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Chem.Rev.1988,88, 1047-1058 1047 Group 4 Metal Complexes of Benzynes, Cycloalkynes, Acyclic Alkynes, and Alkenes STEPHEN L. BUCHWALD" and RALPH B. NIELSEN Department of Chemistty, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02 139 Received April 12, 1988 (Revised Manuscript Received June 3, 1988) Confenfs SCHEME 1 0 I. Introduction 1047 11. Alkyne Complexes 1047 A. Complexes of Benzynes 1047 B. Complexes of Cyclohexyne and Other 1051 Cycloalkynes Much of this paper will deal with our work at MIT C. Complexes of Acyclic Alkynes 1053 where we have developed a relatively general route to 111. Alkene Complexes 1055 complexes of a variety of organic fragments bound to IV. Conclusion 1057 a single metal system, zirconocene.' Our goals in this V. Acknowledgment 1057 area have been the understanding of structure-reactivity VI. References and Notes 1057 relationships and the development of reagents for or- ganic synthesis. Due to space limitations, the studies I. Infroducfion of aldehyde, ketone, ketene, and thioaldehyde com- Transition metals have the ability to stabilize highly plexes carried out by Erker? Floriani? and Grubbs4a nd in our laboratorylcYhw ill not be discussed. Also, the reactive organic fragments and also to activate stable molecules toward selective attack. A large number of related chemistry of group 5 metals (i.e., the niobium- imine complexes of Pedersen5 or the tantalum-alkyne transition-metal complexes of small organic molecules complexes of Schrock6) will not be covered. The have been prepared, but syntheses of such species are frequently limited to a specific type of organic fragment chemistry of v4-diene complexes of group 4 metals (which can also be formulated as metallacyclopent-3- bound to a particular metal system. Few general stra- enes) has been extensively studied and reviewed7 and tegies lend themselves to the preparation of a wide will also not be dealt with in this paper. variety of fragments bound to a specific metal or to a particular fragment bound to a wide variety of metals. I I. Aikyne Complexes As a result, few structure-reactivity relationships have been mapped in organometallic chemistry. This paper A. Complexes of Benzynes will discuss recent research into the preparation, characterization, and reactivity of two-carbon fragments Numerous examples of the reductive coupling of two (i.e., alkynes and alkenes) bound to a single group 4 (Ti, unsaturated organic molecules to yield metallacyclic Zr, Hf) metal center, in the hope that the initial outlines compounds using high-energy group 4 metal species of such structure-reactivity relationships will be dis- such as zirconocene, Cp,Zr (Cp = 775-C5Hs)h, ave been cernible. reported.8 This is a useful approach for the coupling Of the many transition-metal complexes of alkynes, of two identical fragments to form symmetrical me- alkenes, aldehydes, and ketones which have been pre- tallacycles, but several limitations of this approach are pared, relatively few involve group 4 metals. Strategies apparent. First, intermolecular cross-coupling reactions for the preparation of later transition-metal complexes (i.e., involving two different alkynes) are not practical. of such molecules usually involve the direct combination Second, in essentially all of the cases reported, the of the unsaturated organic fragment and a coordina- coupling of terminal alkynes is precluded due to the tively unsaturated metal center. However, low-valent, basicity of the organometallic reagents. Third, it has coordinatively unsaturated group 4 species are unstable proven difficult to effect cross-coupling between alkyne and difficult to prepare. When such metal centers bind complexes and heteroatom-containing organic sub- alkynes, alkenes, or thioaldehydes, the high degree of strates. x-back-bondingf rom the metal to the organic fragment In contrast, there are few reports of the generation often makes the resulting complex behave more like a and coupling reactions of discrete alkyne or olefin x- metallacyclopropene, metallacyclopropane, or metal- complexes. One particularly important example is lathiirane. These complexes have been studied for a Erker's ground-breaking study on the generation and number of reasons, including intrinsic interest in their trapping of zirconocene complexes of ben~yne.T~h e structure and reactivity, the desire to model catalytic benzyne complex is formed without generating free processes such as Fischer-Tropsch chemistry and hy- zirconocene, and subsequent coupling with an excess drogenation, and because such species may be of of an olefin produces the zirconaindan products shown practical use as vehicles for olefin and acetylene po- in Scheme 1. lymerization and for achieving selective transformations The ability to prepare discrete x-complexes of this of use in organic synthesis. sort and an understanding of their reactivity can po- 0009-2~~5ia810788-1047~0~.500i 1o9 88 American Chemical Society 1048 Chemical Reviews. 1988. Voi. 88. No. 7 Buchwald and NielSen PaSCHEME 2 F*m I SCHEME 3 Stephen L. Buchwald was born in Biwmington. IN. in 1955. He became hooked on chemistry while a participant in an NSF High Schwi Summer Research Program during which time he worked in the laboratories of Professor Gary M. Hienje at Indiana Univ- .