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Leap of Powell faith at to the Laban - People p21 Page 28 Covering council and community news for more than 25 years Now online at www.greenwich.gov.uk/greenwichtime No.131 January 18 2011 Greenwich’s GCSE grades among most improved by Pat Greenwood GREENWICH students’ exam results are among the most improved in the capital - and in the country - according to the latest GCSE results. The figures, released last Wednesday, reveal it was a record-breaking year for exam results in Greenwich with more pupils than ever achieving top grades at GCSE level. They show the number ofstudents achieving 5 or more GCSEs at A*-C including English and Maths as 50.1 per cent - up by almost 7 percentage points over last year. The results demonstrate the hard work and commitment from students, teachers and parents across the borough. More students than ever successfully achieved top grades. The percentage ofpupils achieving 5 or more GCSEs at A*-C in any subject has shot up by more than 9 percentage points to 72%. This is part ofa consistent and remarkable increase of almost 25 percentage points over the last four years. Councillor Jackie Smith, cabinet member for children and young people, History comes to life said: “Congratulations to our students - page 2 on another set ofexcellent results. These results provide a positive base for students moving on to post 16 Turn to Page 5 (cid:194) Comment p2 (cid:122) Letters p4 (cid:122) TV p22-23 (cid:122) Sport p28 2 GT January 182011 Help yourself to good advice BACKin again. December my life A little later, a collapsed around friend bought me me. a book called ‘The My relationship time is now’ for had broken up and Christmas (it’s I had received a always worrying PHOTOGRAPHIC tax bill that would when that happens MEMORIES: Jose even shock Bill - what are they Merriott tells Gates! trying to say? That pupils about her I was single and I need help?!). grandfather, penniless, and I It’s a book about who went to couldn’t see a way seizing the their school out. moment and In desperation I appreciating today When history bought a selfhelp instead of book, ‘Positively endlessly Happy’ by Noel obsessing about Edmonds. Yes! tomorrow and it That Noel reaffirmed my new Edmonds. outlook. He ofDeal Or No In the past I was Deal with the one ofthose who appalling taste in thought selfhelp comes to life shirts. I know! I books were know! overpriced clichéd I was as cynical garbage designed about it as I’m to exploit people sure you are. What in crisis. could Mr Bouffant I thought they possibly tell me never worked - about happiness? otherwise there I went on to read wouldn’t be so it in one sitting many churned out and it changed my year after year life. would there? Bannockburn bring the Victorian age into school It’s based on I was quick to making the right to dismiss them as choices for airy-fairy yourselfand nonsense but I by Pat Greenwood AMAZING century Plumstead pupils delighted in telling generating your have to put my citizens to get a their visitors, however, that ANCESTORS: own luck. hands up and real flavour of afternoon attendance had It focuses on admit it: selfhelp LIVING history walked into Jose’s grand- what life was like been extremely bad the year positive mental books have the 365-pupil school in parents back then. before when “Lord” George attitude; ensuring changed my life. Bannockburn Road in the Jose’s younger Sanger’s circus came to that all Selfhelp books shape of Jose Merriott and brother Dave sent Plumstead to perform where interactions with really pulled me her second cousin, Ivor some of the Brookdene Road is now. others are back from a dark Mason. material from his Alfred married Sarah Collins positive, doing place and set me And GT helped to bring it present home in in Woolwich in l905, worked good deeds and back on track all about! The pair are direct County Kerry, locally as a carpenter and more than again. Never have ancestors of Alfred Edmund Ireland, and Jose joiner for Thomas and Edge, anything, learning I been more Lewis, who was one of the told us: “Grandad and finished up as clerk-of- to appreciate all pleased to be earliest scholars there, back died of cancer works at the Royal Naval the things you proven wrong! in the l890s. when I was 12, but I College in Greenwich. The already have. And now I just Bannockburn teaching remember him, because he couple had three daughters Positivity breeds need to find a assistant Deborah O’Boyle - a and our nan lived over the and Rene, their eldest, was positivity. book that will help keen genealogist - set up a road from us. He was deaf. I Jose’s mother. It revitalised me wean me offof small after-school history remember his watch-chain, History Club member Mark, and helped me to self-help books... club last term, while Years 5 like in this photograph.” aged 10, told GT: “I am really believe in myself Dean Beadle and 6 were focusing on the The Bannockburn History intrigued by history!” Aaliyah, Victorians