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An Independent Newspaper Come On In! Our office is located in the Greenbelt Community Center. Use N e w s R e v i e w the entrance facing the Municipal Building, go up the inside steps to the first door on the left (Room 100). Volume 61, Number 6 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 Thursday, January I, 1998 Top Stories of 1997 City Council Meets to Discuss Gunman Takes Two Hostage In GHI House DynaJDics, Goals, Post Office Greenbelt was the scene of a tense standoff between police and an armed fugitive holding two hostages, who had barricaded him self inside a house in the 10 Court of Southway on March 31. by Virginia Beauchamp their long-standing view that, bility was a grassy field still avail He held police at bay for six hours before surrendering to police. Greenbelt's new city council above every other consideration, able in front of the Holiday Inn. The hostages were unharmed. began its shake-down cruise on a full-service customer postal fa On the other side of the city, Monday, December 15, with a cility must be retained in the council also cited the northwest USDA at BARC work session in the council Roosevelt Center. Most members section of the Golden Triangle The Greenbelt city council consistently objected to the build chamber. Although four members favored its present location in the (behind the Marriott Courtyard) as ing of the U. S. Department of Agriculture headquarters buildings had worked together through the basement of the Co-op store but worthy of endorsement. Finally, on Sunnyside Avenue, in the Beltsville Agricultural Research Cen last two council terms, the dy Councilmember Rodney Roberts with less enthusiasm, they listed a ter. The buildings are now built but council continued to be con namics of their relationship was expressed interest in moving such location either within or behind cerned with traffic and wetlands issues and the piecemeal manner bound to be different, with one a retail operation to the upper the Beltway mall or across from in which road improvements are being planned. Road work has of them, Judith Davis, becoming mall level. the Giant supermarket. begun on Sunnyside Avenue. mayor and new member Alan All agreed that the new facil All five locations will be for Turnbull joining the group. Es ity should be located within the warded to the Postal Service Greenbelt Named National Historic Landmark tablishing how they will proceed corporate limits of Greenbelt, specifying the city's interest in On October 17, Greenbelt was honored by becoming a National to build a working relationship where the city would exercise preserving the retail postal opera Historic Landmark. The city received a plaque stating, "The among themselves and with the tion in the Center, and in keeping original town of Greenbelt was the first government-sponsored, caintyd setasftfa, bdliesvhe logpo aa lsp hiwloasso pthhye, ". .. a full-service customer trhaete nleimw itfsa coilfi tGy reweinthbienl t.t he corpo pnlaatnionneadl csoigmnmifiucnaintyce biuni lct oomn mgeamrdoerna ticnitgy tphrei nhciisptolersy aonfd thpeo sUsensisteeds meeting's purpose. postal facility must be Establishing Goals States of America." It is one of only 2,201 registered historic One specific item impinged retained in the Roosevelt Council had already set a date landmarks. The plaque was presented during the 60th Anniversary othne tfhoere fdroenlitb ebrya taino nasc,t iomno ovuetds idtoe Center." f3o1r -a diany loorndge rr ettor ewato -rk tJoagneutahreyr celebration. their control. This was the on setting goals for the city's fu City Celebrates Sixtieth placement of an advertisement in site plan approval and oversight ture. Mayor Davis, who had ear In October, Greenbelt citizens and many former Greenbelters area newspapers by the U.S. of landscaping design. All agreed lier attended a session of the Na celebrated the 60th Anniversary of the moving-in of the first fami Postal Service in December seek that residential neighborhoods tional League of Cities on devel lies to this New Deal model garden town. At the opening cer ing a site for a proposed new should be eliminated as potential oping a vision for creating a mu emonies, Justin Price, grandson of former Mayor Allen D. Greenbelt Main Post Office in sites because of noise and traffic nicipal agenda, shared ideas that Morrison, reiterated his grandfather's toast, "To the best town on the 20770 zip code area. Ac created by a postal operation. had worked for Scottsdale, Ari the map." Greenbelt Pioneers gathered at the American Legion e rding to the ad, offers for sale On the other hand, all con zona and Fairfax City, Virginia. the following day for a continental breakfast followed by tours of of 85,000 to 87,000 square-foot curred that a facility in Greenbelt In particular, s 1:; v,.:. inten::,ted their former homes in GHI. The younger generation celebrated at sites or of existing buildings of East would serve as a conve in the concept of involving the a Family Fun Day at the Community Center and an evening approximately 17,000 square feet nience to residents east of the whole community in such a vi "Happy Days Sock Hop." The weekend climaxed with a gala din were to be submitted by Decem Baltimore-Washington Parkway. sion. She expressed concern that ner-dance at which congratulatory remarks were given by Gover ber 31. They were especially attracted by long-time city activists were de nor Parris Glendening, Congressman Steny Hoyer and many other In response, City Manager the potential offered by the creasing in numbers as they aged political friends of Greenbelt. Michael McLaughlin compiled a present NYLCare office building or moved away. How to involve list of 11 sites within the city, on Ora Glen Drive (formerly a new and younger residents, espe "Maryland Special Project #1: The Greenbelt Story" for which he sought council re Federal Express building), which cially in the "fringe areas of the A historical pageant by playwright Daniel Ray Young, this pan action. He speculated that raost is soon to be vacated and put up city," in maintaining and building oramic re-telling of Greenbelt's history proved to be the most suc of the sites listed were available for sale. the town's sense of community, cessful production ever presented at the Greenbelt Arts Center. for leasing, rather than for sale. An undeveloped portion of the Davis said, must be a major con Council Discussion Commerce Center II lot (near the sideration. All-Community New Year's Eve Party Rather than beginning with intersection of Ora Glen Drive In the Fairfax and Scottsdale Over 700 people gathered at the Greenbelt Community Center evaluation of the sites in ques and Hanover Parkway) also re models, steering committees of to celebrate together in an alcohol-free environment the coming of tion, councilmembers reiterated ceived appproval. A third possi- See COUNCIL, page 4 the New Year, 1997, in the form of top-hatted City Manager Michael McLaughlin. (Organized by a group of volunteers, it was An Overview the first all-community Greenbelt New Year.) Parcels 1 & 2 - Bow Acquired Changes to Recycling and Trash Collection In J~nuary, city crews took over recycling collection following And Present Use Restrictions complaints about the city's contractor. City staff reports that no oth~r contractor is interested, left the city few short-term options. Dunng the budget review, the majority of council agreed to con by James Giese greenbelt. This article relates uranium, thorium or other fission vert to once-per-week collection for city refuse customers, in or Part II how Parcels 1 and 2 were ac able materials found on the prop der to eliminate the deficit in the refuse collection account. This (This is the second of two ar quired and the restrictions cur erty, although no indication exists change became the most controversial provision of the 1997-98 ticles exploring the philosophy rently placed on the land.) that these materials may be in See TOP STORIES, page 9 and present status of the city's The city's eastern greenbelt, this location. Because refuse is surrounding greenbelt. The first consisting primarily of Parcels I buried on the land, it is unsuit article dealt with the range of and 2, is already subject to vari able for building construction. uses allowed within a greenbelt ous land use restrictions. Perimeter Trail Park and the boundaries of such laizds The first piece of this The government declared sur within and outside the city that greenbelt acquired by the city, plus a 13-acre parcel, a triangu might be considered a part of the consisting of 10 acres, was used lar-shaped piece of land located historically as a sanitary landfill. between Parcel 1 and the Park It was deeded to the city by the way that extended southward What Goes On federal government. However, in from the Beltsville Agricultural Thurs., Jan. I New the l 960s the government took Research Center (BARC). In Year's holiday. City offices back half of the land in order to 1972 the city was given this land closed. build a special interchange of the under the federal Legacy of Parks Tues., Jan. 6, 7 p.m. Ad Baltimore-Washington Parkway program. In return the city was visory Committee on Educa with an access road to the required by the federal govern tion meeting, Municipal Goddard Space Flight Center. ment to actively develop and use Building The remainder of the landfill was this land for park purposes. Wed., Jan. 7, 7:30 p.m. later converted to ballfields, However, because the land was Advisory Planning Board, called Northway Fields. The not easily accessible, this has Community Center. only deed restriction on this land; never come about. Thurs., Jan. 8, 7:30 p.m. as well as on all other lands in The transfer, however, caused GHI Board of Directors the city once owned by the fed the city to develop the concept of Charles McGlamary of Largo holds a handful of chips left by Meeting, Hamilton Place. eral government, is that the gov a perimeter trail park, the first beavers chewing at a tree at Greenbelt Lake. ernment retains rights to use any See PARCELS I & 2, page 12 • photo by Prospero Ze\'allo, Page2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 1, 1998 Letters Not a Right tention to Renaissance Art, in 11 This is in response to I. J. particular Michelangelo's mas 11: terpiece "David." Parker's column, "The Old Cur Secondly, I would like to mudgeon," in the December 18 Lose-Lose Thanks