An· Independent Newspaper Beat The Rush Please give us your copy on Mondays or at least by N e w s R e v i e w noon on Tuesdays. We are trying not to get swamped Tuesday nights. Volume 63, Number 6 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 Thursday, January 6, 2000 Marge Bergemann Finalist In Million Dollar Bake-Off by Dorothy Sucher ration, she remarked, "I invented If you were walking down 1t on the spur of the moment. Lakeside Drive lately and I've been cooking for years, of smelled a tantalizing aroma, you course. When you've got six might have been passing the kids on a rainy Saturday after home of Marge Bergemann. noon, you know you need to get Marge, a 43-year resident of some sugar into them to quiet Greenbelt, has just been selected them down. We all know the as one of the 100 finalists who chemistry of chocolate and pea will compete for $1 million in nut butter together is excellent - the 50th Anniversary Pillsbury especially chunky peanut butter. Bake-Off Contest. You can be I did some experimenting with sure a lot of work went into that putting them together and came honor - work that had been go up with a bar that takes only 15 ing on for some time, ever since minutes to prepare, plus baking Marge decided to dream up a time." . "Fast and Fabulous Dessert" Medical Background recipe. What she emerged with Marge Bergemann worked for was a treat she calls '"Chewy many years as a nurse, and then Chocolate-Peanut Butter Bars." enrolled in a two-year nurse Low cal it isn't. anesthetist program at Prince Marge sent in the recipe by e George's Hospital. As a nurse Ben Kepler and Joe Pugliese warm up the crowd at Roosevelt Center prior to the New Year count- mail "for the fun of it," one day anesthetist, she worked at Prince down. - photo by Katie Pugliese before the deadline. Five weeks George's and Georgetown Hospi later, she got a call telling her tals and at the National Institutes A Party for Everyone she had been chosen as one of of Health. Her husband, Dr. Til the 100 finalists from all over Bergemann, is a physician who the country. "I said, 'Go on - worked for many years at the by Erv & Laura Beckert move from building to building music and brought in the you're kidding, aren't you?"' Greenbelt Medical Offices in the Those who hid in a bomb to sample all the pleasures, the Greenbelt New Year. But they weren't. And in Febru Roosevelt Center with the late shelter surrounded by canned weather co-operated and was Child-Oriented ary Marge will be heading for Dr. Hans Wodak, and with Dr. sardines and various small arms quite mild. The Community Center also San Francisco to compete in the William Weintraub, now retired. really missed out. Greenbelt's The Community Center heavily featured child-oriented final cooking and baking contest Dr. Bergemann still works part New Year's celebrations started bounded with music. For those activities. To get in the festive for recipes in four categories, all time at the Greenbelt Medical with a bang and ended with who wanted to bask in the mood, kids were able to make featuring quick and easy prepara Center. hoots and hollers. Although the warmth of the Caribbean there personalized party hats in the tion. "Lately," said Marge past celebrations have been ex was the Trinidad & Tobago children's crafts rooms. Juggler Her Inspiration Bergemann, "I've been looking cellent, this one surpassed Steel Band. John Hill put you Dave Schuman put on quite a When asked by the News Re for volunteers to eat these things them. The activities reached out in that relaxed and romantic show with his almost super-hu view for the source of her inspi- See BERGEMANN, page 4 to everyone, from toddlers to mood. For those light 'Jf feet, man feats of coordination. This golden-agers. the band Blackberry provided reporter thought that Schuman P&G Forever The show began with some Cajun dancing music. The band had to have been born with spectacular fireworks in Braden Bridges to Bliss gave the three or even four arms to do by Jesse Goldberg-Strassler that was supposed to have lasted Field. From there everyone kiddies and us older folks an the stunts he did. The puppe (Reprinted from the Raider a week, maybe even optimisti headed to their choice of five opportunity to join their band teers packed them in with their Review) cally two weeks, kept drawing venues: the Community Center, by playing various "Technical" delightful tales. I think the In the middle of Roosevelt crowds for a month. Five suc the Youth Center, the Greenbelt instruments like drums, cymbals Kaydee puppeteers have the be Center, "downtown Greenbelt," is cessful film festivals followed Arts Center, the New Deal and otht. musical noise-makers. ginnings of a kid groupie fan a small rectangular building. On quickly, all brought to Greenbelt Cafe, and the Greenbelt The Last but not least, D.C. Motors club. Imaginative Tim one of the walls of the building courtesy of the city. Then in atre. Even though one had to played their compelling dance See PARTY, page 9 is a series of aging photographs June, something happened at the of historical theaters of Prince aging cineplex that had not hap New Greenbelt Arts Coordinator George's County; one a drive-in, pened in a long time. A one one a combination stage/cineplex. screen theater used to showing Nicole De Wald Gives Interview It is a memorial to them. months-old movies received the One became the Public Play new A Midsummer Night's house of Cheverly. One closed. Dream after being rebuffed for Others were destroyed or torn Star Wars: Episode l. A host of by Dennis Jelalian "I prefer to take a broad per office, and I am encouraged by down. This article is not about premieres have followed, as Our new Arts Co-ordinator, spective in my search for poten this work to help develop addi those historical theaters; it is Haupt has gotten used to seeing Nicole De Wald, is full of plans. tial collaborators. After all, inter tional creative opportunities for about a theater whose photograph the legions of patrons waiting She spent an afternoon chatting esting artistic activities are under the young artists in our midst." is on an adjacent wall. A theater every night to see a movie on with me. taken by many groups who are Gift Certificates that opened in 1937. And one of the largest, cleanest Collaborations organized primarily for a purpose "I envision our community doesn't have a depressing post screens in the state. One of "I am very pleased that the other than the production of art. arts programmers collaborating script about what happened to it. Haupt's favorite memories is the city welcomes my interest in fos Michael McMullin, a Greenbelt on publicity efforts as well as on Not if owner Paul Sanchez can See THEATRE, page 4 tering collaborations with various artist holding a studio at the programming endeavors. Joint help it. public and private organizations Community Center, created a col outreach would make it easier One of the other pictures is of What Goes On who are offering arts program orful mural with local Girl Scouts for residents to gain a compre a movie theater he once owned, ming in Greenbelt or who would which gave form to the creative hensive view of the city's cul but had to close. He does not Mon., Jan. 10> 8 p.m., like to do so. My role is not energy of that group's members. tural offerings, and might also want to experience the same loss regular City Council meeting, limited to the coordination of I have arranged with Carol encourage fans of one art form in a city he adores. Municipal Building. strictly city-administered events, Leventhal to offer an in-service to explore additional creative op "He was within days of clos Tues., Jan. 1 I, 7 p.m., and I look forward to assisting training workshop on art therapy portunities. The Holiday Gift ing" the P&G Old Greenbelt Advisory Commhtee on Edu various groups in identifying re for Greenbelt CARES; it is our Certificate program is a form of Theatre, recalled employee Bob cation, Municipal Building. sources and developing and pro hope that the staff may choose to joint outreach. The Greenbelt Haupt, a friend of Sanchez for 30 Wed., Jan. 12, 8 p.m,, moting programs. Toward that integrate arts activities into their Association for the Visual Arts, years. In desperation, Sanchez Council works.esslon on end, I would like to invite all so family practice, and that some Inc. and the Greenbelt Arts Cen went to the Greenbelt City Coun standing rules, Community cial groups, schools, places of participating children and families ter have joined with the cil for help. He received it. The · Center. worship, businesses, and other might be interested in sharing Greenbelt Recreation Department Wizard of Oz was brought in and Sat., Jan IS, 9-ll a.m., organizations who support the their art with other residents this year to offer Gift Certificates was well-publicized, paid for by Open Door meeting with arts in Greenbelt to keep me in through an exhibition. I have en for the Arts. The certificates, the city. For the first time in a State Senator and Delegates, formed of their activities, needs, joyed the children's artwork cur- which were on sale throughout long time, a line snaked away Municipal Building. and ideas. . rently displayed in the CARES See COORDINATOR, page 8 from the box office. A movie Page2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 6, 2000 [I Letters Correction The Old Curmudgeon An early version ,of the : .. Ullllll t.LJ JLl story "Three Years in New ~ Guinea" was printed by mis Open Letter I promptly called the emer take in the December 30 issue To: Windsor Green Home gency hotline of an electrical of this newspaper. Many owners Association company. They showed up at 10 planned changes did not get The purpose of this correspon p.m. and found that the wire con made, including: first, the dence is to alert you to an inci nections in the main circuit were date the countr5' got its inde dent that occurred at my home in loose and that is, in fact, what pendence is 1975, not 1978; Windsor Green and to alert all caused the arcing and burning of second, natives live in village homeowners of this potential fire the wires. As he did not have dwellings, not in"the bush." hazard. the proper replacement parts with The editor regrets that the On December 21 I noticed a him, all circuit breakers were