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Grimore of Exalted Deeds #29 PDF

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Preview Grimore of Exalted Deeds #29

Cannibal Corpse You're gonna interview them again, right? No. They're washed up. Washed up? Does the world really need another mediocre black metal album? It is always a lot of fun to interview George Corpsegrinder. Dark Funeral rules! Unfortunately we only had a half hour to get these pressing questions out Rules what? You don't even like black metal! What are you of the way, and that meant that there was no time for the ritual in talking about? I love Dark Funeral! which I use every tactic imaginable to get him to sing “Mary had A Little You love them as people. Lamb” on tape, which he ultimately ends up doing (because no one can You've got to draw the line, George. resist my will) - but for some reason there is ALWAYSa problem with the Of what? recording device and I end up never actually having his “song” on tape ! See, I like your personality, and I also like Cannibal Corpse. If I didn't like Cannibal Corpse, I Interview with Corpsegrinder What's that? Conducted by Bill Zebub You posed for some pic- Why are you doing the inter- tures with them. views for the new album? No. (pause) I might have. I'm not the only one doing the interviews for this new album. I took them! You were smiling so innocently, and But why are you doing inter- they gave you the finger. views for this album? Don't you You probably just made it think that's wrong? look like that. You doctored it What do you mean? up! Didn't Glen Benton do the I swear I didn't. vocals? You know what their nick- On this album? name is for me? Yeah! What the hell?! Did he Stupid American? say that you can speak on his No - it's gaygrinder. Ahriman behalf? calls me that. He's doing vocals on this album? That's news to me! What does the singer call you - you know, the guy who What are your influences? looks like a fat alcoholic Vocally? housewife? They all call me Gaygrinder. Dude, I'm kidding. Hey man, you never know, com- I can't believe that you ing from you! went around in the press and called him the fat Bo Did anybody ask you that, by Derek. the way? I know you've been Me? I didn't say that. doing phoners all day with cliché' people. Yeah you did, when he got I almost couldn't believe that you those gay braids in his hair asked me that. It's like, you should like Bo Derek, and the flow- get a prize for being the millionth ers. You said that the only person to ask that question. But way he would be a "10" is if you never know with you. the scale is from 10 to 2 bil- lion. Did you squash that war you Look man, I'm not taking had with Dark Funeral? none of this seriously. You What war? I don't have a war. know I didn't say that. You've got to read up on the I made it up, actually. press. I've got evidence that But I was serious about they don't like you. them calling me Gaugrinder. have to look black. Are you back in time to when Mary was planning to get your nose pregnant with Jesus, how would flattened? you talk her into getting an My nose is already big, but abortion? it's not flat. It points out. Well, as his head came out, I would push it back in. Do you have a black ass? I have a big booty. For the second coming out of the closet of Jesus, what would Have you been practic- his new boyfriend be like? ing? One of those queer eye for a… Practicing what? One of the Dark Funeral guys? Mary Had a Little Lamb. No! It's that show, Queer Eye for Do you know it by now? a Straight Guy! You know what I'm I was ready to do it at the talking about! L'Amours show, but you didn't show up! I had no idea that Dark Funeral has a television show. There's always a problem. It's some show! I swear! This is the curse of the lamb! Every time that SOME show? You seem to you actually sing it, either know quite a lot about it. the tape magically stops Ah! I'm gonna get hung for this! recording, th batteries die, or something even more Actually, "queerbashed" is the bizarre happens! I'll get punishment for being gay. you on tape one of these Hanging is for black people. days! Fags just get queerbashed, they Come to any show on this don't get hung. tour. I'll do it. I'm not queer! Will you wear a costume? Then why do you watch that What kind of costume? show? I don't! My wife watches it! Mary? The blessed virgin? Your wife is a guy? No! My wife watches the show! I guess she would be the Mary, since she had a lamb, You're still married, huh? and they are mindless fol- Yeah. lowers. If you could go would tell you. You have to be a man. No, no, no - I like Dark Funeral! I saw the way Pat manhandled you. You're just