distinguish between the idea of issue. "art" and the idea of "pornogra Thank you for repnntmg the The membership of the Greenbelt First, I would like to ask phy." Art portrays beauty, in article on the Bell Atlantic Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue what the purpose of his column cluding that of the human form CALL54 service last week. Squad, Inc. was extremely surprised is. He begins and ends with to help people to contemplate (CALL54 is the proposed Bell when we received a call from the the movie "Boogie Nights," and this beauty and the truth which and the latest issue of "Play Atlantie;, service which will allow Curiosity Shoppe in the Greenway although he does not think it can be shown by it. It thus boy." anyone to obtain names and ad Shopping Center on Thursday great art, he shows that it is helps people to be more fully Although I have never seen dresses associated with phone evening December 19 to come to the representative of a fascination human. Pornography considers the film "Bitter Rice," the citi numbers by calling 301-555-5454 store on Friday evening and be pre with and increasing acceptance only a certain type of beauty, zens who opposed it were right, and entering a phone number.) sented with a check in the amount of of the nudity of both genders in and only in such a way as to at least in believing that films However, I think that there is $485.00. Unbeknownst to us, the film. He first contrasts it with excite lust and sexual passion. which encourage lust are harm some additional information the store had been holding a "Silent the fortune of an earlier movie, This makes people less human, ful. It has further been shown Greenbelt community needs to be Auction" for the much sought after "Bitter Rice," and the unsuc treating them as objects, and is that pornography does lead di aware of. Most importantly, as of Ty Beanie Baby - a purple bear in cessful attempts of certain citi not art because its end is differ rectly to violent sexual crime, December 10, the Maryland Pub honor of Princess Diana. zens who opposed it because ent from that of art. That is the and should, because of this, at lic Service Commission (MPSC) The highest bid was made by they regarded it as a pernicious difference between Michel the very least, not be praised had not received an application Deborah O'Neill, a Goddard Space influence. Secondly, he returns angelo's painting of the naked and treated as a "right." from Bell Atlantic requesting per employee. On hand to receive the to the current increase in male Adam and Eve on the ceiling mission to implement this new donation were members from the nudity, saying that we "have of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, Michael Storck service. Before Bell Atlantic can department. Presenting the check to come a long way." He speaks implement this service, they must the fire department President Jay both of a competition of the receive approval from the MPSC. Remenick, Deputy Chief Brian Rudy male body with the female, The Old Curmudgeon This process includes a public and Assistant Chief Randy Krob was which he says has long been hearing. Betty Grant, who owns the Curiosity regarded as beautiful, and of I am concerned about Bell At Shoppe. The Greenbelt Volunteer women ''demanding equal lantic supplying information Fire Department is very grateful for rights, including gawking at about me for a fee. If someone any and all donations which are re male nudes." m knows me and my phone num ceived. Turning first to the second ber, they probably already know Thank you so very much Curios part of his column, one may go my address. If they don't know ity Shoppe and Deborah O'Neill. a long way in any direction: me and only have my phone Jay Remenick, president, both up and down, backwards number, let them call me to get Greenbelt Volunteer Fire Dept or forwards, as well as to either that information, not Bell Atlan & Rescue Squad, Inc. side. I should also call his at- tic. It will then be my choice as to whether or not to give out that information. After February 7, 1998 Bell Atlantic will charge customers to block their phone number from being a part of this service. Either way, Bell Atlan tic makes money - by charging you to block your number if you I don't want the information given out or by charging to give your information out. Talk about a "lose-lose" situation for the cus tomer and a "win-win" situation for big business. In an area that is rather high in crime, it seems to me that Bell Atlantic is providing a tool for those persons bent on criminal activity. In the press release pro vided by Bell Atlantic on the CALL54 service, they state that the service will not be available to those in prison. My response to that is "So What?" They are Members of the Greenbelt Volunteer Fire Department and Res already in prison - what about cue Squad. Inc. and the highest bidder on the Ty Beanie Baby "Why shouldn't I celebrate ........ ! survived another year!" those on the outside whose inten are: I tor; Jay Remenick, president; Brian Ruddy, assistant chief; q ~ tions are illegal and now have Deborah O'Neill, highest bidder; and Randy Krob, deputy chief this tool to help them? And in of the department. any event, to have Bell Atlantic • photo courtesy of Betty Grant, owner of the Curiosity Shoppe. News Review claim that they are protecting us from those in prison is ridiculous. Prisons don't keep out drugs and Greenbelt Connection AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER weapons. How can they keep New Year's Day Schedule 15 Crescent Road, Suite 100, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-1887 out information? I believe that (301) 474-4131 what Bell Atlantic is doing is im The Greenbelt Connection will not operate on Thursday, January 1 moral and is only in pursuit of due to the New Year"s Day Holiday. For more information, call the Alfred M. Skolnik, President, 1959-1977 Elaine Skolnik, President, 1977-1985 the almighty dollar - not in the Greenbelt Connection at (301) 474-4100. President Emeritus, 1985- best interest of its customers. Editor, Mary Lou Williamson, (301) 441-2662 I urge anyone with these or Asst. Editor: Barbara Likowski, (301) 474-8483 any other concerns about this New Year's Day News Editor: Elaine Skolnik, (301) 982-9758 proposed service to take the time STAFF to contact the MPSC and register Hopi Auerbach, Lekh Batra, Suzanne Batra, Virginia Beauchamp, Laura Beckert Judi Waste Collection Bordeaux, Jan Brenner, Sharon Glauser, Randy Crenwelge, Joe Crossed, Pat Davis, your concerns. The number of Thelma deMola, Lorraine Doan, 8111 Donahue, Sarah Ellis, Eileen Farnham.Tim Farris, the MPSC Office of External Re Thomas FIshbeck,_Steve Fletche_r, Catherine Francoeur, Cindy Frend, Kathleen Gallagher, lations is 410-767-8028; the ad Bob Garber. Al Geiger, James Giese, Lisa Goldman, Judy Goldstein, Sandy Harpe, Patty Heil,_ J. Henson, Solange Hess, Lucille Howell, Karen Hunter, Elizabeth Jay, Dennis dress is MPSC, 6 St. Paul St., Due to the New Year's Day holiday, Jelahan,_Martha Kaufman, Juhe Kender, Suzanne Krofchik, Meta Lagerwerff, Sandra Lange, Baltimore, MD 21202-6808; and Betsy LIkowsk1, Doug Love, Leta Mach, Ned MacFadden, Jackie Maragne, Pat McCoy, the E-mail address is Thursday, January 1 trash collection AND Berrnna McGee, Anne Meghs, Emma Mendoza, Priscilla Mizani, Mary Moien David Morse N1_ck M~dra, Sharon Natoli, Christine Nelson, Judy Nelson, Angie Noyes,' Diane Oberg: [email protected]. us recycling collection will occur on Friday, Millie O Dea, Janice Parke, I.J. Parker, Linda Paul, Eileen Peterson, Heather Peterson Muriel Balzer Van Orsow, Carolyn Price, Carol Ready, Jane Rissler, Linda Savage, Linda Savaryn, Steve January 2. There will be no Friday yard Shevitz, Sandra Surber Smith, Patty Snell, Karen Sparkes, Justin Steele, Dorothy Sucher, Alberta Tompkins, Joanne Tucker, Wendy Turnbull, Marlene Vikor, Bill Whelan, Dorothy debris and appliance pickups. White, Juhe Winters, Rita Wooddell, Karen Yoho, Colette Zanin, Virginia Zanner, Keith Zevallos, and Prospero Zevallos. City Offices will be closed on Thursday, BUSINESS MANAGER: Mary Halford; Core of Greenbelt Circulation: David Stein, (301) 441-1000; Springhill Lake Circulation: Karim Fadll, (301) 441-9120. January 1 but open Friday, January 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Diane Oberg, president; James Giese, vice president; Virginia Beauchamp, treasurer; Bernina McGee, secretary; and Barbara Likowski. DEADLINES: Display Ads-10 p.m. Monday; Letters, articles and other ads-10 p.m. For more information, Tuesday. Materials for publication may be mailed to address above, deposited in our box call the Department of Public Works at in the Co-op grocery store (by 7 p.m. Tuesday) or brought to our office in the Community Center 15 Crescent Road during office hours. Mail subscriptions-$32/year. (301) 474 -8004. OFFICE HOURS: Monday 2 -4 p.m., 8 -10 p.m.; Tuesday 8-10 p.m. Greenbelt Community Center at 15 Crescent Rd. Thursday, January 1, 1998 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW ~age3 ':'.: <>¥~ Live Safe Seminar -Commllffltf Events· At the Library Li've Safe America has designed a Wed., Jan. 7, 7 p.m. - P. J. ~,...._ program of personal and family de -. . - .