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Preview Greenwich Time, Issue 382, January 26, 2016

No.382 January 26 2016 Getting an early start Pre-school learning for two-year-olds - p12-13 Some tough decisions Tax rise considered after 8-year freeze THE council’s Cabinet, when it meets tomorrow (Wednesday, January 27), is due to consider a recommendation to the Full Council to increase the council tax. Councillors will also consider a planned four-year programme of savings, which is being proposed to ensure the protection of vital frontline services, including social care for adults and children. The proposed council tax increase – which follows eight consecutive years of frozen council tax – has resulted from major changes in the way the government finances local authorities. The changes will see government support for local authorities reduced by more than a half over the next four years, while the government has also stopped offering an incentive to councils that freeze the council tax. The key proposals before councillors include: l confirming a two per cent rise in council tax, in response to the Chancellor’s decision for a precept on local authorities to cover the cost of adult social care l a further increase of 1.99%, to ensure A HOME RUN: Cllrs Steve equivalent treatment between adults and Offord and John Fahy children in the funding of services to support GoodGym members protect the most vulnerable. for their launch At the same time as making savings, the council’s budget plans also outline Ready, steady, go! GoodGym charity launched- p4 measures to invest in new service areas, Turn to page 6 2 January 26 2016 ROYAL GREENWICH Write to: GT Letters, Communications Team, Woolwich Centre, Wellington Street, SE18 6HQ REPRESENTATIVES or email [email protected] with your full address (not for publication). We GREENWICH AND WOOLWICH reserve the right to edit any letters received. Matthew Pennycook MP (Lab) [email protected] By appointment on 020 7219 6280 Let’s all do more to 1st Friday of each month, The Greenwich around £210,000 to collect and dispose of. Reducing the impact of fly-tipping both Centre, 12 Lambarde Sq, Greenwich, SE10 in terms of cost and the impact to the 9GB, from 6pm; 2nd Saturday of each month, environment is one of our priorities. Charlton House, SE7 8RE, from 11am; West tackle fly-tipping New laws give us a lot more flexibility and Greenwich Community Centre, Greenwich, control over people collecting, dumping SE10 8JA from 2pm; 4th Saturday of each or transporting waste illegally but it’s vital month, The Barnfield Project, Barnfield Road, that all residents play their part in tackling SE18 3UH from 11am; Woolwich Town Hall, I AGREE with the resident of Westmount unwanted items for free and this is not the this problem and we urge people to inform Woolwich, SE18 6HQ from 2pm (No August Road about other people’s unwanted case - it costs the council tax payers a lot of us if they have been a victim of fly-tipping, surgeries) furniture (Private road flytippers, GT Letters, money that could be spent elsewhere. see any fly-tipped waste, witness waste Appointments prioritised over drop-ins, and January 5). Councils all over the country need to pull being fly-tipped or know someone who Matthew will attend to all on a first come first This has become a great problem for all their socks up and find a solution to this is doing it in your neighbourhood. Please borough councils across the country and problem fast. Janet Taylor, Woolwich served basis. report it to us on 0208 921 4661. You needs to be tackled. ELTHAM Over the years it has escalated not only l A council spokesperson said: ‘In 2014 can also report fly-tipping and get more information at www.royalgreenwich.gov. by people with vans but also by residents the council removed 14,503 fly-tips from Clive Efford MP (Lab) clive.efford.mp@ uk/flytipping who think that the council will remove their local streets and open spaces, adding up to parliament.uk Call for an appointment at l See our story Tough action awaits fly- waste. So they feel they can dump their an unsightly 730 tonnes of waste, costing the following surgeries on 020 8850 5744 tippers on p7 between 11am and 3pm Mon-Fri. First Tuesday of the month, 10am Anstridge Community Centre, Anstridge Rd, SE9 2LL Pic Spot... send yours to [email protected] Get Online First Friday of the month, 11am Horn Park Community Centre, 96 Sibthorpe Road, · SE12 9DP R enew your resident parking permit: Second Saturday of the month, 10am St www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ Mary’s Community Centre, Eltham High residentparkingpermitrenewal Street, SE9 1BJ · Third Tuesday of the month, 10am Middle Renew a business parking permit: Park Community Centre, 150 Middle Park www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ Avenue, SE9 5SD businessparkingpermitrenewal Third Friday of the month, 11am Coldharbour · Neighbourhood Office, Library Entrance, C heck whether you are in a CPZ: William Barefoot Drive, SE9 3BT www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ Fourth Friday of the month, 6pm St Mary’s cpzchecker Community Centre, Eltham High Street, · Order waste items: SE9 1BJ www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ Fourth Saturday of the month, 10am, orderwastesacks Shrewsbury House, Bushmoor Crescent, · SE18 3EG How to order bulky waste ERITH & THAMESMEAD collection: www.royalgreenwich. gov.uk/bulkywaste Teresa Pearce MP can be contacted by post by · writing to House of Commons Westminster, P ay street penalty charge notices: London, SW1A 0AA, by email on Teresa.pearce. www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ [email protected] or via the contact pages of paystreetfine the website www.teresapearce.org.uk · Surgeries are held each week across the R eport street cleaning issues: constituency, if a face to face meeting is http://fix.royalgreenwich.gov.uk needed these are booked by appointment on · A pply for a skip licence: 01322 342 991. www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ GLA MEMBER skiplicence · Len Duvall (Lab) is the GLA member for A pply for primary school places: Greenwich and Lewisham. Write to Len www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/ Duvall, GLA, City Hall, Queen’s Walk, London admissions SE1 2AA; phone 020 7983 4517; or email TERENCE LEAHY: ‘Is this a tree, or is it a streetlight in Old Dover Road. I have been [email protected] assured that it was grown from a bulb!’ EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Memorial to African slaves - GT correction Follow us on twitter Contact your MEP at the UK Office of the Our story ‘Memorial for African slaves’ We sincerely apologise for this error and any European Parliament on 020 7227 4300. (GT September 8, 2015) incorrectly stated that distress caused to her husband, children June, and Instagram GREENWICH COUNCILLORS Mrs Mavis Best MBE had passed away some Danny, Jackie, grand children, great grand @Royal_Greenwich years previously. children and family members. Contact Members’ Services on 020 8921 5151 for information on councillors’ surgery times. ROYAL BOROUGH MEETINGS GT CONTACTS GT is produced by the Dan Stephens THE following meetings take place February 3 – Licensing sub committee, 6.30pm; Healthier More information on Royal Borough Laraine Clay at the Town Hall, Wellington Street, committee A, 5pm, committee communities and adult social care 020 8921 5130 or at of Greenwich, The Design: unless stated otherwise. room 4; Schools Forum, 6pm, scrutiny panel, 6.30pm, committee www.royalgreenwich. Woolwich Centre, Andy Georgiou council chamber room 6 gov.uk/meetings January 28- Children & Young Wellington St, SE18 6HQ Advertising: Call People scrutiny panel, 7pm February 4 – Eltham Crematorium February 10 – Audit & Risk All meeting dates and Phone: 020 8921 5916 Nicola 020 8921 5572 or joint committee, 6.30pm, Eltham management panel, 7.30pm, times are subject to Email: greenwichtime@ Gaynor 020 8921 5033 February 1 – Licensing sub Crematorium, Crown Woods Way; committee room 4 change. outlook.com Distribution: committee A, 6.30pm Children and Young People Scrutiny Editor: Hilary Bryan 020 8940 0666 February 2 – Planning Board, Panel, 7pm, committee room 4 February 11 – Licensing review sub We would advise you to Reporters: or email sasha@ committee, 2.30pm check before you travel. 6.30pm, committee rooms 4&5 Dick Townsend-Smith londonletterbox.co.uk February 9 – Licensing review sub DON’T FORGET TO RECYCLE YOUR COPY OF GREENWICH TIME January 26 2016 3 Go to work on a Fairtrade breakfast MORNING MEAL: campaign posters promote the theme of make this year’s event, left, Cllr John Fahy at a previous Fairtrade event your breakfastSit down count for WITHbreakfast FAIRTRADE Stand up SO FARMERS CAN for FEED THEIR FAMILIES fIewMef newoioldrleuik o tg ahnhhlesal srtpodotfea ktofroatnpe roglmdewr oeot whwruser h tyadhe ncraeeday f rotwweho eoiadtirhbr k w oneFueeras txie,r t ita narmatl l.d d eyYeeaeev,la temi rslm o racopanouinnymny gmd i dnc.oogorn uef’rn toc temoraiue.r lsnd Farmers sit down for breakfast stand up for farmers Registered charity no. 1043886 PS9F146A3 Make your breakfast count fIewMef newoioldrleuik o tg ahnhhlesal srtpodotfea ktofroatnpe roglmdewr oeot whwruser h tyadhe ncraeeday f rotwweho eoiadtirhbr k w oneFueeras txie,r t ita narmatl l.d d eyYeeaeev,la temi rslm o racopanouinnymny gmd i dnc.oogorn uef’rn toc temoraiue.r lsnd Registered charity no. 1043886 PS9F146A3 BUSINESSES, particularly restaurants to organise Breakfasts, that would be cafés and restaurants in the Fairtrade Breakfasts during wonderful.” borough, are being asked to the fortnight. As well as If you are interested in support this year’s Fairtrade doing their bit to support supporting Fairtrade Fortnight by holding special the Fairtrade movement, Fortnight and would like breakfast events. their involvement will be a poster to display your The theme for the fortnight highlighted by the council. support and advertise your – which runs from February Cllr Fahy said: “Fairtrade breakfasts contact Tom 29 to March 13 - is Make Fortnight is a great Ringwood at the council on Your Breakfast Count With opportunity for us to 020 8921 6269 or email tom. Fairtrade, with the aim of stand up for the rights of ringwood@royalgreenwich. encouraging people to buy farmers and producers to gov.uk fair trade food for their first