story was mishandled. turned off for the night. The next burning odor. I searched for the source and finally located it com day the electrican came back and replaced the main lugs (one of School System Hosts ing from the circuit breaker box which burned and fused the on the wall in the kitchen. I Two Magnet Fairs wires). He then did a preventa opened the box door and smoke tive maintenance check on all the The Prince George's County started pouring out and the wall rest of the connections and found public school system will host above it was very hot to the touch. I flipped all the circuit that all were loose and needed to two Magnet School Fairs in Janu be tightened, some as much as ary. Designed to provide infor breaker switches off. When I re three turns of the screwdriver. To mation about the diverse educa alized the smoke was getting my amazement, 95% of the wire tional opportunities available to more pronounced and suspected that there was a fire in the walls. connections were loose and also students in Prince George's I decided this was serious and it could have caused arcing prob County, the fairs will be held at lems. Largo High School, at 505 Largo was time to call 911. The dis I am not in the habit of writ Road in Upper Marlboro. patcher announced the fire de ing letters of advice and recom The first fair is scheduled for ---------- partment was on the way and that I should get out of the mendations, other than with my Saturday, January 8, with a morn business. But, I do truly believe ing session from 9 a.m. until house, just in case there were toxic fumes. I did what they that this is a very serious and noon and an afternoon session dangerous condition that could from 12:30 to 3 p.m. The sec recommended and waited outside. exist in other people's homes. ond fair will be held on Tuesday, Ten minutes later, waiting out Jerome F. Kern January 11 from 6:30 until 9:30 side in the rain, I heard the p.m. "I want to return a generator, 20 gallons of water, five screaming sirens ..... five more Fair attendees will receive in flashlights, and a Y2K consultant ...." minutes and a chief and three fire trucks arrived, including the Thanks formation about the following much lighted Greenbelt Santa I wish to extend my warmest magnet programs: academic cen - Works Were Shown Together in 1937 - Claus fire engine. (Santa was not regards and gratitude to all of the ters, biotechnology, communica on-board) volunteers and city staff that tion and academic studies, cre The new exhibit at University and meaning of their work was to The firemen rushed in and made Greenbelt New Year 2000 ative and performing arts, French of Maryland University College's my way of thinking one of the confirmed that the smoke was such an overwhelming success. immersion, humanities and inter (UMUCY Arts Program Gallery most promising aspects of the lat coming from the breaker box. All through 1999 the many national studies, Montessori, sci may be the first experience art ter-day history of painting in this They tried to use a screwdriver people involved with the various ence, mathematics and technol lovers have in the new millen city. . . The qualities that I find to take the cover off. .... Alas, that production venues struggled to ogy, talented and gifted, tradi nium to revisit the past. Forty in their painting are those of proved to be a wasted effort be decipher my vision for tional/classical academy, univer works of Mervin Jules, Karl youth, of alert, intelligence, and cause the screws were painted GNY2000. The variables and sity high school, and visual and Metzler, and Frank Morgereth serious and courageous purpose.,' over, I grimaced as they used a surprises of staging a dozen si performing arts. from the 1930s and 1940s will be The works will be displayed big old evil looking pry bar and multaneous live performances For information about the shown together for the first time Jan. 15 through March 12 at the with two jabs ripped out the would tax even the most virtuous Magnet Fairs call Susan Miller, since 1937. gallery in the UMUC Inn and screws and the cover went fly of the saintly. To date I have director of Magnet School Pro According to UMUC Program Conference Center, University ing ... along with the drywall that heard only acclaim for the qual grams, at 301-952-6044. Director Dena Crosson, the new Boulevard at Adelphi Roaci. An it was attached to. Because the ity of the shows provided by exhibit will provide "a window opening reception will be held wall above the circuit panel was Patti Brothers at the Community into the era of the Great Depres Friday, Jan. 14, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. hot to the touch, they dug into Center, Kim Kash and Sheila sion and the second World War." Media are invited to attend. the wall with the pry bar and Crossley-Cox at the Greenbelt ployees of the Public Works De Art critic A. D.Emmart for The hours of the UMUC Arts ripped out the drywall up to the Arts Center and Susan Jones' partment who had me in awe of The Baltimore Sun said in 1937 Program Gallery are 8:00 a.m. ceiling to check if there was any band of merry Friends of the Old the pyrotechnic display. Let me about the first showing: "The vig 8:00 p.m. daily. fire lurking around up there. Greenbelt Theatre. Without these say "well done." orous development in the quality Fortunately, there was none. I'm creative and cooperative spirits, Konrad Herling will surely not complaining, but I still no show would have been pos earn extra stars in his heavenly cringed. sible. crown for hearing out my ranting, As it turned out, what was I cannot forget the City Coun smoothing out my often-ruffled Greenbelt causing all the heat and smoke cil, whose vote of budgetary con feathers and extending the olive was a loose connection on the fidence brightened my weary dis branch of peace and harmony on News Review main lines coming into the cir position in the waning days of so many occasions. Thank you, cuit, the coating on the wire had November. Nor can I overlook Konrad. melted. The Fire Department ad the strenuous work of Joe AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER vised that I should call an elec McNeal and Greg Varda, staff of To all of the stay-at-home and 15 Crescent Road, Suite 100, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-1887 trician to find out why this hap the Community Center, who al watch TV crowd I can say you [email protected] pened ASAP! ternated between pep talks and really missed some talented (301) 474-4131 • FAX 301-474-5880 They also advised that if I heavy lifting above and beyond people and a fabulous show. But Alfred M. Skolnik, President, 1959-1977 had not been home and caught it the call of duty. don't worry, we will do it at least Elaine Skolnik, President, 1977-1985 when I did, it would have turned Visual and auditory sensations one more time on December 31, President Emeritus, 1985- into a full fire and burned my were added by the decorating ge 2000. See you then. Editor, Mary Lou Williamson, (301) 441-2662 house down and po~sibly taking nius of Carolyn and Kevin Earl H. Kepler Assistant Editor, Barbara Likowski (301) 474-8483 adjoining houses with it. Hammett together with the em- Chairman GNY2000 News Editor: Elaine Skolnik, (301) 982-9758 STAFF Hopi Auerbach, Suzanne Batra, Virginia Beauchamp, Laura Beckert, Judy Bell, Leigh Catterton, Tom Chapman, Sharon Clauser, Joe Crossed, Pat Davis, Thelma deMola Lorraine Doan, Eileen Farnham.Tim Farris, Thomas Fishbeck, Catherine Francoeur' City of Greenbelt Kathleen Gallagher, Bob Garber, Al Geiger, Bernina Giese, James Giese, Judy Goldstein: Jessamyn Goshorn, Patty Heil, J. Henson, Sabine Hentrich, Solange Hess, Lucille Howell, COMMUNITY MEDIATION BOARD Elizabeth Jay, Dennis Jelalian, Julie Kender, Sue Krofch1k,_Meta Lagerwerff, Sandra Lange, Betsy L1kowsk1, Pat McCoy, Emma Mendoza, Priscilla M1zarn, Mary Moien, Alice Murray The City of Greenbelt has re-established a Community Mediation Board under the auspices of Nick Mydra, Diane Oberg, Millie O'Dea, Tom Paci, I.J. Parker, Linda Paul, Eileen Peterson' Carol Ready, Jane Rissler, Altoria Bell Ross, Linda Savage, Alex Segarra, Frederiqu~ the Prince George's County Human Relations Commission. This Board is comprised of city Schmuelling, Sandra Surber Smith, Dorothy Sucher, Alberta Tompkins, Joanne Tucker residents who have volunteered to receive mediation training and be available to mediate disputes Wendy Turnbull, Marlene Vikor, Dorothy White, Julie Winters, Barbara Young, Nelda Young: between neighbors. V1rg1rna Zanner, Keith Zevallos, and Prospero Zevallos. Me.diation co~sists o~ a step br s~ep 'problem solving process that results in the involved parties BUSINESS MANAGER: Mary Halford; Core of Greenbelt Circulation: Ian Tuckman agreemg on a fair solution. '."1ed1at10~ serves as an alternative to litigation and brings both parties (301) 459-5624; Springhill Lake Clrculation: Karim Fadli, (301) 441-9120. to the table on an equal baSIS. A mediator does not act as an advocate of either party. He/she BOARD OF DIRECTORS reserves judgment and does not voice opinion. D!ane Oberg, president; James Giese, vice president; Kathleen Gallagher, treasurer; Eileen Farnham, secretary; and Altoria Beil Ross. Types ofyroblems m?diared m~y b~ noisy neighbors, barking dogs, trespassing children, blocked driveways, family feuds, lmenng, loitering, neighboring property neglect, small claims DEADLINES: Letters, articles and ads-10 p._m. Tuesday. Materials for publication may be matters, etc. mailed to address above, deposited in our box In the Co-op grocery store (by 7 p.m Tuesday) or brought to our office in the Community Center 15 Crescent Road during office hours Mediation services will be available at the Greenbelt Community Center on rhe second Tuesday Mail subscriptions-$32/year. and _fourth Wednesday of each month. Any Greenbelt citizen who wishes to make use of chis free Greenbelt Community Center at 15 Crescent Rd. serv1ee should call the Human Resources Officer, Cicy of Greenbelt, 301-345-7203. OFFICE HOURS. Monday 2 -4 p.m., 8-10 p.m., Tuesday 8 -10 p.m. I • • I I • a ... t I a I • I Thursday, January 6, 2000 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page3 Arts Group Offers GHI Notes Community Events · Many Craft Classes On Sunday, January 9, the