in lessons. Club discovered that young also 10, added: “I joined the GT CONTACTS The club picked out young Alfred lived at 12 Ceres Road group after-school because we Alfred as a possible to focus - just behind the school - were learning about the on - and wrote to GT to see if along with 17 other people Victorians in class - and I GT is produced by Reporters: we could help to contact any (two families in one house). wanted to learn more.” Greenwich Council, Rod Kitson, Dick ofhis present day relatives. young researchers through a The school, known then as Their club leader, Deborah Woolwich Town Hall, Townsend-Smith We did! Amazingly, Jose family-tree website. The retired High Street School, O’Boyle, is thinking of Wellington St SE18 6PW Merriott, Alfred’s 73-year-old butcher and his wife, Pat, came Plumstead, opened in running another group this PEcf-hjomounareinl::a0lsp2.e0dt-ee8mr9@o2n1. c5o9.1u6k CKoenvitnr iNbuotlaonrs: gthrea nrdoadda uingh Atebrb, eyst Willo olidv.e Ss hue’ps ospveecr iafrl oVmic toKreinant atoss ejominb lyi.n the Jaagnedu a1r0y. , Al8 9g3o v- ewrnhoerns ’h ree pwoarst saut mthme ehr istoto trayk oef aP blurimefstleoaodk. Advertising: a keen reader of Greenwich Many of the documented dated December 1, l894, “Then, this time next year, LETTERS WELCOME Call Nicola on 020- Time and she got in touch. aspects of Alfred’s life - and declared: “Considering that we might focus on email: greenwich.time 8921 5572 or Gaynor Ivor, a second cousin she’s pictures emailed in by family this school is still new, the ‘Plumstead at War’, because @greenwich.gov.uk on 020-8921 5033. never met (grandson ofBeatrice, and family-tree enthusiasts attainments of the scholars they’ll be studying World Editor:Hilary Bryan Alfred’s sister), contacted the from all over the world - have are very creditable.” War Two in their lessons,” Assistant editor: Distribution: helped the young 21st- Present day Bannockburn she told us. Peter Cordwell 020-8447 0200 or Chief reporter: email bev@letter Pat Greenwood boxdistribution.com DON’T FORGET TO RECYCLE YOUR COPY OF GREENWICH TIME January 18 2011 GT 3 Bogus Blue Badge drivers nabbed Helpline needs volunteers VOLUNTEERSare need for a new telephone bereavement service being set up by the Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice. The new service Joint operation nets ten illegal users will offer evening and weekend telephone support to family and friends bereaved by the death of a loved one who was cared for by the hospice.Volunteers are needed to give support to those in by Dick Townsend- the first year of bereavement. The new telephone bereavement service will start Smith on Monday, January 24, and will be formally launched to hospice staff, A MAJOR crackdown has chaplains, volunteer counsellors and been carried out in service-users on the 27th. Anthony Woolwich on drivers who Boland, head of social, psychological and pretend they are entitled spiritual care at the hospice said: “Our to use a disabled person’s telephone bereavement service aims to Blue Badge when they make proactive contact every three park their cars. months with all who have been bereaved Greenwich Council parking for the first year after a death has attendants, working alongside occurred – simply to check out how they police officers, took part in a are doing.” day’s sweep of cars showing (cid:122)Call Anthony Boland on 020 8320 5829. badges that were parked in 14 roads. The badges were then HOPE FOR ALL checked against the scheme’s London-wide database. Of the FAMILY SUPPORT 64 badges logged, 10 were being misused - including one that had belonged to a person A safe and The group can also who had died. confidential give advice and Five drivers were given environment to information about parking fines, and four of the help anyone other support- badges were seized. affected by alcohol services. The Blue Badge - which or drug-abuse is on Find out more by replaces the old orange badge - offer every leaving a message is a national scheme to help Wednesday evening on 07946 210 387. people with severe walking in Woolwich. You can also get difficulties, as well as the The "HOPE" group general people who drive them. meets in Anglesea information from The rules say that someone Road, just a few Greenwich's User, can drive a disabled person to yards up from Carer & a supermarket or day centre, Woolwich Arsenal Involvement for example, and use the FINETIME: Insp Gwyn with some of the badges which were seized Station, from 6- Coordinator on badge. They can also use it go 8pm. The initiative 0208-921 2051 and back later to pick them up. “People are using these borrow them from a badge- must be clamped down on and is funded by the from a freephone But they are not allowed to badges when they shouldn’t,” holder and use them. Some it is increasingly difficult for borough's Drug & helpline on 0800 use it for other purposes, such said Cllr Maureen O’Mara, are even photocopied or me to get a parking space, Alcohol Action 9555 013. as getting a disabled