be guaranteed a fair price Also watch out for details meal of the day and support for their products so they of Fairtrade events in farmers in developing can build better lives for forthcoming issues of GT. countries. themselves and their families. Royal Greenwich deputy “If any businesses or l For more information leader Cllr John Fahy is individuals can give their about Fairtrade Fortnight, encouraging cafés and support to Fairtrade visit www.fairtrade.org.uk Flu jab reminder for parents with young children PREGNANT women and parents of young The youngsters will be offered a painless children are being reminded to visit their GP nasal spray vaccination with no need for for free flu jabs to protect against the winter injections. weather. Local GP Dr Ellen Wright, who chairs the Children aged two years and older are CCG, said: “Flu can be a very unpleasant entitled to the free vaccinations as well as illness in children as they suffer the same pregnant women, people with long-term symptoms as adults including fever, chills health conditions and pensioners over 65. and aching muscles.” Royal Greenwich Council and NHS To find your local GP visit www. Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group greenwichccg.nhs.uk and select ‘your (CCG) are backing the national drive to help services’. people stay well as temperatures fall. They are particularly keen for parents with l For more information about the nasal children aged two to four and/or in school spray vaccination and the flu jab visit years 1 and 2 to have them inoculated. www.nhs.uk/staywell 4 January 26 2016 Running with a social conscience by Dick Townsend-Smith in a gym. We do practical projects, such as an isolated older person. If you’ve never said: “We are committed to supporting working on community gardens.” really considered running before, or lack people who live alone and risk feeling The aim is to get 1,000 runners signed up the motivation, then the community that isolated. GoodGym Greenwich is THE council is backing a new over the next 12 months to combine their GoodGym provides and the differentreason actively tackling this problem, so we running club that supports training with doing good. to run can be a really easy route in.” are keen to give them our backing.” community projects and provides a GoodGym clubs are already operating GoodGym Greenwich will meet at 6.45pm l For more details visit www.goodgym.org friendly face for people who live on Council crack down their own. Called GoodGym Greenwich, the group on Blue Badge misuse gets fit by doing good deeds. Instead of running on treadmills, they run to make deliveries to isolated older people. And FIFTY-FIVE Blue Badges have been seized instead of lifting weights, they shift earth since April after misuse after investigations by for community gardens and help out with the anti fraud team. Twenty people have been physical community tasks. cautioned and two prosecuted including The group held a launch event at the a 58-year-old man who pleaded guilty to Waterfront Leisure Centre in Woolwich misusing his friend’s Blue Badge to park his last Wednesday evening (January 20), Porsche while he went taught at a Greenwich college. When he appeared before Bexley where they were joined by Cllrs John Magistrates last month, the Court ordered Fahy and Steve Offord. The club is also a fine of £230, a victim surcharge of £23, a supported by councillors, Don Austen, Criminal Courts charge of £150, and awarded Cherry Parker and Danny Thorpe. costs of £617 to the royal borough. Club spokesman Edward Field said: Cllr Maureen O’Mara, cabinet member for “We’ll be running every week to help customer services, said: “As part of our community organisations in the local ON THEIR MARKS: local GoodGym ongoing commitment to prevent and detect area. GoodGym was initiated by a group team members at the launch of fraud, the royal borough is taking rigorous of local residents and we think it’s going the initiative action against Blue Badge misuse. This is to be a really positive force in the area. good news for all genuine Blue Badge holders Around 400 people in the borough have who so often are inconvenienced by other car already said they want to get involved. in several other London boroughs. Ivo every Wednesday at the Waterfront drivers who take up valuable parking spaces “About 30 runners signed up for the Gormley, the organisation’s founder, said: Leisure Centre. The runs are free to take whilst misusing Blue Badges they have no launch event and ran to the Glyndon “GoodGym is a really easy way to integrate part in, and people can just turn up. New right to use.” Community Centre, which we are doing something for your community into members are welcome, whatever their l Report Blue Badge misuse to 0800 supporting. The idea is to get into the your exercise. If you’re already running fitness level. 