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Preview Greenbelt news review. 2013-01-24

N R eview G R E E N B E L T ews An Independent Newspaper VOL. 76, No. 10 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 JANUARY 24, 2013 City Council Supports Relocating Council Okays New Truck And Treadmill Purchases FBI HQ to Greenbelt Station Site by Barbara Hopkins by Barbara Hopkins At its first meeting of the New truck’s performance and thus The Greenbelt City Council at sites and in December the GSA site. They are presenting the site Year on Monday, January 14 the recommended that the city fol- its January 14 meeting discussed issued a Request for Information not only for the FBI replacement Greenbelt City Council authorized low through on purchase of the and approved a letter written to (RFI), due March 4. facility but also for mixed use two large purchases. A replace- vehicle. support relocating the FBI to the Beall said the response would around it. ment truck with aerial lift for the The purchase cost, after de- North Core site at the Greenbelt show flexibility in meeting the He described a mixed-use Public Works Department was duction of applied rents in the Metro Station, the development government’s needs while also ac- area to be located adjacent to approved with the adoption of amount of $4,680, is $34,595. proposed to be constructed at the commodating the interests of oth- the Metro Station with the FBI a resolution introduced at coun- The Fiscal Year 2012 budget current parking lot for the station. ers involved, including Greenbelt. campus of four or five buildings cil’s last 2012 meeting. Five provides $35,000 for purchase The letter will be sent to County Mayor Judith Davis mentioned to be located toward the eastern new treadmills for the Aquatic of a new truck. In addition the Executive Rushern Baker and the competition from North- boundary of the property. and Fitness Center were also ap- City of College Park has agreed Congressman Steny Hoyer. ern Virginia interests. She said Councilmember Leta Mach proved for purchase through a to pay 20 percent of the cost Council had previously dis- she had read that officials and said she was pleased to hear bid negotiated by the University ($7,855), since the truck will be cussed the topic at a worksession business leaders there were pre- that part of the property that is of Maryland. used in the hanging of banners in attended by Garth Beall, who senting a team effort to GSA. environmentally sensitive would Truck Purchase College Park. represented the developers of the She wondered if the North Core be left vacant as a buffer for The city began leasing a 2007 Old Truck North Core. At the January 14 developer planned something security. Beall told council the Ford aerial lift truck in Sep- The value of the old truck is meeting Beall updated council similar. minimum construction standard tember to replace a 23-year-old estimated at between $5,000 and on his firm’s response to the Seeks Support required by GSA now is LEED vehicle that had not passed state $6,500. City Manager Michael RFI. He said the city’s concerns, Beall said it is important to (Leadership in Energy and Envi- inspection. The lease allowed for McLaughlin said the city has expressed in previous workses- GSA that local municipalities ronmental Design) gold and that 80 percent of the rental payment not tried to negotiate a trade-in sions, would be incorporated in support the project. He has the building could possibly be to go toward the future purchase because staff considers it likely their response. reached out to the City of Col- built at the higher LEED plati- of the truck, if the city decided that a market can be found for It has been widely reported lege Park already, he said, and num level. it met its needs. Public Works in various news media, including would be doing the same to Ber- Council Discussion staff has been satisfied with the See PURCHASES, page 6 the News Review (February 9, wyn Heights soon. He hoped to Councilmember Emmett Jor- 2012; January 17, 2013) that the garner Greenbelt’s support that dan, away on business, had com- General Services Administration night. municated support for the letter (GSA) is considering relocating He said he believes his group as drafted, Davis said. the Federal Bureau of Investiga- is in a good position to move Councilmember Rodney Rob- tion (FBI). Local and state of- forward. They are putting to- erts wanted to modify the letter ficials in Maryland and Virginia gether a packet that illustrates the have responded with proposed attributes of the Greenbelt Metro See FBI HQ, page 7 Greenbelt Hosts New Geocaching Trail Kick-off Event and Activities Greenbelt's heroes unite to fight injustice. by Andrew Phelan Animation Film to Screen On Saturday, January 5 Green- belt played host to one of three This Sunday at Academy 8 Geotrail 2013 Kick-off events held in the state. City staff joined forces with the Maryland On Sunday, January 27 at 5 a group over the past two years Municipal League and the Mary- and at 5:30 p.m., the premiere under the direction of animation land Geocaching Society to host screenings for the GAVA/GATE instructor George Kochell. The the event, which celebrated the Animation Program “Greenbelt’s students wrote the script and cre- launch of the new 2013 Maryland 75th Anniversary Animation Spe- ated and animated the characters. Municipal League Geotrail. cial” will be shown at Academy At 15 minutes, the special is the The new trail, labeled the 8 Stadium Theaters at Beltway longest animated short produced Discovering Maryland Geotrail, Plaza Mall. There will be two by the program’s students. includes caches in 49 differ- screenings of this free program, It also is the first time the stu- ent Maryland towns and cit- G which is open to the public. dents have used three-dimensional ies. Geocaching, essentially a DIN “Greenbelt’s 75th Anniversary animation. Under the direction O real-world treasure hunting game O Animation Special” was created of Greenbelt artist Tom Baker G where participants (geocachers) H by students in the GAVA/GATE T use GPS devices to locate boxes eI Animation Program working as See ANIMATION, page 6 k (caches) hidden at specific GPS bY coordinates, is becoming an in- TO O What Goes On creasingly popular activity. The H P caches are traditionally filled with Saturday, January 26 Left to right behind the table, Susan Kelley (Maryland small items related to the loca- 9 a.m. to noon, Electronics Recycling, Public Works Yard Geocaching Society), Mayor Judith Davis and Councilmem- tion where they are found. The Monday, January 28 City of Greenbelt is home to two ber Leta Mach distribute door prizes. 7:30 p.m., Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting, Commu- caches, one of which is on the nity Center, Room 111 Municipal League’s new Geotrail. as far away as Pennsylvania. selling Geocaching equipment 8 p.m. Council Meeting, Municipal Building, Verizon 21, Comcast Participation in the trail has many Attendees ranged from those and other local organizations. A benefits for municipalities, most interested in learning about geo- special Geocaching 101 session 71 and Streaming at www.greenbeltmd.gov importantly the potential eco- caching to veteran geocachers was presented by Maryland Geo- Wednesday, January 30 nomic boost provided by tourists who eagerly awaited the coordi- caching Society for those new to 7 p.m., Public Hearing, Greenbelt Board of Appeals, Variance Ap- visiting a town while they are nates of the caches along the new the activity. For those bringing plication 11-002-V, Community Center, Suite 200 geocaching. Maryland Geotrail. There were the family, arts and crafts projects Thursday, January 31 Over 100 people attended the numerous information booths were provided for children by 7:00 p.m., GHI Board of Directors’ Work Session, GHI Board kickoff event, from Greenbelt for neighboring municipalities Room residents to some traveling from included in the trail, businesses See GEOCACHE, page 6 Page 2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 24, 2013 Letters Editorial Grin Belt What a Great Idea! THANKS! We hope you noticed a new advertiser this week and last – Old Line Bistro and Fine Wines. The reason for the mention We would like to thank all of is this – one of our readers discovered the new store which the thoughtful people who have just opened last September. On a second visit she brought the sent us gifts, tips, cards and notes owner a copy of the News Review and a note suggesting he over the holidays. 0 place an ad, which he did. We enjoy delivering your A suggestion to the rest of our readers? What a great idea! News Review each week and If you trade with a store or service provider that you believe wish you all a warm, happy and others in Greenbelt might like to know about, ask them to healthy 2013. consider advertising. That’s a good way for a merchant to Sophie and Zach reach out to this community of shoppers. Advertising is the Bernheisel life blood of a newspaper. News Review Carriers Volunteer Call I hope you have enjoyed Reel & Meal at the New Deal reading about the teachers and other staff members of the six Film Is on Gun Violence Greenbelt schools for the past nine years. Monday, January 28 at 7 p.m. Biden. However, this may be the last is the monthly Reel & Meal at The discussion following the year for this series of articles in "Enjoy the surf and the sun, while I prep the New Deal featuring “Living film will be led by guest speak- celebration of American Educa- for 32.” It is an account of the ers Lisa Miller Delity, presi- tion Week. for the big game down south." 