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GRAVITATIONAL WAVES Gravitational Waves Volume 2 Astrophysics and Cosmology Michele Maggiore DépartementdePhysiqueThéorique UniversitédeGenève 3 3 GreatClarendonStreet,Oxford,OX26DP, UnitedKingdom OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwide.Oxfordisaregisteredtrademarkof OxfordUniversityPressintheUKandincertainothercountries ©MicheleMaggiore2018 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted FirstEditionpublishedin2018 Impression:1 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedin aretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withoutthe priorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress,orasexpresslypermitted bylaw,bylicenceorundertermsagreedwiththeappropriatereprographics rightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethescopeofthe aboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment,OxfordUniversityPress,atthe addressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisworkinanyotherform andyoumustimposethissameconditiononanyacquirer PublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyOxfordUniversityPress 198MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NY10016,UnitedStatesofAmerica BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017943894 SetISBN 978–0–19–875528–9 Volume1 978–0–19–857074–5 Volume2 978–0–19–857089–9 onlyavailableaspartofaset DOI10.1093/oso/9780198570899.001 Printedandboundby CPILitho(UK)Ltd,Croydon,CR04YY LinkstothirdpartywebsitesareprovidedbyOxfordingoodfaithand forinformationonly.Oxforddisclaimsanyresponsibilityforthematerials containedinanythirdpartywebsitereferencedinthiswork. Preface to Volume 2 In the preface to Vol. 1 we wrote: “The physics of gravitational waves is in a very special period. [...] As a result of these experimental ef- forts, there are good reasons to hope that the next decade will witness the direct detection of gravitational waves and the opening of the field of gravitational-wave astronomy and, possibly, cosmology.” The writing of Vol.2took10moreyears,andduringthattimethesehopeshaveindeed been fulfilled. The first direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs) took place in September 2015, when the two detectors of the LIGO Observatory, at the very beginning of the first science run of advanced LIGO, observed the signal from a coalescing black-hole binary. The re- sult was announced by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations in February 2016. For this discovery Reiner Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne were awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics “for decisive contribu- tions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves”. Severalmorebinaryblack-holecoalescenceshavenowbeenobserved,in- cluding a triple coincidence between the two LIGO interferometers and the Virgo interferometer. Furthermore, in August 2017, the GWs from the coalescence of a neutron star binary were observed by LIGO and Virgo, in coincidence with a γ-ray burst detected by Fermi-GBM and by INTEGRAL. The electromagnetic counterpart was then identified and observed by several telescopes in all bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Thus, the GW window has been opened, and we are starting to look through it. With the planned improvements in the sensitivi- ties of ground-based interferometers, we expect that GWs from astro- physical sources will soon be observed routinely while, in the near and mid-term future, we expect that several other detectors, such as pul- sar timing arrays, the planned LISA space interferometer, and possibly third-generation ground-based detectors such as the Einstein Telescope, will explore the Universe up to cosmological distances. Thus, we are indeed in a very exciting period for GW astrophysics and cosmology. ThefirstvolumeofthisbookdealtwiththetheoryofGWs,inPartI, and with experiments, in Part II. This second volume is devoted to what we can learn from GWs, in astrophysics (Part III) and in cosmol- ogy (Part IV). Our main aim has been to systematize a large body of theoreticalandobservationaldevelopmentsthathavetakenplaceinGW physics over the last few decades. Even though we expect the field to evolve rapidly, thanks to new experimental discoveries as well as to the- oretical advances, we believe that most of these methods will still form the backbone of our understanding for many years to come, and will be xiv thebasisforfuturedevelopments. AswithVol.1,wehavetypicallytried to rederive afresh all theoretical results, trying to give a coherent and consistentpictureofthefield,andclarifyingorstreamliningtheexisting derivations whenever possible. An Errrata web page will be maintained at http://theory.physics.unige.ch/˜maggiore/home.html Various people have read and commented on the drafts of some chap- ters. I am particularly grateful to Alessandra Buonanno, Emanuele Berti, Thibault Damour, Ruth Durrer, Valeria Ferrari, Stefano Foffa, Kostas Kokkotas, Michael Kramer, Martin Kunz, Georges Meynet, An- drea Passamonti, Eric