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Click here to return to USGS publications THE ROCKS AND LANDSCAPE OF A FAMOUS NEW MEXICO RANCH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 505 PROPERTY OF PUBLIC' M:-FICE U . S . E-',ECILOC-jlr,-%L SURVEY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA F ROPERTY OF PUBLIC INQUIRIES OFFICE U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THE ROCKS AND LANDSCAPE OF A FAMOUS NEW MEXICO RANCH By G. D. Robinson, A . A. Wanek, W. H. Hays and M . E . McCallum Illustrated by John R. Stacy GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 505 The geologic story of the last billion eventful years in the Philmont Ranch region, where the Cimarron Range rises from the High Plains UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1964 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S . Government Printing Office Washington, D.C . 20402 - Price $3.75 cents (paper cover) � FOREWORD This book is an informal account of the geology of the Philmont Ranch quadrangle, where the Southern Rocky Mountains meet the Great Plains in northeastern New Mexico . From time to time the U.S . Geological Survey publishes nontechnical accounts of the geology of places visited by large numbers of people, such as the National Parks and Monuments . The Philmont Ranch quadrangle is such a place . Its stirring scenery and romantic past attract many thousands of visitors each year, and thousands more discover it as they travel to better- known Taos and Santa Fe on U.S . Highway 64 . Moreover, half the quadrangle is occupied by the Philmont Scout Ranch, which is visited by several thousand adults annually for training in Scout leadership, and by many thousands of Explorer Scouts each summer for protracted camping expeditions . The quad­ rangle is part of a region that, because of its known and potential mineral wealth, has been under investigation by the Geological Survey for many years . Some of the technical data thus assembled are here recast in a form that we hope will be of interest and use to those who visit the area . A, A_41~ THOMAS B. NOLAN Director, U.S. Geological Survey CONTENTS Page Page Page What this book is about------- 1 A closer view-Continued Subsurface geologic processes at A bird's-eye view : the Philmont Rocks of the rugged moun­ work-Continued landscape---___________ 4 tains-Continued Philmont in three dimensions- 117 Landforms_________________ 4 Garnet schist ------------- 56 Uplift---------------------- 118 Water on the land : creeks and Quartzite----------------- 56 Injections of molten rock----- 120 lakes____-------__________ 12 Diorite porphyry ---------- 56 Volcanic eruptions__-_____-__ 124 Climate______--____________ 19 Pink granodiorite--______-- 57 Ground water in folded rocks : A closer view : the rocks, fossils, Yellow and gray quartz artesian water?__--___---__ 124 and water beneath the land- 21 sandstone -------------- 60 Shaping the landscape--------- 128 Rocks beneath the plains_____ 23 Red sandstone andconglom­ The network of streams------ 128 Gravel and sand__________ 23 erate------------------- 60 The special history of Cim­ Black shale and orange Red shale andblack shale--- 67 arron Creek_________-__ 131 shale______-___---______ 26 Limestone conglomerate--__ 67 The high benchlands---______ 131 Gray limestone------------ 31 Basalt ------------------- 67 The northern benchlands_-- 131 Dark mica-rich lampro­ Red bomb beds ----------- 71 Deer Lake Mesa : hollowed phyre__________________ 31 Pepper-and-salt diorite____- 71 by the wind?