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N R eview GGGGG RRRRR EEEEE EEEEE NNNNN BBBBB EEEEE LLLLL TTTTT ews An Independent Newspaper VOL. 69, No. 7 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 JANUARY 5, 2006 What a Grand Time We All Had Top Stories of 2005 At the New Year’s Eve Party! Here is our listing of last year’s top stories, arranged in somewhat chronological order. by James Giese InterCounty Connector Greenbelt, joined by College Park and most of the county I wasn’t sure how much I council, continues to oppose construction of the proposed $2.4 would enjoy Greenbelt New Year billion InterCounty Connector (ICC) between Montgomery and 2006 and its Thousand Stars. Prince George’s Counties. The city foresees traffic from the ICC, This being at least my fifth such designed to end at U.S. 1, moving south through Greenbelt. party, I felt it would be same- At public hearings in January and February, representatives old, same-old. And to some ex- of the county, College Park and Greenbelt deplored the negative tent it was, even though there impact on the environment of the proposed highway. This view were new things to see and do was opposed by Laurel, which advocates extension of the ICC on the program of events. But to Kenilworth Avenue. Opponents of the ICC argue that sev- same-old, same-old still meant eral alternatives would deal more effectively and more cheaply having a good time and seeing with traffic needs between the two counties. and wishing well to many old In July Governor Ehrlich announced the decision to choose friends. the southern of the two proposed routes for the ICC ending at Under the leadership of Chair Route 1. At year’s close the Final Environmental Impact State- Patti Brothers and with the ment was expected. strong help and support of the Post Office Greenbelt Recreation Department In January 2005, ground in Greenbelt East was finally broken and many volunteers, a joyful for construction of a new post office facility. The official cer- throng of Greenbelt kids, fami- emony with Congressman Steny Hoyer and a post office official lies, couples, singles and who- joining members of the Greenbelt City Council in attacking the ever greeted 2006 with raucous TT frozen ground with beribboned shovels occurred in a blizzard E noise, bouncing balloons, the RN in late February. O beat of a big band, kisses and C This brought to reality a dream envisioned by post office of- L happy faces. BIL ficials through years of negotiations to acquire the land at I first checked out one of BY Hanover Parkway and Ora Glen Drive. Discussions with city of- the new events, the campfire TO ficials, with public input, were on-going about how and where O sing-along. She-who-must-be- H to retain some services in Roosevelt Center. The new building P listened-to-and-obeyed, on duty At the stroke of midnight, green balloons float down from the gym- is expected to open this month. in the gymnasium keeping order nasium ceiling to the delight of the crowd. Springhill Lake Redevelopment where order was already in At the beginning of February AIMCO, owners and managers place, wanted a S’more. (We sing campfire songs with Mel- early for me to see storyteller of Springhill Lake, invited residents and city and county officials thought the campfire was good issa Sites as members of Girl Tim Livengood. But I did hear to meetings unveiling plans to redevelop the apartment commu- for only an hour.) While still Scout Troop 127 served fresh a couple of songs including a nity over the next decade. In June town planners Duany, Plater- early in the evening with much roasted marshmallow S’mores. solo by Doug Love and get the Zyberk and Co. reviewed the concept plan with an enthusiastic of the crowd yet to arrive, a A fire roaring in a fire basket required S’mores. Unfortu- Advisory Planning Board. The site of the elementary school, group of rugged individualists gave light to the group and a currently on the lowest, flood-prone area in the development, was already braving the cold to touch of warmth. It was too See NEW YEAR, page 6 would be replaced with a lake and a new school built on the school bus property next to a newly-constructed middle school. Christmas 2005: A Letter from Iraq The municipal recreation center would be relocated near the schools. An increase from 2,899 units to a possible 6,000 was also proposed, including a variety of housing types and at least 25 percent for-sale units, to be constructed by other builders. by Tom Renahan Responding to these plans, the owners of Beltway Plaza pro- posed constructing a residential-commercial development at the Greenbelt resident Tom I cannot get out and shop, north face of their property facing Breezewood Drive. Many of Renahan returned to Iraq about due to security restrictions that these ideas were shared with community participants at charettes six weeks ago. Renahan is a keep us confined most of the held in mid-July, with the added idea that two 18-story gateway civilian contracted to work as a time in the two-block walled apartment buildings would anchor the development near the national Anti-Corruption Man- compound we share with two ager for the Iraqi Civil Society GE other U.S. organizations and sev- Beltway. N At the end of July the county’s Planning Board approved the Program. He is also the man- A eral Iraqi families. I did want to ager of a smaller human rights RA L buy small gifts for the several site plan, with conditions, for the estimated $600 million project. D Skateboard Park program. He reports that cor- N members of my headquarters ruption at all levels is a signifi- BY SA staff. My dedicated Christian boaTrdh repea rlke ttheards tsoti ltlh en oetd ibtoeer nc obmuipltl.a i nOedn tAhaptr itlh e2 1p lcaintyn esdt asfkf artee-- cant public issue in Iraq. He is O assistant did it all for me. I was T ported that the park was facing design challenges because of located in Baghdad, in the so- O not so sure that novelty coffee called Red Zone, where he is PH mugs, like one in the shape of limited space and topography. On August 11 park designers Tom Renahan were said to be “tweaking” the design, permits might not be ob- surrounded by high walls and Bugs Bunny’s face, was a win- tained for months due to new county legislation and because of heavy security. His assignment in Erbil, in the Kurdish north. ning idea but she assured me winter weather construction could be delayed until April 2006. is indefinite. He wants to stay Our Erbil office is actually in that Iraqis would love it. Our On October 13 staff stated that the design phase of the park in Iraq long enough to accom- the historical Christian suburb of visit to the Army PX on the Fri- was complete and final building permits would be received by plish what needs to be done. Ankawa. This community goes day before Christmas (with the He sent this letter of Christmas back to the missionary travels of usual armed escort) helped me See TOP STORIES, page 9 in Iraq to News Review reporter St. Thomas in ancient times. It get a few more things. So I Sandra Lange. has maintained its Catholic iden- found myself wrapping Christ- On this, my second civilian tity through the succeeding cen- mas presents this year after all. assignment in Iraq, I have expe- turies. This Assyrian branch of (I still can’t do it right but let’s rienced my second overseas Catholicism is one of two dis- face it, this is just not a guy ac- What Goes On Christmas season, this time in tinctive traditions, the other be- tivity.) Monday, January 9 Baghdad. Expecting little cel- ing the Chaldean. They are Even though all of our staff 7 p.m., Recycling and Environment Advisory Committee Meeting, ebration of a Christian holiday separate but both loyal to the can speak English, some very Community Center where perhaps only two percent Vatican. well, things can get lost in trans- 7:30 p.m., Advisory Committee on Trees Meeting, Community of the people are Christians, I Signs Here, There lation. My loyal assistant even Center Meeting Room have been surprised. My project, In the week before Christmas thought to buy To/From cards to 8 p.m., Regular City Council Meeting, Municipal Building (live on the Iraqi Civil Society Program, I noticed, within my limited attach to the presents. I guess is not located in the Green Zone, range of movement, a few Christ- you can’t find “Merry Christ- Channel 71) so my experience is not prima- mas trees, usually with lights of mas” cards in the shops of Wednesday, January 11 rily with expatriates but with Ira- some kind. There are also trees Baghdad. I had to explain, 8 p.m., Council Worksession re: Labor Code, Community Center qis and Muslims as well as in homes, of course, and, I am however, that “I Love You” was Thursday, January 12 Christians. told, even some in Muslim 7:30 p.m., GHI Board Meeting, GHI Board Room I spent the Iraqi election week homes. See RENAHAN, page 2 GNR 010506 print.pmd 1 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Page 2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 5, 2006 RENAHAN Letters to the Editor Grin Belt continued from page 1 News Stories Should Not Include Opinion not an appropriate substitute message, especially for presents The Code of Ethics of the story reports. given to men. Society of Professional Journal- As for the Greenbelt Middle Party for Muslims i“sJtosu r(nwawliswt.ss psjh.oourgld) dstiasttiensg uthisaht Sticohno oofl tshteo rtyw –o pthoeli tcichiaarnasc tseereizmas- A few Christians on our .. .. .. . Baghdad headquarters staff orga- \. between advocacy and news re- to us accurate in its facts and nized a staff Christmas party for porting. Analysis and commen- not opinion. Being called a everyone. I hoped for good at- tary should be labeled and not “Greenbelt purist” is not a pejo- tendance by the non-Christian misrepresent fact or context.” rative term in this town. majority and was thrilled by the I have noticed violations of response; almost everyone came. this standard in the News Re- Kudos and Kudos view. For example, in the open- A Muslim project official opened . ing sentence of the top news ar- To Coordinators the party with a thoughtful short • • ,. presentation about the impor- ' ticle for the December 22 issue, Chris Cherry, one of the New tance of people from different A. Neil Deo wrote, “. . . the Year’s Eve coordinators, could not cultural traditions working to- Greenbelt City Council voted to have described it better: “The gether. There was a gift ex- annex to the city 86.4576 acres idea is to create an event that change