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Greenlandic English Dictionary PDF

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Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 1 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - a interjection á Why; well! aa interjection â Hie; here; listen aannguaq ãnguaq little sweet! aarsuaq-una ârssuaq-una you guy! aajuna, aamanna âjuna, âmána here it is! aasanna âsavna it is down there! aali âle fancy! aali piniartumik taaneqartoq âle piniartumik taineqartoq and then he is called a hunter! and then it is only a blind person who has made it! Should one think aali tappiitsup sanaa âle tagpîtsup sanâ that a blind person has made it? affaq (avippoq) agfaq (avigpoq) half affaa agfâ half of it affarleq agfardleq separate compartment divides it into several affarlilersorpaa agfardlilersorpâ compartments They live in separate rooms; they sleep in separate affarleriipput agfardlerîgput compartments affaku agfako scrap; remnant affassak agfagsak an almost separated part affassaasallit agfagsaussagdlit articulated animal 1) one who sleeps in his aggaatsoq (S.G.) aggaitsoq, clothes; 2) a stockfish aggerpoq aggerpoq is underway; approaches aggeriarpoq aggeriarpoq approaches aggerfik aggerfik way aggerfia aggerfia the way he came by aggiuppaa aggiúpâ brings it aggiut aggiut day of arrival is a sudden gust of wind, aggiasoorpoq (S.G) aggiassôrpoq squall aggiasoorneq aggiassôrneq sudden gust of wind, squall agiaq agiaq violin; rubbing stone (for the use of agiut agiut angakoks) v agiarsuaq agiarssuaq cello agiarpoq agiarpoq rubs; files; plays a violin files on it; plays it (the melody); plays on it (the agiarpaa agiarpâ instrument) agiuppaa (-mut) agiúpâ (-mut) rubs it against something agiut agiut file; violin bow; rubbing stone Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 2 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - angakkussap agiaq angákugssap agiaq the future angakok rubs one agiummik agiarpaa agiúmik agiarpaa stone against the other aagiaq (aaq) âgiaq (âq) antler tuttup aagiai tugtup âgiai the antlers of the reindeer agiorpoq agiorpoq hovers, soars agiorpaa agiorpâ hovers, soars above it allaq agdlaq bear; land-bear allak agdlak stripe; spot; figure; pattern it is provided with figures; it allaqarpoq agdlaqarpoq is striped or figured allappoq agdlagpoq writes allappaa agdlagpâ writes it or on it allaffigaa agdlagfigâ writes to him allaatigaa agdlautigâ writes about it; writes with it allakkat agdlagkat writing; book; books; lettter allakkat iluartut agdlagkat iluartut the Holy Scripture allagarsivoq agdlagarsivoq gets a letter allagarsiffigaa, agdlagarsivfigâ, allagarsivigaa agdlagarsivigâ gets a letter from him allagarsiaq agdlagarsiaq letter allagarsiaa agdlagarsiâ the letter he received allagassiaq agdlagagssiaq note paper; writing paper is variegated, motley; has allagissaarpoq agdlagigsârpoq vivid colours allaffik agdlagfik writing table; office allakkisarpoq agdlagkissarpoq carries mail; brings letters allattakkat agdlagtagkat diary; journal pocket book; diary; journal; allattaaviit agdlagtaivît register allattarfik agdlagtarfik table; slate allattartoq agdlagtartoq writer; clerk; secretary allattaat agdlagtaut (slate) pencil young saddleback (Phoca allattooq agdlagtôq groenlandica) allattuuaraq agdlagtûaraq small young saddleback enters it (in writing); registers allattorpaa agdlagtorpâ it; writes down allattuiffik agdlagtuivfik register; note book variegated; striped; spotted; allalik agdlalik figured allanneq agdlangneq writing; letter embroiders it; draws designs on it; provides it with allapalaarpaa agdlapalârpâ carvings Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 3 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - allapalaarineq agdlagpalârineq embroidery; design; carving has a beautiful writing; writes allaqqissaarpoq agdlarqigsârpoq calligraphically allaqqissaarneq agdlarqigsârneq calligraphy writing; hand writing; manner allaaseq agdlauseq of writing allaat agdlaut chalk allaatitaq agdlautitaq pen; steel pen allaasiut agdlausiut pen knife allaat agdlât even; into the bargain unatarmanni allaat unatarmáne agdlât even when they beat him, he nillinngilaq nivdlíngilaq remained silent samungarsuaq allaat samungarssuaq agdlât even quite to the west there imaqanngilaq imaqángilaq is no open water long-tailed duck (Pagonetta alleq agdleq glacialis) allernaq agdlernaq ray (Raia) tarraleqisaaq