FROM GREETINGS CONGRESS! SPRING CLEARANCE SALE - - GREAT AMERICAN SALES PO BOX 1073 CONGRESS, AZ 85332 SELECTIONS OF YOUR CHOICE... YOU MAY ORDER MORE THAN ONE COPY OF ANY CATALOGUE — 1 - 50 $3.00 ea. 51 More $2.75 or ea. SALE GOOD THROUGH MARCH 31, 1999. Regular shipping and handling rates apply. See next page. Title selection limited to stock on hand - first come, first served. Phone orders welcome 9 am - 8 pm MST, Monday - Saturday. Many fine selections still available from our December ’98 list. If you need a copy, please send $3 to cover P&H and we’ll be happy to send you one. Thank you! HOW DO YOU WANT TO RECEIVE YOUR PACKAGE P Here are the options to choose from : 1. SPECIAL STANDARD (BOOK RATE). Please send $2.00 for the first item and $.75 cents for each additional item along with insurance from the table below. This is how most orders will be shipped unless another choice is requested and prepaid. This option takes anywhere from 5 days to three weeks for your package to arrive (it can be extremely slow). 2. PRIORITY MAIL. Please send $3.20 for the first item and $1.50 for each additional item along with insurance from the table below. It will take 2 to 10 days for your package to arrive as the post office will not guarantee delivery within three days. NOTE Shipping your order may cost more or less than the estimates above depending upon weight. You will be : charged the actual shipping amount. Any additional charges will be billed; any prepaid overages will be credited to your account. Insured packages can only be traced after 30 days. ** jAny prefer of$20 or morefor merchandise keevs you on our maidna Cistfor one entire year. ** PACKING & HANDLING Please add the following charges for the number of items you order: : 1 - 5 ...$ .50 per item 6 - 10 ...$ 3.00 Total 11 - 20 ...$ 5.00 Total 21 - 30 ...$ 6.00 Total 31 - 40 ...$ 8.00 Total 41 - 50 ....$10.00 Total 51 or more........$12.00 Total This helps cover the cost ofboxes, strapping tape, packing for the catalogues, labels, etc. INSURANCE We insure all packages. Please add charges from the table below: : POST OFFICE INSURANCE 0.01 to $ 50 ........$0.85 50.01 to 100 ........ 1.80 100.01 to 200 ........ 2.75 200.01 to 300 ........ 3.70 300.01 to 400 ........ 4.65 400.01 to 500 ........ 5.60 500.01 to 600 ........ 6.55 Add $0.95 cents per additional $100 of value up to $5,000. Great American ALE PO BOX 1073 CONGRESS AZ 85332 520-427-3567 NOTE: All catalogues are generally fine or better, meaning all pages and plates are intact. “P” indicates a prices realized, or a photocopy, is included with the catalogue. We make every attempt to pack your catalogues to arrive in good shape, but we can't take responsibility for any damage that may occur in transit. Hope you enjoy the selection. flMWEST 07/10/81 Capitol, 38pp., 1400 Lots 06/09/80 Ariagno II Ancients, 77pp., 579 Lots P 11/18/83 VIP, 87pp., 1193 Lots, Nice Colonials 06/09/80 Ariagno/Wilke, 157pp„ 1866 Lots P 06/10/80 Univ. of Rochester, 88pp., 2163 Lots P ANA 08/08/80 Del Mar, 64pp„ 1333 Lots P 10/03/80 Park