and somehow a second of additional land, the South brings light and warmth and gift for everyone from presents Core of the proposed Greenbelt cheer to Roosevelt Center on under our Christmas tree. Every- Station development located to New Year’s Eve and to encourage one was in a holiday mood. taGhpreea erwntmebseetl nt otMfs etahtrneo d S sptsarotiinuogtnhh i–lol faL atphkoee- piHnaogrwtsy gawot eeltrlhs etth oea yde jxospuilncoicrneege d thevdee !n ou feTfseh.r”e- (ThTeyh ehna veth De Jsd iann Icrianqg, tosota.)r t eAdl-. TY ©2006 most everyone was in motion, A tentially valuable new year gift paths leading from one building ON to the city.” By characterizing to the other were brightly marked mostly in group dances in a S C circle. After a while they played E tDheeo ainsn einxtaetrijoenct iansg ah i‘sg ipfot,l’i tiMcarl. bbuyi lsdtirnign ghsa do fa lmigahrktbeur libns .f r oEnta cohf a Kurdish dance number. Kurds AGN sprang from their chairs. People opinion into his news story. it, listing the festive events tak- I previously thought mild-man- "Please don't tell me that the Grinch stole your Another example appeared in ing place there. Arrows were nered were leading the circle. holiday homework again this year . . . ." the December 29 issue, where pointing toward the other places Watching the Kurds dance was Jennifer Sciubba, in her front one could go. Everything was probably the most joyful experi- page news article entitled so well organized! ence I have had in Iraq. “Council Debates Historic Status My son and his family, who The workday ends at 4 but of Greenbelt Middle School,” had come from N.C. for a “repeat the party went on past 5, with PRELIMINARY AGENDA wrote, “There are those attendance,” had such a great many still there to the end. MEETING OF THE Greenbelt purists, like time. His 2- and 6-year-old girls Someone later told me that Iraqis Councilmember Rodney Rob- loved the Celestial Craft Work- BOARD OF DIRECTORS like to celebrate but the constant erts, who argue that virtually shop, from which they emerged Thursday, January 12, 2006 security risks and hard times of any change removes historical with starry hats. And later they recent years have limited the 7:30 p.m., GHI Board Room significance from a site and who could not be budged away from number and size of celebrations. advocate for preserving the Mad Hot Ballroom dance Even wedding plans are scaled Greenbelt in its original form. floor, where partygoers of all down. An opportunity to let On the other hand there are ages moved their bodies with the Key Agenda Items: loose and celebrate is therefore those like Mayor Judith Davis, rhythms of the electrifying, nearly (cid:127) Set Annual Meeting Date cherished. Maybe that explained who argue that to keep non-stop, music. (cid:127) PAHC Membership Status some of the enthusiasm. Greenbelt alive as a thriving, For myself, I thoroughly en- (cid:127) Boiler Rooms – Disposition of GHI Owned Celebrating Christmas contemporary community, some joyed (among others) Stefan On Saturday and again on physical changes must be made Brodd’s “Broadway Sing-along,” Christmas morning at the to reflect changes in the citi- where every participant received compound’s hotel-restaurant, I no- zenry.” Ms. Sciubba and the a packet containing the words of ticed that Christmas Masses were Regular board meetings are open to members. News Review should have every sing-along-song. being televised. As in America, clearly labeled this paragraph for What a wonderful way to the churches were crowded. what it really was – an opinion. start the New Year! At least one of the churches Interjecting editorial opinion Leonie Penney was in the Karrada District where into news articles and departing Greenbelt our compound is located. A sig- from the facts, whether inten- tional or inadvertent, is a great Coast Guard Offers nificant percentage of the Karrada population used to be Christians, News Review disservice to the community and Boating Course though most of them have left, can also do great harm to poli- The U.S. Coast Guard Auxil- but there are still churches and ticians whom such opinions ap- iary Flotilla 72 will offer Ad- Catholic schools here. pear to support. Even though vanced Coastal Navigation, a Just before Christmas, I was in they are volunteers, the News course of special interest to all my office late when I heard a AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Review should provide appro- boaters and aspiring boaters. child singing “Jingle Bells” out- priate training and exercise ad- 15 Crescent Road, Suite 100, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-1887 The class will meet twice a week side my window. Looking out for equate oversight to ensure that for six weeks on Monday and the source of this odd occurrence, [email protected] its employees follow the code Wednesday evenings starting I saw two small children with their 301-474-4131 (cid:127)FAX 301-474-5880 of ethics established by and for Wednesday, January 18 at High mother and father going into the professional journalists whom Point High School, 3601 Powder house across the alley. It was Alfred M. Skolnik, President, 1959-1977 they emulate. Elaine Skolnik, President, 1977-1985 Mill Road in Beltsville. yet another little moment of inspi- Robert Fireovid President Emeritus, 1985- Among the subjects covered ration from Christmas in Iraq. are compass use and adjustment, Editor: Mary Lou Williamson 301-441-2662 Editor’s Note: Robert navigation tools and references, Assistant Editor: Barbara Likowski 301-474-8483 Fireovid’s first paragraph cites News Editor: Elaine Skolnik 301-598-1805 chart reading, dead reckoning, pi- what our reporters strive for – Assistant to the Editor: Eileen Farnham 301-513-0482 loting, tides and currents, radar hard news and facts, no opin- OLD GREENBELT use and aids to navigation. ions. he two examples he gives THEATRE STAFF seem to us not to rise to the The only cost is for books and Jackie Bealle, Virginia Beauchamp, Judy Bell, Judi Bordeaux, Jessi Britton, Sharon Carroll, charts. To register, call Steve at WEEK OF JAN. 6 Agnes Conaty, Austin Conaty, Bill Cornett, Randy Crenwelge, Kay Cummings, Peter Curtis, Pat level of angst he displays. The 410-531-3313 after 9 a.m., write Davis, A. Neil Deo, Carol Drees, Neal Ewen, Chris Farago, Eli Flam, Anne Gardner, Jon potential “gift” of the annexation Gardner, Alison Gary, Terri Gates, Al Geiger, Bernina McGee Giese, James Giese, Marjorie Gray, [email protected] or call Jean MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA is, perhaps, also a burden as the Enid Grempler, Eve Gresser, Carol Griffith, Shirl Hayes, Sabine Hentrich, Solange Hess, Bar- at 301-779-3184. (PG13) bara Hopkins, Linda Jackson, Kathie Jarva, Elizabeth Jay, Matt Johnson, Suzanne Krofchik, No frequent movie goers Meta Lagerwerff, Pam Lambird, Sandra Lange, Jim Lara, Lucie MacKinnon, Pat McCoy, Kathleen McFarland, Natalie McGill, Emma Mendoza, Mary Moien, Marat Moore, Diane Oberg, coupons or passes. Correction Linda Paul, Leonie Penney, Eileen Peterson, Jennifer Sciubba, Shamla Shakir, Linda Siadys, Eileen Simon, Sandra Surber Smith, Helen Sydavar, Joanne Tucker, Thomas X. White, Marie Shows all we know! An Friday Wong and Dea Zugby. alert reader informed us we *4:30, 7:30, 10:15 BUSINESS MANAGER: Ron Wells 301-474-4131 CIRCULATION Core of Greenbelt: Ian Tuckman 301-459-5624 got the photo of the Saturday Springhill Lake: Karen Zoellner 301-474-1882 menorah in last week’s pa- *1:30, *4:30, 7:30, 10:15 Chris Cannon 301-516-1068 per backward – menorahs Sunday are lit from right to left but *1:30, *4:30, 7:30 BOARD OF DIRECTORS reversing the photo made it Eileen Farnham, president; James Giese, vice president; Diane Oberg, treasurer; Thomas X. White, secretary; Monday – Thursday Virginia Beauchamp, Judy Bell and Pat Davis. appear the candles had been *4:30, 7:30 lit in the opposite order. DEADLINES: Letters, articles and ads—10 p.m. Tuesday. Materials for publication may be *These shows at $5.00 Even though Hanukkah is mailed to address above, deposited in our box in the Co-op grocery store (by 7 p.m. Tuesday) or brought to our office in the Community Center, 15 Crescent Road, during office now over, to set the record 301-474-9744 • 301-474-9745 hours. Mail subscriptions—$35/year. straight, the photo is hereby 129 Centerway correctly displayed. www.pgtheatres.com Greenbelt Community Center at 15 Crescent Rd. OFFICE HOURS: Monday 2 - 4 p.m., Tuesday 2 - 4, 8 - 10 p.m. GNR 010506 print.pmd 2 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Thursday, January 5, 2006 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 3 Adjustments Proposed Community Events On School Boundaries With input from parents of af- Greenbelt Arts Center Mini Post Office At the Library fected students, Prince George’s County Public Schools Interim A Long Shot Children AUDITIONS FOR CEO Howard Burnett has an- With the impending mid- Tuesday, January 10, 10:30 nounced adjustments to the new THE RIOT ACT month opening of the new postal a.m. – Cuddletime for newborns school boundaries proposed for facility on Hanover Parkway and to 17 months with caregiver, the 2006-2007 school year. The closing of the old post office at limit 15 babies. revised proposal, which will be by Will Greene the rear of Roosevelt Center, ru- Wednesday, January 11, 10:30 presented formally to the Board mors abound about a mini post a.m. – Toddlertime for ages 18 to of Education at its next meeting, Cold Readings from Script office in Old Greenbelt. At the 35 months with caregiver, limit is now available on the school end of October, Co-op supermar- 15 toddlers. system website (www.pgps.org) Jan. 9 & 10 at 7:30pm ket members heard at its annual 4 p.m. BookKids Book Discus- for public review and comment. Performs 3/17 – 4/18 meeting that, after giving it care- sion, ages 8 to 12 – Carol When viewing the boundary ful analysis, the Co-op would Sonenklar’s “Bug Boy.” proposals online, people can use Greenbelt Arts Center not locate a postal substation Thursday, January 12, 10:30 the School Finder tool to find there. a.m. – Drop-in Storytime for ages proposed changes for individual 123 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Other rumors had a mini 3 to 5, limit 20 children. addresses. postal facility or counter at the Adults 301-441-8770 variety store. News Review re- Wednesday, January 11, 7 p.m. Community groups porter Mary Moien has learned – Friends of the Greenbelt Li- www.greenbeltartscenter.org are invited to send from the owners