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MEMORANDUM (CONFIDENTIAL) lenny 22018 10 Sergent Cropp Lvs 242515, RNR HS Pe-soanel Division Discipline: Tersicion 24 Coge 217 BOOS ¥ el sv ean wh the Beste het sence acooptle (ote Aurea Ue car ae violations ofthe acon, noctives ane Chry Human Xests0es Ades astetive Rule (nevus rar Directive 444,08 ~ Bins Based Poticingi'roiing Prokihites 1 The Fentane Wolis: veay is sanamined 0 proiding sie ‘Signa ecnd.scriinetry, fd squib sarnct. The ine this De fe, and incre Frise Bua ein 2, The Police Furze he yusise see ‘evel wins itargosetnetl prnceéares wd sins wit commtanty sereee ‘coves ts lables oflesder shough even ne. i dics and tre connec ilsge, so eso fails ister hy sytars, prohtive Les. ands oer efectve Siva ver ames [Cis ihe osponsitiliy fhe Poice Lures wo admuises«comprebensve aig progr that wi ional gins an aed develope tof Flomers Coettam reese fal and egetyconcents eel abi soe wil orpornie ir picng ane ee ho Bureau's someninet "0 equity ea polies end oa 2, Pole Baron mombets are postal nn tied by bas or pr Charecersi oa pro! seston rayrbs ken nh fering om e suspen Gestion ef ceemaaien dated > an He eo surseted Sinsation ef» srovision oe law, Meses yest be abe wo emeslae epee techs, ‘Shoomstances or conciwiow Hat surpes see2onebie spon or probate IWir the reap ef el Polise Breas cabs 2 proztine'y ensure compbaces ieih ioe Diente, avy meres ws ecrmes wane cF cern tht enuld worst tiet wad policing sul wk vavsedate aetna we wor or prevent he owhac sha” item por tar sands teas shes supervisor. Serge: Clegg Lei, TA Case 201 5.0008, 515, PRNR #199002 Managers ws superinus wil endure toe val oli inv ca seit ie aos fe occsn rp supenstror manager Wha ¥e tvare bias base’ galing and randere by ssi of snasson Wi be slant be disciTings etic rolcted clasiicaens ince he elle wing © Racer olor 1 Netanal ong or etic + Ciszesship. irmmieran: or rofuger sens, + Revi, Gender, gender ently, of uendss expression, + Aue © Maria Sct st, S Sexuatonemanin, 2 Wel er plas! dsb, + Moots ness, + Besnomic wns, + Polite devingy ov ste, + Vocran cans, + Languses Housing satus having a not heving fined residence, public assistance ee of ste Inmskssns aslessss) Dirvtive 315,09 — Lave, Rules and Orders Members are recuied io cen‘orm, 21 oof 02 applicable ews ules, ad orders ‘Mamiers tha: no earumis sy aor fl to marian acy at constins a viclatom ef apyicse aw, ules, and ans whether zat ro these Directive 310.00~ Conduet, Professional rules of poor cnndct ard hebavir, ashok sami any ac tending to bring rgreach br discrete or the Polis Bureay on ah City of Porane ‘Humea Resources Administrative Role (HRAK) 2.02 — Probibition Aprnst Workplace Harassment, Diserimination and Retalizson City's poliey to prokibit workplze Larstsment, iter icinean aad 1 of preted sino, Potele!sis a inal rc. relsom, ene, ied ats, frill sass, naonal erin age. mental a physical isabily (a defined =y Americans with Digeilnies Ace ar sate te), sexta oreraton, gender deni, sour inzoms,pvsciedvoterans’ eraser cher proestzd aus nde apis Seger! Gregg Leo’ LA Gove 2577 0968 Pose? We bee sue ot cin fess inthe wore a 0 in formco"+ masse Saint, ane eta vole ae and Federal ln sci 5s fn 3 inepsa eth C 98 the 50 sonar ecaployres. Dic inn: Tnal on ‘Ue bono groere aes Farag: auanprcpice vers or ihysical seadue” which mas metede code tha erogatiny 7 sie boat owsnde sn init), leod te the ssl’ ote a Sutin TT orn ov annsant of hex raging “he fnepopdae oad, does 7 Examples of Prohibited, Inappreprisic Cusduet Mansger!Supervisor Exportasions fugegers et persons salt efor tis re and mnie prods, respaeal en professions: warhplwe. Miewgers ad suparesere ust ake imsnedSse aston We sop an prevent dscrisaton, herassment, Fetaton wer bey ¢naw or ve resco 0 ERE thet cis