-____-_____ 135 Brown andesite----------- 35 Rubble ------------------- 72 The southern benchlands, Rocks of the benchlands----- 35 Ore deposits? ------------- 72 their meadows and lakes- 136 Yellow sandstone and con­ Thoughts about rocks -------- 74 The lowland plains ---------- 137 glomerate _____-________ 35 Water in the ground : the lake Waterfalls and mountain Light-gray sandstone______ 36 beneath us --------------- 75 meadows----------------- 138 Shale-------------------- 36 A cake of many layers : the rock Therugged mountain country- 139 Dark basalt_________-____ 40 sequence ------------------- 78 Hummoeky hillsides : fossil Dacite porphyry ---------- 40 Putting the rocks on paper: nam­ landslides ---------------- 140 Andesite---______________ 41 ing and mapping formations-­ 90 Glaciers?---_____---_____--- 143 When was this cake made?----- 92 Coal__-__________________ 41 Landscapes of the past ______- 143 Missing layers ---------------- 97 Rocks of the hummocky hill- Subsurface geologic processes at Restless mountains, restless sides___----______________ 46 work_____________________ 99 plains : the geologic history of Philmont----______----__--- 144 Rocks of the rugged moun­ Measuring the tilt of beds---- 100 tains__________________- 49 Deformed layers : tilted and Exit wondering--------------- 148 Spotted dacite porphyry-­ 50 folded rocks-------------- 101 Suggested reading--_____------ 150 Striped gneiss and schist--- 51 Deformedlayers : broken rocks- 108 Aboutthis book --------------- 151 PLATES [Plates are in pocket] 1 . The Philmont landscape : a bird's-eye view . 2. The parade of Philmont rocks. 3. Geologic map of the Philmont Ranch region, New Mexico . 4. Geology of Philmont : a bird's-eye view . 5. Geologic sections of the Philmont Ranch region, New Mexico . 6. Geologic structure of Philmont . � FIGURES [Photographs of rocks and fossils from beyond Philmont are indicated by '] Page Page 1. Where the Rockies rise from 15 . Waterfall on Rayado Creek tives of cuttlefish and the Plains : the setting of near Crater Peak . Pho­ squids . *Photographs by the Philmont Ranch re- tograph by Dan Hawk- R. E. Burkholder------ gion__________________- 2 ins_________-__________ 14 28 . Fossils from black shale 2. Kit Carson's home, now a 16 . Broad valley of Cimarron (Pierre Shale) . A, *Pho­ museum, near the old Creek on plains east of the tograph by R. E. Burk­ Santa Fe Trail in south- mountain front. Photo­ holder ; B, photograph by eastern Philmont . graph by J. R. Stacy--__ 15 E. F. Patterson--___---- Photograph by E. F. Pat- 17 . Pebbles and cobbles of sand­ 29 . Orange shale (from Pierre terson----------------- 5 stone and dacite por­ Shale) . A, Photograph 3. Philmont from the east . phyry-a rock like gran­ by Charles Fiola; B, pho­ Photograph by J. R. ite-from the bed of tograph by Anthony Den­ Stacy ----------------- 6 Cimarron Creek near son ; C, *photograph by 4. Rough, hummocky hillsides Cimarron town . Photo- E. P. Krier------______ south of U.S . Highway 64 . graph by M . E. Mc- 30 . Limestone another kind of Photograph by J. R. Callum______--________ 15 hardened mud (Fort Hays Stacy----------------- 6 18 . Sha rp-edged chunks of rock Limestone Member) . A 5. Looking north up valley of (Trinidad Sandstone) and B, Photographs by Ute Creek to Baldy that have recently fallen J. R. Stacy ; C, photo­ Mountain . Photograph into the bed of Ponil graph by E. P. Krier___- by E. F. Patterson------ 8 Creek. Photograph by 31 . Lamprophyre. A, Photo­ 6. Horseshoe mine, beside U.S . J . R. Stacy_____________ 16 graph by E. F. Patterson ; Highway 64 where it 19 . Typical junction of streams. B, photograph by Charles crosses the west edge of Photograph by E. F. Pat­ Fiola ; C, photograph by Philmont . Photograph E. P. Krier__-______--- terson____________-____ 17 by J. R . Stacy_________- 3 2 . Light-colored andesite in 7. On mesa above Old Dean 20 . Natural lakes of Philmont . dark shale (Pierre Shale) Trail Camp. Photograph Photographs by J. R. on State Highway 21 . by J. R. Stacy__-_____-- 9 Stacy___-__----______- 18 Photograph by E. F. 8. Steplike terraced plains in 21 . Death of a lake___________ 20 Patterson--__---______- southeastern Philmont . 