-el" ersity. Aner high school he matriculated to Brown University where he received an Sc.B. Degree in chemistry in 1977. While at Brown \ he did undergraduate research with Professors Kalhlyn A. Parker and David E. Cane and spent a Summer in the laboratories of Professor Giibwfl Stork at Columbia University. In 1977 he entered graduate school at HaNard University as an NSF Qaduate Fellow. At HaNard he worked with Professor Jeremy R. Knowles per- fwming research to unravel the mechanisms of phosphoryl transfer reactions. Atter receiving his PhD.. he went west to the Califwnia Institute of Technology where he spent Z'/* years as a Myron A. Bantell Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratwies of Professor Robert H. Grubbs. In 1984. he moved back to Cambridge to join the SCHEME 4 faculty at MIT. where he is currently the Firmenich Assistant Professor of Chemistry. He is a Dreyfus Grantee for Newly Ap- pointed Facum in Chemistry. an American Cancer Society Junior Facum Research Awardee. an Eli Lilly Grantee. an Alfred P. Slmn Research Fellow, and a participant in the 1988 Union Carbide Innovation Recognition Program. While not engaged in chemistry. his hobbies are sports. food, and cats. _I- SCHEME 5 Ralph B. Nieisen was born in Logan, UT, in 1960. and he grew up in Baton Rouge, LA. He became interested in chemistry while working for two Summers during high school in the laboratories of Professor William H. Daly at Louisiana State University. He then attended Brigham Young University in Provo. UT. where he received a Bachelor's degree in 1983 and a Master's degree in 1984. At BYU he worked on the synthesis of functionalized crown ethers with Professor Jerald S. Bradshaw. Since 1984 he has been working toward a doctoral degree in Professor Stephen L. Bu- chwaid's laboratories at MIT. and ha has been aided financially by graduate fellowships from the National Science Foundation and Arthur D. Linie Inc. After graduation from MIT he will begin work in the Polymer Science and Technology Laboratory at Eastman Kodak in Rochester. NY, should be possible. Milder reaction conditions may be developed which tolerate sensitive functionality. Also, tentially overcome several of the difficulties encoun- in some cases the reductive coupling of unstable organic tered in reductive coupling reactions using low-valent fragments such as henzynes or thioaldehydes might be metal species such as Cp,Zr. The selective coupling of possible without having to generate the unstable species two different groups (such as benzyne with an olefin) in the free state. Group 4 Metal Complexes Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 7 1049 As early as 1963,'O unusual reactivity of group 4 di- SCHEME 6 arylmetallocene derivatives was noted. Heating di- phenyltitanocene with diphenylacetylene leads to the m": - ltoasnsi uomf a mmeotlaelclaucley colfe beshnozewnne ainn dS fcohremmaet io2n. of Itth ew tais- Cp,TiCi2 + I Ph-Ph Mg ChTi somewhat later that the intermediacy of a titanocene- benzyne complex was proposed by Vol'pin,'l who showed that the benzyne complex couples carbon di- oxide and other unsaturated molecules. Initial kinetic SCHEME 7 0 investigations by Teuben and co-workers12e stimated a value for AG* of 29 kcal/mol for formation of the RCN (76-99%) benzyne intermediate, and they also showed that deu- terium labels are scrambled between the phenyl ligands, the Cp ligands, and the solvent. R = Me, Ph, nPr, i-Pr, vinyl, The elegant study by Erkergao f the reactivity of di- phenyl- and ditolylzirconocene derivatives demon- strated the intermediacy of benzyne complexes and SCHEME 8 suggested that the benzynes form by a concerted elim- ination of benzene and not by a @-hydridee limina- tion/reductive elimination sequence. As outlined in Scheme 3, Erker established that the benzyne complex and substituted benzyne complexes reversibly activate and toluidene by heating diaryltitanocenes under a benzene solvent to re-form diarylzirconocene complexes. nitrogen atmosphere.21 He also showed that photolysis of ditolylzirconocenes In at least one case, the titanocene-benzyne complex gives high yields of dimethylbiphenyl products which appears to have been prepared by a completely different reflect the substitution pattern of the diarylzirconocene route. Vol'pin reports22t hat treatment of a mixture of precursors. He then showed that heating di-p-tolyl- titanocene dichloride, o-bromofluorobenzene, and di- zirconocene in benzene solvent followed by photolysis phenylacetylene with magnesium metal at low tem- gives 4,4'-dimethylbiphenyl, 4-methylbiphenyl, 3- perature leads to formation of modest amounts of the methylbiphenyl, and, after an induction period, un- benzyne-derived metallacycle shown in Scheme 6. This substituted biphenyl. However, no 3,4'-dimethylbi- apparent simultaneous generation of free titanocene phenyl is formed. All of the observed products are what and free benzyne is intriguing, but the rather harsh should be expected from reaction of a 4-methylbenzyne reaction conditions and the low yield suggest that this complex with the solvent. However, since the entire approach has limited synthetic utility. thermal process is reversible, a mechanism which in- Our efforts in this area stemmed from a desire to volves a @-hydridee limination to form a zirconocene extend Erker's work with the zirconocene complex of 4-methylbenzyne hydrido p-tolyl intermediate is dis- benzyne to determine the feasibility of coupling other counted because it predicts that a reversible hydro- functional groups, especially aldehydes, ketones, and zirconation should form p-tolyl-m-tolylzirconocene, nitriles. Of these, only nitriles can be successfully em- which is not produced. ployed as substrates. This reaction produces a high Erker also showed that the benzyne complex reduc- yield of metallacycles as shown in Scheme ?.le tively couples olefins to form zirconaindan derivativesagb As will be discussed later, we found that we could This reaction, too, is reversible, as shown. Heating the prepare and isolate a stable trimethylphosphine adduct metallacycles with alkenes scrambles to olefin frag- of a closely related zirconocene-cyclohexyne complex.lb ments. The coupling of cis- and trans-stilbene was This success led us to immediately probe whether we shown to be stereo~pecificflo~r the formation of cis- and could utilize similar methodology to prepare and isolate trans-substituted metallacycles. Subsequent reactions the trimethylphosphine adduct of the zirconocene- of these zirconaindan species with CO have also been benzyne complex. As shown in Scheme 8, this is effi- studied (Scheme 4).14 ciently accomplished by heating a benzene solution of In addition to the reactions of benzyne complexes diphenylzirconocene in the presence of a large excess with olefins and alkynes,15v arious other reactions of in of trimethy1phosphine.la The thermal stability of 2 is situ generated benzyne complexes have been discovered attested to by the fact that it survives conditions of its (Scheme 5). Reaction with elemental selenium can formation, refluxing in benzene for 24 h. With this yield the diselenametallacycles shown.16 Methylene- reaction, 2 can be isolated in -90% yield as an air- and triphenylphosphorane reacts with the zirconocene- moisture-sensitive solid. The X-ray crystal structure benzyne complex to give a new phenylzirconocene- of 2 shown in Figure 1 was determined by John Huff- substituted ylide as the only product, but the titanocene man at Indiana University. A high level of back- derivative gives a 2:l mixture of the ylide and the me- bonding from zirconium to the n*-orbital of benzyne tallacyclobutene sh0wn.l' Tungsten hexacarbonyl re- is evidenced by the fact that all the carbon-carbon acts to form a metallacyclic Fischer carbene.l* Zirco- bonds in the ring of the benzyne fragment are identical nocene benzyne complexes with substituted Cp ligands in length, within experimental error. Compared to the have also been shown to undergo intramolecular C-H two other structurally characterized transition-metal- bond activati~n.'~Ev~e~n ~th e possible activation of benzyne complexes, this is similar to what is seen in dinitrogen by benzyne complexes has been suggested Bennett's nickel-benzyne complex23b ut contrasts that to explain the formation of low yields (<2%) of aniline manifested in Schrock's tantalum complex.6 1050 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Voi. 88, No. 7 Buchwald and Nielsen SCHEME 11 R . R + Cp,Zr(Me)Ci 1 5 I 6 P 70% overall yield, R R / R=OMe 98 2 R-Me 100 0 SCHEME 12 Figure 1. X-ray crystal structure of 2. Bond distances (A): X X ZAG, 2.267 (5); Zr-C7,2.228 (5);C W7, 1.364 (8); C7-C8, 1.389 (8); C8-C9, 1.383 (9); C9-Cl0, 1.380 (9); ClO-Cll, 1.377 (9); Cll-C6,1.406 (8);Z r-P, 2.687 (3). Bond angles (deg): C6-2147, 35.33 (19); Zr-C6-C7, 70.8 (3); Zr-C7-C6, 73.9 (3); C6-C7-C8, 122.1 (5); C7-C6-Cll, 120.2 (5). - SCHEME 9 X Y Isolated Yield of 10 (based on aryl bromide) OMe H 50% 0 Me OMe 69% II OMs OMe 70% Me H 65% (estimated by 'H NMR) Although we had no a priori predictions about the regiochemical outcome of these coupling reactions, we found that conversion of a 2-substituted phenyllithium to the benzyne complex, followed by coupling with a nitrile and hydrolysis, leads almost exclusively to the p+ non-Friedel-Crafts isomer of the resulting phenone p"~cl (Scheme 11). We first used 2-lithio-l-methoxybenzene SCHEME 10 as the substrate and initially attributed the -501 ratio X X Me X of the regioisomeric metallacycles 5 and 6 obtained by I coupling 4 with acetonitrile to a chelation of a lone pair on the oxygen to the oxophilic zirconocene fragment.24 However, changing the substituent from methoxy to CHI methyl has little effect on the product ratio, and we now Y Y x believe that the regiochemical preferences are steric in R X origin. Below are shown the proposed intermediate complexes immediately before insertion. Since the R-R' interaction in 7 is far worse than the analogous R'-H interaction in 7', it follows that 7' is converted into Unlike the in situ generated benzyne intermediate 1, complex 2 undergoes clean, high-yield reactions upon treatment with a number of reagents as shown in I Scheme 9. H Encouraged by these initial results, we sought to ex- pand the utility of this chemistry by preparing sub- the regioisomer which predominantes. Thus, high levels stituted derivatives of 2. Erker described the inability of regioselectivity can be achieved in a predictable to prepare the di-o-tolylzirconocene precursor to the manner, based on the relative size of the substituents 3-methylbenzyne complex, presumably due to unfa- at carbons 2 and 6. This regiochemical outcome has vorable steric interaction^.