occuring, Tec. appro of ueweanicn, dincrimicaden, et inserroprise cers, teh rotation by we ateation 252 ne, Gling Ske ‘Mangers an sirens tener materalstn wills, bullet, e405 0° Show Rory lose iva a: Manages ed sper raprooriey of ose ‘etna coments thot lst th ‘duet emplsors thle use ef Cy eves equipment a ‘eile and elsetenie devices sch ase of ese see sala prs. hr espensiie for is bo Tine“ fe relapses, ahotueapiers o> fn Fu ne iy of Borla Hae Resouces Adenine Ru ing Chanter, orizances ery Coy 8 ip couse fo dseipiry acto ae pol 5.1 8).s ening fool oo see sions, nein Bureau specie Sorpeant Gi Va case Te 0 BACKGROUND 951 Yor aie 2206 wl you ners hind ate © ket-Rehre progam Youreve Pat oe Sci: Meal a Paolané Poti ot Pole Sergeast Your hinory of svesetive resis un sine sng 0m cmee> ih. Pse ares eeuSes she fale + You wesive Later of Rep fy 31,2000 for vielating Dircesve 315 30— Vneaisfistcy Ferforaasce, related i «preventable veticular coon (CRI 27008), + Yo ecsived Commas Counseling on Cau 6 2006 sla ies oveable wd collison (CRE 2907-773}, FACTS SUPPORTING IMPOSED DISCIPLINARY ACTION You were contuetsg rll cal un Yebruary 2, 2017 a sparsximeie'y 4.00 pom when jou made several somisens tha our evmossrs dosed are Semis previding asain" your subrite o have io hale el hale pute on In courant oF dscuecng Wr (shane deren ype nt sos, sling onder intial, you jue shoot them.” Thee the ingaproprt er en February 13 ‘bcuere, ond! ebigat o eport sa nciéat 9 aor ny Bel ith The Wriren nentiomious. what ad aoe ser sb led ky Captain el ‘roresional Sardar Passion. Excerg rom the nnieatonz sre 3 ry 12, 107 wt I appt 1608 ows is sete the toa On Sunde oom at ‘Gro Les wr running C Sir oe, eading here 1d speabng toa ery 615.20 ous dsvesion heen Sg Lewis nel ow eer shout the opel of cai om pnp loti pubiewer loved Toe So of my mscotveaon, some ‘on By ow lds et ron of cert, "go Mt ind so Bo oop.” I emer? fearing aon vers lyeles Som soe ne Pon ae mo fs exclaim “che de tale his hand Be wie alamo “Fed, What defer rsed wo Capi Jey Bel om AIR hres that Prenat eigeant Crane oi, #22805, PRN riche sary 12, 218 Scans OTS Pages Daving col calle Rss esyunorcnton abe es oot patos cond ents devon vier deme penbingtnctcs, Sergeoat Levis fd tt vo ache Sti oe 3 pry aut fe gu. ye van vader ong) He gucnge, Be wi ms ditty ae om Hts sadomeloss ey vow mill pba sa ste hee going 2006 a bane g 90) shan a i na cane dace oo Shove The Ofte stared had read the carne oecton ei es an a8 Tiomcted Peeancr etzen iad vtten, “PES hl Bi eagle Officers becom iling on wept demseliee shake ims wane then J hoe swiss shen ans lt he Mack sop th agree tc i tent at nia vfs, Dh fe feck around the roam 1 gauge the afer appecred soci ind assed Tae was soo enconnomast Usher enews Be aot, Boma fies were yi Ths Breet pelea as end Memos dur addrsssed to Captian Jeter Bell 7 I tro 1, iin Yo the cr of relics fusing a eoveian emncomsing aa Ofer cubensis ite isin poe paving pore Sergeant Grey ne ste 0d Becuingeeres oes of eoaga nha nay hewn The povksg err, Resrning 2 Uroerelfier whe ss nen nade ght be ateeing garain groin ot rent Gag Lesa grid Rew one Sekt she the (Mesorand adéesse#to Cope: Jeiey Teh om Seprany 1.20.27 ‘The Mosessonal Mansard Divsion’s come! Ales Ves and ne Bure of Komin Resources cesdestan #2 vestige ie ene ne ine \oluvenscDinsaive MM OS ~ Riased Suse Policing oof cng Unghlotad. As superba you {Hhlesteiciore he voles of T.zathe 4.98 ~ Bate dave Policing Pntling Poh Violutioe of nsstivae 548.08. “Aull Oss Vau scapes entveeren! aehe" 5 e sed Basel Pacing Tunis Pchasted, ad 5.0 Law's vo fin lagoon peo slasiciums iulutor of Disses S106 - Condo Braiensh Vou geass aman ending Wine roseh or gisrecapon ne Furs Pie ae whe earaeelapniesisl gave gle ‘You wee ieviewed iy Interna Ai invests on March 16,20 wo Oude