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IInntt.. JJ.. MMeecchh.. EEnngg.. && RRoobb.. RReess.. 22001122 Manish Bansal et al., 2012 ISSN 2278 – 0149 www.ijmerr.com Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2012 © 2012 IJMERR. All Rights Reserved Research Paper GREEN MANUFACTURING AND USE OF ANALYTICAL NETWORK PROCESS (ANP) DECISION TOOL IN GREEN MANUFACTURING Manish Bansal1*, Raj Kumar Duhan1 and Snadeep Deshwal2 *Corresponding Author: Manish Bansal,[email protected] Today the increasing industrialization creates huge pressure on environment and due to this industrialization many environmental related problems arises daily. The global warming, air, water and noise pollution, ozone layer depletion are some of the major problems. With the global awareness of environmental risk as well as market pressure to get maximum benefits, manufacturing system requires new development and Green manufacturing or Environmental Conscious Manufacturing (ECM) is the only solution for these problems. Multinational and domestic corporations all around the world are adopting environmental manufacturing. The growth of green manufacturing is rapid over the last few decades but the change due to green manufacturing will not happen overnight but over times. It is matter of continuous improvement and the industries itself cannot bring about the changes; government also has to play a very important role of creating the right environment which support the environmental manufacturing. Keywords: ANP software, Green manufacturing parameters INTRODUCTION introduce the mass production techniques Manufacturing plays a very strategic role in which revolutionized manufacturing an organization, especially to build processes. Over the years the need for competitive advantage and improve meeting individualistic customer demands performance. With rapid changes in without compromising productivity or quality, technology, customer needs and brought about the introduction of flexible and globalization, manufacturing itself is constantly mass customization techniques. The transforming and evolving. The beginning of Figure 1 below shows this change in the century saw the automobile industry manufacturing philosophies with time. 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rohtak, Haryana, India. 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, PDM College of Engineering (Bahadurgarh), Jhajjar, Haryana, India. This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmerr.com/currentissue.php 51 Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 Manish Bansal et al., 2012 Figure 1: Change in Manufacturing Philosophies PROBLEM STATEMENT the environment but the time limit do not allow studying all those factors and so limited The term green manufacturing was coined to numbers of factors are choosing and then reflect the new manufacturing paradigm that decision tool is applied on them to find out the employs various green strategies and result. Let us first discuss about the factors on techniques to become more eco-efficient. which the whole ECM process depends. These strategies include creating products/ systems that consumes less material and FACTORS DESCRIPTION energy, substituting input materials (e.g., non- As the ultimate goal here is to achieve the toxic for toxic, renewable for non-renewable), environment conscious manufacturing and for reducing unwanted outputs and converting achieving this target, the factors which affects outputs to inputs (recycling). Although interest the ECM have to known and their impact on in green manufacturing is increasing more and the environment have to be known. So the more within the research and industrial selection and classification of the factor is the communities, a clear description of what is first basic step to advance the study further. meant by this term is becoming more essential. Also the selection of factor for ECM affects So until and unless the decision tools are not the whole efficiency of the plant so selection applied in the results the accuracy can never of factors plays a very crucial role in ECM and be achieved so the use of integrated decision one should have to select and choose the factor tools will improve the findings base. tactfully and carefully otherwise the efficient There are numerous factors which affect the result can’t be achieved. The factor are chosen environment and the selection of these factors from the research papers after studying them is critical criteria for any organization if it wants and it is found that there are numerous factors to implement green manufacturing. Here in this which affects the environment and then a total work five major categories are selected of 31 factors are selected from all available namely research and product design, waste factors and their brief description is given here control, packaging control, manufacturing one by one. These factors are divided into five control and quality control for the evaluation of major categories which are further divided into the green manufacturing. These five major 31 other factors and all of them are listed in factors are subdivided into 31 factors on which Table 1 shown below and these factors are green manufacturing depends. However there coded into short form to make them are many other factors which are also affecting compactable with the software used. This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmerr.com/currentissue.php 52 Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 Manish Bansal et al., 2012 Table 1: Factors Description Goal Dimensions Assessment Factors Code Green Manufacturing Research and Design Process Energy Savings of Products E S O P Health and Safety H S Proportion of Product Reuse P O P R Proportion of Product Recycling P O P R C Conformity with Eco-Concept C W E C Simplification and Standardization SS Reliability and Durability RD Staff with Eco-Awareness S W E A Waste Control Pollution from Product P F P Proportion of Waste Renewable Products P O W R P Ability to Minimize Waste and Maximize A T M W A M T U the Utility Management of Waste Classification M O W C Waste Reduction Rate of Production W R R P F Facilities Application of Foolproof Devices A O F D Production Automation