^^ We sought a method that also been previously observed in the coupling reaction would allow us to prepare zirconocene complexes of of alkynes with the titanocene-2-methylbenzyne com- highly substituted benzynes and at the same time ~1ex.l~~ eliminate the need for 2 equiv of the substituted aro- The substituted metallacycles obtained by coupling matic precursor. We found that the addition of a the benzyne complex with a nitrile can be readily con- lithiated aromatic species to zirconocene methyl chlo- verted to both simple aromatic ketones and iodo- ride produces 3, which upon heating to 70 "C in benzene aromatic ketones, upon hydrolysis or iodinationlhy- smoothly loses methane to yield 4 (Scheme lO).'g drolysis.lg Some of our results obtained from coupling Complex 4, formed in situ, can be coupled with various acetonitrile with benzyne complexes derived from sev- substrates to form metallacycles, which in turn can be eral aryl halide precursors are outlined in Chart I. converted into useful organic products without the need If the benzyne complexes are generated under an for their isolation or purification. atmosphere of ethylene, high yields of zirconaindans 8 Group 4 Metal Complexes Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 7 1051 CHART I SCHEME 14 x x x PBrecursorr W orkup Fegloimer A Regloisomer B Isolated Yield H30' 86% 6'' Uary Rl A2 X Y 12:13 Ratio Isolated Yield (based on aryl bromide) H3Ot 62 5 1 Et Et H H 1oo:o 91% (yield based Cp2ZrPh2) 0 2 TMS Me H H 1OO:O 92% (yield basedCp2ZrPh2) Mge0 3 Me Me Me H 1OO:O 72% 74 4 TMS Me Me H 1OO:O 69% H30* 5 Et Et OMe H 1OO:O 71% 6 Et Et OMe H 1OO:O 80% oBr Br fl0 7 TMS Me OMe H 95:5 7 1 % 6 8 Me Me Me Me 1OO:O 76% Me 9 Et El Me Me 1OO:O 67% 47 10 TMS Me Me Me 1OO:O 75% H30' 11 Me Me OMe OMe 1OO:O 60% OMe Me0 0 Me0 12 TMS Me OMe OMe 1OO:O 69% TMS3SiMe3 OMe SCHEME 15 61 ?Me Me 67 SCHEME 13 X X X I OMe I R X Y Isolated Yield of 11 (based on aryl bromide) SCHEME 16 Me H H 83% (yield based on isolated metallacycle) Me Me H 59% Me OMe H 25% nPr OMe OMe 52% are formed, as Erker found for the unsubstituted case. Treatment of 8, without isolation, with excess iodine produces diiodide 9, which upon exposure to n-BuLi at -78 cleanly yields substituted benzocyclobutenes 10 O C in good overall yield,4l as shown in Scheme 12. In addition to providing novel routes for the synthesis a-position of the metallacyclic intermediate,lsbi t is in- of carbocyclic and substituted aromatic compounds, teresting to note entries 2,4,7,10,a nd 12 where almost benzyne-derived metallacycles can be used as precursors complete regioselectivity is seen, both with respect to to sulfur-containing heterocycles. An efficient the substituents of the benzyne and with those of the "metallacycle transfer" reaction of zirconacycles using alkyne. dihalides of main-group metals and chalcogens has been The X-ray crystal structure of the (trimethyl- reported by Nugent and Fagan.26 Using this approach, phosphine)zirconocene-benzyne complex indicates that we have derived general methods for the synthesis of there was not an undue amount of ring strain present. benzisothiazoles and benzothiophenes as shown in This observation encouraged us to prepare a zirconoc- Schemes 13 and 14. enebenzdiyne complex, as shown in Scheme 15.l' The Treatment of the azametallacycles derived from ni- benzdiyne complex was characterized by X-ray crys- trile coupling with sulfur monochloride yields benziso- tallography, and each zirconocene-benzyne fragment thiazoles 11 (Scheme 13). In all examples studied to of the molecule is structurally quite similar to the sim- data, only one isomer has been observed. This repre- ple benzyne complex. The reactivity of this complex sents a general entry to these heterocycles that have not is also similar, as shown by the ethylene coupling/io- been studied in detail, due to a lack of convenient dination sequence shown to give a mixture of tetra- methods for their synthesi~.~' iodides, which can be converted in high yield to the The generation and in situ coupling of the nascent tricyclic compound shown. benzyne complex with a nonterminal alkyne, followed by treatment of the zirconaindene intermediate with B. Complexes of Cyclohexyne and Other freshly distilled sulfur dichloride, provide good to ex- Cycloalkynes cellent yields of the benzothiophenes indicated (Scheme 14).% Although one previous report of the coupling of As an outgrowth of our studies on trapping the zir- trimethylsilyl-substituted alkynes with a benzyne com- conocene-benzyne complex with nitriles, we queried plex indicated that the silyl substituent prefers the whether our methodology could be extended to allow 1052 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 7 Buchwald and Nielsen SCHcEME 18 pp = Cp&&o . - B u m n-Bu= alkyne rotation or n-Bu disassociation SCHEME 19 cp(m (-100% by NMR) 0 CPzZr ' OF (-100% by NMR) Figure 2. X-ray crystal structure of 17. Bond distances (A): I Zr-C1, 2.165 (13); Zr-C2, 2.244 (12); C1-C2, 1.295 (25); C2-C3, 1.532 (18);C l-C6,1.519 (19); Zr-P,2 .689 (3). Bond angles (deg): Cl-Zr-C2,34.1 (0.5);C l-C2-C3,126.0 (1.2); CWl-C2,125.2 (1.2). - SCHEME 17 n / \ (61% toennet adtiivaesltye raesosiisgonmeder , CHART I1 Based on Starting Bromocycloalkene: 57% 62% 52% 60% ('H NMR) d (66%) hexyne unit and indicate that this complex is best de- (58%) scribed as a metallacyclopropene. The stability of 17 for the synthesis of zirconocene complexes of cyclo- is dependent on this back-bonding, since it stabilizes alkynes. In our initial experiments, we attempted to both the highly strained cyclohexyne fragment and the prepare cyclohexenylmethylzirconocene( 14) (Scheme high-energy Cp2Zr unit. 16). However, 14 could not be isolated at room tem- Complex 17 reacts readily with a wide variety of un- perature, due to its partial decomposition. Since for- saturated organic compounds, including nitriles, ke- mation of the zirconocenebenzyne complexes requires tones, aldehydes, ethylene, both internal and terminal temperatures of 60-80 "C to proceed at a reasonable alkynes, and dienes, as shown in Scheme 17. Of par- rate, it is surprising that the transformation of 14 to 15 ticular interest is the coupling reaction between 17 and takes place at 25 "C. This was confirmed by allowing l-hexyne. At room temperature a -3:2 mixture of a solution of 14, prepared at low temperature, to react regioisomers 18 and 18' is formed. Heating the reaction with butyronitrile at 25 "C to form a quantitative yield mixture for 20 h at 80 "C causes isomerization to only (lH NMR) of the azametallacycle 16. This transfor- one isomer, tentatively assigned as 18.29 As depicted mation is also somewhat surprising in that it shows in Scheme 18, isomerization of the metallacycle must complete selectivity for activation of the sp20 -hydrogen involve carbon-carbon bond cleavage of metallacycle over the sp3@ -hydrogenso f the cyclohexenyl ligand. We 18'. Since this reaction is relatively rapid at 80 "C, it were pleased to find that addition of excess tri- implies that the cyclohexyne intermediate is relatively methylphosphine to 14 at low temperature, followed by strain-free. Related isomerization reactions of metal- warming to room temperature and recrystallization lacyclopentanes (or pentenes) has been reported in a from ether, allowed the isolation of the compound 17, number of ~ a s e ~bu,t 9litt~le ~is ~kno~wn~ a~bou~t t he a stable trimethylphosphine adduct of the cyclohexyne mechanism of this low-energy carbon-carbon bond complex. This "one-pot" procedure can readily be used cleavage reaction. to prepare 6-8 gs of analytically pure 17 in -60% Using a similar synthetic strategy, we have been able isolated yield, based on bromocyclohexene.lb to prepare the additional cycloalkynes in Chart 11, and The X-ray crystal structure of 17 (Figure 2), deter- we are currently investigating their reaction chemistry.32 mined by John Dewan, has several interesting features. Metallacycles formed by coupling ethylene or 1,3- First, the Cl-C2 bond length of 1.295 (25) A indicates dienes with 15 undergo chemoselective reactions to in- a bond order substantially closer to 2 than to 3. sert aldehydes, ketones, and nitriles, specifically into Moreover, the Cl-C2-C3 bond angle of 126.0 (1.2)", the sp3 carbon-zirconium bond as shown in Scheme again, is much closer to the 120" value expected for a 19.29 Free cyclohexyne complex 15, generated in an in sp2-hybridized carbon than to the 180" value expected situ manner in the presence of ethylene or a 1,3-diene, for a sp-hybridized carbon. Taken together, these is converted into a metallacycle which can be further values reflect the high degree of back-bonding from the treated with an aldehyde followed by hydrolysis or an Cp2Zr(PMe3) moiety to the r*-orbital of the cyclo- iodinolysis-hydrolysis workup to produce organic Group 4 Metal Complexes Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 7 1053 SCHEME 20 0 Figure 3. X-ray crystal structure of 22. Bond distances (A): -1 (40%) Zr-P, 2.6576 (11);Z &6, 2.244 (3); ZA7, 2.211 (3); CW7, 1.286 (5); C7-C8, 1.491 (5). Bond angles (deg): C647-C8, 135.8 (3); Zr-C6-C7, 71.81 (19); Zr-C7-C6, 74.64 (20). SCHEME 21 R SCHEME 23 SCHEME 22 Ph Ph \ Ph (80%) the CO with PMe3 has been reported to enhance the stability of the alkyne complex.36 The complexes products (Scheme 20). Overall yields are remarkably high for a sequence of six or seven chemical steps which Cp*,Ti(2-butyne), Cp*,Ti(diphenylacetylene), and occur in a single flask. Cp*,Zr(diphenylacetylene) (Cp* = q5-C5Me5h) ave been briefly mentioned30 as stable, isolable compounds. In the same report, the complex Cp*,Ti( l-propyne) was C. Complexes of Acyclic Alkynes implicated as in intermediate in the thermal decom- For some time it has been known that free metal- position of bis( l-propeny1)permethyltitanocene. Ne- locene or its equivalent (i.e., Cp,M, M = Ti, Zr, Hf) can gishi and co-workers recently reported4, the isolation reductively couple two alkynes to give symmetrically and X-ray structure of Cp2Zr(PMe3()d iphenyl- tetrasubstituted metallacyclopentadiene products, and acetylene), which was obtained by treating Cp2Zr- it has been generally that a metallocene- (PMe,), with the alkyne. The compound is structurally alkyne complex is an intermediate in this process quite similar to Floriani's titanocene complex. Unfor- (Scheme 21). A remarkably large number of examples tunately, this is the only alkyne complex that can