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Greenidea formosana (Maki), an Aphid New to the Hawaiian Islands (Homoptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae) PDF

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by  BeardsleyJ W
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Preview Greenidea formosana (Maki), an Aphid New to the Hawaiian Islands (Homoptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae)

157 SCIENTIFICNOTE Greenideaformosana (Maki), an Aphid New to the Hawaiian Islands (Homoptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae) JOHN W. BEARDSLEY DepartmentofEntomology, UniversityofHawaii, Honolulu,Hawai'i96822, USA ABSTRACT.Greenideaformosana,anaphidnewtotheHawaiian Islands,wascollect ed for the first time in Hawai'i on the campus ofthe University ofHawaii at Manoa, Oahu. on 26 February 1993 by J.W. Beardsley. on foliage ofcommon guava, Psidium guajava. Greenidea formosana is an Asian species belonging to the the subfamily Greenideinae. This group was previously unrepresented in Hawaii, and this is the first reportedoccurrenceofG.formosanaoutsideofAsia. On 26 February I993,1 foundanunusualappearingbrownishaphidlightly infesting asmall bush ofcommon guava, Psidiiunguajava L.,on the campusofthe Universityof Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. About 30 adult and immature aphids were collected. Slide preparations were made and the aphid was identified as Greenidea sp., possiblyformo sana (Maki). Subsequently, specimens were sent to Manya B. Stoetzel, aphid specialist, U.S. Department ofAgriculture, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Beltsville, Mary land, whoconfirmed that thespecieswas G.formosana. This isanew recordforHawaii and for the Western Hemisphere, as this aphid was previously unknown outside ofAsia accordingtoStoetzel. Greenideaformosanawasdescribedoriginally (Maki 1917) inthe genus Trichosiphum Pergande, now considered a subgenus of Greenidea Schouteden (Eastop&HillcRisLambers 1976). GreenideaisthetypegenusofthesubfamilyGreeni deinae, a small, largely Asian group not previously known from the Hawaiian Islands. Greenideaformosanahasbeenredescribedand figuredbyTakahashi(1924)andCalilung (1967). It occurs in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Japan, Taiwan (type locality), Ryukyu Is., Philippines, and Indonesia (Java, Sumatra) (Blackman & Eastop 1984). Recorded hosts ofthis aphid includeplants in the families Myrtaceae(Callistemoncitri- nus,Eugeniasp.,Melaleucasp.,Psidiumguajava. Rhodomyrlustomentosa, andTrislania rufescens), Moraccae (Fiats microcarpa and Ficus wighiiana), and Clusiaccac (Nesua ferrea) (M.B. Stoetzel, pers. comm.). Greenidea formosana is an unusual appearing aphid.The nymphsandadultapteraeare brownish incolor,somewhatflattenedin shape, with prominent cornicles that bear long hairs. Unlike most aphids, they moverelatively rapidly whendisturbed. In the alate adults, theslender, hair-bearingcornicles areexcep tionallyelongate,oftenexceedingtheabdomen in length.Asearch ofmorethanadozen guavabushes,madebymeinandneartheUniversityofHawaiiatManoaduringtheweek following the initial discovery, found only I additional small infestation ofabout 20-25 aphids.Thisand theoriginal infestationdisappeared afterabout2weeks, whichsuggests thatundernormal conditionsthisspeciesisunlikelytodeveloppopulationslargeenough to cause serious direct damage in Hawai'i. Its potential as a vector of plant disease is unknown. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Manya B. Stoetzel for heridentification ofthis aphid and for pro viding references relating to it. Journal Series No. 4047, Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. 158 Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society Vol. 32 LITERATURECITED Blackmail, R.L. & V.F. Eastop. 1984. Aphids on the world's crops, an identification guide. J. Wiley & Sons,NewYork.466p. Calilung, V.J. 1967. A faunistic study of Philippine aphids (Aphididae, Homoptera). Philipp. Agric. 51: 93-170. Eastop,V.F. &D. HideRisLambers. 1976. Surveyoftheworld'saphids.W.Junk,The Hague. 573 p. Maki, M. 1917. Collection ofessays for Nawa, p. 13. [Not seen, reference from Tak- ahashi 1924.] Takahashi. R. 1924. Aphididae of Formosa, Part 3. Report 101, Department ofAgri culture,Government Research Institute,Formosa. 121 p. Manuscriptsubmitted:21 Apr. 1993 Manuscriptaccepted:5Nov. 1993

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