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Gravitational waves in the Hyperspace? 9 0 Christian Corda∗, Giorgio Fontana+ and Gloria Garcia Cuadrado& 0 2 January 21, 2009 n a J 8 ∗AssociazioneScientificaGalileoGalilei,ViaPierCironi16-59100Prato,Italy and 0574news.it - Sezione Scientifico-Tecnologica,via Sante Pisani 46 - 59100 ] Prato, Italy; +Universit`a di Trento, 38050 Povo (Trento), Italy; &Aerospace O Tecnology Center, Av. Segle XXI - E-08840 Viladecans (Barcelona), Spain C . h p - E-mail addresses: ∗[email protected];[email protected]; o [email protected] r t s a [ Abstract 2 v Intheframework of thedebateonhigh-frequencygravitational waves 8 (GWs),afterareviewofGWsinstandardGeneralRelativity,whichisdue 5 forcompletness,thepossibilityofmergingsuchatraditionalanalysiswith 4 the Hyperspaceformalism that has been recently introduced in some pa- 0 persintheliterature,withthegoalofabetterunderstandingofmanifolds . 1 dimensionality also in a cosmological framework, is discussed. Using the 0 conceptofrefractiveindexintheHyperspace,sphericalsolutionsaregiven 9 and the propagation of GWs in a region of the Hyperspace with an uni- 0 taryrefractiveindexisalsodiscussed. Propagationphenomenaassociated : to the higher dimensionality are proposed, possibly including non-linear v i effects. Furtherand accurate studiesin this direction are needed. X r • PACS numbers: 04.80.Nn, 04.30.Nk, 04.30.-w a • Keywords: gravitational waves; General Relativity; Hyperspace; Cosmol- ogy. The data analysis of interferometric GWs detectors has recently been started (forthe currentstatusofGWsinterferometerssee[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])andthe scientific community aims at a first direct detection of GWs in next years. Detectors for GWs will be importantfora better knowledgeofthe Universe andeithertoconfirmorrulingoutthephysicalconsistencyofGeneralRelativity or any other theory of gravitation[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. In fact, in the context of Extended Theories of Gravity, some differences between General Relativity 1 andthe othertheories canbe pointed outstartingfromthe linearizedtheoryof gravity [9, 10, 12, 14]. Recently, some papers in the literature have shown the importance of high- frequencyGWs[15,16,17]. Inthiscontext,adifferenceapproachtogravityhas also been proposed with the Hyperspace formalism, performing a coordinate- transformation from spacetime to Euclidean coordinates [18, 19]. AfterareviewofGWsinstandardGeneralRelativity,whichisdueforcom- pletness, in this letter we discuss the possibility of merging such a traditional analysis with the Hyperspace formalism that has been recently introduced in some papers in the literature with the goal of a better understanding of man- ifolds dimensionality also in a cosmological framework [18, 19, 20]. Using the concept of refractive index in the Hyperspace, we find spherical solutions and we also discuss the propagation of GWs in a region of the Hyperspace with an unitary refractive index. After this, propagation phenomena associated to the higher dimensionality areproposed,possiblyincludingnon-lineareffects. Furtherandaccuratestudies in this direction are needed. GravitationalwavesinGeneralRelativityhavebeenanalyzedinlotsofworks in literature, starting by the work of the Bondi’s researchgroup [20] expecially in the Transverse-Traceless (TT) gauge [19, 20, 21]. In the first part of this letter, we reanalyze the TT gauge for GWs following [28]. In the context of General Relativity, working with c = 1 and ~ = 1, calling R , R and R the linearized quantity which correspond to R , R µνρσ µν µνρσ µν and R, and putting e e e g =η +h with |h |≪1 (1) µν µν µν µν the linearized Einstein field equations can be written like [20, 24] R R − η =0. (2) µν µν 2 e e Defining h h¯ ≡h − η (3) µν µν µν 2 and putting eq. (3) in eqs. (2) it is (cid:3)¯h −∂ (∂αh¯ )−∂ (∂α¯h )+η ∂β(∂αh¯ ), (4) µν µ αν ν αµ µν αβ where (cid:3) is the D’Alembertian operator. Now, let us consider the gauge transform (Lorenz condition) h¯ →h¯′ =h¯ −∂ ǫ +η ∂αǫ , (5) µν µν µν (µ ν) µν α with the condition (cid:3)ǫ =∂µh¯ for the parameter ǫµ. It is ν µν ∂µh¯′ =0, (6) µν 2 and, omitting the ′, the field equations can be rewritten like (cid:3)h¯ =0. (7) µν Solutions of eqs. (7) are plane waves, i.e. −→ h¯ =A (k)exp(ikαx )+c.c. (8) µν µν α which take the conditions kαk =0 α (9) kµA =0, µν which arises respectively from the linearized field equations and from eq. (6). The first of eqs. (9) shows that perturbations have the speed of the light, the second represents the transverse property of the waves. Fixed the Lorenz gauge, another transformation with (cid:3)ǫµ = 0 can be per- formed; one takes (cid:3)ǫµ =0 (10) ∂ ǫµ =0, µ which works because (cid:3)h¯ =0. Then h¯ =0 ⇒ h¯ =h , (11) µν µν (traceless property) i.e. h is a transverse plane wave too. The gauge µν transformation (10) also saves the conditions ∂µ¯h =0 µν (12) h¯ =0. Considering a wave incoming in the positive z direction it is kµ =(k,0,0k) (13) and the second of eqs. (9) implies A =−A 0ν 3ν A =−A (14) ν0 ν3 A =−A +A . 00 30 33 Now, one has to compute the freedom degrees of A . As A is a sym- µν µν metric tensor, 10 components were present at the begining of the analysis. 3 componentshavebeenlostforthetransverseproperty,more,thecondition(11) 3 reducesthecomponentsto6. OnecantakeA ,A ,A ,A ,A ,A likein- 00 11 22 21 31 32 dependentcomponents;anothergaugefreedomcanbe usedtoputtozerothree more components (i.e. one can only chose three of ǫµ, the fourth component depends from the others by ∂ ǫµ =0). µ Then, taking −→ ǫ =ǫ˜ (k)exp(ikαx )+c.c. µ µ α (15) kµǫ˜ =0, µ the transform law for A is (see eqs. (5) and (8) ) µν ′ A →A =A −2ik( ˜ǫ ). (16) µν µν µν µ ν As for the six components of interest only three are gauge-invariants, ǫ˜ ν can be chosen to put equal to zero the others (see [28] for details). From the traceless property two components are also equal [28]. In this way, only two physical components are present and the total perturbation of a gravitational wave propagating in the z+ direction in this gauge is [28] h (t−z)=A+(t−z)e(+)+A×(t−z)e(×), (17) µν µν µν thatdescribesthe twopolarizationsofgravitationalwaveswhicharisesfrom General Relativity in the transverse-traceless (TT) gauge (ref. [20, 19, 20]). Thisgaugeis historicallycalledTT,becauseintheseparticularcoordinatesthe gravitationalwaves have a transverse effect and are traceless. A different approach on gravity has been recently proposed considering the Hyperspace formalism,performing a coordinate-transformationfromspacetime to Euclidean coordinates [18, 19]. In this framework, a different space-time structure is introduced [16, 18, 19, 25, 22]. One starts by the flat space-time line element dτ2 =−dt2+dz2+dx2+dy2, (18) and re-arrangeslike [16, 18, 19, 25, 22] dt2 =dτ2+dz2+dx2+dy2. (19) Gravity is considered by resortingthe analogyto optical propagationin the 3-space. In this way, a gravitational refractive index of the Hyperspace named n is introduced [25, 27] dt2 =n2(dτ2+dz2+dx2+dy2). (20) The casen=1givestheLorentzianflatspace-time(18),while,switchingto spherical coordinates and putting dθ =dϕ, the condition [25, 27] 2G˜m n=(1− )−1 (21) r 4 generates the well known Schwarzschildspace-time [20]. One can also introduce directional indexes of the Hyperspace dt2 =n2dτ2+n2dz2+n2dx2+n2dy2), (22) τ z x y and,recallingthattheGWslineelementwhicharisesbyeq. (17),considering only the “+” polarization, is [20, 28] dτ2 =−dt2+dz2+[1+A+(t−z)]dx2+[1−A+(t−z)]dy2, (23) one obtains n2 =1 τ n2 =1 z (24) n2 =1+A+(t−z) x n2 =1−A+(t−z). y More in general, assuming an isotropic propagation, one consider a generic wave equation for weak waves travelling at the speed of light [25] (cid:3)n=0. (25) In Hyperspace coordinates, by separing variables, one looks for solutions of the type n(r,t)=R(r)T(T), obtaining rd2R +3dR +k2rR=0 dr2 dr (26) d2T +ω2T =0. dt2 In the flat background the refractive index is unitary. To study non linear effects one has to include such a value in the expression of the speed. In this way eq. (25) changes into a2n (n+1)2 =▽2n=0, (27) at2 which can be re-written like a2n (cid:3)n=−(n2+2n) . (28) at2 