of the store they brary meeting. will not be getting a contract, due Saturday, January 14, 10:30 us information on to the space required and the a.m. – Poetry Plus. Poet of choice their activities. need to give up some of the is Anne Sexton. Those coming store’s current offerings. should bring five to six copies of At this writing, it appears no any Sexton poems to share. Old Greenbelt postal substation 22nd District Officials Enjoy Swimming?! is in the offing. Hold Reception Golden Age Club Maryland Sen. Paul Pinsky The Greenbelt Swim Team Needs You! by Bunny Fitzgerald and Delegates Anne Healey, The Golden Age Club is pre- Tawanna Gaines and Justin Ross pared to move ahead for another invite their 22nd Legislative Dis- The Greenbelt Swim Team Winter-Spring season runs from year. The 2005 slate of officers trict constituents to a reception Jan. 17 to May 21. is returning and some new com- in Annapolis on Monday, Janu- mittee chairpersons are on board. ary 16 from 6 to 8 p.m., in the Walk-in registration will be held on January 10 & 11, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the We were an active club in 2005 Miller Senate Office Building, and there are plans for activities, President’s Conference Center, Aquatic Center. Fees are discounted for registrations received by January 11! trips and speakers for 2006. W-1. This includes all four pre- Swimmers practice Tuesday and Thursday afternoons We hope to have a yard sale cincts of the City of Greenbelt. and Sunday mornings. Developmental Swimmers meet Sunday mornings. in the spring and an anniversary There will be a celebration of luncheon. It takes work and in- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Information and applications can be found at terested members to make this and light refreshments will be www.greenbelt.com/swimteam or at the GMST bulletin board club a success. So let’s all pitch served. This is also a chance to in and support our officers. visit the 8 p.m. House or Senate in the Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center, Lynn L. Skerpon, register of session for about an hour that 101 Centerway in Old Greenbelt. wills in Prince George’s County, evening and an opportunity to will be the speaker at the Janu- meet neighbors in the surrounding For any questions, contact Deborah Taylor at [email protected] or 301-345-2485 ary 11 meeting. The January communities of the 22nd District. or Leslie Hilliard at 301-474-7504. birthday potluck lunch is on Anyone, especially Eleanor & January 18. Several trips are Franklin Roosevelt Democratic planned for the spring. Contact Club members, wishing to attend Karen in the Community Center by riding a bus for a modest office for more information. round-trip fee should call Pat We have been saddened by Unger at 301-474-1052. If the deaths of several members enough riders sign up, the bus this year; they will be missed. will leave the Greenbelt Library The New Year is a time for parking lot at 5 p.m. and return Greenbelt Arts Center Presents looking back, remembering friends around 10 p.m. and activities we’ve enjoyed and a Individuals attending may park time to look forward with hope at the Navy-Marine Stadium Lot and love to the next year. and ride the trolley to the event Best wishes for peace and or park at Gotts’ lot near the State health to everyone. House. To RSVP without riding the bus, call Pamela at 301-858- SHA to Study Need 3155 by Thursday, January 12. For Traffic Light CARES In a December 22 letter, Charlie K. Watkins, district engi- Judye Hering held the winter neer with the State Highway Ad- session of CARES free babysit- ministration (SHA), informed the ting course for four students. city that the SHA traffic engi- The purpose of the course was neering staff will conduct a to teach students safety issues study of the intersection of and responsibilities of child Greenbelt Road at Frankfort care, including poison control Drive to determine if a traffic and fire prevention. signal there is justified. He esti- During the month of Decem- mated that the study would take ber, 14 families on average were about 60 days to complete. seen for counseling at CARES. This story follows an earlier Forty individuals on average Music by John Kander, Lyrics by Fred Ebb & Book by Joe Masteroff request for such a light by the came on a weekly basis among JJJJJaaaaannnnnuuuuuaaaaarrrrryyyyy 66666 ––––– 22222J88888anuary 6-28 board of Greenbelt East Advisory whom 17 were 18 years of age Committee (GEAC). and younger. Forty-seven stu- dents participated in tutoring ser- vices. Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm Sundays, January 15 & 22 at 2pm St. Hugh’s Catholic School Grades K-8th OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, January 31 GGGGGrrrrreeeeeeeeeennnnnbbbbbeeeeelllllttttt AAAAArrrrrtttttsssss CCCCCeeeeennnnnttttteeeeerrrrr 9 to 11 a.m. 145 Crescent Road, Greenbelt 123 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD 20770, next to the Post Office 301-474-4071 333330000011111-----444444444411111-----88888777777777700000 www.sthughs.com www.greenbeltartscenter.org Open Registration begins Feb. 21 for the 2006-07 school year. GNR 010506 print.pmd 3 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Page 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 5, 2006 Obituaries In Memoriam Rose Haber Program to Improve Our sympathy to Pauline George Ellers It was a sad occasion for Ellers of Hillside Road on the Playgrounds Begins me to read of the death of death of her husband, George. George Ellers, 13 Court Hill- Rose Haber. When the Welcome to Andrew Phelan, side Road, died at Doctor’s Hos- Ambergs came to Greenbelt the newly appointed sports and by Peter H. Curtis pital on Saturday, December 31, and GHI in 1953, it was to recreation coordinator for the 2005. He was 89. He had been the 10 Court of Southway Recreation Department. Andrew In a recent Moran listed at Magnolia Gardens Nursing where we got acquainted with is the son of Bill Phelan, Public memorandum to the play- Home for several months follow- Ray and Rose Haber, our Works’ assistant director. the city council, grounds cur- ing surgery. neighbors in that court. We Assistant City rently needing Mr. Ellers was born on April found them to be fine, likable Manager David such upgrades 3, 1916, in Rotterdam, N.Y. Af- people and enjoyed having Giant Offers Moran detailed in priority or- ter high school he joined the Ci- the ordinary contacts with progress in the der. The top vilian Conservation Corps them. They were good Health Booklet implementation five listed are (CCC), first doing electrical people. We had the pleasure As the New Year begins, of the Play- from Windsor maintenance work in the New of living in the same court many people will resolve to live ground Improvement Pro- Green, followed by one from Jersey area and later helping to until they moved to Westway healthier lifestyles. Giant Food gram. GHI, Windsor Green Greenwood Village and one plant pine trees and do land rec- and I must say, as I look back, will help by offering “Fresh Start and Greenwood Village have from GHI. How much of lamation in upstate New York. that somehow our Southway . . . Healthy Rewards,” a new, signed agreements with the this work will be done this During World War II, Mr. Ellers lives were not quite as good free, healthy-living booklet that city opening all their play- year depends on availability served with the U.S. Army photo without the Habers to chat offers consumers simple but im- grounds to the public. In re- of city funds and whether reconnaissance group in the with off and on. portant tips to help understand turn, as funds are available, the owners can supply South Pacific. He worked at the We saw less of them from the importance of eating healthier the city will provide the matching funds, Moran indi- Army Depot in Schenectady. He then on and in 1960 or 1961 foods and exercising. “Fresh bulk of money needed to up- cated. Probably only one met his wife-to-be Pauline at the we moved to Hillside. Of Start . . . Healthy Rewards” is grade playgrounds to meet or two can be completed VFW there in 1952. When the course, I would read about now available at all Giant stores. federal safety guidelines. this fiscal year, he stated. depot closed in 1965, he was Rose’s swim classes and get “Fresh Start . . . Healthy Re- transferred to Walter Reed in to say “Hello” at Golden Age wards” is based on three prin- Washington, D.C. The couple meetings but unfortunately ciples: 1) Include healthful food was married that year and they we mostly had lost contact choices every day. 2) Enjoy food Mowatt Memorial United Methodist Church moved to University Square and Ray died and now Rose and take time to eat with family apartments in Greenbelt in 1967. has. We all have lost two and friends. 3) Balance calories 40 Ridge Road, Greenbelt Later they bought the home on fine Greenbelters. with activity. The “Fresh Start” www.greenbeltumc.org 301-474-9410 Hillside Road. They were married I got to thinking: our social booklet also provides consumers Rev. Dr. Paul C. Kim, Pastor 41 years. lives are so structured that with useful information on calcu- Sunday School 9:45 am Worship Service 11:00 am Mr. Ellers repaired typewriters, there’s plenty – too much – lating daily caloric needs, plan- Prayer Meeting Wed. 6:45 pm was a locksmith and worked on opportunity to tell each other ning family meals and eating ap- Crossways Bible Study Tues. 7:30 pm Thurs. 10:30 am safes for the federal government off and we somehow stupidly propriate portions. In addition Handicapped Accessible Come As You Are! for 37 years. After he retired, he don’t think to tell others whom the booklet highlights the re- became a bus aide for the Prince we admire how fine we know wards of eating more whole George’s County public schools them to be until it is too late. grains, fruits and vegetables and Greenbelt Community Church for 12 years. He also repaired They are gone and we have fat-free and low-fat dairy prod- typewriters on the side. He kept lost the pleasure of giving them ucts. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST the collection of old 1930s type- the pleasure of hearing them- The guide was written by Gi- writers working for the News Re- selves rightly praised. So I’m ant in-house nutritionists and re- Hillside & Crescent Roads view until he could no longer get also sad that I failed to tell her viewed by its health and wellness Phone: 301-474-6171 mornings parts. He was an active member to her face what I’m telling advisor, Dr. George Blackburn, S. www.greenbelt.com/gccucc/ of the Phillips Kleiner VFW Post you about Rose Haber: she Daniel Abraham associate profes- Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m. 5627 on Branchville Road in Col- was a very good egg. sor of nutrition and associate di- Daniel Hamlin, Pastor lege Park. He was twice post – Mat Amberg rector of Nutrition, Division of "A church of the open mind, the warm heart, commander and enjoyed calling Nutrition, Harvard Medical the aspiring soul, and the social vision..." Bingo games. He was a member School. of the Greenbelt American Legion Post #136 and St. Hugh’s Catho- lic MChr.u rEchll.ers is survived by his HOL6Y9 0C5 RGOreeSnSbe LltU RoTaHd E• 3R01A-3N45 C-5H11U1 RCH ~\..L/A Snt.g Gliecoarng eC•hsu Ercphis copal/ on! wife Pauline and her son Ken- 7010 Glenn Dale Road ati neth Holmes of Nevada. He had Sunday 8:00 a.m. Worship Service (Lanham-Severn Road & Glenn Dale Road ) eg outlived his three brothers and 9:15 a.m. Sunday School/ 301-262-3285 | [email protected] | www.stgeo.or g ngr three sisters. There are many Bible Study Sundays: 8:00 am Simple, quiet Mass co nieces and nephews. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 9:00 am Christian education for all ages e v Viewings were held at Gasch’s 10:00 am Sung Mass with organ and folk si u Funeral Home on Wednesday music, ASL interpreted cl and the funeral service was held 1:30 pm Smigonnethd oMnalys)s (last Sunday of each n in at St. Hugh’s on Thursday. A A Wednesdays: 7:00 pm Simple, quiet Mass memorial service will be held in Fax 301-220-0694 (cid:127) E-mail [email protected] the spring in Schenectady where most of his relatives and his ST. HUGH'S OF GRENOBLE CATHOLIC CHURCH many friends from the VFW there GREENBELT BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 live. Burial will be at the Comer of Crescent and Greenhill Roads 301-474-4212 301-474-4322 Saratoga National Cemetery. 11w11. greenbcltbaptist.org grecnbe 1t . bapti st'ri Yeri 1011. net Dr. Mark Johnson, Pastor Mass Schedule: Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Sunday School: 9:30 am <::>( Worship Service: 10:45 am Daily Mass: 7:15 a.m. Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 3:45-4:45 p.m. Weds. Worship: 7:00 pm (Adult Bible Study/Prayer & Children's Ministry) Pastor: Fr. Walter J. Tappe Catholic Pastoral Associate: Fr. R. Scott Hurd Community Helping People Connect with Christ and His Family through Loving Service of Greenbelt MASS Congregation The annual pilgrimage to Makkah Sundays 10 A.M. Mishkan Torah What – the Hajj – is an obligation for Municipal Building 10 Ridge Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 301-474-4223 is every Muslim male and female An unpretentious, historic, welcoming, liberal, egalitarian who is both physically and synagogue that respects tradition and becomes your Islam? financially able to perform it. extended family in the 21st century. Baha'i Faith Shabbat services: Friday evening at 8:00 PM, except 1st Friday of the month, Nearly two million people from every corner i.e. family service at 7:30 PM. Saturday morning services at 9:30 AM. "O Friend! of the globe are currently enroute to Makkah to Educational programs for children K–12 and for adults. In the garden of thy heart, fulfill this obligation. Young and old, rich and poor, from every Combined innovative full family educational program for parents and children. plant naught but the rose of love." Conversion classes. Concert choir. Social Action program. race, ethnic background and way of life, each will perform the – Baha'u'llah Opportunity for leadership development. same rituals exactly as the Prophet Muhammed (peace and Moderate, flexible dues. High holiday seating for visitors. blessing be upon him) did nearly 1400 years ago. Greenbelt Baha’i Community Sisterhood. Men's Club. Other Social Activities. P.O. Box 245 Interfaith families are welcome. To find out more about the Hajj or about Islam, e-mail us at Greenbelt, MD 20770 [email protected] or call 301-982-9463 or visit the 301-345-2918 301-220-3160 Historic synagogue dually affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism website www.islamguide.com. www.bahai.org www.us.bahai.org and the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation GNR 010506 print.pmd 4 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Thursday, January 5, 2006 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 5 Science Center Hosts City Information Egg Drop Price Drop Can an egg withstand a three- story fall? Beginning Saturday, January 7 visitors to the Mary- land Science Center can find out and receive discounted admis- sion in the process. GREENBELT CITY COUNCIL Meetings for January 9-13 During Egg Drop Price Drop Regular Meeting-Municipal Building Monday, January 9, 7:00pm, Recycling and Environment Advisory visitors arriving at the Maryland January 9, 2006 - 8:00 p.m. Committee, Greenbelt Community Center. Science Center before noon on Saturdays will receive a $5 dis- count on the price of admission COMMUNICATIONS Monday, January 9, 7:30pm, Advisory Committee on Trees, – an egg. Maryland Science Presentations Greenbelt Community Center, Community Meeting Room. All Center staff will provide the ma- Prince George’s County Human Relations Commission interested persons are welcome to attend. Info: 301-474-8004. terials and guidance to help visi- Petitions and Requests (Petitions received at the meeting tors create an original protective Monday, January 9, 8:00pm, Regular Council Meeting, Municipal will not be acted upon by the City Council at this meeting device for their egg, which will Building (live on Channel 71). be dropped from the balcony of unless Council waives its Standing Rules.) the third floor to see if it can * Committee Reports (Items on the Consent Agenda Wednesday, January 11, 7:30pm, Advisory Planning Board, survive the impact of the fall. marked by * will be approved as recommended by staff, Greenbelt Community Center, Theater Rehearsal Room 202, Egg Drop Price Drop is being subject to removal from the Consent Agenda by Council.) AGENDA: I. Call to Order, II. Approval of Agenda, introduced in January after a suc- III. Approval of Minutes, IV. Election of Officers, V. Revision to cessful trial in 2005. The Maryland Science Center LEGISLATION Conceptual Site Plan – Greenbelt Station, VI. Adjourn is located at 601 Light Street at A Resolution for the Negotiated Purchase of Information Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. For in- Technology Services for the Installation and Contin- Wednesday, January 11, 8:00pm, Council Work Session re: Labor formation and tickets visit Code, Community Center. ued Maintenance of Public Safety Laptop Software www.marylandsciencecenter.org – 2nd Reading, Adoption or call the 24-hour information line at 410-685-5225, TDD 410- A Resolution to Negotiate the Purchase of Repairs to the VACANCIES ON BOARDS & COMMITTEES 962-0223. Kalwall Roof Panels and Motorized Roof Mecha- Volunteer to serve on City Council advisory groups. nisms over the Indoor Pool Section of the Aquatic Vacancies exist on the: Students’ Relief and Fitness Center from Structures Unlimited, Inc. Advisory Planning Board, Arts Advisory Board, Employee Efforts Recognized of Manchester, New Hampshire Relations Board, Park and Recreation Advisory Board, Senior The efforts of Maryland pub- – 2nd Reading, Adoption Citizens Advisory Committee, Youth Advisory Committee lic school students to raise (Openings for adult & youth positions.) A Resolution to Approve the Municipal Livable Communities money to help the victims of For more information, please call 301-474-8000. Initiative Grant Application Hurricane Katrina have been rec- ognized by some of the people – 2nd Reading, Adoption the campaign was designed to A Resolution to Negotiate the Purchase of a Skid Steer GREENBELT MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC ACCESS help. Loader from Metro Bobcat Sales of Forestville, CHANNEL 71 The Alabama State Board of Maryland MUNICIPAL ACCESS: 301-474-8000: Monday, January 9 at 8pm Education has approved a resolu- – 2nd Reading, Adoption City Council Meeting (live), Tuesday&Thursday, January 10 & 12 tion commending the Maryland 6pm “Greenbelt Museum:The Modern Movement in Maryland,” Kids Care Campaign: Collecting 7pm “Greenbelt Labor Day Festival presents Diamond Alley,” 8pm Pennies (and More) for the Vic- OTHER BUSINESS tims of Hurricane Katrina for rais- (cid:132) Greenbelt Middle School – Site Plan “Replay of City Council Meeting.” ing more than $1.4 million. The PUBLIC ACCESS (GATE): 301-507-6581: Wednesday & Friday, (cid:132) State Legislation – PG 414-06 (Security at Prince hurricane devastated the coastal January 11 & 13: 7pm “Stuart’s Chinese Kitchen,” 7:30pm George’s County Shopping Centers) areas of Louisiana, Mississippi “Medicare,” 8:00pm “Medicare Town Hall.” and Alabama in August. (cid:132) Briefing on Institutional Network Bylaws “The Alabama State Board of (cid:132) * Advisory Group Reappointments and Resignations Education does hereby express Greenbelt CARES presents: its immeasurable gratitude to the WINTER 10-WEEK GED COURSE MEETINGS schoolchildren of the great State NOTE: This is a preliminary agenda, subject to change. Regular Beginning Tuesday, January 17th of Maryland, State Superinten- Council meetings are open to the public and all interested citi- dent Nancy S. Grasmick, the Course is free for Greenbelt Residents and $150.00 for Non- zens are invited to attend. If special accommodations are re- Maryland State Department of Residents. Students will be required to purchase calculators quired for any disabled person, please call 301-474-8000 no Education and to all the citizens later than 10am on the meeting day. Deaf individuals are ad- and textbooks as well. Classes are held every Tuesday and of Maryland who generously do- vised to use MD RELAY at 711 or e-mail Thursday at the Municipal Building at 25 Crescent Road. GED nated to Maryland Kids Care,” [email protected] to reach the City Clerk. the resolution said. I is from 10:30am-12:30pm and GED II is from 1:00pm-3:00pm. For enrollment information call Greenbelt CARES at 301- Young Pianists 345-6660, ext. 2016 or e-mail [email protected]. Hold Free Concert On Sunday, January 15 at 2 Notice of Amendment to the City Charter Addition of Power to Engage in Collective Bargaining p.m., a free concert by gifted At its December 12, 2005, meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution to add a new paragraph to