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Great Places To Stay In Europe PDF

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by  DK
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C K P 485CV 5 US /Canjkt19/11/01 H4M30 CT QC 00 KL T G EYEWITNESS R AV E L U I D E S H PPP OTELS ARADORS P A OUSADAS UBERGES M R APS ESTAURANTS F ARMHOUSES C HALETS I NNS B B & T G T S Y W O O T Y HE UIDES HAT HOW OU HAT THERS NLY ELL OU C K P 485CV GGGGPPPPSSSS____000000000000----000000001111____HHHHaaaallllffff////TTTTiiiittttlllleeee ...UqqqSxxx.dddq x d555 /// 7772///7000/11188 ////111111001113::: 000 5558 :PPP5MMM7 APPPMaaa ggg eeeP a333gge 1 (TEXT BLACK plate) EYDDDDEWKKKKI TTTTTNRRRRESAAAASVVVV TEEEERLLLLAVGGGGEUUUUL IIIIGDDDDUEEEEISSSSDES GREAT PLACES TO STAY IN EUROPE GPS_002-003_UK_Full/Title.qxd 5/7/01 11:26 PM Page 2 GGGGPPPPSSSS____000000002222----000000003333____UUUUKKKK____FFFFuuuullllllll////TTTTiiiittttlllleeeeU...Sqqq.xxxqdddx d 555 ///277777//////////00000088111/ 01113111 ::: 2229777: 0PPP0MMM A MPPP aaa gggPeeea g333e 3 (TEXT BLACK plate) DDDDEOOOOYRRRRELLLLIIIIWNNNNGGGGITKKKKNIIIINNNNEDDDDSEEEESRRRR SSSSTLLLLEEEERYYYYATTTTTTTVRRRREAAAALVVVV EEEEGLLLL UGGGGIUUUUDIIIIDDDDEEEEESSSSS GREAT PLACES TO STAY IN EUROPE www.touristas.clan.su GGGGPPPPSSSS____000000004444----000000005555____UUUUSKKK____CCCCoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss....qqqqxxxxdddd 29996////7778////000001111113333 555 :::11111111: 2PPP0MMM P MPPP aaa gggPeeea g444e 4 (TEXT BLACK plate) C ONTENTS HOWTOUSETHISGGGUIDE6 NORWAY10 SWEDEN24 Edited and produced for Dorling Kindersley by Duncan Petersen Publishing Ltd, 31 Ceylon Road, London W14 OPY DENMARK38 PROJECTEDITORS Marion Moisy (1st edition), Chris Barstow(updates) IRELAND52 ASSISTANTEDITORS Nicola Davies, Zoe Ross DESIGNERS Beverley Stewart, Chris Foley GGGREATBRITAIN66 EDITORIAELDAITSOSIRSITAALNDTSIRECCaTtOhReriAnne dIrsezwar dD, uMnacrakn Adcock SOUTHERNENGLAND78 ARTDIRECTOR Mel Petersen CENTRALENGLAND93 Dorling Kindersley Ltd NORTHERNENGLAND103 Louise B Lang, Nick Inman, Nancy Jones, Kate Poole, Dave Pugh SCOTLAND110 MAINCONTRIBUTORS WWWALES116 Fiona Duncan and Leonie Glass CONTRIBUTORS TTTHENNNETHERLANDS120 Philip Lee, Judith Hampson, David Sandhu, Jenny Rees, Dorine Scherpel, Celia Woolfrey, Sarah Toynbee, Kathy Arnold, BELGIUM& Paul Wade, Robin Gauldie LLLUXEMBOURG132 MAPS Colourmap Scanning Ltd GGGERMANY142 Reproduced by Colourscan (Singapore) SOUTHERNGERMANY152 Printed and bound by South China Printing Co., Ltd, China CENTRALGERMANY168 First American Edition, 2000 NORTHERNGERMANY180 Reprinted with revisions 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 04 05 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 AAAUSTRIA 184 Published in the United States by SWITZERLAND 198 DK Publishing, Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 FRANCE212 Copyright 2000, 2004 © Dorling Kindersley Limited, London NORTHERNFRANCE226 CENTRALFRANCE238 ALLRIGHTSRESERVEDUNDERINTERNATIONALANDPPPAN-AAAMERICANCOPYRIGHT CONVENTIONS. NOPARTOFTHISPUBLICATIONMAYBEREPRODUCED,STORED SOUTHERNFRANCE247 INARETRIEVALSYSTEM,ORTRANSMITTEDINANYFORMORBYANYMEANS, ELECTRONIC,MECHANICAL,PHOTOCOPYING,RECORDINGOROTHERWISEWITHOUT PORTUGAL 266 THEPRIORWRITTENPERMISSIONOFTHECOPYRIGHTOWNER. PUBLISHEDINGREATBRITAINBYDORLINGKINDERSLEYLIMITED. ISSN 1542-1554 SPAIN280 ISBN 0-7894-9731-X NORTHERNSPAIN292 THROUGHOUTTHISBOOK,FLOORSAREREFERREDTOINACCORDANCEWITHEUROPEAN CENTRALSPAIN307 USAGE,I.E.,THE“FIRSTFLOOR”ISTHEFLOORABOVEGROUNDLEVEL SOUTHERNSPAIN315 The information in every DK Eyewitness Travel Guide is checked regularly. ITALY328 Every effort has been made to ensure that this book is as up-to-date as possible at the time of going to press. Some details, however, such as telephone NORTHERNITALY340 numbers, e-mail addresses, and prices are liable to change. