Graviton mass constraint from CMB N. Malsawmtluangi ∗and P. K. Suresh † School of Physics, University of Hyderabad. P. O. Central University, Hyderabad 500046. India. 7 1 0 2 Abstract n a TheeffectofprimordialmassivegravitationalwavesontheBB-modecorrelationangular J powerspectrumofCMBisstudiedforseveralinflationmodels. Theangularpowerspectrum 2 withtheBICEP2/KeckArrayandPlanckjointdatasuggestsfurtherconstraintonthelower 1 and upperboundson themass of primordial gravitons ] c q 1 Introduction - r g [ The force of gravity is believed to be mediated by spin-2 particles called gravitons which are commonlyconsideredasmassless. However,initiatingwiththeideaofaspin-2particlewithnon- 1 zerorestmass,severalapproacheshavebeentakentointroducemasstograviton[1,2,3,4,5,6]. v 6 Endowinggravitonwithmassleadstoextradegreesoffreedomwhichdonotdecoupleasgraviton 1 mass approaches to zero implying that the general relativistic (GR) case cannot be recovered 3 [2, 3]. Some of the approaches to massive gravity suffer from pathologies like the presence of 3 ghost mode [4], discontinuity when the mass approaches to zero limiting case and so on [5], 0 and several theories have been proposed to fix these problems and also attempted to formulate . 1 a consistent theory of massive gravity [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. At the same time, there have been 0 several attempts to estimate the mass of graviton from astrophysical sources and primordial 7 gravitational waves (GWs) [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. It is proposed that if graviton mass 1 : is comparable to the Hubble parameter, then it can provide a repulsive effect at cosmological v distancesandhenceleadtothelatetimecosmicacceleration,therebysuggestingthatthemassive i X gravitons responsible for the current accelerating phase of the universe instead of dark energy. r a Inthis paper,we considerthe Lorentz-violatingmassivegravitytheory inwhichthe Lorentz invariance is spontaneously broken by a convenient choice of the vacuum for the Goldstone fields, and the mass parameters are chosen in such a way that the pathologies are absent, and the scalar and vector modes behave exactly like those in the general relativistic case. Hence, the modification ofthe gravitycomes only fromthe tensormodes andthe dispersionrelationof gravitationalwavesacquiresaneffective massandis relativistic[7, 8]. Accordingto this theory, the bound on the primordial graviton mass comes from the exponential decay in the Yukawa potential, putting the upper bound for the graviton mass to be 10−30 eV [8, 19]. The lower ≤ bound for graviton mass has been proposed to be 1.239 10−32 eV [20]. The small mass of × graviton is expected to have an effect on the temperature anisotropy and polarization spectra ∗e-mail: [email protected] †e-mail: [email protected] 1 of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) [19, 21]. The imprint of primordial gravitational waves on CMB anisotropy can be observed through the angular power spectrum of CMB in the form of B-mode polarization [22, 23, 24, 25]. The observations of B-mode polarization on CMB would not only verify the theory of inflation itself but also help in constraining many inflation models [26, 27, 28]. The detection of B-mode polarization of CMB or the primordial GWitselfwouldprovideaclearboundonthemassofprimordialgraviton. Hence,inthispaper, we study the effect of the primordial massive GWs on the BB mode correlation angular power spectrum of CMB for various inflation models and the results are compared with the recent BICEP2/Keck Array and Planck collaboration data [29] and thereby to obtain constraint on the mass of primordial gravitons. 