Forest, 63pp„ 2016 Lots P 08/1974 Paramount, 144pp„ 1514 Lots P 08/1978 Bowers & Ruddy, 219pp., 2934 Lots P 12/01/80 Bridgeton, 59pp., 1211 Lots P 0087//11998801 SBtoewveersIvy&, 1R3u1dpdpy.,, 334560p0p.L,ot3s502 Lots PP 0011//1147//8811 MMccFFaarrllaanndd II,I, 1601p0pp.p,.,912210L1otLsots PP 07/1984 Kurt Krueger, 110pp., 3776 Lots P 03/27/81 Harte II, 92pp„ 1327 Lots P 04/03/81 Chesterfield, 101pp., 1438 Lots P BOWERS RUDDY GALLERIES 06/15/81 Tuttle I, 94pp„ 1203 Lots P Sc 06/15/81 Tuttle II, 69pp., 1429 Lots P 1015//1361//7734 ARuostthienr,t,12152p7pp.p,.,11897641LoLtosts PP 0192//2125//8811 SSpprriinnggffiieelldd II,I,10342p3pp.p,.,25673958LLoottss PP 11/04/74 Paxman, 173pp„ 2211 Lots P 01/28/82 Hetrich, 143pp., 3307 Lots P 01/30/75 Newport, 177pp., 2561 Lots P 06/02/82 Harbor, 95pp„ 2363 Lots P 06/05/75 Scott, 224pp., 3205 Lots P 09/21/82 Steig, 134pp., 3428 Lots P 09/19/75 Winthrop, 150pp., 2803 Lots P 10/30/82 NewYork Library, 130pp., 2562 Lots P 02/20/76 Montgomery, 237pp„ 4842 Lots P 01/25/83 Harte III, 195pp., 3913 Lots P 05/14/76 Krugjohann, 98pp„ 1565 Lots P 06/24/76 Willing, 121pp., 1555 Lots P BOWERS IYIERENA 6t 06/25/76 Stafford, 78pp„ 1198 Lots P 04/08/83 Conn. Hist. Soc./Sheldon, 207pp„ 4223 Lots P 10/01/76 Turoff, 96pp., 1841 Lots P 11/09/83 Brown, 132pp., 2785 Lots P 11/11/76 River Oaks, 134pp., 3597 Lots P 01/26/84 Sipe/Ness, 130pp„ 2452 Lots P 05/05/77 Getty, 96pp„ 1971 Lots P 03/26/84 Sieck/ Harte, 159pp„ 2425 Lots P 06/20/77 Doolittle, 161pp., 3776 Lots P 06/19/84 Dodson / Collier, 245pp„ 2682 Lots P 1112//1068//7777 HHaerrtdemaIn,,11768ppp.p,„31277623LLoottss PP 11/12/84 Emery/ Nichols, 177pp„ 1836 Lots ,...P 11/14/84 Hewitt, 112pp„ 1405 Lots P 02/09/78 Johnson / Meyer, 171pp., 4416 Lots P 01/24/85 Cohen, 219pp„ 2951 Lots P 04/06/78 Dr. Phillip More, 130pp„ 3270 Lots P 03/25/85 Patterson, 280pp., 2589 Lots P 06/05/78 Fulton, 141pp., 3518 Lots P 06/10/85 Greene, 186pp., 3028 Lots P 10/26/78 Hall, 107pp., 3490 Lots P 06/23/86 Einstein, 226pp., 3054 Lots P 02/05/79 Helwig, 110pp., 3227 Lots P 09/08/86 Princeton / Ingle, 176pp. 2867 Lots P 04/23/79 Schreeder, 87pp„ 2058 Lots P , 11/10/86 Von Stetten, 281pp„ 3788 Lots P 06/28/79 Pearl, 91pp., 3637 Lots P 02/05/87 Westchester, 275pp„ 3160 Lots P BOX 06/22/87 FNB Denver, 138pp., 2177 Lots P #1 11/09/87 Saunders, 293pp., 3525 Lots P 01/28/88 Higgins, 189pp., 2598 Lots P COMPLETE SET OF ALL FOUR 06/13/88 Everson/ Faught, 254pp„ 3342 Lots P GARRETT SALES 09/13/88 Mann/ Smedley, 288pp., 3300 Lots P 11/16/88 Silberman, 161pp„ 1330 Lots P This legendary collection brought over $25 Million. Long 06/11/89 Brooks, 242pp„ 2443 Lots P out ofprint, these sales have sold for nearly $100 per set. 09/11/89 Kissel/ Victoria, 277pp., 2668 Lots P The historical reference value is unmatched by any other 01/24/90 Gore/ Long, 395pp„ 3615 Lots P cataloguing efforts. PR’s for all 4 included. 03/28/90 Boyd/Brand/Ryder, 416pp„ 4026 Lots P NEW $40. 