MODERN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS Chapter 8 Third Edition GGrroowwtthh,, CCaappiittaall AAccccuummuullaattiioonn,, aanndd tthhee EEccoonnoommiiccss ooff IIddeeaass Outline (cid:1) The Solow Model and Catching-Up Growth (cid:1) The Investment Rate and Conditional Convergence (cid:1) New Ideas and Cutting-Edge Growth (cid:1) The Economics of Ideas (cid:1) The Future of Economic Growth 2 Introduction (cid:1) In 2010: • U.S. GDP per capita grew by 2.3%. • China’s GDP per capita grew by 10%. (cid:1) The U.S. has never grown as fast as the Chinese economy is growing today. (cid:1) China is growing much faster than the U.S. because: • The U.S. economy is on the cutting edge. • The Chinese economy is catching up. 3 Definition Cutting-edge growth: Growth due to new ideas. Catching-up growth: Growth due to capital accumulation. 4 The Solow Model and Catching-Up Growth (cid:1) The Solow model begins with a production function. (cid:1) The total output of an economy (Y) depends on: • Physical capital (K) • Human capital, or education x Labor (eL) • Ideas (A) (cid:1) A production function expresses a relationship between output and the factors of production: Y = F(A,K, eL) 5 The Solow Model (cid:1) If we assume that A, e, and L are constant, then we can simplify our expression for output as: ( ) Y = F K (cid:1) More capital (K) should produce more output (Y) but at a diminishing rate. • Because L is constant, an increase in K always implies an increase in the amount of capital per worker, K/L, and an increase in Y is also always an increase in output per worker, Y/L. 6 Self-Check Catching-up growth is growth due to: a. New ideas. b. Capital accumulation. c. Adoption of new technologies. Answer: b – capital accumulation. 7 Definition Marginal product of capital: The increase in output caused by the addition of one more unit of capital. The marginal product of capital diminishes as more and more capital is added. 8 The Solow Model: Capital, Production and Diminishing Returns (cid:1) More capital (K) should produce more output (Y) but at a diminishing rate. (cid:1) The MP diminishes because the first unit of K capital is applied where it is most productive, the second where it is slightly less productive, and so on. (cid:1) The following graph shows the production K function Y = F (K ) = (cid:1) In this case, output is the square root of the capital input: 4 If K = 4, then Y = = 2 If K increases to 16, then Y = 1 6 = 4 9 Diminishing Returns Output, Y Y= K 3.2 3 Creates just a little output 1 Creates a lot of output 0 Capital, K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The first unit The tenth unit of input of input 10