2007 Virginia Tech mass shoot- dent of the board of CeaseFire- I have enjoyed coordinating ings and the steps it inspired Maryland (formerly Marylanders the series but will not be able Colin Goddard, who survived Against HandgunAbuse), whose to continue it nor have I found Patuxent Talk Given Patuxent Program with four gunshot wounds, to brother, FBI agent Michael John someone to take it all on. Per- take toward strengthening na- Miller, was murdered in 1994 haps the responsibilities could On Nature’s Variety On Endangereds tional gun control laws, long at D.C. police headquarters; be divided among three reliable On Saturday, January 26 from On Sunday, January 27 from before the Newtown, Conn. and Elizabeth Ross, mother of people. 1 to 2:30 p.m. the Patuxent Na- 2 to 3:30 p.m. kids ages 8 to tragedy. Preceding the film a Marckel Ross, a county student One task would simply be to tional Wildlife Visitor Center will 10 can learn about endangered special vegan buffet will be shot and killed last September obtain the names of the nomi- offer a free talk for age 10+ on species at a Patuxent National available for purchase at 6:30 while walking to Central High nees from each principal. Some how the wide variety of plants Wildlife Visitor Center pro- p.m. School. principals respond quickly and and animals on earth help it work gram. The 2010 film was directed Discussion will include how others need follow up. like a complex machine. Each Participants will learn what by Kevin Breslin, produced local residents can influence The second task, the overall part is necessary to function, it means to be endangered and by Maria Cuomo Cole; it was proposed new national and state coordinator, would be to obtain from the lowliest microbes to why some of the nation’s species selected for the 2011 Sundance gun control legislation. More the contact information for pos- mammals, even chocolate. are struggling to survive. Dis- Film Festival. Goddard, his information is available at www. sible reporters from the News Advance registration is re- cover what can be done to help parents and his classmates tell livingfor32.com. Review editor. These are usually quired by calling 301-497-5887. endangered species in this free of the terrifying morning at This month’s Reel & Meal regular reporters or university The Visitor Center is on Powder interactive program. Blacksburg. Goddard follows was planned jointly by all three journalism students. The coor- Mill Road between the B-W Advance registration is re- with his efforts as a volunteer groups that sponsor Reel & dinator would provide the school Parkway and Rt. 197. quired by calling 301-497-5887. with the Brady Commission to Meal programs on environmen- nominee contact info to each expose the lax availability of tal, peace, social justice and of the reporters, then monitor weapons at gun shows. The animal rights issues: Beaverdam their progress. Providing status film covers related issues promi- Creek Watershed Watch Group, reports to the newspaper staff is Greenbelt nent since Newtown: the toll Green Vegan Networking and helpful. of gunfire, inadequate mental the Prince George’s County The third task would be to health care and risks attendant Peace & Justice Coalition. provide copies of the printed News Review to open carrying of weapons in For more information call articles to the schools featured public places. Goddard recently Lucy Duff at 301-577-2350 or each week. testified at the gun violence email Cam MacQueen at world- A lot of work by one person panel led by Vice President [email protected]. and, hopefully, much less work AN INDePeNDeNT NeWSPAPeR if done by three people working together. Any volunteers? 15 Crescent Road, Suite 100, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-1887 David Lange 301-474-4131 • FAX 301-474-5880 [email protected] email: [email protected] Were You There? website: www.greenbeltnewsreview.com Alfred M. Skolnik, President, 1959-1977 elaine Skolnik, President, 1977-1985 OLd GREENBELT President emeritus, 1985- THEaTRE editor: Mary Lou Williamson 301-441-2662 Assistant editor: barbara Likowski 301-474-8483 WEEK OF JaN 25 News editor: elaine Skolnik 301-598-1805 Assistant to the editor: eileen Farnham 301-513-0482 Lincoln Photo editor: Helen Sydavar (PG-13) STAFF Jackie bealle, Virginia beauchamp, Judy bell, Rebecca boggs, Judi bordeaux, Jessi FRiday britton, Arlene Clarke, Lynn Clinedinst, Agnes Conaty, bill Cornett, Cynthia Cummings, *4:30, 7:30 Peter Curtis, elizabeth eny, Angie evans, Joan Falcão, eli Flam, kathleen Gallagher, Anne Gardner, Jon Gardner, bernina McGee Giese, James Giese, Marjorie Gray, Carol Griffith, Pat Hand, Stacy Hardy, Solange Hess, Jeannette Holman, Rebecca SaTuRday - SuNday Holober, barbara Hopkins, Larry Hull, elizabeth Jay, Ginny Jones, Sharon kenworthy, *1:30, *4:30, 7:30 Suzanne krofchik, Sandra Lange, Sylvia Lewis, Jim Link, Catherine Madigan, Lou Ann McCann, kathleen McFarland, Cathie Meetre, Janet Meetre, Mary Moien, Marat Did you attend any of the Inauguration activities on Sun- Moore, Diane Oberg, Heba Pennington, Shirl Phelps, Marylee Platt, Carol Ready, day or Monday? We’d like to hear about it and so might our MONday - THuRSday Altoria bell Ross, Cheryl Rudd, Ann-Marie Saucier, Susan Stern, Jonathan Taylor, readers. Also, do you have any good photos? Let us know *4:30, 7:30 Linda Tokarz, Nancy Tolzman, Joanne Tucker, Jean Turkiewicz, Thomas X. White by email at [email protected] or telephone Jim Giese at and Dea Zugby. 301-925-7330. Coming Soon: Silver Linings CIRCULATION Core of Greenbelt: Ian Tuckman 301-459-5624 Franklin Park: Arlene Clarke 301-474-1526 Playbook bOARD OF DIReCTORS *These shows at $6.50 Eileen Farnham, president; Thomas X. White, vice president; Judy Bell, treasurer; Marat Corrections Tuesday is Bargain Day. Moore, secretary; James Giese; Diane Oberg and Altoria bell Ross All Seats Only $5.00. Last week’s Our Neighbors column omitted the “e” in the DeADLINeS: Letters, Articles and ads—10 p.m. Tuesday. Materials for publication may name of poet John Hayes. Now accepting Visa, Discover and be mailed to address above, deposited in our box in the Co-op grocery store (by 7 p.m. MasterCard for ticket sales and Tuesday) or brought to our office in the Community Center, 15 Crescent Road, during office hours. Mail subscriptions—$40/year. Last week’s letter from David Lange seeking assistance with concessions. the annual teacher profiles for American Education Week each 301-474-9744 • 301-474-9745 November was intended to include his email address so those 129 Centerway interested in participating could contact him. It is dwlange@ www.pandgtheatres.com Greenbelt Community Center at 15 Crescent Rd. terpmail.umd.edu. OFFICe HOURS: Monday 2 - 4 p.m., Tuesday 2 - 4, 8 - 10 p.m. Thursday, January 24, 2013 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 3 Community Events Menu for Senior GHI Notes Explore Dental Needs Upcoming Events Greenbelt CERT Nutrition Program Thursday, January 24, 7 p.m., Of Senior Mouths At New Deal Café Elects Officers The Senior Nutrition “Food Board of Directors Meeting – Next Friday, February 1 at 1 Friday, January 25 pianist John Greenbelt’s Certified Emer- and Friendship” program pro- Board Room p.m., Explorations Unlimited’s Guernsey plays classical and jazz gency Response Team (CERT) vides lunches for seniors Monday Monday, January 28, 7 p.m., topic will cover the three things piano from 6:30 to 8 p.m., then has elected the following officers through Friday at the Community Communications Committee every senior needs to know about Orchester Prazevica performs a for the coming year: Coordina- Center beginning at noon. Meals Meeting – GHI Lobby their teeth with Doctors Jay Mc- mix of Slovak and Gypsy songs tor Kenneth Silberman, Deputy must be reserved by 11 a.m. two Tuesday, January 29, 8:30 Carl and Dianne Lee. in the style of Èardáš and Gypsy Coordinator Courtney Ritz, Trea- days ahead so that enough food a.m., Yardlines Committee Meet- They will discuss ways to jazz from 8 to 11 p.m. surer Scott Ritz; and Secretary/ is ordered. Call 301-397-2208, ing – GHI Library take good care of teeth. The Saturday, January 26 from 1 Historian Kenneth Theodos. ext. 4215. Thursday, January 31, 7 p.m., presentation will include the most to 5 p.m. is Greg Meyers’ Com- All meals include bread and Board of Directors (Rentals common dental side effects of munity Jazz Jam. Afterward margarine, coffee or tea and skim Worksession) – Board Room today’s prescription drugs, how to John Guernsey plays up-tempo LISTEN to the milk. Menus for January 28 to Note: Committee and board save teeth and why that is so im- jazz piano from 6:30 to 8 p.m. 31 are: meetings are open; members are portant and an easy way to know then Fast Eddie & the Slowpokes NEWS REVIEW Monday – Apple juice, baked encouraged to attend. when teeth are sparkling clean. serve up a blend of Chicago, Visually impaired chicken breast with Teriyaki Dr. Lee has a B. S. from the West Coast Swing and Jump may listen for free New Deal Hosts sauce, fried rice, green and red University of Maryland, College Blues peppered with Soul from 8 Call Metropolitan cabbage, diced peaches. 60s Sing-Along Park. She graduated from the to 11 p.m. Washington Ear Tuesday – Orange juice, broc- On Wednesday, January 30 University of Maryland Den- On Sunday, January 27 from 301-681-6636 coli and cheese soup, chicken from 7 to 9 p.m. there will be a tal School in 2009 and contin- 5 to 8 p.m., Snakehead Run spe- salad, tossed salad, fresh fruit. 