· - . _, Storytime, ages 4-6. fense instruction for Greenbriar/Glen Thurs., Jan. 8, 10: 15 a.m. - Oaks residents that can help them Greenbelt Greens Home and Garden 23rd District Pols Drop-In Storytime, ages 3-5. avoid becoming a target for criminals and offer practical methods of surviv Hold Meeting Club to Meet Hold Open Meeting Golden Age Club ing a face-to-face encounter with as The Greenbelt Greens will The Greenbelt Home and Gar The annual Greenbelt Open by Dolores Capotosto sault if it does occur. Residents are hold its monthly meeting on den Club will hold its first meet Door meeting will be held on The Greenbelt Golden Age invited to attend this lifesaving semi Monday, January 5 at 7:30 p.m. ing of the new year on Tuesday, Saturday, January l 0, from 9 to Club wishes all Greenbelters the nar on Wednesday, January 14 at at 22 Ridge Rd., Apartment 234. January 6, at 7 p.m. in Greenbelt 11 a.m. in the Municipal build happiest of New Years and thanks 7:30 p.m. in the Terrace Room. This There will be a general discus Elementary School. ing. This is an opportunity for everyone for all the wonderful sup is a free event but people must sion of Green topics. Refresh The program will feature two the citizens of the 23rd District to port we receive. RSVP by January 5 to Tma Murphy ments will be served. For further related topics - composting and meet and talk to their representa The next meeting will be held at 301-441-1096. Refreshments will information, call 301-474-1998. recycling. Susanne Brunhart, tives, Senator Leo Green and on January 7. New officers will be be served following the seminar. program manager of the Mont Delegates Mary Conroy, James installed by Hank Irving. They are: gomery County Recycler/ Hubbard and Joan Pitkin. The President-Irene Hensel; Vice Presi Composter Program, will speak 23rd District Delegation looks dent-Bill Souser; Recording Secre on the dos and don'ts of home forward to a large turnout and tary-Dolores Capotosto; Corre composting, including ingredients, hearing from their constituency. sponding Secretary-Pearl Siegal; "care and feeding" and some Treasurer-Shepard Odom. ideas for using the finished prod All meetings are held in the uct. She will also be available to Hard of Hearing Help multipurpose room in the Commu answer questions. The Prince George's chapter of nity Center from 11 a.m. to noon. The second portion of the pro Self Help for the Hard of Hear A board meeting will be held from gram will feature a representative ing (SHHH), will meet Thursday, 10 to 10:30 a.m. of Greenbelt's Recycling Commit January 8, 2 - 4 p.m. in the Members are encouraged to tee to discuss concerns of local in Greenbelt Community Center. serve the club however they can so terest. The agenda will focus on "Re that 1998 will be another active Members and guests are invited quirements necessary to affiliate and productive year. Committee to attend. A short business meet officially with the National chairpersons are especially impor ing will precede the speakers. SHHH organization." Needs of tant. the group will also be aired in One more special "thanks" goes City Notes order to plan future programs. to Delegate Joan Pitkin who attended Christmas tree drop-off loca Newcomers are welcome. the holiday party and presented the tions were posted. For directions or additional in club with a MD state flag to go New "keep right" signs and formation call 301-474-0345. along with the U.S. flag from the poles were installed on Hanover U.S. Capital. Parkway. See you at the meetings in 1998! A new street sign and stop r••••••••••••••••••••••' - sign were installed in Greenspring t·~~ ····················~t◄~ New Deal Cafe Roland Forbes teaching an international dance class at the Youth II. OLD GREENBELT THEATRE Center. A fence was installed in Lake H►◄ WEEK OF JAN. 2 H►◄ Open Music - photo by Lindley Darden Park to impede the beavers stop t~ WASHINGTON SQUARE (PG) t~ Fri & Sat DJ 8:30 pm H H 7-l l pm No cover ping the storm drains. Ht~ tH~ Enjoy an Evening of Folk Dancing Ruts caused by car tires near Fri, Sat: (5:00 at $3) Friday I /2 • Doug_ Alan Wilcox (contemporary folk originals) 17 court of Ridge Road were re ►◄ 7:20, 9:35 ►◄ by Bob Holloway one comfortable and relaxed. paired. :H►◄: Sun: {5:00 at $3) 7:20 :H►◄: Saturd(ca+yw I+ /ro3ck •o bGil~ef)f King If you enjoy moving to music The dance party will start at For the month of November, Friday I /9 • Eric Rose + The Original Sinners H H and can walk into the Youth Cen 7:30 p.m. on Friday, January 9, at in excess of 66 tons of (songs of oil kinds) :: Mon: (All seats $3) 7:30 :: Saturday I /IO• Friends & String ter, you are well qualified to join the Youth Center. There will be recyclables were collected and 20 H H (country, bluegrass, variety) H H in an evening of folk dancing light refreshments and lots of tons of yard debris were taken to ►◄ Tues, Wed, Thurs: ►◄ This weekend featuring delicious Cheesecake t~ with the Greenbelt Folkdancers. easy dances for everyone. the county facility. Those collec 7:30 :: made by Brian York The group does dances from all If you enjoy the evening and tions saved the city $3,800 in HH HH Donations for Musicians En<ouroged over the world, including En want to join the group for regular landfill fees. t~ http://www.pgtheatres.com/ :: Greenbelt Community Center gland, The Netherlands, France, Friday evening dances there will ~►•··········································~~◄ (301) 474-5642 Spain, Romania, Turkey, Russia, be information at the party or Japan, America and almost any through the Greenbelt Recreation other country you can imagine. Department, 301-397-2200. The leader, Roland Forbes, is Please join us; singles and very experienced and patient and couples are welcome and it's a has the knack of making every- great way to spend an evening. Department of Recreation City of Greenbelt, Maryland 301-397-2200 FREE TUTORING, HOMEWORK CLUB AND GREENBELT MOVING AHEAD presents PROGRAM (GMA) A Man For All Seasons Produced by special arrangement wich Samuel French Inc. WHAT: Tutoring in all subjects by Robert Bolt WHERE: Springhill Lake Recreation Center directed by Jack Wibbe 6111 Cherrywood Lane WHEN: Mondays starting January 5, 1998 TIME: 2:30 -4:30pm Come see the story of two extraordinary men. One man wants a son, and when WHO: Students in grades I thru 12 his wife is unable to bear one, he wants to get rid of his wife-to break the law and defy the Pope himself so that he can marry a younger woman. The second man bitterly opposes the idea. The problem? The first man is King Henry VIII, a man who is used to getting what he wants even if he has to kill for it, and the second man is only a commoner, a lawyer: Thomas More, the King's Chancellor. Thomas More refuses to support the King, and then finds himself fighting to save his marriage, his family, his career and his life. WHAT: Services provided by the private and public sector for those students desiring help with their homework. WHERE: Springhill Lake Recreation Center Performance dates: 6111 Cherrywood Lane January 9, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24, 30, and 31 at 8:00 pm WHEN: Mondays starting January 5, 1998 January 18 and 25 at 2:00 pm TIME: 2:30-5pm WHO: Students in grades l thru 12 at The Greenbelt Arts Center, 123 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD For more information call Judye Hering, Greenbelt CARES, tickets $8.00 adults, $6.00 seniors over 65, juniors under 18 301-345-6660 or Janet Goldberg, For further information, call The Greenbelt Arts Center, 301-441-8770. Recreation Department at 301-397-2212. w . Page4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 1, 1998 Greenbelt New Year: A Closer Look COUNCIL and meetings, would work sepa to "ration staff time," he de rately on developing its own vi clared. by Larry Hilliard (Continued from page 1) sion for the city. Later ideas Councilmember Edward Greenbelt New Year wraps bingo. The night will also of citizens from various neighbor from the two groups would be Putens felt that "by 2000 the up Greenbelt's 60th anniversary fer facepainting, caricatures, hoods, merchants, business merged, updated and evaluated. city will have a vision;" year and kicks off 1998 with an and lots of ways to celebrate at leaders, and youth were all in Turnbull supported the Turnbull said he believed coun event for all of Greenbelt. midnight. volved in planning sessions - mayor's interest in "doing ci I needs to work on The Greenbelt New Year The steering committee is al something like Greenbelt's higher level thinking" about Greenbelt's "distinctive quali steering committee had three ready looking toward planning former charette experience in Greenbelt and its future. He ties." goals in planning the festival: next year's celebration. Anyone planning for the rehabilitation cited a similar enterprise several Degree of Commitment to provide a family-oriented al interested in becoming involved of the Roosevelt Center. years ago by Greenbelt Homes, "How much staff time does cohol-free celebration of New should call Larry Hilliard at "Where should Greenbelt hope Inc. that resulted in improved the city want to commit to the Year's Eve appealing to the di 301-474-7504 or Joe McNeal at to be as a community in planning and operations. development of a vision?" verse Greenbelt community, to 301-397-2208 for more infor 2020?" was the basic question. Another View asked McLaughlin. "The city provide a vehicle for new enter mation. Simultaneously and parallel Councilmember Thomas would have to pay for profes tainment experiences while (Julie Winters also contrib ing a citizen planning group, White took a different tack. sionals to help with the pro showcasing the arts and the art uted to this article.) council itself, through retreats Acknowledging that developing cess," he added. For example, ists of Greenbelt, and to raise a vision for the city's future Rockville, which had been en the awareness of Greenbelt cul would take a considerable "in gaged in a similar process, had ture, art and business while vestment of time, energy, and devoted some five or six making Greenbelt New Year resources," he wondered if it months to charette type meet self-supporting. wouldn't be better to work first ings, at a cost of over $10,000. The celebration will begin at on strategic objectives and find The whole enterprise had been 6 p.m. with a grand procession. those that could be brought to "rejuvenating," however, he The artists and volunteers as fruition within the two-year added. well as people wto live or term before the next election. In the meantime, council work in Greenbelt are invited to These could be components of agreed that for the forthcoming bring their kazoos, voices and a longer-term strategy, he con retreat, they would hire an out enthusiasm for the short but ceded. side facilitator from the Insti festive walk. The Chromatics White specifically referred to tute for Governmental Services will join the procession. It will a focus on Greenbelt West, that of the University of Maryland, be led by Greenbelt musicians portion of the city lying west of that the city's department heads Joe Pugliese and Ben Kepler; Kenilworth Avenue, including would be present, and that by the path starts at Eleanor Beltway Plaza and Springhill January I 5 individual council Roosevelt High School and Lake. "We need to be doing members would review strategic ends at the Community Center, things smart," he said, "so we planning goals developed two where the ERHS Dixieland can end up with something years earlier to assess which Combo will be performing as we're proud of." Council needs are still relevant. the crowd arrives. Greenbelt New Year will The Chromatics, a big hit at the 1996 New Year celebration, will A TREE Of LIFE TO THEM THAT HOLD FAST TO IT provide a variety of entertain be back for the 1997-98 event. i\~] ~ ~~~·~ ers. Michael Chamberlin offers -photo by Harriette Phelps magical presentations specifi ~~~r(~ cally tailored to youth audi Berwyn Presbyterian Church SYNAGOGUE ences and will perform early in the evening. Greenbelt's World 10 Ridge Road, Greenbelt• 301-474-4223 6301 Greenbelt Road Champion Double Dutch team Reconstructionist / Conservative ' and the Thomas Pullen School's Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Tues.