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Annual budgets and SDBIPs Chapter 13 Chapter 13 Annual budgets and SDBIP 114 Refer to the SDBIP, which is a separate document that is approved by Council. 13 r e t p a h C 115 Legislation compliance status Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Legislation compliance status The promulgation of the Municipal Finance Management Act (The Act) has brought in proficiency and control measures to local government in terms of budgeting, monitoring and accounting on public funds. The Act has had a profound effect on local government operations that required transformation in financial discipline and planning processes. The budget preparation for 2009/10 – 2011/12 complies with most of these key requirements. The Act has created clear reporting standards for local government that conforms to international standards. In addition to providing for improved reporting by local government, the Act stipulates that new accounting and financial standards must be complied with. The City’s electronic reporting to National Treasury has also been complied with and has also improved over time. The monthly and quarterly returns to National Treasury have been submitted on time. The City of Johannesburg, in its strides to comply with the act, has in its plan of compliance instructed departments to train all finance and non-finance officials from 2005. This has resulted in mass training programmes for officials in all sectors, including the municipal entities. This massive training schedule was also boosted by the on-line training provided by National treasury. Compliance on all critical elements of the Municipal Finance Management Act, for the next and future financial years, will be achieved easily, due the fact that most, if not all officials, are aware of the Act. In accordance with the provisions of the Act, the City has an approved Supply Chain Management policy, which was extensively consulted on. The policy is intended at regulating the supply chain management environment within the City. Required resources (human, financial and otherwise) have been allocated to the Supply Chain Management department to enhance capacity to achieve the scorecards, as set out by the policy. 116 The reform agenda, set out through the Municipal Finance Management Act, includes new accounting standards, which includes national standards, such as Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) and Generally Accepted Municipal Accounting Practice (GAMAP). These above mentioned accounting practices have been adhered to during the development of the budget. The City’s consolidated financial statements were prepared to comply with GAMAP since the 2004/05 financial year. The municipal entities financial statements were also prepared in line with GAAP. When preparing the budget, the City has complied with the requirements of the MFMA Circular 28, which requires that the budget content and format must comply with the Act. The following processes were adhered to: • The budget is legally compliant; • The process has a strong political oversight; • Performance of officials should meet the required standard; • The Growth and Development Strategy is reflected in the budget; • There are clear linkages between the budget and the Mayoral Priorities, and • Public participation was key when the City involved its stakeholders in the whole process. 14 r e t p a h C 117 Resolutions Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Resolutions Operating Budget It is recommended 1. That the operating revenue (including capital grants and internal transfers) of R31,0 billion and the operating expenditure (including internal transfers) of R29,1 billion for the City of Johannesburg for the financial year 2010/11, and the indicatives for the projected medium term period 2011/12 and 2012/13 be approved as set out in the following attachments: 1.1 The consolidated operating budget for the City as per Tables 1 – 10. 1.2 The consolidated operating budget for the City, Core Administration and Municipal Entities as reflected in Annexure A, B and C. 1.3 The operating and revenue budget by vote for the City as reflected in Annexure D. 2. That the subsidies payable by Core Administration to the following Municipal Entities be approved: – 118 Vote Budget Budget Estimate 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 R’000 R’000 R’000 Pikitup 925 110 985 838 1 054 387 Johannesburg Roads Agency 429 693 461 780 495 434 Metrobus 291 841 305 771 321 261 Johannesburg City Parks 459 596 495 229 532 490 Johannesburg Zoo 40 370 42 860 46 051 Johannesburg Development Agency 21 637 22 892 24 198 Johannesburg Property Company – – – Metro Trading Company 45 293 50 155 55 894 Johannesburg Tourism Company 31 616 33 434 35 611 Johannesburg Social and Housing Company 17 173 17 764 18 798 Johannesburg Civic Theatre 25 000 26 000 20 500 Roodepoort City Theatre 9 375 9 853 10 415 Total subsidies to ME’s 2 296 704 2 451 576 2 615 039 3. That the supporting information contained in the 