Woodlands Committee on Trail Puppetry, sewing, and fabric Maintenance will meet behind dying are among the new pro the 58 Court of Ridge Road at grams to be offered by the City Notes At the Library Arts Center Offers l p.m. Greenbelt Association for the Visual Arts (GAVA) at the With the volume of refuse due Children's Programs An Ideal Husband The Marketing Committee Community Center this winter. to holiday wrappings, boxes and Tuesday, January 11, P.J. will meet on Monday, January Many of the programs begin parties, the city assigned extra Storytime at 7 p.m., for ages 4 - The Greenbelt Arts Center will 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Board the week of January 16. Reg personnel and trucks to refuse 6. present "An Ideal Husband," Os Room. istrations are being taken now, and recycling collection for the Wednesday, January 12, car Wilde's biting social comedy The Board of Directors about manners, politics, society however, for these as well as week. A crewman began work at BooKids Discussion Group at Meetings for the month will be and scandal, directed by Steve for all the visual arts classes 4 a.m. on Thursday to complete 3:30 p.m., for ages 8 - 12. held on Thursdays, January 13 GAVA usually offers. the cleaning of city streets and Thursday, January 13, Drop-In Cox. Performances are Friday and 27 in the Board Room Programs for Children and parking lots with the new Storytime at 10:15 a.m. for ages and Saturday, January 21, 22, 28, commencing at 7:30 p.m. 29, February 4, 5, 11 and 12 at 8 Teens sweeper. According to the city's 3 - 5. Members are encouraged to at p.rri. and Sunday, January 30 and Puppetry classes offer chil agreement, the street sweeper Toddler Time at 11: 15 a.m. for tend. February 6 at 2 p.m. The theater dren ages 8-11 the opportunity will be taken to College Park two-year-olds and parent or is at 123 Centerway, in the lower to create their own puppets and next week. caregiver. level of Roosevelt Center. There develop a play for performance. The Parks Crew has posted all is a reduced fee for seniors and Sucher Discusses Book The classes are taught by Sandy the Christmas tree drop-off signs Recreation Review students. For reservations and Gray, who has previously as and picked up the few trees At Garden Club Meeting sisted in the children's pro which had been left. They col The Greenbelt Recreation De directions call 301-441-8770, I grams and is experienced in lected the last of the leaves with partment in conjunction with the T h e working with puppets and chil the vacuum, and hauled them to Greenbelt New Year (GNY) 2000 Green be! t dren. These classes take place College Park for composting. Committee held the fourth annual Citizens Can Question Home and osinx Swateuerdkasy sb, efgrionmn i2n-g4 Jpa.mnu. afroyr paiTrehde dHamoratgiceu lttou rteh eC mreewd iarnes Nceelweb Yraetaior'ns Ewvaes cae legbrreaatti osnu. ccTehses Elected Officials CG aIr due nb 22. and plantings on Breezewood and was attended by over 1,000 The Annual Greenbelt Open starts the year with For young people ages 11- Drive. The landscape material in people. Five venues were used: Door Meeting will be held on a bang by sponsoring a special 16, sewing and ceramic open the nursery was covered with Community Center, Youth Center, Saturday, January 15, from 9 to meeting with a book discussion studio are new this season. In protective fabric for the winter. Arts Center, Theater and the New 11 a.m. in the city council cham by local author Dorothy Sucher. the sewing classes students will Work continued on the Hunting Deal Cafe. The event kicked off bers of Greenbelt Municipal The date is Tuesday, January 11 learn basic sewing skills and Ridge landscape project. with fireworks on Braden Field Building. This is an opportunity at 7:30 p.m. at Greenbelt Com and ended with a countdown in for the citizens of the 23rd Dis munity Center All-purpose Room make an A-line skirt with the Community Center and the trict to meet and talk to their rep on Crescent Road. She will be matching tank top. Classes are on Fridays, 5-7 p.m. for eight Support Group Meets Roosevelt Center Mall. Anyone resentatives in the state legisla reading "Lady's-Slippers," an es interested in being on the GNY ture, Senator Leo Green and Del say from her book 'The Invisible weeks beginning January 21; Prince George's County Alli 2001 Committee should contact egates Mary Conroy, James Garden." Sucher is an inspiring classes taughf by Folonda Nix, ance for the Mentally Ill will Greg Varda at 301-397-2208. Hubbard and Joan Pitkin. This is speaker, who is expected to attract a young fashion designer in hold a free support group at 7 a chance for citizens to ask their a large turnout of members and Greenbelt. p.m. on Tuesday, January 11 at elected representatives questions guests. All are invited. Ceramic open studio will run the New Carrollton Municipal Donation Drop-Off on subjects in which they are in on Fridays from 4:30-7 p.m. for Center, 6016 Princess Garden 12 weeks beginning January 21. Parkway. For more information The January Donation Drop terested. It is designed for students with call Jane Kelley, 301-577-6026. Off, co-sponsored with the Ameri Separation of Church previous experience in working can Rescue Workers, will be held And State Discussed in GAVA's pottery studios or this Saturday, January 8, behind who enroll in the Saturday pot coil. The class will meet on the Municipal Building from 9 Choral Auditions What does the American Bill tery class for teens. Wednesday evenings beginning a.m. until noon. Bring clean, us Held for Operas of Rights have to say about the Sunday Family Workshops January 19 for 12 weeks. able clothing, small household separation of church and state? This winter GAVA expands Gladys Hann-O'Neill, GAVA's items, curtains, towels, bedding, Open auditions for spring per How is the amendment inter its Sunday family workshop visiting teacher from Canada, sheets, toys, puzzles and books. formances by the University of preted by the courts? What program to include basket-mak will be the instructor. Donations will be reused by Maryland Chorus will be held for limits are placed on prayer and ing, tie-dying and potato print Sewing will be offered on needy people in Prince George's community members January 14 the display of religious symbols ing on fabric. The workshops Saturdays, from 3:30 to 6:30 County and are tax-deductible. and 15. George Frederic in public schools and other are designed for children and p.m. beginning March 4 for Remember Donation Drop-Off is Handel's opera "Susanna" and public buildings? These and their parents or other adult fam eight weeks. Students will the second Saturday of every oratorio "Solomon" will be per other questions and concerns ily members or friends to take learn basic sewing techniques month. formed this spring. For more in will be addressed by Vernon together. and make one item of clothing. formation call 301-405-557 l. Archer, president of the Mary The basket-making work Folonda Nix will teach the l and chapter of Americans shops, under Teddy Primack, classes. Magnet Program United for Separation of instructor, take place on Sunday Advanced basket-makers Brochures Available Ellen Burstyn Stars Church and State. Archer wi II afternoons, February 6, March may JO!Il a basket-maker's In Movie of Month speak at a meeting sponsored 12 and 26. Participants may circle on Sunday evenings, be Magnet Program brochures are by the Greenbelt/Prince take one or more workshops; a ginning January 16. now available at all Prince The movie of the month at George's County Gray Panthers different project will be made A stained glass open studio, George's County public schools, the Greenbelt Community Center on Saturday, January 15, at the at each workshop. The tie-dy for students who have previ libraries, municipal buildings and will be shown on Monday, Janu Greenbelt Police Station. ing workshop is scheduled on ously taken a class before or community centers. The bro ary 10 at l p.m. in the Senior The business meeting begins Sunday afternoons January 23 enroll in one this winter, will chures provide application infor Classroom. at I :30 p.m., after which Ar and 30; it repeats on February be offered for four weeks on mation as well as general data re The film, "Alice Doesn't Live cher will speak. Interested per 27 and March 5. The potato Saturdays, from 3 to 7 p.m., garding the various Magnet Pro Here Anymore" with Ellen sons are welcome. Light re printing on T-shirts workshop beginning March 18. grams available within the Prince Burstyn and Kris Kristofferson, is freshments will be served. For takes place on Sunday after For information about any of George's County Public School a memorable comedy-drama further information call 301- noon, January 30 and repeats the above programs, or about System. Students not enrolled about a widow who finds her 474-6668 or 301-474-6890. on March 5. Alison Frane is any other GAVA program, call within the county should use the identity while being obliged to the instructor for both sets of Barbara Simon, 301-474-2192. applications contained in the bro cope with the reality of economic fabric workshops. For information about ceramic chure. Students currently enrolled survival. £ New Programs for Adults programs only call Jessica will receive a pre-printed lottery Burstyn won an Academy Advisory Adults and teens over 16 Gitlis, 301-441-3859. All application in the mail. For addi Award for her sensitive portrayal Planning may take a new hand-building GAVA programs are supported tional information, contact the of an ex-housewife trying to sup Board ceramics class using clay hand by the Greenbelt Recreation Magnet Office at 301-952-6044. port her 12-year-old son. Wednesday, January 12, building techniques of slab and Department. 2000 7:30 PM Greenbelt Community Center Theater Rehearsal Room AGENDA Channel B-10 Schedule ider House Rules PG-13 Greenbelt MunicipaVPublic Access TV 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda ri. (4:45 @ $4.00) 7:20, 9:45 MUNICIPAL ACCESS-301-474-8000 3. Approval of Minutes- Monday, January JO Sat. (2:15, 4:45@ $4.00) 11/17/99 8:00 p.m. City Council Meeting -Live 7:20, 9:45 4. Pursuit of Tree City USA Designation-Review Tree Tuesday & Thursday, January II & January 13 Sun. (2:15, 4;45 @ $4.00) Ordinance 6:00 p.m. "Census 2000: Partnership in Prince George's County" 7:20 5. Continued discussion of local 6:15 p.m City Council Meeting -Replay of January 10 ,1 Mon.