169 6975 or email Blue-Badge-Fraud@ community and use our energy for good then it can take only 15 minutes to change Cllr David Gardner, the council’s cabinet royalgreenwich.gov.uk Any information rather than spending time lifting weights your route slightly and drop in to visit member for health and social care, you give will be treated in confidence. January 26 2016 5 Hoverboard safety in question chargers, riding one is also illegal on public streets and pavements. Therefore I urge residents to think seriously before buying one, either for themselves or as a gift.” TRADING standards experts have raised assessed as unsafe. The London Fire Brigade l If you suspect sellers or websites are concerns over the safety of hoverboards after has recently warned people to think carefully selling products which could be unsafe a spate of fires and explosions. before buying hoverboards for themselves or report it to the Citizens Advice consumer They say there are major safety issues with others after several fire incidents requiring a helpline on 03454 04 05 06. hoverboard batteries, plugs, cables, chargers, response. and cut-off switches causing explosions and The self-balancing scooters as they are fires. And owners are being warned not to sometimes known, are illegal to ride on leave it charging unattended as they possess both pavements and roads in the UK. They a serious fire risk. are only legal to use on land that is private Now the council is advising local people who property, and only with the landowner’s have bought a hoverboard, or been given one permission. They are also unsuitable for as a present, to contact the retailer to check if young children, despite the products not there has been a product recall. carrying any age limit on packaging. Over 38,000 hoverboards bound for the UK Cllr Jackie Smith, the council’s cabinet have already been examined and 84% have member for community safety said: “Not been detained by the Chartered Trading only are there serious safety concerns Standards Institute at border ports after being associated with hoverboards and their Cheaters caught a dedicated Unauthorised Occupation Team who have also recovered over 30 illegally-occupied council properties. Cllr Maureen O’Mara, the royal borough’s cabinet member for customer services, said: “Our fraud investigators Fraud investigators save loss of £1.65m have made a significant impact in tackling tenancy and benefit fraud over the last year. It’s important to highlight the work and successes of our anti fraud team as A WOMAN who sublet her three- l 1 3 fines following benefit overpayments fraudulent claims take money from the bedroom council flat for seven years of £56,393 public purse and direct much-needed is the latest resident to be nabbed by l s even cautions following benefit support away from people in genuine royal borough fraud investigators. overpayments of £34,946.39. need. The royal borough is committed to In-depth investigations also brought preventing and detecting fraud and urges The woman received a nine-month back 26 council properties for families in anyone who suspects a fraud to report it.” sentence suspended for two years, a housing need, and resulted in: community service order for 150 hours l fi ve tenancy prosecutions, with custodial l If you suspect someone of committing and was ordered to pay £750 in costs after sentences of almost six years given fraud against the royal borough please sentencing at Woolwich Crown court last l fi ve fraudulent Right to Buys stopped call 0800 169 6975 or email fraud@ Monday (January 18). valued at over £300,000 royalgreenwich.gov.uk Any information Now a family, which had been in l o ne tenant prosecuted for submitting a you give will be treated in confidence. temporary accommodation for the last fraudulent Right to Buy application year, have a permanent home after the l s even fraudulent housing applications “ Our fraud Eltham property was reclaimed. stopped The Royal Borough was deprived of the l t hree Housing Association properties investigators have use of its property for seven years and recovered (Registered Social suffered a loss of almost £103,000 by having Landlords). to provide temporary accommodation for Following successful prosecutions the made significant those in genuine housing need. council has been awarded financial losses Royal borough fraud investigators say of £187,000 of which £106,000 has been they have prevented the loss of £1.65m repaid. impact in tackling from the public purse in the last year. Some of its success is down to the Figures for the period January to council’s membership of the National tenancy and December 2015 include: Fraud Initiative, which involves l 3 5 successful prosecutions for Housing information sharing between public and Benefit or Council Tax Benefit fraud private organisations to help prevent and benefit fraud ” involving overpayments of £527,612.68 detect fraud. The council also employs Online Get PAYMENTS SERVICES www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk CONTACTS Book a football pitch online at one of our local parks Nominate someone outstanding for a Civic Award Pay council bills online including fixed penalty charges Find us on 6 January 26 2016 Righting OUT AT SEA: dancing on board Archive HMS Edinburgh, a photo featured in the LGBT season at the Royal Museums Pic: RMG Collections launch all the marks LGBT wrongs Month by Dan Stephens had to hide their true identities for their own safety. Despite the progress made, THE EXPERIENCES of Lesbian, Gay, hate still crimes