UNCLASSIFIED June 1957 Rsdio-Navigational Aids GROUND POSITION INDICATOR AN /APA-57B,C ELECTRONIC :r H FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION the PPI preaentatian of radar indicating systems, including Indicator Assy AN/APA-56, The Atd/APA-57B and C ere airborne equip- or Indicator Group AN/APA-81. ment used to indicste the diaplscement in nautical nilea of the aircraft from an No field changea in effect a t time of initial ground position, in terms of N-S and prepsration (2 November 1956). E-W coordinates. I tp rovides direct indicetion of the relative position of the aircraft irom an initiai ground reference, derived from true airapced, heading, and wind infor- mation supplied to the various unit# of the Simil nr to .AN/.APA-57 and AN/.APA- S7A. tquipaent. 'ke reaultaet N-S r ~ E~-dl c ~ ~ ~ d i - E quipgc~tR equired hot. not Sunp1ird: (1) natea, converted into corresponding variable G-2 Compass System, (1) Adapter, (I) Set DC voltages, are used to ground stabilize Interconnecting Cables. UNCLASSIFIED 1.3 AN/APA-570: I UNCLASSIFIED Radio-Navipational Aids June 1957 AN/APA-57~,~ GROUND POSITION INDICATOR ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERlSTlCS TUBE. AND/OR CRYSTAL'-COMPLEMENT F!EADING SIGNAL: 0 to 3 v, single phase, 400 (8) 12AU7 (3) l2AT7 cps: or 0 to 9 v, single phase, 400 cps. (2) 6AQ5 (3) 6X4W AIRSPEED SIGYAL: 0 to 65 v, 3 phase, 40 to (1) 6AX5 (1) 6J6W 160 cps; or 0 to 12 v, single phase, 400 Total Tubes: (18) eps. WIND SIGNAL: 0 to 1.5 v, single phase, 400 cps. REFERENCE DATA AND LITERATURE OUTPUT HEADING SIGNAL: 0 to 12 v. 3 phase, 400 cps. AN 16-30APA57-3: Technical Manual for Ground OUTPU GROUND POSITION COORDINATES Position Indicator AN/APA-57~, AN/APA-5 B, P(ITWTI0METBR: -150 to f150 v DC. AN/APA- 57C, AN/APA- 57. SYNCHRO: 0 to 12 v, 3 phase, 400 cps. ALTITUDE: 30,000 ft. TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55 deg to f55 deg C. POWER REQUIREMENTS: 115 v or 208 v i5%, 3 TYPE CLASSIFICATION ~hase,4 00 cps +5% and 115 v f5%, phase DESIGN COGNIZANCE BUAER PROCUREMENT COGNIZANCE A, 400 cps, +5%; phase A 70 va, phase B STOCK NO. 62 ve, phese C 78 va, and 28 v DC f5%, lamp. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED DATA I QUANTITY OVERALL DIMENSIONS WEIGHT PEr! NAME AND NOMENCLATURE [inthu) (Ibr.1 EQUIPT Computer-Indicator CP-l31/AP&578 or CP-132/APP, 57C Mounting MT-1098/AP&578 Electronic Control Amp1 i fi er ~M-674/APk-578 Mounting MT-617/APA-57 Contrcl ~-1061/~PP57B Mounting MT-620lAPA-57 Airspeed Transmitter T-3U9/AP&578 Mounting Inertia Switch S&275/APPr57 Mounting MT-9S5lA Set Accessories UNCLASSIFIED Radio-Navigational Aids HOMING ADAPTER AN/ARA-8 ANTENNA RELAV -13/4R4. . . .* jL -A~D-~ 'A&P T ER b?L.fi-z - :.. PL Jh . .. 3 $P2L.,-L.!.C' G S L-'S CA3L E M -358 y..= Lo 'r, 4 4DAPTEP I* 4N 3057-4 UNCLASSIFIED 1.3 AA/A~.A-L: I Radio-Navigational Aids AN/ARA-8 HOMING ADAPTER FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS The AN/ARA-8 is to be used with a W F re- FREQUENCY RANGE: 120 to 140 mc. ceiver, such as Radio Set SCR-522 or Radio RECEPTION: CW, MCW, audio pulsea. Set AN/ARC-3, to provide a fighter aircraft POWER REQUIREMENTS: 28 v DC, 1 amp. with means to home on any transmitted carri- er within the frequency range of 120 to 140 megacycles. It enables lost pilots to home TUBE AND/OR CRYSTAL COMPLEMENT on ground communication stations and thus reach the vicinity of the landing field, and No Electron Tubes. can beused for air-to-air homing forpurposes of rendezvous and gathering