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of this CENTRALITALY358 book, nor for any material on third party websites, and cannot guarantee that SOUTHERNITALY372 any website address in this book will be a suitable source of travel information. Winceo wrpoourladt iobne dine ltihgeh tneedx tto e rdeitcieoinv;e o ann yp acgoer r4e3ct2i oynosu a wndil ls fuingdge as trioeands efro’sr GGGREECE 380 response form. Or write to: Publisher, DK Eyewitness Travel Guides, Dorling Kindersley, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL. INDEXES394 4 Cley Mill, Great Britain; 5 Hotel Real, Spain; 6 Verbano, Italy; 7 Wald & Schlosshotel Friedrichsruhe, Germany; 8 Château de Vault de Lugny, France. Hotel Adler, Germany (large picture) GPS_004-005_UK_Contents.qxd 9/7/01 5:12 PM Page 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GGGPPPSSS___000000666---000000999___PPPrrreeellliiimmm///HHHTTTGGG...qqqxxxddd 999///777///000111 133333311::::11104440 PPPPMMMM PPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666 (TEXT BLACK plate) 6 H O W T O U S E T H I S G U I D E H U G OW TO SE THIS UIDE THISGUIDEis designed to help to a single country. The sections run you get the most from your in loose geographical order, starting travels in Europe. Each place in Northern Europe and ending in to stay – whether a hotel, a bed-and- Southern Europe. breakfast or a country inn – has been Within each section there are chosen because it is in some way always three parts: introductory pages, special, an experience worth describing the accommodation scene seeking out in its own right and overall; maps, showing where the more than just a bed for the night. hotels are located; and the hotel There are 15 sections, each devoted entries (‘listings’) themselves. OUR EIGHT SELECTION CRITERIA •Character – in the buildings,and the •A personal welcome – genuine,not interior decoration. forced – from staff or proprietor. •Atmosphere or ambience – often •Bedrooms like real bedrooms, influenced by other guests. not hotel rooms. •Style and taste not only in the •Interesting food,prepared with care interior decoration but in the details – from fresh ingredients. the placing of furniture,the presentation of menus,and so on. •Size:generally not very large,but some large hotels are included – see •An interesting,attractive location. the qualifications below. A Question of Balance reach their basic standards inspectors favoured the As you would expect, our of comfort. We believe that privately-owned, smaller main entries – the ones this philosophy will give hotels, guesthouses or inns illustrated with photo- our readers more mem- because it’s so much easier graphs – tend to score five, orable experiences on their for them to offer a gen- six, seven or even eight out travels than a cushioning uinely personal welcome of eight on the list des- of standardized comfort and an atmosphere in cribed above. But,and you and facilities. which you feel like an will find this clearly stated Please do use the form individual, rather than one in the text