60s Sing-Along at the New Deal ued her education in practice cializes in authentic blues, jug No special equipment needed Wednesday – Grape juice, Café. management, cosmetic dentistry and string band music. Salisbury steak with onion gravy, There will be songs by Simon and endodontics. Dr. McCarl’s Next Week yams, green beans, rosy apple- and Garfunkle, John Denver and B.A. is from Gettysburg College; Monday, January 28 at 7 p.m. sauce. the Beatles. Scarves and musical he earned his Doctor of Dental the monthly Reel & Meal at the Thursday – Pineapple juice, shakers will be available to use Surgery from the University of New Deal will screen the film oven-fried chicken thigh, green and there is space available for Maryland Dental School. His “Living for 32,” a film concern- peas, stewed tomatoes, fresh fruit. dancing. This is an intergenera- grandfather, James W. McCarl, ing gun control, produced by one No information was available tional, family friendly event spon- was Greenbelt’s first dentist. of the victims of the Virginia Academy by press time for Friday, Febru- sored by the Greenbelt Mamas & Door prizes are expected. Tech shooting massacre, preceded Stadium ary 1. Papas and New Deal Café. Explorations Unlimited is held by an optional vegan buffet at Theatre every Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 29 6198 GREENBELT ROAD At the Library SHL Spelling Bee Is the Greenbelt Community Center, Lonesome Pine Bluegrass Band Storytimes Tonight, PTA Wed. with this presentation to be held plays from 7 to 9 p.m. CENTER 3CO0U1R-T2 O2F0 B-1EL1T5W5AY PLAZA On Wednesdays and Thursdays in Room 114, the Senior Class- Wednesday, January 30 from a librarian reads age-appropriate This evening starting at 5:30 room. Everyone is welcome to 7 to 9 p.m. there will be a “60s www.academy8theaters.com stories to children and parents us- p.m. (Thursday, January 24) is attend and questions are encour- Sing-along. Thursday, January Most features are $5.00 ing imagination and props. Pick the second annual Spelling Bee aged. 31 pianist Amy C. Kraft plays all day on Tuesdays. Add $2 for 3D. up a free ticket from the informa- sponsored by the Springhill Lake For more information call 301- midday melodies from noon to R = ID Required tion desk before the session. Elementary School Parent Teacher 397-2208. 2 p.m. with an open microphone (!) = No pass, (!!) No pass weekend Wednesday, January 30, 10:30 Association (PTA). Everyone session with Tom Gleason from WEEK OF JaN. 25 a.m., Drop-in Storytime for ages is invited to come show support 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, February 1 3 to 5 years. for students participating in the pianist John Guernsey plays clas- FRI. – SAT. – MON. – TUE. Thursday, January 31, 10:30 Spelling Bee. More Community Events sical and jazz piano from 6:30 WED. – THUR. a.m., Toddler Time for ages 18 to PTA Meeting to 8 p.m., followed by Buck & Movie 43, R (!) 35 months with caregiver. The PTA will hold a general are on pages 4, 5 and 12 the Bucktones with bluegrass, 11, 1:10, 3:20, 5:35, 7:50, For more information visit the meeting on Wednesday, January honky-tonk and originals from 8 Greenbelt Library, call 301-345- 30 at 6 p.m. For more informa- to 11 p.m. 10:05 tion email springhilllakepta@ Hansel and Gretel, R (!) 5800 or visit the library system yahoo.com or call Mrs. Kelly, 11:05, 1:20, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45, website at pgcmls.info. Patrons Ms. King or Mrs. Chung at 301- 10:15 are reminded that a wide variety 513-5996. VALENTINE’S DAY GIFTS Last Stand, R (!) of free digital magazines can be accessed from the county library 11:40, 2:05, 4:40, 7:20 website at www.pgcmls.info. “Art Under Glass Jewelry” Broken City, R (!) • 11:20, 1:50, 4:25, 7, 9:55 on display at the Mama, PG-13 (!) d NEW DEAL CAFÉ 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:25, 10:10 A Haunted House, R Call 301-345-9447 for information 11:10, 3:20, 5:25, 7:35, 10 Gangster Squad, PG on purchasing items 9:50 GHI BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Zero Dark Thirty, R WORK SESSION 11:55, 4:10, 7:40 Rise of the Guardians, PG Greenbelt arts Center Final Weekend 1:10 THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2013 The Rude M.cchn.nic0.ls prc(cid:143) cnt Django, R TIME: 7:00 p.m. \-ililli4m Uh:c-ik(0p,_·8r,_,·:c: 11:50, 4:05, 7:35 GHI BOARD ROOM The :MERCHANT SUNDAY ofVENI.CE Movie 43, R (!) Agenda: Review Subleasing Policy and 11, 1:10, 3:20, 5:35, 7:50 Task Force Recommendations on Hansel and Gretel, R (!) Unauthorized Rentals & Vacant Units 11:05, 1:20, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45 Last Stand, R (!) 11:40, 2:05, 4:40, 7:20 Broken City, R (!) Greenbelt Baseball www. r udemechanical s.com 11:20, 1:50, 4:25, 7 2013 Registration Dates Mama, PG-13 (!) Presented by The Rude Mechanicals (Bring a copy of Child’s Birth Certificate & Photo ID) 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:25 Saturday, January 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23 January 25 & 26 at 8:00pm A Haunted House, R Registration will be held at the following locations and times Ticket prices: $17 General admission; 11:10, 7:35 10 a.m. – noon @ Greenbelt Youth Center $14 Students/Seniors/Military Gangster Squad, PG 10 a.m. – noon @ Springhill Lake Recreation Center 9:50 Please note: This production contains the use of non-nicotine electronic Zero Dark Thirty, R ~ dRaFT day ~ prop cigarettes which produce water vapor similar to theatrical hazers. 11:55, 4:10, 7:40 Saturday, March 2, 2013 For information & reservations, Rise of the Guardians, PG 10 a.m., First Year Players Draft (McDonald Field) call 301-441-8770 or email: [email protected] or 1:10 (bad Weather Date Saturday, March 9, 2013 same time and location) BOOK TiCKETS ONLiNE at www.greenbeltartscenter.org Django, R *Major League Players Only* Coming Soon to the Greenbelt arts Center: 11:50, 4:05, 7:35 (Registration will also be available before the draft) February 1 and 2 – Stargazing A guest production from alight dance theater For more information please contact: February 22 - March 16 -Superior Donuts For directions, visit us at: Commissioner Jim Inzeo at 301-832-6631 or at Academy8theaters.com Greenbelt Arts Center [email protected] 123 Centerway • Greenbelt, MD 20770 • Located underneath the Greenbelt CO-OP Or call 301.220.1155 Page 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 24, 2013 ASG Jan. 31 Meeting to Be at H.B. Owens Tu B’Shevat Seder Exodus to Be Read Obituaries Welcomes All At Shabbat Shira On Thursday, January Britain’s first astronaut. 31 at 7:30 p.m. the As- He worked for Lockheed Friday, January 25 at 6 p.m. Saturday, January 26 at 9:30 tronomical Society of Martin for 32 years as a there will be a Tu B’Shevat Sed- a.m. there will be a special Shab- Marlene Matthews Greenbelt (ASG) will science data analyst on er, free and open to all, at Mish- bat service at Mishkan Torah for hold its monthly meeting NASA’s Solar Maximum kan Torah to commemorate the Shabbat Shira, which marks the Marlene Matthews, 76, died at H.B. Owens Science Mission, ending as direc- annual New Year of the Trees. annual reading of the exultant January 9, 2013. Center, featuring a presentation tor of Space Sciences at Palo Dr. Seuss’ Lorax has nothing song in the Book of Exodus on She is survived by her hus- by Dr. Keith Strong on “What has Alto Research Labs. He has on the Jewish people, who have the crossing of the Red Sea into band of 58 years, George P. Mat- Happened to the Solar Cycle?” All published over 200 papers and been speaking for the trees for freedom after the liberation from thews, Sr.; children George Mat- are welcome; there is no fee. chaired several NASA commit- over 3,000 years. Egyptian slavery. thews, Jr. (Wanda), Natalie Wil- The sun is the origin of the tees including the 2000 Sun- The joyous seder, led by Rabinical student Saul Oresky son (Rick) and Linda Anderson energy that powers Earth’s weath- Earth Connection Roadmap that Mishkan Torah Education Direc- and Cantor Yael Fischman will (Neal); and seven grandchildren: er and climate; the solar cycle is put the Living With A Star ini- tor Bret Goldstein, celebrates lead a creative service of chant- Marlene Wilson, Rick Wilson, the periodic change in its activity tiative in place. Strong retired the wonder of trees and includes ing, singing, poetry and guid- Paul Matthews, Ella Anderson, and appearance. The duration of about five years ago and has an tasting first fruits, an obligatory ed relaxation in honor of the Luke Matthews, Joseph Anderson solar cycles is about 11 years, emeritus position at the Goddard four cups of wine or grape juice, day. The Mishkan Torah Choir and Rachel Matthews. with Earth currently near a high Heliophysics Division. His cur- songs and each other’s company, will lead some of the scheduled A Funeral Mass was held at point in solar activity. rent interests include predicting along with a pot luck dinner. songs. St. Hugh of Grenoble Catholic Dr. Strong received his bach- the solar cycle, the sun’s role Attendees are asked to bring a There is no fee or reservation Church on January 15, with Rev- elor’s degree in astronomy at in global warming, origins of dairy or meatless dish. Anything required; the whole community is erend Walter Tappe officiating. University College, London, and flares and coronal mass ejec- commercially prepared must have invited to participate. Interment was at Gate of