be of this reaction type using diphenylacetylene have been prepared by using their methodology. reported, yielding the very stable tetraphenylmetalla- Rausch and co-workers found that reaction of cyclopentadienes. Methods for generating "Cp,M" in- Cp2Ti(PMe3),w ith acetylene, propyne, phenylacetylene, clude the following: TiC14 and 4 equiv of sodium cy- or diphenylacetylene leads to formation of metalla- ~lopentadienidep,~ho~t~oc hemically induced reductive cyclopentadienes, and the intermediate Cp2Ti- elimination of Cp2MR2,2d*t3h4e rmal or photochemical (PMe,) (alkyne) complexes can be observed spectro- reactions of Cp2M(C0)2135i3r6e duction of Cp2MC1, with ~copically.T~h~is is the first report of such reductive- sodium na~hthalide,o~r magnesium/mercuric chlo- coupling chemistry using terminal alkynes. and ligand displacement from Cp,M(diene) We have found that the methods we used to prepare complexes,2dw hich are generated from Cp2MC12a nd the zirconocene-cyclohexyne complex can be readily (butadiene)magnesium. This reaction has even been extended to the preparation of zirconocene complexes documented for a polymer-bound titanocene fragment.% of both mono- and disubstituted acyclic alkynes as There are a few examples where similar chemistry has shown.ld Using the hydrozirconation methodology for been extended to other symmetric internal alkynes such alkynes developed by Sch~artz,f4o~ll owed by the ad- as 2-butyne7 3-hexyne7 or dimethyl acetylenedi- dition of methyllithium, produces vinylmethyl- carb~xylate.A~l~ky~n~es have also been reported to zirconocene 19. Methane loss occurs smoothly at room induce reductive elimination of RH from Cp,M(H)R, temperature to produce alkyne complex 20,45 which, in to give metallacyclopentadiene' products.39 However, the presence of trimethylphosphine, is transformed into discrete alkyne complexes have been observed or iso- complex 21 (Scheme 23). In this manner the tri- lated in relatively few cases, Floriani reported the methylphosphine adducts of the zirconocene complex preparation40 and X-ray crystal structure41 of Cp,Ti- of l-hexyne 22 and of 3-hexyne 23 can be isolated in (CO)( diphenylacetylene) , which is formed from -70% yield. This result suggests that the previously Cp,Ti(CO), and the alkyne (Scheme 22). The complex reported alkyne-induced "reductive elimination" of is thermally unstable and disproportionates to form Cp2Zr(H)MeS is likely to proceed via hydrozirconation Cp,Ti(CO), and the metallacyclopentadiene. Replacing of the alkyne to form the same vinylmethylzirconocene 1054 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 7 Buchwald and Nielsen SCHEME 25 /A”- X X , _._. . X = StMe3, SnMe,, alkyl, aryl, alkenyl 1 Y= (CH,),, alkyltdene. RN, etc ‘2 k OXz = MezSnCIz.P hAsClz,P hPCIz.S ,CIz, etc. Q = Mez% PhAs, PhP, S, etc. SCHEME 26 OSiMed-Bu intermediate which we observe. An X-ray crystal structure of the 1-hexyne complex 22, determined by John Huffman, at Indiana Univer- sity, is shown in Figure 3. The C1-C2 bond distance is 1.286 (5) A, while the Cl-C2-C3 bond angle of 135.8 (3)’. This should be compared with the corresponding angles of 126.0 (1.2)’ and 122.1 (5)’ in the cyclohexyne 17 and the benzyne complex 2, respectively. The C-C “triple bond” distance in 22 is identical, within exper- imental error, with that found for the cyclohexyne complex. This suggests that the 135.8 (3)’ value more accurately reflects the bond order in these complexes and that the lower value observed for the cyclohexyne complex is due to some ring strain which prohibits the I 9 2 : 8 ‘ bond angles from splaying further outward. That the 1-hexyne complex 22 is essentially unstrained and still such as arsenic and tin to yield zirconocene dihalide and displays a zirconacyclopropene structure indicates that the corresponding thiophene, phosphole, or main-group back-bonding significantly stabilizes the Cp2Zr(PMe3) metallacycle.26 unit, in which the zirconium prefers to be in the +4 Negishi’s related cyclization of enynes initially47a rather than in the +2 oxidation state. employed Farona’s conditionsaa but later milder con- Although the structures of several symmetric tetra- ditions were discovered by using a reagent prepared substituted metallacyclopentadienes have been sub- from zirconocene dichloride and 2 equiv of n-butyl- stantiated by isolating 1,3-dienesap33bya4n2d 1,4-dihalo- lithium (Scheme 25).47H Cyclization of enynes gives 1,3-dieneo~b~ta~in ed after hydrolysis of halogenation, good yields of the metallacyclopentenes, which can be the synthetic utility of “Cp,M”-induced reductive cou- hydrolyzed to give exocyclic olefins, can be halogenated plings of alkynes has been very limited until recently. to give diiodides which are useful precursors to bicyclic Three problems in particular have made this an unat- cyclobutenes, or can be carbonylated to give cyclo- tractive reaction for synthetic applications. First, both pentenones. Two apparent shortcomings of this pro- “Cp2M”a nd the reagents used in its generation (Mg, cedure are that neither terminal enynes nor enynes with Na, etc.) react with functional groups such as terminal di- or polysubstituted double bonds give cyclized alkynes, oxygen-containing groups, or alkyl halides. products.47c Second, the attempted cross-coupling of two different Very