where appro- on page 432 to let us know in a crowd. priate,a significant number your views on the places of our main selections are where you have stayed, or Variety especially strong on just to recommend others for Above all, our contributors one or two of the points, the next edition. have tried to provide var- and weak on the others. It iety. There are more than is very often the case for Food 2,000 entries in the guide, example that a lovely old We don‘t underestimate its and among them there is building, in a magical set- importance, and some every sort of lodging: bed- ting, makes a truly special entries would not have and-breakfasts in historic hotel, despite the fact that made it in to this guide, private houses; hotels in the bedrooms may be dull, were it not for their food. stately homes and possibly small, and the However, it is increasingly châteaux; self-catering service not as some would true, especially in Britain, apartments in Venetian wish. This is especially true France and Italy, that good palaces; there is even a of Venice hotels, but you’ll food is the norm. In these guest house in a windmill. find such places through- countries, hotels generally And if you really need a out the guide. need to have more going retreat, try one of the Generally speaking, our for them than food alone to monasteries in Spain that inspectors have rated be featured in this guide. open their door to trav- setting, atmosphere and a ellers. We’ve deliberately personal welcome more Size mixed the unusual with the important than service, A few have less than 15 more conventional rest- food and sophisticated rooms;most have between aurants-with-rooms, facilities. But, of course, 15 and 50; a few have country inns, smart town they have rejected many more than 50. As houses and crumbling but anywhere that doesn’t you might expect, our beautiful farmhouses. GGGGPPPPSSSS____000000006666----000000009999____PPPPrrrreeeelllliiiimmmm////HHHHTTTTGGGG....qqqqxxxxdddd 19990////7779////000011133 3333 ::5111:4442 2PPP MMMP M PPP aaaPgggaeeeg e777 7 (TEXT BLACK plate) H O W T O U S E T H I S G U I D E 7 THE COUNTRY INTRODUCTIONS These pages provide an overview of the country’s GREAT BRITAIN 6699 Thumb tabsEach country tmiaodnosfioff ofsttdehitrparaemeypt in,maio nttan iogont,ys ndathp niieoogndsnfht f e meoltirrofgee phpsaattcirlic ancstscoiog mtsm mipuce-aeclsalh.ces WWoosBnNNt1iwsapLwitwacTdbciWUfbtPcA(wannthhhaptoaoo mau0 fefeooerhm&eaelohaiimfccaeee ifinakml5uutttaxasoonseyeScwslllbthhuriB gtee) k uuuktnnecower,urMcYrt’ etbei - mt eUUrs ce mhi tdrderhttsu–t tcftowidnDsa,yeaDrra maoho mshf.nn ieh nsoyy1e arsoeakkk g tsnialtweuhie I ikdecismcay 0ihrmrtsirl l snanang-lLL whnhlr eaeeklr sro t 3nldtSeeln eridc r iii aaieorht e dooa sw)egrnOe(tti hs Hai moaoiac ntch c h,tioipchhhu tuEs aa ss rretsinstentimttkilotooeetfeant seenoasa nt enp fdn.hlhhh ddaoi ( huie n rnugs nrlycmddune soyo pgnnNio yn, D n ogCde ossty o i amdc Noshnulf ooahcdnaepe fesh m a nahfhuiudsosmugo h1rmrsBoaeu o fc aial entveuoc ttsolwaymere0 etlta lhrrmcuhhlv&,ip eheu colowrtt dbrfs 8l ikipepii aetw cawaoltnd9lntke d Btnsms)Ay.iisoe aerslaalhetln5oli a.cttei ae ge l msagktd raai(sn nse c t)Ciabc n o cOds enolpoaahc nt. ihhdwrgkrtl.tle h lannog,ctnaluh ao11oee,det–i a isl ehllheapugn11atebdes,yttiiil hrenlnh99 feoiet tegmue-cfoooelrgeesthf f tGog(hEaToaibLawrWTBaPwcsiPihnnsoeauasncnoafooedobehhr liic snfascscewladdttcimtttiveeBebtlolnhhtnleeeedhcsheau