-Thus. 7:30 historic district designation Saturday, January 15 - 9:00a.m. Open Door Meeting \\ith Leo Green & the Delegates of the 301-474-9744 If you cannot attend the meeting, 23rd District -Live .... ..,~E R -H HE-R-U-L~E4S 301-474-9745 Ppllaenasnein cgo anntadc tC tohme mDuenpiatyrt ment of Development at (301) 345-5417. Page 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 6, 2000 I I THEATRE by personal experiences. Senior BERGEMANN OBITUARIES Sara Pray's experience was that (Continued from page 1) the P&G is not as rowdy as (Continued from page 1) other theaters. According to sight of the filmgoers that lined and test them." She is making her, the theater has a more re up around the construction site many batches in order to refine Alvin H. Rakowski ceptive and appreciative audi in the middle of Roosevelt Cen her technique so she can per ence. Echoing popular senti Al Rakowski of 19 Court ter in the middle of the sum form smoothly at the Bake-Off ment, she added that Paul Hillside Road died on January 4, mer. No one cared about ob in San Francisco. "I just sent Sanchez and his employees "do 2000. He enjoyed living in stacles, only about the movie. two batches over to the doctor's good with the food." Another Greenbelt since 1984 and in GHI And maybe they cared about office. They say they love compliment for Sanchez's efforts. since August, 1989. His favorite the theater as well. Haupt re them." Paul Sanchez, a native of holidays were Christmas and called the time that a woman When asked by the News Hyattsville, was always fasci Halloween and many GHI resi stepped inside, inhaled, and Review whether these were not nated with movies as a youth. dents will remember Al for his chirped that this is what a the the same medical practitioners His favorite movie theater as a annual Christmas and Halloween ater should be like. If she was who are always telling the rest child is memorialized on the decorations around the house, commenting about the smell, wall at Greenbelt in two differ of us not to eat caloric goodies, Marge Bergemann yard and gazebo as well as for she was right on the money. she rep! ied, "I don't know ent frames. Sanchez ran his playing Santa each year so par Sanchez makes sure the pop about that, but Dr. Granite has first movie theater at the Bonsai Winter ents could take their own pic corn is popped fresh each night a sweet tooth. As for the Solomon's Islands. Nowadays, tures. He loved decorating and and refuses to use day-old ker nurse-practitioners, I haven't Silhouette Show he owns the P&G chain of the his motto was "There's no such nels. Fresh food, a large checked on their eating habits aters. This is Haupt's second Come rejoice in the gifts of thing as too many lights." screen, cheap prices, and a lately. What I say is, 'To each time around at the Greenbelt winter from a new perspective at Al worked for many years as Dolby sound system are some his own."' theater, rejoining his buddy. the U. S. National Arboretum. a banquet bartender at all of the of the reasons m·any ERHS stu The exact recipe for Chewy Both he and Sanchez have been The National Bonsai and Penjing major downtown hotels and for dents find the time to catch a Chocolate-Peanut Butter Bars frustrated about making money Museum displays peerless de about seven years as bartender flic at the P&G. Senior Kurt remains a secret, to comply in Greenbelt. Even now, ciduous and conifer works of art and bar manager of a local coun Nelson has bought a ticket with the Pillsbury ground rules. Sanchez has been refused Clint for a free limited viewing in the try club. He worked recently at around seven times this year. The final judging will be done Eastwood, James Bond, and Special Exhibits Wing of the mu both the Elks Club on What sets it apart from other by consumer research and a Hitchcock again for future film seum January 15 - 23, 10 a.m. - Kenilworth Avenue and the movie theaters? He agrees that panel of food experts, working festivals, recently receiving an 3:30 p.m. American Legion on Greenbelt it is the "bigger screen and bet in jury-room secrecy. Prize okay for two Stanley Kubrick Road. Since he usually worked ter sound" that separates the winners will be announced on films after having been rebuffed evenings, many neighbors saw a P&G from others in the area. February 29 during a nationally + lot of him around the neighbor To junior Madeline Bell, the for Kubrick earlier. An old televised awards program, atit~, You're comedy festival might be the hood with his dog "Daisy" who P&G is "more of a community hosted by Phylicia Rashad, that firmly believes she's Al's mother theater." She and her family best possibility in the future, will air on CBS at 11 a.m. tt 1 Welcome perhaps featuring the Marx and doesn't have a clue she's a will go "whenever we get a Lots of luck, Marge' The ~~tut Mt Here Brothers and W.C. Fields, but dog. Al loved fishing and chance." The Bell family mem honor of Greenbelt rests on for now Sanchez is resigned to St. George's magic and over the last few bers are regulars at the Old your shoulders. offering one premiere at a tim_e years became a very talented ma Greenbelt Theater, buying if more requests for film festi Episcopal Church gician. He did several parties movie posters from Sanchez vals continue to be turned Smoke Cessation and loved entertaining customers when they are particularly away. The prospect of losing EpiscopaVAnglican as well as his family. drawn to a picture. Sophomore money always looms. Indeed, Program at Laurel Corner of Lanham-Severn Road (MD He is survived by his wife, Andrew Troy has only been to the P&G is still in debt despite Laurel Regional Hospital is 564) and Glenn Dale Road, Just South of Courtney Pearson, his mother, the theater once, drawn by the recent success. Still the pessi sponsoring a free four-session Greenbelt Rd (MDI93), Glenn Dale Ann Bulkowski, a sister and Hitchcock festival. When asked mism remains absent from Bob quit smoking program on January 301-262-3285 brother-in-law, five children, two what he thought of the historic Haupt's face. There is only de 11, 13, 18, and 20 from 7 to 8 daughters-in-law, and 13 grand building, Andrew searched for termination. And why not? p.m. Sunday Services children, many friends and ex the right word, deciding against With a theater so loved by its To register, call the registra 9 am Folk Se1Yice (Interpreted for the tended family members in Mary "nostalgic" and reluctantly set patrons and so assisted by its tion hotline at 301-497-8736 or Deaf/Hard of Hearing) land and Weirton, West Virginia. tling for "pretty cool." It, is ob city council, a theater with new 410-792-2413. IO am Education for all ages vious that the P&G cannot be 11 am Sung Sen,ice seats and a new marquee added, described by mere words, but you get the feeling that Paul Jane M. Hawes Sanchez will not have to add a Greenb lt Community Church Jane M. Hawes, born October postscript for a long time. Our Neighbors 10, 1938 in N. Dighton, MA, Maybe never, as long as people UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST passed away on December 28, Our deepest sympathy to keep coming. 1999, at her home in Plano, TX, News Review staffer Millie Hillside & Crescent Roads after a courageous battle with O'Dea on the death of her son Phone: 301-474-6171 mornings cancer. She and her husband, Joe Williams of Baltimore. Baha'i Faith SUNDAY WORSHIP Douglas, lived in Greenbelt for 10:15 a.m. 12 years, first at 57-K Ridge and "The well-being of mankind, Daniel Hamlin, Pastor then at 5-A Laurel Hill. She was Paint Branch Unitarian its peace and security, are "A church of the open mind, the warm heart, a 4-H group leader and preside_nt Universalist Church unattainable unless and the aspiring soul, and the social vision ... " of St. Hugh's Parish Council. 3215 Powder Mill Road, until its unity is firmly When she moved to Texas she I-.!;.:_-_:_- -------~-'_--- ;_;;.;;_;;;.- --~- ....-.' ::"'-.~ -~ --~.;-~~~~~.;-~~~.;-.:..:.~, Beltsville/ Adelphi (301-937-3666) established." became the science department UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Welcomes you to our open, chair for Clark High School. She nurturing community -Baha'i Sacred Writings Mowatt Memorial United Methodist Church was a member of many state January 9, 2000. 9:30 & 11:15 a.m. Greenbelt Baha'i Community 40 Ridge Road. Greenbelt teacher organizations along with ''Wounded Words" P.O. Box245 301-474-9410 the Delta Kappa Gamma society. She taught in Plano for 20 years Co-Miannisdt eJrasc oB aBr.b taerna HWoevlels, 301G-3r4e5e-2n9b1e8l t, M30D1 -2202707-301 60 ref..:.._. =~ '-./-\:..._': SUNDAY and was a beloved friend and assisted by Tish Hall, . ..._, Childrens and Adults mentor to many. Kathleen Litz, and Information about the Baha'i Faith is on the ~ Bible Study 9:30 am Jane Hawes is survived by her Shannon Thomas World Wide Web at ~ill~til~b~ n....-i!!l'-Worship Service 11 :OOam husband, Douglas, of 38 years, Hand1cappedaccessible Rev. Guillermo Chavez, Pastor daughter Sharon Ly·nan and so_n MASS SCHEDULE: All persons from all races and cultural backgrounds are in-law George of Grand Prame, Sunday 8, 9:30, I I a.m., 12:30 p.m. welcome. Together we learn to seNe Christ · daughter Lori Mogensen and son Saturday 5 p.m. in-law Rich of Houston, son Jeff Hawes and daughter-in-law Daily Mass: As announced Ill HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH Cynthia of Denton, daughter Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:45-4:45 p.m. 61!!!' Friendly people worshiping God and serving their community Diane Flynn and son-in-law Mike Rev. Thomas F. Crowley, Pastor• In Residence: Rev. Walter J. Tappe 1 of Allen, eight grandchildren and sister Joan Lechowich of 11 Sunday Worship Services ST. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Charlottesville, VA. 8:30 and 11:15 A.M. 135 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Md. Education Hour ~'2&b•s 10:00 A.M. New love/ Located at the comer of Crescent and Greenhill Roads Catholic Morning Worship Service !Sunday) 8:35 & l 1: 00 AM A. Community Bible Study for all ages !Sunday) 9:45 AM ----:.ii~•·•=--.-..