2 Massive gravitational waves For massive gravity, the action can be written in terms of the Einstein-Hilbert action and the Goldstone action as [7, 8], S = S +S , EH G = d4x√ g[ m2 R+Λ4F(Zij)], (1) − − pl Z where Λ characterizes the cutoff energy scale for low energy effective theory. F is a function of the Goldstone field, metric components and its derivatives. The second term in the above action leads to violation of the Lorentz symmetry. It is assumed that ordinary matter field is minimally coupled to the metric. The argument Zij can be obtained with the help of the following expressions Zij = XγWij, X = Λ−4gµν∂ ζ0∂ Φ0, µ ν ViVj Wij = Λ−4gµν∂ Φi∂ Φj , µ ν − X Vi = Λ−4gµν∂ Φ0∂ Φi, (2) µ ν where Φ0(x), Φi(x), (i=1,2,3) are the four scalar fields and γ is considered as a constant free parameter. For Eq.(1), the vacuum solutions corresponding to the flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson- Walker (FLRW) metric can be written as g = a2η , µν µν Φ0 = Λ2t, (3) Φi = Λ2xi. where a is the scale factor for the FLRW metric and η is the flat space metric. µν The metric g with perturbations can be written as µν g =a2η +δg , (4) µν µν µν wherethemetricperturbationsδg aretakenafterthespontaneousLorentzsymmetrybreaking. µν 2 The components of the metric perturbation are given by δg = 2a2ϕ, 00 δg = a2(N ∂ A), (5) 0i i i − δg = a2[ h ∂ Q ∂ Q +2(ψδ ∂ ∂ E)], ij ij i j j i ij i j − − − − where ϕ, ψ, A and E are scalar fields, N and Q are transverse vector fields and h is the i i ij transverse-tracelesstensor perturbation. By expanding √ g+δg, X(g+δg), Vi(g+δg), Wij(g+δg) in Eq.(3) and using Eq.(1) we − get the Lagrangianas m2 L = pl(m2h h +2m2h h m2h h +m2h h 2m2h h ), (6) m 2 0 00 00 1 0i 0i− 2 ij ij 3 ii jj − 4 00 ii where the mass parameters are given by [30], Λ4 m2 = [XF +2X2F ], 0 m2 X XX pl 2Λ4 1 m2 = [ XF WF + XWF ], 1 m2 − X − W 2 VV pl 2Λ4 m2 = [WF 2W2F ], (7) 2 m2 W − WW2 pl Λ4 m2 = [WF +2W2F ], 3 m2 W WW1 pl Λ4 m2 = [XF +2XWF ], 4 −m2 X XW pl where W = 1/3δ Wij, ij − ∂F = F , X ∂X ∂2F = F , ∂X2 XX ∂F = F δ , (8) ∂Wij W ij ∂2F = F δ , ∂Vi∂Vj VV ij ∂2F = F δ δ +F (δ δ +δ δ ), ∂Wij∂Wkl WW1 ij kl WW2 ik jl ij jk ∂2F = F δ . ∂X∂Wij XW ij There is a number of different regions in the mass parameter space where massive gravityis described by a consistent low-energy effective theory with strong coupling scale Λ (mm )1/2 pl ∼ whichimplies aghost-freescenario. Eachofthese regionsischaracterizedbycertainfine-tuning relations between the mass parameters. In the vector sector, provided m = 0, the vector field 2 6 behaves in the same way as in the Einstein theory in the gauge F = 0; hence there are no i 3 propagating vector perturbations and gravity is not modified in this sector unless one takes into account the non-linear effects or higher derivative terms [7, 8]. In the scalar sector, the scalar field has massless limit which coincides with the GR expression; hence there is no vDVZ discontinuity. In the tensor sector, only the transverse-traceless perturbations h are present ij and their field equation is that of a massive field with the mass m with helicity-2; hence there 2 are two massive spin-2 propagating degrees of freedom. The perturbed metric for a flat FLRW universe can be written as ds2 =a2(τ)[ dτ2+(δ +h )dxidxj], (9) ij ij − here δ is the flat space metric and τ is the conformal time defined by dτ = dt. ij a The dynamical equation of motion for massive gravitational waves can be written as h(m)′′(τ)+2 h(m)′(τ)+k2h(m)(τ)+a2m2 h(m)(τ)=0, (10) ij H ij ij gw ij where m m is the mass of the gravitonand = a′ is the Hubble parameter. gw ≡ 2 H a The massive tensor perturbation h(m) can be expanded in the Fourier space as ij D ∞ d3k h(m)(x,τ) = [h(m)(p)(τ)c(m)(p)ε(m)(p)(k)eik.x