Growth Acceleration With Strenght Synergy Business Laporan Tahunan 2017 Annual Report 2017 Daftar Isi Table Of Contents 01 KILAS KINERJA 34 ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN Flashback Performance Management Discussion and Analysis 07 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN 54 TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN Management Report Corporate Governance 15 PROFIL PERUSAHAAN 85 LAPORAN KEUANGAN Company Profile Financial Statements SANGGAHAN DAN BATASAN TANGGUNG JAWAB Laporan tahunan ini memuat pernyataan kondisi keuangan, hasil operasi, proyeksi, rencana, strategi, kebijakan, serta tujuan Perseroan, yang digolongkan sebagai pernyataan ke depan dalam pelaksanaan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, kecuali hal-hal yang bersifat historis. Pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut memiliki prospek risiko, ketidakpastian, serta dapat mengakibatkan perkembangan aktual secara material berbeda dari yang dilaporkan. Pernyataan-pernyataan prospektif dalam laporan tahunan ini dibuat berdasarkan berbagai asumsi mengenai kondisi terkini dan kondisi mendatang Perseroan serta lingkungan bisnis di mana Perseroan menjalankan kegiatan usaha. Perseroan tidak menjamin bahwa dokumen-dokumen yang telah dipastikan keabsahannya akan membawa hasil-hasil tertentu sesuai harapan. Laporan tahunan ini memuat kata “Perseroan” yang didefinisikan sebagai PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk yang menjalankan bisnis dalam bidang investasi, jasa konsultasi, dan digital media dengan Entitas Anak di bidang radio. Adakalanya kata “MARI” dan “kami” juga digunakan atas dasar kemudahan untuk menyebut PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk secara umum. DISCLAIMER This annual report contains financial condition, operation results, projections, lans, strategies, policy, as well as the Company’s objectives, which is classified as forward-looking statements in the implementation of the applicable laws, excluding historical matters. Such forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks (prospective), uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results. Prospective statements in this annual report are prepared based on numerous assumptions concerning current conditions and future events of the Company and the business environment where the Company conducts business. The Company shall have no obligation to guarantee that all the valid document presented will bring specific results as expected. This annual report contains the word “Company” hereinafter referred to PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk, as the company that runs business in investment, consulting service and digital media, with Subsidiaries in radio industry. At times, the words “MARI” and “us/our” are used to simply refer to PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk in general. e nc a m or erf P ack b h as Fl ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN 17 0 2 Management Discussion and Analysis 7 | 1 0 2 a erj n Ki as Kil ort p e R nt e m e g a n a M n | e m e aj n a M n a or p a L e fil o Pr ny a p m o C n | a a h a us er P fil o Pr anajemen d Analysis Mn ahasan ussion a dan Pembment Disc Analisis Manage e nc a n er ov G e at or p or C n | a a h a us er P a ol el K a Tat 2017 nts e m e PERFORMANCE FLASHBACK Stat al nci a n Fi n | a g JEJAK LANGKAH IKHTISAR KEUANGAN an u e Milestones Financial Highlights n K a or p a L PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017 1 e nc Jejak Langkah a m or erf ack P Milestone b h as Fl 7 1 0 2 7 | 1 0 2 a erj n Ki • GEN 103.1 fm Surabaya mulai as Kil beroperasi GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta menerima ort penghargaan sebagai Pelopor p e nt R Program Unik dan Fenomenal e m GEN 98.7 fm meraih penghargaan oleh Indonesia Radio Award e g na sebagai Phenomenal Radio a M n | Station dari Majalah The Rolling • Gen 103.1 fm