-Fri. (9-1) African Dance Troupe will Nursery and religious schools (K-7) • Confirmation Worship Service 11:00 a.m. A Full Range of Social and Religious Activities warm up the audience, and rep Friday Evening and aturday Services resentatives from K-2 Dance Rabbi Saul Grife Cantor Phil Greenfield will teach swing and ballroom All are Welcome dancing later in the evening to Interim Pastor the tunes of the Greg Meyer ST. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Jack Wineman 301• 474-7573 Jazz Group and the Chromatics. I A karaoke contest will be 135 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, Md. held for teens, and kids will MASS SCHEDULE: Greenbe Community Churcl1 have the opportunity to play Sunday 8, 9:30, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. Saturday 5 p.m. C>( "' ' Hillside & Crescent Roads Daily Mass: 7:30 a.m. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. Monday-Saturday Catholic . Phone: 301-474-6171 mornings Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:45-4:45 p.m . Rev. Thomas F. Crowley, Pastor SUNDAY WORSHIP In Residence: Rev. Walter J. Tappe Community 10:15 a.m. of Greenbelt Daniel Hamlin, Pastor "A church of the open mind, the warm heart, UNITED METHODIST CHURCH the as irin soul, and the social vision ... " MASS Mowatt Memorial United Methodist Church 40 Ridge Road, Greenbelt Municipal Building Sundays Settin9 t e Gospe FREE. 301-474-9410 $) 10 A.M. -, SUNDAY ~ Reverend Drew Shofner -- Pastor Bible Study 9:30 am Paint Branch Unitarian Early Morning Worship (Sunday) 8:35AM Sunday School 1 0:00 am Bible S1udy for all ages (Sunday) 9:45AM Worship Service 11 :00 am Universalist Church Worship Service (Sunday) 11:00AM Physically impaired accessible Rev. Ciulllermo Chavez. Pastor 3215 Powder Mill Road, 6:00PM Beltsville/Adelphi (301-937-3666) Where there is welcome for the stranger Prayer Service (Wednesday) 7:00 PM Welcomes you to our open, and community with others who seek love and justice. nurturing community For transportation or more information call 301-474-4212~ Located at the corner of Crescent and Greenhill_R oads January 4, 1998 Greenbelt Ba tist Church ..J!_ 9:30 & 11:15 a.m. services HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH 11J._ "A Year Begins Today" Fdendly people wo1shlpplng God and senflng the!, community Rev. Rod Thompson St. George's Episcopal Church Reiigious Education Classes SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 "A Church Where Everyone Belongs" Baha'i Faith Comer of Lanham-Sevem Road (MD 564) and WORSHIP SERVICES -8:30 & 11:15 AM "You should. therefore, leave all your affairs in His Greenbelt Road (MD 193), Glenn Dale SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:50 AM Hands, place your trust in Him, and rely upon Him. 301-262-3285 CHILD'S TOY BLESSING AT EACH SERVICE He will assuredly not forsake you. In this, likewise, http:// members.aol.com/stgeogd/ there is no doubt. No father will surrender his sons to devouring beasts; no shepherd will leave his The Rev. Michael Hopkins, Vicar flock to ravening wolves. He will most certainly do his utmost to protect his own. " -Baha'i Sacred Writings Wednesdays Sunday Services Greenbelt Baha'i Community 6:30 pm Quiet P.O. Box 245 9 am Folk Service Greenbelt, MD 20770 Communion Service 10 am Education for all ages 301-345-2918 301-220-3160 6905 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Tune in Baha'i Radio every Saturday at 11 am Sung Service (Sign interpreted, 3rd/4th Suns) 12 noon on WUST 1120 on the AM dial Rev. Stephen H. Mentz, Pastor (301) 345-5111 Information about the Baha'i Faith is on the World Wide Web at: http://www.bahai.org/ Thursday, January 1, 1998 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW PageS January Programs Offered at Refuge Our Neighbors Take a Voyage Identify Evergreens The U.S. Fish and Wildlife number and composition of spe Congratulations to Victor To Outer Space At Arboretum Service, Patuxent Research Ref cies affects an ecosystem. Nicholson who celebrated his The H.B. Owens Science Cen Free family walks through win uge North Tract will offer the 85th birthday with family and ter Planetarium, 960 I Greenbelt ter landscapes will give people a following programs in January. Owl Prowl friends at a surprise birthday Road, Lanham, is presenting a chance to test each other's ever Programs are free; space is Sun., Jan 18, 5-6:30 p.m. Ages party at the Greenbelt Marriott planetarium program entitled green tree knowledge gained from limited. Advance registration is 8 and older with adult. Discover on Saturday, December 27. "Galaxies" on Friday evenings at an outdoor walk at the U.S. Na required; call: 410-674-3304. the owls that inhabit the refuge on The party was hosted by his 7:30, January 9 through 30. tional Arboretum with botanist this guided hike. wife, former Greenbelter and Written and narrated by Kevin Tunison. The first walk will Children's Programs Greenbelt News Review News award-winning author Timothy be January l 0, l O - 11 :30 a.m. Owls: Hunters of the Night Nature Detectives Editor, Elaine Skolnik. Ferris, the program takes people Learn whether a cone is from a fir, Sat., Jan 3, 2-3 p.m. Ages 5- Mon., Jan 19, 2-3 p.m. Ages 5- On October 31, 1997, on a cosmic journey through the a spruce, or a pine. It is recom 12. Discover owls' adaptations 12. Become a better observer of Stephen Catterton and Leigh stars of the Milky Way galaxy, mended for families with children to their environment and inves the natural world by searching for Green-Catterton of and beyond. Looking at the ages seven and older. Register by tigate an owl pellet to piece to animal clues. Charlestowne Village wel night sky, the Milky Way, a spi calling 202-245-452 l. People gether a food chain. comed the birth of their first ral galaxy, is seen from within. should dress warmly and wear Wildlife Show and Tell born, a son, Sean Michael Traveling out, Alpha Centauri, boots. The walks will be can Beavers: Makers of the Marsh Sun., Jan 25, 2-3 p.m. Ages 4- Catterton. Sean weighed in at the Pleiades star cluster and the celled in severe weather. Sun., Jan 4, 3-4:30 p.m. 6. Discover some of the refuge six pounds eleven ounces. globular star cluster M3 are seen. Ages 5 and older with adult. animals, their homes, and what Steve is a lifelong resident of The voyage continues through in Arboretum Offers Discover how beavers create they eat. Greenbelt. Leigh moved from tergalactic space past the Androm Moonlight Walk marshes, how they are adapted North East, Maryland to eda Galaxy, the glittering star to their environment, and ex Adult Programs Greenbelt while attending the fields at the center of the Virgo Evergreens in the landscape are plore. their habitat. Birdwalks University of Maryland in Supercluster, and the dwarf galax especially beautiful under January's Sun., Jan 18, 8-10 a.m. and Fri., 1988 and has been a drama ies of outer space. This look at full moon. Join botanist Kevin Journey of a Raindrop Jan 23, 7-10 a.m. Ages 12 and teacher at High Point High the building blocks of the universe Conrad for a unique free winter Mon., Jan 5, 2-3 p.m. Ages older. Discover the winter birds of School for the past five years. features expert writing, special art adventure at the U.S. National Ar 5-12. Discover some of the the refuge on this guided walk. Steve is a financial analyst for work and an original musical boretum on Sunday, January 11, 8 many stops on the never ending Bring binoculars and field guides. Coleman Research Corporation score. The program is recom - 10 p.m. Register by calling 202- water cycle and some current of Fairfax, Virginia and an ac mended for ages 12 and over. 245-4521. Dress warmly and wear water. Basics of Birding tive member of the Prince There is a fee. For information call boots. The walk will be cancelled Sat., Jan 24, 7:30-11 a.m. George's County Kiwanis. 301-918-8750. in severe weather. Let It Snow Ages 16 and older. Lecture and Sat., Jan I 0, 2-3 p.m. Ages walk focusing on bird identifica 5-12. Discover how snow is tion, habitats, and equipment. formed and the effects it has on Bring binoculars and field guides. wildlife. Visit the Refuge's New Web Site at: http://www.prr.r5.fws. Winter Wonders gov. Patuxent Research Refuge's Sun., Jan Ii, 2-3 p.m. Ages North Tract is located on Rt. 198 5-12. Explore the changes that between the Baltimore-Washing early 40,000 Prince take place as fall turns into ton Parkway and Rt. 32. winter and how different ani George's County residents mals adapt to those changes. will be diagnosed with J.Henson Stay'n' Alive Mon., Jan 12, 2-3:30 p.m. Diabetes this year. Ages 8 and older. Explore PHOTOGRAPH/CS some of the strategies wildlife and people have developed for ♦ portraits Could you be one of them? surviving the wilderness. ♦ portfolios Lay of the Land ♦ advertising Tues., Jan I 3, 2-3:30 p.m. Ages I 0-16. Discover how the ♦ commercial photography lay of the land influences what Diabetes is the fourth plants and animals will live J.Henson leading cause of death in there. photographer the United States. More Biodiversity common among African Sat., Jan 17, 2-3:30 p.m. 301-441-9231 Americans, Hispanics, and Ages 10-16. Discover how the Native Americans, it is a serious disease that can lead to life-threatening medical Department of Recreation problems. Yet, many people are unaware of being at risk City of Greenbelt or recognize they have the disease until complications Take Charge-Know the Symptoms Call For Teenagers and Adult Volunteers develop. To Assist in the GMA Program Described Below If you experience the following symptoms see your GREENBELT MOVING AHEAD PROGRAM For more information fill out physician right away. the card below and send it to .... Doctors Community Hospital. • extreme thirst • tiredness or drowsiness WHERE: Springhill