recent work by Nugent, Rajanbabu, and Ta- alkynes (or an alkyne and another unsaturated group) bera using the Cp2ZrC12/n-BuLir egent has extended usually leads to a mixture of cross- and self-coupled this reaction to some very highly functionalized enynes, products. Third, even if cross-coupling could be effi- as shown in Scheme 26. The major stereoisomer from ciently controlled, ambiguities still exist in the regio- the first example was converted in several steps to the chemical positioning of the metallacyclic product. cyclopentanone shown, which is an intermediate in a Many of these problems have been overcome to some previous synthesis of the fire-ant queen pheromone degree in the recent work of Nugent and Fagan26s4a6n d in~ictolide.T~h~e second example shows the successful Negi~hi:~w ho have developed relatively mild conditions cyclization of an enantiomercially pure, highly oxygen- for the intramolecular coupling of diynes and enynes, ated enyne obtained in several steps from a sugar. and from our development of routes to discrete alkyne The Cp2ZrC12/n-BuLir eagent is very useful, and it complexes for intermolecular cross-coupling,lda nd our is worthwhile to briefly examine how it induces bi- study of the reversibility of reductive coupling.4a cyclization. Negishi showed that Cp2Zr(n-Bu), is Nugent’s initial work on the coupling of diynes and formed rapidly at -78 ‘C and that this dialkyl un- enynes is shown in Scheme 24.46a* The intramolecular dergoes first-order decomposition at 20 OC at a rate coupling of several diynes and one enyne (typically with independent of the enyne c~ncentrationW.~h~e~n the a reagent prepared from sodium amalgam, titanocene bicyclization reaction is monitored by NMR, signals for dichloride, and methyldiphenylphosphine) followed by the metallacyclic products appear as signals for hydrolysis gave reasonable yields of carbocycles with cp,Zr(n-B~d)i~sa ppear. Since the byproducts of the only the E-exocyclic olefins as products. Alternatively, decomposition of dibutylzirconocene are n-butene and the intermediate metallacycles can be treated with 1-butene, Negishi proposes that the cp,Zr(n-B~m)~u st dihalides of sulfur, phosphorus, or main-group metals undergo @-hydridee limination with loss of butene as Group 4 Metal Complexes Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 7 1055 SCHEME 27 Mechanism as propose3 by Negishi: SiMe, (-95%,by NMR) only isomer Anernative mechanism: assoclation SCHEME 30 SCHEME 28 R4 R2 R4 Reagent Yield (based on the H- nC2HS- S,CI, 69% vinyl(ch1oro)- H- CH,- S2CI, 65% zirconocene H- SIMe3-(H-) SCI, 80% precursor) H- Ph- SCI, 54% " n-C,H,- mC,Hs- S,CI, 90% " RC~HS- CH,- SzCI, 63% " n-C,H,- SiMe3-(H-) SzCI, 75% " n-C,H,- P h- S&I, 70% " H- nC2Hs S,CI, 60% (based on Cp,ZrHCI) H- CHy S~CIZ 53% " heating this mixture to 80 "C for 24 h in benzene leads L to complete conversion to the regioisomer in which the shown to give Cp,Zr(H)(n-Bu), which rapidly reduc- silyl substituent occupies the a-position of the metal- tively eliminates butane to generate free Cp,Zr, which lacycle.% The analogous coupling reaction of the in situ he believes is the active metal species (Scheme 27). generated 3-hexyne complex leads to a 13:l mixture of However, some evidence suggests that a zirconocene- the two metallacycles as shown in the scheme. Heating diyne or -enyne complex can be formed without the this mixture to 80 "C leads to a slight diminution of this need to generate free Cp,Zr. First, simple alkyl hy- ratio.48 drides of zirconocene such as Cp2Zr(H)(Me) do not With this measure of regiocontrol in the coupling always rapidly reductively eliminate alkane, even in reactions described above, we sought to devise metho- strongly coordinating solvents such as THF.60 Second, dology to convert these metallacyclic intermediates into we have reportedld the observation and isolation of useful organic products. Our ultimate goal here is to Cp,Zr(l-butene)(PMe3) as the major product formed develop one-pot procedures for the conversion of simple by warming Cp,Zr(n-Bu), in the presence of PMe3, in- precursors into the final organic products without dicating that butane is eliminated from Cp,Zr(n-Bu), needing to manipulate or isolate organometallic inter- before butene is lost. Therefore, a more plausible mediates. mechanism involves the initial loss of butane to give a One example of this approach is the very general zirconocene-butene complex which undergoes associa- synthesis of thiophenes outlined in Scheme 30. tive ligand exchange with the enyne. Treatment of the intermediate zirconacyclopentadienes, The isolated 1-hexyne and 3-hexyne complexes that obtained by the selective intermolecular cross-coupling we have prepared (and in many instances, the com- of two alkynes, with SC12 (freshly distilled) or S2C12, in plexes prepared in situ without the need for PMe3) react tetrahydrofuran produces good to excellent yields of the with unsaturated organic functional groups such as polysubstituted thiophenes.26i28T he overall transfor- nitriles, alkynes, aldehydes, ketones, and ethylene to mation is to selectively combine two different alkynes give metallacyclic compounds in high yield, as shown and a sulfur atom to form the thiophene, with good in Scheme 28.Id control over the regiochemical placement of the