afraid of big tall metal people. I am not! I'll kick all their asses! Are you afraid of me? I am. Can you hear me shaking? But seriously, dude, this is the truth - if you ever talk to Lord Ahriman, ask him about the song he's writ- ing about me. Get out of here! I'm serious. Michael Jackson must be kick- ing himself in the head because he had surgery to make himself look white so that he could sell albums, but these days you Is he like a girl who got dumped and wants to know all about the new girl? Does he play that same game with you? Does he want to know what you have that he doesn't have? Who knows what he wants? Maybe he wants to be black. He's almost there with those dreadlocks. Are you going to do any Cannibal Corpse cov- ers? (indecipherable, but I remember him specify- ing the kind of songs that Cannibal Corpse would NEVER cover) Will you perform Mary Had a Little Lamb when you play in Brooklyn, just for me? Absolutely not! I want- Even after your tour activities? your female wife? ed to tell you, people have been What tour activities? Missionary. It's totally different Are you really mad at Sharlee asking me about that! now that I did all that other stuff. D'Angelo and Peter Steele Weren't you going to put out a because they are considered to See? Are you aware of my video of Cannibal Corpse What was the reason why you be more handsome than you? influence? groupies? punched Warrel Dane in the Look at me! I rock! Yeah! When I first did it, I didn't No, but there's nothing wrong face? I heard that Nevermore think much of it, but then people with tits. couldn't play that night! Yeah, but you're married. Girls started asking me to do it. We just saw those guys. don't like that, or are you after I would never put tits in a the naughty house-wrecking Would you do it if the front row video, personally. Really? Did he forgive you? girls? chants it? Yeah, like you don't have any tits I didn't see him. (indecipherable) The rest of the guys don't know it. in your movies! I've seen them! So getting back to how your Have you ever had a stalker? Would you do it when you hear So what's the secret of the parents escaped the concentra- Uh… that I am dead, as a tribute to long-term relationship? How do tion camp, you have a song me? you keep your sex life alive? about the Nuremberg trials on Did you have to get a restrain- I would drink a beer and piss in Do you pretend she's somebody the new album. ing order against Chris Barnes? your name. (cid:48) else? Which song? (indecipherable) No, Blunt Force Castration. When you are having sex, do That's not about that. you ever call out Ahriman's name? I read in David Duke's book, No. (indecipherable) "My Awakening" that the Nazi war criminals, if the term "war Do you ever use the Oyster as criminal" really makes any an aphrodisiac? sense, especially since the Don't fuck with the Oyster! Allies committed atrocities too… anyway, I heard the Nazi's Have you ever performed were forced to confess, and anal? many of them had their testi- With Ahriman? cles smashed beyond repair. I just think that it's bold to side No, with the female wife. with a guy like David Duke. Most (indecipherable) metalheads just want to keep their white supremacy ideas a I'm just curious because secret. You are the first to you're a role model. So what's come out of the closet. the most bizarre sexual posi- Come on! I don't have anything to tion you ever performed with do with any of that shit! Die Verbannten Kinder Evas well as the orchestra sounds, will be more polyphonic and complex. This time we will still use the lyrics from Shelley and Dowland, but in addition we will add some lyrics from a friend of us from Siberia who is a very talented poet Love of operatic vocals can make an otherwise bland album some- and really understood the atmosphere of DVKE. But there is a song of the black metal thing pleasant to hear. That works very well for the many styles band “Summoning” existing where you can hear my voice. This song is called “Where of metal.. If you first tasted operatic vocals within the heavier Hope And Daylight Die” and it can be found on the CD named “Stronghold”. spectrum of music, perhaps the gateway led you to other forms. If After repeated listening, I was able to you are such a wanderer, then find yourself soothed on these shores. open up the CD booklet to discover what the lyrics were. I had not done this earlier because your voice was all that mattered When I first heard your voice I lost the I absolutely agree with you that that for certain to me - and of course your music was too world. I felt a pain in my chest and my kinds of music it is very important to create the intense for me to sit and