occur and the council will Bisexual and Transgender people and continue to work hard alongside the police their fight for rights will be highlighted to prevent and tackle such crimes. in a series of events next month. Next month, the council will be acknowledging the role of local members The royal borough is marking Lesbian, of the LGBT community young and old in Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LBGT) contributing to the progression of LGBT History Month this February with a series rights. A new LGBT history archive will of events, as well as a brand new historical be set up collecting the experiences, archive detailing residents’ experiences – histories, memories and reminiscences Cllr Denise Scott McDonald, the also acknowledge the work still to be and local people are being encouraged to of LGBT people, particularly from older council’s cabinet member for culture, done to protect the rights of LGBT people get involved. generations. creative industries and community by offering support and challenging The UK has seen a progression in the The council is also working with partner wellbeing said: “The royal borough is discrimination. rights of LGBT people in recent decades organisations including Royal Museums firmly committed to promoting equality “I encourage residents to get involved – from the legalisation of homosexuality Greenwich, Oxleas NHS Trust and the and tackling discrimination wherever with LGBT History Month and make sure in the 1960s and same-sex marriage in Metro Centre to bring a series of LGBT encountered. LGBT History Month will their stories are documented and their England, Scotland and Wales in 2014, to History Month celebrations and events see celebrations and events take place contribution towards a society of greater transgender people having the right to to the borough. These include a film across Royal Greenwich designed to equality is recognised.” change their legal gender recognised in screening of ‘V For Vendetta’ at the Royal recognise the contribution of those who If you have a personal history and would law in 2005. Observatory on February 6, and a day of have worked tirelessly to help cement the like to share it, or get involved with LBGT However it should not be forgotten that talks, workshops and activities around values of equality our local community History Month events, call 020 8921 3032. in previous years, LGBT people have faced identity at the National Maritime Museum enjoys today. l For further info on LGBT History Month discrimination and violence, and often on February 20. “It is important to celebrate but we must events, visit www.rmg.co.uk/LGBT2016 Follow us on twitter & Instagram Copy deadline for Greenwich Time is one week @Royal_Greenwich before the Tuesday publication date from page 1 care. He has brought in a ring-fenced charge that will make an important Savings strategy to including extra funding for adult contribution in this area, and our learning, and schemes to help local funding proposals would see this people to move off benefits passed on to residents in and into work. the form of a 2% council safeguard vital services Council Leader Denise tax rise. Hyland (pictured) said: “We’ll also be “Despite the climate of considering a proposal cuts and austerity we have for a further 1.99% rise Savings already agreed in principle by the l additional funding for environmental maintained a planned and in order to safeguard council include: services such as refuse collection, street prudent approach to our social care services for l reducing staff costs by around £20m cleaning, and tackling graffiti and fly- finances. vulnerable children and per year, with savings in management tipping “This has enabled us to young people – something costs and through reduced use of agency l employment schemes providing work protect frontline services, that I believe will be staff and training to local unemployed people while also investing widely supported by local l creating new efficiencies to reduce the and those on benefits – including work in new services and residents.” cost of providing adult social care, while on improving the borough’s streets and initiatives that improve The final decision on ensuring that those in need are protected pavements the lives of residents and the level of council tax in and supported l continued support for the Police’s that offer opportunities for Greenwich will be made l reducing the costs of providing Violent and Organised Crime Unit (VOCU) local people to move out of by the full council at its services, with more transactions offered which is making inroads into gang- poverty through work and meeting next month, online. related crime in the borough training. once the charge levied At the same time a growth and l further programmes to support victims “The proposed increase in council tax on households by the Greater London investment strategy will ensure money is of domestic abuse and take action is Greenwich’s first in nine years, and Authority has been confirmed. available to invest in schemes including: against those who carry out such crimes reflects a number of changes by the “ The proposed increase in l an additional £1.2 million to be l events