Poisson, Luciano Rezzolla, Alberto Sesana and Riccardo Sturani, for their careful reading of selected chapters, and to Camille Bonvin, Daniela Doneva, Alex Kehagias and Vittorio Tansella for useful comments. I also wish to thank Sonke Adlung, Harriet Konishi and the staff of OxfordUniversityPressfortheircompetentandfriendlyhelp, andMac Clarke for the careful and competent copyediting. Geneva, December 2017 10 Stellar collapse Webeginourstudyofastrophysicalsourcesofgravitationalwaves(GWs) withachapterdevotedtostellarcollapse. FromthepointofviewofGW 10.1 Historical Supernovae 4 physics, this is interesting for at least two different reasons. First, stel- 10.2 Properties of Supernovae 10 larcollapsethroughsupernovaexplosionisitselfapotentiallyinteresting 10.3 The dynamics of core collapse 21 source of GW production. Second, stellar collapse can leave as remnant 10.4 GW production by a compact object, such as a white dwarf (WD), a neutron star (NS) or self-gravitating fluids 35 astellar-massblackhole(BH).Aswewillseeindetailinlaterchapters, 10.5 GWs from stellar collapse 46 these compact objects are among the most interesting sources from the 10.6 Complements 66 point of view of GW astrophysics. Supernovae (SNe) are among the most spectacular events in the Uni- verse. As we will discuss in detail in this chapter, there are two very different mechanisms leading to SN explosions: (1) The gravitational collapse of the core of a star, once the nuclear fuel that feeds the ther- monuclear reactions inside the core is exhausted. As we will see in Sec- tion 10.2.1, depending on the properties of the progenitor, this leads to events classified as type Ib, Ic or type II SNe, and leaves behind a com- pactremnant,usuallyaneutronstar(whichissometimesobservableasa pulsar)orpossiblyablackhole(BH).1 (2)Thethermonuclearexplosion 1Therearealsoothermechanismsthat ofawhitedwarfthataccretesmassfromacompanion, goingbeyondits cantriggertheexplosion,asinelectron- capture SNe, as well as a more refined Chandrasekhar limit. This gives rise to type Ia SNe. In this case the classificationofSNtype,aswewilldis- starthatexplodesisdispersedinspaceanditsremnantisnotacompact cussinmoredetaillaterinthechapter. object. A typical core-collapse SN can release an energy 1053 erg. Of It is also in principle possible that the this energy, 99% is emitted in neutrinos, about 1% goes i∼nto kinetic en- collapse produces no visible SN event and all the matter is swallowed by the ergy of the ejected material, and less than 0.01%, i.e. about 1049 erg, is finalBH. released in photons. The corresponding peak luminosity in photons can be of order a few times 109 or higher. Thus, a typical core-collapse L(cid:12) SN atits peakhas anoptical luminosity thatrivalsthe cumulative light emittedbyallthestarsinitshostgalaxy. Aswewillseeindetailinthis chapter, type Ia SNe have similar electromagnetic luminosities. Such events, when they take place in our Galaxy (barring obscuration from dust in the Galactic plane beyond a few kpc), can lead to truly impres- sive optical displays that have been observed by mankind since ancient times. A number of milestones in astronomy are associated with nearby SN explosions. Tycho’s SN in 1572 and Kepler’s in 1604 marked a new epoch in astronomy, while recent discoveries such as the pulsar in the remnant of the 1054 Crab SN and the detection of neutrinos from the 1987A SN in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud rank among the mile- stones of modern astronomy. We therefore find it appropriate to begin this chapter with an introduction to historical SNe. GravitationalWaves,Volume2: AstrophysicsandCosmology. MicheleMaggiore. c MicheleMaggiore2018. Publishedin2018byOxfordUniversityPress. (cid:13) DOI10.1093/oso/9780198570899.001.0001 4 Stellar collapse Table10.1SummaryofthehistoricalSNe,andthesourceoftheirrecords,adapted fromGreenandStephenson(2003). RemnantsupdatedfromFerrandandSafi-Harb (2012). (Theidentifieroftheremnants,asforexampleinG120.1+01.4,referstoits Galacticcoordinates). WehaveclassifiedSN1604astypeIa,followingforexample Blairet al. (2007),Reynoldset al. (2007)andreferencestherein. Thenatureofthe CrabSN(corecollapseorelectroncapture)isdebated;seetheFurtherReading. Date Lengthof Remnant Classification Historicalrecords visibility Chinese Japanese Korean Arabic European AD1604(Kepler’s) 12months G004.5+06.8 typeIa few – many – many AD1572(Tycho’s) 18months G120.1+01.4 typeIa few – two – many AD1181 6months G130.7+03.1? – few few – – – AD1054(Crab) 21months G184.6−05.8 debated many few – one – AD1006 3years G327.6+14.6 typeIa many many – few two AD393 8months G347.3−00.5 – one – – – – AD386? 3months G011.2−00.3 – one – – – – AD369? 5months – – one – – – – AD185 8or20months G315.4−02.3 typeIa? one – – – – 10.1 Historical Supernovae The reader eager to plunge into more technical issues can simply skip this As we will see in Section 10.2.1, in a galaxy like ours the estimated rate section ofSNexplosionsisoforderoftwopercentury. However,intheGalactic plane the extinction of visible light significantly limits our view; for instance,theextinctionofvisiblelightfromtheGalacticcenterisabout 30 magnitudes. Thus, a Galactic SN visible to the naked eye is a very rare event. However, when a nearby star becomes a SN, the effects are quite spectacular. In the historical period, this has happened a handful of times. 