Heaven his doctorate in astrophysical tions, space weather, education a kosher hechsher. Mishkan Torah is at 10 Ridge Cemetery. Arrangements were by X-ray spectroscopy from Mul- and public outreach. Reservations are required; Road. Borgwardt Funeral Home. lard Space Science Laboratory, Howard B. Owens Science visit www.mishkantorah.org or Condolences can be made on- moving to the U.S. in 1976 as Center is at 9601 Greenbelt Road call 301-474-4223. line at http://Marlene-Matthews. a student after an unsuccess- in Lanham adjacent to DuVal last-memories.com. ful attempt to become Great High School. Mowatt Memorial united Methodist Church Phyllis B. Bickerton 40 Ridge Road, Greenbelt Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church Phyllis Birtman Bickerton, 79, Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors of Fulton, Md., died January 22, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi www.greenbeltumc.org 301-474-9410 2013, after a long illness. She Phone: 301-937-3666 www.pbuuc.org Rev. Fay Lundin, Pastor was a Greenbelt pioneer, daughter Welcomes you to our open, nurturing community of Greenbelt pioneers Paul and Worship Service 10 a.m. Libby Birtman. Sunday at 10 a.m. Mrs. Bickerton attended Green- Rev. Diane Teichert belt Center School and gradu- ated in 1951 from Greenbelt High See our website: www.pbuuc.org School. Thou beholdest, O my God, She was retired from the De- how every bone in my body partment of Agriculture, Beltsville. ST. HUGH OF GRENOBLE CATHOLIC CHURCH soundeth like a pipe with the music She is survived by daughters Denise Biggins (Dean), Dani- 135 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 of Thine inspiration, revealing elle Lineburg (Bill) and son Mi- 301-474-4322 the signs of Thy oneness and the chael; four grandchildren, Jason Mass Schedule: clear tokens of Thy unity. (Baha’u’llah) and Laura Biggins and Melissa Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. and Kelsey Lineburg; sister and brother-in-law Eunice and Eddie Saturday 9:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Greenbelt Bahá’í Community Burton; niece Sandi Yakupkovic; Daily Mass: 7:15 a.m. 1-800-22-UNITE 301-345-2918 [email protected] www.bahai.us nephew Scott Burton; and many Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 3:45-4:45 p.m. lifelong friends from Greenbelt and co-workers from the Depart- Pastor: Rev. Walter J. Tappe ment of Agriculture. BERWYN PBESBrtEBJ.AN CHUB.CH Visitation and service will be i held at Borgwardt Funeral Home Ftev. James 11..awton - Flas1or in Beltsville at 1:00 p.m. Friday, 301 7 7573, St. George’s Episcopal Church January 25. In lieu of flowers, 6301 Green'belf R,oad the family suggests contributions Join us around a table where all are welcome! Berwy'I') Heights, M ,20740 to the Greenbelt Museum, Box berwynprasbyterian. net Services 1025, Greenbelt MD 20768. • Sundays Worahip :. 6.l!lnday& at 11:00 am --Chi d Care A~ilaole 8 a.m. simple, quiet service (no music) SUndBy School: Sundays at 9:30 am Elizabeth M. Money 10 a.m. main service Office Haura : M-F 9:00 am -1 :(cid:143) O pm Elizabeth M. Money, 82, died (music includes a mixture of acoustic guitar, piano and organ music) on Tuesday, January 22, 2013. • Wednesdays She lived at Green Ridge House. 7 p.m. service with healing prayers (no music) She was predeceased by her 7010 Glenn Dale Road (Lanham-Severn Road & Glenn Dale Road) husband Bill Money and her 301-262-3285 | [email protected] | www.stgeo.org HOLy CROSS LuTHERaN CHuRCH brother John. Mrs. Money is survived by 6905 Greenbelt Road • 301-345-5111 www.myholycross.org • [email protected] daughter Donna (David) Bedford; Greenbelt Community Church son Douglas (Amy) Burns; grand- children Nikki, Dominic, Allison, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Neal and Laura; great grandchil- dren Lauren, D.J. and Faith; sib- Hillside & Crescent Roads Sunday School, bible Study 8:30 a.m. lings Mary, Pat, Marjorie, Ruth, Phone: 301-474-6171 mornings Alice, Patsy, Jerry and Catherine. Informal evening Worship 6 p.m. www.greenbeltucc.org A Memorial Mass will be held Sunday Worship at St. Hugh of Grenoble Catholic Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a traditional Bible-believing, 10:15 a.m. Christ-centered congregation! Join us! Church on Saturday, January 26 Clara Young, Interim Pastor Join us on Facebook at Holy Cross Lutheran Greenbelt at 11 a.m. "A church of the open mind, the warm heart, Memorial donations may be the aspiring soul, and the social vision..." made to the American Kidney Congregation Fund, 6110 Executive Blvd., Suite Mishkan Torah 1010, Rockville, MD 20852. Arrangements by Borgwardt Greenbelt 10 Ridge Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 301-474-4223 Funeral Home (www.borgwardt- An unpretentious, historic, welcoming, liberal, egali- funeralhome.com). tarian synagogue that respects tradition and becomes BAPT ST CHLJR,CH your extended family in the 21st century. Japanese Christian Worship Service 11:00am Shabbat services: Friday evening at 8:00 PM, except 1st Friday of the month, Fellowship Event i.e. family service at 7:30 PM. Saturday morning services at 9:30 AM. All Welcome Catholic with Pastor Megumi Enomoto Educational programs for children K–12 and for adults. Community Sat. February 2 January 27th Combined innovative full family educational program for parents and children. “Who is Jesus? A King” Conversion classes. Concert choir. Social Action program. of Greenbelt 2:00 pm February 3rd Opportunity for leadership development. MASS At Greenbelt Baptist Church Moderate, flexible dues. High holiday seating for visitors. Sundays 10 A.M. English Translation Provided “A Man after God's Own Heart” Sisterhood. Men's Club. Other Social Activities. Municipal Building Contact: Kyoko Hillman February 10th Interfaith families are welcome. [email protected] “How Quiet Trust Results ALL ARE WELCOME. Historic synagogue dually affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 301-741-2736 in Bold Action” and the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation Thursday, January 24, 2013 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 5 City Information We were sorry to learn of the death of Phyllis Birtman Bicker- ton, 79, of Fulton, Md., on Janu- ary 22, 2013. She was a Green- belt pioneer and a 1951 graduate GREENBELT CiTy COuNCiL MEETiNG NOTiCE OF PuBLiC HEaRiNG of Greenbelt High School. Sym- pathy to her sister and brother-in- Monday, January 28, 2013 - 8:00 p.m. Greenbelt Board of appeals law Eunice and Eddie Burton and Municipal Building, 25 Crescent Road Variance application 11-002-V other family and friends. Our sympathy to News Re- COMMuNiCaTiONS Notice is hereby given that the Greenbelt board of Ap- view staffer Heba Pennington and Presentations peals will hold a public hearing on January 30, 2013 at -Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Gen- her sister Dina Moustafa Toulan 7:00 pm in the Greenbelt Community Center (Suite 200), eral Plan for 2035 and son Alexander Toulon on the Petitions and Requests (Petitions received at the meeting will not 15 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 on an applica- death of father and grandfather be acted upon by the City Council at this meeting unless Council tion filed by Mr. Ibrahim Uyar for consideration of a re- Moustafa Toulon, in Giza, Egypt, on January 9, 2013. waives its Standing Rules.) quest for a variance of 7.5 feet from the minimum rear Minutes of Council Meetings We were saddened to hear of yard setback requirement and a variance of 1.2% from Administrative Reports the death of Elizabeth M. Money the minimum lot coverage requirement for the purpose Council Reports and extend sympathy to her fam- Committee Reports of constructing a 286 square foot, one-story addition to ily and friends. the single-family home located at 6807 Landon Court. Congratulations to: LEGiSLaTiON For more information please contact Terri Hruby at – Michael Kerdock, son of Kathy and Mike Kerdock of Pla- OTHER BuSiNESS 301-474-0569. teau Place, who graduated from - Advisory Committee on education, Report #2013-1 (ACe Grant Mississippi College in Clinton, Proposals) VOLuNTEERS NEEdEd TO aSSiST iN Miss., December 14, 2012. The - Community Visioning Report EVaLuaTiNG CiTy BuS STOPS entire family flew to Mississippi - 75th Anniversary Report The City, through a grant from the Council of Governments, to see him receive his B.S. de- - bus Shelter Designs is working with a consulting firm to evaluate the safety and gree in kinesiology. - M-NCPPC Greenbelt Metro Area and MD 193 Corridor Sector Plan – Silas Fishburne, 12, son and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment accessibility of the City’s bus stops. The City is looking for of Brett and Diane Fishburne - Grounds Maintenance Contract interested persons to assist in conducting the surveys. All of Pinecrest Court, who has - State Legislation volunteers will be required to attend a mandatory training ses- achieved the rank of Cadet Senior - Other Reports sion, and given the tools and knowledge necessary to com- Airman in the Civil Air Patrol *- Reappointments to Advisory Groups plete the surveys. The number and location of bus stops as- College Park Squadron and was signed will be determined based on the volunteer’s availability MEETiNGS awarded the Mary Feik Achieve- and interest. If you are interested in volunteering and/or have NOTe: This is a preliminary agenda, subject to change. Regular ment Award. Colonel Feik, who Council meetings are open to