cf tarraleqisâq alleroq agdleroq lower jaw; jaw-bone agdlerulavoq, allerulavoq, allerulaarpoq agdlerulârpoq his teeth chatter alleruut agdlerût chin strap allorpoq agdlorpoq dislocates the jaw allorpaa agdlorpâ pulls its jaw out of joint miscarry; bear prematurely; is abstinent (for cultic allerpoq agdlerpoq reasons); is under cultic rules allerut agdlerut miscarriage; still-born child abstains from it (for cultic allerpaa, allerutigaa agdlerpâ, agdlerutigâ reasons) alleruppaa agdlerúpâ abstains from it for his sake for the sake of her deceased uigigaluani alleruppaa uvigigaluane agdlerúpâ husband she abstains from neqimik neqimik meat allerneq agdlerneq cultic rule, -s; taboo alligaq (aki) agdligaq (ake) bladder dart alligarpaa agdligarpâ catches it with a bladder dart; alligarnippoq htr. agdligarnigpoq fixes the bladder dart into it a seal caught with a bladder alligartaq agdligartaq dart allikarpoq (alippaa) agdlikáupoq (aligpâ) allikaappoq agdlikáupoq escapes; comes out Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 4 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - the sun shines through the seqineq allikaappoq seqineq agdlikáupoq clouds allikarfigaa agdlikarfigâ escapes; gets out to it allivoq (angivoq) agdlivoq (angivoq) grows; becomes it greater pingajua allisaq pingajua agdlissaq minor third (in music) alliallappoq agdliatdlagpoq has grown a little allisippaa agdlisípâ increases it; raises it allisitsiut, allisisiut agdlisitsiut, agdlisisiut microscope; magnifying glass breathing hole; hole (in the allu agdlo ice) alluaq agdluaq fishing hole cleaves it (the bird dart); makes it tight (the seal alluarpaa agdluarpâ bladder) alluarpoq agdluarpoq is made tight dives (a sea bird) under the allorpoq agdlorpoq water) allunaaq agdlunâq strap; thong; seal-thong allunassat agdlunássat straps allunaaqattaarpoq, agdlunâqátârpoq, allunaariaqattaarpoq agdlunâriaqátârpoq walks on a ropé allunaasaq agdlunaussaq rope; cable; line; string allunaasaaraq agdlunaussâraq twine allunaassat ingitsikkat agdlunaussat ingivtigkat oakum allunaassiassat agdlunaussiagssat hemp allunaassiornikut agdlunaussiornikut tow; hemptow Brünnich's guillemot (Uria appa agpa arra) frequently occuring name of bird cliffs; the settlement appat agpat Ritenbenk appaaq agpâq young guillemot appaliarsuk agpaliarssuk little auk (Arctica alle) apparluk agpardluk razor bill (Alca torda) aappaa âgpâ skins it (a smaller animal) aassivoq htr. âgsivoq aattorpaa âgtorpâ skins it (a large animal) aattuut âgtût flensing knife is dying, on the point of appaavoq agpaivoq dying; lies in agony of death appakarpoq agpakarpoq comes through penetrates the pack ice; sikorsuit appakarpai sikorssuit agpakarpai works out of it appakaappoq agpakáupoq enters the door Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 5 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - appippoq agpípoq leads the singing commences a song; leads it appippaa agpípâ (the song) appinissarpoq agpinigsarpoq preludes; plays the prelude leads the singing instead of him; answers him; makes appiuppaa agpiúpâ comments on it appiussorpaa agpiússorpâ does it several times scolds him; blames him for appisaluuppaa agpisalũpâ something strikes on it so that it can be heard; strikes on it a single assappaa agsagpâ time assattorpaa agsagtorpâ strikes on it several times he strikes on his kayak in qaanni assattorpaa qáine agsagtorpâ order to be heard assappaa agssagpâ digs (in) it; turns it over assaavoq htr. agssaivoq assappoq agssagpoq is dug; is turned over assaappaa agssáupâ buries it turns over (so that the uppermost becomes the assakarpoq agssakarpoq nethermost) turns it over, overthrows it; assarkartippaa agssakartípâ rolls it over (a single time) rolls; runs round; rolls along assakaavoq agssakâvoq something assakaatippaa agssakâtípâ rolls it round; rolls it forward assakaasoq agssakâssoq wheel turns it over, overthrows it; assallappaa agssatdlagpâ rolls it over (a single time) turns about; turns on the other side; has been turned assallappoq agssatdlagpoq round assallatserpaa agssatdlagterpâ turns it over; ploughs it iviit assallatserpai ivît agssatdlagterpai he turns the hay assallatserut agssatdlagterut plough harpoon knob (peg on the kayak on which the harpoon rests to prevent it from assagiikkut agssagĩkut slipping overboard) protuberance (smooth and assaq agssaq soft); load; cargo umiat assaat umiat agssait the cargo of the boat. Cf use Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 6 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - assataq agssataq burden; load; weight carries; carries a load; assartorpoq agssartorpoq transports goods assartorpaa agssartorpâ transports it assartuut agssartût great boat (orsiaat) cf (orssiaut) lighter assak agssak finger; metacarpal bone assaat agssait hand, hands itumak cf itumak assagiusaq agssagiussaq the skin under the nail has a beautiful or good hand; is handy; has great strength assagippoq agssagigpoq of hand has a bad hand or finger; does not understand how to assalluppoq agssagdlugpoq use his hands; is clumsy rubs it between his hands; assalippaa agssaligpâ pulverizes it isini assalippai issine agssaligpai rubs his eyes assaliivoq htr. agssalîvoq assalittarpaa agssaligtarpâ kneads it (the dough) assaligutit agssaligutit grater assalikaarut agssalikârut rolling pin assalittaavoq agssaligtaivoq rolls dough assalittaatit agssaligtautit rake assammiu agssangmio ring; finger ring assammipput agssangmigput they pull at hooks qiterlermipput cf qiterdlermigput they pull at hooks upper part of arm; humerus; shoulder (of animal). (S.G.) assaqqoq agssarqoq second cousin something which resembles assaasat agssaussat fingers; teeth, e.g. of af rake the teeth of the rake; the eqiterutit assaasaat eqiterutit agssaussait arms of a star fish; star fish avaleqqoq cf avalerqoq the arms of a star fish assaat agssaut forearm assagiaq, assagiarsuk agssagiaq, agssagiarssuk crab uses his hands; has always assassorpoq agssagssorpoq something between his hands assassorpaa agssagssorpâ has it in hand assassoriaq agssagssoriaq guitar qillerut assassoriaq qivdlerut agssagssoriaq gimlet assarput (anivoq) agsarput (anivoq) they move out Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 7 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - east wind; land breeze; fjord assarneq agssarneq wind assarnerpoq agsarnerpoq there is an east wind there is a strong east wind, a assarnaarpoq agsarnârpoq fresh breeze from the east assarnaannguarpoq agsarnãnguarpoq a slight east wind spills blood on it; mixes it asserpaa, assivaa (aak) agsserpâ, agssivâ (auk) (water, soup) with blood assiorpoq agssiorpoq makes soup of dried blood aassik âgssik, âvssik butterfly larva constellation appearing on the aassiit âgssît shortest day of the year assit agsit reticulum (of a ruminant) assivoq (anivoq, aak) agsivoq (anivoq, auk) spits blood assineq, assisarneq agsineq, agsissarneq blood-spitting assoq agssoq weather side assumut agssumut to windward assuanit agssuanit from windward goes, sails, drives against the assumukarpoq, agssumukarpoq, wind; has the wind against assumoorpoq agssumôrpoq him rows, drives, against the wind; has the wind against assorpoq agssorpoq him has the wind a little against assoralivoq agssoralivoq him the wind is scant; the wind is assoralinarpoq agssoralinarpoq almost against him assorleq agssordleq farthest out to windward assoqquppaa agssorqúpâ goes to windward of it iluliannguaq iluliánguaq assoqqullugu agssorqutdlugo you must go to windward of ingerlassaasi angerdlásause the little iceberg assorparpoq, agssorparpoq, assorparterpoq agssorpaterpoq gains against the wind contradicts him; resists him; assortorpaa agssortorpâ quarrels with him assortuisoq agssortuissoq opponent assortuineq agssortuineq fight; opposition they fight with each other; they contradict each other; assortuupput agssortũput they quarrel reproves him; has something assuaraa agssuarâ against him Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 8 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - I have that against you, that assuaraakkit atukkatit agssuarâvkit atugkatit you never keep the things toqqunngisaannarakkit torqúngisáinaragkit you have used assuarlerpoq htr. agssuardlerpoq assuarlerajuppoq agssuardlerajugpoq is apt to blame; critical has him against him; is assuarlersigaa agssuardlersigâ reproves by him assuarliutigaa agssuardliutigâ reproves someone for it assuarnarpoq agssuarnarpoq is blamable qisuk manna qissuk mána qipingavallaarmat qipingavatdlârmat this piece of wood is too assuarnaqaaq agssuarnaqaoq crooked, it is not to be used assuarnaraa agssuarnarâ finds him or it reprovable assuarnaappoq agssuarnáipoq is blameless; unimpeachable assuarnaagaa agssuarnaigâ considers him blameless assut agsut quickly! Go on! assorsuaq agsorssuaq with all his might assungaatsiaq agsungâtsiaq