22 . Gravel and sand : mementos 33 . A closer look at andesite . Photograph by J. R. of ancient floods . Photo- A, Photograph by Charles Stacy_________________ 9 graphs by J. R. Stacy--- 22 Fiola; B, photograph by 9 . Rugged mountain country 23 . Gravel mounds made by E. P. Krier--__-______- in west-central Philmont gold dredges along Ute 34 . Yellow sandstone and con­ viewed from Cimarron Creek. Photograph by glomerate (Poison Can- cito Base Camp . Photo- E. F. Patterson_________ 24 yon Formation) deposited graph by E. F. Patterson- 10 24 . Baldy town in 1939 and in by ancient streams. A, 10 . Marshy meadowlands along 1961 . A, Copy by E. F. Photograph by E. F. Agua Fria Creek up­ Patterson of photograph Patterson ; B and C, pho­ stream from Rayado Base by J. W . Leitzell ; B, tographs by Charles Camp . Photograph by photograph by E. F. Fiola--___---__--______ J. R. Stacy___________ 10 Patterson________-_____ 25 35 . Slice of yellow sandstone. 11 . Mountain view east from 25 . Black shale (Graneros Photograph by Charles Rayado Base Camp . Shale)-once it was mud Fiola________----______ Photograph by J. R. on the floor of the sea. 36 . Yellow sandstone (Raton Stacy--__________-____ A, Photograph by E. F. Formation) that has fossil 12 . High marshy meadowlands Patterson ; B, photograph suncracks, Ponil Creek. on the Ocate Mesa . Pho­ by Charles Fiola; C, pho­ Photograph by E. F. tograph by J. R. Stacy - tograph by Anthony Patterson------________ 13 . Geological Survey stream- Denson________________ 27 37 . Crossbedding in yellow gaging station on Cimar­ 26 . Fossils from black shale- sandstone (Raton Forma­ ron Creek. Photographs their descendants live in tion), Ponil Creek. Pho­ by J. R. Stacy__________ 12 the ocean today. *Pho­ tograph by E. F. Pat­ 14 . Near the head of a typical tographs by R. E. Burk­ terson___---______----- stream in the mountain holder-----____________ 28 38 . Fossil plants from ancient country. Photograph by 27 . Fossils from black shale : stream beds . *Photo- M. E. McCallum---____ 14 ammonites, extinct rela- graphs by Serge Mamay- vi � Page Page Page 39 . Yellow conglomerate (Poi- 55 . Dacite porphyry : a closer 69. Stream-laid red conglom­ son Canyon Formation) look at two common va­ erate (Sangre de Cristo in high benchlands north rieties . A and B, Photo Formation) . Photograph of Baldy Mountain . graphs by Charles Fiola ; by J. R. Stacy___--___- 65 Photograph by M. E. C, photograph by E. P. 70. A closer look at red sand- McCallum____________- 38 Krier______-__-___-___- 51 stone and red conglom­ 40 . Sandstone, conglomerate, erate from outcrops on 56 . Gneiss-changed from sedi­ and shale in old stream Cimarroncito Creek . mentary or igneous rocks deposits_-____________ 39 Photographs by Charles by heating and squeezing 41 . Light-gray sandstone (Trin­ Fiola---________-______ 66 deep within the crust. idad Sandstone)-relic of 71 . Red shale (Dockum Group) Photograph by J. R. a vanished ocean beach. laid down on the flood Stacy--___--___-_-____ 52 Photograph by J. R. plain of an extinct river . 