ij (2π)23 Z−∞ √2Ek ij ij ij +h(m)(p)∗(τ)c(m)(p)†ε(m)(p)∗(k)e−ik.x], (11) ij ij ij where D = √16πl is the normalization constant, l is the Planck length, E is the energy of pl pl k the mode, (p) is the polarization index and the superscript (m) stands for the massive tensor perturbation. The two polarization states ε(p), p=1,2 are symmetric and transverse-tracelessand satisfy ij the conditions ε(ijp)δij =0, ε(ijp)ki =0, ε(ijp)ε(p′)ij =2δpp′, ε(ijp)(-k)=ε(ijp)(k). Thesepolarizationsarelinearandarecalledtheplus(+)polarizationandcross( )polarization. × The creation and annihilation operators c(p)† and c(p) satisfy the following relations k k c(kp),ck(p′′)† = δpp′δ3(k−k′), (12) h c(p),c(p′)i = c(p)†,c(p′)† =0. (13) k k′ k k′ h i h i Using Eq.(11) in Eq.(10), we get h(m)′′(τ)+2 h(m)′(τ)+(k2+a2m2 )h(m)(τ)=0. (14) k H k gw k Here after we drop the polarization index (p) and the index (m) for notational convenience. The mode function can be taken in the following form µ (τ)=a(τ)h (τ). (15) k k Using Eq.(15) in Eq.(14) we get a′′ µ′′+ k2+a2m2 µ =0. (16) k gw− a k (cid:18) (cid:19) 4 The dispersion relation can be written as [31] k2 +m2 =w2, (17) a2 gw where w is known as the effective frequency. For the adiabatic vacuum, Eq.(14) has the solution h (τ) e−iwaτ. (18) k ∝ For the frequency lower than the rate of cosmic expansion, w2 2, the mode is termed ≪ H super-horizon mode. The tensor amplitudes are frozen and the mode stays outside the horizon and is constant, and its absolute value is h = (k), τ <τ , (19) k ex k | | A where (k)= Hex , is the amplitude of the mode at the time of its generation and is Aex mplk3/2 Hex the expansionrateatthe time ofhorizonexitduring inflation, τ is the time ofhorizonre-entry k and m is the reduced Planck mass. pl Whenw is comparableto the rate ofcosmicexpansion, w2 2, for amode with comoving ≃H momentumk,thecorrespondingtimeiscalledhorizoncrossingtime. Assumingthatthehorizon re-entry takes place sufficiently rapidly, i.e., τ τ , then Eq.(18) can be rewritten as k ≃ (k) h (τ)= C e−iwaτ, τ τ , (20) k k w a3 ≃ k k p where w w(τ )= indicates horizon re-entry and (k) is a constant of integration. k k k ≡ H C With the evolutionof the universe, the modes re-enter the horizonand their amplitudes are nolongerconstant. Thefrequencybecomeshigherthantherateofcosmicexpansion,w2 2, ≫H calledsub-horizonmode. Oncethe modere-entersthehorizon,itoscillates. Itssolutionisgiven by Eq.(18) (k) h (τ)= C e−iwaτ, τ >τ . (21) k k w(τ)a3(τ) p Using Eq.(19), Eq.(20) and Eq.(21), we get h (τ) w a3 | k | = k k , τ >τ . (22) ex(k) sw(τ)a3(τ) k A Replacing w by k/a and τ by τGR, GR indicating the massless case, we get the corresponding k k solution in the massless case as hGR(τ) aGR | k | = k , τ >τGR. (23) (k) a(τ) k ex A The two-point correlation function for the massive gravitational waves can be written as d P(w ) 0h hij 0 , (24) 0 ij ≡ dlnw h | | i 0 5 where D2 ∞ dk 0h (x,τ)hij(x,τ)0 = k2 h (τ)2 . (25) h | ij | i 2π2 | k | k Z0 Therefore one gets w2 2k3 P(w )= 0 h (τ )2, (26) 0 w2 m2 π2 | k 0 | 0 − gw,0 where k =a w2 m2 , 0 0− gw,0 d dk q w2 = 0 . dlnw k w2 m2 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) 0− gw,0 Using Eq.(22), the power spectrum for the massive gravitationalwaves is obtained as 2k3 k′a 2 w a P(w ) = 2(k) k k k 0 π2 A ka w a (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) 0 0 k′a 2 w a k k k = P(k), (27) ka w a (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) 0 0 where k′ =a w and P(k)= 2k3 2(k) is known as the primordial power spectrum. 0 0 π2 A Using Eq.(23), the power spectrum for the massless case can be written as aGR 2 P (w )= k′ P(k′). (28) GR 0 a (cid:18) 0 (cid:19) By taking the ratio of Eq.(27) to Eq.