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Preview Growth Rates and Age Estimates of Alsophila setosa Kaulf. in Southern Brazil

Amorican Fern Journal 96(4j:103-lll (2006) Growth and Age Rates Estimates of Alsophila setosa Southern Kaulf. in Brazil Schmitt Jairo L. Centro Universitario FEEVALE, 93510-250 Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brazil Paulo G. Windisc:h Universiclade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, UNISINGS, PPC-BIOLOGIA, 93022-000 Sao Leopoldo, RS, Brazil — Abstract. The tree fern Alsophila sclosa, occurs in primary and secondary forests of southern and Two southeastern Brazih populations in secondary forest formations in the northeastern part of th(i State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the municipalities of Morro Reuter (45 plants] and Sapiranga (48 Two plants), were studied to estimate the ages of the plants. approaches were tested, one based on the total length in relation to the yearly growth rate of the caudex, and the second on the total number of scars and remains of stipe bases along the caudex in relation to the yearly frond production. Estimates based on growth rates and total length did not agree with the information and records of the past land use, whereas frond production over a longer time period presented acceptable estimates. The development of a new plant formed through vegetative reproduction was A observed during three years. brief discussion of the problems of age estimates in tree ferns is presented. Biological data are urgently needed for conservation efforts of endangered Some such commercial species as tree ferns subject to exploitation. species are the source of fibrous material formed by the adventitious root mass covering the caudex w^hich used for growing orchids and aroids, while others have is plants removed from the field and used in landscaping and decoration. Even with adherence to the CITES agreements restricting the trade, local use still management represents a major pressure for conservation. Forest plans tend to exclude tree ferns or inflate the information on their growth and regeneration potential, while the concerned protection agencies lack proper infornration on A growth understanding and their rates. better of the role of tree ferns the presence of some epiphytic species urgently needed. In some cases, as is still by Coomes discussed et qL [2005), tree ferns offer conditions for the woody and some germination establishment of vascular seed plants, initial thus having an important role in their regeneration. many some Tree ferns present interesting biological aspects, growing meters sometimes up the canopy, while presenting only primary tall, to forest tissue woody and water supply through Their growth, compared some a tracheids. to plants can be considered slow, but the lack of more precise data field major problem Ages constitutes a in establishing the age of individual plants. of tree ferns tend to be estimated using a) the total caudex length in relation to the yearly growth rates or b) the yearly frond production in relation to the total number of frond vestiges (old fronds, remains of stipe bases or scars) along the The method caudex. assumes that the growth constant throughout the first is NUMBER AMERICAN VERN JOURNAL: VOLUML: 104 1)B 4 (20G(i) life-span, while the initial stages, from the formation of the young spornphyte gametophyle from The second method cannot on the are out the estimates. loft damage be applied arborescent species without serious to the plants (leaf to all scars covered by adventitious roots and/or remains of stipe bases] while the up caudex with initial development, to plants presenting a definite leaf scars, also out of the estimates. is left Age estimates based on the caudex length and yearly growth rates were total presented by Conant Cyalhea arhorea Sm. and Alsophila (1976) for (L.) bryopbila R. M. Tryon, growing in Puerto Rico; Ortega (1984] for Sphaoropteris & M. Tryon, Venezuela; Brcckle A. senilis (Klot/sch.) R. in Bittner (1995] for Domin, erinaceae (H. Karst.) D. Conant, A. polystichoides (H. Christ] C. S. Domin pinnula and delgadii Sternb., C. nigripes (C. Chr.] Dcnnin, C. (H. Christ] Domin, (Maxon] Costa tricbiata in Rica. C. Seller (1981] estimated the age of Alsophila salvinii Hook., in El Salvador based on the frond production and the scars along the caudices, pointing out the exact age could not be established as the frond production rate of very thai young plants not known. Tanner (1983] using the same basic method is Kuhn estimated the age of Cyatbea pubescens Melt, ex plants growing in Ash Jamaica. (1987] estimated the age of C. bornei (Baker] Copel. plants in Fiji, more including information on the spacing of frond scars. tlie Walker & Aplet presented age estimates and information on the (1994] growth response of the caudex of Cibotiuni glaucum Sm] Hook. & Arn. after (J. Phosphorous the addition of nutrients, noting that Nitrogen or increased the caudex growth growth These authors also verified that the has higher rate. when compared younger rates in 1000 year old forest plots, to that of forest Durand and growth and formations. Goldstein (2001] evaluated relative rates the reproductive potential in native [Cibotiuin spp.] as well as invasive Hawaii and [Spbaevopteris cooperi (Hook, ex F. Muell.] Tryon] tree ferns in more Arens verified that the invasive species presents a intensive growth. Domin, growth Cyotbea caracasana (2001) studied rates of (Klotzsch.] at and different sites in Colombia, under differing ecological conditions distinct regeneration stages. Among the tree ferns used for landscaping and decoration in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Alsophila sctosa Kaulf. (Cyatheaceae] currently being is The extracted from forest remnants (Windisch, 2002]. existing populations are being reduced by deforestation lumbering and use of the land for also for grazing or agriculture (Schmitt and Windisch, 2005). This species grows in humid primary and secondary forests in South and Southeastern Brazil, m m between 20 and 1800 elevation. In southern Brazil occurs also in forests it humid wuth Araucaria and Podocarpus well places semi-deciduous as as in m cm grow up have caudex 10 10 forest formations. Tlie plants to tall, a ca. in on diameter (Castony, 1973], with remains of stipe bases (with blackish spines] the distal part and frond, and scars (from fallen fronds] on the basal portion. m The crown up long and has fronds with tripinnate-pinnatisect to 3 is laminae (adult plants]. Considering the lack of biological data for A. setosa, as need more knowledge development, growth well as the for of tree fern rates GROWTH SCHMITT & WINDISCH: RATES ALSOPHILA IN 105 and comparative age estimations based on different approaches are being presented. Material AND Methods Fieldwork was conducted two semi-deciduous seasonal broadleaved in forest formations in northeastern part of the State of Rio Grande do Sul» tlie Brazil. The first site is located within the municipality of Morro Renter [29 32' 51^04' W, 700 m] and consists of a forest remnant surrounding a spring S, alt. use water supply, being protected from and from that in as a local cattle is still by The surrounded by (confirmed deforestation local residents]. area less is homogeneous secondary growth. The second the municipality of site, at '38' 00' W, 570 on an abandoned Sapiranga (29 S, 51 alt. m), is situated field An was up photograph that in agricultural use to the early 1960s. aerial of the shows was devoid cover region that this particular area of tree as late as December of 1964, so that the current secondary forest stand at the time of the was The two was observations less than 40 years old. selection of populations made between two without intending comparative analyses the populations, but basically in order guarantee results even predatory extraction of ferns to if or lumbering resulted in the loss of one of the populations during the course of the study, was (NPK) samples from both performed Basic soil analysis of localities at the Geosciences Laboratory of the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Voucher specimens were placed the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos at HASU (HASU Herbarium 10176; 9773]. The humid and from climate sub-tropical (Teixeira et ah, 1986], data the is m mean nearest meteorological station 127 indicate an average (Ivoti, alt] month C warmest temperature of the coolest of 13.3 average of the (July], IX minimum month and of 25. (February], absolute -I'^C (July] absolute maximum and (September January] during the study period. Total 35.7''C mm mm, May was 2138 month being 2000 and precipitation the driest (40.9 in mm maximum mm], with September October 78 in 2001], rainfalls in (232.2 (303.9 mm], and January (308.6 mm]. Data for an extended period of time more could not be obtained. Frost occurs several times during intense winters. Two One was approaches were used estimate the age of the plants. based to on the relationship between the average yearly growth rate in height and the total length of the caudex. The second was based on the relationship between number produced the average of fronds during the year in relation to the total number of fronds along the caudex, as determined by counting fronds and their and by complete vestiges (remains of stipes scars the fronds after left decomposition of the stipe bases]. m maximum up For frond production analysis, plants to 4 (the size that tall could be reached order follow the frond production the apex] safely in to at were marked by wooden aluminum ground placing stakes Avith