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Preview Gravitational Lensing Effect on the Two-Point Correlation Function of Hot Spots in 21 cm fluctuations

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed21January2009 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Gravitational Lensing Effect on the Two-Point Correlation Function of Hot Spots in 21 cm fluctuations 9 Hiroyuki Tashiro1, Toshifumi Futamase2 0 0 1 Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Universit´e Paris-Sud XI and CNR, Orsay, F-91405, (France) 2 2 Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, (Japan) n a J 21January2009 5 1 ABSTRACT ] O We investigate the weak gravitational lensing effect on the two-point correlation C functionoflocalmaxima(hotspots)inthecosmic21cmfluctuationmap.Theintrinsic . h two-point function has a pronounced depression feature around the angular scale of p θ ∼ 40’, which depends on the observed frequency and corresponds to the scale of - o the acoustic oscillation of cosmic plasma before the recombination. It is found that r the weak lensing induces a large w-dependent smoothing at that scale where w is the t s equation of state parameter of dark energy and thus provides a useful constraints on a thedarkenergypropertycombinedwiththedepressionangularscalesonthetwo-point [ correlationfunction. 1 v Key words: cosmology:theory – large-scale structure of universe 0 3 2 2 1 INTRODUCTION . 1 There has been a growing interest to use the cosmic 21 cm background fluctuations for a useful tool to study the so-called 0 dark age of the universe. The emission and absorption lines of the 21 cm spin-flip transition of neutral hydrogen produce 9 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) brightness temperature fluctuations of order ±10 mK. By scanning through redshift 0 frequencies of 21 cm line, it is possible to observe the evolution of the neutral hydrogen density with time. Therefore, the : v observation of the 21 cm fluctuations is expected as a promising probe of the reionisation history (Zaldarriaga et al. 2004; i X McQuinn et al. 2006). In order to measure the fluctuations, there are planned low-frequency radio arrays, for example, MileuraWidefieldArray1 (MWA),LowFrequencyArray2 (LOFAR)andSquareKilometerArray3 (SKA).Moreover,the21 r a cm cross-correlation with other observations, e.g, CMB, large scale structures and galaxies, also studied because the cross- correlation with complementary observation gives more information than their respective auto-correlations (Alvarezet al. 2006; Tashiro et al. 2008; Adshead & Furlanetto 2008; Lidz et al. 2009). The 21 cm observations also have a potential to reveal the Universe at high redshifts before the reionisation epoch (Madau et al. 1997; Tozzi et al. 2000). The physics of the 21 cm fluctuations at high redshifts is understood better than at lowerredshiftsaroundthereionisationepoch(foradetailedreview,seeLewis & Challinor2007).The21cmfluctuationsathigh redshiftstracethematterpowerspectrumandarecalculatedinthelineartheory.Theobservationsoftheacousticoscillations inthe21cmfluctuationsareexpectedtobeaprobeofthecompositionandgeometryoftheUniverse(Barkana & Loeb2005; Mao & Wu 2008). Inadditiontotheseprimordialfluctuations,thereexistsecondary21cmfluctuations.Modificationbyweakgravitational lensing is considered as one of the main sources of secondary fluctuations (Mandel & Zaldarriaga 2006). The path of the emitted 21 cm photon is perturbed by weak gravitational lensing of large scale structures. Gravitational lensing modifies the primordial 21 cm fluctuations as in the context of CMB. However, in contrast to the CMB case where there is only one sourceplaneatthelastscatteringsurface,theredshifted21cmfluctuationsprovideexcellentsourcesforgravitationallensing because of the existences of many different source planes. 