06/11/90 Sussex, 344pp„ 3887 Lots P 11/18/94 Mass. Hist. Society, 227pp„ 3641 Lots P 01/26/96 Shahbabian, 151pp., 1522 Lots P 09/27/79 Williams, 66pp., 2001 Lots P 11/30/79 Bartlett, 61pp., 1282 Lots P CHRISTIE’S 01/24/80 Ariagno I, 75pp., 3159 Lots P 09/22/86 Shipp Jr., 116pp„ 803 Lots 03/28/80 Seller, 72pp., 1758 Lots P 09/22/86 U.S./Forelgn/Ancients, 84pp., 712 Lots 1 COIN GALLERIES 05/24/72 86pp., 1563 Lots P 07/18/80 Great '80, 64pp„ 1627 Lots P 02/14/73 114pp., 2001 Lots P 03/23/81 Fretwell, 36pp„ 1177 Lots P 07/18/73 118pp., 2305 Lots P 06/18/74 108pp., 1952 Lots P STEVE IVY 11/21/74 106pp., 1882 Lots P 12/10/76 Southwest, 54pp., 1302 Lots P 08/18/78 163pp., 2585 Lots P 04/15/77 Trinity, 57pp„ 1298 Lots P 11/15/79 144pp., 1728 Lots P 07/22/77 Stanford, 69pp., 1585 Lots P 06/05/80 136pp., 2170 Lots P 12/09/79 Tecumseh, 70pp., 2281 Lots P 09/24/81 164pp., 2185 Lots P 03/21/80 Mathews, 49pp., 1542 Lots P 11/17/81 169pp., 2404 Lots P 12/14/80 Moore, 72pp„ 2521 Lots P 04/14/82 230pp., 2955 Lots 03/06/81 University Park, 64pp„ 2021 Lots P 07/21/82 233pp., 2652 Lots P 05/22/81 Samuels, 72pp., 2399 Lots P 08/16/83 212pp., 2467 Lots P 09/12/81 Los Collnas, 59pp., 2366 Lots P 11/16/83 226pp., 2528 Lots P 04/09/82 Aaron, 63pp. 2500 Lots P , 05/23/84 169pp., 2351 Lots P 06/11/82 Phoenix, 60pp., 2391 Lots P 08/22/84 183pp., 2431 Lots P 12/12/82 Cambridge, 70pp„ 2791 Lots P 02/27/85 190pp., 2620 Lots P 02/24/83 ANA/Winter, 64pp„ 2237 Lots 04/10/85 198pp., 2910 Lots P 05/30/83 Ralston, 93pp., 3551 Lots P 11/10/87 214pp., 3277 Lots P 08/11/83 Charmont, 119pp., 4612 Lots P 11/09/88 218pp., 2809 Lots P 11/15/89 166pp., 3612 Lots P TAMES INC. 02/21/90 161pp., 3529 Lots P 03/27/56 102pp., 3686 Lots 05/23/90 189pp., 4006 Lots P 03/29/57 88pp., 3600 Lots 02/16/94 142pp., 2767 Lots P 03/20/58 92pp., 3637 Lots 11/09/94 144pp., 3136 Lots KACIN’S COIN HUNTER 10/21/77 #310, M.A.N.A., 143pp., 2007 Lots 02/22/79 51pp., 1010 Lots P 05/12/78 #311, 50th Anniv., 166pp., 1841 Lots P 01/16/82 43pp. 776 Lots P 07/14/78 #312, Parrino, 99pp., 1384 Lots , 09/18/84 39pp., 715 Lots 09/29/78 #313, G.E.N.A., 193pp., 2400 Lots 01/26/79 #314, N.A.S.C., 160pp., 1805 Lots P JACK COLLINS (Numismatic Literature) 04/27/79 #315, C.S.N.S., 116pp„ 1458 Lots 10/01/83 Sale #1, 48pp„ 552 Lots 07/13/79 #316, Metro Wash., 98pp., 1493 Lots... 07/04/87 Sale #2, 61pp., 1544 Lots 10/19/79 #317, 27th M.A.N.A., 107pp„ 1679 Lots 12/14/79 #318, G.E.N.A., 72pp., 908 Lots PAUL CUNNINGHAM 02/01/80 #319, Long Beach, 114pp., 1313 Lots.. 04/18/80 #320, Central States, 85pp., 1189 Lots 07/10/92 Numismatic Literature, 17pp., 1064 Lots 01/30/81 #323, 26th NASC Conv., 98pp„ 1319 Lots P 09/25/81 #325, G.E.N.A., 190pp., 2623 Lots P WILLIAM DOYLE 02/26/82 #326, Washington D.C., 81pp„ 986 Lots 12/19/84 25pp., 334 Lots P 10/01/82 #328, G.E.N.A., 123pp„ 1164 Lots 01/28/83 #329, 28<h NASC, 120pp., 1163 Lots HARMER. HOOKE 10/14/83 #331, G.E.N.A., 125pp„ 2499 Lots P 08/26/70 Parlin, 88pp„ 1780 Lots 02/02/84 #332, Long Beach, 119pp., 2494 Lots P 12/10/70 Miller Gold, 31pp„ 467 Lots 03/30/84 #333, Metro New York, 81pp., 1610 Lots P 12/07/84 Phoenix U.S. Coins, 59pp., 840 Lots P 05/31/84 #334, Bliss, 71pp., 1339 