Surabaya start e m Stone Indonesia Operation e aj an GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta received M an GEN 98.7 fm was awarded as the award as the Pioneer of or ap Phenomenal Radio Station from Unique and Phenomenal L The Rolling Stone Magazine Program by Indonesia Radio file Indonesia Award o Pr ny a mp 2008 2010 o C n | a a h a us er P fil o Pr 2007 2009 2011 anajemen d Analysis Mn dan Pembahasan ment Discussion a G10E1N f m98 m.7u flmai b Jearkoapretraa dsian JAK MiMne aEnrxkeepriteminraige p nAetwniagalhr Mdaragrakaent Tinhge Bdeasrti GraEdNio 9n8o.m7 ofrm 1 Jdai kJaarktaar tmaenjadi Analisis Manage G10E1N f m98 s.7ta frmt o pJearkaatritoan dan JAK AMwarakredteindg T fhreo mBe Msta irnk Eextipnegr Aiewnatiradl GnuEmN b9e8r.7 1 f mra dJaiok ainrt Jaa bkeacratame the e nc a n er ov G e at or p or C n | a a h a us er P a ol el K a Tat nts e m e at St al nci a n Fi n | a g n a u e K n a or p a L 2 PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017 e nc a m or erf P ack b h as Fl 7 1 0 2 7 | 1 0 2 a erj n Ki as • PT Mahaka Radio Integra Kil melakukan restrukturisasi • PT Suara Irama Indah, PT Radio ort p e GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta dan JAK Attahiriyah dan PT Radio PT Radio Merpati Dharmawangsa, nt R e 101 fm menerima penghargaan Camar menjadi unit usaha PT Radio Kirana Insan Suara, m e g sebagai Radio Favorit dan Radio grup Mahaka Radio Integra PT Radio Mustang Utama dan na a M Online Favorit oleh Marketeers (MARI) PT Radio Ramako Djaya Raya n | e Netizen Award menjadi unit usaha grup MARI m e aj • PT Mahaka Radio Integra is an M GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta and JAK 101 restructuring PT Radio Merpati Dharmawangsa, an or fm received the award as Favorite • PT Suara Irama Indah, PT Radio PT Radio Kirana Insan Suara, PT ap L Radio and Favorite Online Radio Attahiriyah and PT Radio Radio Mustang Utama and PT by Marketeers Netizen Award Camar became the group of Radio Ramako Djaya Raya became file o Mahaka Radio Integra (MARI) the group business unit of MARI Pr ny a 2012 2015 2017 mp o C n | a a h a us er P fil o Pr 2013 2016 anajemen d Analysis Mn • GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta, GEN • MARI melakukan Initial Public ahasan ussion a 1JA0K3 .110 f1m fm S umreanbjaadyia r addaion • OMffAeRriIn sge (bIPaOg)a /i Ggor Puupb rliacdio dan Pembment Disc pmeermtaimlikai mdio Ibnidleo naepspisa ryaadniog pBeurrtsaam Eaf eyakn Ign dteorndeasfitaar dalam Analisis Manage streaming • GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta • MARI becomes Initial Public nce a menerima penghargaan Offering (IPO) / Go Public ern ov sebagai Radio Favorit oleh • MARI as the Pioneer radio G e Marketeers Netizen Award group listed on the Indonesia orat p Stock Exchange or C • GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta, GEN an | a h 103.1 fm Surabaya and JAK usa 101 fm became the first radio Per a in Indonesia to have mobile elol K apps radio streaming Tata • GEN 98.7 fm Jakarta received the award as Favorite Radio nts e m by Marketeers Netizen Award e at St al nci a n Fi n | a g n a u e K n a or p a L PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017 3 e nc Ikhtisar Keuangan a m or erf ack P Financial Highlights b h as Fl 17 Dalam Miliar Rupiah /In billion Rupiah 0 2 7 | Keterangan / Description 2015 2016 2017 1 0 2 a nerj LAPORAN LABA RUGI DAN PENGHASILAN KOMPREHENSIF LAIN KONSOLIDASIAN/CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Ki as Pendapatan Bersih/Net Revenue 101,99 111,65 130,04 Kil Beban Usaha /Operating Expense Laba atas restrukturisasi/Restructuring Income 6,51 - - ort p Laba (rugi) selisih kurs-bersih/Gain (loss) on foreign exchange -net 0,06 (0,02) (0,00) e R nt Beban umum dan administrasi/General and administrative expense (54,24) (54,32) (82,30) e m e Beban penyisihan penurunan nilai atas piutang/Provision for impairment of account receivable (2,87) (3,50) (0,32) g a an Beban program dan siaran/Program and broadcasting expense (0,43) (0,44) (0,33) M n | Pendapatan/ (beban) lain-lain bersih/Other Income/ (expense)- net (0,53) 2,21 0,83 e m e Jumlah Beban Usaha/Total Operating Expense (51,50) (56,07) (82,11) aj n Ma Laba (Rugi) Usaha/Operating Gain (Loss) 50,49 55,58 47,93 an Pendapatan keuangan/Financial income 7,22 5,00 1,30 or p a Beban keuangan/Financial expense (6,97) (2,95) (4,10) L Laba Sebelum Pajak Penghasilan/Income Before Income Tax Expense 50,74 57,63 45,12 file Pajak Penghasilan/Tax expense (11,26) (15,03) (13,32) o Pr Laba Tahun Berjalan Setelah Penyesuaian Performa/Current Year Profit after Proforma Adjustment 39,48 42,60 31,80 ny pa Penyesuaian Proforma/Proforma Adjustment (7,27) - - m Co Laba Tahun Berjalan/Profit of the Year 32,21 42,60 31,80 n | aa Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain/Other Comprehensive Income (0,07) 0,08 (1,97) h a us Jumlah Penghasilan Komprehensive tahun berjalan/Total Comprehensive Income of the Year 32,14 42,68 29,83 er fil P Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan yang Dapat Didistribusikan kepada/Gain (Loss) of the year Attributable to o Pr Pemilik Entitas Induk/Controlling Interest 32,21 42,60 31,46 Kepentingan Non-Pengendali/Non-Controlling Interest - - 1,09 anajemen d Analysis JLaubmal aThah Puenn Bgehrajasillaann/ PKroomfitp oref htheen sYievaer Tahun Berjalan yang Dapat Didistribusikan kepada/Total Comprehensive Income Attributable to3:2,21 42,60 32,54 ahasan Mussion an KPeempeilnikti Enngtainta Ns oInnd-Puekn/Cgoenntdraollil/iNngo nIn-Cteornetsrtolling Interest 32-,14 42-,68 219,0,498 dan Pembment Disc EJuBmITlDahA Laba Tahun Berjalan/Total Profit of the Year 5322,,1144 5472,,0658 5300,,3597 Analisis Manage LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN/CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT ASET/ASSETS nce Aset Lancar/Current Assets 129,49 155,78 122,22 a ern Aset Tidak Lancar/Non-Current Assets 26,78 55,08 195,49 Gov Jumlah Aset/Total Assets 156,27 210,86 317,71 e at LIABILITAS DAN EKUITAS/LIABILITIES AND EQUITY or p or Liabilitas Lancar/Current Liabilities 63,11 29,48 29,67 C n | Liabilitas Tidak Lancar/Non-Current Liabilities 4,89 6,14 92,78 a a ah Jumlah Liabilitas/Total Liabilities 68,00 35,62 122,46 us er Kepentingan Non-Pengendali/Non-Controlling Interest P a ol Jumlah Ekuitas/Total Equity 88,27 175,24 195,25 el K a Jumlah Liabilitas & Ekuitas/Total Liabilities & Equity 156,27 210,86 317,71 Tat nts RASIO KEUANGAN (dalam persentase)/FINANCIAL RATIO (in percentage) me Laba Komprehensif terhadap Jumlah Aset/Return on Assets 20,57% 20,24% 9,62% e at Laba Komprehensif terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas/Return on Equity 36,41% 24,35% 15,66% St ncial Aset Lancar terhadap Liabilitas Jangka Pendek/Current Assets to Current Liabilities 205,18% 528,38% 411,87% na Jumlah Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Aset/Total Liabilities to Total Assets 43,52% 16,89% 38,54% Fi n | Jumlah Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas/Total Liabilities to Total Equity 77,04% 20,33% 62,72% a g an Laba Usaha terhadap Pendapatan/Profit Margin 49,50% 49,78% 37,43% u e n K Marjin EBITDA/ EBITDA Margin 51,13% 51,09% 38,75% a or Laba Komprehensif terhadap Pendapatan/Comprehensive Income to Revenue 31,51% 38,22% 23,51% p a L 4 PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017 e Grafik Ikhtisar Keuangan nc a m or erf Financial Highlights Graphic ack P b h as Fl 7 1 0 2 7 | 1 Pendapatan Bersih/Net Revenue Jumlah Aset/Total Assets 0 2 a Dalam miliar Rupiah/In billion Rupiah Dalam miliar Rupiah/In billion Rupiah erj n Ki as Kil 2017 130.04 2017 317.71 ort p 2016 111.65 2016 210.86 nt Re e m e g 2015 101.99 2015 156.27 na a M n | e m 2014 95.05 2014 165.66 e aj n a M n 2013 80.42 2013 186.42 ora p a L e fil o Penghasilan Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan/ Jumlah Ekuitas/Total