to promote the borough’s Government in its rules for funding invested over three years in adult and cultural attractions and promote tourism local services. council tax is Greenwich’s community learning, including vocational – the fastest-growing sector of the local “I am pleased that the Chancellor skills and family learning economy. has finally recognised the need for first in nine years ” extra funding to support adult social January 26 2016 7 Tough action awaits fly-tippers by Dick Townsend-Smith SHOPPERS who’ve bagged a bargain in the January sales may be responsible for a spate of fly-tipping in the royal borough. In recent weeks there has been an increase of old furniture and mattresses left in public places – possibly by an uncaring minority who have bought new furniture, then want to get rid of their old stuff. But the council will take tough action against fly-tippers who think they can just dump old, unwanted junk on the borough’s streets and open spaces. Dumping waste illegally is a serious criminal offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It carries a fine of up to £50,000 or more if a case goes to the Crown Court, and perpetrators can also face a prison sentence of up to five years. Now angry residents, who say fly-tipping is spoiling their neighbourhood, are urged to work with the council to tackle the problem. Meanwhile, the council is using new powers to seize vans and other vehicles they suspect of dumping, carrying or collecting waste if the driver cannot SORE SIGHT FOR ALL EYES: show a waste carrier’s licence. Previously, examples of fly-tips in council enforcement officers had to go to the borough, council court to get a forfeiture order, which took workers carry out a bulky time and delayed getting results. waste removal Last year the council received more than 14,000 reports of fly-tipping. This added up to an ugly 730 tonnes of waste, which cost collection at a standard charge of £10 per £210,000 to collect and dispose of. item. The collection service is available at Cllr Jackie Smith, the council’s cabinet www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/bulkywaste member for community safety and Alternatively, people can take items to the environment, said: “We are committed to Reuse and Recycle Centre in Nathan Way, reducing the impact of fly-tipping both in Thamesmead. terms of cost and the impact it has on the environment. “The law gives us a lot more flexibility What you can do and control over people collecting, dumping or transporting waste illegally. The council will not tolerate fly-tipping RESIDENTS can report incidents of here and we will always take strong action fly-tipping online by giving details at to prevent the irresponsible and illegal www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/flytipping behaviour of those dumping rubbish.” Alternatively they can telephone the council’s call centre on 020 8921 4661 l People who want to dispose of bulky with the details. household waste can arrange for a special On track for better rail services NEWS that the Mayor of travel information, more news for our residents London is taking over the integrated fares, a more and local businesses. running of rail services accessible network and “In order for the Mayor within the capital has greater local input into to take full advantage of been welcomed by the train services. the new arrangements royal borough. The Mayor, Councillor Danny and bring in service Department for Transport Thorpe, cabinet member improvements that (DfT) and Transport for for regeneration and commuters desperately London (TfL) will work transport, said: “This need, this will require the together to create a more is great news. Rail government to provide joined-up London rail services are a vital part increased investment network following an of the public transport and infrastructure. The announcement last week network in south-east current arrangements (January 21). London, given the just haven’t worked in TfL is hoping that absence of London our part of London. I under the new plans, Underground services. A look forward to working users will see more truly integrated network with the Mayor to frequent services and with improved services, secure the necessary increased capacity, managed by the Mayor, investment to make the improved customer is critical if London is to major improvements our service with joined up grow and will be welcome residents deserve.” 