Lake Recreation Center WHEN: Saturday, January 10 , 1998 and following Saturdays • blurry vision • slow healing cuts/bruises during the School Year Or call our new Certified • frequent urination TIME: 10:00 AM to Noon • Diabetes Educator, Elaine • unexplained weight loss If-+++ ELIGIBILITY: All Greenbelt teenagers who attend Greenbelt Middle School, Stone at (301) 552-5134. • tingling or numbness in DOCTORS Eleanor Roosevelt High School or other area schools (private or public) are the hands or feet COMMUNITY eligible. Watch for our new Diabetes • recurring skin, gum and HOSPITAL Care Center. bladder infections Life. Health. Community SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE GREENBELT ------------------------k------------- MOVING AHEAD PROGRAM (GMA) 1. Tutoring in Math, Science, Reading, and Study Skills Knowthe 2. SAT Preparation 3. Information on Community and 4 year Colleges ~ptoms 4. Information on financial aid 5. Assistance in filing out college applications and applications for Please send more information on Diabetes to: financial aid. These services will be provided by experts from the private and public Name _____________________________ sectors and from members of the "returning to college athletes" from the University of Maryland. Address _________________________ City _____________S tate ____Z ip ______ Send this card to: Doctors Community Hospital. Attn: Elaine Stone RN COE. 81 18 Good Luck Road. Lanham. MD 20706 Or call: (301) 552-5134 L--------------------------------------~ GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 1, 1998 Save More All Sale Prices Effective With Double Monday, Jan. 5th Value On thru Sunday, Jan. 11th Manufacturers 1998 Coupons See Store For Details 4fl98,J SBwesete Yt Pete as- \J Juicy ~-----------~ or-Whole Yellow I'\ \ ' Sauce Red Fresh Lean Corn 15 oz. 59t Ground ~ Mardi Gras Seedless II . !!!:AD COUPON VALID-1/5-1/11 MRY. I Betty Crocker REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP Beef Super Moist .I ·T~ ._•. •• ')JI Paper Grapes I GENERAL MILLS lb. sz Cake Mixes 5189 oz. tmi n. a.,'-9=- 9t Towels 8569 Sheett R oll Lb. CORN FREE ::~:et Rainbow $ 99 MUFFIN CO-OP Lean Beef &~ CBOo-nOePl eLsesa n Beef SSapna Ggihoregtitoi Tea Verdelli McIntosh MIX 7 oz. BEyoen eRleosusn d Roas$t 9llb2. FEryeseh RGoraudned A S teak lb. GReregeunla Fr-oTrheisnt 7,1 lcb. A ll Flavors 12 oz. cans BBuamgsb le Bee 100 pk. ~pinach 10 oz. Apples 31b. Bag L --WFrLthE TM-hINisG C YOo-R~K P&S$ C-7L .#5i10l3 lMi4 1,in -PP . OPer uB rCcOuhXsa-t s5oem8. 9eE,rx Y c-OluRdKin,g P CA-o 1u7p4o0n5 t--t0e5m8s9. - .J FPBrooesrnhke LlCeehasnso PpSostru k ffeds 4;aa-lb9. - SBprleiat sCtsh icken sz TBiastshureo om 4fl948 rol,l Jk. :BPo:lup!epfbye-fCrr~hyo-Le:.e :mC~hoinep/ s6s-1: /12z 71oz.9 4 mai9n.t... :TC:uh:n;u~an kr dLi ght 596c oz. RPoedta toes SONuarnavkneilg set s8 8-6Sizf7e ft7f-t-t .1I lRli.:EADDE. ECMO U-OPNOLNY- VAAT LGIDR-·E 1/E5N-1B-/1E1L T C-O-OP- --------_ .II CBNOoe-nwOeP lY eLsoesra kn SBtereifp Steak lb. CBSOtoe-nOwePil neLsges aB n eBeefe f s5-6"9-lb. -SBBoleeirsca<te nYudse t Ct Garreroents 15 o\zJ. OCCSeorclaceenkcattbneaed iSlr Vr&pyar raBieylte iensd s· 1/2- Ga-l. Aluminum Foil 8295 sq". ft. CCrairsrpo ts BPeoasres 6 9Lb. I: BAKECDUR ITSPZPO ST ATO BGFUERYTE E1I I: Fresh Lean LClhoiycdkse n-or-Pork -- TLiidqeu iUdl tLraa undry $ 5 -89- CCHareemaal bmthe lySl soR uepqsu est ,,,,.\J BRCeeataktyde y CF rTrooocs kSteipnr rgesa d \J Yellow 6fC Sunkist 99c I ORIGINAL-SOUR CREAM-B-B-0 6 Oz. II PToernkd erloins Bar-8-0ue s4929 lb. DCeasttelergbeernryt 1 00 oz. CGhlicakde n-Mushroom-Csele1ry 11 0-3v/4 oz. AClhl eVf aBrioeyt iAesr Dee 16 oz. Onions 3 Lb. Ba Lemons 92 9Lb. cBag ~IL ---WF-LitEh MT-IhNi-sG C YoOup-R-oKn P&S$ C7-- L.#5i1m03 n4M ,1 n-P- P.O eP ruB CrOcu-hXsa- 15so8em9. e,E -rY xOc-lAuKd,r -gP AC- o1u7p4-o0n5 -t-0te5m8-9s -~_J Manni ' 4 " Chesapeake Bay Beef Large 30 Ravioli Southern Sunkist Mexican Frozen Stew TGraalslohn B a s 10 pk. All Varieties s r15 oz. Yams Pummelo II lli:AD COUPON VALID-1/S-1111 MAY. I Lasagna s1 3• 29 oz . Crab Cakes 12 oz. Dawn Ultra Lb. Each REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP I Healthy Choice u lier· 19 Concentrate I I OSmscoark Mieasy er WBeuafvfearsl o $ MPoipcrcoowrna ve 3 pk. 16 oz. DDiesthe r ent 28 oz. VCoerlde elli FFRREUEIT N CALVUEBL F OORRA KNIGDES I GENEFRUADLG EM ILLS I 12 oz. Wings 23 oz. s1s9 Slaw See Store For Details I BROWNIE I Quaker 16 oz. Granola Bars I MIX 10 1/4 oz. I All Varieties 10 oz. I --With T-his Cou-pon & $-7.50 Mn- Purcha-se. Exc-ludllQ C-oupon -Items. - I Linn 1P er Customer .J L FLEMING YORK PSC 1134, PO BOX 589, YORK, PA 17405-0589 Tropicana Psremziumz 9 SSips 2 ..------------ ... Lunch Box ~E~~:~ies 6 ~ l{0) _~-~-:-~_t_ __ Orange Fruit Drinks 11839 pk . II I N-AD COUPON VALID-115-1111 MRV I Juice 1 /2 gal. Pampers Jumbso Pack Glad 1_2$...;.p_1k72__.0-_z__,_~_ns-1 REDEEM ONLY ATGREENBELT CO-OP Lucky Leaf I CAMPBELL'S Cherry Baby Dry Sandwich Fox Pie Filling 21 oz.-min. ADlil aSpizeerss 4840 ppkk..- Bags PPeipzpzearo ni- Beer II HEALTHY REQUEST CHICKEN Chef Boy Ar Dee • Safeguard Dads 6 pk.-12 oz. cans I NOODLE SOUP Tortellini-Beefaroni- Bath Special Mix 10 3/4 oz. or-Lasagne Bar Soap Cat Food 18 oz. I --With T-his C-o-upon &- $7.50 M-in. Pur-chase. -Exdudin-g Coup-on Nem~s. 15 oz. '3" ~L -FL-EMING- YORK- PSC L1i-1n3n4 ,1 P PO-e rB COuXs t5o-8m9e, rY O-RK, PA- 17405--0589 - _J Quaker Furmans Best Yet ... Popcorn-or Kidney Vegetable ' 7 9 , II !!!AD COUPON VAl.1D·1/5·1/11 . MR.'{_ I Rice Cakes 4-1/2 oz. min. Beans 1 5-11•2 to-z., Oil s14G9allo n REDEEM ONLY AT GREENBELT CO-OP $ Campbells 1 9 !BONUS COUPONS · utz 4 liter I Healthy __ 1 BEST YET f '. .. -~-- ---~-- .... - - - Pretzels --,- Request Soups · ~ -----s- I All Varieties s1 4196 o z. I 5 9 I All Varieties 16 oz-. I FROZEN I GOLD MEDAL ---1 2 9 ORANGE JUICE Hearthlogg - II FLOUR .~., II OEavsye Onf f I f 2 oz. -PF-ir-ree-m =Liuo-mg- - --=9--:9=:-c5- l1b . 1I ALL PURPOSE- It C-le-a-ne-r -----1-- 1-6 o-z. $179 LI~ ---WF-rLthE TMh-INis-G C YouOp-Ro-Kn P&S$ C7-- L.#5i10n3 nM4 11,1 P-- P. OPeu rB nCO:huX-as- tso5e8m.9 Ee, rx-Y cO-luRdKin,g -P ~A- 174-05 I--t0e5m8-s9. -~_J Z9 Care Free-or I UNBLEACHED 5 Lb. I Glad • ~~..J.-.:-;:......:...:___....;......_ _. ...._......,_,_ CFFrialetlsfeihtss h sz49 SI_cue_g Ba_rrlee_asks_e Gr _um_ ___8 . .p..k,._ _II WC,roituh-p To-hni sIt -eCmous-.p oLnim- &,it $1-7 P.5e-0r GMu-ins.t. P-1Vuarcli-dh a81s/-5e-.1 E19-1x1c lu-d ing• :II- LKf aittr-cg-he-e -n- B--a-g-s$-~ - .6...8-:1. 5.9- .p.k- . AVLusansrdioebrtetireegds R ice sz-n1 lb . CDERNUTGER lII_ R_rEl-D_AEDECMO UOPNOLNY VAATL GIDR-1E/E5·N1/B1E1 LT CO-OP MRV8~ I -- ASLolelua Vifsoa Koridee mtDiepes lites -8 o-z. D-FS_oao_wbf_nrteyi_c nU_ el_trr_ a __9$__39_74; ..c.;0;..9...;:.o. ;_z ."1I:1I YFKROEOGMZUPER NST s I1.,_ i_ TPLDNio_adeeewu_t senU_dtrd.l.eg.t;rrereay;;e. n. a2d-t - ---=-=s-..::3:o9..;2;.za .;..._;m 9~'",·; . ;.• CPFeurrureeist Juice v s1r liter ■■■ CWFPrroeeeu sePrc tHrreoioopuutmdisole ynP D rAPoelcflaecin svessep irtoy nM Oaol fsS tt aff III GA2ELNRLDB VE AFRRO IBEOTADIEBSSY 4 oz.-4 3/4 oz. SSFreteeesahdk eB dRa koeldls VFFiilkloilnuegtns d er ' 31"6 oz. HHDeroristnh eCky o Mcoixae s 5 oz.-6-1/4 oz. II.1I _ CWo .i_tu hp ATo_hnLi. sI Lt e_Cm oFsu_L.p LoAinm_V &itO $1_R7 P.S5e_0 r GM_u.ins .t .P _Vuarcli_d1h a1/s/_2e5.- 1 E/G_1x1ca lu_Id. in g. J1II LIce em Toenaa MdMe_iax k es 20 qts. 53 oz. TcSaoesbauapphos t Assorted ■ PFrreesec BrilpotMoiodon nPs. r-eWsseudr.e- FTrei.s ter IL --WFLithE MT-hINisG C YoOup-RoKn P&S $C7- L.15im103 rMt4 1, nP- P OPer uB rCOculiXas- ts5oe8m.9 eE, rxY CO-UR'.1K11,9 P CA- 1o74~05 I--t0e5m8s9. -.J Page8 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 1, 1998 the wall and both the suspect desk at Marrianne's. Reminder -- Recycle POLICE BLOTTER and her mother fled. As she Dec. 22, 3: 11 p.m., a theft Remember to recycle during was fighting him for the was reported at the Child Time this holiday season! For every money, she stated several times Day Care Center, 6200 block of ton of material recycled, the that the money was her Christ Springhill Drive. Currency and City saves $49 at the landfill. Based on Information Released by the Greenbelt mas present. After the women checks were stolen from an un In addition to holiday catalogs, Police Department left, the victim discovered that attended desk. gift boxes and non-metallic · water had been poured into his Dec. 23, 9:33 a.m., a theft wrapping paper, old mail, news Dec. 23, 12:04 a.m., a rape Dec. 22, 8:31 a.m., 6400 computer and television; both was reported from a residence papers and magazines are also was reported at the Beltway block Golden Triangle Drive. were damaged. Investigation is in the 6700 block of Lake Park recyclable. Flattened toy boxes Plaza Mall. The victim and A victim told an officer that continuing. Drive. An unattended cellular and shipping boxes are also re suspect are co-workers. The her boyfriend had come to her Dec. 22, 12:32 p.m., telephone was taken. cyclable with the regular setout. incident is under investigation. place of employment and Greenway Shopping Center. Auto Thefts Mixed paper should be placed Dec. 20, 7:58 p.m., 6900 started an argument. She said An officer responded to a com Dec. 22, 8 p.m., a blue 1995 in a brown paper bag, tied with block Hanover Pkwy. A victim that during the dispute he plaint of an individual exposing Ford Contour reported stolen on string or placed in a permanent told officers that as she pulled threatened to hit her. When himself. The man was ob December 15 was recovered on container and set out by 7 a.m. her car into her parking spot, she began to walk away, hop served in his vehicle, which Dec. 22 in the 9100 block of on the regular collection day. she watched a man walk past ing to avoid the confrontation, was parked illegally in a fire Edmonston Road. The owner's Please keep paper materials her car and into a building. he became angry and pushed lane. The vehicle was parked estranged husband had bor separated from other The victim gathered her belong her forcefully from behind. beside the sidewalk in front of rowed the vehicle without noti recyclables. ings and left her car. As she She struck the wall face first several stores and in plain fying her. After entertaining, remember shut the car door and turned and with enough force to cause view. A non-resident was ar Dec. 21, 5:33 a.m., 7700 to recycle glass bottles and jars, around, the same man was minor facial injury. He then rested and charged with inde block Mandan Rd. A blue steel and aluminum food cans, standing behind her. He stated, fled the area before the officer cent exposure. 