the City Charter to empower the City to young pianists ages 7 to 16 will be offered at the Pope John Paul develop a labor code for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining with representatives of the non-managerial sworn officers of the II Cultural Center. The young Police Department. This action was taken in response to a binding referendum question that the Council placed on the ballot of the musicians are winners of the In- November 8, 2005, City election, which permitted the voters to decide whether this change should be made. There were 1,105 (58%) votes ternational Audition 2005 from in favor of the amendment and 797 (42%) votes against it. the International Associations for The charter amendment resolution will become effective on January 31, 2006, unless a proper petition to submit the amendment to the Musically Gifted Children, Inc. voters on a referendum is filed as permitted by law. The nine youngsters playing at Charter Amendment Resolution 2005-4 the concert are students of Dr. A Resolution of the City of Greenbelt Adopted Pursuant to the Authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of Maryland and Section 13 Bella Eugenia Oster of the Euro- of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, (1957 Edition as Amended), Title, “Corporation-Municipal,” Subtitle “Home Rule” pean Academy of Music and Art to Amend the Charter of the City of Greenbelt Found, in Whole or in Part, in the Compilation of Municipal Charters of Maryland (1983 in Silver Spring and have per- Edition as Amended), as Prepared by the Department of Legislative Reference Pursuant to Chapter 77 of the Acts of the General Assem- formed at Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, the United Na- bly of Maryland of 1983, by Amending Section 3, Titled “General Powers” to Add a New Paragraph 22 to Empower the City to Provide tions, the White House and nu- a Labor Code to Recognize the Right of Certain City Employees to Organize and Bargain Collectively merous embassies. The students have recorded more than 10 CDs. The resolution will add the following paragraph to the Section of the City Charter titled “General Powers”: The Pope John Paul II Cul- 22. To recognize and engage in collective bargaining with one or more designated bargaining representatives of non-managerial, tural Center is at 3900 Harewood sworn police officers of the City of Greenbelt, Maryland, Police Department; to enter into a binding collective bargaining agree- Road, NE. Admission to the ment with said representatives; and to enact by ordinance or amendment a system of rules and regulations to govern this process. Center is by donation. Parking The City Council shall approve all collective bargaining agreements entered into by the City with a collective bargaining represen- is free. Center hours are Tues- tative prior to their becoming effective. In the event the parties negotiating a collective bargaining agreement are unable to reach day through Saturday, 10 a.m. to agreement on one or more terms of a collective bargaining agreement, the City Council shall have the authority to set those terms 5 p.m. and Sunday, noon to 5 and conditions of employment that remain in dispute upon a majority vote. p.m. For information call 202-635- 5400 or visit www.jp2cc.org. As required by state law, this resolution will be posted in its entirety for 40 days, until January 21, 2006, at the Municipal Building at 25 Crescent Road. It can also be found on the Greenbelt CityLink Web site at http://www.greenbeltmd.gov under “Code Revisions.” A copy may also be requested from the City Clerk. For additional information, call or e-mail Kathleen Gallagher, at 301-474-8000 or [email protected]. GNR 010506 print.pmd 5 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Page 6 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 5, 2006 NEW YEAR continued from page 1 nately, by the time I trudged showed great improvement in back from the mall to the Com- their stage skills since that time. munity Center, they were cold, More work is needed on dance but she-who-once-was-a-Girl- routines. Scout-leader seemed happy any- Later, however, I heard that how. the show had been rather hastily Steel Drums put together. Still, Alex Butcher, We listened with friends to Scott Kincaid, Cecelia Bell, Evan the Smooth Pan Sounds Steel Camara, Cody Sanders and Drum Band. A new group, some Emma Bloksberg-Fireovid put on commented that they were not as a rousing show that brought the good as previous steel drum audience to its feet at the band groups. I liked them, how- performance’s end. Chris Frank Cassel, the Banjo man, played foot- ever. I was impressed with the Fominaya, whom we had just left stomping bluegrass. –B. Souser way the lead melody drummer did at the Piano Lounge, beat us to The Smooth Pan Sounds Band jazzed it up. –B. Souser jazz-style improvisations of the the Arts Center and provided pi- tunes played. ano accompaniment to the sing- From 8 to 9, I tended door as ers. a volunteer at the “back door” of With barely an hour left, we the Community Center. There walked back to the Community throngs of teens, sometimes with Center multipurpose room to get parents, wandered back and forth our very special New Year’s Eve between the Community Center Chef Lou dessert and coffee and and Youth Center. I also got to listen to the great vocal rendi- greet a harried John Hill, who ar- tions of John Hill. As Hill did rived late with family assistance his final group of songs, includ- after car trouble on I-95. ing his rendition of “Auld Lang On my way to the back door Syne,” we delighted in our des- I checked out the craft rooms serts – a very rich chocolate where family groups were busy truffle for me and Key lime making headgear. On my way cheesecake for Bernie. Although back I stopped to see what was Hill was supposed to stop at going on at the Mad Hot Ball- 11:30, he kept on playing until room, where Frank Solomon was his audience left to catch the fi- teaching a group to line dance – nal countdown in the gym. not for my creaky old legs. Countdown Upstairs I found Magic Mike I don’t know what the final Chris Fominaya played Disney tunes in the piano just beginning his act with a count for the turnout is but the lounge. –J. Giese standing-room-only crowd and gym seemed as packed as ever. The Little Drummer girl is Mairead Alexander. many little ones gathered at his DC Motors was rocking away. –B. Cornett feet. I would have enjoyed In front of the stage was a mob watching him perform again but of kids doing their own free-form I was too big to squeeze in. variations of dance. Behind The kids were delighted as ever them clusters of families and with the sleight-of-hand tricks he groups of friends were gathered Photos by was doing. listening, talking and occasion- Bill Cornett After I found Bernie in the ally dancing together. In the Jon Gardner gym, we went to room 112, now back of the hall, some of us old James Giese a piano lounge. There Chris folks found seats, as did mothers Bill Souser Fominaya was leading a filled with babies. room in singing tunes from The closer to midnight, the Disney movies. There are a lot louder the din and the livelier of modern Disney songs I am not the band. With five minutes to too familiar with as Disney is no go, box bearers appeared to dis- longer high on my movie enter- tribute noisemakers throughout tainment list. But most of those the crowd and the uproar became Dino and Carly Belisle (age 3) attending were up on them. ear-splitting. enjoyed dancing to the music. We would have liked to have Finally the 10-second count- – J. Gardner Magic Mike is assisted by Kira Myers, 6. –J. Gardner heard Sondra Holland and Stefan down arrived and as everyone Brodd play, too but we had to counted, green balloons fell from get over to the Arts Center for above and the band stopped the Camp Cabaret. We’ve heard playing. The horns blew, the Brodd play before and know he rasps rattled, everyone screamed is just great. There were just too “Happy New Year” and then the many things going on at once hugging and kissing started. and too short a time to see it all. DC Motors started rocking On our short walk to the once more. Some couples clung Greenbelt Arts Center we were to each other as they danced impressed by the many sign their first dance of the New Year. posts at pedestrian intersections Others danced with their kids or that had been erected to guide in groups. event-goers to the various ven- But quickly, those with small ues. Not only were the sign- children began gathering their posts new but many walkways kids and things to leave for were bordered with strings of home. After wishing all our lights to help show the way. friends a happy one we left, too. Camp Cabaret If there hadn’t been church to go Everything looked different in to the next morning, we might the Arts Center auditorium, have considered stopping at the which was prepared for the New Deal Café for their buffet Deion Brown wears a magic hat James Brown leads the train as the band plays “Locomotion.” Center’s upcoming production of breakfast. to watch the show. –J. Gardner –J. Gardner the musical “Cabaret.” Instead of rows of seats, there were clus- ters of seats around cabaret tables. The stage area was in a place traditionally allocated for audience seating. If the theater ambience is any indication of what the show will be like, theatergoers can look forward to a great time at “Cabaret.” The six Camp Cabaret per- formers sang 15 numbers in so- los, duos, trios and in ensemble. They are yet to be top notch showpersons but they are well on their way toward that goal. Many of the group had per- formed last New Year’s Eve in a murder mystery play; they Volunteers were everywhere, especially in the kitchen. –B. Souser Larry and Rena Hull check for wristbands at the door. –B. Souser GNR 010506 print.pmd 6 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Thursday, January 5, 2006 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page? Farm Fresh Produce sz99 GREENBELT CONSUMER California Premium C ® - O P U.S.#1 California Sweet Juicy Celery Navel Oranges - Bunch 8 lb. Bag 99! SUPERMARKET Washington State U.S.