person’s Greenwich Council’s cabinet stolen. In Greenwich we have which on occasion has Team, and HOPE You can also visit medication, unless the official member for environment and issued 9,500 Blue Badges, and prevented me from being able tries to get family the Greenwich badge-holder is with them. community safety. “People there is a wholesale to leave my vehicle.” and friends of Local Addiction perception that there’s a wide- Insp. Ivor Gwyn, who led the anyone having drug Support Services ‘We are determined to help scale abuse of the scheme. police team supporting the or drink-problems (GLASS) website at This sort of abuse is Woolwich crackdown on to support each at http://sites. stamp out this misuse of completely unfair for January 7, said there will be other and talk over google.com/site/se legitimate users, because the future clampdowns across the their experiences in rviceusergroup or blue badges, and will work spaces they should be able to borough. an informal setting. call 07866 547 337. use for parking are being He added: “We are with the local authority to clogged up by people who have determined to help stamp out MBE for no right to be there.” this misuse of blue badges, ensure it happens’ Blue Badge user Alan Kerr and will work with the local former GAD said: “The scheme is subject authority to ensure it to widespread abuse which happens.” chief ANNE NOVIS was Green light for new Love Lane homes awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Year Honour’s List. Anne, who lives on the A SCHEME to build 259 Up to 960 new homes are have given the green light to Woolwich Post Office - involve Eltham/Lee border was homes above the proposed earmarked for the wider site the overall design, external the demolition of Peggy given the award in recognition of her Tesco supermarket in Love subject to detailed planning details and landscaping of Middleton House, the old services for disabled people in London. Lane, Woolwich, has been applications, of which 27 per Phase 2, which also includes a Greenwich Council offices. She is the formed Chair of the Greenwich recommended for council cent will be on-site affordable large retail store, smaller (cid:122)The new Woolwich Centre Association of Disabled people and is a approval. housing. retail, food and drink units, a on Wellington Street - a sister campaigner against disabled hate crime. The borough's Planning Further family sized neighbourhood police office, scheme to the Eltham Centre Anne, who lives in Horn Park Close, is Board has now given the affordable housing will be and walkways. in Archery Road - is due to also an adviser to the police and has thumbs-up to build the provided off-site. The new Woolwich Tesco open later this year. It will fostered 23 children. homes, a high proportion of New residents will also get store is set to be one of the provide access to a range of She told GT: “I was surprised and really which will be classified as free membership ofa car-club largest branches in south east council services all under one chuffed when I heard the news. I had to affordable for people at the for the first five years that London. The overall roof, as well as a new library, keep it a secret and it was extremely hard low end of the property they live there. proposals to regenerate Love events gallery, cafe and not to tell anyone!” market. Planning Board members Lane - behind the old meeting places. 4 GT January18 2011 Write to: GT Letters, Communications Team, Woolwich Town Hall, Wellington Street, SE18 6PW or email [email protected] Solar really is so good Who’s your top adult learner? ITwas interesting to read electricity, but as your way to go. about council homes article states it can also Yet when you look round being installed with solar raise some valuable our borough very few THISyear sees the 20th Nominations for this year’s panels. Great to see the income by enabling you households appear to Adult Learners’ Week. Since awards are open until investment in this kind of to sell back any excess have taken advantage. 1992 NIACE has celebrated Friday, January 28. Give your technology for social energy to the National Perhaps, instead of the outstanding learners, or someone you housing. Grid. And wouldn’t that making winter payments achievements of thousands know, the recognition they Many private be a nice change for news to pensioners, the of remarkable adults who deserve for their incredible homeowners have been stories, especially at this Government could use have transformed their lives learning achievements. scared off, I believe, from time ofyear, ofever the money to install through learning. Whether More details are available by investing in solar panels increasing gas and panels on their homes? It it’s to start a new career, calling NIACE on 0116 204 on their own homes as electricity prices. has to make financial help their children at school 4200 or at www.alw.org.uk there is a growing belief And yes, it can often be sense in the long run. or discover a hidden