Ground State Properties of one-dimensional Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Chain with Single-ion Anisotropy ∗ Ekrem Aydıner and Cenk Akyu¨z Department of Physics, Dokuz Eylu¨l University 5 Faculty of Arts and Sciences Tr-35160 Izmir, Turkey 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 In this study, we have investigated ground state properties of one-dimensional antiferromagnetic 2 spin-1chainwithsingle-ionanisotropyatverylowtemperaturesusingtheTransferMatrixmethod. n Magnetic plateaus, phase diagram, specific heat, susceptibility of the spin chain have been eval- a uated numerically from the free energy. Results are in good agreement with the experimental J data for the spin-1 compounds [Ni2(Medpt)2(µ-ox)(H2O)2](ClO4)22H2O, [Ni2(Medpt)2(µ-ox)(µ- 1 N3)](ClO4)0.5H2O, Ni(C2H8N2)Ni(CN)4 and Ni(C10H8N2)2Ni(CN)4.H2O. However, spin-Peierls 1 transition have not been observed in the temperature dependence of specific heat and magnetic susceptibility. ] h PACSnumbers: 75.10.Hk;75.10.Pq c e m The physics of low-dimensional i.e., one-dimensional which was synthesized by Meyer et al.20 in 1981, just - t (1D) or quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) spin-S (S≥ 1) before the Haldane’s prediction appeared. Renard et a chains has attracted a considerable amount of attention al.21 showed that NENP had the energy spectrum t s after the prediction by Haldane1 that a 1D Heisenberg predicted by Haldane; the magnetic susceptibility . t antiferromagnet should have an energy gap between the decreased steeply at low temperatures for all of the a singletgroundstate andthe firstexcitedtripletstatesin crystal axes suggesting a single ground state and m the case of an integer spin quantum number, while the neutron inelastic scattering showed that the magnetic - energylevelsaregaplessinthe caseofa halfintegerspin excitation had a gap at the AF zone center. Other d n quantumnumber. The most fascinatingcharacteristicof Q1D spin-1 compounds Ni(C2H8N2)2Ni(CN)4 (ab- o these low-dimensional systems is that they show mag- breviated NENC),22,23,24,25 Ni(C11H10N2O)2Ni(CN)4 c netic plateaus i.e., quantization of magnetization at low (abbreviated NDPK),22,23 Ni(C H N ) Ni(CN) .H O 10 8 2 2 4 2 [ temperatures near the ground state. This phenomenon (abbreviatedNBYC),22,23,24 Ni(C5H14N2)2N3(PF6)(ab- 2 has been observed not only in Haldane spin systems but breviated NDMAP),26,27,28 and Ni(C5H14N2)2N3(ClO4) v also in other spin gapped systems for instance; spin- (abbreviated NDMAZ)29 have also been identified as 1 Peierls and spin ladders systems. A general condition of effective Heisenberg chains. This class of compounds 1 quantization of the magnetization was derived from the exhibits a non-degenerate ground state which can be 1 Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem2 for low-dimensional mag- separated from the lowest excitation. As predicted 1 netic systems. The fact that, Oshikawa, Yamanaka and by Haldane, it is experimentally shown that these 0 5 Affleck (OYA)3 discussed this plateau problem and de- systems have an energy gap between the single ground 0 rived a condition p(S −m) = integer, necessary for the state and first excited triplet.21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 In / appearance of the plateau in the magnetization curve of addition, exception Haldane systems, several Q1D AF t a one-dimensionalspinsystem,whereSisthemagnitudeof spin-1 gapped compounds such as AF dimer compound m spin, m is the magnetizationper site andp is the spatial [Ni (Medpt) (µ-ox)(H O) ](ClO ) 2H O,15 and AF 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 - periodofthegroundstate,respectively. The2S+1mag- alternating chain compound [Ni2(Medpt)2(µ-ox)(µ- d netization plateaus (contained the saturated magnetiza- N )](ClO )0.5H O,16 where (Medpt=methyl-bis(3- n 3 4 2 tionm=S)canappearwhenthemagneticfieldincreases aminopropyl)amine), the ladder system 3,3’,5,5’-tetrakis o from zero to its saturation value h . Theoretical studies (N-tert-butylaminxyl)biphenyl (BIP-TENO),17,30,31 the c s : have suggested the realization of quantization of magne- spin-Peierls systems32,33,34,35 (Li,Na)V(Si,Ge)2O6 have v tization in various systems,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 and it been synthesized and magnetic properties have been i X has been observed in experimental studies.15,16,17,18,19 studied. r Recent years, antiferromagnetic (AF) spin-1 systems The magnetic quantization behavior has been ex- a among the other low-dimensionalgappedspin-S systems perimentally observed in only