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Preview Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga in Tanzania and its status in Africa

Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga in Tanzania and its status in Africa Ron Demey andNikBorronJ3 UnAiglecriardAquilaclangaaetevupresdeHedara, danslenorddelaTanzanie, le 31 decembre 1998. Ceciconstituela premiereobservationdirectede cette especedans le pays; sapresenceenTanzanieavait toutefoisdejaeteconstateeparsatelliteen1996et1997,graceaunindividuequiped'unemetteurradio.L'Aigle criardestunvisiteurPalearctiqueassezraresurlecontinent.Unapercuestpresentedesadistributionafricaine. Yu la rarete de l’espece. il est estime que 10a 20individusseulementhivementau sud de l’equateur. O n31December1998,wefoundaGreaterSpotted followingyear,on23November,thesamebirdwasonce EagleAquilaclanganearHedara(=Hedam),north- again located in Tanzania, 20 km north ofthe Zambian ernTanzania(04°30'S37°54'E).Thebirdhadbeenfeeding border and 54 km east of Lake Tanganyika, before it onaKirk'sDik-dikMadoquakirkiialongatarmacroad. reaimed to exactly the same wintering site in South On our approach it flew to a small Acacia, where it Luangwa National Park'. perched beside a Tawny Eagle A. rapax and allowed Thespecies,whichisclassifiedasVulnerable2 isarare , prolongedobservationfromadistanceofc25m. Itwasa PalearcticwintervisitortoAfrica.InEgypt,itisararewinter very dark, uniformly blackish brown, ratherstocky and visitorandpassagemigrantthroughSinaiandtheRedSea massiveeagle,noticeablylargerandheavierthanitspale Mountainsduiingmid-September-earlyMay5.Mostbirds fulvous-browncompanion.Thebillwasbluishgreywith reaching sub-Saharan Africa appear to winter in the ayellowcereandtheyellowgapeextendedtobelowthe Ethiopianhighlands,wherethespecieshasbeenrecorded centreoftheeye, whichwasdark. fromOctober-March15.InEritreaitwasformerlyreported After having observed the birds at length through asa common passage migrant inNovember, withsome binoculars and telecopes, we flushed them in order to birdswintering11; itspresentstatusisunknown. InSudan observetheirflightpatterns.Inflight,thelargereaglehad ithasbeenrecordedafewtimesonpassageinNovember amorecompactshapethantheTawnyEagle,withbroad andFebruary-Aprilinthenorthernandeasternpartsofthe wings,arelativelyshort,roundedtailandalessprotruding country5. There are 12 accepted records from Kenya, head.Flightandtailfeathersappeareduniformlyblackish. principallyfromthevicinityoftheRiftValleylakes16.The Therewasnocontrastbetweenthewing-covertsandflight satellite-trackedbirdmentionedaboveconstitutedthefirst feathers. Otherfeartires included a narrow whitish cres- definiterecordsouthofKenya;itwasalsothefirstspecies cent on the uppertail-coverts, a small pale patch on the to be admitted to the Zambianlistwithout havingbeen back, anda small pale patch, formed bywhitish feather seen by an observer within Zambia6 The same should . shafts, atthebase oftheblackishprimaries. now apply to the Ugandan list: although included by The combination oflarge size, compact shape, uni- Britton1 thespecieswassubsequentlyremovedfromthe , formblackishbrownplumage,mediumgapelengthand. list because no satisfactory substantiation could be ob- darkeyecolourarecharacteristicofadultGreaterSpotted tainedfromtheobserver9andithasnotsubsequentlybeen Eagle(Forsman 1999).LesserSpottedEagle,theprincipal reportedfromthecountry310.Thereisapossiblesighting confusionspecies,typicallyhasamorecontrasting, paler fromSouthAfrica,atNylsvleiinearly1998,butthishasyet brownplumage,inwhichthepalerwing-covertscontrast tobe confirmed6. withthedarkerremiges.Italsohasapale,notdark,iris4,6. InWestAfrica, GreaterSpottedEaglehas onlybeen SteppeEaglehasaconspicuouslylonggapeextendingto recordedwithcertaintyinChadandCameroon.InChad, belowtherearoftheeye. a female was trapped near N’Djamena on 22 January