Soper ance comments enlace FOSS. PRN HH “out nvesigan Por yo woul ake police ain elaly ns psi nak Asse vit sing os Tso ter sie. Vow mmembered arising #9 Shnsusonabom wes ang fam here you cealé dete soezone. You remeed saying if omeune:s Wearing @ Sut or Se thm vou cou pu ths porn in cab while wansien Would net have har oprion {1A Jers, Hines 288-2500 when you : :etions wich indestee they thought yor fs you espeaded 1 of ometines Being 0 fe msg hecivor con Tape sieaih 5 Hogs ventilate "pied soit | i ifsc har whe ga tiny one person beard sm (04 Imerview, lines 74.27 Yoo wereasked ifvor au x eusmnent abou black pals, ad yer responded <r for tha the couple of dayn pero Bien the media ec fevered seontegs and wan we shine pene nfo HEE thr, and then hes we hoo! e porto -a hile poor,» Casensan poraon, eat aun? tne Se thr ad em trp seule sateen inthe we i erin someite wign we sour pple: So ee conversations bad sors on sigh bf ra the looker room, tre had een cave ation ond tat paras tae ost Pe mere ur gonngfnisieg Lremember ceyng. end knegh 909 Rid furor 2h of a's. blr guy. then wu s,s had he tatty abcut soe satomens that fete supid conversant medias. y da 2 Uservew, hes 1 a} Yow adres you mn daparging eae age pscsom ot poets mse. You iid clogs and seaxines yous Wel, apie she convention eu fx wae @ Blac su, we woul fs shoot rem cnet wipes het hove beer eo vg Kite thors plat chen wh foe fo (ete sien, Hines 486-461) Weil {ase in doa thee shine. Futdesr he 2 92 wed she ames, yo nb wd ow ths ein ode te so goat Groce Lewis “22815, BAN F196909 terviaw, nee £59.050 emhere -alkry to hea sere about ating thoi hot padgmera when leone tv So vou dle believe you dvs than te pli teed pn emensie GUS Yoos smi ss made hing he neal” ae an tempest ena Pele Bs ei potding Se on egal re oe. renee Pelice vee: e BGI sles pe” ig lene te pfs nivale ur Your comments doting le tal dsnspocted vida eigh:s and were smecstve of Pins besa ve os In en Under nase Paice Sreh'9 sand stm spon car oreamza i: Shine an oa: gies. an Brougat 2epr ni, Diseriinon a he Bureat of Hanis Reswarees (SHR comticte is ow avesigation im te ellegd statemets Aegon On Feary vis was in ie workplace and servic 9 he font her fe mle 29 wen responding to 3 ainged itewents fom pede ly no pay ye wank elon armel a Me pee tp il oon he ste 1 Cou fe ‘soot "These sere Wee dsvuntd supensanreordve mgr all sk Ca inagaryste Steen tal saggesting ways 9 eB then being sonicated iv the downs wn Parking Sacees, pxiswers sou too mised i dak soil most Lely sue wat Fe ae poing-ene assent, anton shooting pore ne ia 5 PRNR HIoOON sonar ‘tor they Heard sou make = fetowing statements dng calla you find a holes lack peso, she pe ines 127-138) + I ope 30uerrns yu Pre Tack, ors yet hs on ivou're wis you don ‘ani . sported Resins You 3 lac anneal we ca jest soot then rene 7 pened Reving wu say “eshes"re anes, we gt and eles vate ape hay ak tt hl heen tes 136 el heaing vou say. Sepa bse and they. eter they suai ime 144) sassy they'ze ha, rE he sek just . 8 anne yu es“ you same caus «guy in wat 2d te hat cane Govatower- and Ie gion muse dak, kes yuk nee gu 78 wo to devo here down a he garage. He wi] es ely sun yo. It's bocaeless Buy ye slack.“ sh shove stern ight before ol =i inte shes room, View few wf porto of the folks dh ell call gather” thn your reais Wes atrea cousnent or mis. You sats "7's rapprepran fro nyeryit go make went ih a av oll ca” (18 vero, Mares 16, 217, ne #18}, Vow sl ied he seer abo repvane aad 26 orm, ald ha bee rome planlp avn hac F wan sau he nse ay deivorng a Ho cea FAP Moe are ei of tha adh UA tran, jing 459-467) fl vue commnts. stein theo, wo be canine by any potty ans meviemed ere anced iy Jems wth rail esis. Ye replied "Ves ier, He S84, You bal ws exis Sangean Lire Lawn, 22875, PRNR. 93 fase 21 EGO Said enor of eveuse Boge pat ve or mortage rack aan tens a tond fina baceas fone bghgh sid sig wasn se med Us versie, ines *66-368) Invest Mlsiod you if yor mato aso mske a srestc rer, You veg vex ne ust ind of njstar {ougit wes sc af aSnmsamr e the sta Me, wedi ends er pete 06st a rr vekind abe ste ble ness ws ge rade sheet ose the BS sf tha hey se te ee (0 totes, Fee 78-280) inves georNMbsied pow Wethefhg cater! eat again your sining Yow she Ioan et the rua ts yi 19 dries Soa Be te Sen. Jessa th bet dg 0 ar Hana oder es two i ee wet od a Ua evi, nes 39? 