2Novaearisewhenawhitedwarf(WD) Evidence for the oldest SNe observed by mankind is based on his- in a binary system accretes mass from torical records. Since a Galactic SN remains visible for months, and acompanionatarateofabout10−9− sometimesuptoafewyears, onecanfocusonhistoricalrecordsofstars 10−8M(cid:12)/yr. The material accreted that suddenly appeared and remained visible for at least four months, is rich in hydrogen and accumulates on the surface of the WD, where it in order to eliminate most novae2 and the possibility of confusion with iscompressedbyfurtheraccretionand comets (comets being eliminated also because of their evident proper heated. Whenalayerofabout10−5− motion). 10−4M(cid:12) of hydrogen has been ac- Table 10.1 gives a summary of SNe that have been seen by the naked creted, a runaway thermonuclear reac- tiontakesplace,releasinganenergyof eye in historical times, and for which we have written records, in the order 1045 erg, which is therefore sev- last 2000 years. eralordersofmagnitudesmallerthanin SNexplosions. TheWDthengradually cools down and goes back to its quies- SN 185 centstate, wheretheaccretionprocess can start again, leading to recurrent The oldest recorded SN is SN 185, which was first observed on Decem- novaexplosions. Acleardistinctionbe- ber 7, 185 at the imperial observatory of Lo-Yang, in central China. tween classical novae and supernovae The Chinese astronomers recorded its appearance and its gradual fad- was first made by Baade and Zwicky in1934. ing, providing the oldest plausible historical account of a SN. It finally disappeared after either 8 or 20 months (depending on the interpre- tation of a sentence in the record to mean “next year” or “year after next”). The identification of the recorded position of the event with 10.1 Historical Supernovae 5 the region between α and β Cen suggests that the remnant of SN 185 could be identified with the SN remnant RCW 86 (G315.4 02.3), at an − estimated distance of about 2.8 kpc. Recent observations with Chandra andXMM-Newtonhaveindeedstrengthenedthecaseforthisidentifica- tion. The study of its X-ray synchrotron emission has in fact suggested an estimate for the age of this remnant consistent with the explosion date, within the uncertainties of the determination. The regular shape of the remnant shell, together with the absence of a pulsar, would point toward a type Ia SN, which is also suggested by the Chandra X-ray observations. Anotherpossibleremnantcandidatehasbeenproposed,G320.4 01.2 − (RCW 89), which contains the pulsar PSR B1509-58, and therefore would corresponds to a core-collapse SN. The timing measurement of this pulsar are also consistent with the age of SN 185. SN 1006 A number of other possible SNe were recorded before AD 1000; see Table 10.1. However, the first event for which we have extensive histor- ical records is a SN that exploded in AD 1006 in the direction of the Lupis constellation, and was recorded in China, Japan, Europe, Egypt and Iraq. It disappeared a first time from view after 17 months, and remained occasionally visible at dawn for 3 years. The identification of the likely remnant of this SN came in 1965, by searching radio catalogues covering part of the region of sky suggested by the historical records. The remnant is now identified with the radio source PKS 1450-51 (whose Galactic coordinates are G327.4+14.6). Its distance from us, as we now infer from the remnant, was about 2.2 kpc. From the spectrum of the remnant it is believed that it was a type Ia SN. Using the standard luminosity of type Ia SNe together with the known distance to the remnant (and plausible assumptions about ab- sorption) allows us to estimate that it reached an apparent visual mag- nitudeV 7.5.3 Bycomparison,thefullMoonhasamaximumappar- 3Thestandardastronomicalnotionsof (cid:39)− ent magnitude V 12.94, and the limiting brightness for an object to luminosity,magnitudesandcolorindex (cid:39)− ofstarsarerecalledintheComplement be visible with the naked eye when the Sun is high is V 4, dropping (cid:39)− Section10.6. to V 2.5 when the Sun is less than 10 degrees above the horizon. (cid:39) − Comparing with the visual magnitudes given in Table 10.5 on page 70, weseethat,atitsmaximumbrightness,SN1006wasbyfarthebrightest object in the night sky after the Moon, and easily visible during day- time. The historical records confirm that it was indeed visible during theday,anditwasevenbrightenoughtoreadatnightbyitslight! The most detailed reports by far are from Chinese astronomers, who deter- mined the position of this “guest star” to good accuracy. Two accounts of this SN appeared also in Europe, in chronicles of the monasteries of St. Gallen, in Switzerland, and of Benevento, in Italy.

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