several gapped spin-1 have drawn attention from both theorists and exper- AF materials as predicted by OYA.3 For example, imentalists in literature. So far, many Q1D gapped Narumi et al.15,16 observed a magnetic plateaus in AF spin-1 systems, which are called Haldane systems, the magnetization curve for both [Ni (Medpt) (µ- 2 2 spin-Peierls and ladder compounds, were synthesized ox)(H O) ](ClO ) 2H O and [Ni (Medpt) (µ-ox)(µ- 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 and to understand the ground state behaviors of the N )](ClO )0.5H O. Goto et al.17 reported the existence 3 4 2 spin-1 AF Heisenberg chain have been extensively ofthe magnetizationaplateauat0.25inspin-13,3’,5,5’- studied. The first Q1D spin-1 Haldane gap compound tetrakis (N-tert-butylaminxyl)biphenyl (BIP-TENO). was Ni(C H N ) NO (ClO ) (abbreviated NENP) On the other hand, in theoretical studies, Chen et 2 8 2 2 2 4 2 al.4 employed the classical Monte Carlo method to Heisenberg model using transfer matrix renormalization investigate the magnetization plateaus of 1D classic group. On the other hand, a field-theoretic approach to spin-1 AF Ising chain with a single-ionanisotropy under the Heisenberg spin-1 chain with single-ion anisotropy the external field at low temperatures, and they showed was suggested by Tsvelik.44 thatthesystemhas2S+1magneticplateaus. Tonegawa Now, it understood from experimental and theoretical et al.9 observed the plateau of at m =0.0, 0.5, and 1.0 studies that quantization of magnetization appears due in the ground state of spin-1 AF Heisenberg chain with togapmechanismoriginatingfromdimerization,frustra- bond alternating and uniaxial single-ion anisotropy. tion,single-ionanisotropy,periodicfieldsoon. However, Sato and Kindo obtained a magnetic plateau at m=0.0, it notes that low-dimensional gapped spin systems have 0.5,and1.0forspin-1bondalternatingHeisenbergchain still open problems and noteworthy physics. Therefore, using renormalization group method.14 in this study, we interested in ground state properties of Other thermodynamical features of low-dimensional 1D AF spin-1 chain. AF spin-1 systems have been extensively studied in the- In general, the most of the theoretical studies about oretical concepts as well as in experimental studies. For low-dimensional spin-S systems have been based on example, White and Huse36 calculated the ground state Heisenberg Hamiltonian because of non-trivial quantum energyandHaldanegapofaspin-1AFHeisenbergchain effects. However,inseveraltheoreticalstudies havebeen using the density matrix renormalization group tech- shown that it is possible to used classical spin systems niques. Yamamoto and Miyashita37 studied the specific to obtain magnetic plateaus and other thermodynami- heatandmagnetic susceptibility ofa spin-1AF chainby cal behaviors.4,11,13 Considering this fact, we have con- Monte Carlosimulation. The spin-wavetheory was used structed herein the Hamiltonian of the 1D spin-1 sys- by Rezende38 to study the temperature dependence of tem in a quasi-classical manner which allows to use the excitation spectra, and it has been found that the exci- Ising type variable instead of the quantum spin opera- tation energy or Haldane gap increases with increasing tors. Such a Hamiltonian with single-ion anisotropy for temperature in the region of low temperature. Cam- 1D spin-1 systems is described by pana et al.39 discussed the specific heat and magnetic susceptibility of a finite chainby a numericalcalculation N N N method. Bao40 employed a second-order Green function H =J SzSz +D (Sz)2+h Sz (1) X i i+1 X i X i method to discuss the variations of internal energy and i=1 i=1 i=1 specificheatwithtemperatureforaspin-1HeisenbergAF chain. Li and Zhu,41 using a self-consistent mean-field where J denotes the exchange coupling of antiferromag- approximation,studiedthethermodynamicpropertiesof netic type (J >0), D describe the single-ion anisotropy, a spin-1 AF Heisenberg chain with an anisotropy in the and h is the external field. Also, Siz refers to spin of presenceofanexternalmagnetic fieldata finite temper- magnitude 1, which takes on 0, and ±1 values. ature, they found that the internal energy and Haldane We used Transfer Matrix method to obtain ground gap increase with increasing temperature. Batchelor et state properties of 1D AF spin-1 system which was de- al.42 investigated the ground state and thermodynamic fined by Eq. (1). Using this method, it is possible to get properties of spin-1 via the integrable su(3) model. Lou theanalyticalandcomparableresultsfor1Dinfinitespin et al.43 calculated