1995 Dodge Neon with Virginia plastic milk and water jugs, "Give me your money." He arrived. The victim refused Burglaries and Thefts tag ZVD 7708 was reported plastic laundry detergent bottles showed her a handgun in his medical treatment. Dec. 23, 7: 10 p.m., a resi stolen. While the officer was and plastic soda bottles. Screw waist band and stated, "I have Dec. 23, 12:30 p.m., 6800 dential burglary was reported in present to take this report, he on lids and caps should be re a gun." The victim complied, block Megan Lane. A victim the 7800 block of Mandan checked the area and found a moved and discarded in the giving the robber the cash she told officers that his ex-girl Road. There was no sign of 1995 red Dodge Neon that had trash. Residents should place had. He then told the victim friend and her mother had forced entry. A camcorder was been reported stolen on Decem glass, plastic and metal "Don't scream, don't follow come to his house, he thought taken. ber I 9 from Washington, DC. recyclables in the yellow recy me." and walked away. He is for just a friendly visit. While Dec. 20, 10:43 p.m., 6000 No arrests were made. cling bin. For more informa described as a black male in his the mother of the suspect en block Springhill Dr. A residen Dec. 23, 8:48 p.m., a grey tion, call Jennifer Foley, City twenties, 5' IO" and with a me gaged the victim in conversa tial burglary was reported with and black 1989 Chevrolet Recycling Coordinator at 301- dium build. He was dressed in tion, the suspect walked around entry possibly gained through Blazer with DC tag 848002 was 474-8308. all black clothing and the hand the house unattended, carrying the patio door. A television reported stolen from the 7500 gun was silver. a glass of water into the dining and video game system were block of Greenbelt Road. Drugs room, where a bundle of cur taken. Dec. 22, 3:47 p.m., 4 Ct. Dec. 20, 12:21 a.m., 7500 rency belonging to the victim Dec. 19, 8 a.m., Crescent Gardenway. A girl's purple and Leonard & Holley block Hanover Pkwy. An of was lying on the table. When Rd. A burglary of a storage black 21-speed mountain bike ficer stopped a vehicle for a the victim got up and retrieved room was reported. A metal was reported stolen. The vic Wallace traffic violation. A check of the money to keep the suspect window grate and screen were tim heard a noise on her front the driver's license revealed · from getting it, she grabbed his removed to gain entry. Hinge porch and observed a suspect that the driver was wanted on hand and was able to take the pins were removed from an in riding away on her bicycle. He an open warrant and he was ar money away. When he de side door but entry was not was described as a white male, rested. A search revealed an manded the money back and gained. Nothing was taken. 15 to 16 years of age, 5' 10", amount of opium concealed in grabbed her to take it back, she Dec. 22, at I 0: 18 p.m., I 30 pounds, and wearing a gray @ID his clothing. Charges are pend struck him in the face and head Beltway Plaza Mall. Currency sweatshirt, blue jeans and a ing. with her elbow. He fell into was taken from an unsecured black knit cap. Dec. 19, 8: 17 p.m., Roosevelt Center. While on bi cycle patrol, an officer observed Stngte famtty In Seabrook Acres has 4BR's City of Greenbelt Department of Public Works and 3 baths. Large treed lot $137,900 three suspects smoking, two of them apparently juveniles. As CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION POINTS GREENBELT TOWNHOMES the officer approached, he de IMPRESSIVE 2BR END unit. Unbelievable tected the strong odor of burnt Recycle your Christmas trees between December 291h and February 61h• Trees will be thilaer dbwatdh . fiLrsa!r geR feenmcoedde lyeadr dk. itchen$ 5&2 ,c9l9a0s sic marijuana. A suspect smoking processed through the wood chipper and used as mulch around trees and flower beds. 2 a cigar attempted to throw it Trees will be picked up at the following locations: away. When it was recovered, it appeared to be filled with New Kilchenl Blond hardwood floors marijuana. An adult suspect GHI 73 Ct. Ridge Road GLEN OAKS-Between Buildings: enlarged dining area and updated bath: was arrested and charged with Great yard. $2,000 Closing help $46,900 -Playground Opposite 7903 & 7905 Mandan Road possession of paraphernalia and 3B K NI Plateau Place & Ridge Road 7509 & 7511 Mandan Road released pending trial. A juve En e d y -Corner playground fan a C! nile suspect was charged with Research Road & Hillside HUNTING RIDGE-Between Buildings: possession of tobacco products -Corner 6936 & 6978 Hanover Parkway iBne nset wp nucpeg roand ethsi.s Nsehwa rpki tc2h ebrn ,w citahr p$e1t,0 p,0a0in0t by a minor. Both are residents. Eastway & Crescent Road and more. Move right in! $41,900 -Corner WINDSOR GREEN 21 Ct. Ridge Road Court Entrances (picked up Interest Rates are dropping Substation-East -Across from Green Ridge House by Windsor Green Staff) Don't miss your chance to Crescent Road & Ridge Road The new Greenbelt Police get the best terms in years! -Playground at junction GREEN BROOK VILLAGE & ESTATES substation phone number is Parkway -Southeast Corner of Ora Glen Drive 301 982-0044 301-474-4992. This number -Across from Community Church and Mathew Drive is for non-emergency calls -Corner across 58 Ct. Crescent Rd. -Southeast Corner of Hanover UPPER LEVEL 1B R home with freshly only. The substation may not 7 Ct. Southway Parkway and Greenbrook Drive painted interior. Exposed hardwood floors, be staffed 24 hours per day washer & dryer. Near Bus stop · $24,900 -Playground at Little League -In front of barricade at Mandan Road but there is an answering ma 11 Ct. & 13 Ct. Ridge Road and Mathew Street ~~ chine. Emergency police ::rRB;l.ls ~i~~gure -Park area between and S r w· P $4,00 of r calls should be directed to the GREENWOOD VILLAGE clos ! ' ' , o regular emergency number, BOXWOOD Ivy and Lastner Lane -Opposite 8175 Mandan Terrace 3 Bedroom Brick END UNIT With LARGE 301-474-5454 -Playground -Opposite 7646 Mandan Road comer lot -with deck and large shad. New -Opposite 7648 Mandan Road appliances, countertops and more! $69,900 LAKEWOOD Greenhlll Rd. & Crescent Rd. New Listing -2 br end unit backs to woods. Domestic Assaults (by Baptist Church) GREENSPRING & GREENSPRING II Fenced yard, over-sized shed, new paint & carpeting, 4 a-t's & more! $45,900 Dec. 20, 12:40 p.m., 6000 -Southwest Corner of Megan Lane block of Springhill Drive. A CHARLESTOWNE VILLAGE AND and Craddock Road Unique floorplan vv.iddition. 21.l bedroom victim told officers that her CHARLESTOWNE NORTH -Park area between 7926 & 8006 hboamcke t ow witho odlost.s Coaf lls fpoar cdee t&ail su. pgr$a5d4e,s9 0t0h at live-in boyfriend had pushed Adjacent to Attick Park Greenbury Drive New Listing - 2 br Block end unit with her to the floor during a verbal -Corner of Spring Manor Drive addition. vinyl siding added with insulation. - argument. Officers advised the UNIVERSITY SQUARE-Front of swimming pool and Springshire Way Comer lot near Roosevelt Center $57,500 -Open area between 6519 & 6515 man that he was under arrest LAKESIDE NORTH-Near swimming pool Springcrest Drive and he stated, according to po- 1i ce, "Go ahead, arrest me SPRINGHILL LAKE-Community Building BELLE POINT BRICK, BRICK, BRICK . Library end of then." As officers attempted to -Corner of Vanity Fair Drive and town. One of the best buys on a brick GHL place the suspect into custody, GREENBRIAR-Between Buildings: Prince James Way Great court and great price! $47,900 he began to fight in an attempt 7708 & 7710 Hanover Parkway -Open area between 7800 & 7801 ,~~Ji;EA'LTY 1 to escape. He was taken into 7728 & 7730 Hanover Parkway Vanity Fair Drive custody after a short struggle 7826 & 7828 Hanover Parkway -Open area beside 7962 Vanity Fair Dr. (982-0044 and charged with two counts of 8003 & 8009 Mandan Road assault and resisting arrest. He was held on $1,000 bond pend ing trial. Thursday, January 1, 1998 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW TOP STORIES In Transition, 1997 New Faces (Continued from page 1) Judith Davis, a member of the budget. To avoid making the switch during the hot summer months, city council for four years, be council made the change effective October l, leading to higher refuse came the top vote-getter in this fees for less service. year's city elections and was subsequently elected mayor by Beavers the new city council. Beavers returned to Greenbelt Lake, leading citizen complaints GHI Boardmernber Alan as numerous trees were toppled beside the lake. Citizens were treated Turnbull narrowly defeated to occasional glimpses of the industrious critters who were held re Konrad Herling to join four in sponsible both for destroying trees and for improving the water cumbents as the newest member quality in the lake. The city found itself with fewer options than in of the Greenbelt City Council. the past, as it was no longer possible to find other jurisdictions will Mary Katherine (Kathy) Curl ing to accept Greenbelt's beavers. At year's end, the city hired a was selected as the new princi wildlife biologist to develop a plan for "managing" the beavers. pal of the Greenbelt Elementary School after being interviewed, Greenbrook Lake along with others, and recom Greenbrook Lake was finally finished after years of delays and mended by an ad-hoc group of controversy. City workers helped the contractor by taking the exca interested citizens of the com vated soil to Northway ballfields for storage. The lake is filled natu munity. rally by rain water and a feeder stream. Dominating the northern end. of Schrom Hills Park, the lake has became one of the park's Retirements largest features. Antoinette "Toni" Bram, Greenbelt's first female mayor Double Dutch World Champions in over four decades, stepped Greenbelt's Youth Double Dutch League competed at the Ameri down in 1997 after four years as can Double Dutch League World Competition at which the senior mayor and 14 years as a mem division (age 22 and older) won the world championship for doubles ber of the city council. and placed second in the singles competition. These women also Veteran City of Greenbelt acted as coaches to the girls on the fourth, sixth and seventh grade employee Barbara Havekost, di teams. The sixth grade team placed 5th in both the singles and rector of Human Resources for doubles categories. the city and informally known as Greenbelt's Ombudsman, re Be a Cuddler Alzheimers Assoc. tired after 27 years with the city. Carolyn Goff, the popular The Prince George's Hospi Offers Helpline principal of Greenbelt Elemen tal Center will hold a volun tary School, retired this spring Holidays can be particularly teer orientation January 6. after 23 years with the school Comet Hale-Bopp shines above Northway in March, 1997. Hale stressful for people caring for Volunteers must be at least 14 system and five years as princi Bopp was clearly visible in the evening and dawn sky for many someone who is forgetful or years old and, for some hospi pal. weeks. who has Alzheimer's disease. tal duties, 18 years of age. • photo by Matt Elliott The Alzheimer's Association The hospital requires 100 Deaths Greater Washington Chapter's hours as a minimum commit Greenbelt lost three of its - Helpline (301-656-6552) is Help for Needy ment for volunteers of any Outstanding Citizens in 1997. and the arts in Greenbelt and available Monday-Friday, from age. The Cuddler program Greenbelt pioneer Ben Prince George's County. The Community Ministry of has opportunities for people 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and for emer Rosenzweig was a founder of Michael Vaccaro, only Prince George's County, a county gencies. 