il reeercg b ogellsnpabowH ur disspi slasisaitBs loruttuenls) areeoaoiitiasseso ,oa,ugbwhaasrt r ws i s lnmrekoaBng nfclcmkhaTrl euhc fgedeaneohroet,sie-ee oaerae sun a n l A sdfre manonr ovOa ponFwunhtFmgodiid clhndnbennnrfsttsl eyi ff oe r in rr ( bd eyiegf la sn gtepsaeonlyEpantBaof alts lrh esg ali sia’ nidgasch sswsanrdvc gbateueman,hguiioefi taco agsehdt yno)niDcndSe iaporemn l iat tteohbrrd tlhn ioi me sybdegsy h(inn1 Sf suo eootuctakrro -feItth1t .elsbreft aartnuoow srieAah gou5ItduenD.sv l ads. pn taur)heiorido inerso,ennroa,eneTs ne gt dor, uavnab va o tamhdu tnnsoryirauehmr–esdsieidot nltsaate’e..ttsleooahAlpptHHnOTCisT(tpHoaoOnihipinrkorroofnnfaero daatgeetfeeeasI hrernt eerSemk atGsbetgssmtRn eanWsaeroy hahoewblOieeiufboHwrylsnn mennenuanl ea oT–w,tlpa ydta9 f Ltgmleatn Eiaa rleaymoan shnnL1 sie loLtItl;w vt -nolo ns eo S oGig)sxh hydfeitsasot,dfy( nr nra odcy oI tnotH u oapo auL ifi fr y eWulgjucluLtoLrtcWutHmitmaurTleop U esehcaot i.rgSroashlotSiawuhs Satt -e sdentte ialawTihol rt r; o stptslig eptRy gnM ihM- nte 9C naenrsAaer(lh ua Tiayiol,0tnppalnT oielsvy macetdil wt)cEwna daax cn rah Lyos –lDtalnh pgglecftaiottho.iemub lteoah swieaeeen nhdecsogdi gprorps rel dcaeh ga nh9leie ihrus -m htninsaoel l6oa:leiatlos.itaoghr ,u)n gdtaaheeispI , nesshr-d usenti rterfnb.tsecyoseyer-.r Hthhaiugsm halb id gtiahffbtes.reWnte- cuosleo uthriesd SCacooeusawuhnrmcscnoheeccaod up ohp ur tmnoal hl eporaatcfeaaery ystnytvmcae h ieedsrcrmhoere fhaaua orapelann ltoff loebogdoslclsolo e ayseiwfc d nlao ti hf hglnhsoo asp o ecd,nrpS lei :irdacoml ce onmo siingatcaidtittalkaalneiainotmetelniieyno erdefasnsu,r,lyl Wykkhham Arms at Winchhester, page 92, thhe archhetypall pubb-withh-chharacter stihnece et ioaoucnhts ttcoao nsuidnnigntrlgey .poluatc aes f etow s otafy artagena 33 MEDITERRANEAN SEA 44 00 0kkkk iiiikllllioolmmmmomeetttterrrrteeeersssses55555500000050 55000050 Strait of Gibbraltar 55 AA BB CC EEEEEEEEEssssssssstttttteeeeepppona LOCATORMMMAPS Cassssstttttteeeeellar de Fronteera The towns and villages in which our entries are located are shown in a box marked by a GGIIBBRRAALLTTAARR star, accompanied by a page number. Simply 319 turn to the page, and you will find the entry TTTTTTaaaaarrriiiiffffa GIBRALTAR raltar 326 for that particular place to stay. You may also CCCCeuta find the maps useful for planning holiday routes linking places to stay. k IINDEPENDENTLY IINSPECTED This book has been created of the places featured in inspectors. Most inspection by a team of specialist the book have paid to be visits were anonymous. hotel writers, most with in the guide. Those hotels For every hotel that many years’ experience of which we did not already appears in the guide, inspecting hotels. None know were visited by many were rejected. GGGGPPPPSSSS____000000006666----000000009999____PPPPrrrreeeelllliiiimmmm////HHHHTTTTGGGG....qqqqxxxxdddd 26666////7778////000011133 1111 221:::1333:0002 1AAA MMMP M PPP aaaPgggaeeeg e888 8 (TEXT BLACK plate) 8 H O W T O U S E T H I S G U I D E HOW TO READ THE ENTRIES THELLLISTINGS •Regional introduction These follow in Britain, France, Italy, alphabetical order by 116 Germany and Spain have nearest town or city. been divided into regional Long entries follow their sub-sections, each with a oshwonrt sa.lpha order, as do vwshwMsdhAuuiooiaeeasiptulwtttenceeaeslorrsydsen bf m arwptt e ooclliesaamnnr t tconaltghoi,es b sdeussttalh s nittt–ncisraista hadd aikipnmda esiaen icl