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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Reserve aSF85 se. .G72 Grazing Lands 1995 ecp 11. Where are the U.S grazing included both cropland and graz- Did you know... lands? i ing land. Cattle, sheep, and goats Grazing lands exist in so state, — often-grazed land that could not or ..that nearly half of the lower 48 but the amounts and kinds of land should not have been cultivated or states is grazing land: range, and the uses, products, and values otherwise used intensively. New pasture, hay, and grazed forest? from grazing lands vary from state technology and new marketing op- to state. Examples of grazing land portunities in the 1970’s, however, ..that range, pasture, hay, and include— encouraged farmers to plow lands grazed forest land are located ¢ annual grasslands of California; that had not been previously culti- where they are primarily because of climate or ¢ hot deserts in the southwestern vated. The result, in many places, topography and by landowners’ states and cold deserts in the was increased erosion on lands decisions about land use? Great Basin; that formerly had been protected e shrub-grasslands throughout the by grasses, legumes, and shrubs. ... that properly managed grazing western states; _ is one of the most energy- ¢ prairie grasslands of the Great Although some runoff and erosion efficient ways of producing food Plains and Corn Belt; are natural, accelerated erosion on and fiber? ¢ humid grasslands of the eastern degraded land reduces the land’s ... that grazing lands help United States and Hawaii; production potential and causes improve water supplies for e tundra rangelands of Alaska; offsite damage from sedimenta- residential, commercial, ¢ improved pasture and hay lands tion in streams, rivers, lakes, and agricultural, and recreational throughout the Intermountain reservoirs. Accelerated erosion is uses? West, Northern Great Plains, a concern not only where grazing Great Lakes, Northeast, and South; lands have been plowed, but also ..that many wildlife species rely on grazing lands for habitat and e wetlands and riparian areas in on lands that are grazed improp- food? every state; and erly. Improper grazing can lead to e grazed forests in all states other detrimental environmental .. that carbon sequestration adjacent to and east of the impacts. Twenty-five percent of (absorption of atmospheric Mississippi River and in the the Nation’s grazing lands need carbon by soil and plants) occurs mountain states of the West. some form of conservation treat- when farmers and ranchers ment to reduce erosion. practice good grazing land Although some pasture and hay management? And that carbon sequestration is a key to lands are managed as a monocul- Why are grazing lands mitigating climate change? ture, others—particularly range- important? lands—are complex mixes of spe- Energy savings—Grazing ani- ..that grazing lands could be cies that offer increased plant, mals eat plants that cannot be developed by farmers and animal, and landscape diversity. digested by humans and many ranchers as a source of biomass Many eastern forests used for tim- other animals, and have the advan- energy and raw materials, which ber production are also grazed, tage of producing food and fiber could reduce U.S. reliance on imported products? particularly if the forest land type with little expenditure of fossil is suitable for livestock grazing fuel energy. On properly managed and other forage, such as pasture grazing land—including pasture- or hay, is available. land and hayland—only 1 calorie of fossil-fuel energy is needed to produce up to 2 calories of food How grazing lands have and fiber energy. Many crops re- changed quire from 5 to 10 calories of During the first half of this cen- fossil-fuel energy for every calorie tury, most agricultural operations NRCS/RCA Issue Brief Grazing Lands November 1995 of food or fiber produced. Improv- the water infiltrates into the soil Wildlife—Hunting and fishing are ing the efficiency of grazing land and is used for plant growth, is important recreational activities, production can increase landown- stored in underground aquifers, or and when many people think of ers’ income, improve environmen- flows through the soil, providing wildlife they think of game spe- tal quality, and help reduce the water for streamflow, riparian ar- cies—deer, elk, grouse, or trout. Nation’s dependence on imported eas, wetlands, and lakes, and sub- But all wildlife have intrinsic value fossil fuel. sequent use by people and wildlife. and are part of the ecological func- tioning of grazing lands. Everyone Food, medicine, and other Water quality—Modern grazing enjoys the unexpected view of a products—Grazing by domestic land management is one of the white-tailed deer on a pasture or livestock has been the primary use most important ways that farmers grazed forest in the eastern United of grazing lands since European and ranchers can reduce erosion States, of an antelope in the North- settlement and remains one of the and water pollution and diversify ern Great Plains or the Great most important uses today. Meat, income. For example, natural Basin, of a pheasant in a grassed milk, leather, wool, and mohair are drainage areas on farms and the waterway in the Corn Belt, of a well-known products from grazing riparian areas adjacent to streams hawk in the desert Southwest, and animals. Less well known are can be planted to grazing land of a mule deer on rangelands in pharmaceuticals produced from plants. These forage plants cap- any of the western states. People nonfood parts of the animals; ture runoff and sediment from the enjoy watching and listening to natural fertilizers from animal fields and protect water quality. songbirds, and hearing—maybe bones, blood, and manure; and Where sufficient plant material is seeing—a fish jump in a stream or new and unique uses of familiar left in grassed waterways or pond. These experiences are made products—such as using wool, stream buffer zones for soil and more enjoyable by the spectacular which readily absorbs oil, to re- water conservation purposes, a scenery that is often associated move spilled oil from soils, significant amount of the plant with grazing lands—the mountains streams, lakes, and oceans. material can be grazed or mechani- of the West, the stark desert land- cally harvested. There may also be scape of the Southwest, the prairie Water storage and release— outdoor recreation income op- vistas of the Great Plains, and the Vast quantities of rain and snow tions available—hiking, camping, green grass of pastures contrasted fall on the Nation’s grazing lands. horseback riding, hunting, and with the fall color of trees in the On healthy grazing lands, much of fishing. East. Grazing lands make up 45 percent of U.S. non-Federal rural