Lots P 10/30/85 Libra U.S. Coins, 75pp., 786 Lots P 10/04/84 #336, Gilllspie, 104pp„ 2454 Lots : P 11/13/86 St. John’s Abbey, 81pp., 1111 Lots P 01/31/85 #337, Long Beach, 60pp., 117 Lots P 03/29/85 #338, Western Reserve, 52pp., 1027 Lots P HERITAGE 08/16/85 #339, Baltimore, 116pp., 1715 Lots P 12/16/83 Rhodes, 112pp„ 4072 Lots P 02/12/87 #342, Long Beach, 163pp„ 3206 Lots P 02/23/84 ANA/Winter, 103pp., 3067 Lots P 05/28/87 #343, San Diego, 77pp., 1800 Lots P 07/18/84 New York, 78pp., 2191 Lots P 08/23/87 #344, Atlanta, 116pp., 2425 Lots P 02/21/85 ANA/Winter, 86pp., 2166 Lots P 11/21/87 #345, Fall, 77pp., 1797 Lots P 05/30/85 Long Beach, 68pp., 2154 Lots P 02/04/88 #346, Abbey, 162pp„ 3395 Lots P 12/12/85 Franchvllle, 80pp., 2822 Lots P KENEPI AUCTIONS 02/20/86 ANA/Winter, 95pp., 3074 Lots 08/03/86 Milwaukee, 71pp., 2146 Lots P 04/18/86 C.S.N.A., 137pp. 1702 Lots , 06/25/87 Tecumseh, 160pp., 4065 Lots, 2 in 1 P 10/10/86 L.A., 127pp., 2466 Lots 09/24/87 Long Beach, 111pp., 3566 Lots P KINGSWOOD GALLERIES 09/29/88 Long Beach, 111pp., 3566 Lots P 05/10/90 St Louis, 175pp., 3030 Lots P 05/07/90 Amherst, 108pp., 1309 Lots P 02/28/91 ANA/Sprlng, 124pp„ 2111 Lots 08/14/90 Barrington, 139pp., 2180 Lots P 10/16/90 Cambridge, 104pp„ 2140 Lots P ROBERT HUGHES 02/20/91 Dartmouth, 127pp„ 2152 Lots P 02/03/78 Pacific, 42pp„ 1487 Lots P 06/11/97 Klngswood II, 27pp„ 271 Lots 01/21/80 Warner, 38pp„ 1212 Lots P 2 ABE KOSOFF 04/02/86 C.S.N.S., 161pp., 2560 Lots P 02/02/67 MBS #3, 37pp., 1126 Lots 05/14/68 Shuford, 55pp., 2856 Lots. p McLaughlin a robinson 10/31/68 C.S.N.A., 40pp., 1727 Lots P 02/16/85 14pp., 360 Lots 02/25/69 MBS, 36pp., 1766 Lots 01/15/86 29pp„ 993 Lots 10/21/69 MBS, 20pp., 797 Lots 05/26/70 MBS, 29pp., 1718 Lots BOB MEDLAR 10/26/71 Marks, 64pp„ 1677 Lots... 09/25/81 Smedley U.S. Paper, 54pp., 694 Lots 09/27/73 MBS #12, 20pp., 698 Lots HERB MELNICK ABNER KREISBERC 11/19/82 Hoffman, 72pp., 946 Lots 11/19/62 110pp., 3241 Lots P 12/09/82 Daniel, 48pp., 741 Lots 06/17/63 117pp., 3471 Lots P 02/11/83 Phillips, 67pp„ 1063 Lots 11/30/64 143pp., 4632 Lots P 06/28/65 207pp., 5071 Lots P MID- AMERICAN 11/29/65 243pp., 5585 Lots P 02/15/85 Capitol, 130pp„ 1148 Lots P 10/31/66 252pp., 4639 Lots P 01/08/88 F.U.N., 177pp„ 2290 Lots P 09/25/67 164pp., 4104 Lots P 09/02/88 Peach, 164pp„ 1917 Lots P 03/04/68 26pp., 805 Lots 06/17/68 159pp., 3813 Lots P NASCA/SMYTHE 11/18/68 148pp., 3352 Lots P 01/19/70 155pp., 3595 Lots 12/01/76 McNally, 56pp„ 796 Lots P 06/29/70 124pp., 2310 Lots 11/02/77 Bryan, 72pp., 1201 Lots P 11/27/72 143pp., 2742 Lots P 07/16/81 Providence, 79pp., 993 Lots P 09/10/73 150pp., 2276 Lots P 09/10/81 Gibbons I, 128pp„ 1861 Lots P 09/12/81 Rockholt, 36pp., 381 Lots P BOX 12/07/81 Gibbons II, 333pp., 4736 Lots P #2 10/08/84 Wilmington, 168pp., 3624 Lots P 10/28/85 Clinton & Clinton MBS, 158pp„ 2490 Lots The 3 John Beck Sales sold over the course ofthree years & 51pp., 1782 Lots, 2 Catalogues P (1975 - 1977). They contained an extensive run of U.S. 10/25/90 Grand Central, 84pp. 1994 Lots , Gold coins, Territorial Gold, and a hoard of 1856 Flying NEW ENGLAND Eagle Cents. All the major rarities are here. The catalogues are well illustrated and belong in every 03/26/76 Bicentennial I, 129pp., 1240 Lots P numismatic library. PR’s for all three sales are included. 