57 . Gneiss and schist . A, Pho­ 39 A, Photograph by E. F. tograph by J. R. Stacy ; 42. A closer look at beach sand- Patterson ; B and C, B, C, and D, photographs stone. A, Photograph by *photographs by C . B. by Charles Fiola-------- 53 J. R. Stacy; B, photo- Read-________-___-__-_ 68 58 . Gneiss and schist under the graph by Charles Fiola__ 41 72. Limestone-pebble conglom­ the microscope . Photo­ 43 . Plant fossils : leaves, cones, erate, South Fork Urraca graphs by E. P. Krier_ _ _ 54 and nuts . *Photographs Creek. Photograph, by from U.S . Geol . Survey 59 . Garnet schist . Photographs J. R. Stacy__-__-_-_-__ 69 Prof. Paper 189-1_______ 42 by E. P. Krier---------- 55 73 . Remnant of basalt lava 44 . Tubes made by unknown 60 . Quartzite from campground flow on hill above Rayado plant or animal . *Pho­ west of Clear Creek Store. Base Camp . Photograph tographs from U.S . Geol . A, Photograph by Charles by J. R. Stacy__________ 70 Survey Prof . Paper 189-1- 43 Fiola; B, *photograph by 74 . Red volcanic bombs from 45 . Black shale and basalt in Warren Hamilton------- 56 the flank of Crater Peak . the benchlands . Photo- Photographs by Dan 61 . Diorite porphyry from graph by J. R. Stacy-_ _ _ 44 Hawkins--___-__--__--_ 71 South Fork Urraca Creek. 46 . Basalt rubble on Urraca 75 . Block field. Photographs Photograph by Charles Mesa. Photograph by by M. E. McCallum- _ _- 72 Fiola------------------ 57 Dan Hawkins______---- 44 76 . Block stream . Photograph 62 . Coarse-grained pink grano­ 47 . A closer look at basalt . A, by M . E. McCallum-- _ _ 73 diorite one-quarter mile Photograph by Charles 77 . Explorer Scouts on Thunder downstream from Clear Fiola; B, photograph by Mine dump, Middle Fork Creek Store. Photograph J. R. Stacy ; C, photo­ Cimarroncito Creek . by J. R. Stacy__________ 58 graph by E. P. Krier__-- 45 Photograph by J. R. 63 . Pegmatite-a granitelike 48 . Dacite porphyry . A, Photo- Stacy__-_____-_____-__ 73 rock made of giant crys­ graph by M. E. McCal­ 78 . Water in the ground : the tals-from near Clear lum ; B, photograph by lake beneath us___-____- 75 Creek Store. Photograph Charles Fiola----------- 46 79 . Rock sequence on Cimarron by Charles Fiola_______- 58 49 . Coal at Philmont . A, Pho­ Creek. Photograph by tograph by J. R. Stacy; 64 . Close-ups of granodiorite . J. R. Stacy-__-_______- 79 B, C *Photographs by Photographs by E. P. 80 . Four rock units that crop J. M . Schopf--___--___- 47 Krier______________---- 59 out near Cimarron are 50 . Slices of bituminous coal, still recognizable at the 65 . Quartz sandstone (Dakota showing some different base of Midnight Mesa, Sandstone)-relic of an­ kinds of plant structures cient beaches. A, Photo­ 6iz miles west of town . that become coal . *Pho­ Photograph by E. F. graph by E. F. Patterson; tographs by J. M. Schopf- 48 Patterson_--______-___- 80 B, photograph by Charles 51 . Rock debris on a hum­ Fiola; C, photograph by 81 . Relation of landslides and mocky hillside near U.S . gravel in Ute Creek valley E. P. Krier____________ 61 Highway 64 . Photo­ to other rock units------ 81 66 . Quartz sandstone (Entrada graph by M. E. McCal­ 82 . Dacite porphyry ledge Sandstone) on the trail lum__________________ 48 above weathered outcrop along South Fork Urraca 52 . Slope mantle, in the moun­ of shale-part of unit 4 Creek. Photograph by tain country near Beau­ (Pierre Shale)-near Ute J. R. Stacy____-_______ 62 bien Camp . Photograph Creek. Photograph by 67 . Sand dunes: What they are by J. R. Stacy_________ 48 E. F. Patterson_______-_ 81 like, inside and out------ 63 53 . Dacite porphyry-the great 83 . Rock sequence on upper cliff maker. Photographs 68 . Red sandstone (Sangre de Cimarron Creek. Photo­ by E. F. Patterson----- 49 Cristo Formation) de- graph by E. F. Patterson- 82 54 . The Palisades in Cimarron posited by long-vanished 84 . Rock sequence on upper Canyon . Photograph by streams. Photograph by Cimarron Creek. Photo­ J. R. Stacy----___-____ 50 E. F. Patterson--------- 64 graph by J. R. Stacy--_- 83 � Page Page Page 85 . True and apparent thick- 102. Beds overturned at the 117. The Tooth of Time, viewed ness of rock units------- 84 mountain front on South from south from the 86 . The Philmont rock pile ..