18 years or older to volunteer the Greenbelt Federal Credit named Outstanding Citizen in wide, religious agency providing in the Neo-Natal Intensive Union, Greenbelt Homes, Inc. 1997, was a leader at Greenbriar services for low income persons, Care tJnft and in the nursery. (GHI), and an early staff mem Condominiums and the needs volunteers for office sup For more information, please ber of the News Review (then Greenbelt East Advisory Coa port, data entry and computer call Paula Luddy, R.N., at Cooperator). lition, a long-time coach and word processing and assistance 301-6 I 8-3200. Volunteers will Journalist Al Herling was a mentor of youth and a co-chair with the daily noon, anti-hunger, need to attend the January 6 prominent advocate of the of the Labor Day Festival Pa meal program. If interested, call orientation. causes of journalism, libraries rade. 301-499-2319. We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry. • • and we' re in your neighborhood! Our r--------, DRS. MCCARL family has been serving your community for 59 years and we just keep For Our New Patients 301-474-4144 I I Polishing & Cleaning Our : $20 : main concern is to give you safe I I and complete quality care which is why after I I Complimentary Initial we've taken hundreds of hours of continuing I I education. We utilize state-of-the-art equip Dental Exam ment and sterilization techniques to create I I Only $20.00 for a complete beautiful, healthy teeth for a lifetime. I I polishing and cleaning. I I DISTINCTIONS AND AWARDS: Includes necessary x-rays on I I DR. CLAYTON S. MCCARL, SR. day of examination. Fellow in International College of Dentists. Good only with coupon. I I Fellow n American Col ege of Dentists. Value up to $84.00. Retired Nov 1996 L~-------..1 Dr. Jay Or. Clayton, Jr. DR. CLAYTON S:MCCARL, JR. Dr. Clayton Dr. Dave Fellow in Acaderiy of General Dent stry. NEW Office hours: DR. JAY MCCARL Monday 8-5 Dental lmplart Syrrposiuri at Boston University Tuesday 9-8:30 Fellow in Academy of General Dent stry. DR. DAVID J. MCCARL Wednesday 9-8:30 Quintessence Award for Excel ence rn Clinical Thursday 8-4 Restorative Dentistry. Friday 8-4 28 Ridge Road All four Drs. are ranked as Clinical Field Instructors for Greenbelt, Maryland 20770-0717 Saturday 8-11:30 1991-92 by the University of Maryland Dental School Page 10 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, January 1, 1998 Governor to Visit Support Groups Held spring so some gardeners do not A Greenbelt Gardener feel the need to buy seed. The Special Olympics For the Mentally Ill stores offer only part of the by Rosie Rhubarb your property and buy accord range of colors, varieties and Maryland Governor Parris N. The Alliance for the Mentally There's not much to do in the ingly. Assess how much sunlight plant types that are available. Glendening and Lt. Governor Ill of Prince George's County, garden this time of the year. Se and shade there is in each grow For example I never have seen Kathleen Kennedy Townsend will Inc. provides support groups for rious gardeners use this slow ing area. The catalogs do give at annual flowering vine plants for attend the Maryland Special those caring for the mentally ill. time to plan next year's garden. least a general idea of how much sale such as morning glories. Olympics at the University of Upcoming support meetings The arrival of the 1998 garden sunlight and water the plants pre And certainly the selection of to Maryland, College Park, on Satur will be held January 7 at Bowie catalogs and seeds are to many fer. mato and pepper varieties is day, January 3, at 6:30 p.m. For City Hall, 2614 Kenthill Drive, gardeners like being a child in a The catalogs will also indicate much greater from the catalogs information, call Judi Scioli or Bowie, Room 7 at 7 p.m.; Janu candy store. the plant's climate reference. than is ever offered in the stores Ray Feldmann at 410-974-2316. ary 13 at Prince George's County The seed catalogs are arriving Work done by the US Depart as plants. Growing from seed Health Department, lower level • in the mail and are full of tempt ment of Agriculture has produced can be cheaper than buying the Auditions Scheduled Resource Room B at 7 p.m.; ing things to try. Everything in a widely consulted map that di plants if a lot of one type of Auditions for "Inherit The January 14 at Dyer Clinic, 9314 the catalogs looks so good, but vides the country into climate plant are needed in the garden. Wind," a dramatization of the Piscataway Road, Clinton, Room read the fine print to see if the zones. We are in zone seven so Never gotten seed catalogs be Scopes Monkey trial by Jerome 159 at 7 p.m. plant will do well in the condi buy plants that thrive in zone fore? Then look through a gar Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, will tions in your yard. seven. The catalog description den magazine. Garden compa be held on January 5 & 6 (with The job of the seed catalog is should say something like "hardy nies put a lot of ads and even call backs on January 7) from 7- to sell so resist the temptation to in zones 3 - 7. Helpful catalogs mail-in post cards for free cata 10 p.m. at Charles Carroll Middle Home 8 Business spend more than you should or will also indicate if a plant pre logs in the magazines this time School in New Carrollton. Improvements buy so much as to create too fers cool summers or can not of year. This production by Prince much work. Keep the goals for stand humid summers and you Seeds will be available in the George's Little Theatre will be di WISLER CONSTRUCTION your garden in the back of your should avoid both types. If no stores any time now. Big garden rected by Stefanie Boss and will Drywall• Painting• Carpentry mind so you buy mostly what is such indications are included in centers such as Frank's, Behnke, be performed on March 6, 7, 8, • Acoustical Ceiling needed, not just all treats. any plant description in the cata Burton and big hardware chains 13, 14, 15, 20 and 21. • Tile • Etc. Sometimes I think the catalogs log, a prudent gardener would be such as Hechinger offer seeds for The audition will consist of Licensed • Bonded • Insured could even describe poison ivy in wise to check their choices in a sale starting early in the year till cold readings from the script. MHIC #40475 301-345-1261 glowing terms. "This vigorous, book before purchase. When I late spring. It can be very inter Needed are seven women, 23 men drought hardy vine is mainte first read "Taylor's Guide to An esting to see what selection is and various townspeople. nance free. It adds year round nuals" I discovered that all the being offered. It may be pos For further information call Interested in delivering interest to the garden with its annual flowers that had done sible to buy all you need with Stefanie Boss at 301-236-5905. The News Review in the core brilliant autumn foliage and small poorly in my garden hated our out ordering from a catalog. of Greenbelt white berries that persist into climate. Now I always find out Keep an eye open for sales, Holbert's winter. Birds just love to eat the before I buy. which are usually better early on Call Home Imp. berries ... " Of course the repu The garden stores offer a se before many gardeners think to David Stein table catalogs would point out lection of plants for sale in the buy seeds. Carpentry Painting 301-441-1000 the downside, like the allergic re action the plant produces on hu ZEUS ELECTRIC Remodeling Repairs Women's man skin. Custom Quality Work M.H.I.C. 25916 Leave name, address and phone Catalogs do contain growing Done w/ Pride! Group Therapy number. When a route in your area tips so look for them. The right No job too small. Call Jack 301-345-8262 opens up, you will be called. * Separation/Divorce plant in the right place is less Service work and new homes. work than struggling to keep a ALL work done by * DepreS§iOn/Grieving plant alive in a place that does Master Ewctrician * Feel better/Enjoy Life not suit its growing requirements. Insured Lie. #1142 Pr. Geo. Ginny Hurney Lcsw Be honest about how much work 301-622-6999 PRELIMINARY AGENDA Beeper 301-907-1025 301-595-5135 ' you want to put into each part of m Gtll Board of Directors •:• •!• ♦:♦ •!• •!• •:• ♦:♦ ♦:♦ •!• •!• •:• •!• J. Wall to Wall Carpet ~ ❖ Crescent Square ❖ Patrick McAndrew Enterprise Carpets Attorney At Law Thursday, January 8, 1998 ❖ Old Greenbelt ❖ General Practice Lewis Merritt 301-441-1266 ~ •!• ♦:♦ 7:30 P.M. one bedroom fRAoElrl A ASpbOpraoNniAndtBsm LeEn&t PArsnitcyyetlisem. se C. aaIltfl ~ ••!!•• apartments ♦•:!­• (a••u tCPoei varislc ocLniidtaiegl naItntsioj,u nrs yli p•• &DC WfraimlIl/,i DninUajluI Lryit/idgeaatiothn} GHI Board Room • Wills • Corporations/Business Law ~ no answer, please call back. •!• From $525.00 •!• • Divorce/Separation • MVA Hearings Key Agenda Items: I'm out selling to your ~ •!• •!• • Administrative Law Gtll neighbors. Vista Mgmt. Co. 5000 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 101 TI "'I"• .. •!• Beltsville, MD • Membership Approval Criteria Discussion •!