- , ~.A of Greenbelt Evening Worship and Small Groups !Sunday) 6:00 PM Otl.~ ~ Prayer (Wednesday) 7:00 PM lh MASS For transportation or more information ca/1474-4212 6905 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Municipal Building Sundays Groer cconmtactb us eonl tthe DIntearne1t at' tGrlnsBatpt isCt@aho/ cuomr ch Fax 301-220-0694 • E-mail [email protected] 10AM Rev. Stephen H. Mentz, Pastor (301) 345-5111 Thursday, January 6, 2000 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 5 ing was stopped as a suspi old male resident was arrested g1ma tags TYC 6907, Dec. 29, POLICE BLOTTER : cious vehicle. Located inside and charged with driving while from the 7400 block of the vehicle were a quantity of intoxicated and driving under Greenbelt Road. I suspected marijuana and mate the influence after a traffic ac Vandalisms to and thefts rials commonly used to pack cident. He was transported to from vehicles were reported in age marijuana. A 14-year-old the Department of Corrections the following areas: 6100 block Based on information released by the Greenbelt Police De nonresident inside the vehicle for presentation before a dis of Breezewood Drive, 6000 and partment. Dates and times are those when police were first contacted about incidents. was charged on petition with trict court commissioner. 6200 blocks of Springhill possession of marijuana and Vehicle Crimes Drive, 5900 block of Rape 23, 9: 18 p.m., a parcel delivery possession of drug parapherna The following vehicles were Cherrywood Terrace, 6600 6100 block of Breeze wood person was making a deli very lia. Both were released to par reported stolen: a burgundy block of Lake Park Drive, unit Drive, Dec. 28, 4:08 a.m., a at an apartment when a youth ents pending action by the ju four-door 1995 Nissan Maxima block and 10 Court of Parkway, woman heard a knock on her opened an apartment door in venile justice system. with Maryland tags DPN 179, and 7700 block of Hanover window and then heard some the same hallway and demanded 6100 block of Springhill Dec. 28, from Beltway Plaza Parkwa~ one knock on her door a short to know where his package Terrace, Dec. 25, 8:45 p.m., a Mall, and a black four-door time later. When she answered was. The delivery person ges 39-year-old male nonresident 1992 Acura Legend with Vir- ~ the door, a man forced his way tured for the youth to wait un was arrested and charged with in. Once inside, he sexually til he was done with the first possession of drug parapherna assaulted her and took money. customer. The youth went back lia after he was stopped by of He then fled the scene. inside his apartment and came ficers responding to a report of REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Armed Robbery out holding what appeared to a disorderly person and found ~ MUNICIPAL BUILDING CO~CIL ROOM 6200 block of Springhill be a black semiautomatic pistol. to be in possession of materials ~ January 10, 2000 - 8.00 P.M. Drive, Dec. 23, 8:54 p.m., resi After the delivery person fin commonly used to smoke mari dents of an apartment answered ished with his delivery, the juana. He was also found to I. ORGANIZATION a knock at their front door, and youth followed him down the have three open warrants with three people forced their way steps, again demanding his the Prince George's County 1. Call to Order into the apartment armed with package while pointing the pis Sheriff's Department. He was knives and handguns. They tol at the victim. The victim transported to the Department 2. Roll Call robbed each of the four vic grabbed the gun and realized of Corrections for presentation tims, taking money and other that it was a pellet gun. He let before a district court commis 3. Meditation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag items. One of the victims was go of the gun, and the youth sioner. kicked several times and was walked away. Beltway Plaza Mall, Dec. 4. Consent Agenda -Approval of Staff Recommendations transported to Doctor's Hospital Drugs 26, 1:35 a.m., officers re for minor injuries. The sus 6300 block of Golden Tri sponded to a report of a theft, (The consent agenda consists of those items which have pects are described as a black angle Drive, Dec. 24, 2: 17 a.m., and a computer check revealed asterisks [ *J placed beside them, subject to such revisions female, 5'6", and 115 lbs., a 23-year-old nonresident was that the complainant had an as may be made by the Council prior to approval.) wearing a black hat and a black arrested and charged on citation open warrant with the Prince 5. Approval of Agenda and Additions mask and armed with a knife; a with possession of drug para George's County Sheriff's De black male 19 years of age, phernalia after officers respond partment. The subject was ar II. COMMUNICATIONS 6'4", with an average build, ing to a report of loud party rested and was then found to wearing a black mask and discovered him holding a pipe be in possession of suspected 6. Presentations armed with a silver pistol; and commonly used to smoke mari marijuana and materials com a black male 19 years of age, juana. He was released on cita monly used to smoke mari -Greenbelt New Year Committee 6'0", with a thin build, wearing tion pending trial. juana. He was transported to blue nylon running pants and a Area of Southway and the Department of Corrections 7. Petitions and Requests bandana over his face and Greenbelt Road, Dec. 24, 11: 12 for presentation before a dis armed with a silver pistol and a p.m., a 16-year-old nonresident trict court commissioner. ( Petitions received at the meeting will not be acted upon machete-type knife. was charged on petition with Driving While Intoxicated by the City Council at this meeting unless the standing Assault possession of drug parapherna 36 court of Crescent Road, rules are waived by the Council.) 100 block of Westway, Dec. lia after the car he was operat- Dec. 23, 10:59 p.m., a 53-year- 8. Minutes of Meetings City of Greenbelt Department of Public Works 9. Administrative Reports CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION POINTS * 10. Committee Reports Recycle your Christmas trees between December 29, 99 and February 7, 2000. Trees will be processed through the wood chipper and used as m c round trees and flower beds. Trees will be III. LEGISLATION picked up at the following locations: __JI v.., i. GHI 73 Cl Rldge Road ~t1UltmiQ'r.:-A1nt:E-Between Buildings: 11. A Resolution to Establish a Task Force to Design and -Playground Opposite 6936 & 6978 Hanover Parkway Implement a Program to Celebrate the Millennium Year in Plateau Place & Rldge Road Greenbelt -Comer playground DSOR GREEN -2nd Reading Research Road & HIiiside Road '\ Court Entrances (picked up by -Comer ✓' Windsor Green Staff) 12. An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 11.5, "Noise Control" Eastway & Crescent Road - 1st Reading -Comer GREEN OQK VILLAGE & ESTATES 21 Ct Ridge Road utheast Comer of Ora Glen Drive 13. A Resolution to Establish Penalties for Violation of -Across Green Rldge Hou a athew Drive Chapter 11.5, "Noise Control" Crescent Road & Ridge Road -S - 1st Reading -Playground atjun~ttmf../1 Pa Parkway Rd ~__.L...,_ -In fr t of barricade at Mandan Road 14. A Resolution to Amend Resolution 899 -Across from Community C~ch and M - 1st Reading -Comer across 58 Ct Cresce . 7 Ct Southway Road / GREENWge>D VIL IV. OTHER BUSINESS -Playground at LI League '--=oppo$1te 8 11 Ct & 13 Ct RI e ti -Opposite 15. Petition re: Hanover Parkway -Park area-tlldllYeEtn courts -Opposite 7 / _.,,,,.,,.-, ~ 16. Comparison Study of Salary and Benefits BOXWOOD lvy~e~ ne -Playground 17. State Legislation -Proposals to Modify Text Amendment Process LAKEWOOD 18. Consideration of Prohibition on Pandhandling * 19. Brae Brook Drive Revegetation Plan * 20. Approval of Facility Rental Waiver UNIVERSITY SQU~ntof s,w,,-i-m--m-..i.n. g pool * 21. Approval of Departure from Sign Design Standards earswtmm~ V. MEETINGS ***** NOTE: This is a preliminary agenda, subject to change. Regular Coun- . cil meetings are open to the public and all interested citizens are in vited to attend. For information, please call 301-474-3870. If special accommodations are required to make this meeting accessible to any disabled person, please call 301-474-8000 or 301-474-2046 (TDD) to request such accommodation before 10:00 am on the day of the meeting. -Open area across from 6510 & GLEN OAKS-Between Buildings: Lake Park Drive 7903 & 7905 Mandan Road Check out the Greenbelt City link website at 7509 & 7511 Mandan Road David E. Moran, CMC City Clerk Page6 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 6, 2000 Thursday, January 6, 2000 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page7 All Sale Prices Effective Save More Monday, January 10th ith Double thru Sunday, January 16th Value On 2000 Manufacturers Printer Err Coupons See Store For Details Prestige Angus Beef Boneless Sunkist ~-----------, Full Cut Large Round Navel II 1,;OUPON IS VALID MONDAY, 1-10THRU SUNDAY, 1-16-00 I REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP Steak 3 oz. Chicken-of-the-Sea49c Ste Oranges I MUELLER FREE : I Prestige Angus Beef ELBOW Mardi Gras Prestige Deep Basted Chunk Light Prego 39 Paper I I Boneless $13 9 EByoen eless sz49 Tuna z 6 oz. Spaghetti S1 1---Tow_els- ---s-516- s4=he9e-t r~o ll Eastern Washington State I MACARONI 16 oz. I Pork -- Round Purex Liquid $ 79 Sauces Skippy Russet Red I -With T-his Co-upon &- $7L.5i-0m M~ i1n .P- Peur rCcuh-satsoem. Ee-rx cludi-ng Co-upon I-tems. I Sirloin Chops lb. laundry All Varieties Peanut Delicious L~ F-LEMIN-G YO-RK P-SC 11-34, PO- BOX- 589,- YORK-, PA -17405--0589: _,J Roast lb. Detergent 27-28 oz. Potatoes gallon $179 Butter 1 8 oz. Apples $499 s449 5 pound bag II ~ UPON IS VALID MONDAY, 1-10THRU SUNDAY,_ 1-16-00 ____ _ I Prestige Angus Beef American ~::~: z199c Quaker REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP Ribeye Seasoned Campbells Granola Kelloggs California Imported I I Steak $179lb . Leg of Lamb s1z9lb 1-B_a_r_s_ ___5_9_l Oc _o.;;..;;;z ;..;_,;. Original Crisp Seedless I BEST YET FREE I Fresh Super n-u Noodle Bushs Corn Celery bunch Grapes I LONG GRAIN I 93% Lean Frozen Chili Magic Flakes WHITE RICE Ground Beef Beef Liver Soup 10.7 oz. Chili 18 oz. Verdelli Florida 40 SiJzeI S100 I 16 oz. I $199lb . 16 oz. 15.5 oz. s179 Red '499 Spinach I With This Coupon & $7.50 Min. Purchase. Excluding Coupon Items. I HHaatmfie Sldli ces SCkhiellfes tC hoice KPeolplo ggs -- Franco Amer4ica9n c MCaozooklain g Oils -- w Grapefruit ~L --FLE-M-INGY --ORK --PSCL -#i-m13it4 1,- P P-Oe rB C-OuX-s t5o-8m9,e Y-r O-RK,- P-A 17--405-0.5-89 .,_J Stir Fry Kits Original-Canola- Plum California Asst. Varieties sz•8 o·z. Asst. Varieties s32z4 o•z. -Ta-rts- --$-1 - --i MSpeaagtlheesstt i Right Blend $1 48 oz. Tomatoes Sunkist II COUPON IS VALID MONDAY, 1·10THRU SUNDA'f,_1·1.6:.-.:0c"0--~ I West Virginia Barber Capri Sun 49 Mardi Gras z9 lb. Lemons 2 lb. ba REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP Lunch Pack -or- Economy Pack -- w TBhaiccokn S liced 24 oz. BCrheicakset nE ntrees 12 oz. F.-.......... Drinks 10 pk. Sp agh e tt·1 0s s114-15soz•. Napkins 250 k. TGerenedne r FrFuRiEt EC lKuIbW IF FoRr UKIiTd s II YBROEGYUERRT1SS BGEuTv 11 II Mr. Clean Beans See Store For Details I FREE I Spick 'N' Span lb. ALL VARIETIES DAIRY DELI Liquid I 8 oz. I .,__ __________ _.I I Cleaners 28 oz. w BER& WIN£ I -With T-his Co-upon -& $7,5-0 Min.- Purch-ase. E-xclud-ing Co-upon -Items. I \. Hershey Limit 1 Per Customer ..J Filberts 59c Hot L~ FL-EMING- YOR-K PSC- 1134-, PO B-OX 5-89, YO-RK, P-A 1740-5-058-9 , Cocoa Mixes Carolina 89,J s11 Donald Duck $739 Golden -: ;·: r \~·' Asst. 2-6 oz. Coor~ Quarters Turkey Orange II COUPON IS VALID MONDAY, 1-10THRU SUNDAY, 1-16-00 I 9 REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP Vegetable ~ Breast BBerottwy Cnrioec ker " DBeeslut Yxeet P am -- Dial Juice Light Bath Beer I I Spread 1 lb. lb. OMriigxi nal-Sweet Reward 21.s 2oz0.· Shells-or-Macaroni $1127-14 oz. Bar Soap Makes 48 oz. 12 oz. - 12 pack I RAINBOW I 17 99c 12 oz. cans FACIAL 9 Crowley Campbells $ 9 Kraft Best Yet s1 szs9 I TISSUES I CChoetteasgee ~z ATRsoesmat.d ayto T So oSueprvse 32 oz. AHsasnt• di Snacks 8 ack GBaagrbsa ge 30 k. OEllriiog~i nal Z9 , BMeilswt aukees II With This Coupon & $7.50 Min. Purchase. Excluding1 C7ou5p opn Iatecmks. II 39 Welchs $169 LaChoy Hunts Cheese Pizza Beer ~L -F-LE-MIN-G- YO-RK -P-SCL #i-m1-3it4 ,1 P P--Oer B COu-X-s t5o8m9-,e- YrO RK--, PA -17-405--0-589: _,J BSehsret dYdeet d .. -- Grape Juice Teriyaki-or Snack Paci< 9916c oz. 6 ea$ck-13 2 o9z. c9ans Mozzarella-or- Purple-White Soy Sauce Puddings Hungry Jacl< ReneJunot II COUPON IS VALID MONDAY, 1-10THRU SUNDAY 1-16·0.Q_ _ __ I Cheddar Chef.lSe 1 2 oz. 46 oz. 10 oz. Asst. 4 k. Waffles Wines REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP Asst. Tropicana Psremzium Z 9 Swifter 12 oz. s5a7590 m l. I ACT II VI.AIt -.- ', Disposable 99c I Tangerine Freezer Queen Beck'.s MICROWAVE Dust aoths 1 I Juice Dinners Beer POPCORN 64 oz. I I Captain Crsunzchz 9 Asst. 6 pack-12 oz. N.R:S BUTTER-LITE-LOVERS 10.5 oz. H011 lOODS DELI I Cereals I W-ith T-his Co-upon -& $7.5-0 Min.- Purch-ase. E-xcludi-ng Co-upon -Items. Limit 1 Per Customer Original- -- ~L F-LEMI-NG YO-RK P-SC 11-34, P-O BO-X 589-, YORK-, PA -17405--0589: _,J Fresh Berries- Fresh D2 ePliiceicoeu s Flounder 99c Peanut ButteSr1 17 s-196 oz . Apple& Eve II _R1,E_ODUEPEOMN IOS NVLAYL IADT MGORNEDEANYB, E1·L1T0 CTOH-ROUP S UNDAY, 1-16-00 I 1000/o Chicken Dinner each Fillets Renuzit Longlast ■ Courteous Professional I I E~ono Brite Best Yet Fruit Juices APPLE & EVE lb. Adjustable Light Bulbs Dry Roasted - Staff I I Room Deodorizers 7. sc oz . 60w-7Sw-1oow 3 pack Peanuts 9916c oz . 5 Varieties 10 oz. ■ WPree sPcrroiputdiolyn APclacnesp t Most I APPCLLEE AJURI CE I MLouwff iFnast 4 pack TCSrltaaumdffiesti do nal WNBaoayttatel er d 591 . 5 l,·t er TTMhheeearrtmm Cooo mFoeoktirenkrg S-.'9- 9ea-c9h ._ CBSeta_itkrt ye_' N CM_'r oBixc_akeeksr_e __1_0-1_2 o _z__. . AFOlllaoivnveoia rO eEdixl tra Vsirg4in 692 50 ml. •• FFMPrrreoeeenes .cBH-Wrlioopemtoidode.n- PFDsrr ivseurrey TOefs ter LII W-itFhL TE-hMisIN CGo -YuOpoRnK -& P S$7C.L5 #i-m01 3Mit4 i1.n P. P- OPeu rB rCcOhu-Xas st5oe8m.9 E,e- Yxr OclRudK-i,n PgA C 61o7-4u4p0 o5on-0 -zI5te8.9m s. _JII Page8 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 6, 2000 COORDINATOR oriented festivals which of Manuel Lopez which will be providing a safe climate for arts Le Leche League Greenbelt might host. For ex open through January 27 in the education initiatives, a place To Meet January 18 (Continued from page 1) ample, I am working with the Municipal Conference Room Gal where people may come as be sale throughout the month of De Greenbelt Arts Center to gauge lery in the Municipal Building. ginners and feel excited - rather Le Leche League of cember at the main office of the regional interest in a community The exhibit will be open from than anxious - about that. Greenbelt will meet on Tuesday, Greenbelt Community Center, theater festival. We envision this 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On the 'Tm here as a facilitator to January 18, at l 0 a.m. at Holy may be redeemed for visual arts being a multi-faceted event incor second and fourth Mondays the help others realize their visions Cross Lutheran Church, 6905 classes, performances, creative porating performances in several exhibit will be open from 7 to 10 for the city. People should feel Greenbelt Road. The topic of drop-in activities, Greenbelt New venues as well as skill-building p.m. The exhibit includes 10 free to talk to me. I want people the meeting is "Becoming a Year tickets, and other offerings. workshops by and for theater af works by the artist. The majority to share their ideas. I won't be Mother: Changes, Adjustments, As sponsors, we are hoping that filiates on topics of their choice. are richly-colored close-range limited by my own imagination. Needs." Pregnant and breastfeed individuals who have enjoyed our Such a festival might be a good photographs of tropical flowers There is no limit to what we can ing mothers are invited to attend. arts programming in the past will way to enhance the sense of which Manny made on a visit to do." Babies are welcome. For more give these certificates as a way of community enjoyed by Greenbelt Hawaii in August of this year." information call Mary at 301- introducing a friend, colleague, or artists. In addition, the festival The other exhibit, Figure in 345-4589. family member to Greenbelt's would broaden the scope of cul Fiber, continues until January 12. cultural opportunities. With' tural programming available to It features weavings by Elizabeth prices starting at just $10, the city residents and could help· to Lundberg Morisette, costumes by certificates are a very affordable introduce patrons of the arts from Charles T. Jones, and silk paint gift option as well as a creative other communities to Greenbelt's ings by Jan Jones. one!" resources. An independent film Background PRINCE GEORGE'S Communications festival would be another option; "I got my undergraduate de 'Tm interested in strengthen I am currently consulting with gree at Brandeis. Then I got a COMMUNITY COLLEGE - Greenbelt Access Television, the master's degree in American stud ing communication not only with Greenbelt Theater, the Writers' ies from Maryland. American Greenbelt's arts programmers, but also with individual citizens who Group, and others to gauge com studies was a great way to pre at Eleanor Roosevelt High School have an interest in the cultural munity interest." pare for this career. I met lots of life of the city. I am working Visual Exhibitions people interested in multi-cultural 7601 Hanover Parkway • Greenbelt, MD 20770 "I am hoping to aid the city studies. While I was there, I with the Greenbelt Association for the Visual Arts, the Depart in providing a more continuous started a freelance business. I Build Credits to Eam a Degree! ment of Recreation, and the Arts visual arts exhibition program. became an administrator, and I've Advisory Board, for instance, to Two exhibits are currently on taught print making, drawing, view. photography. ♦ Credit sections in Accounting, Art, Biology, Business, develop new tools for assessing levels of citizen involvement and "The first exhibit is Paradise "I got into the nitty gritty, Computer Literacy, Developmental Math/English, Found: The Floral Photography writing budgets, grants. I like Economics, Engineering Technology, English, History, satisfaction with our arts pro Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Paralegal, gramming. Individuals will be invited to share their feedback r.--------------------~ Psychology, Sociology, and Speech. and suggestions through program PRELIMINARY AGENDA ♦ Students can complete all requirements for a degree or a evaluations. In addition, residents are invited to contact me directly MEETING OF GHI certificate in General Studies. with their creative ideas at 301- BOARD OF DIRECTORS ♦ Classes are scheduled Mon., Tues., Wed., or Thurs., 474-8000. While I look forward to exploring community interest Thursday, January 13, 2000 • 7:30 p.m. 7-10 p.m., beginning the week ofJanuary 24, 2000. in some of my own programming GHI Board Room ♦ In-person registration at Eleanor Roosevelt High ideas, I do not intend to be lim School, Mon., January 10, 2000, 6:30-8 p.m. ited by the boundaries of my own Key Agenda Items imagination in my role as Arts ♦ Continuous registration at the Largo Campus, Mon. Coordinator. A dynamic ex ♦ Third Quarter Financial Statement Discussion Thurs., 8:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sat., change of ideas will be essential ♦ City Tree Ordinance Discussion January 22, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in ensuring the quality and rel ♦ Approval of Recognition Agreement Action evance of arts programming in Greenbelt." National City Mortgage For more information, call 301-322-0783. Festivals ♦ Schedule Manager's Performance Evaluation Action "Conversations are beginning Prince George's Community College Regular Board meetings are open to members. to unfold concerning new, arts- 301 Largo Road, Largo, Maryland 20774-2199 ~--------------------~ We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry. • • and we' re in your neighborhood! r~-----------~ Our DRS. MCCARL family has been serving your For Our New Patients community for 61 years and we just keep 301-474-4144 Polishi$25eaning growing. Our main concern is to give you safe and complete quality care which is why we've after taken hunc.' reds of hours of continuing educa Complimentary Initial tion. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and Dental Exam sterilization techniques to create beautiful, healthy teeth for a lifetime. Only $25.00 for a complete DISTINCTIONS AND AWARDS: polishing and cleaning. DR. CLAYTON S. MCCARL, SR. Includes necessary x-rays on Fellow in International College of Dentists. .. d_a_y o_f e_xa_m_ina_tio_n._ ___ .. Fellow in American College of Dentists. Good only with coupon. Retired Nov. 1996 Dr. Clayton, Jr. Dr. Jay Value up to $14 l.00. DR. CLAYTON S. MCCARL, JR. Dr. Dave Fellow in Academy of General Dentistry. DR. JAY MCCARL -===:,= NEW Office hours: Dental Implant Symposium at Boston University. Drs. Mc:Cnrl Monday 8-5 McCnrl Fellow in Academy of General Dentistry. Mc:Carl Tuesday 9-8:30 DR. DAVID J. MCCARL & McCarl Wednesday 9-8:30 Quintessence Award for Excellence in Clinical Restorative Dentistry. Thursday 8-4 28 Ridge Road Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-0717 Friday 8-4 All four Drs. are ranked as Clinical Field Instructors for Saturday 8-1 1 :30 1991-92 by the University of Maryland Dental School Call us today for a Satisfying Smile! Thursday, January 6, 2000 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page9 PARTY sang and danced. For the wild Lawrence Welk dancing alternative crowd, the band Per bubbles. Our trusty Councilman (Continued from page 1) oxide played after the play. Ed Putens, when asked for any Hungry? final words about 1999, said Livengood delighted people Hungry folks had the oppor "Get Rid of IT1". So, fondest with his storytelling. tunity to dine at the cozy New farewells to 1999 and welcome The gymnasium of the Youth Deal Cafe while listening to the at last to the year 2000. Center was filled with fun ac musical groups Fire Dean and Adventist HealthCare tivities. You could race on a Big Black Nun. The inviting huge blow-up obstacle course. cafe portends great future To Give Lecture If that didn't tire you out, you events when it becomes opera Adventist HealthCare will could don a sumo wrestling tional. costume and try to push your Even with a late start, you present a discussion of issues re lated to long term care insurance opponent out of the ring. To had to fight the crowds to see including legislation, consumer top it off, if you felt the need magician Eric Henning at the positions, trends and how to to belt out a few notes, whether Greenbelt Historic Theatre. He evaluate the issue. The free pro on-key or a little "out of tune", did not let the throngs down gram will be held on Tuesday, karaoke was available. If you with his disappearing wedding January 18 at 7 p.m. at Fairland needed a rest, you could try ring trick. This reporter still your luck at bingo. For the cannot come up with some logi Nursing and Rehabilitation Cen ter (2101 Fairland Road, Silver older folks, Dave Schuman con cal explanation to Henning's Spring). Pre-registration is re ducted a swing dance lesson ring trick, so it must have been and then held a dance in the the gods of magic casting their quired, call 301-681-6800. game room. spell. In the Greenbelt Arts Center, Towards midnight everyone talented Greenbelt kids put on flocked to the Community Cen the show, The Hippo Who ter gymnasium. When the mid The News Review's fearless reporter is prepared for sumo wres Wanted to be a Ballerina. The night buzzer sounded, confetti Leonard & Holley Wallace tling! costumes were beautiful and the rained, kisses flew and balloons Jeannie Smith -photo by Erv Beckert wildly enthusiastic actors also filled the hall like giant INTRODUCING. • • ~ @ID ~ New listing - 2 br with $14,000 in reno vafions completed by GHI. All new every thing! You'll think it's a new house-$42,990 AVERY GARDENS xtrah 3 bedroom townhome - new appliances, cabinets, countertop, carpe~ bathroom vanity and more. Large shed, too! $58,900 J - 3 The New Standard In Senior Living You'll like lhe large deck on tt,e back of this 2 bedroom unit. New cabinets and more being installed. Wide floor plan! $43,900 Avery Gardens, Prince George's County's premier senior living community, will open 2 bedroom townhome with vinyl siding. for residents in January 2000. Offering supportive independent living, assisted living Renovated kitchen and bathroom. Backs to woods! Large slate patio in back. $44,900 and Alzheimer's care, Avery Gardens features spacious, graciously-appointed apart 2 bedroom townhome just listed. Refinshed oak hardwood flooring on both levels. Fresh ments and common areas. We offer the highest levels of hospitality and personal care paint throughout. Vacant & ready! $43,900 services anywhere. Now's The Time! We have buyers • Home cooked and heart-healthy • Rental package includes dining, dining 3 times per day utilities, housekeeping, local waiting for brick transportation and block homes. • 24-hour caring staff • The Sara's Garden Program, a • Daily cultural and social programs secured setting for people with Alzheimer's disease and other 2 bedroom townhome with vinyl siding. • Personal care, comfort and security memory impairments Fenced back yard with large shed. Ceiling fans included. Close to center-just $39,900 2 bedroom townhome with large covered porch in back yard. More than $7,000 in AVERY GARDENS 9885 Greenbelt Rd. • Lanham, MD 20706 301-486-1590 or toll free 888-778-4725 Page 10 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 6, 2000 Governor Addresses Commerce Group Free Seminar Offered CLASSIFIED Governor Parris N. this year are transportation fund On Joint Replacement Glendening will be the keynote ing, school construction, tax re A free seminar on arthritis and to speaker at the Prince George's duction and economic develop tal joint replacement will be held at Chamber of Commerce Annual ment m1tiat1ves. Members of Laurel Regional Hospital on Wednes HELP WANTED RATES Legislative Night Dinner and the county's House and Senate day, January 12 at 6 p.m. in Confer Program to be held on Monday, Delegations, as well as the ence Rooms A & B. Dr. Jerry R. Tho OFFICE NURSE - Busy internal CLASSIFIED: $2.50 minimum for January 10 at Martin's Cross County Executive and County mas II, orthopedic surgeon, and Sheri mreesudm per,a c3t0ic1e-,4 7M4o-2n6d8a6y. - Friday. Fax ten words. I 5¢ each additional word. No winds. This program affords Councilmembers have been in charge for listing items that are found. Anders, R.N., will present the one members of the Prince George's vited. hour program which will include a PART TIME POSITION - Medical Submit ad with payment to the News Re business community an opportu For reservation information secretary/data entry. Private Silver view office by IO p.m. Tuesday, or to tour of the operating room, explana nity to hear what the Governor's call 301-731-5000. There is a tion of joint replacement surgery, and Spring medical office (near junction Gthree eNnbeewlts C Ro-eovpi egwro cderryo ps tobroex b eifno rteh e7 legislative agenda will be in the fee. showing of various artificial joints. 495/95) seeking part time person for p.m. Tuesday, or mail to I 5 Crescent upcoming session of the Mary data entry, transcription and general Pregnancy Aid To register, call the registration Road, Suite I 00, Greenbelt, Maryland slauneds eGxepneecrtaeld Afsosre mthbel yl.e gKiselyat uirse Seeks Volunteers hotline at 301-497-8736 or 410- op.fmfic. e( fdluetxiiebsl.e Hhoouurrss) M. Ctharlol u3g0h1 F-4, 349-7- 207B70O. XED: $6.25 column inch. Mini 792-2413. 4301. mum I 1/2 inches ($9.38). Deadline 10 The Pregnancy Aid Center, a Planetarium Show p.m. Monday. CHILDCARE PROVIDER NEED Missy's Decorating health clinic in College Park Include name, phone no. and address At Science Center ED- Sunday morning at local church which serves low-income preg with ad copy. Ads not considered ac -9a.m. - 1 p. m. $IO hour, nice work WALLPAPERING nant and parenting women, is On January 14, the Howard B. environment. 301-937-36 cepted unti I pub ti shed. INTERIOR PAINTING seeking one or more volunteers Owens Science Center, at 9601 WANTED TOM McANDREW - GREENBELT to assist a few hours a week in Greenbelt Road in Lanham, will 301-345-7273 WINDOWS & PAINTING -Replace the distribution of food and present a planetarium show which BOOKS WANTED - All types, cash ment windows and doors and vinyl sid Md. Home Imp. Lie. #26409 clothing, assist in filing and other looks back in time to the last paid. 301-596-6156 ing. Phone 301/474-9434, MHIC Bonded _ Insured tasks. Call Ellen O'Neill at millennium, 1000 A.D. A super 26087. CARPOOL DRIVER/RIDER - l:J.1r:::.1r:::.11:.11:.:a:.:a:.II:J1.:J1.D1.D1.a.a.naaa::i.1e.a:'I r3.0::1:-=2= 7=7 -=2=13=6=. ===========:;i nova explosion observed at that Greenbelt to Federal Triangle, work LIGHT MOVING, hauling & odd jobs. time left a spectacular remnant in Home & Business hours 7 -4:30. Call JoAnne, 202-482- Call Quincy 301-345-1007. UPHOLSTERY the sky which astronomers study Improvements 2487 (W), 301-474-7212 (H). even to this day. This will be PET/PLANT SITTER - I'm flexible, Many Fabrics to Choose WISLER CONSTRUCTON followed by a live presentation SERVICES will sit/walk pets, care for plants in Old From. Free Pick Up and or{ the stars, constellations, and Greenbelt. Adult, refs. 301-441-3921. Delivery. Free Estimates. Drywall • Painting • Carpentry HOME MOVIES Slides, Pictures Quick Return. • Acoustical Ceiling • Tile • Etc. planets visible on that night. transferred to VHS, Tape Repair. HLM NEED A house sitter? Mature, refs., There is an admission fee. Productions, Inc. 301-474-6748. care for pets, plants. 301-474-2192. LEW'S CUSTOM UPHOLST'ERY Licensed • Bonded • Insured For information call 301-918- 301-262-4135 MHIC#40475 301-345-1261 8750. CsoOftMwaPrUe TiEnsRta -llRateiopnai.r sT, oump,g r3a0d1e-s4 a7n4d- SmToAveT Ea rMooOmV, EofRfiSc.e , Mapoavrtimngen? t, Whoaunsnea, <Pleasant 'lo uch 1401. etc: call 301-345-8323. Good rates. -~~~ ENGLISH TEACHER, mature, refer LEAVES - OHi homes, $30. Taken ences, seeks students. $15/hour. 301- away, quick and reliable. Pat, 301-213- • Facials • Make-up Design 474-2192. 3273. • Waxing • Therapeutic Massage HOUSECLEANING - $35 and up. DAY CARE PROVIDER has openings 143 Centerway • 301-345-1849 Couples' Excellent references, all supplies pro for all ages and infant. Call Kathy, 301- Tuesday -noon to 9p.m. vided. Free estimates. Angel, 301- 441-2463. Wednesday, Thursday -9a.m. to 9p.m. 262-4607. Ginny and Michael Hurney Friday, Saturday -9a.m. to 6p.m. o--;t cr1 7 !