1 http://www.haystack.mit.edu/array/MWA 2 http://www.lofar.org 3 http://www.skatelescope.org 2 Tashiro, H. et al. In this paper, we investigate the weak lensing effect on the 21cm fluctuations. In order to reconstruct matter den- sity fluctuations along the 21 cm photon path, some authors have been studied the effect (Mandel & Zaldarriaga 2006; Zahn & Zaldarriaga 2006;Metcalf & White2007;Lu & Pen2008).Forexample,MandelandZeldarrigastudiedtheeffecton theangularpowerspectraaswellastheintrinsic,three-dimensionalpowerspectraofthe21cm fluctuationsduringtheeraof reionisationandtheeffectonbothspectraislessthanapercentintheinterestingscales(Mandel & Zaldarriaga2006).Metcalf and White studied the lensed shear map power spectrum in 21cm fluctuations and pointed out the potential of producing high resolution, high signal-to-noise images of thecosmic mass distribution (Metcalf & White 2007). Here we are interested in the two-point correlation function before reionisation. If adopting the Gaussian assumption for the primordial fluctuation field, it is known that the peak statistics can provide additional information about intrinsic distribution of hot spots that those pairs have some characteristic separation angles (Heavens& Sheth 1999). In particular there is a pronounced depression feature in the two-point function around the angular scale of θ ∼ 40’ depending on the observed frequency.The weak lensing then redistributes hot spots in theobserved 21 cm fluctuation maps from the intrinsic distribution. We found that the effect has large influence in the depression feature, typically several percent contrary to the lensing effect on thepower spectra. Moreover, theeffect does not verymuchdependon thedetails of thenonlinearstructure formation.Thusthedetailedobservationoftheredshiftdependenceoftheweaklensingeffectaswellasoftheangularposition in the two-point function offer a very useful mean of investigating dark energy equation of state. This paper is organised as follows. In Sec. II, we calculate and discuss the two-point correlation function of hot spots in the 21 cm line fluctuations. In Sec. III, we give the formalisms the gravitational lensing effect on two-point correlation function. In Sec. IV, we present the result of lensed two-point correlation function and the effect of dark energy equation of state.Finally,weconcludeinSec.V.Asthefiducialcosmological modelinthispaper,weassumetheΛCDMcosmology with cosmological parameters, h=0.7 (H =h×100 km s−1 Mpc−1), Ω =0.3, Ω =0.7 and σ =0.8. 0 m Λ 8 2 TWO-POINT CORRELATION FUNCTION OF HOT SPOTS IN THE 21 CM LINE FLUCTUATIONS In the case of the CMB temperature anisotropy, two-point correlation functions of hot spots can be calculated from the angularpowerspectrum oftheCMB temperatureanisotropy undertheGaussian assumption (Heavens& Sheth1999).Since itisagoodassumptionthatthe21cmfluctuationsbeforethereionisationhaveaGaussianstatistic,wecancalculatetwo-pint correlation functionsofhotspotsinthe21cmfluctuationsfromtheirangularpowerspectruminthesamewayasinthecase of theCMB temperature anisotropy. 