talent, Everyone nominated for an that the panels could the case? Not only are expensive to install but Hopefully this will be each and every year we award will receive a impact negatively upon they helping to reduce with grants still available something that changes come across some truly certificate. property values. costs for households by to help reduce the costs in the near future. staggering stories that Richard Crabb, Adult But why should this be providing a free source of this surely has to be the Brian James, Woolwich inspire other adults to Learners’ Week Team, improve their own lives NIACE, 21 De Montfort through learning. Street, Leicester LE1 7GE Demelza Wish me luck as I try to Star letter corrections - the APOLOGIES to last week’s star letter writer Mrs Brownfield. Our version erroneously stated that she kick the dirty habit again became a driver after working as a hairdresser. That brilliant should have been ‘dinner lady’. And a typing error made it a work ethnic instead of work ethic. Ed. gem on I JUSTwanted to say But I’ve signed up for my manage to wean myself that I went along to the local support group off. OURStar Letter writer will our NHS quit smoking sessions and together Wish me luck because I win two tickets to a roadshow advertised in with nicotine patches really want to do it this Charlton Athletic match your paper and found it a and support from my time. My own best wishes doorstep great help. It is all too friends and family I hope go out to everyone in the at The Valley for the easy to make a resolution to kick the dirty habit same boat. We all know 2010/11 season, so get to quit at this time of this time! Whilst it is it’s not easy. writing! For information ITwas great to read year but then lack the still early days I’m Joan Simmons , on 2010/11 season tickets about Demelza’s will power to see it already planning what I Thamesmead please visit www.cafc.co.uk children’s hospice through. I should know - will do with all the extra going from strength I've tried many times. money I’ll save if I Good luck Joan! Ed or call 0871 226 1905. to strength thanks to the ongoing donations for local Pic Spot...send yours to [email protected] Taxi for residents. One of my friends has a son who has Dennis personally benefitted from care at the hospice and Wise the difference it has made to his life - and those of his family - is there for I read with great all to see. interest Kevin The staff at the Nolan’s report last centre are brilliant week (January 11) and whilst you can on the situation walk in there with with Charlton. It is the weight of the great news that world on your Chris Powell has shoulders, you’ll got the job ahead of very rarely come Dennis Wise. out of there with Powell is a legend anything but a from Charlton’s smile on your face. glory days in the I hope local Premiership, and residents will the man is Addicks continue to help through and support them so through. that families can He will be a continue to benefit popular from this local gem appointment at the on our doorsteps. Valley and will A.R., Eltham bring a united front to the club. While he might not have MANY thanks to all too much readers who have experience in submitted photos for management, what the Pic Spot feature. he has done so far, We will try to feature he has done well. them all. Ed SHARONDAVIDSON: ‘Here's a picture I took in Charlton Cemetery, quite by chance!’ Alan Edwards, SE7 January 18 2011 GT 5 Greenwich’s GCSE grades among most improved Register your ‘ These results 2012 event provide a positive base for students WITH Greenwich becoming a Royal Borough, the Queen’s Diamond moving on to Jubilee and the Olympic and Paralympic Games all taking place in post 16 education, 2012, next year is set to be a busy one for London and the borough. The increased activity across the training or the capital means that public and emergency services must plan ahead world of work’ to allocate resources to support events. (cid:194) From page 1 Organisers ofevents happening in the borough in 2012 - no matter how education, training or the world of big or small - are asked to register work. their event with the council. “Praise also goes to our teachers and Greenwich Council is responsible for headteachers who share our vision of SUMMER SENSATION: one collecting and recording information giving young people the best group of students about all the events taking place in opportunities to realise their full celebrate their exam the borough in 2012. potential, and who have worked so results last August Even ifit’s only a date and a brief hard to drive up standards.” outline ofthe planned activities One stop please let the Council know before March 31, 2011. Especially important are any events held between May 1 and October 31, 2012. Cllr JohnFahy, member for culture and the Olympics said:“Greenwich will be the place to be in 2012. Whether you live here or travel in to experience the huge array ofevents taking place we want to ensure the wide array ofplanned events