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Growth, Disparities and Inclusive Development in India: Perspectives from the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh PDF

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India Studies in Business and Economics Rajendra P. Mamgain Editor Growth, Disparities and Inclusive Development in India Perspectives from the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh India Studies in Business and Economics TheIndianeconomyisconsideredtobeoneofthefastestgrowingeconomiesofthe world with India amongst the most important G-20 economies. Ever since the Indian economy made its presence felt on the global platform, the research communityisnowevenmoreinterestedinstudyingandanalyzingwhatIndiahasto offer.ThisseriesaimstobringforththelateststudiesandresearchaboutIndiafrom the areas of economics, business, and management science. The titles featured in this series will present rigorous empirical research, often accompanied by policy recommendations, evoke and evaluate various aspects of the economy and the business and management landscape in India, with a special focus on India’s relationship with the world in terms of business and trade. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/11234 Rajendra P. Mamgain Editor Growth, Disparities and Inclusive Development in India Perspectives from the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh 123 Editor Rajendra P.Mamgain Development Studies Giri Institute of Development Studies Lucknow, India ISSN 2198-0012 ISSN 2198-0020 (electronic) India Studies inBusiness andEconomics ISBN978-981-13-6442-6 ISBN978-981-13-6443-3 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6443-3 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2019930578 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore Foreword India’s high economic growth trajectory along with a substantial reduction in poverty over the last two and half decades is also marked by rising regional inequalities largely due to unequal access to opportunities. Alongside interstate regional disparities, there exist significant gaps in different indicators of develop- ment across various social/religious groups, gender and regions within states like Uttar Pradesh. Being the most populous state in India, Uttar Pradesh has been the bedrockofthecountry’seconomic,socialandpoliticaldevelopmentforlong.Ithas made significant achievements in the spheres of economic, social and cultural well-being.However,thepercapitaincomeinUttarPradeshstillremainslessthan half of the Indian average. Uttar Pradesh faces the challenge of its low human development levels including educational and health development. The book, Growth, Disparities and Inclusive Development in India: PerspectivesfromtheIndianStateofUttarPradesh,providesaholisticassessment of the economic and social development achieved by Uttar Pradesh so far and suggests strategies for faster and inclusive development of the state. The strategies suggested focus on (i) promoting high and sustained economic growth; (ii) broad- ening social inclusiveness through greater access to economic and social oppor- tunities at a faster pace; (iii) strengthening social protection through social safety netstoprotectthechronicallypoor;and(iv)mitigatingtherisksandvulnerabilities of people, supported by good governance and institutions. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, is working with great clarity of purpose. Some of the strategies that come out from this book could be incorporated into the new template of governance in Uttar Pradesh. I congratulate Prof. Rajendra P. Mamgain of the Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, for his efforts to edit the volume and putting issues, concerns andprospectspertainingtoinclusivedevelopmentinUttarPradesh.Ihopetherich v vi Foreword analyses and findings in the book are very useful to policy-makers, researchers, students, entrepreneurs and donor agencies interested in the issues of inclusive development. New Delhi, India Dr. Rajiv Kumar September 2018 Vice Chairman National Institution for Transforming India NITI Aayog, Government of India Preface The high growth trajectory of India over the last two and half decades is also markedbyrisinginequalitieslargelyduetounequalaccesstoopportunities.Dueto weak convergence in economic growth across various regions in India, achieving ‘inclusivegrowth’ remains aformidable developmentchallengefor governmentas well as policy-makers. The slow pace of structural transformation in employment and deficit of opportunities for stable employment with reasonably remunerative income and social security continue to be major constraining blocks in the path of inclusive growth. Though there has been a marked improvement in several social indicators of development, the major challenges remain in poorer states like Uttar Pradesh, which remains at the bottom among Indian states, just above Bihar in various indicators of development. Alongside interstate disparities, there are striking inter-regional differences in various indicators of development for popu- lation belonging to different genders and socio-religious groups in states like Uttar