labels in the m up close to the base of each caudex. Larger plants with caudices to 4.7 tall can be found in the but were not studied. At Morro Renter 45 plants were sites, AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMHl^R lOG 96 4 [2()()(i] marked and another 48 Sapiranga. Each caiidex with a crown of fronds was at considered be an individuaL Caudox length was measured from ground to llie crown extreme apex the center of the of fronds. sin^face to at thc^ May observations frond production wore conducted from 2000 of hiitial fiekl April 2001, with the height of the caudiccs registered the beginning and to at end of period. Annual frond production was determined by marking (with ihis a loose loop of synthetic fiber) the youngest expanding crozier on each marked plant at the beginning of the observation period, this serving as a reference for new produced recognizing the fronds during the study period. In order to estimate the total numbers of fronds produced at each site, 10 cm individuals were sampled, leaving out plants with c:audices less than 40 and taHer than 3.5 m; the latter were mostly covered by adventitious roots tall When or epiphytes making counting impossible. a part of the caudex presented between and patches of epiphytic cover, the average the preceding the next cm was number 20 sections used as an estimate of the of scars present underneath covered the part. In August 2003, additional data set were collected from nine caudices in each population, removing all the epiphytes in order to obtain a prec:ise count number of the total of stipe bases and scars. This aLso allowed the verification On of caudex growth in length and frond produc:lion over a three-year period. that occasion, the development of a young plant, which in October 2000 was sprouting out of the ground close one of the marked specimens, was to new evaluated. This individual started out from well developed crozier, a emerging from the soil and clearly was not a small plantlet formed from gametophyte. a was used between Pearson's correlation evaluate the relationships the test to caudex and number and length of the the total of scars stipe bases, the length of and was the caudex, the yearly frond production. Linear regression analysis number used to estimate the of stipe bases and the yearly frond production relative to caudex length. In the second approach, the age estimate resulted number from the equation: total of fronds and vestiges yearly frond / production rate. Data analysis was perforuKKl as described by Vieira (1980) and Zar (1999) SPSS using the 9.0 program installed the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos at Sinos data processing facility. Results month During the 12 period the average caudex growth rate based on the = samples from Morro Renter was 14.51 ±11,49) cm.yr" ranging from (s.d. , maximum a rate of 47 cm.yr"' to three individuals with no noticeable growth new as (although fronds were formed). In Sapiranga the average growth rate ^ maximum was 6.32 ±5.53) cm.yr" with a growth of 22 cm.yr" and (s.d. , showing no The growth ten plants noticeable length increase. rates of these < popidations were There was no significantly differ(Mit (P 0.001). significant GROWTH SCHMITT & WINDISCH: RATES ALSOPHILA IN 107 m Table Comparative age estimates of an Alsophila setosa plant with a 4 long candex, using the 1. = = one year data (n 45 for Morro Renter, n 48 for Sapiranga). Estimated age based on Age based on frond Locality Growlh rate growth rate pi^oduction equation Morro Renter 14.51 om.yr ^ 27 years 22 years Sapiranga cm.yr 6.32 63 years 32 years = between caudex growth and Morro correlation length Renter total in 0.258, (r - - = - - P n Sapiranga P n 0.086, 45] or in 0.166, 0.253, (r 48). A between caudex and strong positive correlation the length of the the number of scars and stipe bases was observed both in Morro Renter = 0.856, [r = = - - = P n and Sapiranga P n The 0.02, 10) in (r 0.825, 0.03, 10). yearly showed frond production also a strong positive correlation with caudex length = - - = both in Morro Renter 0.845, P 0.02, n 10) and Sapiranga 0.876, P (r (r = = n Based on 0.01, 10). these strong direct correlations, a linear regression was performed number analysis in order to obtain equations to estimate the of scars per total caudex length and to predict yearly frond production. The number of scars/stipe bases in relation to the length of the caudex (H), in Morro = Renter was estimated -12.115 + 0.9H and the yearly frond production as: y = ^ by y —0.773 + 0.042H. In Sapiranga the equations were respectively y - 47.149 + 0.577H and -0.0138 + 0.0218H. y m Approximate age estimates for hypothetical plants with 4 long caudicos using the approach caudex length divided by the average growth first (total rates) arc presented in Table In the case of