and celebrations can go ahead safely and for support we need to start planning now.” (cid:122)You can let the council know about your event via email, at jubilee- [email protected] by Pat Greenwood New drop-in for victims WOMENexperiencing domestic violence can get advice and guidance of domestic violence from a range of services at a new support group. Greenwich Domestic Violence Forum Tryangle Project, Her Centre, and immigration or help with care services - members have developed a new drop in Greenwich Council’s resettlement team, they’ll be signposted to the appropriate service for anyone experiencing domestic who will cover the sessions on a rota local organisation. abuse to give instant access to a solicitor, basis. There will be police and a specialist (cid:122) FIND out more by ringing the police, housing advice and local solicitor available every session, and Greenwich Women’s Aid on 0208-317 advocacy services. housing advice will be either in person or 8273. Find out where you can get The One Stop Shop runs every Friday by phone. more advice by visiting from 10am until 1pm at Brookhill Where people need more specialist www.greenwich.gov.uk/ Children’s Centre on the Connaught advice - such as detailed benefits, domesticviolence Estate in Woolwich. “We chose this time as women with children in school are able to come, and Women’s health day invitation we chose Brookhill Children’s Centre because, if they have younger children, then there is a crèche available,” said Stacy Smith, director of the Her Centre, A special fun and information day, LEARNINGTO who is a member of the One Stop Shop themed ‘Women’s Health Matters!’, is GETHER: planning group. being held this Friday, January 21, at The “This project has been put together the Forum@Greenwich Community centre’s from voluntary agencies and the Police Centre in Trafalgar Road, SE10 9EQ. Tamil and Greenwich Council, with support It starts at 10am in the Caledonian group on a from Brookhill giving a free meeting Hall upstairs, launched by the Mayor health room and crèche places.” ofGreenwich, Cllr Barbara Barwick. course Stacy added: “All the participants in the The event - co-ordinated by Greenwich planning group are giving staff time for Her Centre in conjunction with NHS free to give advice, and the only cost will Greenwich, and the Social Action for be the teas and biscuits.” Health organisation - will feature The One Stop Shop will help anyone speakers and information stands, as experiencing domestic abuse, from their well as health checks, massage, and Centre on Greenwich High partner, their children or from carers. healthy lungs checks. Health Road and the Greenwich MIND charity. The main advisors are from the local professionals and nutritionists will be To find out more ring Dorothy or women’s refuges, Greenwich Women’s around to give informal advice. There Rinaani on 020-8858 0748 or emai Aid, ASRA Asian women’s refuge, and will also be free refreshments. [email protected] or Refuge, as well as Victim Support, Other participants include the Metro [email protected] 6 GT January182011 They It’s all go at the Millennium primary school activity clubs by Peter Cordwell school rugby club and now I play Theo Bourrelly, from Years 4 and 1 love for Blackheath Rugby Club at respectively, gets their kicks in weekends. I love it.” Taekwondo. Theo said: “It’s hard THERE’S never a dull Year 5 pupil Aida Mamedova said: work but fun. I’m in the Tigers moment at Millennium “Our teacher makes chess really group.” Big sister Maia said: “You Primary School on the fun. I want to enter the inter-schools have to concentrate really hard Greenwich Peninsula - and chess tournament next year. Some but it’s still fun.” don’t think things start to ofus were winners last time.” Parent and school governor wind down after school. Aida’s mum Inga added: Jacqui Perseval said: “The choice That’s when the school’s activity “Preparing for the chess ofactivities has never been wider clubs swing into action - from the tournaments is really good for the and children and parents have the studious to the sporty. children. They have to be organised opportunity to suggest new clubs their Some learn Mandarin Chinese or and disciplined. Then have to be that interest them. The clubs study chess or ICT while others well behaved on the day as they are broaden the children’s horizons get up a sweat playing rugby, representing the school.” and encourages them to consider hockey, Taekwondo and football. Sister and brother Maia and new interests they might not Then there’s a wide range, of It’s all about otherwise have thought of. This is music, art, dance and and drama reinforced by regular options. In dance alone they can demonstrations for the rest ofthe opt for ballet, streetdance or a inspiring school in assembly.” club run by the Greenwich Dance “The programme is also valued Agency. them to find out by working parents because the afters! “Millennium is renowned for its children enjoy their after-school creative ethos and ‘whole