(28), we obtain P(w ) P(k) k′a 2 w a 0 k k k = P (w ) P(k′) kaGR w a GR 0 (cid:18) k′ (cid:19) 0 0 P(k) = S2(w ), (29) P(k′) 0 where the enhancement factor S(w ) can be written as 0 k′a w a k k k S(w )= . (30) 0 kaGR w a k′ r 0 0 The dispersion relation at the time of horizon re-entry is w m (τ ). (31) k gw k ≃ The cosmic expansion rate is comparable to the effective mass of the gravitational waves when all modes re-enter the horizon simultaneously, then (τ ) m (τ ). k gw k H ≃ Therefore, we have η η , a a , and w m (τ )= khc. k ≃ hc k ≃ hc Hk ≃H hc ≃ gw hc ahc 6 Byconsideringthemasstermwhichdominatesthefrequencymodestillpresenttime,weget k 0 w m = , 0 gw,0 ≃ a 0 k′ k . 0 ≃ For long wavelength modes, the enhancement factor becomes [31] −1 a k w2 2 S(w ) hc hc 0 1 . (32) 0 ≃ aGk0Rr k0 m2gw,0 − ! The massive short wavelength modes behave almost similar to their massless counterparts and hence, are not considered here. 3 Inflation In the simplest inflationary scenario, the sudden expansion of early universe is driven by a canonicalsinglescalarfieldcalledtheinflaton. Intheslowrollinflationaryscenario,theinflaton slowly rolls down its potential which is almost flat. The equation of motion for the inflaton with effective potential V can be written as φ¨+3Hφ˙ +V′(φ)=0, (33) where the Hubble parameter H is determined by the energy density of the inflaton field, φ˙2 ρ = +V, φ 2 so that the Friedmann equation can be written as 1 1 H2 = φ˙2+V(φ) . (34) 3m2 2 pl (cid:18) (cid:19) In the slow-rolllimit, the Hubble parameter takes the following form V H2 . (35) ≃ 3m2 pl The slow-rollcondition is characterizedin terms of the slow-rollparameters defined in terms of the inflaton potential and its derivatives as follows m2 V′ 2 pl ǫ 1, ≡ 2 V ≪ (cid:18) (cid:19) V′′ η m2 1, (36) ≡ pl V ≪ (cid:18) (cid:19) these arethe sufficientbut notnecessaryconditions. As longasthe slow-rollconditions aresat- isfiedtheinflationcontinues. The slow-rollapproximationcanbe usedto studythe fluctuations generated during inflation. 7 The strength of the tensor fluctuations can be measured with respect to that of the scalar fluctuations in terms of the tensor-to-scalarratio r given by P (k) T r 16ǫ. (37) ≡ P (k) ≃ S The tensor spectral index can be given by the parameter ǫ as n = 2ǫ. (38) T − It can be seen that both r and n are determined by the equation of state during inflation. T They are useful inunderstanding the dynamics ofthe earlyuniverse as wellas indistinguishing various inflationary models. 3.1 Inflation models In this work, we consider the single field slow-roll inflation models for which the corresponding tensor-toscalarratiolieswithin (10−3)andr <0.07[32]. Thescalarpowerspectrumforeach O model is taken to be P =2.43 10−9. S × R2 Inflation model (Starobinsky model) This model is based on the higher order gravitationalterms with the action [33] m2 R2 S = d4x√ g pl R+ , (39) − 2 6m2 Z (cid:18) (cid:19) where R is the Ricci scalar and m is the inflaton mass. ThemodelcanberepresentedintheformofEinsteingravitywithanormalizedinflatonfield with effective potential, V(φ)=M4(1 e−√2/3φ/mpl)2. (40) − Thetensor-to-scalarratioforthismodelisobtainedasr =3.25 10−3. Theslow-rollparameters × obtained for the model are ǫ = 2.03 10−4, × η = 1.63 10−2. (41) − × The calculated tensor power spectrum with the tensor spectral index n = 4.06 10−4 is T − × P =7.9 10−12. T × Arctan Inflation model This model is consideredas a large field inflation where the inflaton field starts at a large value and then evolves to the minimum potential [34, 35]. The effective potential for this model is given by φ V(φ)=M4 1 arctan , (42) − µ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) 8 where µ/m = 10−2 is a free