2.1 Angular power spectrum of the 21 cm fluctuations The observed 21 cm fluctuations at λ=21(1+z ) cm can bewritten as (Zaldarriaga et al. 2004) obs η0 T(nˆ,z )=T (z ) dηW (η −η)ψ (nˆ,η), (1) obs 21 obs 21 obs 21 Z 0 where η is the conformal time, the subscripts obs and 0 mean the values at the redshift z and the present time, respec- obs tively, and W (η −η) is a response function which characterises the bandwidth of an experiment and normalised as 21 obs ∞ dxW (x) = 1. In this paper, we assume that W (η −η) is the delta function for simplicity. In Eq. (1), T (z) is a −∞ 21 21 obs 21 Rnormalisation constant which is given by Ω h2 0.15 1+z 1/2 T (z)≃23 mK b , (2) 21 (cid:18)0.02 (cid:19)h(cid:16)Ωmh2(cid:17)(cid:16) 10 (cid:17)i and ψ is thedimensionless brightness temperature written as 21 T (η) ψ (nˆ,η)≡x (nˆ,η)[1+δ (nˆ,η)] 1− cmb , (3) 21 H b (cid:20) Ts(nˆ,η)(cid:21) whereδ isthebaryondensitycontrast,x isthefractionofneutralhydrogen,T isthespintemperatureofneutralhydrogen b H s and T is the CMB temperature. For simplicity, we assume that the fraction of neutral hydrogen is x = 1 because the cmb H redshifts we are interested in are before the reionisation epoch. We also take another assumption that the gas temperature, T ,isheatedbystarsorQSOs,andmuchhigherthanT .Inthiscase, T iswellcoupledtoT andT ≫T .Asaresult, g cmb s g s cmb Eq. (3) does not have the dependence on T . Under these assumptions, the 21 cm fluctuations are determined only by the s baryon density contrast. Note that the second assumption, T ≫T , might be invalid at high redshifts, if there are not sufficient heat sources to s g makeT enough high. In thiscase, T is set by thebalance between T and T , and theabsolute valueof theamplitudeof g s g cmb thebrightnesstemperaturefluctuationsdependsonT (Madau et al.1997).However,theabsolutevalueoftheamplitudedoes s notaffectthetwo-pointcorrelation functioninouranalysis,sincethethresholdforahotspotinthispaperisdefinedrelative Gravitational Lensing Effect on 21 cm Fluctuations 3 to the dispersion of the fluctuations and the correlation function is determined by the gradient and the second derivative of theangularpowerspectrumasshowninHeavens& Sheth(1999).Therefore, ourfinalconclusion isnotsignificantlychanged in the case without thesecond assumption. After expanding Eq. (3) in Fourier series and using Rayleigh’s formula, we can obtain spherical harmonic coefficients of the21 cm fluctuations, d3k a2ℓm1(zobs)=4π(−i)ℓZ (2π)3(1+fµ2)δbkα2ℓ1(k,zobs)Yℓ∗m(k), (4) where Y (k) is a spherical harmonic function and α21(k,z) is a transfer function for the21 cm line, ℓm ℓ α21(k,z)≡T (z)D(z)j [k(η −η)]. (5) ℓ 21 ℓ 0 Here,j isthesphericalBesselfunctionandD(z)isthelineargrowthfactorofthedensityfluctuations.Weincludedthefactor ℓ (1+fµ2) in order to take into account of the redshift-space distortion by the bulk velocity fields, which is called “Kaiser effect”,withµ≡kˆ·nˆ,andf ≡dlnD/dlna(Bharadwaj & Ali2004).Theangularpowerspectrumofthe21cmfluctuations is obtained from C (z ,ℓ)=h|a21(z )|2i. (6) 21 obs ℓm obs 2.2 Two-point correlation function For calculating the two-point correlation function of hot spots in the 21 cm line fluctuations, we define the number density fluctuationsof hot spots in the21 cm fluctuation map as n (θ)−n¯ δn (θ)= pk pk, (7) pk n¯ pk where n and n¯ are the number density and the mean number density of hot spots above a certain threshold ν. The pk pk threshold ν is written as ν =∆T /σ with the21 cm fluctuations ∆T and theirdispersion, 21 21 21 1 σ ≡h|∆T |2i= dℓ2C (ℓ). (8) 21 21 (2π)2 Z 21 In what follows, we set ν =1 as thethreshold. The two-point correlation function of hot spots is the ensembleaverage of the numberdensity fluctuations, ξ (θ)≡hδn(θ )δn(θ )i, (9) pk−pk 1 2 where|θ −θ |=θ.Thedetailed calculation of thecorrelation function of hot spotsfrom theangular spectrum iswritten in 1 2 Heavens& Sheth (1999). Therefore, we donot give thedetailed calculation and we only show some results here. The left panel in Fig. 1 shows the two-point correlation functions of hot spots in the 21 cm fluctuations. In this figure, wesetz =30.Thebaryonicoscillation