child’ time so much. In fact it’s difficult what they really approach,” said headteacher Jon to extract them from the building Goulding. “It’s all about inspiring at the end ofthe day!” them to find out what they really like and (cid:122)AFTER-school activities at like and what they’re good at.” Greenwich primary and Rugby enthusiast Izaak Laskey, what they’re secondary schools are buzzing. from Year 3, told GT: “I love And there is also plenty to do at playing rugby and scoring tries.” other times ofthe week. Scrum-mate Teilo Rogers, from good at Check out: www. Year 4, added: “I joined the after- greenwich.gov.uk/teenagers NICEPOSE: all NICETRY: it’s grace and poise all action in at the ballet the rugby game It’s all over the borough NICEMOVE: a Millennium pupil gets to grips with chess ASpart ofthe extended schools After school playclubs offer although some after school clubs programme, all primary schools primary school children the are open later. in Greenwich are offering access chance to play, do homework and Registered childminders can to after-school activities and relax with friends in a supervised offer a before and after school and childcare. setting, overseen by trained and holiday childcare service, in a There is a huge variety of experienced play workers. home setting that has been different activities on offer across Children can choose from the assessed to ensure it is safe and the borough including dance, activities on offer which may healthy for children. They can drama, arts and crafts, sports and include indoor and outdoor care for school-aged children and physical activities, special games, physical activities such as their younger siblings in one interest clubs, music tuition, sports or dance, project work place and may be able to provide modern foreign languages, around particular topics using extended hours ofcare. volunteering and business and computers, maps or music, Registered childminders have enterprise activities. cultural and creative play such as undertaken training and can Usually, a session will run for art, craft and cookery, role play offer a flexible childcare service. around an hour and many schools and drama activities and much For further information about are also offering similar activities more. registered childminding and before school and at lunchtime. After school clubs are only childminder places, contact the Greenwich Secondary schools available during term time and Greenwich Families Information also offer a wide range ofout-of- parents are normally required to Service on 020-8921 6921 or email school activities. collect their children by 6pm [email protected] January 182011 GT 7 PENNY WISE TO NEW STANDARDS PLAYINGINTHERAIN: the band belts out A NEW director of communication the music at the care services has are met. annual trees been appointed at “I am committed dressing on the Greenwich & and passionate Ferrier estate Bexley about nursing and Community specialist Hospice in Abbey palliative care.” All dressed up and Wood. Penny The appointment Jones (above) comes at a time brings with her when the hospice more than 20 is providing more years ofnursing care to more and managerial patients than ever experience in before. It has palliative care, expanded its somewhere to go including three services in recent years as deputy years, and is now director of responsible for all nursing at St ofthe specialist Christopher’s palliative care in Hospice in the boroughs of Sydenham. Greenwich and She told GT: “My Bexley. new role at the The hospice is a ‘Community’ the theme for Ferrier ceremony hospice will registered charity enable me to providing continue to make specialist care and a real difference to support services by Pat Greenwood their regeneration partners patients, their for people with families and the life-limiting Southern Housing Group staffI work with illnesses, as well supported the event once again, ensuring that high as support for FERRIER friends from far and families came back from standards ofcare, their families and and near flocked to the estate across the borough to celebrate in support and carers. for the fourth annual festive their old community. ‘tree dressing’. Mum-of-three Lara Olanrewaju, who moved off Ferrier to a three- Wild evening The ancient ceremony to bedroomed house in Charlton celebrate neighbourliness and the back in April, was at the parade environment had been scheduled with her two youngest girls aged for early December - but the snow six and three. JOANNE Smith, senior warden ofthe was too deep. Lara told GT: “I have a bigger Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park, will Heavy rain came down instead place to live now and I like it - but give the Friends ofGreenwich Park’s on the January procession, but we’re over here almost every day Winter Wildlife Lecture this year. nothing dampened the because my children go to Holy Her illustrated talk on the development enthusiasm for the fun and for Family Primary School, and I still ofthe ecology park