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Great Western Route Utilisation Strategy PDF

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Great Western Route Utilisation Strategy March 2010 2 Foreword I am delighted to present the Great Western Development of this strategy has followed Route Utilisation Strategy (RUS), which sets a now well-established process. Initially, an out the strategic vision for the future of this analysis was carried out into the capacity and vital part of the rail network. As well as the capability of the existing network and train Great Western Main Line itself, the strategy services taking into account major changes covers the network north to Ashchurch and planned over the next 10 years. Future Bicester Town and south to Basingstoke, demand was then analysed with a number of Salisbury and Dorchester. “Gaps” identified and options to resolve these gaps appraised. Those which demonstrated This August will see the 175th anniversary the best value for money are included in of the Great Western Railway. Today, that the strategy. railway carries tens of millions of passengers a year through the Thames Valley, the West The dominant issue is the need to provide Country and Wales. Working closely with our sufficient capacity on peak services, train operating customers, Network Rail is specifically to and from London but also for delivering an ever improving service for those Bristol and Exeter. In the short to medium term passengers, and for freight users. the approach focuses on enabling longer trains to serve these routes, particularly through the More people are choosing to travel by train, introduction of IEP, which will increase capacity and high levels of growth are predicted through new rolling stock and an enhanced to continue, particularly around London timetable, but also through train lengthening Paddington and Bristol. Demand for freight for local services. The strategy also identifies is also expected to continue to grow, as it is future opportunities presented by electrification increasingly recognised as an economically such as a further review of the local network sensible and environmentally efficient form in Bristol building on the analysis of a ‘Bristol of transport. Metro’ service. This success brings challenges. Already This RUS was initially published in the improvement work has begun – fixing consultation form in September 2009. Many the bottleneck at Reading, redoubling the issues were raised during that consultation Cotswold line, increasing the linespeed on the that have influenced several aspects of Bristol to Birmingham corridor, preparing for the strategy. Network Rail has led the Crossrail, and through development work on production of this RUS, however it has the Intercity Express Programme (IEP) and been developed with the full input of the rail electrification of the Great Western Main Line. industry including passenger and freight This investment is a massive boost for operators, the Department for Transport, passengers, businesses and communities Transport for London, Passenger Focus and along the route. When complete, more trains London TravelWatch. I thank them all for will run, with better performance and greater their contribution. environmental efficiency. Iain Coucher Chief Executive  Executive summary Introduction The scope area adjoins the routes of the South Route Utilisation Strategies (RUSs) seek West Main Line; Wessex; South and Central to establish the strategic direction of the Wales and Borders; Chilterns and the West railway from a systematic analysis of future Midlands. The RUS area plays a crucial role requirements of the network. They seek to in the core cross-country network, linking the balance capacity, passenger and freight South Coast, Thames Valley, West Country, demand, operational performance and cost South Wales and South Midlands with the whilst addressing the requirements of funders Midlands, Greater Manchester, Yorkshire, the and stakeholders. Network Rail is developing North East and Scotland. a programme of RUSs, in conjunction with Timeframe rail industry partners and wider stakeholders, The Great Western RUS primarily focuses which when complete, will cover the entire rail on the next 10 years to 2019 but has also network in Great Britain. This programme of considered the implications of growth in RUSs includes a Network RUS which reviews demand over the next 0 years in the context national issues such as stations, depots, rolling of the Government’s 2007 White Paper stock and electrification as well as presenting “Delivering a Sustainable Railway”. scenarios and forecasts for long distance The period from 1 April 2009 to 1 March passenger and freight markets with the 201 is Network Rail’s current Control Period established Freight RUS providing a strategy  (CP). Any known commitments to 201 to meet anticipated freight demand to 201. that have either formed the High Level Output This Great Western RUS provides a further Specification (HLOS) or have committed step towards achieving national coverage and funding through other funding streams have has followed the now well-established process. been included as part of the Great Western Scope RUS base. Such capacity schemes and The Great Western RUS sets out the strategic other enhancements are described further in vision for a particular part of the rail network. Chapter 4. The scope of the RUS is extensive and CP