ThisappearstobethefirstsightingofGreaterSpotted 197115andthefemaleofthepairtrackedbysatellitein1996 EagleinTanzania,althoughthespecieshasrecentlybeen spentthewinterinthe.country7.InCameroon,thespecies trackedbysatelliteaboveTanzanianterritory.Themaleof hasbeenobservedtwiceinthe north, in Februaryand a pair fitted with a satellite transmitter on its breeding / orApril 1973, but has not been reported since12,13. grounds in Biebrza National Park, north-east Poland, in Giventhe species’ rarity, MeyburgetaTestimate July1996,wastrackedtoitswinteringgroundsinZambia, that probably only 10-20 birds may winter south of viaUganda andwesternTanzania; itcrossedtheTanza- the Equator. nia-Zambia border on 17 or 18 December 1996. The GreaterSpottedEaglein Tanzania: Demey&Borrow BullABC Vol6No2-145 Acknowledgements 8. Nikolaus, G. 1987. Distribution atlas of Sudan's The observation of the Greater Spotted Eagle in birds with noteson habitat and status. Bonn. Zool. Tanzania was made during a Birdquest tour. We Monogr. 25: 1-322. thank ourcompanions in the field: C. &A. Allen, G. 9. cPeoamrsmoonn,PaD.lJa.earacntidcmTiugrrnaenrt,biDr.dAs.of1U9g8a6n.daT.hSecolpeusss Field, B. Finch, F. &J. Hooijmans, R. Smith and R. 10 61-82 Swinnen. RobertJ. Dowsettisthankedforcomments 10. Ros:souw,.J. and Sacchi, M. 1998. Where to watch on a draft ofthis note. Cf> birdsin Uganda. Kampala: Uganda Tourist Board. 11. Smith, K.D. 1957. An annotated check list of the References birds ofEritrea. Ibis99: 1-26. 1. Britton, P.L. (ed.) 1980. Birds ofEastAfrica: their 12. Scholte,P.,deKort,S.andvanWeerd,M. 1999.The habitat, statusanddistribution. Nairobi: EANHS. birdsoftheWaza-Logonearea, FarNorthProvince, 2. Collar,N.J.,Crosby,M.J. andStattersfield,A.J. 1994. Cameroon. Malimbus 21: 16-50. Birdsto Watch2: theworldchecklistofthreatened 13- Thiollay,J.-M. 1978.LesplainesduNordCameroun. birds. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. Centredhivernagederapacespalearctiques.Alauda 3. Dowsett, R.J. and Dowsett-Lemaire, F. 1993- A 46: 314-326. Contribution to theDistribution and Taxonomyof 14. Urban, E.K. & Brown, L.H. 1971. A checklistofthe AfrotropicalandMalagasyBirds.TauracoResearch birds ofEthiopia. Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa Uni- Report 3. Liege: Tauraco Press. versity Press. 4. Forsman, D. 1999- The raptors ofEurope and the 15. Vielliard, J. 1972. Donnees biogeographiques sur MiddleEast. London, UK: T. & A. D. Poyser. l’avifaune dAfrique centrale. Alauda 40: 63-92. 5. Goodman, S.M. & Meininger, P.L. (eds) 1989. The 16. Zimmerman, D.A., Turner, D.A. & Pearson, D.J. birdsofEgypt.Oxford,UK:OxfordUniversityPress. 1996.BirdsofKenyaandnorthern Tanzania. Lon- 6. Leonard, P.M. 1998. Newto Zambia: GreaterSpot- don, UK: A & C Black. tedEagleAquilaclanga.ZambiaBirdReport1997: “Heimstraat52, 2582SBDen Haag, TheNetherlands. 3-5. 7. Meyburg, B.-U., Meyburg, C., Mizera, T., bc/o Birdquest, Two Jays, Kemple End, Birdy Brow, Maciorowski, G. and Kowalski, J. 1998.—Greater Stonyhurst, LancashireBB79QY, UK. SpottedEaglewinteringinZambia.Africa Birds& Birding 3 (1): 63-68. Tanzania:2wks:September SPECIALISED SouthAfrica:2wks:October ^aW^On’^ BIRDWATCHINGTOURS TheGambia: 1/2wks:December Morocco:2wks:March2000 Kenya:2wks:April2000 Tailor-made tours forsmall groups to top VisitusattheBBF,RutlandWater,20th-22ndAugust birdwatchhingspots in SouthernAfrica sarus bird tours P1o20B0,oxSo5u0t7,hANferliscparuit URSKARPerproemsoetnitoantsive: 6Sm9alClaGnrtoeuprsbwuirthyEDxrpeirvte,LeaBduerrsy.,AfBriLc8anSIpBecPi,aliUstKs TFealx: ++2277113377555512719437 E1ssHeyxd,eSwSa7y,3BThEundersley FTaelx:: 00116611 77691767224739 eImntaeirl:ne:tla:[email protected] TFealx::0011226688775529882374 web:Agheet-ntmtpas:i/lf:/[email protected]/ks9a2rus 146-BullABC Vol6No2 GreaterSpottedEagle in Tanzania: Demey&Borrow

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