--- 86 Fork Urraca Creek_____ 106 Stockade on lower Urraca 87 . Red shale and sandstone of 103. Geologic age of folding---- 107 Creek. Photograph by unit 6 (Morrison Forma- 104. Angular unconformity be- J. R. Stacy____________ 122 tion) on Cimarroncito tween Precambrian rocks 118. Laccoliths : thick sills that Creek. Photograph by and the Sangre de Cristo have arched their roofs_ 123 J. R. Stacy------------ 88 Formation_____________ 107 119. Crater Peak, an eroded vol- 105. Repeated beds along U.S . cano . Photograph by 88 . Red shale and sandstone of Highway 64 . Photograph J. R. Stacy____________ 125 unit 8 (Dockum Group) by J. R. Stacy__________ 109 120. Crater Peak, viewed from on Cimarroncito Creek. 106. Shaefers Pass fault________ 110 the plains north of Ray- Photograph by E. F. 107. Zone of ground-up shaly ado Creek, has the shape Patterson______________ 89 rocks and rolled boulders of a buffalo head. Photo- 89 . Fossils and formations_____ 93 on Fowler Pass fault be- graph by J. R. Stacy__ _ _ 126 90 . Dating intrusive igneous tween Precambrian gneiss 121 . Artesian water at Philmont . rocks__________________ 95 and schist and Sangre de Photograph by M. E. 91 . Bringing together two kinds Cristo Formation. Photo- McCallum____________- 127 of time : geologic and graph by J. R. Stacy____ 111 122. How leaflike drainage pat- clock 95 108. One way to explain the terns are formed by 92 . Unconformity beneath Poi- geologic structure near streams starting on son Canyon and Raton the head of Agua Fria smooth anduniform rock_ 129 Formations along U.S . Creek 112 123 . Gullies cut by seasonal Highway 64____________ Horizontal offset of dipping streams in the upper 93 . Thinning of a formation by beds by vertical move- edge of the lowland plains, ment __________________ east of Cimarroncito overlap________________ 110. Fault, along which move- Creek, just above Web­ 94 . Dip and strike of a sand- ment was horizontal, cut- ster Reservoir. Photo- stone ledge. Photograph ting vertical lamprophyre graph by M. E. McCallum__ 129 by E . F. Patterson------ 99 sheet and moderately dip- 124. How Cimarron Creek cap- 95 . Topography and dip affect ping Pierre Shale on tured the waters of Mo­ the outcrop pattern of Horse Ridge . Photo- reno Valley________-___ 133 layered rocks___________ graph by J. R. Stacy___ 125 . How streams grow in the 96 . True and apparent dip ---- Geologic map of lampro- northern benchlands____ 134 97 . Using the geologist's com- phyre sheet in Pierre 126. River of lava freezes to pass to measure strike . Shale on Horse Ridge__ make a bench__________ 136 Photograph by J. R . 112 . Gently dipping reverse 127. Mountain meadows where Stacy_________________ 102 fault, or thrust fault, on Bonito Creek runs on Ponil Creek Trail . Photo- 98 . Using the geologist's com- metamorphic rocks, up- graph by J. R. Stacy____ pass to measure dip . stream from hard-rock 113. Fowler Pass and Lost Cabin Photograph by J. R . ledges at the mountain faults viewed as the sides Stacy_________________ 103 front. Photograph by of a giant plunger of Pre- 99 . Giant shallow downfold, or J. R. Stacy____________ 139 cambrian rocks thrust syncline, in Poison Can- 128. Typical landslide --------- 140 northeastward under yon rocks north of Cim- 129. Crater Lake . Photograph what are now Moreno arron Creek____________ 104 by E. F. Patterson______ Valley and the Cimar- 100. Folds in sedimentary rocks 130. Valley sculpture by amoun- ron Range and later ex- on lower South Fork tain glacier_____________ 142 posed by uplift and Urraca Creek__________ 105 erosion________________. 116 131 . Indian writings from canyon 101. Shale and sandstone of the 114. Dacite porphyry sill. Photo- of North Ponil Creek. Dockum Group standing graph by J. R. Stacy____ 119 Photograph by J. R. nearly vertical on South 115. Sills and dikes____________ 120 Stacy----------------- 147 Fork Urraca Creek trail. 