the magnetic susceptibility and spe- system, though it is very simple approach. cific heat of one-dimensional spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic For the Eq. (1) transfer matrix V is given as exp(−βJ −βh−βD) exp(−βh/2−βD/2) exp(βJ −βD) V = exp(−βh/2−βD/2) 1 exp(βh/2−βD/2) (2) exp(βJ −βD) exp(βh/2−βD/2) exp(−βJ +βh−βD) where β = 1/kT. Using relation (2), partition function We are interested in the three thermodynamical expres- ofthe 1Dspin-1AFsystemscanbe representedinterms sions of (i) ferromagnetic order m, (ii) the specific heat of transfer matrix V as C, and (iii) the magnetic susceptibility χ, which respec- tively are Z =TrVN. (3) ∂f(h,T) m=− (5a) ∂h Hence free energy per spin of this system is given by 1 ∂2f(h,t) f(h,T)=−kT lim lnZ. (4) C =−T (5b) N→∞N ∂T2 3 the beginningpointofthe fieldfortheappearanceofthe plateau m = 0.5 which corresponds to critical field h ∂2f(h,T) c χ=− . (5c) values, and its ending point is signed by the square-dot ∂h2 line which corresponds to the saturated field h values. s In addition, the distance between both the lines for the AconventionalwaytocalculatefreeenergyEq. (4)which same value of D is the width of the plateau m = 0.5. is required to obtain expression in Eq. (5) is that parti- For D ≥ 1.0, the value of saturated field h increases tionfunctionisexpressedintermsofeigenvaluesoftrans- s with the increase of D. The initial field h decreases fer matrix (2) as c with the increase of D in the interval 0.0<D <1.0 and Z =TrVN =λN +λN +λN. (6) increases for around D > 1.0. Almost same magnetiza- 1 2 3 tion phase diagramfor spin-1 has been carriedout using The eigenvalues of the Transfer Matrix (2) have been Monte Carlo method with finite spin in Ref.4. carried out with the aid of Mathematica 4.0 package. Figure 3 (a) and (b) show the specific heat C plot- However, we have not listed herein since they occupied ted as a function of temperature T, for fixed value of many pages. After we tested all eigenvalues numerically, single-ion anisotropy field D = 0.2 at various values we have sorted and so-called them from the biggest to of external field h = 0.3,0.5,0.7, and for fixed value smaller as λ , λ , λ respectively. Using standard as- of h = 0.1 at various values of D = 0.1,0.3,0.5, re- 1 2 3 sumptions of Transfer Matrix method, Eq. (6) was de- spectively. These curves show a board maximum as fined as, Schottky-like round hump about between T = 8 and 13. But, it is no means that phase transition occurs λ λ Z =TrVN =λN[1+( 2)N +( 3)N]. (7) in one-dimensional system. Schottky-like round hump 1 λ1 λ1 in the specific heat probably reflects energy of the sys- tem. For several higher external fields and single-ion It is clearly seen that on the RHS of Eq. (7) the second anisotropyfields, at fixed value of D and h, respectively, and the third terms goes to zero as N → ∞ since both the peaks get smaller and move towards zero tempera- terms are being | λ2 | < 1 and | λ3 | < 1. Consequently, λ1 λ1 ture. It seems clear that the peaks are related to the the free energy Eq. (4) is reduced to magnetization phase diagram of the ground state of AF Ising chain with single-ion anisotropy under finite mag- f(h,T)=−kT lnλ (8) 1 netic field. Furthermore, the specific heat curves of the spin chain which have obtained as a function of tem- then,someofthethermodynamicalquantitiesofthesys- perature are in good agreement with the experimental tem, we interested in Eq. (5), can be calculated numeri- data for the compounds Ni(C H N )Ni(CN) ,22,23,24,25 callyusing Eq. (8)whichisdepend onthe biggesteigen- 2 8 2 4 Ni(C H N ) Ni(CN) H O,22,23,24 and the theoretical value λ of the matrix (2). 10 8 2 2 4 2 1 studies4,27,28 in literature, respectively. Obtained numerical results are followed: In Fig. 1(a) and (b), the magnetization m is plotted at T = 0.01 An other way is to understand the ground state be- (units by J)asafunctionofexternalfieldhforD =0.5, havior of the system is investigation field dependence of and D = 1.0, respectively. It is seen that 2S +1 = 3 the susceptibility. In this reason, the susceptibility were plateaus appear (i.e. m =0, 0.5, and 1) for all values of plotted in Fig. 4 as a function of the magnetic field. It positive single-ion anisotropy D at the low temperature is seen that there are two peaks in the susceptibility for near the groundstate under external field h. No magne- D = 0.5 at T = 0.01. First peak occur at initial field tizationappearsinthelowfieldregion. Byincreasingthe value, and second peak occur saturated field value for field there is a plateau of which