parameter which characterizes the typical vacuum expectation pl value at which inflation takes place, M/m =10−3. pl Thetensor-to-scalarratioforthismodelisfoundasr =1.38 10−2. Thecalculatedslow-roll × parameters are, ǫ = 8.62 10−4, × η = 3.0 10−2. (43) × TheobtainedtensorpowerspectrumisP =3.35 10−11forwhichthetensorspectralindex T × has the value n = 1.72 10−3. T − × Higgs Inflation model Inthismodel,theHiggsfieldisconsideredtoplaytheroleoftheinflaton. Thefieldisconsidered to be non-minimally coupled to gravity [36]. The effective potential for this model is V(φ)=M4(1+e−√2/3φ/mpl)−2. (44) The tensor-to-scalar ratio for this model is r = 2.83 10−3. The corresponding slow-roll pa- × rameters are, ǫ = 1.77 10−4, × η = 1.48 10−2. (45) − × The tensor power spectrum is obtained as P =6.87 10−12 with n = 3.53 10−4. T T × − × Inverse Monomial Inflation model This model is considered in the context of quintessential inflation where the inflaton need not necessarily decay and hence, may survive through the present epoch. Since the inflaton does not decay, radiation is created via gravitational particle production [37, 38, 39]. The effective potential for this model is φ −p V(φ)=M4 , (46) m (cid:18) pl(cid:19) where p is a positive parameter, M/m =10−1. pl The calculated tensor-to-scalar ratio for this model is r = 2.0 10−3 and the slow-roll × parameters are, ǫ = 1.25 10−4, × η = 3.33 10−4. (47) × The tensor power spectrum is found as P =4.86 10−12 with n = 2.50 10−4. T T × − × 9 Loop Inflation model Thismodelisstudiedinthecontextofspontaneoussymmetrybreakingwhichalterstheflatness ofthe potentialandtakesthe formoflogarithmicfunction for one loopordercorrection[40,41, 42]. The effective potential for this model is φ V(φ)=M4 1+αln , (48) m (cid:20) (cid:18) pl(cid:19)(cid:21) where α=g2/16π2 tunes the strength of radiative effects, M =1016 GeV. The tensor-to-scalar ratio for this model is obtained as r = 4.34 10−2. The calculated × slow-rollparameters are, ǫ = 3.09 10−3, × η = 2.06 10−2. (49) − × The calculated tensor power spectrum with the tensor spectral index n = 6.18 10−3 is T − × P =1.2 10−10. T × 4 The BB-mode angular power spectrum of CMB The expression for computing the BB-mode correlation angular power spectrum of CMB is given by [43, 44] CBB = (4π)2 dkk2P (k) l T Z τH j (x) 2 dηg(τ)h (τ) (8x+2x2∂ ) l , (50) ×(cid:12)(cid:12)Z0 k n x x2 ox=k(τ0−τ)(cid:12)(cid:12) where x=k(τ0 τ), g(τ)=κ(cid:12)(cid:12)e−κ is the probability distribution of the last sc(cid:12)(cid:12)attering with κ as − the differential optical depth and j (x) is the spherical Bessel function. l The CMB angularspectrumfor the BB mode correlationwith the slow-rollinflationmodels are obtainedby using the CAMB code with κ=0.08andk =0.002Mpc−1 as the tensor pivot 0 scale. The obtained results are presented in Figs.1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The limit (BK BK × − αBK P)/(1 α) is taken from the BKP joint data after subtraction of dust contribution of × − the BICEP2/KeckArray band which gives the fiducial value α=0.04 [29]. 5 Discussion and conclusion The BB mode correlation angular power spectrum of CMB for the primordial massive gravi- tational waves for the Starobinsky (R2), Arctan, Higgs, Inverse monomial and Loop inflation models is studied in the context of Lorentz violating massive gravity model. It is observed for each inflation model that, for gravitational waves with mass m & 1.4 10−16 Hz, there is gw × enhancement in the power level compared to the massless gravitational waves case while there isdecreaseinthepowerlevelinthecaseofm <1.4 10−16 Hz. TheBBmodeangularpower gw × spectrum of CMB for gravitational waves with mass m 1.4 10−16 Hz ( 5.79 10−31 gw ≃ × ≡ × 10