the Sapiranga the resulting 1. site, age estimate does not agree with the age of the forest. number For based on estimating age the total of fronds in relation to the Morro would yearly frond production, for Renter plants the formula be (-12.115 + 0.9 H)/(-0.773 + 0.042H), whereas for Sapiranga would be it (47.149 + 0.577H)/(-0.0138 + 0.0218H). These indicated lower results ages than those using the approach (Table first 1). The was analysis of the preliminary data indicated that bias introduced by a the variation in growth pattern during the phases of development. Also initial the frond production rate in a particular year does not reflect the average new growth conditions throughout the life span of a given plant. This led to a marked survey of the plants standing in the localities in August 2003. Data still caudex and number were for length of scar/stipe bases obtained for a three year period for nine plants in each population. The sampled plants in Morro Renter produced an average 8.66 fronds. yr~^ while those from Sapiranga 6.92 m Age based on fronds. yr"^. estimates these data 4 hypothetical plants for tall shown Table are in 2. NPK As to the basic nutrients in the soil, no significant differences in were = found between populations based on P Phospho- (Nitrogen: 0.981, t-tests = = rous: P 0.440 and Potassium: P Samples within each did show 0.282). site among heterogeneity collecting points. VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 108 DG 4 (200G) m Agti ostimatos using the total numb(M^ of fronds produced in two plants with 4 tall 2. l\\i![,i-; = caudices and the avorago (n 9 in eac;h population] yearly frond prodnntinn year period). ('A Average Sears/stipes in a 4 ni yearly frond long caudex production years) Estimated age Lot:ality [3 Morro 244 8.66 fronds-yr ^ 28 vears R(Milei " 238 6.92 fronds-yr 34 vears LSapiranga Tho rapid growth of vegetatively produced plants illustrated by the single is individual, initially observed in October 2000 at the Morro Renter site, represented by a crozier emerging from the ground. In February 2001 its m cm caudex was cm. By April had reached 10 and bore a crown of ca 3.5 7 it cm diameter with fronds up to 230 long. By September 2003, this plant had cm 70 long caudex. a Discussion The average growth rates observed for Alsophila setosa are within the range of growth rates reported by other authors for other species of the genus The "no growth some with reduced (Table noticeable" status of plants 3). may caudex growth be due the presence of unexposed young croziers to [still covered by a mass of scales] at the tip of the caudex at the time of the first measurement. The differences in the growth rates between sites, in the present and study, could be related different canopies different successional stages to of the surrounding vegetation. Arens (2001] presented some interesting data on Cyathaa caracasana, growing in different habitats in Colombia, indicating a life and history with periods of rapid growth, spore productioti, establishment in forest gaps, alternating with low growth rates and persistence in the imderstory, and recorded higher growth rates in open habitats. Slightly lower growth rates were observed in Sapiranga, where the forest is 3^ounger and the tipper canopy more continuotis. Alsophila setosa an is canopy seems understory plant, so that the height of the to influence the height increase once the fronds reach that level. In our experience, this species never Taull: Growlh of caudex in different species of genus Alsophila. 3. tlio tlie Growth rate Source S[)ecies (cm-yr~^) Locality Forest A Isoph ila hryoph ila 5.0 Porto Rico Primary Conant ('Ul7(i) Alsophila sahinii 6.9 El Salvador Secondary Seiler (1^95) & Alsophila crinacea 13.6 Costa Rica Primary BiltnEM' Breckle [1995) & Alsophila 18.8 Costa Rica Primary Biltner Breckle (1995) polysiichoides Alsophila setosa 14.51 Brazil Secondar} Present study Alsophila safosa 6.32 Brazil Set:ondar} l-*resent stud)' GROWTH SCHMITT RATES ALSOPHILA & VVINDISCH: IN 109 crown surpasses the upper tree canopy. Also different heights of the of fronds may low damage exposure temperatures. Frost lead differences in to to to young croziers has been reported by Schmitt and Windisch (2001). Although show the macro-nutrients (N, P, K] did not significant differences, considering the different histories of soil usage in both plots, differences in micronutrients may occur between the study sites. Considering the aerial photograph taken in 1964 of the area in Sapiranga site, much more 32-34 the estimate of years for the taller plants realistic that the is The one obtained only using the yearly growth rate (63 years). use of the frond production data, especially obtained over a longer period of time, produces if and would mean acceptable values (compare Tables This that the