P A Packaging Control Packaging Simplification P S Ease of Disintegration E O D I Application of Product Intensified A O P I P Packaging Proportion of Non-Packaging P O N P Additional Processing of Packaging A P O P M Materials Inspection Pass Rate of Green Part I P R O G P Green Procurement Capabilities G P C Manufacturing Control Environmental Pollution During Production EPDP Environmental-Related Injury to Operator ERITP Capabilities of Pollution Prevention COPPDP During Production Waste Reduction Capabilities WRC Energy Efficiency During Production EEDP Quality Control Ability to Obtain Green Certification ATOGC Customer Satisfaction with Respect to CSWRTGD Green Demand Ability to Identify Flawed Green Product ATIFGP Compliance with Outsourcing CWORFGD Regulations for Green Products This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmerr.com/currentissue.php 53 Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 Manish Bansal et al., 2012 SELECTION OF TOOL during our course of study. Their inconsistency index is also mentioned in the fig with desired The Analytical Network Process (ANP) is value. This priority table help the researchers selected here for solving the present problem. to judge the relative importance between all The ANP is used because there is these factors and based on the judgement the interdependency between the factors and to decision is made for environmental make the necessary computation. As there is manufacturing. The priority defer from category number of factors on which environment to category as the expectation/desires differs conscious manufacturing depends and it is from person to person, category to category very confusing to select or priorities them therefore the priorities for the different depending upon some criteria and to also it categories are discussed below one by one. takes lots of time to find out correct priority Also the priority for entire group/model is without any using any tool so ANP is used here discussed. to solve the present problem. The process and method to priorities the factors is discussed Result/Priority for Research and in the next part of the study. Design Process The result for the research and design process RESULT is shown in the Figure 2 shown below and it is As it is well known that different factors observe from the result that Reliability and possess different priorities with relation to the Durability (RD) is most important factor among environmental conscious manufacturing so in this cluster and Proportion of Product Reuse order to have a wider reach over them, the (POPR) is second most important factor while priorities are easily predicted using the super Simplification & Standardization (SS) is least decisions software. The inputs to the priorities importance factor among the research and are filled by various questionnaire prepared design processes. Figure 2: Result for Research and Design Process This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmerr.com/currentissue.php 54 Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 Manish Bansal et al., 2012 Result/Priority for Waste Control stage the product is manufactured and it is tough to reduce its impact on the environment. Also The Figure 3 shows the result for this category the importance for other factor can be easily and it is observed from the result that ability to calculated from the result and these factors can minimize waste and maximize the utility Pollution also be ranked accordingly. from Product (PFP) is most important factor in this category and than Waste Reduction Rate Result/Priority for Packaging Control of Production Facilities (WRRPF) is second The result for the packaging control cluster is most important factor while Production shown in the Figure 4 and it is observed here Automation (PA) is least important as at this that Inspection Pass Rate of Green Part Figure 3: Result for Waste Control Figure 4: Result for Packaging Control This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmerr.com/currentissue.php 55 Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 Manish Bansal et al., 2012 (IPROGP) is most importance factor in this Capabilities of Pollution Prevention During cluster and then Additional Processing of Production (COPPDP) and Environmental Packaging Materials (APOPM) and Pollution During Production (EPDP) is most Proportion of Non-Packaging (POPN) comes important factor and all other factor are having next in the priority while Packaging almost equal importance. Simplification (PS) is least importance factor Result/Priority for Quality Control in this cluster. The result of quality control is shown in the Result/Priority for Manufacturing Figure 6 and it is observed here Ability to Control Identify Flawed Green Product (ATIFGP) is The result for manufacturing control is shown most important factor here and all other factors in the Figure 5 and it is seen here that are almost equally important. Figure 5: Result for Manufacturing Control Figure 6: Result for Quality Control This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmerr.com/currentissue.php 56 Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 Manish Bansal et al., 2012 Figure 7: Combined Results Result/Priority for Entire Model Table 2: Relative Importance The result for the entire model can be measured Category Rank Percentage Importance based upon the priority of all the factors and it Waste Control 1st 38.23% is shown in the Figure 7 and the priority of the Research and Design Process 2nd 20.38% entire category can be judged from the figure. Packaging Control 3rd 14.04% The priority Table 2 shown below for the Manufacturing Control 4th 13.93% entire sample is based on the result obtained Quality Control 5th 13.40% from the software and it is used to give relative Figure 8: Priority for Different Categories This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmerr.com/currentissue.php 57 Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. 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Department of Mechanical Engineering, PDM College of Engineering (Bahadurgarh), Jhajjar, Haryana, . Manufacturing”, International Conference.
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