the public, and all interested citizens questions please email Terri Hruby, Assistant Planning Direc- lives in Annapolis, is very active are invited to attend. If special accommodations are required for tor at [email protected] or by phone at 301-474-0569. in the Civil Air Patrol and the any disabled person, please call 301-474-8000 no later than 10am College Park Airport Museum on the meeting day. Deaf individuals are advised to use MD ReLAY MEETiNGS FOR THE WEEK OF as a pioneer in aviation; Silas is at 711 or e-mail [email protected] to reach the City Clerk. JaNuaRy 28-FEBRuaRy 1 home schooled, a seventh grader in the Global Village School VaCaNCiES ON BOaRdS & COMMiTTEES Monday, January, 28 at 7:30 pm SENiOR CiTiZEN’S adVi- program. Volunteer to serve on City Council Advisory Groups. There SORy COMMiTTEE, Room 111 of the Community Center, – Greenbelt Nursery School are currently vacancies on: 15 Crescent Road. on receiving its second five-year Advisory Planning board, Greenbelt Advisory Committee on accreditation by the National As- environmental Sustainability & Youth Advisory Committee Monday, January 28 at 8:00 pm, REGuLaR CiTy COuNCiL sociation for the Education of For information call 301-474-8000. MEETiNG at the Municipal building, 25 Crescent Road. Live Young Children. on Verizon 21, Comcast 71 and Streaming at – Eleanor Roosevelt High ELECTRONiCS RECyCLiNG www.greenbeltmd.gov School on its appearance this Saturday on “It’s Academic” at SaTuRday, JaNuaRy 26TH Wednesday, January 30 at 7:00 pm PuBLiC HEaRiNG, 10:30 a.m. Channel 4 (NBC). 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Greenbelt Board of appeals, Variance application 11- Send us your reports of new 002-V in the Greenbelt Community Center (Suite 200), 15 babies, awards, honors, etc. to Public Works yard-555 Crescent Rd. Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 share with our readers. To send City residents can recycle old and/or unwanted Wednesday, January 30 at 7:30pm, FOuR CiTiES MEET- information for “Our Neighbors” iNG in College Park. email us at newsreview@verizon. computers and other electronic items. net or leave a message at 301- This schedule is subject to change. For confirmation 474-6892. Accepted items include: TVs, CPUs, monitors, keyboards, that a meeting is being held call 301-474-8000. – Kathleen McFarland mice, printers, laptop computers, recording equipment, speakers, scanners, surge protectors, wires and power FRee PRODUCe DISTRIbUTION cords, fax machines, cameras, telephones, radios, DVD BCWWG Meeting players, VCRs, batteries taped on one end, expanded poly- Springhill Lake elementary School styrene (block “Styrofoam” #6) – NO cups, egg-cartons nor 6060 Springhill Drive Is on Legislation food trays. On Thursday, January 31 at 7 Thursday, February 7 PLEaSE CaLL iN adVaNCE iF yOu WaNT TO dROP- p.m., the Beaverdam Creek Wa- Residents will be allowed to enter the school at 2:30 p.m. tershed Watch Group (BCWWG) OFF MORE THaN 10 iTEMS OR iTEMS OVER 50 LBS. Please bring a cart to carry produce. will hold its quarterly meeting For further information, contact the in Room 109 at the Greenbelt Greenbelt Recycling Office at 240-542-2153. GREENBELT aNiMaL SHELTER Community Center, the first in a series of public quarterly meet- CHRONiC iLLNESS EduCaTiON aNd SuPPORT 550-A Crescent Road (behind Police Station) ings. This meeting will focus Tips and Tricks for Taking the Lead in Managing Your BuNNiES aNd on Maryland environmental leg- Chronic Illness. This education and support group will meet KiTTiES GaLORE! islation. for 6 sessions between February 28 and April 11. The group All are invited to learn The Greenbelt animal will meet in Green Ridge House’s community room on Thurs- more about BCWWG and sis- Shelter currently has a days from 3:30-4:30. Participation is free but space is limited, ter groups working to protect couple of cute bunnies participants must call Greenbelt CAReS (301) 345- 6660 and improve the environment. and many kittens and to register by February 25. Featured speakers for the meet- cats that are waiting ing will be Brent Brolin and to go home with you. Julie Lawson of the Anacos- OPENiNGS ON TRiPS TO They even have a few tia Watershed Society. Brolin udvar-Hazy Center and Metamorphoses lovable pooches that will present the “big picture” have only love to give. Please of restoration work going on The Greenbelt Recreation Department still has open- come see them and maybe even in the watershed, from which ings for the following trips: Udvar-Hazy Center on take home a new friend flows the legislative agenda and Thursday, January 31, 9:00am-3:30pm and Metamor- other policy activities. Lawson’s phoses at Arena Stage on Wednesday, February 27, Give us a call focus is on the efforts of Ana- 9:30am-5:00pm. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome costia Watershed Society, Trash 301-474-6124 to join us. There is a cost for each trip. The Udvar-Hazy Free Maryland and Clean Prince trip does NOT include lunch, but the Arena Stage trip Come out and visit all of the avail- George’s to pass a statewide bot- includes lunch and show. Transportation is included in able pets! tle bill as well as both statewide both. Pre-registration is required. The shelter is open on Wednes- and county bag bills. Please call 301-397-2208 for more information. days from 4-7pm and on Sat- For more information call urdays from 9am-12pm or by Mark Christal at 301-446-1773 appointment. or email [email protected]. LiKE uS ON FaCEBOOK! See all our pets on Facebook! Page 6 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 24, 2013 GEOCACHE continued from page 1 Y R N e H Y A J Y b O Participants in the event visit the various information tables set up in the Youth Center T O H gymnasium. P Left to right, Shylock, William Cassidy, and Jacqueline the Greenbelt Recreation Depart- from the Maryland Geocaching Maryland Municipal League Chenault as his daughter Jessica share a moment. The ment staff. Many attendees did Society. The grand finale of the Geocache Trail can be found at Merchant of Venice is playing at the Greenbelt Arts Center not walk away from the event event was the official release http://www.mdmunicipal.org/in- through this weekend. (See ad on page 3) empty-handed as an assortment of the cache coordinates for dex.aspx?nid=167. of door prize giveaways was the 2013 Maryland Municipal Andrew Phelan is a Sports distributed with help from Mayor League’s Discovering Maryland and Recreation Coordinator for PURCHASES Judith Davis, Councilmember Geotrail. the Greenbelt Recreation Depart- continued from page 1 Leta Mach and Susan Kelley More information on the ment. the old truck as is. Since then, city staff learned Councilmember Rodney Rob- that the University of Maryland Bi-Lingual College erts asked Assistant Director of has awarded a bid for Cybex Workshop Feb. 2 Public Works Lesley Riddle about 770T treadmills to Gymsource On Saturday, February 2 at 9 problems with the old truck. When of Frederick, Md., at a cost per a.m. the Prince George’s County she described them, he said he treadmill of $4,995. The staff Public Schools (PGCPS) will considered them minor. In fact, reports the manufacturer to be a hold a bilingual college workshop he thought the old truck was better national company with a good in Spanish and English at the equipment than the new one, he reputation. The treadmill model University of Maryland Adele said. He questioned if sufficient is a new commercial grade unit Stamp Student Union, Campus maintenance is being done. and the company offers a three- Drive and Union Lane, College Riddle said an estimate on one year parts and labor warranty. Park. repair had been $4,000 and that The City of Greenbelt would be A collaboration between there were a number of Category able to piggyback on the Univer- PGCPS International Student 2 deficiencies as well as three sity of Maryland bid. Counseling Office and the Uni- Category 1 failures that kept the After meeting with Gym- versity of Maryland in Spanish truck out of service. The main source representatives and seeing and English for students in problems are with the hydraulics a demonstration of the tread- grades 6 to 12 and their par- for the boom, Riddle said. She mill, Recreation Department staff ents, the program will include assured Roberts the decision to recommended the city take ad- grade-level workshops facili- purchase a new truck had not vantage of this opportunity and tated by counselors. For grades been made without careful con- purchase five units at a total cost 6, 7 and 8 the topic is early sideration and investigation into of $24,975. preparation for one’s college the feasibility and cost of repairs Recreation Department As- dream; for grade 9 how to suc- to the old one. sistant Director Joe McNeal, who G ceed in high school and prepare The resolution for purchase was at the meeting, told coun- N DI for college; for grades 10 and of the truck was introduced for cil he was excited about the O GO 11 how to apply for college and second reading and adoption new machines and thought users TH how to get financial aid. The by Councilmember Silke Pope would like them. He said they keI grade 12 program will feature and passed unanimously by the are an improvement over the old bY how to finance one’s college five members of council present. machines. OS education and information about (Councilmembers Edward Putens An information sheet on the T HO the FAFSA, along with a free and Emmett Jordan were absent.) product describes patented ARMZ- P application