tallest 1 2). m) would same plant the locaUty be about the age as the forest stand. at (4.7 However, using the formulas applied in the example in Table to a plant 1 m than 4 the resulting age would have lower value than the one obtained taller m for a 4 plant, as the sample includes a larger number of younger plants with were different growth patterns. Attempts exclude this bias not successful to due the size of the samples in the different age brackets of the studied plants, and due development. surely also to differences in their initial stages of method number Tanner indicated the using of fronds in (1983) that total more growth relation to the yearly frond production gives realistic values for in m plants of lower stature, but less realistic values for caudices greater than 1 tall. Two needed of the variables affecting these estimates the time to establish is the sporophyte from spore and the growth up to the stage where a caudex with noticeable scars formed and preserved throughout the life of the plant. is such Another variable the reproductive origin of the plants. In species as is and Alsophila with both vegetative sexual reproduction, age estimates setoso, may The stems produced by the two reproductive modes. rapid differ for growth of the vegetatively formed individual striking and indicates a stron is potential leaving the shaded ground cover by the rapid development in the for stages of these plants. first on Based on the yearly frond production rates and the total frond vestiges m Alsophila the caudex, Seller (1981) estimated the age of 4.6 salvinii tall m Tanner Cyothea puhescens with sporophytes 55 years; (1983) estimated 9 at m Ash hornei tall plants at 150 years old; (1987) estimated 5.5 tall plants of C. being between 80 and 105 years. The following age estimates based on as may yearly growth rates and total length of the caudices be found in the m growth cm.yr"^ Alsophila bryophyla, in length, literature: 5 tall, 5 considered be 100 years Cyathca arborea, m, 28.6 cm.yr"\ 18 years to old; 5 (Conant,1976); Sphaeroptcris senilis, 2 m, 4 cni.yr"^, 50 years (Ortega, 1984); A. erinacea, m, 13.6 cm.yr~\ 37 years; and A. polystichoides, 5 m, 5 and 18.8 cm.yr^^, 27 years (Bittncr Brcckle, 1995). and There on gametoph^^tic a lack of field data the stages of is first developmemt poor understanding sporophytic these species resulting in a for The of the complete cycle. extraction of plants for cultivation represents life may and the removal of material that take decades to be formed, the original AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VC3LUME NUMBER 96 11(} 4 (20()n] may growth conditions gametophytos and young sporophytcs no longer be for However, available in the site. in species with vegetative propagation, such as new produced manner may Alsopbilci selosa, individuals in this ocx:upy tlie available niches and perpetuate the presence of the species. These young growth become individuals plants rapid through the herbaceous after a layer, many and part of the stand, of the smaller plants considered the present in had study probably This problems this origin. presents additional for age we may estimates because not be differentiating between sporophytes of and growth different origins different characteristics. Our some data suggest that of the previously published age estimates should be reconsidered, taking into account the different methods and problems ontlined above. Longer observation periods, especially in areas of less uniform climates are highly desirable. In general, our growth rate results arc similar to those for other species of tree ferns in different regions, especially those of Cyathea camcasana (Arens, 2001] Alsopbilci bryophila (Conant, 1976), A. and and salvinii, A. erinciceci A. polystichoides (Bittner Breckle, 1995). AcKNOU'LI'nCMI'NTS The support and provided by Lfniversidado do Valo do Kio dos Sinos IJNISINUS. facilitios - - CkMdro Univcrsitario FEEVv'VEE, the Brazilian Research Clouncil Conselho Nacional do CNPq made Desonvolvimenlo Cientffico o Tecnologioo this study possible, Lucas Sclnuitt and - welcome Anonymous Christina ScliniilL provided help in die field. reviewers provid(Hl stinndating sn[>g(;stions for die improvemtinl of mamiscript. tin; Literature CriTC AkI'NS, N. C. 2001. Variation in performance of the tree fern Cyalhon carcicasaud [(iyatheaceae) sucessional mosaic Andean cloud Amer. 88:545-551. ac:ross a in forest. F3()t. J. Demography bonwi Asn, 1987. of Cyalhea (Cyatheaceat;], a tropical tree-fern in Fiji. Austral. J. J. 35:331-342. Bot. BiTTNi-R, and S. W. BrixikM':. 1995. The growth rate and age of tree fern trunks in r(dation to J. Amer. Fern 85:37-42. habitats. J. Cc)NAN'[', D. S. 1976. Ecogeographic and systematic studies in American Cyatheaceae. 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