will be held in the this year’s theme of‘community’. feel part ofthis community. theatre ofBlackheath High School, 27 Once again, council tree “My little one’s pledge message Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, on surgeons had helped organisers for the tree said: ‘We are missing Thursday, January 20, at 7.30 for 8pm. by hanging decorations in Sutcliffe Park because that is Tickets costing £5 and include a glass of Telemann Square. where we go jogging with wine and are available from FOGP, 3 As always, Helen Nicholas, the mummy’.” Orchard Drive, Blackheath (020-8852 community development worker Despite the rain, Mayor of BRAVEFACES: young ladies get in the spirit despite the weather 8831). Tickets also available on the door. at Greenwich Community College Greenwich Barbara Barwick and - one of the annual event’s main Cllr Steve Offord, the council’s community, there is still a very organisers - had encouraged cabinet member for housing, both well-integrated community here children at local schools and joined the lantern procession on the Ferrier - and the council youth clubs and their parents to around the square. wants to do everything it can to get fully involved. Later, at the community centre maintain its support for that.” They knitted and crocheted party, there was steel band music Residents attending the event ‘textile art’ jackets for the tree and singing from pupils at nearby also enjoyed fireworks, and the trunks this time, as well as Thomas Tallis secondary school. procession was again led by the thinking up community pledges The Mayor, whose children went Valentinos street-band. to display from the branches. to the school, told everyone: Other loyal supporters of the They also made the lanterns for “When I first came on here event include Kidbrooke the traditional procession. tonight, I was taken back a few Vietnamese Chinese The Ferrier Estate and its years.” Supplementary School and the surrounding area is currently She thanked everyone who had local Superkidz church youth undergoing one of Europe’s produced pledges for the trees, group, as well as Greenwich biggest regeneration and she said how lucky the Community Food Co-op which programmes. borough is to have such a range of handed out fruit again on the Hundreds have moved away different communities. night. already and the rest are awaiting Cllr Offord told GT: “Despite the There was also free vegetable rehousing. fact that we are rebuilding this soup from by Guarida Café, a local Developers Berkeley Homes and estate and hope to rebuild the social enterprise. 8 GT January182011 January 18 2011 GT 9 Spring facelift for station access MEPS & GREATER LONDON AUTHORITY MEMBERS ACCESS to Plumstead the transport companies, Council’s cabinet member for stands that are proposed. Railway Station is being and ‘Seltrans’ (South East environment and community They will, hopefully, give GREENWICH AND WOOLWICH freshened up for the spring, London Transport Strategy) safety, said: “Works like this, owners additional peace-of- thanks to Greenwich - the partnership involving along with the new housing mind because they will be Nick Raynsford (Lab) Council. south east London boroughs going up, are part ofthe within the surveillance range Email [email protected] Work started just before and user-groups - got bigger plan to give the area a ofthe CCTV system on the or write to Nick Raynsford MP, House Christmas to improve the agreement for some old face-lift. station.” of Commons, London SW1A OAA footway outside, upgrade the shops there to be demolished “The building work currently (cid:122) THANKS to Seltrans, the Call the office in advance on 020 7219 signs, add some seating in to make way for the new going on outside the station pallisade fencing around the 5895 to register for a surgery (lines are the area, and install cycle- scheme. The new-look will give real improvements patio site will be dismantled open Monday-Thursday 10am-12pm & 2- stands which will be covered station approach is for commuters and local at the end ofthe job and 4pm). by the station’s CCTV scheduled to be ready by the residents alike.” reused by Network Rail, 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month, 7pm at cameras. The council, end ofnext month. Cllr She added: “I particularly saving an estimated £5,000 32 Woolwich Road, Greenwich SE10 0JU. working in conjunction with Maureen O’Mara, Greenwich welcome the additional cycle- for future projects. 