8 January 26 2016 . January 26 2016 9 From my perspective… Plumstead mum publishes advice book on autism WHEN Emma Understand’ has been written from by Laraine Clay Dalmayne was Emma’s perspective as an autistic parent d i a g n o s e d with six children aged three to 24, who with Asperger But she said she was also sad because she describes as all “neurologically HELPING YOU UNDERSTAND: Autism campaigner syndrome, a form of all the “terrifying” meltdowns she had different” and two of whom have complex Emma Dalmayne, left, and her new book, experienced without understanding why needs. published this week, with illustrations by her son of autism, two and all opportunities she had missed. She is particularly proud that her years ago she felt Now Emma, 39, has written a book 24-year-old son Raphelle has illustrated “If I can help people, especially parents, an immense relief and jubilance. that she hopes will give other people an the book. understand autism better, they can She was relieved to feel she could finally insight into, and understanding of the Emma, who lives in Plumstead, said: realise how much their children are understand herself, and jubilant to know condition. “There is a lot of ignorance born of fears capable of.” that “I wasn’t crazy or a complete misfit”. ‘It’s An Autism Thing… I’ll Help You that people don’t understand. The National Autistic Society describes autism as a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people, and how they make sense of the world around them. Asperger syndrome is a form of autism and people with it can find it difficult to communicate and interact with others, resulting in anxiety and confusion. Emma has campaigned for some years to increase understanding about autism and against methods of mistreatment of a condition she says has no cure. Just before Christmas she was presented with a British Citizen Award, and The People’s Honours, for her “exceptional contribution to the community”. “If my book can dispel myths, give teachers and parents the tools to step over to our point of view, to see how we see the world, feel the world even then I’ve done what I set out to do,” she writes on her campaign page. “Children and indeed adults do not need to ‘fit in’, we need help, encouragement and inclusion. We do not need harmful treatments or compliance training.” l It’s An Autism Thing…I’ll Help You Understand is published by Stass Publications and available as a hard copy or as an ebook at www.stasspublications. co.uk l Find out more about Emma’s campaigning at www.autisticatedalmayne.com or find more about autism on the National Autistic Society website at www.autism. org.uk For information on services available for people with autism visit www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/autism Free music masterclasses RESIDENTS are invited to attend musical masterclasses held at the Old Royal Naval College for students. Anyone is welcome to attend and watch the young musicians perform to leading professionals who will offer advice and help them develop their skills. This Thursday, January 28, acclaimed British tenor James Gilchrist will share his expertise from 3.30-6.30pm. A violin masterclass will follow on Tuesday, February 2, from 10am-1pm, led by Mi-Kyung Lee, Professor of Violin at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich, Germany. Masterclasses are free to attend and more will be held throughout the term. Visit www.trinitylaban.ac.uk/whats-on 10 January 26 2016 Greenwich Get in the swim ICY DIP: snowflake swimmers get in training ‘most international’ for Demelza university THE University of Greenwich is among the most international universities in the world, according to a recent survey. It’s among the top 200 campuses listed by the Times Higher Education magazine, and is listed in the top 20 per cent in the “international outlook” category. Nearly 5,500 international and EU students from 176 countries study at Greenwich, which is one of the UK’s most popular destinations for students from India and Nigeria. The university also takes part in a number of international research projects with organisations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the European Space Agency. Vice-Chancellor Professor David Maguire said: “I am delighted that the university’s FIFTY brave swimmers are wanted to children and includes a Demelza swim cap your boss to take the plunge for Demelza, vibrant international community, and far- take the plunge into Charlton Lido to and hot food and drinks afterwards. or simply do it alone and make it a solo reaching global connections, have been raise cash for the Demelza children’s Demelza supports hundreds of families swim to test your best stroke. As well as recognised in these listings. hospice in Eltham. of life-limited or life-threatened children having fun you could be helping us to pay “Our ability to attract staff, students and across South East London, either through for a lifeguard for a morning session in research partners from across the world The event, called the Snowflake Swim, the hospice or in their own home. our hydrotherapy pool, enabling families is key to achieving our mission to provide will take place on Sunday January 31 from Events co-ordinator Gemma Murray the chance to swim together and build high-quality education, research and 2pm, with a variety of distances on offer said: “We are so excited about our brand precious memories.” enterprise.” from the bronze 100m (two lengths) to the new Snowflake Swim and we hope you l For information about the university, premium 2km (40 lengths), or individual are brave enough to join us. Why not l Book your place at www.demelza.org.uk visit www.gre.ac.uk swimmers’ own choice. gather your friends and take the plunge or by contacting Gemma Murray on gemma. The swim costs £10 for adults and £5 for together? Or even better, why not sponsor [email protected] or 01795 845183.

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