 EXCLUSIVE CREATIONS 75 独家定制化创造 ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 91 环境与社会责任 2 PRODUCT CATALOGUE 产品目录 SOAPS 98 香皂 BOTTLES 102 瓶子 TUBES 112 软管 DISPENSERS 116 装配器 PERSONAL CARE 120 个人护理用品 TRAYS 122 托盘 COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS 124 身体护理配套 SLIPPERS & FLIP-FLOPS 130 拖鞋和人字拖 DRESSING 132 衣橱 COSMETIC BAGS & GIFT PACKS 135 礼物袋 HYGIENE 136 卫生系列 STATIONERY 138 文具 SIGNS 139 标志 BAR & RESTAURANT 140 餐厅&酒吧 HOTEL LOBBY 142 接待 CHILDREN 144 儿童 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 全球行业知识 12 QUALITY, RELIABILITY, FLEXIBILITY Almost 50 years’ experience with the biggest names in French and international cosmetics, combined with our industrial standards, we can guarantee our clients top quality and a level of compliance like no other. Our integrated production sites located in France and Portugal and our industrial partners have comprehensive skills in production and research and development. They also share our values of social and environmental responsibility. We adhere to the strictest European cosmetic 质量、可靠性、灵活性 standards and regulations. This allows us to monitor and take action at each stage of the 拥有近50年与法国和全球化妆品领先品牌合作的 production chain, and as marketers to ensure product safety and reliability. 经验,以及我们的行业标准,我们能够为客户提供 顶级质量,保证合格质优。 14 15 我们在法国和葡萄牙的综合性生产基地以及我们的 合作伙伴拥有全面的生产和研发技能。同时,他们 还与我们共享社会与环境责任价值观。 我们遵循最为严格的欧洲化妆品标准和规定,这使 我们能够监控并在生产链上的每一阶段中采取相应 行动,作为营销商,确保产品安全与可靠性。 CERTIFIED PRODUCTION 经认证的生产车间及可靠的合作伙伴 PLANTS, RESPONSIBLE PARTNERS 我们认为质量是我们业务的基石。 We consider quality to be a cornerstone of 我们位于欧洲和亚洲的工厂及行业合作伙伴均得到 our business. ISO 22716、14001和9001认证,并遵循良好生产 Our factories and industrial partners located in 惯例。生产流程中始终保证顶级的生产质量。 Europe and Asia are ISO 22716, 14001 and 9001 certified, and respect Good Manufacturing 作为我们的“关爱地球”项目的一部分,我们的自营 Practices. Premium production quality is 工厂经ECOCERT、COSMOS和EU ECOLABEL认 guaranteed throughout the production process. 证,致力于通过简化供应链方案、减少耗水和能耗、 Our own factories are certified by ECOCERT, COSMOS 回收废品、限制使用过多包装和使用清洁技术,在最 and EU ECOLABEL and endeavor to minimize their 大程度上减少对环境的影响。 impact on the environment by streamlining their supply chain solutions, reducing water and energy 我们的安装设施分类为ICPE级(环保分类安装设施)。 use, recycling waste, restricting the use of over packs and using clean technologies as part of our 我们要求生产车间和行业合作伙伴与我们一同承担 Care About Earth program. 责任。 Our installations are ICPE classified (Classified 16 Installation for the Protection of the Environment). 17 We ask our production plants and industrial partners to commit to responsibility alongside us.

CLEANSING MILK. 个人护理用品. 泡泡浴块. 睡眠喷雾. 卸妆棉. 个人护理啫喱. 洗手啫喱. 湿毛巾. 牙膏. 剃须膏和剃 每日私密洁浴露. 洗面奶. 抗菌湿纸巾.
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