marks a start of a new era for rail in Britain diverse; the focal element being the Great as this is the first review since the passing Western Main Line (GWML) which operates of the Railways Act 2005, and introduces a over 20 miles and creates main line links new process whereby the Secretary of State from London to the West of England and South issues a High Level Output Specification and Wales. Extending from this are radial routes to a Statement of Funds Available which sets Oxford, the Cotswolds, Birmingham, the South the scene for the next five years. From this, Coast and South West. Branch lines into the Network Rail has embarked on a national London suburbs, to the Devon and Cornish programme of expenditure targeted at building coast and dedicated freight only lines complete a bigger and better railway through over 500 the mix of routes considered. schemes and projects aimed at providing extra capacity or capability for passengers and freight customers – this is the biggest expansion of Britain’s railways since the 180s.  Within the Great Western RUS scope area The identified gaps have been analysed there are a significant number of major, to understand how best to address them, high-profile, high-investment enhancement taking into account any schemes already schemes planned or proposed during CP proposed. In the course of this work, options which continue into the next control period have been developed on an iterative basis (Control Period 5 (CP5)) from 201 to 2019. until feasible solutions have been identified These major enhancement schemes include with acceptable operational performance the electrification of the Great Western that meets whole-industry value-for-money Main Line; the Intercity Express Programme criteria. In some cases there may be further (IEP); European Rail Traffic Management work required to identify additional benefits System (ERTMS); the Reading Station Area in order to demonstrate a sufficiently strong Redevelopment and Crossrail. Although economic return. predominantly within the Thames Valley The Great Western RUS has been developed area, these schemes will resolve a number of as a result of considerable analysis and close current and future issues across the whole of collaboration between Network Rail, the the RUS area. The implementation of these Department for Transport, the passenger and interventions will significantly change the freight operators, Transport for London, the capacity and capability of the network. Office of Rail Regulation, Welsh Assembly Through the inclusion of these improvements Government, Passenger Focus and London in the base, the RUS has been able to identify TravelWatch. further prospective “Gaps”. The focus of options to address these gaps being to input recommendations for the longer-term strategy to inform the Department for Transport’s (DfT) next HLOS for CP5. Process The starting point for the Great Western RUS has been to analyse the current base position of the network, combined with any committed schemes and known interventions. Demand analysis has been undertaken to ascertain the expected level of growth over the next 10 years taking into account the anticipated drivers of change. The combined analysis identifies where supply and demand is mismatched now, and where it is expected to be mismatched in the future. 5 Gaps performance pinch-points and local and The key themes that have emerged from regional connectivity. The following table the analysis of the current railway and what presents the gaps identified and taken is required of it in the future is capacity forward for further analysis under the Great (at stations, on trains and of the network), Western RUS process. 1. Paddington peak capacity 2. I nner suburban service pattern 3. Paddington to Reading all day capacity 4. Paddington to Reading performance 5. Slough to Windsor all day capacity 6. Freight capacity and capability: in and around London and north-south 7. Reading peak capacity 8. Didcot to Wolvercot Jn performance 9. West Midlands to South Coast connectivity and all day capacity 10. Swindon to Gloucester performance 11. South Wales to South Coast all day capacity 12. West Midlands to South West connectivity and all day capacity 13. Bristol peak capacity 14. Bristol performance 15. Westbury area performance 16. Exeter and Plymouth area service pattern 17. Interurban journey times 18. Early morning arrivals at key regional centres 19. Station crowding 20. Seasonal fluctuations 21. Impact of Heathrow Airport expansion and western access A number of strategic gaps were also identified the Strategic Freight Network (SFN) and the which relate to the overall rail network. These Network RUS, and as such are not intended to include the Intercity Express Programme, be duplicated by this RUS. However, elements freight train length and network capability, of these gaps have been included, where depot capacity and the Seven Day Railway necessary, within the appropriate gaps and initiative (to improve network availability). options analysis of the Great Western RUS. These strategic issues are being managed Further details on each of the generic gaps are through other industry processes, such as provided in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6.  