starting point is called fixed value of D. Both of the peaks indicate the criti- initialcriticalfieldh andthenwithincreasingthefield,a cal fields where magnetization plateaus appear. Similar c plateauofwhichstartingpointiscalledsaturatedfieldh two peaks have been observed in experimental study for s occurs again. These results clearly indicated that num- compound [Ni2(Medpt)2(µ-ox)(H2O)2](ClO4)22H2O.15 bersofplateausofclassical1Dspin-1AFsystemobeyto On the other hand, for different values of the mag- OYA criterion as well as Monte Carlo prediction,4 and netic field, the susceptibility was plotted as a function compatible with the experimental data for compound of the temperature T for fixed value of D = 0.5 [Ni (Medpt) (µ-ox)(H O) ](ClO ) 2H O.15 in Fig. 5. The susceptibility curve for h = 1.0, 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 It suggested that single-ion anisotropy plays a signif- marked by square-dot line, has relatively a sharp peak icant role for magnetic plateau.4 In order to examine around T = 5. However, it has a broad maximum for the effect of single-ion anisotropy on the magnetization h = 0.5, and h = 0.1 which are denoted by circular- plateaus, the magnetization m was calculated at finite h dot and triangular-dot line, respectively. We roughly for a series of values of D (0.1≤D ≤1.5), and the data say that susceptibility curves decay exponentially were plotted in Fig. 2. For D > 0.0, three plateau lines with increasing temperature by the following relation placed at m=0.0, m=0.5, and m=1.0 are divided by χ(T) ≈ exp(−E /k T). This characteristic behavior g B the initial field and saturatedfield lines as shown in Fig. can be interpreted that AF spin-1 chain with the single- 2. The longitudinal coordinate of the circular-dot line is ion anisotropy has the Haldane gap like Heisenberg 4 AF systems. Our results clearly compatible with the field. However, we have used quasi-classical Hamilto- experimental results for compounds [Ni (Medpt) (µ- nian (1) in this study, and magnetic plateaus, magnetic 2 2 ox)(H O) ](ClO ) 2H O,15 [Ni (Medpt) (µ-ox)(µ- phase diagram, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility of 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 N )](ClO )0.5H O,16 Ni(C H N ) N (PF ),27 and 1D AF spin-1 chain have been obtained. Obtaining re- 3 4 2 5 14 2 2 3 6 3,3’,5,5’-tetrakis (N-tert-butylaminxyl) biphenyl,17 and sultsclearlyconsistentwithexperimentalandtheoretical theoretical results27,28 in literature. However, in the resultswhichensurethatquasi-classicalapproachcanbe presentstudy,thespecificheatandmagneticsusceptibil- used to examine the ground state properties of 1D AF ity curves which obtained as a function of temperature spin-S gapped systems as spin-1. have not a spin-Peierls transition. Because in the Finally, we conclude that the single-ion anisotropy in compounds synthesized experimentally, a spin-Peierls the Ising model has a significant effect on the magnetic transition in C and χ at low temperatures are due to propertiesundertheexternalfield. Therefore,westudied a small amount of magnetic impurities and derivations this phenomenon inthe one-dimensionalspin-1 AF Ising from stoichiometry.34 chainwithsingle-ionanisotropy. Whentheexternalfield Inthemajorityofplateaumechanismwhichhavebeen variedfromthezerotothesaturatedfield,the2S+1step- proposeduptonowthepurelyquantumphenomenaplay likeplateausoccurredowingtotheco-existenceofAFin- a curial role. The concepts of magnetic quasi-particles teraction of (SzSz ) and positive single-ion anisotropy and the strong quantum fluctuations are regarded to be i i+1 (Sz)2. Hence, the energy levels, separated by the crys- firstimportantforunderstandingoftheseprocesses. 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The circle dot-line and the square-dot line represent theinitial field and thesaturated field, respec- tively. 8 4,5 h=0.7 4,0 h=0.5 3,5 h=0.3 3,0 2,5 C 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 T (a) 5 D=0.5 D=0.3 4 D=0.1 3 C 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 T (b) FIG.3: Thespecificheat C asafunction of thetemperature T (unit by J): (a) h=0.3,0.5,0.7 for fixed value of D=0.2 (b) D=0.1,0.3,0.5 for fixedvalue of h=0.1, respectively. 9 8 7 D=0.5 6 5 c 4 3 2 1 0 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 h FIG. 4: Susceptibility as a function of magnetic field h for D=0.5 and T =0.01 (unit by J). 0,35 h=1.0 h=0.5 0,30 h=0.1 0,25 0,20 c 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 T FIG.5: Susceptibilityasafunctionoftemperatureforvarious h and D=0.5 (unit byJ).