bringstheoscillatory featurebetween20and50arcmininthecorrelation function. obs Since the 21 cm fluctuations do not have Silk damping, the correlation function does not damp below 10 arcmin unlike that of theCMB temperature anisotropy. Varyingtheobservational wavelength,we can obtain two-point correlation functions at differentz . Weplot thecorre- obs lation function for different z in the right panel of Fig. 1. When z are varied from high to low redshifts, the position of obs obs the oscillation shifts to large angle. This is because the apparent angular diameter of the baryonic oscillation becomes large at low redshifts. In addition, decreasing the amplitude of the oscillation at low redshifts is also explained by the apparent angular diameter. The increment of the apparent angular diameter makes the baryonic oscillation smooth in the angular power spectrum of the 21 cm fluctuations. Since the two-point correlation function are related to the gradient and second derivativeoftheangularpowerspectrum,thesmoothingofthebaryonicoscillation inlowz decreasestheamplitudeofthe obs two-point correlation function. 3 GRAVITATIONAL LENSING EFFECT ON TWO-POINT CORRELATION FUNCTIONS During traveling to an observer, 21 cm photons are deflected by the gravitational potential of the density fluctuations along thepath as CMB photons. Therefore, we measure thelensed 21 cm fluctuations. This means that thenumberdensity of hot spots at thedirection θ on theobservation map corresponds to that at θ+δθ on thesource plane, where δθ is thedeflection angle generated by the weak gravitational lensing effect. Therefore, the observed number density fluctuations of hot spots, δnobs,are represented as pk δnobs(θ)=δn(z,θ+δθ). (10) pk 4 Tashiro, H. et al. 0.09 0.016 0.08 0.014 zobs=40 0.07 0.012 zobs=30 z =20 ò) 0.06 ò) 0.01 obs ( 0.05 ( k k 0.008 àp 0.04 àp k k 0.006 p 0.03 p ø ø 0.004 0.02 0.01 0.002 0 0 -0.01 -0.002 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 40 50 60 70 80 ò(arcmin) ò(arcmin) Figure 1. (Left) Thetwo-point correlation function of hot spots inthe 21 cm fluctuations. We setν =1, and zobs =30. (Right) The correlationfunctionfordifferentzobs.Thedotted,solidanddashedlinesrepresentthecorrelationfunctionsforzobs=40,zobs=30and zobs=20,respectively. where δn(z,θ) denotethenumberdensity fluctuationsof hot spots at theredshift z. The dispersion of δθ for theangular separation θ is written as (Seljak 1996) σ2 (θ)≡2−1h|δθ −δθ |2i=σ2 (θ)+σ2 (θ), (11) GL 1 2 GL,0 GL,2 where |θ −θ | = θ and h i denotes the ensemble average. In Eq. (11), σ and σ are the isotropic and anisotropic 1 2 GL,0 GL,2 contributions tothe lensing dispersion, respectively, and given by 1 dℓ σ2 (θ) = C (ℓ)[1−J (ℓθ)], GL,0 2π Z ℓ GL 0 1 dℓ σ2 (θ) = C (ℓ)J (ℓθ), (12) GL,2 2π Z ℓ GL 2 Here, C (ℓ) is the angular power spectrum of the deflection angle, GL ηobs ℓ C (ℓ)=9H4Ω2 dηa−2(η)W2(η,η )P k= ,η . (13) GL 0 mZ obs m(cid:18) χ(η) (cid:19) η0 whereP isthematterdensitypowerspectrumandW(η,η )isrepresentedasW(η,η )=χ(η−η )/χ(η )whereχis m obs obs obs obs thecomoving angular diameter distance. The effect of weak gravitational lensing on the correlation functions of hot spots was investigated by Takadaet al. (2000)(seealsoTakada & Futamase2001).Thelensed two-pointcorrelation functionisexpressedwiththedispersionsofthe deflection angle as ξpobk−spk(θ) = hδnobs(θ1)δnobs(θ2)i|θ1−θ2|=θ =hδn(θ1+δθ1)δn(θ2+δθ2)i|θ1−θ2|=θ = Z (2dπ2ℓ)2(d22πℓ)′2ei(ℓ·θ1−ℓ′·θ2)hδnℓ1nℓ2ihei(ℓ·δθ1−ℓ′·δθ2)i ∞ ℓdℓ ℓ2 ℓ2 = C (ℓ) 1− σ2 (θ) J (ℓθ)+ σ2 (θ)J (lθ) , (14) Z 2π pk−pk (cid:20)(cid:18) 2 GL,0 (cid:19) 0 2 GL,2 2 (cid:21) 0 where, in order to obtain the finalexpression, we used the Gaussian assumption