In developing the RUS, there were a number London Paddington and Reading. A scenario of uncertainties. This is especially apparent matrix was developed to manage the known with regards to the proposed timetables for proposals for IEP, electrification and Crossrail IEP and Crossrail services. Draft service pre- and post-implementation. specifications have been used as a basis for Capacity analysis to 2019 showed sufficient the RUS analysis; however these continue to supply to cater for forecast growth on the be developed and are yet to be finalised and current Long Distance High Speed (LDHS) confirmed. As such, the additional quantum of services with IEP (either diesel or electric) services expected from these interventions and on the LDHS services and outer suburban their proposed calling patterns has not been services after the implementation of Crossrail. explicitly modelled. Further timetable work is The provision of freight paths in the latest scheduled to combine and commit the service Crossrail timetable proves sufficient to specifications, along with the predicted freight accommodate predicted freight growth as per growth and pathing requirements, to ensure the SFN forecasts to at least 200. compatibility and accommodation on the network, and as a result, further infrastructure The RUS describes the demand forecasting enhancements may be necessary. and operational modelling work completed under the scenario matrix and references The GWML is currently the second busiest the ongoing work taking place to deliver freight corridor into London. This is expected electrification, IEP and Crossrail. Chapters 4 to increase substantially with the levels of and 9 provide greater detail on these schemes predicted growth, particularly for aggregates with regards to scope and the effect their traffic, required for the construction of the implementation will have on the RUS area. Olympic infrastructure and Crossrail. Analysis has included the current forecasts for freight The commitment to the electrification of growth from the Freight RUS and the SFN the GWML provides the opportunity for for various route sections within the RUS the extension of Crossrail services west of area to ensure sufficient network capacity Maidenhead which could bring significant and capability to accommodate growth in benefits, by giving the wider Thames Valley passenger and freight markets. The forecasts direct rail access to central London and for freight growth up to 2019 are still subject the City, while also creating extra capacity to agreement and as such, the RUS has at London Paddington for longer distance continued to use the latest estimates as services. The scheme sponsors, DfT and assumptions for growth up to 2019. However, Transport for London, are reviewing this option. during the consultation period of the RUS, the Electrification will also enable the current forecasts for growth up to 200 have been Thames Valley suburban services into London confirmed and these have been applied in the Paddington to be operated by electric trains RUS analysis. instead of the existing diesel trains. The gaps and options identified and It is currently proposed that a number of the appraised as part of the Great Western existing Thameslink four-car electric trains will RUS are summarised below with a more be transferred onto the GWML, replacing the detailed account, along with a description current two and three-car diesel trains, when and quantification of the gaps and option the new Thameslink fleet is introduced. These evaluation, provided in Chapter 6. vehicles could then operate on the suburban Gaps 1 to  together with Gap 21 and part services between Oxford, Reading and London of Gap , freight capacity and capability in Paddington by the end of 201. This proposal the London area, were combined to form is subject to agreement and further review in one option reviewing the corridor between CP5 in line with the latest rolling stock plan. 7 All day capacity between Slough and Windsor many of the timetable issues could be resolved and Eton Central station was assessed in through a recast of the Brighton Main Line and line with the December 2008 timetable which Redhill corridors. increased passenger services on the branch Further analysis was undertaken by the Great from two trains per hour to three trains per Western RUS on the North Downs route hour Monday to Friday. This proved sufficient to review on-train crowding, specifically to supply to cater for current and predicted address perceived crowding at Guildford. demand to 2019. First Great Western (FGW) The analysis confirms the recommendation revised the operation on Saturdays during the to lengthen four peak services (two in each summer months in 2009 to increase capacity direction) by two-cars to address these to a three-car train to assist with on-train overcrowding issues. This enhancement crowding. FGW has been unable to develop includes the HLOS proposal to lengthen all a positive business case for increasing the the Reading to Gatwick Airport services to service provision on a Saturday to three three cars (as this forms part of the RUS trains per hour; they will therefore continue to base as a committed scheme). However, all review the provision of three cars on weekend proposals to lengthen services are subject to services as necessary, although this is rolling stock being available. The delivery plan dependent on rolling stock availability during for the extra vehicles is still to be determined the summer months. with an announcement expected in 2010. The Capacity analysis on all services into and out RUS has