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Thelast recorded frame o-n^each microfiche Un des symboles suivantsapparaftra sur la TshIaNlUlEcDo"n)t,aionrtthheessyymmbbooll V (m(emaenainnigng"E"NCDO"N)-, dcaesr:nllAeresyimmbaoglesd•e>chseiqguniefimeic"rAofSiUcIheV,REs"el,onlele V whicheverapplies. symbols signifie "FIN". Meps, pistes, charts, etc., may befilmed at Lescartes, plancnes, tableaux, etc., peuventAtre different reduction ratios. Thosetoo largeto be filmis A des taux de reduction diffirents. entirely included in one exposure arefilmed Lorsque le documentesttrop grand pour dtre beginning in the upperleft hand corner, leftto reproduiten un seulclichA, il estfilm6d partir rightend top to bottom, as manyframesas de I'anglesupArieurgauche, de gauche A droite, required. The following diegrams illustratethe et de heuten bas, en prenant le nombre method: d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent le mithode. 2 3 1 1 32X ,w .^ >4 .f y K. 1/ GUESSES AT THE RIDDLE OF EXISTENCE •r^^o GUESSES AT THE RIDDLE OF EXISTENCE AND OTHER ESSAYS ON KINDRED SUBJECTS BY GOLDWIN SMITH, D.C.L. AUTHOB OFUn"iCteAdNASDtAateAsN,D"T"HEEsbCaAvNbADoInANQuQkCsEtSiToInbON'" "Tlllt OFthb Day," etc., irr. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. 1898 A.II rights reserved 4563U Sm/t^, ^ COPTBIOHT, 1896, Bt macmillan and go. Set upand electrotyped December, 1896. Reprinted March, May,1897; July,1898. X8.Cuihlng&Co.—BerwickbSmith NorwoodMm.U.S.A. PREFACE Op the papers in this volume three have appeared before two in the North American ; Review^ one in the Forum^ to the editors of which, respectively, the writer's thanks are due for their courtesy in permitting the repub- lication. The writer has also once or twice drawn on previous papers of his own. For such of the essays as have appeared in print some inquiries have been made. Those who desire to read them again are probably of the same mind as the writer, and with him believe that there is no longer any use in clinging to the untenable or in shutting our eyes to that which cannot be honestly denied. The educated world, and to a great extent the uneducated world also, has got beyond the point at which frank dealing with a tradi- tional creed can be regarded as a wanton dis- turbance of faith.

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