of δnℓ, hδnℓδnℓ′i=(2π)2Cpk−pk(ℓ)δ2(ℓ−ℓ′), (15) and thefollowing approximation, heiℓ·(δθ1−δθ2)i|θ1−θ2|=θ ≃1− l22 σG2L,0(θ)+cos(2ϕl)σG2L,2(θ) . (16) (cid:2) (cid:3) The angular spectrum of the unlensed correlation function of hot spots C in Eq. (14) can be related with the unlensed pk−pk correlation function ξunlensed(θ) as pk−pk π C (ℓ)=2π dθθξunlensed(θ)J (ℓθ). (17) pk−pk pk−pk 0 Z 0 Gravitational Lensing Effect on 21 cm Fluctuations 5 4 WEAK LENSING AND DARK ENERGY First,wecalculatetheweakgravitationallensingeffectontwo-point@correlationfunctionsinthefiducialcosmologicalmodel. The left panel in Fig. 2 shows the lensed and the unlensed two point correlation functions. The effect of weak gravitational lensing is smoothing of the oscillatory feature of two-point correlation function as in the CMB case (Takada et al. 2000; Takada & Futamase 2001). Therefore, theeffect of gravitational lensing arises prominently around 30-50 arcmin where there are thetop and bottom of the oscillatory features. In this calculation, we have not taken into account the nonlinear evolution of matter density fluctuations, although this gives the amplification of gravitational lensing on small scales in the CMB case (Seljak 1996). As shown in Fig. 2, the scale where the gravitational lensing effect arises prominently is about more than 30 arcmin. According to Eq. (12), most contribution of the gravitational lensing effect at each θ comes from C (ℓ) where ℓ corresponds to ℓ ∼π/θ. Therefore, the GL gravitational lensing effect at about 30 arcmin is sensitive to C (ℓ) at ℓ ∼ 300. The discrepancy between the linear and GL nonlinear density power spectra on the power spectra of the deflection angle is made on small scales ℓ>1000 (see Fig. 1 in Mandel & Zaldarriaga 2006). Thus,neglecting thenonlinear evolution is valid in this paper. Next,westudytheeffectofthedarkenergyequationofstatewonweakgravitationallensinginthetwo-pointcorrelation function.Fig.3showsthelensedtwo-pointcorrelationfunctionfordifferentw.Oneoftheeffectsofwistheshiftoftheposition of the oscillatory feature in the unlensed correlation function. Decreasing w means that the acceleration of the universe in the dark energy dominated epoch becomes high and the distance to z increases. As a result, the oscillatory feature in the obs correlation function shifts to small angle scale as in the case of the baryonic oscillation in CMB or galaxy redshift surveys (Blake & Glazebrook 2003). Gravitational lensing does not affect the position of the oscillatory feature. Therefore, even in lensed correlation functions, the w-dependence of the position of the oscillatory feature is same as in the case of unlensed correlation functions. Varying the observational wavelength, we can obtain two-point correlation functions at different z . The left panel of obs Fig. 4 shows the evolution of the position of the oscillatory trough at the redshift z for different w. As z decreases, the obs obs apparent angle of the baryonic acoustic oscillation becomes large. Therefore, the position of the oscillatory trough shifts to large scale with z decreasing. obs Wepresenttheevolutionofthefractionalchangebygravitationallensingatthetrough∆ξ/ξunlensed with∆ξ=(ξobs − pk−pk pk−pk ξunlensed), as a function of z for different w in the right panel of Fig. 4. The deflection angle depends on the distance to pk−pk obs the redshift z which is the redshift of a ‘source plane’, as described in Eq. (13). Decreasing z means that the distance obs obs becomesshortandthedeflectionanglebygravitationallensingdecreases.Therefore,theintegratedvalueofEq.