Equity ny Pr Comprehensive Income of the Year Dalam miliar Rupiah/In billion Rupiah pa m o Dalam miliar Rupiah/In billion Rupiah C n | a a h a us 2017 30.57 2017 195.25 er P fil o Pr 2016 42.68 2016 175.24 2015 32.14 2015 88.27 anajemen d Analysis Mn 2014 16.12 2014 53.71 ahasan ussion a 2013 17.23 2013 63.62 dan Pembment Disc Analisis Manage e nc a EBITDA/EBITDA Jumlah Liabilitas/Total Liabilities n er Dalam miliar Rupiah/In billion Rupiah Dalam miliar Rupiah/In billion Rupiah Gov e at or p or 2017 50.39 2017 122.46 n | C a a h a 2016 57.05 2016 35.62 erus P a ol el K 2015 52.14 2015 68.00 a Tat 2014 40.89 2014 111.96 nts e m e at 2013 38.03 2013 122.81 al St nci a n Fi n | a g n a u e K n a or p a L PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017 5 e nc Ikhtisar Saham a m or erf ack P Share Highlights b h as Fl 7 1 20 Kurs Peredaran Saham di Pasar Reguler Volume 7 | Kapitalisasi Perdagan- 1 Jumlah nerja 20 No MBuolnatnh THeirgthinegsgti TeLorewnedsath PeCnluotsuinpgan Volume VNailluaei FFrreeqkuueenncsyi IHSI TSearhcaatmat CapMiPtaaalrsikzaearttion NDeig gPoaanssiaarsi as Ki (Rp) (Rp) (Rp) Unit (Rp) X (Unit) Kil 1 Januari 1,040 985 1,000 5,489,500 5,529,008,500 3,533 133.333 525,264,400 525,264,400,000 0 January ort 2 Februari p 1,065 955 1,000 10,326,800 10,400,089,500 5,425 133.333 525,264,400 525,264,400,000 1,084,200 e February R ment 3 MMaarrecht 1,270 970 1,215 10,833,600 11,611,421,500 3,688 162.000 525,264,400 638,196,246,000 7,530,600 e g a n 4 April Ma April 1,240 1,150 1,205 3,062,600 3,665,543,500 1,275 160.667 525,264,400 632,943,602,000 3,806,400 n | e 5 Mei m 1,400 1,130 1,400 5,254,900 6,707,957,000 2,591 186.667 525,264,400 735,370,160,000 2,990,000 e May aj n a 6 Juni M 1,420 1,365 1,400 2,795,100 3,904,863,000 1,838 186.667 525,264,400 735,370,160,000 47,190,000 n June a Lapor 7 JJuulliy 1,430 1,355 1,385 5,959,300 8,313,116,500 3,342 184.667 525,264,400 727,491,194,000 88,649,340 8 Agustus 1,400 1,225 1,300 6,580,300 8,727,706,000 3,915 173.333 525,264,400 682,843,720,000 2,080,300 e August fil ny Pro 9 SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1,395 1,200 1,260 5,871,100 7,719,107,000 3,417 168.000 525,264,400 661,833,144,000 3,505,000 a mp 10 Oktober 1,300 1,185 1,215 7,047,600 8,752,612,000 4,393 162.000 525,264,400 638,196,246,000 7,300,000 o October C n | 11 November haa November 1,240 1,175 1,195 6,580,600 7,944,113,000 4,048 159.333 525,264,400 627,690,958,000 1,002,300 a Perus 12 DDeesceemmbbeerr 1,300 995 1,300 5,947,200 6,521,556,000 1,891 173.333 525,264,400 682,843,720,000 0 fil Pro Kurs Akhir 1,430 955 1,300 Jumlah / Total 75,748,600 89,797,093,500 39,356 anajemen d Analysis Mn ahasan ussion a Grafik Ikhtisar Saham dan Pembment Disc Share Highlight Graphic Analisis Manage e nc na Kapitalisasi Pasar over Harga Saham Market Capitalization G Share Price Dalam Rupiah / In Rupiah e at orpor 4500 C n | 4000 a a h usa 3500 er P 3000 ola Kel 2500 a Tat 2000 1500 ents m 1000 e Stat 500 al nci 0 0 na Januari Februari Maret April Mei Juni Juli Agustus September Oktober November Desember n | Fi January February March April May June July August September October November December a g an Tertinggi Terendah Penutupan Kapitalisasi Pasar u e Highest Lowest Closing Market Capitalization K n a or p a L 6 PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017 e nc a m or erf P k ac b h as Fl 7 1 0 2 7 | 1 0 2 a erj n Ki as Kil ort p e R nt e m e g a n a M | n e m e aj n a M n a or p a L e fil o Pr ny a p m o C n | a a h a us er P fil o Pr anajemen d Analysis Mn ahasan ussion a dan Pembment Disc Analisis Manage e nc Kapitalisasi Pasar na Market Capitalization over Dalam Rupiah / In Rupiah G e at or p or C n | a a h a us er P a ol el K a 2017 Tat nts e m e MANAGEMENT REPORT at St al nci a n Fi n | a g LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS LAPORAN DIREKSI an u e Board of Commissioners Report Board of Directors Report n K a