#1 California PHARMACY Red-or-Yellow Romaine Delicious Lettuce lb. App Ie s Fresh Express Ready-To-Eat Snow White llflt Double Carrot Mushrooms Tl .... -or-Lettuce 8 oz. Package 121 CENTERWAY, ROOSEVELT CENTER Trio Salad 10-12 oz. Fresh Quality Meats Fresh Value Pack Fresh Lean Boneless & Skinless s1z9 Fresh Lean Beef CO-OP Lean Beef s1s9 - Chicken Boneless sz~ Porterhouse s5~ Boneles Whole Breasts Bottom -or-T Bone lb. Pork Loin Round Roast Sold In Sib. Bags Steaks Fresh Perdue Kunzler BUY ONE szn Fresh Lean s3:9 Sliced GET ONE 93% Super Lean Boneless Value Pack 5~ Bacon FREE Ground Beef Center Cut Chicken Leg lb. Regular-Low Salt-Honey 1 lb. Pork Chops Quarters Breyers $198 szoo Tropicanna szso Friendly's Stouffer's Yogurts Pure Premium Ice Lean Orange Cream Cuisine Assorted 8 oz. Juice $.499 Assorted 64 oz. Entrees Assorted 56 oz. Assorted 6-11 oz. szoo Deli Gourmet Shurfine Cabot Stouffer's szoo Lenders s100 ~ftt Margarine -.wu· Chunk ~c_o_r_n_ed_ ___ Red Box Regular Beef-or Pastramii b._ Quarters Cheeses ~ Entrees Bagels 1 lb. Assorted 8 oz. Selected Varieties 8-12 oz. Assorted 5-6 Pk . .. N.A\TIJRAil. Cl\ «i011JIROOIE1T !BA\IJ(JEIRsWz 99 I szoo Finesse Sea Best Fresh Baked Shampoo Frozen Apple -or- Cod Pie Conditioners Fillets Assorted 20 Pk. Original-French 8 Inch Assorted 15 oz. $4ff Phillips sz99 J Medford Farms $179 Fresh Baked $1 1 49 Cold-Eze Frozen ~ Savory Sourdough Lozenges Seafood Crackers Bread Assorted 18 Pk. Soups Assorted 15 oz. Assorted 5.3 oz. Loaf ,,c tilRCCIERY BAIR(fiA\IINS Kraft San Giorgio Quaker Shurfine Salad 'Wftt Ragu Spaghetti I t t BU O E Apple 17--- Pasta .J.J ns an GET ONE Dressings -or-Elbow Oatmeal FREE Juice 64 oz. Assorted 8 oz. Sauces 2/zsc Macaroni 1 tb. Assorted 10-15 oz. Assorted 16-26 oz. s100 G.E. Purex Value Size SI" Kraft Nissin Hunt's llflt Mayonnaise$188 Top Ramex Tomato 3 Way Liquid Tl~ch Laundry Miracle Whip Noodle Soups Sauce Light Detergent Bulbs 1 oo oz. Regular-Light 32 oz. Assorted 3 oz. Regular-No Salt 8 oz. 50/1sow-30/1oow -·- sz•· To Better Serve You. .. Ii I IBIEIEIR cl WIINIE IP!Rt>lFESSIICNA\L IPIHA.IRMA\O ..... National CO-OP Has Expaoded Our Michelob •v Weekly Sale Ad Program. Beer Jacob's Creek Bohemian ■ We Honor Most Prescription Plans Look For Our ~ Wines Beer ■ Medicare Billing 6 PNaegve., FBuigllg eCro. lB rn dh teFrl,i er I 12 Pk.-12 oz. 750 ML 6 Pk.-12 oz. Cans ■ Courteous, Knowledgeable Staff Endoied la \our l\m1, .,. R. .i el<. I sa" ■ Free Home Deliyery Of Prescriptions Stt Our !lie,, Ad Hier For Loi. Of Additional s..te · Willow Glen •v Harp SS" Kelly's Revenge Mon.-Wed.-Fn. Bllrl!ain., & $"'iop$.. Wines Beer Wines ■ Free Blood Pressure Tester Extra Ad Flyers A,·ailable Instore. Check It Out! 750 ML 6 Pk.-12 oz. N.R.'s 1.5 Liter ■ Durable Medical Equipment Sales & Rental ·---- ..., 5lU1PlEIRMA\IRIK1Elf ARKET PRICES EFFECTIVE: JANUARY Mon. thru Sat 9 a.m. til 9 p.m. s M T w T F s lPlHA\lRMA\CY Sunday 10 a.m. til 6 p.m. 301-474·0522 9 10 11 12 13 14 121 CENTERWAY-ROOSEVELT CENTER GREENBELT, MARYLAND Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m. til 7 p.m. 15 Visit us online at www.greenbeltco-op.com Saturday 9 a.m. til 6 p.m. Closed Sunday 301-474-4400 We Reserve The Right To limit Quantities No Sales To Dealers Please Not Responsible For Typographical Errors Some Products Shown for Illustration Purposes Only and Do Not Represent Items offered On Sale Page 8 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 5, 2006 New Deal Café Will Hold POLICE BLOTTER Annual Gathering, Potluck Based on information released by the Greenbelt Police Department. by Richard McMullin Dates and times are those when police were first contacted about incidents. The New Deal Café has expe- expansion team. Each is run- Robbery influence after he was observed 5900 block Cherrywood Terrace, rienced some changes again this ning for re-election. December 26, 10:55 p.m., passed out behind the wheel a resident woman was arrested last year and is facing both new Nominations for the board of 5800 block Cherrywood Terrace, while in the roadway. He was re- and charged with two counts of challenges and new opportunities. directors will be taken before a man reported that he was in an leased on citations pending trial. leaving a child unattended. Po- The annual meeting will be held the annual meeting by the sec- apartment building about to en- December 23, 11:31 p.m., lice responded to a report of on January 15 in the Café. The retary or president. Only per- ter a residence when he was ap- 6900 block Greenbelt Road, a loud music coming from an meeting agenda will include re- sons who have been members proached by two men, one armed resident man was arrested and apartment and discovered two ports on the finances and busi- for at least six months shall be with a handgun. A robbery was charged with driving while im- unattended children, ages two ness status for the Fiscal Year eligible for election to the board announced and after obtaining paired and driving under the in- years and nine months. The 2005, the Membership, Art and of directors. the victim’s wallet one of the fluence during a sobriety check- mother returned to the apartment Expansion Committees and a re- Motions may be brought men struck him in the face with point. He was released on cita- approximately an hour later and port from FONDCA. before the meeting. Modifica- the gun. Both men then fled tions pending trial. was arrested. She was released Earlier that day we will cel- tions to the bylaws can be pro- the scene on foot. The victim December 23, 11:52 p.m., on citation pending trial. ebrate the 10th anniversary of posed for consideration by the declined treatment for a bloody 6900 block Greenbelt Road, a Disorderly Conduct the creation of the Café with an members. As of this writing, nose. The suspects are described nonresident man was arrested and December 23, 1:19 a.m., 7200 all-afternoon open mike from no motions have been put be- as a Latino male, 16 to 20 years charged with driving while im- Hanover Drive, a resident man noon to 4 p.m. Next we will fore the board for publicizing of age, wearing khaki pants and paired and driving under the in- and a nonresident man were ar- hold the annual members meet- prior to the meeting. All mem- a black winter jacket and a black fluence during a sobriety check- rested and charged with drunk ing to review the café’s bers may attend the meeting male, 16 to 20 years of age, point. He was released on cita- and disorderly after they were progress, elect board members and the potluck. Members who wearing black pants, a black tions pending trial. involved in a fight in the lobby and hear motions for changes have paid their annual dues are parka and a black winter hat. Drug Arrests area of the Holiday Inn. Both to the bylaws. Finally we will eligible to vote. Assaults December 24, 1:56 a.m., men were released on citation sit down to share a meal to- The Café has enjoyed re- December 25, 12:41 a.m., Kenilworth Avenue and Interstate pending trial. gether at the first 2006 mem- newed interest as the commu- 9100 block Edmonston Road, a 495, a criminal summons has Counterfeit Money bers’ potluck dinner. Sharing nity has discovered the advan- resident man was arrested and been obtained charging a nonresi- December 26, 9:36 p.m., creative energy, ideas and food tages of the new space, now charged with two counts of as- dent man with possession of mari- Greenway Center, a manager at as a community is at the heart dubbed the West Wing. Many sault and two counts of intoxi- juana. The man was in a vehicle Jasper’s Restaurant reported that of the New Deal Café co-op. new memberships have been cated endangerment after he that was stopped for a traffic vio- a group of diners paid their bill Sign up sheets for the open issued and many existing mem- threatened two neighbors with an lation and a quantity of suspected with a counterfeit $100 bill and mike and the potluck are avail- bers have come in to renew. I unloaded rifle in the hallway of marijuana was located where he fled the scene. The suspects are able at the Café. Three board hope we will once again have an apartment building during a was sitting. described as a black male, 25 to seats will be elected this year, a full house for the annual dispute over loud music. He was December 27, 8:58 p.m., 6100 30 years old, tall with black each for up to a two-year term. meeting and for the potluck. transported to the Department of block Breezewood Court, a non- hair, wearing a tan leisure suit Currently Brett Fishburne, Pete The Café members are a di- Corrections for a hearing before a resident man was arrested and and a black male, 25 to 30 Mayo and Bill Wilkerson hold verse population with a tre- district court commissioner. charged with possession of mari- years of age, short, with black these seats. Peter May has mendous potential for sustain- December 30, 4 p.m., 9100 juana and possession of para- hair in dreadlocks, wearing a been a board member since ing and expanding the commu- block Edmonston Road, a phernalia. Another nonresident jean jacket. elected to fill a vacancy in nity-based development of woman reported that a youth ap- man was arrested and charged Vandalism 2003 and has recently taken on Greenbelt. Each of you is an proached her, said something with possession of marijuana. December 27, 6:49 p.m., the board secretary position. important part of the Café. I sexually suggestive and then Police responded to a report of 7400 block Morrison Drive, it Brett Fishburne was elected to look forward to the challenges grabbed her by the arm. She persons smoking marijuana in the was reported that unknown the board in 2004 to fill a va- of 2006 and with your contin- pulled away and used her cell stairwell of an apartment build- person(s) vandalized several cancy and has worked as the fi- ued support and interest, I feel phone to call police. The youth ing. The men were located, both Christmas lawn decorations, cut- nancial records coordinator. confident that the Café will fled the scene on foot. He is de- were in possession of suspected ting the power cords. Bill Wilkerson was also elected continue to reach even greater scribed as a black male, 16 years marijuana and one also had para- December 29, 7:57 a.m., 44 to fill a vacancy in 2005 after levels of opportunity and ser- of age, 5’9” with a medium build phernalia commonly used to block Crescent Road, it was re- successfully organizing the Café vice. and a round face, wearing a light smoke marijuana. Both men ported that unknown person(s) gray hooded sweatshirt and win- were transported to the Depart- spray painted graffiti on the side Edith Beauchamp, Greenbelt Realtor® ter camouflage pants. ment of Corrections for a hearing of an apartment building. Simi- DWI Arrests before a district court commis- lar graffiti was found in the CALL DIRECT: 301-706-2385 December 21, 12:56 a.m., sioner. nearby underpass area and on 6200 block Edmonston Court, a Peeping Tom the plaque at the base of the Selling or Buying a Home: Advice on current market value, pricing, resident man was arrested and December 28, 4 p.m., 6100 Mother and Child statue at positioning the home, internet & other advertising, writing and negoti- charged with driving while im- block Springhill Terrace, a woman Roosevelt Center. ating the contract, financing options, and managing to settlement. paired, driving under the influ- reported that she observed a man Burglary Exceptional service, and I get paid only if you settle on the home. ence and driving without a li- looking into the bedroom window December 28, 7:47 a.m., 7600 cense during the investigation of of her apartment then fleeing the block Ora Glen Drive, a com- Ask me about fostering to adopt a traffic accident. He was re- scene. The suspect is described mercial burglary was reported. – the most leased on citations pending trial. as a Latino male, 20 to 25 years Vehicle Crimes December 22, 11:52 p.m., of age, 5’8” 150 pounds with A 2003 Ford Expedition was Weichert, Realtors, Inc. rewarding addition to a Kenilworth Avenue and Ivy Lane, black hair and brown eyes, wear- stolen from the 7100 block Greenbelt Office home. a nonresident man was arrested ing dark clothing. Mathew Street. 