03/25/77 New York Metro, 165pp„ 1079 Lots P We SET OF 05/20/77 May, 139pp„ 1235 Lots P offer the 3 for $15. 07/29/77 Commonwealth, 163pp., 1249 Lots P 11/14/77 Devonshire, 163pp., 1248 Lots P 02/15/77 Moskovitz, 189pp., 1690 Lots P 03/31/78 Metro New York, 162pp„ 1273 Lots P 11/13/81 Windsor, 99pp., 1263 Lots P 11/09/79 Fall, 85pp., 1749 Lots P 01/09/80 F.U.N., 86pp., 1581 Lots P 0K3R/E11I/S65BEFoRnCtan/i,SC18H8pUp.L,M30A0N0 Lots P 0047//1204//8800 RNealrmeeCyoeirn, F1u2n2dpIp,„981p9p7.8, 1Lo2t9s7 Lots PP 04/06/67 10th Anniversary, 175pp., 2400 Lots P 11/13/80 Fall, 97pp„ 1966 Lots P 04/09/81 Metro NewYork, 82pp., 2102 Lots P KURT KRUEGER 06/04/81 Long Beach, 93pp., 2015 Lots P 02/18/82 ANA/Winter, 95pp., 2127 Lots P 10/01/81 Long Beach II, 90pp., 2090 Lots P 11/05/81 Grand Central, 111pp., 2345 Lots P 06/24/82 G.S.N.A., 57pp., 1646 Lots 01/07/82 F.U.N., 133pp., 2869 Lots P 08/15/82 Collect. Expo, 92pp., 2700 Lots P 03/25/82 L.A. Keepe, 116pp., 2759 Lots P 01/05/83 F.U.N., 100pp., 2869 Lots 06/22/83 Garden State, 93pp., 4382 Lots P NEW NETHERLANDS JOSEPH LEPCZYK 05/11/77 Spiro, 44pp„ 737 Lots 09/22/82 Sale #48, 48pp„ 1055 Lots NUMISMATIC INVESTMENT OF FLORIDA 10/29/82 Sale #49, 82pp„ 169 Lots P 11/26/82 Michigan, 78pp., 1673 Lots P 09/19/83 New York, 24pp„ 488 Lots P 02/17/83 Sale #51, 71pp„ 1132 Lots P PACIFIC COAST MAYFLOWER 02/23/89 P.N.G., 117pp., 1558 Lots P 06/16/72 U.S. Coins, 81pp., 1909 Lots PARAMOUNT 05/25/73 Ritter, 84pp., 1722 Lots, Canadian Paper, P 11/20/86 Phoenix, 34pp., 805 Lots 11/03/67 Grand Central, 27pp„ 1101 Lots P 03/21/68 Penn-Ohio, 35pp„ 2244 Lots P McINTIRE 10/05/68 MBS, 81pp„ 1371 Lots P 07/13/84 N.W.N.A., 42pp„ 1737 Lots p 02/13/69 N.A.S.C., 54pp„ 2774 Lots P 11/08/84 Silver Dollar, 95pp., 1922 Lots p 05/23/69 Kelly Memorial, 63pp„ 2649 Lots P 04/25/85 C.S.N.S., 160pp„ 2659 Lots p 10/31/69 Grand Central, 54pp., 2215 Lots P 3 02/20/70 Mid-Winter MBS, 48pp., 2502 Lots P 06/10/66 Miller, 72pp. 1385 Lots P , 02/18/71 N.A.S.C., 33pp., 1920 Lots P 09/30/66 Rise, 72pp„ 1195 Lots P 09/20/71 MBS, 36pp., 1861 Lots P 10/27/66 Watson, 96pp„ 2240 Lots P 11/04/71 Grand Central, 48pp., 2141 Lots P 01/27/67 Arnel, 47pp„ 649 Lots P 03/17/72 Leprecoin MBS, 37pp. 2277 Lots P 02/24/67 U.S., 45pp., 1033 Lots P , 11/02/72 Grand Central, 54pp., 1672 Lots P 03/24/67 Laconte, 61pp., 1307 Lots P 02/22/73 N.A.S.C., 58pp., 1501 Lots P 04/27/67 Copeland, 120pp„ 2069 Lots P 05/03/73 Greater New York, 48pp„ 1888 Lots P 06/02/67 Nicholson, 83pp„ 1547 Lots P 11/08/73 Grand Central, 57pp„ 1997 Lots P 09/29/67 U.S., 83pp., 1741 Lots P 02/15/74 Long Beach, 69pp., 787 Lots P 11/20/67 McCullough, 102pp., 1587 Lots P 05/03/74 Greater New York, 103pp., 1146 Lots P 02/02/68 Davis, 75pp„ 1161 Lots P 09/18/74 Summer, 47pp., 1227 Lots P 03/16/68 U.S., 35pp„ 677 Lots P 11/07/74 Grand