form for federal Before moving on to the next stabilizers that reach further than Recreation staff Gaye Houchens, Kaila Maguire, Sarah student aid. agenda topic, Councilmember conventional ones and provide Layton. lead youth art activities during the geocaching There will be bilingual rep- Konrad Herling asked Riddle additional safety. Users can set event. resentatives from area colleges, how the city was moving toward up an exercise program, charge universities and community replacing its fleet with alternative- an iPod or iPhone, scroll through organizations, as well as tours fuel vehicles. She confirmed that playlists, podcasts and more. of the College Park campus be- it is moving in that direction. Users can “easily personalize ANIMATION ing available. The workshop, Councilmember Leta Mach their workout experience with a continued from page 1 although geared toward Latino suggested that the City of College perfect balance of Exercise/En- students and their families in Park receive thanks for contribut- tertainment/Escape,” the brochure they built scenery, similar to the- Stadium and Beltway Plaza. grades 6 to 12, is open to all ing to the truck purchase. She says. The deck is described as ater scenery only smaller, to use The GAVA/GATE Animation county families. noted as well that if other mu- “soft at landing, firm in the mid- in background shots. Program is a collaborative proj- PGCPS Interim Superinten- nicipalities want to use the truck, dle and rigid at toe-off” to match Creation of the film was ect produced by the Greenbelt dent Dr. Alvin Crawley will they should be charged rent. the body mechanics of running. funded by the 2010 Jim Cassels Association for the Visual Arts welcome workshop participants; New Treadmills Sounds like even Goldilocks Service Award created by the (GAVA) and Greenbelt Access the keynote address will be The city’s current budget pro- would find it comfortable. Greenbelt Consumer Co-operative Television (GATE) at GATE stu- made by University of Mary- vides $28,000 for the purchase All five members of council (Greenbelt Co-op Supermarket), dios at the Community Center. land Director of Community of five new treadmills for the present voted in favor of the the Greenbelt Community Foun- The program instructs young Engagement Gloria Aparicio Aquatic and Fitness Center. Af- motion to approve the purchase dation and by a Prince George’s people ages 10 to 18 in computer Blackwell. ter soliciting bids in August 2012, as described. McNeal said the County Special Appropriation animation. For more information call however, the city was unable to paperwork would be signed the grant provided by Councilmember For further information email 301-445-8460 or visit www. find equipment that met the city’s next day and that delivery could Ingrid M. Turner, with hosting of Barbara Simon at simongava@ pgcps.org. needs and therefore did not move be expected within four to six the premiere by Fox/Academy 8 yahoo.com or call 301-474-2191. forward with a purchase. weeks. Thursday, January 24, 2013 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 7 Greenbelt Wins Extreme FBI HQ continued from page 1 Website Makeover Contest to say the city opposes using a suited” for the project. maintaining good service and that site on the campus of the Belts- Marc “Kap” Kapistan of Belt- she did not consider this a case The City of Greenbelt is a - I- ville Agricultural Research Center way Plaza management, also of “tree hugging.” A number of g2r0a1n2d “pErixzter ewminen eWr eobfs iCtei vMicPalkues-’ I' t'o mNom CityJ e f GREENBELJ1 (BARC) for this project. He present, showed council a news- trees had been marked for re- ~ told Beall he hoped they would paper article saying the Virginia moval, she said. over” contest. The city will re- 1 .... - ~;4 ,_ - -~ consider the South Core as a team would unite behind a par- Davis said the city had ceive a free Premium CivicPlus potential site. ticular site after GSA clarifies its held worksessions with Pepco website to increase communica- Davis pointed out that the de- needs for the project. about city rights of way and tion and engagement between veloper of the North Core does He said it was important for that she was not aware that local government and residents. not own the South Core. Roberts the Greenbelt area to “speak” Greenbelt lacked authority for The contest encourages cit- wanted to have the letter refer to with one voice. He advocated a the areas in question along ies and governments to submit the Greenbelt Metro Station in simple, direct, unequivocal and Md. Route 193. She asked reasons for their need for a local general, rather than specifying the compelling letter. He understood Assistant Director of Public government website redesign. North Core. that Capital Office Park would Works Lesley Riddle to look Throughout the contest, the city Mach opposed using the South also be submitting a letter of into the matter. and community members have Core for the FBI. She said this support. Roberts called Pepco’s pro- participated in a digital engage- would defeat the benefit of em- When the motion was brought posal a “scorched earth poli- ment survey, with citizens also ployees being able to walk di- to a vote, all five councilmembers cy.” He thought the amount voting through social media for rectly from the Metro Station to present voted for it, including of trimming planned was unnec- the city to receive a new web- their office. Roberts, who said he still had essary for a residential area. He site. Greenbelt residents were After more discussion Mach concerns but was pushing them said the electrical wires in the given the opportunity to ex- moved to send the letter as writ- down the line. Councilmember questioned area were higher than press their opinions through the nications coordinator for the City ten and later said she would not Edward Putens was not at the normal and that the trees prob- current city website, Greenbelt of Greenbelt. “Thank you to all amend her motion to remove meeting. ably would not grow up to them. CityLink, on the city’s Facebook the residents and employees that language on the North Core or Pepco Tree Work He thought this case called for page and on Twitter. Informa- helped us by offering their sug- to oppose locating the FBI at Early in the meeting, Windsor some “tree hugging,” he said. tion about the survey was also gestions.” BARC. She accepted a modifica- Green resident Edith Beauchamp Beauchamp’s report to council posted in the Greenbelt News The current website, located tion offered by Davis, however, came before council to ask for also mentioned Pepco’s planned Review. at www.greenbeltmd.gov will to change the wording to make city assistance in limiting the use of pesticides on the stumps As a winner of the contest, maintain its simplicity and in- a stronger case against a BARC tree work Pepco was preparing after tree removal. Davis asked Greenbelt will receive a free teractivity while in the redesign site without specifically mention- to do along some areas that she Riddle to also discuss this subject website redesign including cus- process. The current site will ing it. The final wording she said were private or city prop- with Pepco subcontractors in light tom design and full develop- still be operational until the accepted was “no other site in erty. Beauchamp said she wanted of the city’s stance on avoiding ment. In addition, CivicPlus will new re-designed site is ready to or near Greenbelt is similarly Pepco to be more responsible in such chemical use. provide three days training at no launch. cost with two years of annual CivicPlus, which is known fees waived. All in all, the pack- for being the leading govern- age is worth several thousand ment website provider, the City VISIT www.greenbeltnewsreview.com dollars. of Greenbelt and its residents “I am so excited to be able are looking forward to a website to work with CivicPlus to create that will continue to enhance its an interactive city website that community engagement and com- will help engage our citizens munication. and coordinate our social media Greenbelt was among 12 win- efforts,” said Beverly Palau, ners throughout the country of Public Information and Commu- 161 finalists in the contest. Thursday, January 24, 2013 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 7 These are just a few of the great buys you will find at Co-op this week! G r e e n b e l t C r "' Prices Effective: JAN./FEB. 121 CENTERWAY–ROOSEVELT CENTER GREENBELT, MARYLAND O Visit us online at www.greenbelt.coop S M T W T F S OP 28 29 30 31 1 2 SUPERMARKET PHARMACY Monday thru Saturday 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. 3 Sunday 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. 301-474-0522 Saturday 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. 