of scattered combat planes. flaming can be accomplished on REFERENCE DATA AND LITERATURE either CW. MCW, or audio pulse signals. No field changes in effect at time Of AN16-30ARA8-3: Technical Manual far Homing preparation (31 January 1957). Adapter AN/ARA-8. I RELATION TO OTHER EQUIPMENT Equipment Required But Not Supplied: (1) Ol~mmeter 1-56 or IS-189, (1) 28 V lamp, (1) TYPE CLASSIFICATION Toggle Switch AN-3023-1. (1) Toggle Switch AN-3022-2, (1) Set Antenna Mtg. Clamps, (1) PROCUREMENT COGNIZANCE Signal Generator I-130-A, (1) Noise Generator STOCK NO. TS-274/AR. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED DATA OUANTITY OVERALL DIMENSIONS WEIGHT PEE NAME AND NOMENCLANRE ' EOUIPT (inches) (Ib'.) Modulator Keying Unit MC-%U/ARA-~ Mounting Bracket MT-~B~/ARA-~ Antenna Relay RE-17IARA-8 Mounting MT-288/~RA-8 Antenna Assembly AS-148iARA-8 2-315 Cable Adapter AN7057-4 capacitor CA275 Adapter M-758 Adapter W59 Cord CC-BOO or CG~O~/U Cord CC-800 or CG-~O~/U Escutcheon, wlswitch Guard Mx-769/~~~--8 Plug AN7106-1OSL-7S Plug AN310&lOSL-US Plug PL-259 Cable R.F. RG-8/u or RG-31/~ .. NOTES: Qty 2 to 7 depending on type of aircraft in which equipment is installed. Length depends on type of aircraft in which equipment is installed. UNCLASSIFIED .. UNCUSSIFIED Radio-Navigational Aids A w t 1 957 MARKER BEACON RECEIVING SET AN/ARN-12 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARAClERISTICS FREQUENCY: 75 mc. TYPE RECEPTION: Signals AM at 400, 1300, or 3000 cps signc!~. TYPE RECEIVER: Superheterodyne. SENSITIVITY: 500 and 1500 uv. SELECTIVITY: Bandaith 125 kc min a t 6 db pdd-o~o-ww nn~~~ ffrroomm rreessoonnaannccee.. w60h0en kcc amrraxi ear t4 6sU 3 0d%b modulated by a 400 cps signals. nl IT.P..I -.r-r. - - AUU~U: iBO my ai :5C u:r~ :or: VISUAL: Relay controlled by a current proportional to the audio modulation s16al amplitude. TMPFnANCE (RECEIVER) INPLT: 52 ohms. OUCPUC: 150 ohms. OPERATING LIMITS + TEMPERATURE: -55 to 71 deg C (-67 t o k ti-h-n- -."~- ,1. . D HUMIDITY: 100% relative. - ? POWFR REQUIREMENTS: 24 to 29 v DC, 39.8 W at 26.5 v. ANTENNA' CHARACTERISTICS: 52 ohms impedance with antenna cut for 75 mc. Masker Beacon Receiving Set AR/IRN-I2 MANUFACTURER'S OR CONTRACTOR'S DATA NNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Trad Television Corp, Asbury Park, N.J. The ANIPRN-12 is an airborne radio navi- Contract AF33(600)-13961. gation aid designed to receive signals trans- mitted by a ground beacon transmitter and deliver an aural and visual indication of TUBE AND/OR CRYSTAL COMPLEMENT the received signal to the pilot of the air- craft in which the receiver is located. From (5) 6AJ5 (2) ZED7 (2) 5726/6AL5W these indications the pilot can accurately Total Tuhes: (9) determine his position. (1) CR-24/U No field changes in effect a t time of Total Crystals: (1) preparation (4 February 1957). REFERENCE DATA AND LITERATURE RELATION TO OTHER EQUIPMENT AN16-30ARN12-6: Technical Msnual for Marker Beacon Receiving Set hY/ARN-12. Equipment Required but not Su plied: (1) Antenna Aaaembly AS-215/ARN, RF !able RG-8/U TYPE CLASSIFICATION as Required, (1) Adapter M-359, (1) Cahie DESIGN COGNIZANCE USAF Adapter AN-3051-10, (2) Plug PL-259-A, (1) Lamo and SwitchAaacmblv AN-3157-4, (1) Phane PROCUREMENT COGNIZANCE ~ l u PbJ -055, (1) Power Switch, (1) Connector STOCK NO. AN-3108- 18-9s. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED DATA QUANTITY OVEtAll DIMENSIONS WEIGH7 NAME AND NOMENCUTURE (inches) 1Ibs.l EQUI)? UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED June 1957 RadioNmvigationaI Aid. RADIO RECEIVING SET ANIARN-14 -. - Radio Receiving Set AN/ARN-14 UNCLASSIFIED 1.3 M/ARII-I& 1 UNCLASS!FIED Radio-Navigational Aids June 1957 AN/ARN-14 RADIO RECEIVING SET FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL COMMUNICATION RECEPTION: 122.0 The AN/ARN-14 is en airborne equipment to 135.9 mc. designed to provide the pilot or other members FREWENCY STABILIP: M.OO?%. of an air crew with all the rsdio sida to AilDiO POWER OL'WUT: 300 mw into 500 ohm navigation now available in the very high load. frequency range of 108.0 to 135.9 megacycles. AUDIO OUWL'T IMPEDANCE: 500 ohma. inclusive. The reception range includes both ANTENNA INPUT IMPEDANCE: 52 ohms with less military and commercial AM communication than 2: 1 SWR. channels, Omnidirectional Range Channels, AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL: Maintains audio Tone (90 or 150 cycle) and Phssc Camparison output within 3 db for variation of RF Localizer Channels, and Two-Gurae VHY Visual input from 5 to 100000 uv. Range Navigational Channels are avsilsble TEMPERA'ILIRE RANGE: -55 to 471 deg C ( 6 7 to when the Radio Receiving Set has aa a pert +I60 deg F). of its aystcm, Radio Receiver R-252/ARN-14 HUMID.IT Y: Up to 95% at +50 deg C (f122 deg and Gntrol Box C-512/ARN-14. 'he Radio Re- F) ceiviagset which uses Radio Receiver R-252B/ PRESSURE: Altitude up to 50000 ft. ARN-14 does not provide Phase Comparison RANGE: 4 mi at 10 ft altitude to 300 m i at Localizer Chsnncl facilities. In any receiv- 50000 ft altitude. ing system which utilizes Control Panel POWER REWIREMNTS: 26.5 v DC, 7 anpa normal, C-760A/A, Phase Comparison Localizer Channels 20 amps starting and channel selection; are not available. 26 V. 400 cps. 0.43 amps for automatic No licld changes in effect at time of indicators. preparation (8 November 1956). TUBE AND/OR CRYSTAL COMPLEMENT RELATION TO OTHW MUIPMMT (11) 5670 ( 4) 57 2 6 / 6 ~ ~ 5 ~ Equipment Required but not Supplied: (1) 14) 5749/6BA6W (1) 57 50/6BE6W Flight Path Deviation Indicator ID-48A, (1) (3) 5751 Antenna Chsn-a eover Relay.. . (1) Gvro Flux Gate Compass Transmitter and Amplifier Unit or Total Tubes: (33) other remote indicating magnetic compass, (1) Antenna Coaxial Connector UG-21B/U, Antenna (2) 1N34A (34) Hc-6/U Coaxial Cable RG-8/U, Headsets. Cords. Inter- phone Jack Boxes, Interconnecting wires as Total Crystals: (36) Re+i red, Test Equipment as Required. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTBISTICS REFERENCE DATA AND U-TURE FREWMCY RANGE: 108.0 to 135.9 mc. T.O. 12RS-2AIW 14-2: Technical Manual lor MAWEL DAT.4 Radio Receiving Set &/'Am-14. NLMBER: 280. SPACING: 100 kc. (iSN'IROL: Cryatal. SERVICE FREWENCY RANGES lDNE TYPE RUNWAY LOCALIZER: 108.0 to 111. 9 me. PHASE TYPE RUNWAY LOCALIZER: 108.0 to 111.9 mc. OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE: 112.0 to 117.9 mc. TYPE CLASSIFICATION WiF 7WO-UJURSE RANGE: 108.3 to 110. 3 me. DESIGN COGNIZANCE USAF WEAEER EPOADCAST RECEPTIW: 111.0 to P-R-O-C-U"R .E.-M ENT COGNIZANCE iii.0 mc. .,I"Ln I.". 