(13)issmaller for low z than for high z . obs obs Theamplitudeof∆ξ/ξunlensed dependsonw asshownintherightpanelofFig.4.Decreasingwwithkeepingz makes pk−pk obs thecomovingdistancetoz large.Asaresult,integralrangeofEq.(13)becomelargeandthegravitational lensingeffectis obs enhancedforsmallw.Themodificationofthegrowthrateofdensityfluctuationsbythedarkenergyequationofstateaffects weakgravitational lensing.Howeverwefoundthatthiseffectisminorinourparameterregion (−1.2<w<−0.8),compared with theeffect of themodification of the distance to z . obs Atthelast,weinvestigatewhichredshiftmakesthemostcontributiontothelensingeffect.Sincethegravitationallensing effectmainlyarisesatabout30arcmininthe21cmfluctuationsbetweenz =20and40,thedominantcontributiontothe obs lensingdispersion inEq.(12) comesfrom C (ℓ)at ℓ∼300. Weplottheredshift distributionofC (ℓ)at ℓ=300 inFig.5. GL GL Varyingz doesnotmakethedistributionchangeradically,becausetheradialdistancestothesourceplaneateachz are obs obs not different strongly. For all z , the distribution has a peak around z ∼1.5. Therefore, gravitational lensing effect on the obs 21 cm fluctuationsis sensitive to thematter density fluctuationsat this redshift 5 CONCLUSION We have calculated two-point correlation functions of hot spots in 21 cm fluctuations and studied the weak gravitational lensing effect on thecorrelation function.Particularly, we haveexamined itspossibility as a probeof theequation of stateof dark energy w. The two-point correlation function of hot spots in the 21 cm fluctuations is more smoothed than that of the CMB temperature anisotropy. On large scales, the correlation function is very flat. However, the amplitude of the correlation function increases toward small scales due to the absence of Silk damping in the 21 cm fluctuations. The baryonic acoustic oscillation produces the oscillatory feature around 30-50 arcmin. By decreasing the observation redshift z , the oscillatory obs featureshiftstolargescales.Therefore,thepositionoftheoscillatoryfeatureinmulti-frequencyobservationsplaysaimportant role in thedecision of thecosmological parameter as thebaryonicoscillation in theCMB temperatureanisotropies and large scale structures. The weak gravitational lensing effect on thetwo-point correlation function appears on theoscillatory feature. The effect is smoothing of the feature by smearing the baryonic oscillation without shifting its position. The advantage of the 21 cm 6 Tashiro, H. et al. 0.014 0.0072 lensed 0.012 lensed non lensed non lensed 0.01 0.0068 ò) ò) ( 0.008 ( k k 0.0064 àp 0.006 àp k k øp 0.004 øp 0.006 0.002 0.0056 0 -0.002 0.0052 30 40 50 60 70 80 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ò(arcmin) ò(arcmin) Figure 2. The two-point correlation functions of hot spots in the 21 cm fluctuations. In the left panel, the solid line represents the lensed correlation function and the dotted line indicates the unlensed correlation function. We set zobs = 30 and σ8 = 0.8. The right panelshowstheresultaround30arcmininthesamecase. 0.007 w=-1:2 w=-1:0 0.0065 w=-0:8 ) ò ( k p à 0.006 k p ø 0.0055 0.005 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ò(arcmin) Figure3.Thelensedtwo-pointcorrelationfunctionsofhotspotsfordifferentw.Thedotted,solid,anddashedlinesrepresentthelensed correlationfunctionsforw=−1.2,w=−1.0,andw=−0.8,respectively.Forcomparison,wealsoplotunlensedcorrelationfunctionas thethinlines.Wesetzobs=30andσ8=0.8. fluctuationobservationisthatwecanobtainindependentlensedmapsatdifferentredshifts.Asz decreases,thedistanceto obs thesourceplanebecomessmallandthedeflectionanglebygravitationallensingdecreases.Asaresult,thedifferencebetween thelensed and the unlensed correlation functions becomes small at low z . obs We have studied the sensitivity of the 21 cm two point correlation function to the dark energy equation of state w. The effects of w on the two point correlation function appear on the shift of the position of the oscillatory features and the smoothing by gravitational lensing. Since the distance to z depends on w, decreasing w makes the position shift to small obs scale and thesmoothing emphasised. 