Pradesh,whichareyettodisappear.TheperpersonincomeinUttarPradeshisless thanhalfofthenationalaverage.Thepercapitaincomeintheeasternregionofthe stateisalmosthalfofitswesternregion.TheincidenceofpovertyinBundelkhand region is almost double than that of western region of the state. Uttar Pradesh suffersfromahugedeficitofremunerativeemploymentopportunitiesandalsofaces the challenge of its lower human development levels including educational and healthdevelopment.Suchloweroutcomesinhumandevelopmentactas‘causeand effect’oflowerincomelevelsinthestate.Theriseindistress-inducedmigrationis another major concern largely due to the lack of adequate employment opportu- nities in the state. Inbrief,thepaceofcatching-upprocessinthestatehasbeenlessthandesired.It has enormous potential to shift to a development path characterised by remunera- tivejobsforitsincreasinglabourforce,accesstoqualityeducation,healthandother basic amenities, which also form the important pillars of achieving sustainable developmentgoalsinthestate.Forthis,UttarPradeshneedssubstantialinvestment supported by active public policy support particularly progressing towards improved access to quality infrastructure, credit, technology, skill training and market. vii viii Preface A modest attempt is made in this book to fill this gap by providing a holistic assessment of economic and social development achieved by the state in specific areas, viz. employment, agriculture, industry, education, health and related reduc- tion in poverty and inequalities, within the overarching framework of inclusive growth. These issues assume critical importance as the nature and pace of devel- opment of Uttar Pradesh would significantly shape the overall development of the country. This book suggests a road map for facilitating fuller utilisation of the state’s potential in the coming years by promoting high and sustained economic growth, broadening social inclusiveness through greater access to economic and social opportunities at a faster pace, strengthening social protection through social safetynetsforthechronicallypoorandmitigatingtheirrisksandvulnerabilitiesby goodgovernanceandeffectiveinstitutions.WhiletheConstitutionofIndiaisquite clearonthewholeissueofpromotinginclusiveness,thechallengeishowtorealise the dreams of its makers for inclusive development. Towards this end, the sus- tainable development goal (SDG) framework can become a basis to initiate and monitor the progress of inclusive development in the state. Some of the strategies that emergeoutof thisbookcould be incorporated into thenew templateofSDGs in Uttar Pradesh. The selected, freshly written and thoroughly revised articles in the book have been contributed by senior researchers, which were earlier presented in an inter- national seminar on ‘Growth, Disparities and Inclusive Development in Uttar Pradesh: Experiences, Challenges and Policy Options’ during 23–25 September 2016. The seminar was organised by the Giri Institute of Development Studies (GIDS), Lucknow, with the valuable financial support from the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi; Department of Planning, Government of Uttar Pradesh; and the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The seminar was a huge success as it was attended by about 80 academicians, policy-makers and social activists, who clearly identified the challenges and made suggestions to accelerate the process offaster yet inclusive growth in the state. I owe a debt of gratitude to a number of institutions and individuals who have helpedmeinseveralwaysinpublishingthisbook.SpecialthanksareduetoICSSR; Department of Planning, Government of Uttar Pradesh; and ILO for their valuable financial support for the seminar. My sincere thanks are due to Prof. Sukhadeo Thorat,thethenChairmanofICSSR,andDr.SherVerick,DeputyDirectorofILO fortheirvaluablesupportandacademicinsights.IamgratefultoDr.RajivKumar, Vice-Chairman,NITIAayog,forwritingtheforewordofthisbookdespitehisbusy schedule.Iexpressmythankstothedirector,facultycolleagues,andsupportstaffof GIDS,forextendingtheirfullcooperationandsupporttowardsmakingtheseminar successful.IamindebtedtoProf.S.R.Hashim,thethenChairmanoftheGIDS;Mr. N.C.Bajpei,thethenVice-ChairmanofStatePlanningCommission;ProfessorRavi Srivastava, Jawaharlal Nehru University; and Mr. Alok Ranjan, the then Chief Adviser to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, for their valuable guidance and support. I am sincerely grateful to the paper contributors for their patience and supportwhilecomplyingwithmyfrequentrequeststosendtheirrevisedpaperson time. I also thank all the seminar participants including the chairpersons and Preface ix discussantsofvarioussessionsoftheseminarfortheirvaluablecontributions.Ialso takethisopportunitytothankMs.SudhaPassiforhercarefulcopyeditingworkand Ms. Nupoor Singh and her entire team at Springer Nature publication for efficient handlingof themanuscript and its speedy publication. Lastbutnotleast,Idedicatethisvolumetomyparentswhotirelesslysupported me towards my career development despite their vulnerable economic conditions. Lucknow, India Rajendra P. Mamgain Professor of Economics Giri Institute of Development Studies

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