7701 Greenbelt Rd, #100 and charged with driving while Unattended Child Three vehicles were recovered Greenbelt, MD 20770 Selling Homes in Greenbelt impaired and driving under the December 27, 11:19 p.m., by Greenbelt police with no arrests. 301-345-7600 Prince George’s & Vandalism to and theft from x200 the State of Maryland The Department is offering a reward of up to $500 for information leading to vehicles were both reported in the S ALESPERSON the arrest and conviction of a suspect in any of the unsolved crimes 6100 block of Breezewood Drive. reported in the blotter. Citizens may anonymously report suspected drug activity by calling the Drug Tip Line at 301-507-6522. Youth Choir Holds Special Events HEY! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? Two Local Concerts At Wells Ice Rink The College Park Youth Choir A good student and teacher TROUBLE WITH NEIGHBORS? will give a free concert on January special is offered on Saturday, 12 at 8 p.m. at Berwyn Presbyte- January 14 from 1:30 to 3:30 BAD BUSINESS SERVICE? rian Church. The 30 children, led p.m. and 8 to 10 p.m., as well as by Dr. Philip Silvey from the Uni- Sunday, January 15 from 1 to 3 NOISE? MESSY PROPERTY? versity of Maryland, will sing at p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at Wells Ice the culmination of fall semester. Rink at 5211 Paint Branch Park- You don't have to keep suffering!! The choir will perform historical way, College Park. Celebrate a art music and folk songs. Berwyn child’s honor roll report card and Presbyterian Church is located at their teachers. Kids show an The City of Greenbelt has a COOL way to help you work things out without hassle, 6301 Greenbelt Road. honor roll report card and teach- and without courts or lawyers. It's FREE! It's CONVENIENT! It's CONFIDENTIAL! The Youth Choir will also take ers show school ID to skate for a part in celebrating civil rights small fee, skate rental included. GIVE BLOOD, – and it's called MEDIATION. hero Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Adult/college student night is at a celebration to be held at the offered Thursdays from 8 to 10 GIVE LIFE So give yourself a break. You are only a phone call away from information University of Maryland Clarice p.m. now through March 5. This Smith Center on Saturday, Janu- is for ages 18 and over. Show a that could improve your life. Call 301-345-7203. 1-800-GIVE- ary 14 from 3 to 5 p.m. college student ID to get the spe- For further information visit cial discount, admission and skate LIFE City of Greenbelt the College Park Arts Exchange rental. website at www.cpae.org or call For information call 301-277- COMMUNITY MEDIATION BOARD 301-927-3013. 3717, TTY 301-699-2544. GNR 010506 print.pmd 8 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Thursday, January 5, 2006 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 9 TOP STORIES continued from page 1 the end of the year, with con- Again council expressed reserva- committee chairs who continued Greenbelt Station was delayed in order to verify struction to begin in spring 2006 tions and its preference to con- to publicly oppose the board. The August 30, 2004, court legal property descriptions. On and completed in approximately tinue the present meet-and-confer The legal issue resolved, in late decision that voided the Prince December 12 council voted to three months. policy. Councilmember Ed Putens fall the Architecture and Environ- George’s Planning Board and annex the South Core with Historic Budget said he would not go along with ment Committee introduced pro- county District Council’s approval Councilmember Rodney Roberts Although City Manager collective bargaining without ap- posed guidelines for additions, of the conceptual site plan and and some citizens voicing objec- Michael McLaughlin submitted proval by Greenbelt citizens. On banning two-story additions on preliminary plan of subdivision tions. The annexation resolution the Fiscal Year 2006 proposed May 23, the FOP petitioned interior units and significantly re- did not stop project developers, could be petitioned to referen- budget with a call for the largest council to place the issue on the stricting the size of additions. At Greenbelt Metropark, LLC from dum. property tax increase in at least ballot as a referendum question. year’s end, the board was review- proceeding with plans but does New Orleans 40 years, there was little ex- At an August 31 worksession, ing these guidelines and planning cause them to deal with neigh- A major news story of 2005 pressed citizen objection. After council refused to consider bind- future member forums. boring communities. took place far away from numerous worksessions, council ing arbitration as a way to re- Fire An agreement, finalized as to Greenbelt – the hurricane Katrina did manage to modify the bud- solve impasses resulting from Two condominiums at Green- covenants upon the property, was disaster that flooded and obliter- get enough to reduce the pro- collective bargaining. The FOP belt Lake Village suffered exten- negotiated with Greenbelt. Key ated major sections of New Or- posed six-cent tax rate increase compromised by agreeing to a sive fire damage in a three-alarm provisions are city approval of site leans. Yet in the storm’s after- to five cents. While there was a ballot question not including fire on May 14. County officials plan, city control of annexation, 14 math Greenbelters made their standing room only crowd the binding arbitration. On Septem- confirmed that the fire was attrib- acres to be dedicated parkland, presence felt. Almost immedi- night the budget was adopted, ber 26, council placed the issue uted to a lightning strike. Resi- contribution of over a million dol- ately seven Greenbelt police of- most citizens were there for an on the November 8 city election dents of 11 units were displaced. lars towards the cost of city ser- ficers, accompanying the unrelated issue. Councilmember ballot. Four of five incumbents Repairs have not been completed. vices, improvements to the inter- department’s amphibious person- Rodney Roberts, who opposed seeking reelection opposed the Steve Gaughan section of Metro Drive and nel carrier, deployed to the some expenditure items, could ballot question but were reelected Corporal Steve Gaughan, a 15- Cherrywood Lane and funding for stricken city to provide relief and have blocked the adoption pro- even though the ballot question year veteran of the Prince a trolley or tram to run between protection. Rena Hull went south cess, since one member was ab- won handily by 58 percent of the George’s County Police Depart- the South Core of the develop- as a nurse volunteer, Cass sent and four votes were needed votes. Acceding to voter wishes ment and popular resident of Box- ment and the Metro station. Cooney as a Red Cross disaster to suspend the rules, but he at its December 12 meeting, coun- wood, was fatally wounded in a Because of objections from the relief responder and Midge Cruz chose to abide with the deci- cil adopted a charter amendment shootout following a traffic stop Washington Metropolitan Area as an animal rescuer. Greenbelt sions made previously at the fi- resolution granting collective bar- on Tuesday, June 20 in Laurel. Transit Authority to the agree- area schools, the city and the nal budget worksession. While gaining rights to non-managerial On June 25 thousands of friends ment relating to the Metro station Mamas and Papas group col- the city’s structural problem, sworn police officers and without and fellow officers joined with property (the North Core), the lected relief supplies and money which has necessitated tax rate the use of binding arbitration. family members to lay to rest a covenant on development of this and a refugee family was warmly increases each year in order to GHI Additions posthumously promoted Sgt. property, while executed, was welcomed to Greenbelt. fund city expenses, was ad- It was a tumultuous year for Gaughan. Gaughan left his wife held in escrow pending owner- dressed by candidates at the city those interested in adding on to Donna, associate professor in ship transfer of this property to Child-Loss election, no one proposed reso- their GHI homes. First, commit- criminal justice of Prince George’s the developers. Group Meets lution of the problem by signifi- tee members researching county Community College, and two chil- On November 28, the cant cuts in city services. laws and regulations discovered a dren Daniel and Rachel. Two let- Greenbelt City Council adopted a A free support group for those Collective Bargaining 1988 law requiring a detailed ters to the editor memorialized resolution to annex 75.5 acres of experiencing pregnancy loss, mis- At budget time the Greenbelt county site plan review for all Gaughan. state-owned land along Indian carriage, stillbirth or infant death City Council met again with significant additions. The GHI The August 23 Beauty and the Creek to the city. A second an- will meet on Thursday, January 19 representatives of the Greenbelt board and city council worked Beast softball game was dedi- nexation resolution for the South at 7:30 p.m. at Washington Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) with County Councilmember Dou- cated to