Central, 75pp., 909 Lots P 06/20/68 U.S., 50pp., 931 Lots P 05/02/75 New York, 42pp., 697 Lots P 09/13/68 Lovi, 86pp., 1496 Lots P 11/07/75 Grand Central, 63pp., 802 Lots P 05/16/69 Illinois, 61pp„ 1011 Lots P 02/27/76 Winter, 39pp., 1053 Lots P 09/19/69 Emmons, 94pp., 1358 Lots P 05/06/76 Burnheimer, 122pp„ 1210 Lots P 12/05/69 U.S. Gold /Silver, etc., 90pp. 1092 Lots P , 11/04/76 Grand Central, 128pp., 1373 Lots P 01/29/70 Engel, 56pp„ 1076 Lots P 01/07/77 Miami, 108pp., 1061 Lots P 04/02/70 Slawson, 93pp., 1669 Lots P 02/25/77 Altany, 104pp„ 789 Lots P 06/12/70 Rawls, 72pp., 2051 Lots P 09/14/78 Covington, 132pp„ 1062 Lots P 09/18/70 Zeremba, 64pp„ 1231 Lots P 03/30/81 Sutherland, 216pp., 1781 Lots P 10/22/71 Shapero, 80pp., 1267 Lots P ! 03/24/72 U.S. Coins/Paper, 79pp„ 1274 Lots P PINETREE 05/04/72 Stewart, 96pp„ 1808 Lots P 11/20/75 Hirt/ Bolt, 104pp., 1845 Lots P 06/15/72 Helm, 79pp., 1161 Lots P 05/22/76 Brown Univ. II, 58pp., 1783 Lots, Cont.Curr P 09/15/72 Forrest, 100pp., 1164 Lots P 06/19/78 Breen III, 59pp., 1196 Lots 12/13/72 Myers, 58pp., 878 Lots P 02/02/73 Bryant/ Mathey, 78pp., 1006 Lots P PULLEN & HANKS 03/02/73 Smith, 82pp„ 1279 Lots P 02/05/82 Long Beach, 80pp., 1441 Lots P 05/23/73 Patten, 68pp., 1065 Lots P 05/21/82 Texas Numismatic Assoc., 56pp., 1807 Lots P 09/06/73 Virginia Ancients, 57pp., 729 Lots, w/14 plates.... P 11/12/82 Peach State, 48pp., 1532 Lots P 12/06/73 Westchester, 82pp., 1605 Lots P 04/25/74 Globus II, 100pp., 912 Lots P SAN DIEGO COIN EXCHANGE 05/23/74 Ullmer, 109pp., 676 Lots P 06/27/74 U.S. Coins, 76pp„ 1127 Lots P 11/04/71 C.S.N.A., 64pp„ 2015 Lots 09/13/74 Steckler, 72pp., 887 Lots P SAN DIEGO SHOW 04/03/75 Metro New York, 59pp., 667 Lots P 04/29/75 Gold Coins, 96pp., 854 Lots P 06/24/88 Premiere, 64pp., 802 Lots BOX HANS SCHULMAN #3 06/20/61 Atomic, 153pp„ 3272 Lots 06/06/68 Literature Library, 101pp., 1460 Lots P 50th anniversary special 03/14/69 Gomez, 100pp., 1413 Lots P Hayes, Bartle, and Zurich 05/26/70 MabbottIV, 124pp., 1926 Lots P 05/04/71 Deutschland, 128pp„ 2063 Lots P All 3 catalogues for only $12.00 PR’s for all three are included. ROBERT SIEGEL 05/01/85 Various, 54pp., 610 Lots.... 08/05/87 Lang, 44pp„ 751 Lots 09/10/75 September, 96pp., 955 Lots P 12/05/75 Dalton, 77pp„ 1028 Lots P WILLIAM SMITH 04/02/76 U.S. Coins, 81pp. 939 Lots P , 11/05/59 C.S.N.A., 43pp. 1850 Lots 10/09/76 Fenn, 72pp„ 975 Lots P , 11/18/76 Emrick/ Coffey, 120pp., 1627 Lots P SPINK & SON 02/04/77 Allen, 117pp„ 1144 Lots P 04/21/77 Prock/Fenn, 105pp., 1612 Lots P 11/10/83 Sale #4, 33pp., 991 Lots... 06/03/77 Cincinnati, 112pp„ 1437 Lots P 09/08/77 Davenport, 127pp„ 1731 Lots P STACK’S 10/21/77 Mlhalyi, 83pp„ 879 Lots P 03/02/62 U.S./Foreign, 38pp., 1456 Lots P 12/02/77 U.S., 88pp., 1265 Lots P 03/02/63 California, 38pp„ 1127 Lots P 03/17/78 Fraser, 92pp„ 1121 Lots P 06/20/63 Walton I, 103pp., 2164 Lots P 04/11/78 Spring, 100pp., 930 Lots P 02/14/64 U.S./Foreign, 55pp„ 1174 Lots P 05/05/78 Greater New York, 67pp„ 1707 Lots 09/11/64 Baker, 64pp„ 1506 Lots P 06/16/78 Lighthouse, 127pp„ 