2nd Saturday of the month, 11am at High-flying Charlton House, Charlton Road, Charlton SE7 8RE. 2nd Saturday of the month, 2pm at West Greenwich House, 141 Greenwich High Road, Greenwich SE10 8JA. 4th Saturday of the month: 11am at the Barnfield Project, Oak House, Barnfield Road SE18 3UH. 4th Saturday of the month, 2pm at Woolwich Town Hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6PW. fund-raisers ELTHAM Clive Efford (Lab) Call for an appointment at the following monthly surgeries on 020-8850 5744 between 11am and 3pm Mon-Fri. 1st Tues: Anstridge Community Centre, Anstridge Rd. SE9, 11am-12.30pm 1st Fri: Horn Park Community Centre, 96 Sibthorpe Road, 11am-12.30pm 2nd Fri: Slade Hall, Pendrell Street, 6pm 2nd Sat: St Mary’s Community Centre, Eltham High Street, 10am and 4th by HIlary Bryan Charity workers take the plunge Friday oat a f the month at 6pm. 3rd Tues: Middle Park Community Centre, 150 Middle Park Avenue, CHARITY workers who support 11am-12.30pm people with mental health needs are 3rd Fri: Coldharbour Neighbourhood starting the new year on a high - office, library entrance, William approximately 12,000 feet up. Barefoot Drive, 11am. 4th Sat: Shrewsbury House, 10am, The four workers are all set for a Bushmoor Crescent fundraising skydive in aid of the Bridge mental health project. ERITH & THAMESMEAD The registered charity supports adults Teresa Pearce (Lab) with mental health needs in Greenwich All surgeries are booked by appointment and other SE London boroughs by by calling 020 7219 7068 or write to offering a range of projects which help Teresa Pearce MP, House of Commons, bridge the gap between hospital and London, SW1A 0AA, or email residential care to independent living. [email protected] It provides care and support to people in Four advice surgeries each month: the 1st their own homes in partnership with a Saturday of the month in Thamesmead, range of local authorities including Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and the 2nd Saturday of the month in Erith, Greenwich Council. the 3rd Friday of the month in Fundraisers hope to raise £5,000 to help FEARLESSFOURSOME: l-r Gemma, Karen, Vicki and Orla drum up support for their fundraising jump Northumberland Heath and the 4th Friday them expand services for more people. of the month in Abbey Wood. The sky-diving team will be jumping out things I’d like to do and when I think of how cold it will be up there, but we’ll of a plane over Ashford, Kent, on Friday, about it I feel a bit sick but my attitude is be experiencing it at approximately GLA MEMBER January 28. They include the charity’s ‘I’m not going to think about it.’ I have a 120mph!” Len Duvall (Lab) is the GLA member for operations and resource manager, Karen brother with spina bifida who did a jump (cid:122)To sponsor the team visit the Bridge Greenwich and Lewisham. Please write McNamara; financial controller Orla and ifhe can do it so can I.” website at www.bridgementalhealth.org to Len Duvall, GLA,City Hall, Queen’s Morris; floating support manager Vicki Colleague Karen added: “Skydiving or get updates at their Twitter and Walk, London SE1 2AA; phone 020-7983 Judge and Gemma Sheehy. from 12,000 feet in January, will, needless facebook pages @BridgeMH and 4408/4517; or email Orla, who came up with the idea for the to say, be very scary and very cold! The www.facebook.com/bridge-mental-health [email protected] skydive, explained: “It’s on my list of recent snow has given everyone a taster EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Minds on mental health at advice fair Contact your MEP at the UK Office of the European Parliament on 020-7227 4300. INFORMATIONabout care therapies and care and the Beresford Project, The Point Council’s cabinet member for COUNCIL MEETINGS facilities and therapies range oflocal services and and Greenwich Time to Talk health, adults and older centred on mental well being resources on offer across the Stallholders will be offering people, said: “Equally as THE following meetings are taking will be available at a special borough. information and advice on a important as eating healthily place over the next few days in the event next month. Information stalls from a variety ofsubjects which and exercising regularly is Town Hall, Wellington Street The Mental Well-being Fair number ofdifferent will include: Learning looking after our mental (unless otherwise stated). takes place at Woolwich organisations will be difficulties, Employment well-being. Town Hall on Friday, available on the day Volunteering, Health walks “This event is a great Jan 20 -Eltham Local Housing Panel, 7pm, February 11, from 10am to including stalls run by: Dyslexia, Healthy eating, opportunity for residents to St Mary’s Community Centre, SE9. 5pm. Oxleas NHS Foundation Safeguarding, Sports find out about the range of Jan 25 -Cabinet, 7pm; Safer and Stronger The free event has been Trust, NHS and Greenwich opportunities, Depression, services and resources Communities Scrutiny Panel, 7pm; Long organised to raise awareness Community Health Services, Sport and Stress. available to them in the Walk Housing Panel,7pm. ofthe importance ofmental South London Health Care Food will also be available borough and I hope More information on 020-8921 5130 well-being. It also aims to Trust, Volunteer Centre throughout the day. everybody takes the or www.greenwich.gov.uk/meetings make people aware oflocal Greenwich, The Shaw Trust, Cllr Peter Kotz, Greenwich opportunity to come down.” 10 GT January 18 2011

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