ea t ablseinou od.oslf tdatnvv :uSnWi aeaonaw dnlmaag r taci bllaeaeeolre,g ssu m s ,seorto nm ,fewor ts arftito yhtfttfhtuheeler.ingcheaoeronfasot Aedhllf olc iaeifgnncnrr oosesoggop mm w bhdeHbtrycmoii t ootlesih p ohoarttaoerhodcm lsdri iraeeovttaai syyrlpabcp t ) ch sitece oemeoamaiaoW ntsoruuk aateek aiesntninr cii nlosneotfascsifru hdigfettWyo eel s ehS. n(ndt anwraOf b scalaoon eirtol– trrwhsed fha e ehaegdrf astaurWaokrutorstlemlfnunee ie aaan sgrliesisttoreaeetnssshe.fss;,.,. scshuoobur-ntd tiirnviietdrs oeiddn.u tchtei ognu.i dThe ea oreth neort •Entries with a photo These are our favourite places. Each conforms to a Gc•hivaTerhsa etch tdeere e soscsf ertnihpteitaioln PfhafsbN§$∂arenoeoomrddtrmi¢A(pee0 irtlolbSosh 1y rae nwo7t m or hhTo5msgiftio8aowtd orhhsc)vo-cc hd,N 7oye uym,noso1 mpnGor.v3nahu emw3gitooFnaol0tnyfyeo.e 3 n wit llr.Tf@hesei ien`dich5iavtesdtet0iedkr ei ng ne -Lr(bypim0Ltxcgne e51loc. vfaina37roenniioer e5nrl7enstelo8w e,Br e0 b)mEsnU tsc7’auh t.tss1 caiiebM,tfnl3oc e ad,agl5Frrta,m.iontd3. nlpa/e.8sdiggltspR. yc e s7ow-hMCsi4oom.eaa C rmBrIrsip,-nd2e sBVlf.nsiea.1gritsde]7aahwe.nteiS ] oeidBsnr aeayd2tSecbbrNszhoue0styue to4ni sDastHa5matitSbnrdn aab4el ave vil0h avesys÷ia4inhaxsdd n5nnmsmts’.dr ahsa ¢aa`ehe o u oSsn ntpStpepri.Ntt(rdcl a,,.0aiT ecai,vC2wovn hlaT9iae,mas het)rrhc .erd i2 ayo0ici/ is0fm b hfo f3f asi lClp1vby fwAyFe aoe,i3-E1lnina,-sv0,sd0s gtidih7Dun. te 5a 5 RCtrgwcSwra.eo , uD$i ssooMalrd. t atvmrafMeeCuisa rncrs,ihecac sfk;Vst1rpyi ,euo..o t3d rhpp]runv6ree7aas.ot 4t r.]tiii to shniECc netvt][email protected]§ri]poyrplyrey (di 0sf2o9r) lcarritDgeero inna’u t( mseexbep eperca otn ft ehole uomrn s aepllale gctoeti o6n). place. ToNM`hLhhNM0oyvlaoaaates repB(pMGbn sr0lr.sl,ecp1oewpdoapo c72v7.owa.ahi46eulR4knofc 7nkra oB niCd) ,go3 0ao S,2 4C a.urmmhA0.ar§ts2obd§brsah m4eu,ebr5l 3Art,(nanHed0g .7(rf.0.1dda]t.a BohR2v1G$r.re euBo6Eom8Do]nn77osoR,ohnR)ti 3emm Cynydo2G) m,E sanT0 u8sMhra2AC5 ehs3mwao3e.or0eVaHn3 m] rn2 rp@h2dWEtm8Feh/oat 29yN eordAet0cm.entu aiy2o`Nlssatt.3h-ohph ws3iBYskrletr0he(aycei0r .nioylSrdi1eelugAslr8 n ’.o3Ns7dat2o rP3 iyh nlm7)7o o i8R9nsvm3ASeg2.Fe ..1o9f9.0c$MTrdNBNcMeoeuheaasnmratrppb3Hbiatrner, feiupplMgeo ,egaHd 7rh rr7 aa.oh4t Mto4iSanhRno f Atbt tatoCerteSe e3loi o3wtlelen.d@rw m. te §Bha, ba§e SnsyioCutect,..Cl3srd .r( hiFc(0t.WTce0riol 1sk]FioRsh1emhneh3eo8rtggolII4er ]7lm0uEwCS8v -e3tra)exrsHe u) rK 8ags cdlb8nla 7d,oe,G,1 lH ,nl4PiilP,o 0gtldod2weUei4dOh.ow7m n0i RAwt5ntbyW8bt ho.,sala. erR u o `oleNr`dg EnmkDmaiPornecsL8os(so hny(0 hao0L13de-1 it1mgBr4sm 3se8ifW.o 4t so7aoSu]i8..on3nA sa)) dgpd6t] 8e85,h 7d1t 4ee91 0raHi6en1sG9.7 6t..h. e itccIynnhopt naeoefrrsrog edoresemft r itanh ttcegooc , s moamam amraimkngee ioy pdt dhrd isaeicttf aeigfoe nuorndired anhteortadv.e been included, at every price level. Not just hotels, but guest 104 NORTHERN ENGLAND 104 NORTHERN ENGLAND houses, bed-and-breakfasts, BBAASSSSEENNTTHHWWAAIITTEE OORRRROOWWDDAALLEE inns and even a few self- catering places. PaewmfcNC`RohnaoAhiooradto1ehlB(ddr0mi 3aaea ce 1 gssmcs9srr7saetatnYe16 eannnnEd 88rkan.eta.ft7 henuM riy∂)Iweos dls7n asua .if6,p nlnei¢ sit0BiBBg ewn ps0seT h ,7L2i yCaOOhtta7c.rt,o hkeei o $gnDLLewnrc nei,og5sedTT icm tC. ltnm p deshOO§tot,hphs ao lceosylsaaNNkuiai atce(toDsrt0t kre laenaam1eTAA .nfyrs7 b u.VoetB c6@a/tuBBr h8oesbrote,a7ehdBB ia rfs)n,vfMrs a EEuho7tyCegseCnle6orYYeuhllea,2d emdm iotlV3o.p. bc.f4slfnh oorr] .di oa.oau–uarm nnk ]eraekg 0 .i es tnsTismobho,pel,kdles.