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Great Answers to Difficult Questions about Divorce: What Children Need to Know (Great Answers to Difficult Que) PDF

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Great Answers to Difficult Questions about DIVORCE bythesameauthor GreatAnswerstoDifficultQuestionsaboutAdoption WhatChildrenNeedtoKnow ISBN9781843106715 of relatedinterest HelpyourChildorTeenGetBackOnTrack WhatParentsandProfessionalsCanDoforChildhoodEmotional andBehavioralProblems KennethH.Talan,M.D. ISBN9781843108702 Self-EsteemGamesforChildren DeborahM.Plummer IllustratedbyJaneSerrurier ISBN9781843104247 AngerManagementGamesforChildren DeborahM.Plummer IllustratedbyJaneSerrurier ISBN9781843106289 Great Answers to Difficult Questions DIVORCE about WHAT CHILDREN NEED TO KNOW Fanny Cohen Herlem JessicaKingsleyPublishers LondonandPhiladelphia Thiseditionpublishedin2008 byJessicaKingsleyPublishers 116PentonvilleRoad LondonN19JB,UK and 400MarketStreet,Suite400 Philadelphia,PA19106,USA www.jkp.com Firsteditionpublishedin2005inFrenchasLedivorce: commentrépondreauxquestionsdesenfants Copyright©ÉditionsPascal2005 TranslatedfromFrenchbyTranslate-A-Book,Oxford,England Allcasehistoriesandexamplespresentedinthisbookaredrawnfromtheauthor’spersonal experience.Propernameshavebeenchangedtopreserveconfidentiality. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedinanymaterialform (includingphotocopyingorstoringitinanymediumbyelectronicmeansandwhetherornot transientlyorincidentallytosomeotheruseofthispublication)withoutthewrittenpermission ofthecopyrightownerexceptinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheCopyright,Designs andPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsofalicenceissuedbytheCopyrightLicensing AgencyLtd,SaffronHouse,6–10KirbyStreet,LondonEC1N8TS.Applicationsforthe copyrightowner’swrittenpermissiontoreproduceanypartofthispublicationshouldbe addressedtothepublisher. Warning:Thedoingofanunauthorisedactinrelationtoacopyrightworkmayresultinboth acivilclaimfordamagesandcriminalprosecution. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Herlem,FannyCohen. Greatanswerstodifficultquestionsaboutdivorce:whatchildrenneedtoknow/Fanny CohenHerlem. p.cm. ISBN978-1-84310-672-2(pb:alk.paper) 1. Divorce.2. Childrenofdivorcedparents.3. Questionsandanswers. I.Title. HQ814.H452008 306.89--dc22 2008007289 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN9781843106722 ISBNpdfeBook9781846428180 PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesby Thomson-Shore,Inc Contents PREFACE 7 CHAPTER1 Why are my parents separating? 17 CHAPTER2 What happens now? 23 CHAPTER3 They never agree and they’re always arguing! 33 CHAPTER4 I’m going to Dad’s (Mom’s) now! 39 CHAPTER5 What if we all live too far away from each other? 45 CHAPTER6 Things aren’t easy for me right now! 51 CHAPTER7 What will happen next? 60 CHAPTER8 Common mistakes and complications 69 CHAPTER9 Things are better now! 83 APPENDIX1: ACHECKLISTFORCHILDREN 85 APPENDIX2: PARENTALBEHAVIORAND THELAW 87 APPENDIX3: USEFULWEBSITES 90 Preface Divorce is a word derived from the Latin for separation. Being aparentisnotafreeride! Attimesitisdifficult to reconcile one’s own needs with the demands of marriedlifeandparenthood–sodifficult,infact,that something often has to give! As we know, either partnermayelecttogohisorherownwayanddecide –forallkindsofreasons–thatcontinuingtolivewith theotherpartnerisnolongeraviableoption.Clearly, such decisions cantrigger awholerangeof emotions, among them guilt, anger, hostility, and, at times, outrighthatred.Itiscommonknowledgethatsepara- tion and divorce are often painful, and, what is more, they can prompt a reappraisal of life choices, habits, andlifestylegenerally.Evenwhentheprocessofsepa- ration and divorce is amicable, the readjustment and reorganization of day-to-day life is likely to prove onerous and painful. This book is primarily intended (cid:2) 7 (cid:2) GREATANSWERSTODIFFICULTQUESTIONSABOUTDIVORCE to help not only parents undergoing divorce, but also those they hold in common trust, the children. Inprinciple,anadultshouldhavethepracticaland emotional resources to deal with problems as they arise,orshouldknowwheretoturnforhelp.Bycom- parisonwithpreviousgenerations,today’sparentsare arguably better informed about (and, as a result, probably more alert to) the effects such changed cir- cumstancesmayhaveontheirchildren.Astheprocess of separation follows its course, parents will often wish totalk totheir childrenand explainstepby step what is happening and why. Even so, it is sometimes far from easy to care for others when one is already hard-pressed to take care of oneself!Parentsareoftensopreoccupiedbyevery- thing that is going on in their own lives and by their own immediate problems, that they fail to read the signs of distress or confusion from their children. Time and again, I have seen how “well-behaved” children can react in such circumstances. They may choose to keep their own counsel and be determined to ask no questions that might somehow offend the adultsinvolved.Theymayoftenprove“unbearable”to an unprecedented degree; to the point where their parents, at a loss to understand, are themselves bewil- dered and distraught. As a rule (the exception perhaps being where a parental relationship is excessively adversarial) children dislike this sort of change, where they find (cid:2) 8 (cid:2)

Is it my fault that my parents are getting divorced? Do I have to choose between my mum and my dad? Is it normal to feel angry with my parents? When faced with their parentsa?? divorce, children have many concerns and questions that are difficult for a parent to answer. This book explores childrena?
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