2995 “You wen athe se the deisions of hacatament cn page ase of HRAR 21, You were ther wEey fan goumeat avail neve beca 9 syiation 32 02. Yea resTivd. “avey on th avence pepe Lowe TR, page 1, Une SU6), You are hed e88 the pati of HRAK 110 thas pes I rasceapet iv sespomabiyspecficedy ie eston ssi, “Mhusngass ad sapersisors hal earns nale and nisntaia¢srodoctse esac nd srofssionl werbplaca” Vou ware aes eee coment vonnkeg w ththe spr et fie section ofthe nue 09k wees reo: “Ne (1A Inlerview line 514) Ye ered ir yous easing rocks: “funders the .00 and vogordiess afrng ssn. onder sens hg ios st gto Ran is ais eta somes sould take fo the edi vo a arge orton athe Feder rol cat gether seas this was a serra come! 90 ane, bu sat was me thet ges poumed fv ranigl cioréoes, Beco ern ahd 0, repeat hc dos goign, se oer, yo Fe fens gobng wo ge tht eve and Ponder So ha vod yc shen ere A tmersiow hes $5855) BU, eral fie investiga, sbstntiated the compli tht yo made 2a epee ae ac des deopatony tow cs ins Maas in provected cls (Africas Asner whe 9 rere once erica volt en tra, hen eppeazsing2 potential Gwe inj, words w Hit Seat of inns 2 Hck guy then weve sky Ten Vou adsutee wasing stems i 2 Senteun) Grege Lewis, 25518, 22RD swurs °, 2918 [A Case 2517 Boers Pecc 1 Dove sting bu you sostina due use tomo jr laurie noe vous ‘essive ce tiakeo earcen wh isis overtime, Ae prided in BRAN 202, hein ovo ‘ol the sarns engaging inde marpinprne cardoc: dose not nuts The see fi Seintion of areosment ences HILAR 2.00 meta at tyme vse cane sostiiy towards 7 inervidual peated othe ivi 1 oneted ett, Bhs song your werent viosen the ManenerSupesvisn Fapectatons asovlines fs FRAR ‘anei:ss un supervises stat cance sus als an maintain a grace, espe: fut a Drofessions! nevk place. Namagrs ard supervisis axe reaponabie Se snuring fal sate nounents, posts nd oe” vial nals allen bows ue elssens fe ‘yorkplee, Bat ae eaogaton ne es bus rowan an individ prop Bese of rosoted sss cc Feac¥" Alvnagers a pees A tovdocate and aid rplavees about the iopsey af thew tema wel cs the Fpprapatenan ol hon, {a0 o1 omer nggeive Cerda ceesent thu vice irl HK sound yous sas sft ve slap violated BRAK 20 i Yo they inp’ 'e anor ca mothe “hms of inate spose nase, scene mes ‘BED found som: stalemeut net he Sef tin of seri stun uns HAR 2a? Dosa 2 wre intr ting aici apy enegpat orden rsannem oan aiid ou thew protec sana. fe: [BHR ols found sn stivemaat vised HRAR 2.09 because inanayers an sceson ae mie 8 sine foi te wrkplaoe casiments hes re erogetay or ha ho br group because uf pots sites and te rere sta and renin emphonces soe! she nupopsiety and nmacepriatenes cf Js, slurs rather negative vetwl vormect the vicate Time 2n2 iy cowasts a nasa: © compact gto substanned: You vukcad HRAR 2 €2 sehen wisi ne workplace aul serving a5 Uw ng experi you ade 4 ce aaeny and hares isppwogri stement about an ad cual «gro of lndivis Oe ba os ‘Yeu neid yi mode the statement shoot shooting black penple 4s en aera amr. Regards our Ente, you condcted yun a3 sve exon MASS Bias Based Pokey Prodling Pris and HR Trcasseant Dacrizunaticn i Retlstion, Yous anvernnts ss td mewghi credits The argnination en under inaoa side elena as

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