$LaEsapuNM∂tncendlyaerda dwlop¢Bneet eosmtahM pyrsBBwrr 7rea D datoto7iishlreOOhitw@ ka fhceDeH dn l WWc et5 Pbaoo efha.lheao wetao§mNNhlyo,ldl idnesnKicudEE s. eeeeP(s h-t0rDsFSS eo resw1abee,auSShi b7nrnvidrccie.-6deip. nkhOOco/8a f, eoe 7utduoChr.sNN)reus fu.Veb7i kl .smRiod-I7i c s]0tWWw 2oba ihnoh4r yniife7uaan boewa.II ssg,Cur nl`NN , sspArddil p-ti.uDD1Pc fl(Rie2Jdoea0naEEo ntd1u5n iron7tRRdUiriirncms6ctiaYoMMeidg8e.ads s7 aitvS1.EEB)th f i1im7NfoierRR.as7awnioi3tdEErahws6 ylw.3 .ith PaewmfcNC`RohnaoAhiooradto1ehlB(ddr0mi 3aaea ce 1 gssmcs9srr7saetatnYe16 eannnnEd 88rkan.eta.ft7 henuM riy∂)Iweos dls7n asua .if6,p nlnei¢ sit0BiBBg ewn ps0seT h ,7L2i yaCOOhtta7c.rt,o hkeei o $gnDLLewnrc nei,og5sedTT icmtC. ltnm p deshOO§tot,hphs ao lceosylasaNNkuiai atce(toDsrtt0 krel aenaam1eTAA .nfyrs7 b u.VoetB c6@a/tuBBr h 8oesbrote,a7ehdBB ia rfsn),vfMrs a EEuho7tyCegseCnle6orYYeuhllea,2d emdm iotlV3o.p. bc.f4slfnh oorr] .di oa.oau–uarmnnk ]eraekg 0 i. est nsTismobho,pel,kdles.LaEsapuNM$∂tncendlyaerdadwlop¢Bneet eosmtahM pyrsBBwrr 7rea D datoto7iishlreOOhitw@ ka fhceDeH dn l WWc et5 Pbaoo efha.lheao wetao§mNNhlyo,ldl idnesnKicudEE s. eeeeP(s h-t0rDsFSS eo resw1abee,auSShi b7nrnvidrccie.-6deip. nkhOOco/8a f, eoe 7utduoChr.sNN)reus fu.Veb7i kl .smRiod-I7i c s]0tWWw 2oba ihnoh4r yniife7uaan boewa.II ssg,Curn l`NN , sspArddil p-ti.uDD1Pc fl(RieJ2doea0naEEo ntd1u5n iron7tRRdUiriirncms6ctiaYoMMeidg8e.ads s7 aitvS1.EEB)th f imi17NfoierRR.as7awnioit3dEErahws6 ylw.3 .ith s•TwthaieStyhsh e–oo aeurartte cae ha n plalth rngiordeet soae vt eprlya coense t oof them a useful address – but for one reason or another our inspectors could not rate them $SDhDfrdtNMhrooeoeeaeos tmvvpB÷medmigooole pe nslnCvnti7d.∂,soesa h5s nthrro ahhfm DioAB¢twreis1suerb [email protected],areb o§-Nlesoea eprAsdeygnrmo,evt e rd(hSerbs0nmai krt 1ye.dfelHi up7 /..srBc tt5o rBhoorTnu6u.oeneAui)hrs ,s oslk7 EieDihNtsmn1, .0 e ou o0DggTsdrk4ftClt oh oh4iebt,lnneh 1as, MYl asr.r, eotdegRyn`Ch r. e,bekde, aR lsesg V yrho(tDOd.oe0a i or]w r-1uuelmtoad7w criBho t5a]shhDWoem6ne4 2a )t]1os ids 3d7ns.a bi 1 agn6ncjo0reA.idoef5ncJ u 6.gtt ts4nhh.teery$¢LavahatNMeznniioeaanadd u wpBJlkdc aseoeDpasnpeeawn,ln 7.tsi etn anh7ao Weaanbe n dDsesnFaeodiyas5nd e-@or K.tolag laydl§nrli e lknh -Fwy-LnpWdeeo anabeda(nd0rit.renne gh1omo/ddecef5dneeoyl, 3le rlm erl9mcM.tanacdh)oat eotdC4 eeutr.thru,4eud hr ota,V3ktr ienee.lCs2bl0ro ]s ,8uerc g ua6mtdioawnc.s]brbmre ` o,dowrls.,iofe apdoes mn.(rLirl0itRsActnts1a ooi2.gg5nb om3D3,lgl om e93t erwr r)Jsi econP4fi1om rokn4.o4u7msge.mn 4 n∂asw5t d,nr5Pyiod.tahuts DhDfrdtNM$Shrooeoeeaeos tmvvpB÷medmigooole p enslnCvnti7d.∂,soesa h5s nthrro ahhfm DioAB¢twreis1suerb [email protected],areb o§-Nlesoea eprAsdeygnrmo,evt e rd(hSerbs0nmai krt 1ye.dfelHi up7 /..srBc tt5o rBhoorTnu6u.oeneAui)hrs ,s oslk7 EieDihNtsmn1, .0 e ou o0DggTsdrk4ftClt oh oh4iebt,lnneh 1as, MYl asr.r, eotdegRyn`Ch r. e,bekde, aR lsesg V yrho(tDOd.oe0a i or]w r-1uuelmtoad7w criBho ta5]shhDWoem6ne4 2a )t]1os ids 3d7ns.a bi 1 agn6ncjo0reA.ido ef5ncJ u 6.gttts4nhh.teeryLavahatNM$¢eznniioeaanaddu wpBJlkdc aseoeDpasnpeeawn,ln 7.tsi etn anh7ao Weaabne n dDsesnFeaodiyas5nd e-@or K.tolag laydl§nrli e lknh -Fwy-LnpWdeeo anabeda(nd0rit.renne g h1omo/ddecef5dneeoyl, 3le rlm erl9mcM.tanacdh)oat eotdC4 eeutr.thru,4eud hr ota,V3ktr ienee.lCs2bl0ro ]s ,8uerc g ua6mtdioawnc.s]brbmre ` o,dowrls.,iofe apdoes mn.