'IDWER RECEPTION: 118.0 to 121.9 mc. UNCLASSIFIED 1.3 AN/ARN-14: 2 UNCUSSIFIED June 1957 Radio-Navigational Aids RADIO RECEIVING SET AN/ARN-14 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED DATA QUANTITY OVERALL DIMENSIONS PEP NAME AND NOMENCUTVIE (inches) EQUIP1 Radio Receiver ~-252/ARN-14 or R- 5 X 7.62 X 25.41 252BtARN-1U including: RF Head IF and Audio Chassis Navigation Chassis Monitor Chassis Control Panel C-512/ARN-14 or: 3.775 X 5 X 5.37 control Panel ~-760~1A 7.775 X s.5 X 5.75 Dynmtor Unit DY-66/ARN-14 5 X 7.75 X lU.74 Mounting, Dynamtor MT-627tARN-14 5.87 X 5.93 X 24.75 course Indicator lC-249/~RN or I C - ~ ~ ~ A ~ A R N 7.25 dia X 6.21 Course Indicator 1~-250/AR~ 7.25 dia X 6.25 Radio-I ndicator Control 10-251lARN 7.25 dia X 4.36 Antenna AT-172/AR~-14 12.125 X 17.25 X 26.5 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Aqust 1957 Radio-Navigational Aids RADIO RECEIVING SET AN/ARN-14A 1 .. ---.. 1 u ;!A 94E 7i .**-;-a&&\ '- i - 1 /-- ;L-..- - . -; .. .i- -. ' C v s?!~ s -- Radio Receiving Set AK/ARX-iYA 1 Course Indicator ID-249A/ARN 7 Mounting MT-627A/ARV-14 2 Course Indicator ID-250/ARN 8 Control Panel C-760A/A - 3 Radi-o- i-nd.ic ator-Control iD-2SI/AXN 7 Antenna AT-??2/A?N-14 4 "..- -- L'y5 L,/*?"y- ? 1~ ~zezctc~r'- UA/AUN.~AA 5 Mounting MT-628/ARN-14 11 Mounting MT-962/ARN-l4A 6 Radio Receiver R-252C/ARN-14 UNCLASSIFIED 1.3 AN/UIN-I~A: I Radio-Navigational Aids AN/ARN-14A RADIO RECEIVING SET FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION TOWER COMMLTNICATIONS: 118.0 to 121.9 mc. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS: 122.0 to 135.9 The AN/ARN-14A is an airborne navigational mc. radio receiving equipment providing 280 com- FREWENCY DRIFT: 0.01%. munication-navigation channels covering a RECEIVER SYSTEM: Triple conversion super. frequency range of 108-0 through 135.9 mege- heterodyne. cycles. Primarily the equipment is designed FREWENCI CCNlROL: Crystal. to provide the pilotandsir crew with visual EFFECTIVE RECEIVING RANGE indications of the lateral positional devia- TONE LOCALIZER SERVICE: Approx 20 mi. tion of the aircraft from e selected omnidi- OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE: Approx 175 mi. rectional range station radial or from a V.H.F. VISUAL-AWL-RANGE: Approx159mi. particular leg of a WF visual-aural range AMBIENT TEMPERATURE RANGE: -55'C to +7l0 C. on an airway, or from the correct localizer MINIMUM BAROMETFiIC PRESSURE: 3.4 in. mercury path to an airport runway. Provision is also (50,000 f t altitude). made for the reception and detection of POWER SOURCE REWIRED: 26.5 V DC and 26 V, amplitude modulated communication signals. 400 cps AC. including weather and tower broadcasts, general communications on the military and commercial frequency bands and coded identi- TUBE AND/OR CRYSTAL COMPLEMENT fication letter groups associated with navi- gational signals. No field changes in effect a t time of preparation (10 December 1956). RELATION TO OTHER EQUIPMENT Total Tubes: (30) Equipment Required but not Supplied: (1) Antenna Changeover Relay, (1) Set of Power REFERENCE DATA AND UTERANRE and R.F. Cebles, (1) Remote Indicating Com- pass and (1) Headset. AN16-30ARN14-11: Technical Manual for Radio Receiving Set AN/ARN-14A. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANI~LC HARACTERISTICS FREOWCY RANGE: 108.0 to 135.9 me. TWES OF SERVICE AM) FREQUENCY BAM)S. TONE LOCALIZER (Runway location): 108.8 to 111.9 TYPE CLASSIFICATION V.H.F. VISUAL-AURAL-RANGE (Airway loca- DESIGN COGNIZANCE USAF tion): 108.3 to 110.3 mc. PROCUREMENT COGNIZANCE WEA-R BROADCASTS: 111.0 to 111.9 mc. STOCK NO. OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE (Radial location): 112.0 to 117.9 mc. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED DATA QUANTITY OVERALL DIMENSIONS WElGM PEE NAME AND NOMENCLATURE EQUIPT (inth.11 Ilbs.1 1 Radio Receiver R-252C/ ARM-lU 1 Control Panel C760AIA 1 Dynamotor CY-8ulARN-l4A or CY-66lARN-lu UNCLASSIFIED