rather much assuunngitsumik agsũngitsumik gently! makes an effort; works hard, with all his might. In assororpoq, agsorôrpoq agsororpoq, agsorôrpoq metaphoric sense: strives pulls himself together; works assoruuppoq agsorũpoq with all his might they exert themselves assoruupput agsorũput together; they wrestle makes an effort together with assoruuppaa agsorũpâ him; fights with him assoruutigaa agsorûtigâ exerts himself with it attaq (anivoq) agtaq (anivoq) attat pl agtat sweepings; refuse heap attassaq agtagssaq dust bin; slop pail attakut agtakut refuse heap attakui agtakue his or their refuse heap trows out refuse; empties out attakoorpoq agtakôrpoq the dust bin attakoorfik agtakôrfik place of the refuse heap atserpai agterpai throws out refuse on the atserivoq htr. agterivoq refuse heap atserivik agterivik dust bin; slop pail atsigaaq agtigaoq angivoq v angivoq attorpaa agtorpâ touches it Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 9 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - attuivoq htr. agtuivoq touches something; fits in attuumavoq agtûmavoq with or adjoins somethin una annoraaq attuumavoq una ánorâq agtûmavoq this dress fits well borders on or adjoins attuumavaa agtûmavâ something facing; bandage; insertion (preventing two objects from attoqut agtoqut touching) attorqutserpaa agtoquserpâ puts a facing round it ai? ai? well? Eh? What? ajaa, aja aiâ, aja exclamation of dismay ajaa qasoqaanga aiâ qasoqaunga oh, how tired I am! aallerpoq aigdlerpoq aavaa v aivâ aalaq ailaq moisture; steam; sweat aalat, aallat pl ailat, aitdlat aalarpoq, aallerpoq ailarpoq, aitdlerpoq is dim; sweats igalaat aallerput igalât aitdlerput the windows are dim the other (of two); husband aappaq áipaq or wife, fellow, companion aappassaqanngilanga áipagssaqángilanga I have no one to go with aappaagut, aappaagu áipâgut, áipâgo next year aappaaguagu áipâguago year before next matuma aappaani matuma áipâne in the other world aappassaanik áipagssânik the second time; secondly aappaqanngitsoq áipaqángitsoq bachelor aappaatsoq áipaitsoq lonely; unmarried aappalik áipalik one of two; married aappaliuvunga áipaliuvunga I have a companion is his companion, wife; goes aapparaa áiparâ with him aapparitsiannga áiparitsiánga come with me for a little while couple; comrades; husband aappariit, aappariik áiparît, áiparîk and wife aappassiaq áipagssiaq sweetheart; betrothed aappassiannguara áipagssiánguara my little sweetheart aappassiaraa áipagssiarâ is engaged to him or her aappassiariipput áipagssiarîgput they are engaged aappassiariit áipagssiarît engaged couple; sweethearts aappassiarserpaa áipagssiarserpâ proposes to her aappanippoq (S.G.) áipanigpoq (S.G.) marries Greenlandic to English Dictionary page 10 of 638 Allattaasitaaq Gram/nass Allattaasitoqaq Tuluttut - New orthography - - Old orthography - - English - tries to get him as a aapparseraa áiparserâ companion tries to get a companion for aapparserpaa àiparserpâ him aapperpaa áiperpâ adds one to it una aappissavoq una áipísavoq there must be one more aappiivoq htr. áipîvoq is two years old adds it as the other one; lets aappiuppaa áipiúpâ him or it be the second has someone with him; has someone with him on the aappisarpoq àipissarpoq sledge is raw; is unboiled; is not aapavoq aipavoq sufficiently boiled does not like raw food; cannot aapaalingiappoq aipâlingiagpoq stand raw or parboiled food does not like it, because it is aapaalingiagaa aipâlingiagâ not sufficiently boiled aat? ait? what? Please! iserniarit aat? iserniarit ait? please, come in! pilara aat? pilara ait? please, let me have it gapes; gasps; opens the aatsarpoq aitsarpoq mouth nuna aatsarpoq nuna aitsarpoq the earth cracked aatsangavoq aitsangavoq gapes; stands open; ikersissimavoq cf ikersísimavoq aatsaarpoq aitsârpoq yawns with sleep aatsaat aitsât only now; just now well I never! Now it is aatsaat! aitsât! beginning in earnest aatsaalli aitsâtdle take care, once more aatsaalli qimmissaq aitsâtdle qingmigssaq that was a dog worth having I have just heard it (for the aatsaaginnaq tusarpara aitsâgínaq tusarpara first time) aatsaarluinnaq, aitsârdluínaq, aatsaaqqinnaaq (N.G.) aitsârqingnâq (N.G.) at this very moment aavaa aivâ fetches it; goes after it aallerpoq htr. aigdlerpoq fetches it on the same aalliuppaa aigdliúpâ occasion aappaa ãpâ brings it aatsivoq htr. âtsivoq aatsivigaa âtsivigâ brings him something

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