read along. So I breath was caught in the cage of my lungs. right atmosphere to be able to understand the read the lyrics when the music was not My hand stopped the song, and I prepared feelings inside of it. Of course it is even more playing, and I fell into deeper admiration to hear you again in a more fitting way. important to create such an atmosphere when I for you when I learned your words. Let me Plugging in the most expensive head- sing and interpret a tune with as much passion cite some for the readers of this inter- phones on the market, turning off the as possible. Music is for me a kind of valve view: "The color from the flower is gone, lights, and laying on my bed, I closed my where I can let of all the pain I feel inside of me which, like thy sweet eyes, smiled on me. eyes and heard you again. Your voice sometimes. While I sing a tune I really forget the The odor from the flower is flown, which touched me deeply. Yes, you are schooled world around me and only the tune becomes breathes of thee and only thee. A with- in the art of singing. But beyond the tech- reality. Some people act out their feelings and ered, lifeless, vacant form - it lies on my niques that you have sharpened, there is in sorrows by aggressions or sports, but music is abandoned breast and mocks the heart your voice a sorrow that has drawn me. my way to deal with this. For me sad and depres- which yet is warm, with cold and silent Please tell me that this sorrow you bear is sive music is the best way for this; in opposite to rest. I weep, my tears revive it not. I sigh, real, and not an act. You affected me more the common opinion that depressive music it breathes no more on me. Its mute and than you can ever know. I would like to hear makes a person depressive I think that it is the uncomplaining lot is such as mine should that my emotions were drawn by an honest best form of music to get ride of those negative be." How fitting for me to read this, for lure. Tell me that your voice is more than thoughts. In contrary happy, commercial music you did not intend for me to fall in love melody. Tell me it is a soul that I hear. makes me depressive, because it is just a fake with you, but that is what I feel, and mask in front of a crying face. although your voice is my heaven, love for you is also painful for me to bear, and I Ionly have "In Darkness Let envy stones and anything barren of Me Dwell" - but I crave every- thought, for they can never carry the woes thing that has your voice. Your now laid upon me. The lyrics were written voice is beauty. It is no exag- by an unknown person, correct? I am try- geration to say that I often ing to discover the origins. Were the found myself not breathing, words that you put into music by the frozen in emotion. I am para- 1600's by Donland? Is there an opera lyzed. If only I could remain in based on these words? No matter the your spell forever. You take answer, please tell of the path these me away from time. So now I poems have taken. You chose your lyrics ask if there is anything else well. that I can buy. Everything that I agree with you that the words from the song you have done I want to own. I “On A Fade Violet” are really amazing and would pay with my life if that is touched my heart very much; but you are the price, so long as I could wrong, these words are from Percy Bysshe hear you as I die. I have writ- Shelley, the husband from Mary Shelley who ten in a secret place that if wrote Frankenstein, and the text is taken from there is a funeral service for a poem with the same name as the song. We me, it is your music that must really search for a long time to find the perfect be played while I lay in the cas- lyrics for the music of DVKE, and we were real- ket. Even those who hate me ly happy to discover the works of Shelley in an would be made to weep. So old dusty book in the shelf of the parents of my tell me, what can I buy from partner. By the way. Shelley died in the same you that I do not already have? place in Italy where I am going to spend my Sorry but for now there is only next holidays in a few weeks. I wouldn’t one DVKE CD existing where I describe me as a poet, but as a musician, so I sing, but you will be able to hear need the help of talented poets to create the my voice on the new CD of DVKE right symbiosis between music and lyrics. which is already composed but yet not recorded. This CD will be In the CD booklet there are no lyrics for called “Dusk And Void Became "From Silent Night" - is it possible to Alive” and it will be even more obtain them? pathetic and deep. The vocals,as This time the lyrics are from “Downland” who

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