2010/11 – 2012/13 Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Budget document as required in terms of Section 17(3) of the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) be considered in conjunction with this report. Capital Budget It is recommended 1. That the annual capital budget of R3 058 761 000 for the year 2010/11 and the estimates for the two projected outer years 2011/12 and 2012/13 for the City of Johannesburg be considered for consultation as set out in the following schedules: 1.1 Capital budget by vote for each of the Municipal Entities and Core Administration as reflected in Annexure A. 1.2 Capital budget by project for each of the Municipal Entities and Core Administration as reflected in Annexure B. Tariffs It is recommended that the tariff charges for the 2010/11 budget year, as tabled in the Council agenda be approved. 15 r e t p a h C 119 Detail budgets per department and municipal entity Chapter 16 Chapter 16 Detail budgets per department and municipal entity 120 16 OpERating BudgEt r e t p CORE ADMINISTRATION a h MEDIUM TERMOPERATING BUDGET2010/11-2012/13 C Budgeted FinancialPerformance(revenueandexpenditure) 2010/11MediumTermRevenue& Expenditure Description 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Current Year2009/10 Framework Audited Audited Audited Adjusted Budget Year Budget Year +1 Budget Year +2 Rthousand OriginalBudget Outcome Outcome Outcome Budget 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 RevenueBy Source Propertyrates 3072689 3462485 3409992 4106790 4126790 4769272 5146044 5542289 Propertyrates-penalties & collectioncharges 76242 48981 88035 95655 95655 101229 107202 113313 Servicecharges-electricityrevenue Servicecharges-waterrevenue Servicecharges-sanitationrevenue Servicecharges-refuse 299092 516909 513400 513400 543177 575224 608012 Servicecharges-other 281969 131355 90687 182828 178155 193978 206476 219460 Rentalof facilitiesandequipment 81891 51123 127689 45540 60349 259304 63557 66318 Interestearned-externalinvestments 546274 502362 511123 310062 310062 170146 296142 333500 Interestearned-outstandingdebtors 1 15 3 Dividendsreceived Fines 237818 373151 390508 461690 395812 342358 362656 483327 Licencesandpermits Agencyservices 139113 147465 155463 161068 161068 171215 181317 191652 OperatingGrants 2667930 4006671 3611470 4149018 4153055 4320761 4396310 4529813 CapitalGrants 386298 135503 520537 890911 2321866 815186 2025745 1778771 Otherrevenue 438748 290653 117057 58738 92063 252032 266159 281952 Gainsondisposalof PPE 37774 371 14037 37000 37000 37000 37000 37000 Revenue 7966747 9449227 9553510 11012700 12445275 11975658 13663832 14185407 Interest Income(Sweeping Account) InterestonLoans(Core) 600602 682597 719363 721273 712554 753787 783341 786563 InternalRecoveries(ME's ) 162567 149238 184035 177677 177677 219306 236131 250305 InternalRecoveries(Core) 135707 145743 183331 229676 229676 341176 358261 380189 InternalCapitalgrants(Mig) 205 Operatinggrants & Subsidies from(COJ) Total InternalTransfers 899080 977578 1086729 1128626 1119907 1314269 1377733 1417057 TotalRevenue 9764907 10426806 10640239 12141326 13565182 13289927 15041565 15602464 ExpenditureByType Employeerelatedcosts 1879149 2244292 2879432 3067327 3305972 3637779 3911595 4179841 Remunerationofcouncillors 58375 62337 68657 67349 74860 83953 109118 116647 Debtimpairment 307402 167051 751428 295383 346008 465085 537527 576216 Depreciation & assetimpairment 572966 401697 433883 817049 815849 911734 973792 999567 Financecharges 815904 729181 1061680 1238123 1300173 1398727 1504141 1523545 Bulkpurchases Othermaterials Contractedservices 698693 1020970 1047015 1054775 1217096 1160424 1167099 1245837 Grantsandsubsidies 119838 1434351 364390 385510 205354 123953 81649 86678 Otherexpenditure 1544143 1337513 1645622 1839002 1572826 1898334 1765633 1897841 Lossondisposalof PPE 24427 9518 18239 Expenditure 6020898 7406910 8270345 8764518 8838138 9679989 10050554 10626172 Interest(Sweeping Account) Intereston ShareholdersLoans InterestonMirrorConduitloans InternalCharges(ME's) 272217 425696 401979 258236 279571 291512 399346 460906 InternalCharges(Core) 130869 145721 147969 229676 229676 341176 358261 380189 Operatinggrants & Subsidies toME's 1776559 1838437 2117496 2221645 2121344 2296704 2451576 2615039 Total InternalTransfers 2179645 2409854 2667444 2709557 2630591 2929392 3209183 3456134 Total Expenditure 10380188 9816764 10937789 11474075 11468729 12609381 13259737 14082306 Surplus/(Deficit) (615280) 610042 (297550) 667251 2096454 680546 1781828 1520158 Taxation Surplus/(Deficit)aftertaxation (615280) 610042 (297550) 667251 2096454 680546 1781828 1520158 Attributable tominorities Surplus/(Deficit)attributableto Example municipality (615280) 610042 (297550) 667251 2096454 680546 1781828 1520158 Shareofsurplus/(deficit)ofassociate Surplus/(Deficit)fortheyear (615280) 610042 (297550) 667251 2096454 680546 1781828 1520158 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 121 OpERating BudgEt ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEDIUM TERMOPERATING BUDGET2010/11-2012/13 Budgeted FinancialPerformance(revenueandexpenditure) 2010/11MediumTermRevenue& Expenditure Description 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Current Year2009/10 Framework Audited Audited Audited Adjusted Budget Year Budget Year +1 Budget Year +2 Rthousand OriginalBudget Outcome Outcome Outcome Budget 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 RevenueBy Source Propertyrates Propertyrates-penalties & collectioncharges Servicecharges-electricityrevenue Servicecharges-waterrevenue Servicecharges-sanitationrevenue Servicecharges-refuse Servicecharges-other Rentalof facilitiesandequipment Interestearned-externalinvestments Interestearned-outstandingdebtors Dividendsreceived Fines Licencesandpermits Agencyservices OperatingGrants 33049 29049 CapitalGrants 49049 20000 150236 Otherrevenue 5268 177 24 Gainsondisposalof PPE Revenue 5268 177 49049 53073 179285 Interest Income(Sweeping Account) InterestonLoans(Core) InternalRecoveries(ME's ) InternalRecoveries(Core) InternalCapitalgrants(Mig) Operatinggrants & Subsidies from(COJ) Total InternalTransfers TotalRevenue 5268 177 49049 53073 179285 ExpenditureByType Employeerelatedcosts 8153 15467 28794 48868 47068 32467 34997 37413 Remunerationofcouncillors Debtimpairment 31 Depreciation & assetimpairment 670 573 888 8301 8301 4384 4507 4826 Financecharges 3 Bulkpurchases Othermaterials Contractedservices 11901 48077 46525 45874 47639 21477 20780 21965 Grantsandsubsidies 9810 9879 26288 25000 33864 64049 69824 74179 Otherexpenditure 3535 6810 8127 15435 9652 16081 16219 17026 Lossondisposalof PPE 5 33 Expenditure 34069 80842 110654 143478 146527 138458 146327 155409 Interest(Sweeping Account) Intereston ShareholdersLoans InterestonMirrorConduitloans InternalCharges(ME's) 100 105 111 InternalCharges(Core) 982 177 1446 1446 659 716 769 Operatinggrants & Subsidies toME's 30000 Total InternalTransfers 982 30177 1446 1446 759 821 880 Total Expenditure 34069 81824 140831 144924 147973 139217 147148 156289 Surplus/(Deficit) (28801) (81824) (140654) (95875) (94900) 40068 (147148) (156289) Taxation Surplus/(Deficit)aftertaxation (28801) (81824) (140654) (95875) (94900) 40068 (147148) (156289) Attributable tominorities Surplus/(Deficit)attributableto Example municipality (28801) (81824) (140654) (95875) (94900) 40068 (147148) (156289) Shareofsurplus/(deficit)ofassociate Surplus/(Deficit)fortheyear (28801) (81824) (140654) (95875) (94900) 40068 (147148) (156289) PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 122 16 OpERating BudgEt r e t p ENVIRONMENT a h C MEDIUM TERMOPERATING BUDGET2010/11-2012/13 Budgeted FinancialPerformance(revenueandexpenditure) 2010/11MediumTermRevenue& Expenditure Description 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Current Year2009/10 Framework Audited Audited Audited Adjusted Budget Year Budget Year +1 Budget Year +2 Rthousand OriginalBudget Outcome Outcome Outcome Budget 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 RevenueBy Source Propertyrates Propertyrates-penalties & collectioncharges Servicecharges-electricityrevenue Servicecharges-waterrevenue Servicecharges-sanitationrevenue Servicecharges-refuse Servicecharges-other Rentalof facilitiesandequipment Interestearned-externalinvestments Interestearned-outstandingdebtors Dividendsreceived Fines 178 3 180 Licencesandpermits Agencyservices OperatingGrants 1704 6571 4395 13079 3000 CapitalGrants Otherrevenue 34 30 1841 Gainsondisposalof PPE Revenue 1916 6604 4575 14920 3000 Interest Income(Sweeping Account) InterestonLoans(Core) InternalRecoveries(ME's ) InternalRecoveries(Core) InternalCapitalgrants(Mig) Operatinggrants & Subsidies from(COJ) Total InternalTransfers TotalRevenue 1916 6604 4575 14920 3000 ExpenditureByType Employeerelatedcosts 19870 25474 29873 29873 32412 34940 37351 Remunerationofcouncillors Debtimpairment Depreciation & assetimpairment 587 1127 1322 1322 1823 2005 2207 Financecharges Bulkpurchases Othermaterials Contractedservices 8147 15004 5820 16129 5891 4900 5300 Grantsandsubsidies Otherexpenditure 6350 5221 9268 6454 4845 5128 5301 Lossondisposalof PPE 17 173 Expenditure 34971 46999 46283 53778 44971 46973 50159 Interest(Sweeping Account) Intereston ShareholdersLoans InterestonMirrorConduitloans InternalCharges(ME's) InternalCharges(Core) 282 2151 741 741 807 858 912 Operatinggrants & Subsidies toME's Total InternalTransfers 282 2151 741 741 807 858 912 Total Expenditure 35253 49150 47024 54519 45778 47831 51071 Surplus/(Deficit) (33337) (42546) (42449) (39599) (42778) (47831) (51071) Taxation Surplus/(Deficit)aftertaxation (33337) (42546) (42449) (39599) (42778) (47831) (51071) Attributable tominorities Surplus/(Deficit)attributableto Example municipality (33337) (42546) (42449) (39599) (42778) (47831) (51071) Shareofsurplus/(deficit)ofassociate Surplus/(Deficit)fortheyear (33337) (42546) (42449) (39599) (42778) (47831) (51071) PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 123

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