116. Lamprophyre sheet that is 132. The sun sets behind the Photograph by J. R . mostly dike but partly Cimarron Range. Photo- Stacy_________________ 106 sill, at Horse Ridge_____ graph by J. R. Stacy____ 149 WHAT THIS BOOK IS ABOUT€ The geologic story of the Phil- mountains swarming with moun- scape, what happened before the mont Ranch region is mostly the tain sheep, deer, elk, bear, puma, mountains were born, how they story of one of the mountain ranges and smaller animals . The Span- came to be, and what has been that make up the Rocky Moun- iards, or their successors, began happening to them since . Our tains-the Cimarron Range in speaking of the mountains as the account will be more a detective northeastern New Mexico . In a Sierra Cimarron, or Range of the story than a lecture . way it is an autobiography, for Wild Beasts . In working out the life . story of the range tells its own story, but The name is no longer very apt, the Cimarron Range and of the in a difficult tongue . We are because the animal population has plains at its feet we will work simply the translators . It is no declined as the gun-toting popu- backward . First, we will consider epitaph, for the range is still lationhasgrown . Mountain sheep the landscape of today (fig . 1) . young . The story is long, for became extinct decades ago, and Then we will examine the nature some of the rocks in the core of descendants of the other large ani- and origin of the rocks and water the range are among the oldest on mals exist only under the protec- beneath this landscape-take, as the North American continent, tion of the law. The game that it were, a geologic inventory . and those on the flanks of the once ranged the bordering plains- Third, we will work out the order range are still forming today . It buffalo, pronghorn, giant rabbit, in which the rocks of Philmont is an incomplete story, but the and coyote-has almost vanished, have formed, and when. After missing events whet our curiosity . too . On the other hand, animals that we will find how and when the Parts of the rocky record can be unknown to the Indians until the rocks have been deformed and read in more than one way, and Europeans came-horses, burros, changed by forces from within the this adds spice to the telling . cattle, and domestic sheep-are earth . Next, we will try to decide How the range got its name has now many. how the landscape has been been forgotten . Most likely it We are all aware of how rapidly shaped . Finally, we will fit what was named by Spanish explorers, the pattern of animal life has we have seen of the rocks and who were the. first Europeans to changed in the West . It is harder scenery, and what we have rea- see it . In 1540, Coronado came to realize that the mountains soned about them, into a single, as far north as Taos, but not until change too . But in the vast span marvelously eventful, if incom- a century or more later did the of recorded geologic time-some- plete, story-a geologic history . Spaniards venture this far north thing like a billion years in this along the east front of the moun- region-the Cimarron Range has tains, in search of precious metals existed but a brief 50 or 60 million and jewels, not in the ground but years, and in its lifetime it has in legendary El Dorados, Cities of constantly, if slowly, changed . Gold . Here they found no golden We hope to piece together, from cities, but they saw dark, timbered evidence in the rocks and land- � \~Q&3 Tfn yplL R'Y, *Tlyll T11"IT1,10014 v 6 WHERE THE ROCKIES RISE FROM THE PLAINS : the setting of the Philmont Ranch region . (Fig . 1) 2

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