301-474-4400 '- ~ Closed Sunday Supermarket Pharmacy Fresh Quality Meat Farm Fresh Produce Dairy Frozen Seafood Fresh Lean Beef $379 California $499 Kraft Cracker Barrel$200 Swanson Asst. $250 Fresh Catch $699 Boneless lb. Seedless Navel Cheese Hungry Man Skinless lb. Chuck Roast Oranges 8 lb. bag Chunks Asst. 7-8 oz. Dinners 13-16 oz. Haddock Fillets Oscar Mayer BUY ONE Fresh Crisp $149 Chobani Assorted$100 DiGiorno 12-inch$699 Frozen $699 GET ONE Meat FranksFREE Apples lb. Greek Pizza Snow Crab lb. Select Varieties 1 lb. Fuji/Delicious/McIntosh Yogurts 6 oz. Assorted 28-33 oz. Leg Clusters Fresh Value Pack$299 Fresh Crop $299 Breakstone $150 Turkey Hill $250 East Coast $699 85% Extra Lean lb. Red or Yellow Sour Ice Cream Fresh Oysters Ground Beef Potatoes 5 lb. bag Cream Assorted 16 oz. Assorted 1.5 qt. Select/Standard 8 oz. Grocery Bargains Customer Grocery Bargains Progresso $125 Barilla Assorted $125 Lay’s Assorted BUY ONE Maier’s Assorted BUY ONE Appreciation GET ONE GET ONE Vegetable Classics Spaghetti Potato Italian FREE FREE Discount Day Soups Sel. Var. 18-19 oz. or Macaroni Chips Bread 13-16 oz. 10-10.5 oz. 20 oz. Wednesday, Jan. 30 Quaker $250 Prego 3/$500 Entenmann’s BUY ONE Shurfine 80¢ 5% Discount GET ONE Life/Cap’n Crunch Pasta Sauces Baked Goods Assorted to ALL customers FREE Cereals 10-13 oz. Assorted 23-24 oz. on ALL purchases Assorted 7-22 oz. Soda 2 Liter (except stamps and gift cards) Deli Bakery Natural & Gourmet Health & Beauty Beer & Wine Deli Gourmet $299 Fresh Store Baked$199 Popcorners $199 Colgate Premium$288 Milwaukee’s Best $399 Cooked lb. Petite Popcorn Toothpaste Beer Ham Kaiser Rolls 12 pack Snacks Assorted 5 oz. Select Varieties 4-7.8 oz. 6 pk.–12 oz. cans Cooper C-V $659 Fresh Store Baked$149 Green Mt. Gringo$399 Prilosec $999 Jacob’s Creek $769 Sharp lb. French Premium OTC Tablets Wines Cheese Bread loaf Salsa Assorted 16 oz. 14 pack 750 ML. Check out our best buy $avings on thousands of items throughout the store. Look for the green best buy shelf tags in all departments. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No sales to dealers please. Co-op is not responsible for typographical errors. Other great weekly specials are featured in our 6-page full color ad flier inserted in your News Review. Page 8 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 24, 2013 Police Blotter Based on information released by the Greenbelt Police Department, http://www.greenbeltmd.gov/police/index.htm, link in left frame to “Weekly Report” or http://www.greenbeltmd.gov/police/weekly_report.pdf. Dates and times are those when police were first contacted about incidents. Arrests Trespassing January 11, 2:50 a.m., Green- January 13, 1:28 p.m., Belt- belt Road at Hanover Parkway. way Plaza. A 49-year-old During a traffic stop in which a Greenbelt man was arrested and nonresident male was charged charged with trespassing on pri- with multiple alcohol-related vate property. He was released offenses, two nonresident pas- on citation pending trial. sengers were arrested and each Vehicle Crime ski n charged with possession of a A 2008 Toyota Prius reported pi li fictitious driver’s license. All stolen through D.C. Metropoli- e l three individuals were released on tan police was recovered in the el ni citations pending trial. Greenbelt Metro parking lot. No a d January 15, 12:10 p.m., Elea- arrests were made. y b nor Roosevelt High School. An A set of stolen tags was re- to o 18-year-old Greenbelt resident covered in the 7700 block Ora h p was arrested and charged with Court. They were reported stolen failure to obey a lawful order and through Prince George’s County The large crowd rises and cheers at the GCAN meeting January 15 with Delegate disruption of school activities. police. No arrests were made. Heather Mizeur on water, wind power and fracking. Mizeur is third from the He was released to the Depart- Four reports of thefts from right in the front row, next to GCAN leaders Lore Rosenthal and Michael Hart- ment of Corrections for a hearing autos were received: 7200 block man. before a district court commis- Hanover Drive (laptop and mo- sioner. dems), 9100 block Edmonston Burglary Road (sunglasses), 8000 block January 13, 12:53 p.m., 6100 Lakecrest Drive (iPod and cur- GCAN Legislative Agenda block Breezewood Drive. Elec- rency), Greenway Center (car tronics were taken. mirror). Draws Large, Engaged Crowd January 14, 1:25 p.m., 5900 Vandalism was reported in the block Cherrywood Terrace. Jew- 7800 block Walker Drive (vehicle elry and currency were taken. was scratched by a person known January 15, 1:06 p.m., 9100 to the car owner), 9100 block by Melanie Lynn Griffin block Springhill Lane. Electron- Edmonston Road (car window ics were taken. was broken) and 9000 block January 16, 11:01 p.m., 6100 Breezewood Terrace (windows The screech of metal coast of Ocean City. Tactics that sits on shale gas rock that block Breezewood Drive. Elec- were broken on two vehicles). chairs on linoleum filled the for advancing a solar energy isn’t already drilling,” said tronics were taken. room as extra seats were bill were also discussed. Mizeur. added to accommodate the The audience had ques- Water on Fire crowd at the first Green- tions, comments or strategic She described other states The Department is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for belt Climate Action Net- suggestions on every issue, as experiencing well water information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect in work (GCAN) meeting of so Lipinski breezed through catching fire, increased seis- the new year. More than her presentation, noting, “You mic activity and livestock and any of the unsolved crimes reported in the blotter. 30 people, many of them people really know this stuff.” horses dropping dead. She Call 1-866-411-TIPS. new to GCAN, gathered at Fracking promised to continue leading the Community Center on The liveliest discussion the fight to keep a moratorium People may anonymously report suspected drug activity Tuesday, January 22 to dis- centered around the issue of on fracking until health and by calling the Drug Tip Line at 240-542-2145. cuss the 2013 environmental fracking, a controversial drill- environmental studies have agenda for the Maryland ing method used to extract nat- been completed and fully ana- legislature. ural gas from shale rock deep lyzed. Senator Paul Pinsky is Slides of frogs, families underground. Mayor Judith a lead cosponsor on a bill to and farmers flashed across Davis opened the conversation legislate a moratorium. Dress for Safety the screen as Dannielle with a report on the challenges “No studies, no fracking,” Lipinski from the Maryland she faced trying to pass “even Mizeur said. Lawmakers close League of Conservation Vot- a very watered down” fracking to the oil and gas industry ers explained that protect- resolution through the National have blocked funding for the ing water quality and the League of Cities. She warned studies but Governor Martin Chesapeake Bay will con- her constituents that “the go- O’Malley’s new budget in- tinue to be a top priority for ing will be tough” because cludes more than $1.5 million environmental groups. Cam- Maryland’s diverse geography to begin studying the issue. Wear White paigns will include keep- encompasses “the same differ- “Your sustained engagement ing closer tabs on pesticides ing interests and opinions” she is what will help us succeed,” through a reporting database, had confronted at the national Delegate Mizeur told the placing a fee on plastic and level. group. paper bags and passing a Maryland Delegate Heather As the crowd broke up, bottle bill deposit law. The Mizeur, known in the halls of people signed petitions and groups will also be working the statehouse as “the frack- postcards to their lawmak- to ensure proper funding and ing woman,” had people on ers and arranged carpooling implementation for water the edge of their seats as she to several upcoming rallies quality measures passed last described the political wran- in Annapolis and Washing- year. gling in Annapolis surrounding ton. Wind Power a fracking moratorium. She A perplexing conflict At Night Prospects look good for explained oil and gas industry arose, however, between a Po- an offshore wind power bill tactics to “snooker landown- lar Bear Plunge to call attention that passed the Maryland ers” into allowing fracking on to climate change and a celebra- House but has been stalled their property with no protec- tory winter walk in the woods in the Senate. According to tion for health, land or water. to honor the 10-year anniversary Lipinski, the project is “the She condemned a 2005 of Greenbelt’s Forest Preserve, only serious manufacturing Dick Cheney and Halliburton both scheduled for January 26. program for Maryland” and scheme that exempted fracking It seems there will be plenty will “look like a toothpick” from federal water protection to keep environmentalists busy some 10 to 12 miles off the laws. “We are the only state in 2013. so drivers can see you! Thursday, January 24, 2013 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 9 CPAE Holds Zumba Greenbelt Nursery School Wins Five-Year Accreditation Holy Cross Fitness Dance Sessions Greenbelt Nursery School rigorous, process. annual reports and are subject to Saturdays, January 26 and Feb- Thrift Store (GNS) has achieved a new five- Accreditation this year in- unannounced NAEYC visits. ruary 2 from 11 a.m. to noon year term of accreditation from volved a self-study process that Greenbelt Nursery School, there will be a Taste of Zumba Every Thursday the National Association for the measures GNS’ program against a Greenbelt parent cooperative fitness workshop with Lee-Ann 10am – 4pm Education of Young Children more than 400 specific criteria in founded in 1942, offers nursery Doncevic sponsored by the Col- (NAEYC) good through January 10 areas that include curriculum, school classes for children ages lege Park Arts Exchange (CPAE) at the Old Parish House. 