37 0.054 w=-0:8 w=-1:2 36 w=-1:0 0.052 w=-1:0 ) w=-1:2 w=-0:8 n 35 k 0.05 mi àp arc 34 =øpk 0.048 ( 33 ø 0.046 ò É 32 0.044 31 0.042 30 0.04 15 20 25 30 35 40 15 20 25 30 35 40 z z obs obs Figure 4. (Left) The evolution of the position of the oscillatory trough for different w. The dotted, solid, and dashed lines are for w =−1.2, w =−1.0, and w =−0.8, respectively. (Right) The evolution of fractional changes of the two-point correlation function for differentw.Thedotted, solid,anddashedlinesrepresenttheevolutions forw=−1.2,w=−1.0,andw=−0.8,respectively. Gravitational Lensing Effect on 21 cm Fluctuations 7 0.7 `=300 zobs=40 z 0.6 zobs=30 g z =20 o 0.5 obs l d = 0.4 L G C 0.3 g o 0.2 l d 0.1 0 0.1 1.0 10 z Figure 5. The redshift distribution of CGL(ℓ) at ℓ = 300 as a function of zobs. The dotted, solid and dashed lines are for zobs = 40, zobs=30andzobs=20,respectively. Theevolutionofthefractionalchangebythegravitationallensingeffect,whichisobtainedfromobservationsofdifferent redshift slices, is useful for the constraint on w. The 21 cm fluctuations with gravitational effect can be estimated from the linear theory.Thus, it will be easy to compare these results with observational data and to obtain theconstraint on w. We mention the comparison between the angular power spectrum and the two-point correlation function of the 21 cm fluctuations for the detection of the gravitational lensing effect. According to Mandel & Zaldarriaga (2006), the fractional change by gravitational lensing in the angular power spectrum is about 1 %. On the contrary, the fractional change is enhanced to about 4 % in the correlation function. Therefore, the two-point correlation function is a better probe of the gravitational lensing effect than the angular power spectrum. Finally,wegivesomecommentsonobservationalaspects.Inthispaper,wefocusonweakgravitationallensingonthe21 cm fluctuations before the reionisation epoch (z > 15). Therefore, we neglect any effect of reionisation process on the 21 obs cm fluctuations. Planned observational projects in the near future are aimed at the measurement of the 21 cm fluctuations during reionisation (z ∼ 10 for LOFAR and z ∼ 15 for SKA). The 21 cm fluctuations from the reionisation epoch are obs obs studied with numerical simulations by many authors. The angular power spectrum of the21 cm fluctuations dependson the reionisation process, (e.g. Baek et al. 2008). Therefore, in order to measure w by the weak gravitational lensing effect in the near futureobservations, we must take intoaccount thereionisation process precisely with numerical simulations. REFERENCES Adshead P. J., FurlanettoS. R., 2008, MNRAS,384, 291 Alvarez M. A., Komatsu E., Dor´e O., Shapiro P. R.,2006, Astrophys.J., 647, 840 Baek S., Di Matteo P., Semelin B., Combes F., RevazY., 2008, arXiv:0808.0925 Barkana R., Loeb A., 2005, MNRAS,363, L36 Bharadwaj S., Ali S.S., 2004, MNRAS,352, 142 Blake C., Glazebrook K., 2003, Astrophys.J., 594, 665 HeavensA. F., Sheth R.K., 1999, MNRAS,310, 1062 Lewis A., Challinor A., 2007, Phys. Rev.D, 76, 083005 Lidz A., Zahn O., Furlanetto S.R., McQuinn M., Hernquist L., Zaldarriaga M., 2009, ApJ, 690, 252 Lu T., Pen U.-L.,2008, MNRAS,388, 1819 Madau P., Meiksin A., ReesM. J., 1997, Astrophys.J., 475, 429 Mandel K. 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