Eq. (25) is re-obtained in the limit n≪1. These equations show that if a beam of GWs is more intense at center than at wings, the central part travelsat lower four-speed(self-focusing, see also the classical tratment in [29]). TheunitarybackgroundrefractiveindexisattributedtoacosmologicalGWs backgroundwhich supports the spacetime [25]. The existence of such a cosmo- logicalGWsbackgroundhasbeenpostulatedbylotsworksintheliterature,see 5 for example [30, 23, 24, 25] and it has been recently analysedin the framework of Extended Theories of Gravity [34, 35, 36]. Removing the background, the non-linear eq. (27) becomes a2n n2 =▽2n=0. (29) at2 In this case, solutions of the type n(r,t)=R(r)T(T) give [25] rd2R +3dR −κrR2 =0 dr2 dr (30) d2T + −κ =0. dt2 T The second of eqs. (30) is a non linear differential equation of the Emden- Fowler type [37], which can be integrated only numerically in terms of T(t) if κ 6=0. It is possible to write t=C1+Z dt(2κlnT)−12 (31) where C and C are two real integration constants which work in the nu- 1 2 merical integration T(t)≈C +C tα (32) 1 2 and α ≈ 1.03. Note: solution with both of C 6= 0 and C = 0 are not 1 2 acceptableasT(t)=constantisnotsolutionofthesecondofeqs. (30). Insuch a numerical integration the slope and the sign are given by initial conditions and the equation is singular in the case C =0. 1 With κ =0 one gets T(t)=C +C t, while with κ <0 the solution of the 1 2 first of eqs. (30) is a damped oscillator. A possible interpretation of the results [25] is that the large scale sweeping of spacetimes through the Hyperspace becomes slower and slower with time, while, because of the increasimg temporal component of n, the oscillating and decreasing spatial component of n, combined with a specific spacetime motion results in a nearly constant n for the local background, during the spacetime evolution[25]. Ther-dependenceinthefirstofeqs. (30)impliesthatspacetime regionsinwhichtheparticlespropagationspeedcanbedifferentfromthespeed ofthe light,andthepresenceofHyperspace“highways”isnottotallyexcluded. Further and accurate studies are needed in this direction. In the Hyperspace n can also oscillate from positive to negative values, and further studies will be needed to understand the effect of the sign change too. κ = 0 gives also R(r) = −3lnr+C [25], thus, in this particular case the 3 solution of eqs. (30) is n(r,t)=(C +C t)(−3lnr+C ). (33) 1 2 3 Again, this particular solution shows that the speed of spacetimes changes in the Hyperspace because both of evolution in time and expansion in space. 6 Conclusion remarks In the framework of the debait on high-frequency GWs, after a review of GWs in standard General Relativity, which is due for completness, the possibility of merging such a traditional analysis with the Hyperspace formalism which has beenrecentlyintroducedinsomepapersintheliterature,withthegoalofabet- terunderstandingofmanifoldsdimensionalityalsoinacosmologicalframework, has been discussed. Using the concept of refractive index in the Hyperspace, spherical solutions have been given and the propagation of GWs in a region of the Hyperspace with an unitary refractive index has been also discussed. Propagationphenomenaassociatedto the higherdimensionalityhavebeenpro- posed,possiblyincludingnon-lineareffects. Furtherandaccuratestudiesinthis direction are needed. Aknlowdgements This letter has been partially supported by the Sezione Scientifico-Tecnologica of 0574news.it, via Sante Pisani 46, 59100 Prato, Italy References [1] F. Acerneseetcal.(the VirgoCollaboration)- Class.Quant.Grav.24, 19, S381-S388 (2007) [2] C. Corda - Astropart. Phys. 27, No 6, 539-549 (2007) [3] C. Corda - Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 16, 9, 1497-1517(2007) [4] B. Willke et al. - Class. Quant. Grav. 23 8S207-S214 (2006) [5] D. Sigg (for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration) - www.ligo.org/pdf public/P050036.pdf [6] B. Abbott et al. (the LIGO Scientific Collaboration) - Phys. Rev. D 72, 042002 (2005) [7] M. 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