2018. The voluntary accredi- relationships, assessment, teacher two, three, and four; and extend- Good, clean clothes for women, tation is recognized as one of quality and leadership, followed ed-day programs for children ages Attendees will get up to speed men and children! the highest accomplishments for by onsite evaluation by NAEYC three and four. It is located in with the basics of Zumba fitness Shoes, jewelry, books, etc. an early-childhood organization. assessors. The independent na- the Community Center. Further dancing in an introductory level GNS has been accredited by tional panel reviewed the infor- information about the school is workshop setting. There is a NAEYC since 2002; this is its mation to determine whether the available by calling 301-474-5570 6905 Greenbelt Road nominal charge for this drop-in class. second five-yePaGr -aNcocrrtehd-1it2a-t1io7n-1 2u.na-i 12s/c1h7o/2o0l 1m2 e 4t :2a2ll:2 9cr PitMeria. In addi- or visiting its website at www. Greenbelt, Md. 301-345-5111 der the organization’s new, more tion accredited programs submit greenbeltnurseryschool.org. The Old Parish House is at 4711 Knox Road (corner of Knox Road and Dartmouth Ave.) near College Park Metro. Parking permits are available. CPAE Has Kids’ Arts Drop-Ins There will be two College MENU SPECIALTIES Park Arts Exchange (CPAE) Cchil- Charcuterie Plat dren’s Arts Drop-in programs led by Aaron Springer and Ann PMotter Cheese Plate on Saturday, January 26 from 10 Baked Mac & Cheese to noon and Sunday, JanuarYy 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. The Saturday Chicken& Pork Gumbo drop-in is held at the CoClMlege Cream of Crab Park Community Center, 5051 Caesar Salad Pierce Avenue; the Sunday wMYork- shop is at the Old Parish House, BBiigg cciittyy ddiinniinngg aatt BBeellttssvviillllee pprriicceess!! Steak Salad 4711 Knox Road, College PaCYrk. Italian Ciabata This free creative arts work- Old Line Burger shop is for children ages 3C MtYo 8 1188 CCrraafftt BBeeeerrss oonn TTaapp!! who are accompanied by a parent. Pan Seared Duck For more information eKmail oollddlliinneewwiinnee..ccoomm Breast [email protected] or call 301-927- Mussels 3013. Steak Frites Black Military Service Featured in Exhibit 301.937.5999 11011 Baltimore Ave Beltsville The Montpelier Arts Center’s Black History Month exhibit, “Fighting on Two Fronts: Black Military Service in the United States,” is currently open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will Historic Greenbelt TOP continue through Tuesday, Febru- ary 26. An opening reception 301-474-4144 DENTIST will be held at the center on Sunday, February 3 from 2 to 4 p.m. The reception is free but reservations are required. Millersville The exhibit highlights the service and support of African Americans for the U.S. military 410-987-8800 over a 200-year period from the Revolutionary War to the Vietnam War. “Fighting on Two Fronts” explores African Americans’ ef- forts in the changing face of dis- WINNER crimination at home and abroad. The Montpelier Arts Center is located at 9652 Muirkirk Road cCARL in Laurel. For more information call 301-627-2270. Reservations for the reception may also be made online at arts.pgparks.com/ page52557.aspx. National Gallery AL GROUP,P Violin Concert The National Gallery of Art will host a free concert at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 27. Ra- chel Barton Pine, violinist, will perform music by Paganini in honor of “Color, Line, Light: Aspects of French Drawings and Dental Implants Contribute To A Watercolors from Delacroix to Carolyn Signac,” an exhibit which recently HEALTHY SMILE opened. This concert will be held in the West Garden Court. by the McCarl Dental Group Please visit us online for Special Discounts www.McCarlDental.com GiVE BLOOd “Two lower molar implants strengthened my *$45 New Patient jaw bone, consequently improving my bite and virtually eliminating my TMJ issues,” GiVE LiFE Introductory Offer says Carolyn Lynch, who had traditional dental 7 1 445 Offer includes Exam, Cleaning and X-rays ($295 value) implants restored with porcelain crowns. 8 1 Page 10 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 24, 2013 C A LASSIFIED DVERTISING TRANSFER VHS TAPES, slides, pho- HELP WANTED tos, mini DV tapes and home movies to RATES DRIVERS: HOME WEEKENDS. Pay DVD. Audio tapes and records to CDs. up to .40 cpm. Chromed out trucks w/ 301-474-6748. CLASSIFIED: $3.00 APU’s. 70% Drop & Hook. CDL-A, JACKIE’S CLEANING – No job too minimum for ten words. 6 mos Exp. 877-704-3773 or apply @ big or small. Estimates, 301-731-0115. There is an urgent need Smithdrivers.com. 15¢ for each additional PATTI’S PETSITTING – Let your PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANT to word. Submit ad with furry, feathered, finned or scaled friend Greenbelt gentleman with develop- stay at home while you go away. Pet- payment to the News mental disability. CNA or equivalent GiVE BLOOd, sitting by a Professional Animal Care experience; must love dogs; available Review office by 10 Specialist. All types of animals! Avail- night/weekends. 267-884-5790 or able for mid-day walks. Insured! Very p.m. Tuesday, or to [email protected]. reasonable rates! Group discounts! the News Review drop MERCHANDISE References available. Call Patti Stange box in the Co-op gro- GiVE LiFE at 301-910-0050. HANDMADE CROCHETED ITEMS cery store before 7 p.m. by Ruth. Made to order. Call 301- HOUSECLEANING – Over 20 years 408-1082. in Greenbelt area! Weekly, bi-weekly, Tuesday, or mail to 15 monthly or one time cleaning offered. REAL ESTATE – RENTAL Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Local references and free estimates Monday, February 4, 1:30 to 7:30 p.m., GREENBELT/LANHAM – Rent available. Debbie, 301-459-5239. Greenbelt, MD 20770. Knights of Columbus Prince George’s Council, rooms, five minutes’ walk to NASA J+S GREENBELT HOME REPAIRS. BOXED: $8.95 col- Goddard, 3 BRs, 1 bath, living room, Call Jack Holbert, Jr. 301-310-6731 umn inch. Minimum 9450 Cherry Hill Road, College Park bar, windows, utility room, washer, dryer, big yard, storage shed, $200’s WELL WRITTEN – Resumes, cover 1.5 inches ($13.43). Monday, February 4, 2:30 to 8 p.m., + per room. Consider better offers, letters, letters to businesses, manufac- Deadline 10 p.m. Tues- Lions Club of Burtonsville, Liberty Grove United 301-552-3354, aashish_intouch@ turers, insurance companies, etc. Sue, yahoo.com. 301-474-2219. day. Methodist Church, 15225 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville ROOM FOR RENT – $450 utilities PLEASANT TOUCH BY GWEN for NEEDED: Please Monday, February 18, 12 to 6 p.m., included. No smokers please. Male facials, waxing and massage. 301- include name, phone Burtonsville Fire Department #15, preferred. Call Bill 301-326-5449 345-1849. number and address 13900 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville ROOM FOR RENT in Greenbelt, HAULING & JUNK REMOVAL – shared bath & kitchen, locked laundry Complete clean out, garages, houses, with ad copy. Ads not Monday, February 18, 1 to 7 p.m., on premises. Easy access. $560 a mo. construction debris, etc. Licensed & considered accepted un- Greenbelt American Legion Post #136, Includes utilities and internet. Mary insured – Free estimates. Mike Smith, til published. Ann, 202-651-1158 301-346-0840. 6900 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt REAL ESTATE SOUGHT HANDY MAN – Over 35 years’ Tuesday, February 19, 1 to 7 p.m., experience, painting, drywall, doors, Moose College Park Lodge #453, SEEKING A GREENBELT RENTAL windows, kitchen and bath remodeling. – utilities. Section 8, with pets. 301- All types of home repair. No job too 3700 Metzerott Road, College Park 552-7456. big or small! Local references and free Friday, February 22, 12:30 to 6 p.m., SERVICES estimates. Luke 301-459-5239 REMENICK’S Greenbelt Recreation Department, Greenbelt Community COMPUTERS – Systems installation, HARRIS LOCK & KEY – Mobile Improvements troubleshooting, network, wireless emergency service. Greenbelt 240- Call us for all your Center, 15 Crescent Road, Greenbelt computer design and upgrades, antivi- 593-0828 rus, anti-spam, firewall. IBM, Dell, HP, home improvements 1-800-00-RED-CROSS LEAVES: GS-SS – raked, removed. Gateway. Prophetiks, 240-601-4163, $50. 15% off for seniors or handi- 301-474-3946. capped citizens. 301-213-3273 MHIC 12842 LEW’S CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY – HOUSE CLEANING – I have refs from Free estimates, fabric samples, local Greenbelt. Melody, 301-805-8370 301-441-8699 business for over 30 years. Call Missy, (home), 240-705-2596 (cell) 301-345-7273. JOuRNEyMaN Continental Movers Free boxes PLuMBER Greenbelt Federal Credit union Local – Long Distance Call dave – The $80 x two men auto Loans $90 x three men Super duper 301-340-0602 1.99% Rates as low as apr drain degooper. 202-438-1489 240-706-1218 www.continentalmovers.net apply online at greenbeltfcu.com Call us at 301-474-5900 for more information. JC Landscaping apr = annual percentage rate. Rates subject to change without notice. Rate based on credit. Credit approval required. COUNSELING Beds Trenched and Mulched, CENTER Annuals, Flowers, Perennials, Ornamental shrubs and trees installed, Create Healthy Relationships Small tree removal. NCB is dedicated to providing competitive Feel Better — Enjoy Life! Shrubs and small trees trimmed and fixed and adjustable rate mortgages for @Gilnllillnlil!yJ' H[}{]u(ll]lri'InJile@Wy,, L~SWW:!!c-C© pruned. New lawn seeding or sod. residents of Greenbelt Homes. For nearly 30 Bruelllti@swvillliil@e &&; ~S1il11v1\eJ@r~ S~pIJirl~ilnlligl~ -Offic~e s Free Estimates years, NCB has been a premier leader in 301-595-5135 301-809-0528 financing co-ops and condos nationwide. 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