therefore continued with the initial of Reading during the peak periods identified assumptions made under the HLOS proposals that on-train crowding would exist by 2019 on as the latest information available and the Reading to Gatwick Airport corridor. This continued to use these assumptions as part of supports, and is consistent with, the analysis the RUS base. undertaken as part of the Sussex RUS which Five infrastructure enhancements were reviewed the service from Gatwick Airport proposed to address capacity and to Redhill. During the consultation period of performance issues between Didcot and the Sussex RUS further analysis has been Wolvercot Jn specifically at Didcot East Jn, undertaken to review the extension of services Didcot North Jn and Oxford. A capacity study from Redhill to Gatwick Airport. There is a assessed the predicted growth in passenger requirement of the Greater Western Franchise and freight services, using the draft IEP to provide two trains per hour on a standard service specification and forecasts of freight pattern between Reading and Gatwick Airport growth from the SFN, and the impact this and the potential remodelling at Redhill in CP5 would have on the current infrastructure. From would facilitate this, enabling through services this, the Draft for Consultation recommended to operate to Gatwick Airport on a more further evaluation of the options for enhancing ordered pattern of service. A positive business Didcot North Jn to provide the additional case to extend these services would improve capacity necessary to accommodate the service frequency on the route between such growth. This work identified that the Reading and Gatwick Airport. However, at infrastructure would only be required should present, no case can be found to extend the the current level of passenger services be remaining 1 North Downs services which increased with the introduction of an enhanced terminate at Redhill through to Gatwick Airport. IEP timetable. The current infrastructure The Sussex RUS does, however, recommend is sufficient to accommodate current and that the second hourly service to Gatwick predicted freight growth subject to the existing Airport from the North Downs line should be level of passenger services remaining included as an option in the post Thameslink constant. Should the level of passenger timetabling work on the Redhill corridor as 8 services increase, then a dynamic loop would of the passenger service on a two-hourly be required to enable freight to continue to basis would not compromise predicted future access Appleford sidings. The infrastructure is freight growth to 200 and that all services therefore dependant on the number of services could be accommodated on the existing proposed in the IEP service specification. infrastructure. The RUS therefore recommends Further enhancement to Oxford station and this option subject to performance modelling the areas into and out of the station area are of the proposed service extensions in the also recommended as part of the Oxford Area Basingstoke station area. Redevelopment scheme. Alternative routeings for the existing Newcastle On-train crowding was identified as a gap from to Reading service have also been reviewed by the North to the South Coast and to the South the Great Western RUS to address connectivity West on the interurban corridors between gaps between Coventry and the East Midlands Manchester and Bournemouth; Newcastle and West Yorkshire. The RUS reviewed and Reading; Edinburgh and Plymouth; and the expected level of demand that could be Manchester and Bristol Temple Meads. Load generated should these services be routed factor analysis of the current situation, using via Coventry and/or Leeds instead of via the the latest passenger counts from May 2009, current routeing of Solihull and Doncaster. This and that predicted to rise in 2019 with forecast follows on from the initial work on rerouteing growth has enabled a business case to be the service via Leeds which was undertaken by developed for additional vehicles. Various the Yorkshire and Humber RUS. By routeing scenarios were modelled due to the train the service via Coventry and or/Leeds, demand diagramming requirements currently being analysis shows increased train loadings used and with the assumption that these can be particularly at Coventry and Birmingham New further optimised in the future, the RUS identifies Street, however, the existing train formations that between 8 and 19 additional vehicles in on the Newcastle to Reading corridor are traffic can be supported. The final number of sufficient to accommodate this demand with no vehicles required will be dependant on the ability additional vehicles required. The West Midlands to optimise future train diagrams. and Chiltern RUS will develop this analysis further by undertaking a detailed timetable To improve connectivity, and assist with study for these routeings to assess track and capacity issues to the South Coast, the RUS timetable capacity. The full results, including the reviewed the option of extending the current economic appraisal, will therefore be presented Newcastle to Reading service to Southampton in the West Midlands and Chiltern RUS. and/or Bournemouth. A high level economic appraisal proved that extending to To improve capacity and performance on Southampton provided sufficient value for the Swindon to Gloucester route, the RUS money for further