(rLirl0itRsActnts1a ooi2.gg5nb om3D3,lgl om e93t erwr r)Jsi econP4fi1om rokn4.o4 u7msge.mn 4 n∂asw5t d,nr5Pyiod.ta huts apfihsn ohdti osgsoh.m Daeso wnth’etel lbe-ekn nstruoiwrepsn rwi,s ileutdhx t-o GhsNMgteoeeaounop1rgsc0rpeii-gal71 snid71)a-e .t nE CocB5wr oo.Tr nres§oashagwtokeau`fdntase e s,wH .t(Df0sDsiou n1tahrue9hrU t1seaf.c)le m Rao3t aimT,8rH kC 6o(e0 owAa8n.n0 nM D7dbi-nu0.c r a.Reh t $hnoapmeotrr moe ceDf nosuGHqn6s1ue.is oioe4]rinrPregvS s]o@ia. atfnory.AtvNB$hDislrl2 hea3i3negf Sfi 5eoeu1A’@mls7Ed tam.mh sHMh-eacfroaiiseen punFl dosstphGulqed7oru,5uyS RG asi DmercrA1e.aocp.,sotS s§tlw.iaeSnug gikIgte`thN0ous n)eaG ,(s 0tbStluT1a,hkdc7rio.Opkg5uRtee6oNso d)ne wo7 , bm5(aNoe2loslh5rer7it8idghn.4i ]dn.Ygo aatr]lrhkldyesehnire. GhsNMgteoeeaounop1rgsc0rpeii-gal71 snid71)a-e .t nE CocB5wr oo.Tr nres§oashagwtokeau`fdntase e s,wH .t(Df0sDsiou n1tahrue9hrU t1seaf.c)le m Raot3 aimT,8rH kC 6o(e0 owAa8n.n0 nM D7dbi-nu0.c r a.Reh t $hnoapmeotrr moe ceDf nosuGHqn6s1ue.is oioe4]rinrPregvS s]o@ia. atfnory.AtvNB$hDislrl2hea3i3negf Sfi 5eoeu1A’@ml7sEd tam.mh sHMh-eacfroaiiseen punFl dosstphGulqed7oru,5uyS RG asi DmercrA1e.aocp.,sotS s§tlw.iaeSnug gikIgte`thN0ous n)eaG ,(s 0tbStluT1a,hkdc7rio.Opkg5uRtee6oNso d)ne wo7 , bm5(aNoe2loslh5rer7it8idghn.4i ]dn.Ygo aatr]lrhkldyesehnire. ushroiorut es nptlraicees.s Tahmeyo nmga tyh ebsee $WwINMnia ht tphRshiuy teppdee7 @ar W7Mle w WtoDtohyr5aisd tt.sebes§m rwe,H doGoo(srr0rsoaut.1schoGs5mo me3mfea9RsrRm4e 0eA(,) tinC3lwSyo5bu Mo2,wmud9 .nbinE5nRrte.ii Roald`a oL EthsfmAoe(e20src 21 l17i u5t99.s3dS]3 9Eec04.dus ]). i3sci5on5tet1a,6g.e).ODsNM$imilasd pGtnp rerDiplecei7lau.t,o7, t n sd aLDogga 5m@snelg§oaleGidntnweael -`oRheGan,an EheAt(d. 0mAynw-1elsbTl5ottl oe30rAsnn9Ltid4, e tbe) Awh ,w,3 le,CNi7dat 2uhh.lG7km Reh2eoabD.errorsiataAm’ r othLsLyfAo 1E2tfs4ho2t.ee o9]l drLJyY.a .:k e WwINM$nia ht tphRshiuy teppdee7 @ar W7Mle w WtoDtohyr5aisd tt.sebes§m rwe,H doGoo(srr0rsoaut.1schoGs5mo me3mfea9RsrRm4e 0eA(,) tinC3lwSyo5bu Mo2,wmud9 .nbinE5nRrte.ii Roald`a oL EthsfmAoe(e20src 21 l17i u5t99.s3dS]3 9Eec04.dus ]). i3sci5on5tet1a,6g.e).ODsNM$imilasdpGtnp rerDiplecei7lau.t,o7, t n sd aLDogga 5m@snelg§oaleGidntnweael -`oRheGan,an EheAt(d. 0mAynw-1elsbTl5ottl oe30rAsnn9Ltid4, e tbe) Awh ,w,3 le,CNi7dat 2uhh.lG7km Reh2eoabD.errorsiataAm’ r othLsLyfAo 1E2tfs4ho2t.ee o9]l drLJyY.a .:k e tionpsp-celcatsosr sh owteerlse, bbruite foeudr to look for places that offered the •The factual information traveller something special, All you need to finalize your choice and book. For rather than places that follow an explanation of the symbols, see page 9. a formula – however luxurious. FORVVVISITORS FROM OUTSIDE EUROPE First-time visitors are often Face clothsand Kleenex minimal compared with surprised by the following tissuesare not always what’s served in the US – features of European hotels provided. often no more than bread and other places to stay: rolls, butter, jam and possibly Private bathrooms You’ll a choice of coffee or tea. Adaptors (adapters)The mostly, but not always, get electricity points vary from your own bathroom. Passportas securityMany country to country so you of the places featured in this will find it useful to take a Floor numbersWhat guide will ask for this when universal adaptor. Americans call the first floor you check in. It will be is known as the ground floor returned when you leave. Tippingvaries widely from (or “0”) in Europe. In Britain, country to country. See the “elevators” are “lifts”. Markings on hot and cold advice given on the tapsmay be confusing. In introductory pages for each Breakfasts(especially in France, for example, ‘C’ country. France and Italy) are often means hot (chauddd). GGGPPPSSS___000000666---000000999___PPPrrreeellliiimmm///HHHTTTGGG...qqqxxxddd 666///777///000111 9111111::2225:::2333 000P MAAA MMM P aPPPgaaaeggg eee9 99 (TEXT BLACK plate) H O W T O U S E T H I S G U I D E 9 HOW TO READ THE ENTRIES TEHNTERLIEOSNWGEITRH BROAD CAMPDEN Village, town or PHOTO city in which, or near which, the See opposite. The entry is located information is always given in the same sequence. Photo of hotel Malt HouseIn a tiny hamlet comprising little more than church and pub, is this delightful Description of 17th-century Cotswold house. There are low, hotel beamed ceilings and leaded windows Address overlooking a dream garden. The attractive bedrooms include a garden suite. The owners’ Telephone son, Julian Brown, is the accomplished cook. number Map location NBroad Campden, Gloucestershire GL55 6UU. Mapp74 A2. §(01386) 8402950.`(01386) 841334. Fax number E-mail address [email protected] 0b,d. Rooms8.∂¢Christmas./AE, DC, MC, V.]] Meals Number of rooms Garden When closed Credit cards Price band AN EXPLANATION OFTHE SYMBOLS NPostal address room service is available or ]]]Price bandsin the not. local currency, referring to §Telephone number the price of a standard Number of rooms. We double room in high `Fax number give the total number, season. These prices were including singles, doubles quoted to our contibutors $E-mail address, if and suites. and were correct at time available when we went to of going to press – there press. Some hotels will ∂Garden, terrace or any is, however, no guarantee have acquired e-mail after outside area. that you will be offered this edition of the guide exactly the same prices. was printed. Note, too, that zAir conditioningin (Some hotels in tourist many change their e-mail most of the rooms, or centres will raise their address from time to time. throughout. prices when demand Many hotels with e-mail looks as if it will exceed also have a website – you SPool– whether it is space.) The price band is may find it worthwhile to indoor, outdoor, heated or therefore only an indication search for this on the without heating. of the cost of staying in a Internet – it is highly hotel. Please note that our convenient to book through ÷Health facilities entries often offer a wide the Web. – whether exercise range of rooms, from cheap machines, fitness room, to expensive: enquire when 0Mealsgenerallyserved gymnasium, trainer, sauna, booking. The price may or in the establishment‘s own Jacuzzi or whirlpool. may not include breakfast. restaurant or eating area: Depending on the country, b– breakfast, l– lunch, ¢Closed breakfast is either included, d– dinner. Some places or an extra, but the price serve a light lunch (or even /Credit cardsWe note of breakfast rarely makes provide a picnic) on only whether American a significant difference to request. Remember that Express (AE), Diners Club the price band. The price restaurants may be closed (DC), Mastercard (MC) or bands differ for each on certain days of the week Visa (V) are accepted. country, and their actual – enquire when booking. Other cards may be values are given on the We do not show whether accepted too. relevant introductory pages.

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