land. Grazed forest land, 63 million acres Hayland, 54 million acres Cropland 26% Pastureland, 126 million acres Grazed lands 45% Rangeland, 399 million acres Other rural land 6% Non-grazed forest 23% NRCS/RCA Issue Brief Grazing Lands November 1995 a IE ET OE AE LS IS TO IS a EE Waste utilization—As concen- Carbon sequestration—Grazing for industrial materials. There is a trated animal production land soils in the Great Plains con- growing interest in using plant ma- facilities—poultry and swine tain over 40 tons of carbon per terials for energy because of the farms, beef feedlots, and confine- acre, while cultivated soils con- United States’ dependence on for- ment dairies—have become more tain only about 26, on average. eign oil and concern about climate common in a few geographical ar- Carbon dioxide and other green- change associated with the release eas, and cities have begun to run house gases may be increasing in of fossil carbon into the atmo- out of landfill space, grazing lands the earth’s atmosphere and chang- sphere. Using homegrown plant have become attractive and appro- ing the earth’s climate. The material for energy would reduce priate locations on which to grasses, legumes, and shrubs on to some extent the amount of oil spread organic products and re- grazing lands remove carbon diox- that is imported. Burning plants cycle the nutrients they contain. ide from the air through photo- for energy releases carbon dioxide Spreading poultry litter on pasture synthesis and store it in the soil into the air, but this carbon is off- land in the southern and eastern when roots die and decompose. set by the carbon removed from United States has allowed land- This process promotes the long- the atmosphere through photosyn- owners to improve forage term sequestration of carbon as thesis. Biomass carbon is, there- production and develop a more soil organic matter. Cultivated fore, a renewable and sustainable successful beef industry. lands planted to grassland plants resource. as part of the Conservation Re- When properly applied, manure serve Program were found to have Grazing land health and other organic by-products can added an average of 1,000 pounds Good grazing land management of- enhance the productivity and soil of carbon per acre per year during ten leads to a more productive mix quality of grazing lands by increas- the first 5 years after planting. of plants. Also, soils are less com- ing soil organic-matter content, This means that the CRP alone is pacted and more protected from improving soil moisture-holding removing 18 million tons of car- the erosive forces of wind or wa- capacity, and supplying valuable bon from the atmosphere each ter, and the self-regenerative nutrients. If such by-products are year. This gain in sequestration of capacity of the land is improved. applied to degraded land, or if they atmospheric carbon will continue Collectively, this improvement is are applied in excess of the land’s until the soil reaches its equilib- considered a gain in grazing land capacity to absorb them, the or- rium level of carbon. health. Loss of grazing land health ganic matter and nutrients from means that some options for cur- them can wash into streams, lakes, Biomass—Grazing land plants rent and future uses of the land and estuaries, causing serious wa- can be harvested as sources for have been temporarily or perhaps ter quality degradation. biomass energy or as feed stocks permanently lost. What causes loss of grazing land Riparian areas can be enhanced by grazing management and permanent health? The most common reason vegetation cover. is overgrazing by domestic and wild animals. Fortunately, grazing lands can be maintained in a healthy state with grazing, and properly managed grazing can enhance ecosystem health. Sheep grazing, for instance, can reduce the dominance of leafy spurge and other noxious weeds on range- lands and thereby promote greater biodiversity. In many parts of the country, livestock—cattle, sheep, and goats—graze in shrub- and forest-dominated ecosystems to remove and prevent the buildup of highly flammable material and re- duce the likelihood of wildfire. NRCS/RCA Issue Brief Grazing Lands November 1995 TMT Multiple benefits of Healthy grazing land. grazing lands Healthy grazing lands provide ben- efits other than feed for domestic animals. They are important habi- tats for a variety of large and small mammals, birds, and insects. Wa- ter runoff on healthy grazing land is slow, So more water infiltrates into the soil, providing cleaner, more abundant water for fish, wildlife, and human use. The plant cover on more than 600 million acres of grazing land sequesters millions of tons of carbon, thus re- ducing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Many grazing lands are among the Nation’s most pictur- esque landscapes. The United States Department of Agriculture, through the Natural Resources Con- Although grazing lands are our servation Service (formerly Soil Conservation Service), is preparing an ; ; environmental scan of the status, conditions, and trends of natural resources on biggest agricultural reserve, most America’s non-Federal land, as required by the Soil and Water Resources Con- of them are not suitable for crops. servation Act of 1977 (RCA), Public Law 95-192. The appraisal will help guide the Nevertheless, some 180 million updating of the National Conservation Program, which directs USDA's natural re- acres of non-Federal grazing source conservation policies and programs. Ten other USDA agencies and 10 non-USDA agencies are full partners in this effort. lands—more than one-fourth of all privately owned grazing lands— This issue brief is one in a series being prepared by the Natural Resources Con- : : iat servation Service. It was prepared by Fee Busby, special assistant to the chief, are in soil capability classes I Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, DC. For more information through III and therefore could be or if you have comments or suggestions, please contact James Maetzold, USDA, used to produce crops in the fu- Natural Resources Conservation Service, Natural Resources Inventory Division, : P.O. Box 2890, Washington, DC 20013; Phone (202) 720-0132; Fax (202) 690-3266. ture if needed. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs and marital or familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA Office of Communications at (202) 720-2791. To file a complaint, write the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, or call (202) 720-7327 or (202) 720-1127 (TDD). USDA is an equal employment opportunity employer. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Bulk Rate Natural Resources Inventory Division Postage and Fees Paid P.O. Box 2890 USDA-NRCS Washington, DC 20013 Permit No. G-267

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