1021 Lots P 03/27/65 U.S./Foreign, 47pp., 1939 Lots P 09/08/78 Autumn, 90pp., 1004 Lots P 09/17/65 U.S., 54pp„ 1157 Lots P 10/20/78 Helnig, 83pp., 1304 Lots P 11/22/65 Ewalt, 103pp„ 1039 Lots P 03/15/79 Sawhill Ancients, 155p., 1499 Lots, w/11 plates... P 12/10/65 Kingman, 64pp„ 1296 Lots P 05/04/79 Greater Now Nork, 91pp., 1123 Lots P 02/04/66 Bartlett, 64pp„ 1134 Lots P 09/07/79 Fleischer, 107pp., 950 Lots P 03/25/66 U.S., 44pp„ 1086 Lots P 12/07/79 December, 114pp., 1266 Lots P h 02/01/80 U.S., 100pp., 1028 Lots P 01/16/91 U.S. Gold/Sllver, 206pp„ 1739 Lots P 03/13/80 Detroit, 100pp., 1170 Lots P 09/04/91 Wellesley, 69pp„ 1459 Lots P 06/19/80 U.S., 100pp., 1081 Lots P 12/09/91 Alto II, 191pp„ 2575 Lots P 09/17/80 AncienVForelgn, 152pp., 524 Lots P 03/17/92 Moore, 115pp., 2128 Lots P 10/23/80 Kahn, 91pp., 985 Lots P 12/02/92 Yeager, 74pp., 2198 Lots P 12/11/80 U.S., 86pp„ 858 Lots P 03/10/81 U.S., 135pp., 1395 Lots P STATE RARE COINS 05/01/81 New York, 151pp., 1358 Lots P 01/23/81 75pp., 854 Lots, 1783 Constelatio Nova - Prf 06/18/81 June, 104pp., 921 Lots P 06/26/81 92pp., 1005 Lots 12/10/81 December I, 108pp., 1092 Lots P 10/30/81 35pp., 947 Lots 12/12/81 December II Gold, 43pp., 1297 Lots P 03/10/82 Foreign Gold, 186pp., 1484 Lots P SUPERIOR 05/13/82 NewYork, 159pp., 1554 Lots P 10/15/74 Rio Rancho U.S. Gold, 41pp., 473 Lots P 06/17/82 June, 119pp., 1318 Lots P 06/09/75 Wolfsen, 163pp., 2168 Lots p 09/15/82 Hammel World Gold, 207pp. 1086 Lots , 02/16/76 Neggen, 139pp„ 1670 Lots P 10/20/82 Bohnhorst, 163pp., 1654 Lots P 06/15/76 C.O.I.N., 244pp„ 3533 Lots P 02/02/83 Detmer, 160pp., 1364 Lots P 11/15/76 Mt. Vernon, 157pp„ 2386 Lots P 03/16/83 March, 171pp., 1371 Lots P 02/21/77 Davenport, 86pp., 1173 Lots P 04/27/83 Greater NewYork, 204pp„ 1503 Lots P 06/13/77 Crouch, 262pp„ 3084 Lots P 06/15/83 June, 83pp„ 927 Lots P 10/03/77 Unlv. of Wlnconsln, 133pp., 1648 Lots P 09/14/83 Morgan Ancients, 55pp., 101 Lots P 02/06/78 DeSylva, 137pp„ 1990 Lots P 03/20/84 Roper II, 87pp., 489 Lots .....P 02/02/81 Rare U^. Coins, 116pp., 1249 Lots P 03/21/84 March II, 104pp„ 882 Lots.... P 06/01/81 Turkus, 119pp„ 1105 Lots P 05/03/84 Greater NY/ Bareford, 127pp., 1143 Lots 09/29/81 La Jolla, 111pp., 1077 Lots P 06/15/84 Bergin, 71pp., 616 Lots P 02/01/82 Fraser, 144pp., 1308 Lots P 09/12/84 Kosko/Yale, 110pp., 1197 Lots P 09/29/82 Fodor, 76pp., 953 Lots P 10/24/84 Bartle, 126pp., 1459 Lots P 01/31/83 A.H. Barry, 68pp., 1002 Lots P 01/15/85 Bellini, 109pp., 1192 Lots P 08/08/83 August, 169pp., 2049 Lots P 03/20/85 March, 174pp„ 1536 Lots P 11/21/83 November, 64pp., 722 Lots P 05/02/85 Greater New York, 164pp„ 1815 Lots P 06/04/84 Snider, 116pp., 1803 Lots P 06/20/85 June, 85pp., 921 Lots P 06/03/85 Lawson, 318pp., 4422 Lots P 09/12/85 September, 127pp., 1954 Lots P 06/02/86 June, 129pp., 2200 Lots P 12/04/85 December, 144pp„ 1737 Lots P 09/29/86 Woods, 165pp., 2499 Lots P 01/15/86 Carter, 112pp., 644 Lots P 06/07/87 Ebsen/Metcalf, 334pp„ 7443 Lots P 03/18/86 U.S. Gold/ Silver, 163pp., 1600 Lots P 09/20/87 Cal Neva, 316pp., 4782 