• 301--982--4636 301-595-3880 Board meetings are open to members. ~RICAN When It Comes To Choosing A Funeral Home, REALTY Family Owned Really Matters t 73B Ridge $64,900 GASCH'S FuNERAL HOME PRINCE GEORGE'S Absolutely gorgeous. New W/D, redone hardwood floors, deck, shed, etc. Has been Family Owned & Operated Since 1859, with a _1 1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE tradition of Honesty, Caring, Compassion, and Quality Service 2 bd, 7J Southway -$48,000 upgraded kitchen & bath, new washer Traditional or Non-traditional Funeral Arrangements AT & dryer, fans, etc. Memorial Services • Cre;maJtion C eremonies • Pre-Need Out-of-Town Transportation & Service Arrangements ELEANOR ROOSEVELT Lakeside Drive $159,900 4 Bd, 2 1/2 Ba, Rec-rm w/FP 1 301•927•6100 HIGH SCHOOL carport, eat-in kitchen GF RA AS NC CH - ,,S 3 Bd., Brick, Backs to playground, 4739 Baltimore Ave. 7601 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, Maryland 20772 fantastic kitchen :!, $69,900 --Funer!1~ P.A. Hyattsville, MD 20781 0 * Credit sections in Accounting, Art, Biology, Business, One Bedroom $22,000 /995-96 PRINCE GEORGE'S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YMR Computer Information Systems, Developmental Full sizeW/D, upgraded kit. Math/English, Economics, English, History, maybe nicest 1 bd ever. Licensed MHIC Management, Marketing, Mathematics, Paralegal, lOC Southway-$49,900 Bonded #7540 Psychology, Real Estate, Sociology, Speech and more. One story addition, extra half bath, W ID, AC, fans, fenced yard. * Tuition is only $69.00 per credit hour for Construction Co., Inc. Prince George's County residents. HOME REMODELING SPECIALIST * In-person registration at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Monday, January 12, 6:30-8 p.m. or at the Rc•plac·c•mc·nt \\'inclows • Si,linµ • Hoofin~ Largo Campus, Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-8 p.rn.; Rc•pair:-. • Flori1la Rooms • Dc•c-ks • Paintin~ Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Saturday, January 17 and 24, Kitc·lwn:-. • Aclclilion:-. • Batlu·oom~ 9 a.m.-1 p.rn. BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE *Classes begin January 26, 1998. Free Estimates,/Town References "Servin~g Goree nbelt For 30 Years" For more information: 1/4 41-124 6 GEORGE CANTWELL Call Dick Gehring Extension Centers and Special Programs .................. (301) 322-0783 301-982-7148 Associate Broker 8303 58th Ave. • Ber n Hei hts, MD Thursday, January 1, 1998 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 11 CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE -SALE House Cleaning MORYADAS ASSOCIATES, LLC GREENBRIAR SPECIAL -Two Bed Your Tax Professionals room/Two Bath Condo. Family Room, Do you need help with your Den, Private Balcony (Wooded View). house cleaning? Let us help. We Serving Individuals, New Appliances, Pool, Tennis $69,990. are a husband and wife team Small Businesses SERVICES RATES 1-30 l-663-0682 working in your area for over Estates and Trusts GUITAR Lessons - Scales, chords, CLASSIFIED: $2.50 mini seven years with excellent In MERCHANDISE theory, reading. Full-time instructor. mum for ten words. 15¢ each ad Greenbelt references. Tax Preparation for 301-937-8370. ditional word. No charge for list 5 DRAWER LETTER SIZE filing cabi We provide weekly, bi-monthly Federal and all States ing items that are found. Submit net, full suspension, queen size bed, and a spring type cleaning. Also Current and prior years returns HOUSE CLEANING - I have ad with payment to the News Re storage units, bookcases, folding tables, available are window cleaning Audit Service Greenbelt refs. of 5 years, weekly, bi view office by JO p.m. Tuesday, 50 year collection of National and interior painting. Representation and Negotiation weekly, monthly, $45 to $55. Melody, 30 l/805-9676. or to the News Review drop box Geographies (mostly complete), coffee MY MAID is an insured, Tax Advisory in the Greenbelt Co-op grocery maker, twin beds, doors, bi fold doors, reputable company. Home Visits available bv annnintment • HOME MOVIES Slides, Pictures store before 7 p.m. Tuesday, or warehouse pallets, "3 gun" rack, 2" TV MORYADAS ASSOCIATES, LLC transferred to VHS, Tape Repair. HLM mail to 15 Crescent Road, Suite with accessories, dining room chairs. Call John or Tammy Productions, Inc. 301-474-6748. JOO, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770. Call 301/507-6252 Tues. or Wed. night, 11-J RIDGE ROAD BOXED: $6.00 column inch. ask for Dennis. for Free estimates at GREENBELT, MD 20770 TOM McANDREW - GREENBELT Minimum I 1/2 inches ($9.00). (301) 262-5151 (301) 474-9427 WINDOWS & PAINTING -Replace Deadline 10 p.m. Monday. FOR SALE -Three drawer honey col ment windows and doors and vinyl sid Include name, phone no. and ored solid wood dresser, $30; match ing. Phone 301/474-9434, MHIC address with ad copy. Ads not ing four drawer chest, $35; light col 26087. considered accepted until pub ored solid wood nightstand, $15; an lished. tique telephone table, $10. 301/982- SPA BODY 'NORKS CASH FOR YOUR VALUABLES! 0540 & SKIN CARE Jewelry, diamonds, watches, cameras, HELPWANTED tools, guns. We buy, sell and loan any MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY! Buy • Therapeutic Massage thing of value. We pawn autos. A-I CHURCH SECRETARY - 20-25 factory direct. Save$$$ on Stee!Master PAWNBROKERS 301-345-0858. hours per week in Greenbelt. 301 /982- Pennsylvania outdoor show demonstra Nationally Certified • Facials 5584 (daytime) or 301/773-6751 (eve tor building. Great backyard shop/ga Massage Therapists and • Waxing CALDWELL'S APPLIANCE SER nings) rage. Call now, 1-800-341-7007. Se Professional Estheticians VICE -Most makes repaired. Call af • Make-up Design rious inquiries only. ter 5 p.m. 301-840-8043. HELP-WANTED, PART TIME - 20- Hours: Tues.-Thurs. 12-8, Fri.-Sat. 9-6 30 hours per week secretarial posi NOTICES REAL ESTATE -RENT tion-$ I 0/hr; data entry; letters; 143 CENTERWAY • GREENBELT, MD 20770 • 301-345-1849 OFFICE FOR RENT -By hour/day in internet searches; bulk mail; telephone Dear St. Jude. Thank you for answer Greenbelt. Ideal location. Call 301/ receptionist; working with h.s. stu ing my prayers. S.B. NEW CARROLLTON 345-7077 for information. dents; corporate grant-searching in computer; library reference work; 301- Former Assistant State's Attorney VETERINARY HOSPITAL OFFICE SPACE - Old Town 441-2923. YOUR PERSONAL LAWYER Greenbelt, 600 s/f, $600/mon. incl. utilities & amenities. 301/441-3750 DAY CARE p~ '1"4~°tlf fut~((,, tk ~ This could be your classified ad. Ten EXPERIE CED, LICENSED, EDU IM,~tkiH,20~ words for $2.50. Each additional word CATED MOTHER to babysit at her is 15 cents. home. Good references. Evenings also 7601 Good Luck Road available. Please call 301/474-2455. (114 mile from Hanover Pkwy.) 301/474-5632 301-552-3800 - Novena to St. Jude JoAnn's Potpourri . 0 holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in Anonymous Christian BELTSVILl..E SHEIL INC.- We employ miracles, near Kinsman of Jesus BOOKS support for hurting people. 10920 Baltimore Boulevard ' ASE Certified Christ, Faithful Intercessor of all Questioning personal Beltsville, Maryland 20705 ,,. Mechanic-s --~ who invoke your special significance? (301) 937-2066 patronage in time of need, ro you Come and meet with other In N Price I have recourse from the depth of Christians who combine Computerized wheel alignment.· Club prayer, scripture, praise and Complete brake service. my heart and humbly beg ro 10438 Baltimore Ave. real relationships. Elecr.ronic engine controls. -o ..._ __________ whom God has given such great Beltsville, MD 20705 Thursdays -7:00 to 8:30 PM Fuel injection service. ~ u s R t 1 I pHoewlpe r mroe cionm me yto pmreys eansts isutragnecne.t ( 301 ) 937 -0259 Cata lGl 3r0e1e-5n2b3e-2l5t 8B1 afport iis;uto Crmhautirocnh. SMuasrpyelannsdio Snt/astheo icnkssp/esctrtuiotsn.. •3~: O~U _e ___ I' petition. In return I promise to Timing belts. S 3 I ... ,, *Beltsville I make your name known, and Warranty required maintenance. p: ~ Shell I cause you to be invoked. Say Kelly tires/computer balancing. o. Traditional Monuments Cremation three Our Fathers, three Hail 24 hour 7 day drop off. 1 • Marys and Glories. St. Jude pray Funerals Service Service bays open 8-5 weekdays & 8-3 Saturdays for us and all who invoke your Donald V. Borgwardt aid. Amen. This Novena has •• •• • Greenbelt Auto & Truck Repair Inc. • never been known to fail and Funeral Home, P.A. must be said for 9 consecutive 159 Centerway Road days. Publication must be Family owned and operated Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 promised. 4400 Powder Mill Rd. 301-982-2582 Beltsville, Md. 20705-2751 Pre-Need Counseling A.S. E. M@bil® I (301) 937-1707 By Appointment Master Certified Technicians Certified Emission Repair Technician a *$350.00 OFF A complete service facility equipped to 1 GREENBELT FIRST MONTH'S RENT perform all service requirements, that your • manufacturer recommends to comply with SERVICE Preventive Maintenance service schedules & Mob11 CENTER extended warranty programs! Also, routine repairs that keep your vehicles operating Springhill [akc ""\V~'rc As Near • safely & reliably. • @ •• •• As Your Neighbor" ALL UTILffiES INCLUDED (301) 474-1600 GREENBELT """"""' •on selected floor plans WITH COUPON EXPIRES 1/31/98 o,ro11TUNITY SAVE ON THE HIGH Established in 19 I 4, AUTO REPAIRS Chambers Funeral Homes .l V~ COST OF FUNERALS brought to the Washington a RoAD SERVICE Old Greenbelt Citgo Metropolitan Area a & BURIALS combination Funeral Home We promise a fast and ~ l=J Dave Meadows and Crematory facility. pleasant purchase eve,y SIJPERGARU This combination provides numerous cost efficiencies as well as ..... Service Manager simplicity and dignity for all concerned. Whether you have immediate time you visit. needs or are considering making prearrangements, Chambers Funeral Maryland State Inspections Homes' exceptional low price can give you savings now and in the 161 future. Burials as low as $1,625 • Cremations as low as $695. CENTERWAY ROAD Oil Changes, Batteries 301-4 74-0046 GREENBELT, MD 20770 ~ Brakes, Shocks, Tires 20 Southway (301)474-8348 Exhausts & Tune-Ups 1 Greenbelt, MD 20770 FREE INJ:<'ORMATIUN -Call or write: MD State Lottery 5801 Cleveland Avenue, Riverdale, MD 20737 • (301) 699-5500 ~E&llc:El • Open 24 Hours for Gas and Snacks • 9241 Columbia Blvd., Silver Spring, MD 20910 • (301) 565-3600

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