four It would be synthetically interesting to be able to substituents. As can be seen from the examples, shown, selectively cross-couple two different unsymmetrical di-, tri-, and tetrasubstituted thiophenes can be pre- alkynes with complete regiocontrol. However, one lim- pared by usieg this methodology. The disubstituted itation of this chemistry is that neither the 1-hexyne thiophenes are readily available via protodesilylation or the 3-hexyne complex couples cleanly with a second of initially formed trimethylsilyl-substituted thioph- terminal alkyne, which would give the largest steric e n e ~T.h~is~ sy nthesis can be carried out conviently as difference between the ends of the alkyne. Therefore, a one-pot procedure starting with Cp,ZrHCl. we decided to investigate the coupling of the 1-hexyne complex with 1-(trimethylsily1)propyne. Unfortunately, III. Alkene Complexes when carried out at room temperature, the reaction is not selective, leading to a 1:l mixture of regioisomers Compared to the number of alkyne complexes that as shown in Scheme 29. However, we found that have been reported, very few simple mononuclear al- 1056 Chemical Reviews, 1988, Vol. 88, No. 7 BuchwaM and Nielsen SCHEME 31 SCHEME 33 Ph Ph SCHEME 34 Ph (50%) qR - RCECR R = Me, Et, Ph, SiMe3 CPzZr 6545% yield 0 in Scheme 32, the complex reacts with a variety of substrates, with loss of bound ethylene in some cases kene complexes of group 4 metals have been prepared. and reductive coupling or C-H bond activation in oth- One binuclear olefin complex has been reported by ers. ErkeF'2 in which a styryl fragment and a chloride ligand We were interested in determining whether the same bridge two zirconocene centers. The styryl ligand is strategies we employed to generate zirconocene-alkyne a-bound to one metal and v2,a-bound to the other. A complexes could be extended to alkene complexes. In related binuclear zirconocene complex with an q2-arene our initial efforts, we attempted to prepare the zirco- ligand has been prepared by a tedious procedure and nocene complex of cyclohexene and to couple it with in low yield by Pez and Stu~kyT.~hi~s complex con- a nitrile, as shown in Scheme 33. Instead of the me- tains bridging hydride and naphthyl ligands, and the tallacyclic product, however, the N-metalated imine was X-ray crystal structure shows that the arene fragment produced in good yield.56 Presumably, this is formed is a-bound to one metal center. from the exchange of the bound cyclohexene with nitrile Three examples of mononuclear alkene complexes are and subsequent insertion of the nitrile into the Zr-H shown in Scheme 31. Compared to the corresponding bond. Hydrozirconation of nitriles is well-precedent- alkyne complexes, these alkene complexes are more ed,57 and it is interesting to note that ligand exchange likely to participate in ligand exchange reactions which and insertion are faster than reductive elimination of lead to loss of free alkene, and they participate in fewer methane from the cis alkyl hydride. reductive coupling reactions. The zirconocenel-butene With this result in mind, we reasoned that a bound complex which we have preparedld has already been cyclopropene ligand would be less likely to be displaced, mentioned in the acyclic alkyne section. Negishi has as it possesses -54 kcal/mol ring strain.% The ready reported the preparation of the zirconocene-stilbene availability of cyclopropyllithium6ga llowed the gener- complex Treatment of this complex with ation of cyclopropene complex 22 (Scheme 34). Nitriles aqueous acid leads to formation of a mixture of 1,2- and internal alkynes are coupled by 22 to give the diphenylethane and stilbene. Erker has shown that unique bicyclo[3.1.0]metallacycles,29 but terminal alk- metallacyclopentanes, such as the hafnocene example ynes give mixtures of regioisomeric metallacycles, and above, decompose to form an intermediate ethylene carbonyl compounds fail to react cleanly. If 22 is gen- c ~ m p l e x .T~he~se~ c~om~p lexes undergo both ligand erated in the presence of excess trimethylphosphine, exchange and reductive coupling reactions, depending complex 23 can be isolated. Despite a good deal of on the particular reaction conditions. experimentation, no reliable route to 23 of acceptable The most extensively studied group 4 metal olefin purity (>95%) has been found, although occasional complex is the permethyltitanocene-ethylene complex batches are produced in a pure state, and we have been reported by Bercaw.30s55T his complex is prepared from able to successfully obtain an elemental analysis for the C!~*~Ticbly~ r eduction with sodium amalgam under an compound. Compound 23 couples cleanly with ketones atmosphere of ethylene. The X-ray crystal structure (but not other carbonyl compounds) to form metal- of this complex indicates that there is roughly equal lacyclic products as shown. The bicyclic metallacycles contribution of both the Ti(I1) a-ethylene and the Ti- obtained from 22 or 23 can also be converted into a (IV) metallacyclopropane resonance foxms. As shown number of cis-1,2-disubstituted cyclopropanes via hy-

where we have developed a relatively general route to complexes of a variety of organic fragments bound to a single metal system, zirconocene.1 Our
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