Gaughan. Proceeds of Core, which originally was to in- Adventist Hospital, 7600 Carroll and once again received a pre- glas Peters to exempt from this every $5 ticket donation, every clude four other parcels of land Ave., Takoma Park. For more in- sentation on the FOP’s wish to law GHI and other single-family hot dog, hamburger and soft along Branchville Road but was formation call the hospital at 301- enter into a formal collective bar- homes in the city’s core. The drink sold went to the Gaughan modified after Berwyn Heights 891-5265. gaining agreement with the city. GHI board then dismissed two family. beat Greenbelt to their annexation, Some People Don't Smile in Pictures . . . Ask yourself if any of these areas may be affecting the beauty of your smile: (cid:127) The color or shape of your teeth (cid:127) Spaces or missing teeth (cid:127) Noticeable cavities or old dental work (cid:127) Uneven or unhealthy gums If so, come into the offices of the McCarl Dental Group for a complete and comprehensive evaluation. Nicole Burgess of Severna Park had severely discolored teeth from a very early age. Throughout her life, Nicole had been self-conscious of her smile. In just three short weeks, the McCarl Dental Group gave Nicole a beautiful smile and a new start in life! Call the McCarl Dental Group to see if a smile makeover could change your life. r--------------~r--------------~ It’s never too late to give yourself a beautiful smile. For I Polishing and Cleaning I I I over three generations the McCarl family has provided a I I I Teeth Bleaching I full range of dental services to Greenbelt and the sur- $4000 rounding communities. In the past, cosmetic dentistry was I I I Special Only I I I I I only for the wealthy. Today, however, cosmetic dentistry is $25000 I After Complimentary Initial Dental Exam I I I affordable and available to everyone. Give someone you (Value up to $192) Includes necessary I I I I love the gift of a smile! X-rays on day of examination. I New patients only. I I Reg. $500.00 I ~--------------~~--------------~ I Expires 1/31/06 I I I Expires 1/31/06 Call us today for an appointment! 301-474-4144 Office Hours: McCarl Dental Group Monday 8-5 Drs. McCarl McCarl Tuesday 9-8:30 301-474-4144 Wednesday 9-8 McCarl Thursday 8-4 & McCarl Friday 8-3 Saturday 8-12 28 Ridge Road, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-0717 GNR 010506 print.pmd 9 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM Page 10 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 5, 2006 Winter Tour Held Park Service Hosts Botanic Garden The News Review has a carrier route open immediately in Old At Bartholdi Park Watershed Workshop Seeks Volunteers Greenbelt. Carriers are paid a stipend for delivery of the newspaper Bartholdi Park is an example The Anacostia Watershed The United States Botanic on Fridays. Call Ian Tuckman at 301-459-5624 for details. of a four-season garden. On Fri- Citizen’s Advisory Committee in Garden (USBG) is looking for day, January 13 from noon to 1 partnership with the Metropoli- volunteers who love plants and p.m. wear a warm jacket, bring a tan Council of Governments and people. Opportunities are avail- Potpourri camera and stroll through the the Summitt Fund of Washington able in visitor services, children’s COUNSELING garden. Roger Pritchard, gar- invites people to discover activities, horticulture and public Anonymous Christian CENTER dener supervisor at the U.S. Greenbelt Park and the Still programs. Help bring the garden support for hurting people. Botanic Garden, will show ex- Creek subwatershed. Learn how to life. To request an applica- Questioning personal signi- amples of plants to put in a to help protect and restore Still tion call Volunteer Coordinator Create Healthy Relationships ficance? Come and meet with home garden to create striking Creek and the Anacostia River. Mary Chor, 202-226-1047 or Feel Better — Enjoy Life! other Christians who combine winter interest. Meet at the Ranger Station email [email protected]. GINNY HURNEY, LCSW-C prayer, scripture, praise and The tour is free but pre-regis- classroom on Saturday, January 7 Volunteer Orientation day will Beltsville & Silver Spring Offices real relationships. tration is required. Call 202- at 9 a.m. Light refreshments be held Saturday, January 21 301-595-5135 Thursdays - 7:00 to 8:30 PM 225-8333 for more information will be provided. RSVP Kate from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the and to register. Levendosky at 202-962-3374 or Conservatory. The program in- WOMEN, MEN, CO UPLES & TEENS at Greenbelt Baptist Church email [email protected]. cludes presentations by USBG Planetarium Program Greenbelt Park is located at staff and volunteers; Conserva- Features Planets 6565 Greenbelt Road between tory tours; brown-bag lunch Kenilworth Avenue and the Bal- (bring one’s own); and details of The planetarium at the Howard timore-Washington Parkway. The volunteer resources. Contact B. Owens Science Center in Greenbelt Park website address is Mary Chor by January 10 to Lanham presents, “The Planets,” Whether you are looking to refinance or purchase a new home www.nps.gov/gree. register. on Friday, January 13 at 7:30 p.m. Premier Mortgage Funding is the answer. Planets are fascinating “wander- ers,” beautiful to watch in the sky Traditional Monuments Cremation * FHA, Conventional, 100%, 1st Time Homebuyer, Closing Cost or in detail through advanced Funerals Service Assistance, Jumbo Loans, Investor photography. Come for an Donald V. Borgwardt Over 100 programs to fit your specific needs! evening of enjoying the planets Contact us today for your free, no obligation quote and analysis. aesthetically – through music, vi- suals and poetry. The date of Funeral Home, P.A. this show corresponds with the Family owned and operated launch date for the New Horizons mission to Pluto. There is a fee. 4400 Powder Mill Rd. Beltsville, Md. 20705-2751 Pre-Need Counseling City Notes (301) 937-1707 By Appointment Public Works refuse and recy- cling crew collected 13.36 tons of paper, 5.08 tons of co-mingled re- •• •• cyclable materials and 34.45 tons ■ -Greenbelt Auto & Truck Repai,r. I,n.c.. ■ of refuse. The side of the Community ~urues introduces the enCJ Center facing the library was dis- 159 Centerway Road ~~-~ ofd ieting as you know it. covered to have been painted Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 MDE with graffiti on Thursday, Decem- 301-982-2582 ~VEIP ber 29. Public works was expedi- Mary land Department Let's Clear The Air or ent with painting over it on Fri- the Environment www.greenbeltautoandtruck.com day morning, December 30. A police report was filed. A.S.E. lnuoducing 1hc: Curn·s 6 \V~ek So!u(ion. Six wc:eks of small, Master Certified Technicians imim:are nurri1ion classc:s where: you'll lc:am how rn lose: weight and keep i1 off for good. Classes bC'gin January19th. The power The power ro ama>.c yourself.' Home & Business A complete service facility equipped to lasrs forever. Six-week program for jusr $69. Includes a IO(C bag Improvements full of the-tooh you need co hdp rc.1ch your goills. Over 9,000 locatio11-1 wor/Amide. perform all service requirements that RemBoadtherlionogm-Rse-Bpaasiresm-Inetn. t&s- EKxittc. hPeanisnting your manufacturer recommends to com- * 6 Wee• So/"'""1 pa,tic/panl•, who ...,, topn C,,,.,,,•, will ho.,. u,,, uwoJ S<HViat fH wo/wdl Appll,t• lo 12 mooth CD Mombe"11/p5 only. Ceramic Tile & Laminated Floors Pressure Washing-Deck Care-Sheds ply with Preventive Maintenance service 301-474-1747 Wisler Construction schedules & extended warranty pro- 103-A Cemerway Rd. & Painting Co. Greenbelt, MD 20770 grams! Also, routine repairs that keep Serving Greenbelt since 1991 301-345-1261 your vehicles operating safely and reli- CUfVC$.CQm www.wislerconstruction.com ably. Owner has over 20 years experience (cid:127) Now Offering! (cid:127) Member of the Better Business Bureau Auto-body, collision repairs and theft recovery damage MHIC40475 A.S.E. Certified Technicians, Insurance Claims Welcome. Prayer of the Blessed Virgin (Never known to fail). ■ Free estimates, please call for appointment ••■ ■■ Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Divine Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate, Virgin, assist me in my NOW CELEBRATING OUR 60TH YEAR necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my Mother. M Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of ELVIN : AM I LY OF Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech You OTORSs UTOMOTIVE from the bottom of my heart to succor me ERVICES in my necessity (Make Request). There SALES •RENT A L S •REP AIRS are none that can withstand your power. Oh, Mary, conceived without sin pray 13405 Annapolis Rd. (Rt. 450) at Highbridge Rd. with us who have recourse to thee (Three times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days. Publish it and it will be granted to you. Grateful thanks. – LO Dungeon Master Welcomes New Players Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) Game. (This AD&D Game is Pre-d20 System, using the success tables in the original DM Guide.) AD&D Game takes place in my home in Lanham, MD Game Time: Typically Saturday Afternoon (or TBD based on consensus). FFFFFaaaaaccccciiiiiaaaaalllll SSSSSeeeeerrrrrvvvvviiiiiccccceeeeesssss Dan Melvin, 2nd Generation family TTTTThhhhheeeeerrrrraaaaapppppeeeeeuuuuutttttiiiiiccccc MMMMMaaaaassssssssssaaaaagggggeeeee You must have reliable transportation. MMMMMaaaaannnnniiiiicccccuuuuurrrrreeeeesssss &&&&& PPPPPeeeeedddddiiiiicccccuuuuurrrrreeeeesssss AAAAA VVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYYY SSSSSPPPPPEEEEECCCCCIIIIIAAAAALLLLL SSSSSUUUUUVVVVV Getting to my house is your responsibility – Not Mine. MMMMMaaaaakkkkkeeeee-----uuuuuppppp SSSSSeeeeerrrrrvvvvviiiiiccccceeeeesssss Waxing Services 4x4, 2005 Dodge Durango Ltd – Third seat, drop-down DVD, Interested in joining an RPG using cool polyhedral dice for some fun? Call Trevor (the DM) at (301) 794-8005 for more details. Hours: heated seats, leather (every option), 8K miles, new priced at $42,000 Mon. 5-9pm Tue.-Fri. 9am-9pm Sat. 10am-6pm Your price delivered$$$$$2222299999,,,,,555550000000000 Do You have What It Takes To Survive? Located in the heart of includes all taxes, tags and title fees. Historic Greenbelt 133 Centerway 301-345-1849 Riches, Magic and Power Await You If You Do…. www.melvinmotors.com Menu available at 301-262-1313 www.pleasanttouch.com GNR 010506 print.pmd 10 1/5/2006, 5:33 PM

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