Lots P 04/30/86 Bernstein, 125pp„ 1296 Lots 12/12/87 Pipito, 332pp., 3159 Lots P 05/02/86 Greater NY II, 79pp., 1819 Lots P 01/30/88 Shore, 337pp„ 4746 Lots P 06/18/86 June, 112pp„ 1218 Lots P 05/31/88 Morelra, 193pp., 2114 Lots P 09/17/86 Autumn, 119pp., 1277 Lots P 06/05/88 Blevins, 325pp„ 4413 Lots P 10/22/86 U.S. Coin/ Barker, 141pp„ 1115 Lots P 05/30/89 Worrell, 59pp„ 674 Lots P 12/08/86 December I, 107pp., 1128 Lots P 05/30/90 Ancient, 84pp., 900 Lots P 12/10/86 December II, 140pp„ 2134 Lots P 09/21/90 Ancient, 42pp., 396 Lots 01/14/87 U.S. Coins/ Patterns, 136pp., 1275 Lots P 02/13/91 Manuscript, 168pp., 600 Lots O- 03/17/87 U.S. Gold/Silver, 141pp., 1351 Lots P ., 05/29/91 World Coins, 40pp., 818 Lots..., Q_ 04/29/87 Snyder, 223pp., 2179 Lots P 05/09/92 Manuscripts, 221pp., 489 Lots 12/04/87 Smith, 142pp., 1727 Lots P 07/08/92 Sports, 282pp„ 1377 Lots P 12/10/87 Ruder Carter, 232pp. 2044 Lots P , 12/05/92 Beverly Hills, 92pp., 767 Lots P 01/13/88 400th Sale, 164pp., 2070 Lots P 12/11/92 Adams, 189pp., 2620 Lots P 06/21/88 Sprinkle, 149pp„ 1811 Lots P 07/22/93 Windy CitySports, 306pp., 1143 Lots P 10/05/88 U^. Gold, 189pp., 238 Lots P 09/26/93 Worrell, 216pp., 1872 Lots 10/18/88 U.S. Gold/Silver, 203pp., 3333 Lots 10/29/93 MBS, 65pp., 1396 Lots P 01/18/89 French, 71pp., 202 Lots P 03/12/94 Antiquities, 104pp., 478 Lots 01/18/89 Simon, 131pp., 1669 Lots 03/25/94 March, 76pp„ 1650 Lots 04/08/89 Ancient/ Foreign, 138pp., 988 Lots P 09/07/89 Greater NY, 152pp„ 1685 Lots VINTAGE HANKS 12/07/89 Bryce/Globus/Carter, 222pp., 377 Lots P / 03/13/90 U^. Coins, 247pp„ 1560 Lots P 10/28/88 Arizona, 133pp., 833 Lots P 09/05/90 Early U.S., 112pp., 1553 Lots P 11/29/90 New York International, 271pp„ 1578 Lots There are several hundred titles listed for this sale. That means there’s an awful lot ofinformation available for very little money. Ifyou don’t see what you’re looking for, check our latest fixed price list. Please refere to page A for shipping, handling, and insurance charges. Thank you! REMEMBER, THIS SALE CLOSES MARCH 31, 1999. 5 MCMVII (1907) Extremely High Relief Obverse (enlarged) }fere s your cfiance to oStain one oftfiefnest catafogues ever created. 1 lie United States Gold Coin Collection (Louis Eliasberg Sr.) is the only complete date and mint-mark U.S. gold set ever formed. All of the important rarities are here. There are 44 pages ol beautiful color plates depicting hundreds of United States Gold Coins. Imagine full page plates of coins such as the 1841 Proof Quarter Eagle, the unique 1870-S Three Dollar Princess, the 1880 Coiled Hair Stella, 1822 Half Eagle (the only one in collectors’ hands), 1825/4 HalfEagle (one oftwo known), 1854-S HalfEagle (one ofthree known), and 1907 Extremely High Relief Double Eagle; plus rare Proofs. This 1 982 sale conducted by Bowers and Ruddy has long been out ofprint and is needed to complete the recent Eliasberg sales. We offer the following: Nice, used copies with the prices realized $60 Mint (Brand New) with the prices realized $100 ^ Limit ofone cataCoguepercustomer.