consideration. Timetable supports the development of the Swindon to analysis was undertaken on an hourly Kemble redoubling scheme with the inclusion extension and a two-hourly option. The hourly of the incremental enhancement of additional option was discounted due to the significant signals between Kemble and Standish amount of infrastructure that would be Jn to improve capacity for normal service required. The two-hourly option, providing an provision, as well as for diversionary working additional six trains per day in each direction, as recognised under the Seven Day Railway between Reading and Southampton proved initiative. The combined scheme is still subject feasible on the current infrastructure and to full funding for its implementation. was assessed against the proposed freight Capacity analysis with predicted growth to growth as per the SFN forecasts to 2019 and 2019 for the services between South Wales 200. The analysis proved that the extension and the South Coast (specifically the Cardiff to 9 Portsmouth and Bristol to Weymouth services) accommodate these services, longer turnaround identified on-train crowding issues for which times are experienced at Bristol Temple Meads the RUS recommends the lengthening of five which are resource-costly. Economic appraisal peak services (by either one or two vehicles) results show that there is an insufficient Benefit on the Cardiff to Portsmouth route and two Cost Ratio (BCR) to be able to recommend the peak services (by one vehicle) on the Bristol enhanced service frequency between Bristol to Weymouth route. This enhancement is over Temple Meads and Severn Beach. However, and above the HLOS proposal for 12 additional to further improve the business case, and to vehicles to lengthen services in the West of maximise the use of rolling stock and staff England. In addition, a review of the service resources, the option of extending the service proposition on the Cardiff to Portsmouth route to Bath Spa was reviewed. This utilises the long results in the recommendation of one morning turnaround times at Bristol Temple Meads and and one evening peak service becoming a enables a cross-Bristol service to operate with no faster service through the removal of a number further rolling stock or resource costs. The option of intermediate station calls between Westbury would provide an additional hourly service from and Bristol Temple Meads. A separate Avonmouth to Bath Spa, calling all stations. This stopping service would be introduced between option achieves a BCR of 1.8 which is above the Westbury and Bristol to cater for passengers at recommendation threshold. There are therefore these stations. This option provides additional three alternative options available for services capacity as well as a significant improvement from Bath Spa to Bristol Temple Meads with to journey time. possible through service opportunities: To address current and predicted capacity Bristol Temple Meads to Bath Spa issues to 2019 at Bristol Temple Meads the Clifton Down to Bath Spa RUS recommends an additional nine vehicles in traffic to lengthen 11 morning and evening Avonmouth to Bath Spa peak hour trains. An enhanced cross-Bristol The RUS recommends the Bristol Temple service will also be recommended in the Meads to Bath Spa shuttle but notes the RUS as a longer-term option to provide an marginal case for the alternative options of additional hourly Bristol Temple Meads to extending the service to Avonmouth or Clifton Yate service (subject to third party funding) Down and it is therefore recommended that through the extension of the existing Weston- these options are considered in the future super-Mare to Bristol Parkway service; and an as part of timetable reviews associated with additional hourly Bath Spa to Bristol Temple electrification and IEP. It is appreciated that Meads shuttle (calling all stations) subject there are concerns over the potential negative to performance validation with possible impact on operational performance with regard extensions to Clifton Down. to services turning around at Bath Spa and Following consultation responses, two further this option is therefore subject to performance options have been assessed for enhanced modelling and should be reviewed in line with Bristol services. The first reviewed an increased opportunities available from the electrification frequency on the Severn Beach branch with of the Great Western Main Line. The Bath Spa a half hourly clock face service from Bristol capacity upgrade which is currently progressing Temple Meads to Avonmouth and incremental to GRIP1 stage  (Single Option Development) to this, an hourly service to Severn Beach. will increase capacity in the station by reducing Operationally, it has been proven that these platform reoccupation times and reducing enhanced services can be accommodated on signalling headways. This will therefore assist the existing infrastructure. However, in order to in improving performance. 1 GRIP being Network Rail’s “Guide to Railway Investment Projects” and the process by which investment schemes are managed 10

Network Rail has developed a RUS Manual 1.1.8. Network Rail will take account of the recommendations from RUSs when carrying out its activities; in particular they will be used to help inform the allocation of Switch and Crossing (S&C) track renewals – Ableton Lane, Bathampton Jn, Oxford.
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