or p a L PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017 7 e nc Laporan Dewan Komisaris a m or erf P Board of Commissioners Report k ac b h as “ Fl 7 Perkembangan teknologi yang sedemikian rupa 1 0 2 7 | menuntut setiap pelaku industri media berlomba- 1 20 lomba melakukan inovasi guna menyiasati tren a nerj yang kian berkembang di tengah masyarakat. Ki as Kil The fast technology development encourages every ort player of the media industry to compete in creating p e nt R innovations to anticipate the growing trend among e m the society. e g a n a M | n e m e aj n a M n Erick Thohir a or p Komisaris Utama/President Commissioner a L e ofil Yang Terhormat Para Pemegang Saham, Dear Honorable Shareholders, Pr ny a p m Mengacu pada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terjadi di Referring to the economic growth occurring in Indonesia o C n | Indonesia pada tahun 2017 yang berkisar pada angka in 2017 which ranges from 5.10%, which also affects a ha 5,10%, yang juga berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan the growth of advertising expenditures with total value a us er belanja iklan yang nilai totalnya mencapai hingga Rp of up to Rp 145 Trillions, strengthening our confidence P ofil 145 Triliun, memperkuat keyakinan kami terhadap in the increasing revenue of media industry players Pr peningkatan pendapatan para pelaku industri media including radio. Manajemen nd Analysis tDei rsmepaasnujakn rga tdaihou. n 2017, grup Mahaka Radio Integra (MARI) Throughout the year 2017, the Mahaka Radio Integra Analisis dan Pembahasan Management Discussion a smpHpteaaaedmlbd ateiie lnag rbi.als aeMenir-gbnte uasimlathalhieaa panhgme aydr numai gsntea egknhn ejmaagpadaeneihn trua jcaknnaedtgyutigkaakuaat mnnnn gye kma njaa jampawsdeaiy irbktasea rtarniainun kMgsga gAbati neRbdr Iaai psngneedi bkgpuaaasamgntrargai.ii (iswtnMohhda AmaurteRsa mhtIk)ro eyagl kdrcMeooesuArm supR pis sIse ctaatoo sihnto iaitgod ihntn fir reGemss attp oeiinond sen ttdasihciu betkdri mutliiootsiy t dtc hffsooretonr oC tmufeos nirt.n phTtt oheepri Pnsrao suitsveeb ei lvmdxiaceae larcud ntetilodays audio content provider terpercaya hingga masa mendatang. the future. e nc na Kinerja Usaha 2017 Business Performance 2017 er ov Kami atas nama Dewan Komisaris, mengucapkan We, on behalf of the Board of Commissioners, say G e at Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Alhamdulillah, praise to God for the gift and opportunities or orp Allah SWT atas karunia dan kesempatan yang diberikan given in carrying out supervision to the Company. C n | dalam melakukan pengawasan kepada Perusahaan. a a h a us er MARI berhasil menunjukkan performa kinerja operasional MARI successfully demonstrated better performance P a ol yang lebih baik dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya guna compared to previous years to face increasingly el K a menghadapi persaingan yang semakin kompetitif. Hal competitive competition. This is evident from the Tat ini terlihat dari pertumbuhan pendapatan sebesar 16,5% revenue growth of 16.5% in 2017 compared to the nts di tahun 2017 jika dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. previous year. e m e Stat Bermula dari tiga radio yang dimiliki, MARI juga telah Starting from three owned radio stations, MARI has al nci melakukan ekspansi dengan mengakusisi 4 (empat) also expanded by acquiring 4 (four) companies, thus a Fin perusahaan sehingga menambah entitas anak yang increasing its subsidiaries from 3 (three) to 7 (seven) an | semula 3 (tiga) menjadi 7 (tujuh) entitas anak. Hal ini subsidiaries. This is indeed a great step forward and a g n ua sungguh merupakan langkah besar dan pencapaian good achievement as well as demonstrating the earnest e K n yang baik sekaligus menunjukkan kinerja yang sungguh- performance of the Board of Directors of the Company. a or ap sungguh dari Direksi Perseroan. L 8 PT Mahaka Radio Integra Tbk | Laporan Tahunan 2017