-i ~ 7-.I i The Experienced, Licensed Professionals Holbert's 7-.DT ?') 3--j O p (301) 595-5135 Custom Quality Work Done w/ Pride! Home Imp. :i-1\j, zf 7./ 2. Y/. Improve communication -Rekindle passion -Enjoy relationships No job too small. 301-474-2192. Service work and new homes. Carpentry Painting , GREENBELT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION~ 'ALL work done by Master Electrician Remodeling Repairs MORYADAS ASSOCIATES, LLC Insured Lie. #1142 Pr. Geo. M.H.I.C. 25916 Your Tax Professionals 301-622-6999 VISA 9.9% fixed annual percentage rate Call Jack 301-345-8262 Serving Individuals with no annual fee. Call us for Small Businesses more information MHIC Tax Preparation for #7540 Federal and all States To Join Your Communi1y Credit Union·C all: Gehring Current and prior years returns Construction Co., Inc. (301) 474-5900 Audit Service Representation and HOME REMODELING SPECIALIST Negotiation A credit union tor persons who live or work in Greenbelt Tax Advisory Replacement Windows • Siding • Roofing Serving the community since 1937. Repairs • Florida Rooms • Decks • Painting MORYADAS ASSOCIATES, LLC Each account insured to $100,000 by NCUA Kitchens • Additions • Bathrooms 11-J RIDGE ROAD a U.S. Government Agency GREENBELT, MD 20770 BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE (301) 474-9427 Free Estimates/Town References M@bil® : • State of Maryland ■■ "Serving Greenbelt For 30 Years" ■ Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program 301 / 441-1246 Call Dick Gehring 8303 58th Ave. • Berwyn Heights, MD Certified Emissions Repair Facility _ - GREENBELT :lat SERVICE Greenbeit Auto & Truck Repair Inc. GAsCH'S fuNERAL HOME CENTER Mobil Facility #5459 Family Owned with Family Values - a Since 1858 159 Centerway Road .. We're As Near Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 ~• ,:-,.!Ic !I As Your Neighbor" MOE For Honesty, Caring, and 301-982-2582 Quality, Affordable Service AUTO REPAIRS Maryland Department A.S.E. Let's Clear The Air of the Environment & Funeral Arrangements ROAD SERVICE Master Certified Technicians Memorial Services Bicycle Repairs A complete service facility equipped to per Cremation • Pre-Need Available 24 hours We promise a fast and form all service requirements that your Constance Visa & MasterCard pleasant purchase every manufacturer recommends to comply with Gasch, CFSP time you visit. Preventive Maintenance service schedules 301-927-6100 161 CENTERWAY ROAD & extended warranty programs! Also, rou 4739 Baltimore Avenue GREENBELT, MD 20770 tine repairs that keep your vehicles aper- Hyattsville, MD 20781 4 7 4-8348 (301) ■ ating safely & reliably. ■ Gasch's is now on the Internet! ■■ ■■ !Mobil®I II ii 13 1 Thursday, January 6, 2000 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 11 ... News from Greenbelt Elementary School ADVERTISING by Barbara Likowski The children thought it very excit san Lahr, Samantha Ingraham, and December was a time for trips ing to see first-hand a part of the Janie Acenero were chosen to rep which combined fun and learning Lincoln Conspiracy. resent the school in the Northern AUTOMOTIVE MERCHANDISE for Greenbelt Elementary School Other News Area Honors Chorus. This chorus children. Greenbelt Elementary School is a select group of singers who FOR SALE - 1987 Dodge Caravan HOME FURNITURE - Queen size All the first, second and third "Trebelmakers" presented the holi rehearse every Tuesday evening at LE, MD inspected, 140K, excellent bed, dining set, six chairs, china set, condition, $ I 950. Cal I Joe, 30 I -4 7 4- 72" table and buffet set made of dark grade classes went to Prince day musical "Partners 'Round the Eleanor Roosevelt High School. 6775. wood. Kenwood stereo set. Best of George's Community College to World" in the school multi-purpose They sang a holiday concert at fer. 301-982-1724. see C. S. Lewis's "The Lion, the room. This program took per Roosevelt that will be aired on PG NOTICE Witch and the Wardrobe." It was formers and viewers alike on a Cable Channel 12. They will per THE FRIENDS of the Old Greenbelt THE GREENBELT MILLENNIUM performed by Thomas Pullen Mag trip around the globe to discover form at the Kennedy Center on CALENDAR with vintage photo Theatre will meet at 7:30 p.m. on net School students. Greenbelter where in the world popular holi April 2. graphs is still available, at the reduced Thursday, Jan 13 in the Community Nancy de Platchett, a teacher at day traditions came from. price of $5 dollars. The calendar and Center. other Greenbelt items are located in the the school, announced the pro To celebrate National Children's Looking for a New Home? museum gift shop at !OB Crescent gram. Book Week in November, the REAL ESTATE - RENTAL Road, open 1-5 p.m. every Sunday. All the third grade classes went school had a Reading Marathon. Get the Information You Want with music teacher Leslie Ann A special "reading chair" was set 2 ROOMS for rent. Board separate. RIDI G MOWER-42 inch two cyl in a stress free environment - Utilities separate. 301-982-1692. Bird on a field trip to the Kennedy up in the front lobby and classes inder, excellent condition. Free deliv your home Center to hear the National Sym sent student readers to sit in the ery, $500. Joe, 301-262-9533. GREENBELT CONDO - Close to phony Orchestra perform the pro chair, trying to have someone read NASA, spacious one bedroom, ale, w/ INVENTORY CLEARANCE! Arch gram "Meet Mr. Beethoven." Chil ing every minute school was in d, dw, patio, pool, $735 includes util. steel buildings. Select models - dren in Bird's class are learning session. The students thought it 301-345-9043,' Iv. msg. or 301-286- 25x30. 30x42, 50x 110. '99 steel prices about the great composers. was a great experience. 6137. while supplies last! Great workshops/ Fourth grade students visited Jennifer Swope, Keith Tolbert, Get the Scoop garages. Call 1-800-341-7007. REAL ESTATE - SALE the Capital Children's Museum - Cheri Bailey, Rebecca Myers, Su- more about that trip soon. On the News F.A. Bowley BY OWNER-105 Northway (Wood Marcia Marino's sixth grade THIS COULD be your classified ad. land Hills), Greenbelt. Substantial renovations, wooded lot, 4 BR, anx Ten words for $2.50. Each additional class toured Surratt House as the Plumbing VOLUNTEERS word is 15 cents. culminating activity to their Prince ious. Make offer. Pager, 1-800-713- George's County social studies unit. 301-345-1115 9541 needed now 30 years in area GREENBRIAR CONDO FOR SALE Pot ouri Patrick J. McAndrew New Baths, Faucets, for the - 3 BR, 2 BA professionally deco News Review Anonymous Christian Attorney At Law Washer Drains, Disposals rated, enclosed patio. Backs to the General Practice woods. Tennis & pool. $86,500/OBO. support for hurting people: All kinds ofs ervice work • TYPISTS Must sell. 301-982-1724 Questioning personal signi • Civil Litigation • Criminal Litigation knowledge of • Personal Injury • DWI/DUI ficance? Come and meet with Bathtubs-Ceramic Tile (auto accidents, slip & fall, injury/death) WordPerfect helpful, other Christians who combine • Wills • Corporations/Business Law REGLAZED J. Henson prayer, scripture, praise and • Divorce/Separation • MVA Hearings about 2 hours on real relationships. • Administrative Law Quality Reglazing makes Tuesdays Thursdays -7:00 to 8:30 PM 5000 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 101 Your Tub & Tile afternoon or evening PHOTOGRAPH/CS at Greenbelt Baptist Church Beltsville, MD Shine like New! Call 301-523-2581 for information. 301-595-3880 ♦ portraits • AD DESK CLERK r Located in OPENINGS AVAILABLE ♦ portfolios Greenbelt receive and log ads Greenbelt Nursery School and Kindergarten (GNS & K) has openings Monday or Tuesday in its Kindergarten and Nursery School programs. Fully approved, Call today for ♦ advertising GNS & K offers an active learning environment, small classes, and afternoon or evening a free brochure & estimate individualized attention. Founded in 1941, GNS & K emphasizes a ♦ commercial photography child-centered approach that puts your child's interests and experiences AMAZIN' REGLAZIN' Call: al the heart of the learning process. GNS & K also offers extended The Bathtub Resurfacing Eileen-301-513-0482 J. Henson care options from 7:30 AM lo 6:00 PM Come join us and put our Specialists Mary Lou-301-441-2662 experience to work for you and your child. To inquire, please photographer ontact us at 301 /474-5570. GNS & K is located in the (301) 345-5560 Elaine-301-982-9758t 301-441-9231 Greenbelt Community Center, 15 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770. EAZIE CARPET CARE ~ fil'¥- ~ Old Greenbelt Citgo~ Let! !e~! ~~! c!!~oC~,e~tion j!f V™ ~ ~ Dave Meadows Bring your furniture from dull to looking new. MERICAN Our Qualified Technicians and Powerful Equipment Service Manager can Safely and Skillfully Clean REALTY,INC. I the Dirtiest Carpets and Furniture. Maryland State Inspections Call For Your Appointment Today 3 Bd, Vinyl over Block 301-47 4-6066 7E Ridge $62,000, Garage Oil Changes, Batteries 301-4 7 4-0046 laundry room addition Brakes, Shocks, Tires 20Southway Exhausts & Tune-Ups Greenbelt, MD 20770 3 Bd End Brick MD State Lottery Commercial and Residential 37 D Ridge $82,000 • Open 24 Ho1Bfor Gas and Snots • Accep American Express EE All Prices subject to change without notice. Newly Painted, Discover• VISA• MasterCard 1 coupon used per job. Bath and a half. Huge yard MOVING SALE 62 B Ridge $44,00Q 2 Bd, Backs to woods. 12G Ridge Rd. Newer kitchen-shows You know us as JOHN & TAMMY, a household like a model name in Greenbelt for over 14 years. We are 10 a.111. - 4 p.m. the experts at cleaning your home and giv Honeymoon Cottage ing you more time. Time for grandchildren, 39 A Ridge $46,000 children's recreation, and each other. call, Sat. 8th - Sun 9th New kitchen - let a familiar and trusted name help you out. /{> Fenced Yard - Garage We offer -Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthiy service -v-:J y.\; . -Spring cleaning any time of the year -Window cleaning ~. ~, ( Call George Cantwell, -< .. ~· \ -Help for special occasions r7 Assoc. Broker -FREE estimates l 301-490-3763 Professionals with the Personal Touch Phone 301-262-5151