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Preview Gravitational Lens Recovery with GLASS: Measuring the mass profile and shape of a lens

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000) Printed1September2014 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Gravitational Lens Recovery with Glass: Measuring the mass profile and shape of a lens Jonathan P. Coles,1,3(cid:63) Justin I. Read2, 4 1 and Prasenjit Saha3 0 1Exascale Research Computing Lab, Campus Teratec, 2 Rue de la Piquetterie, 91680 Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France 2 2Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom g 3Physik-Institut, Universita¨t Zu¨rich, 190 Winterthurerstrasse, 8057, Zu¨rich, Switzerland u A 1September2014 9 2 ] ABSTRACT O We use a new non-parametric gravitational modelling tool – Glass – to determine C what quality of data (strong lensing, stellar kinematics, and/or stellar masses) are requiredtomeasurethecircularlyaveragedmassprofileofalensanditsshape.Glass . h uses an under-constrained adaptive grid of mass pixels to model the lens, searching p throughthousandsofmodelstomarginaliseovermodeluncertainties.Ourkeyfindings - o are as follows: (i) for pure lens data, multiple sources with wide redshift separation r give the strongest constraints as this breaks the well-known mass-sheet or steepness t degeneracy; (ii) a single quad with time delays also performs well, giving a good s a recovery of both the mass profile and its shape; (iii) stellar masses – for lenses where [ the stars dominate the central potential – can also break the steepness degeneracy, givingarecoveryfordoublesalmostasgoodashavingaquadwithtimedelaydata,or 2 v multiplesourceredshifts;(iv)stellarkinematicsprovidearobustmeasureofthemass 0 at the half light radius of the stars r1/2 that can also break the steepness degeneracy 9 if the Einstein radius r =r ; and (v) if r r , then stellar kinematic data can E 1/2 E 1/2 9 be used to probe the stell(cid:54)ar velocity anisotropy∼β – an interesting quantity in its own 7 right. Where information on the mass distribution from lensing and/or other probes . 1 becomes redundant, this opens up the possibility of using strong lensing to constrain 0 cosmological models. 4 1 Key words: gravitational lensing: strong, methods: numerical, methods: statistical : v i X r 1 INTRODUCTION mann2010;Amendolaetal.2013).However,extractingdark a matter properties or cosmological constraints from these Strong gravitational lenses are rare. Since the discovery of lensingdatawillrequiresophisticatedmodelling.Inparticu- thefirstlensQ0957+561(Walshetal.1979),just∼400have lar,withanunprecedenteddatasetimminent,itisprudent beendiscoveredtodate1.However,thisnumberisexpected to look again at systematic errors in the lens models to de- to increase to several thousand over the next ten years as termine what quality of data (in particular complementary new surveys, both ground-based2,3 and space-based4 – to- data from stellar/gas kinematics, lens time delays and/or getherwithacommunityofcitizen-sciencevolunteersexam- stellar mass constraints) are required to address problems ining the image data for candidates5 – come online. of interest. It is towards that goal that this present work is Sincelensingdependsonlyongravity,stronglensesoffer directed. a unique window onto dark matter and cosmology (Bartel- To see why lens modelling details are of crucial impor- tance, let us recall the essential quantities that appear in (cid:63) [email protected] lensing (see also §2 for a more detailed exposition). First 1 See,e.g.,http://masterlens.astro.utah.eduforacatalogue. we have the distances. Let DL, DS, DLS be the angular- 2 http://pan-starrs.ifa.hawaii.edu diameter distances to the lens, source, and from lens to 3 http://www.darkenergysurvey.org source; these are all proportional to c/H but have factors 4 http://www.euclid-ec.org 0 5 http://spacewarps.org (cid:13)c 0000RAS that depend on the particular choice of cosmology6. Typi- Being under-constrained, it is then necessary to explore cally: model degeneracies rather than finding a single ‘best-fit’ solution. Free-form models are more commonly used with c D DL ≈zLH and DS ∼1. (1) cluster lenses (Saha et al. 2006; Saha & Read 2009; Merten 0 LS etal.2009;Sendraetal.2014),butcanbeusedwithgalaxy where zL is the redshift of the lens. For multiple images, lensesaswell,wheretheirlessrestrictiveassumptionscanbe the sky-projected density must exceed the critical lensing important. For example, in time-delay galaxy lenses, para- density in some region: metric model measures of the Hubble parameter H have 0 c2 1kgm−2 historicallybeenattensionwithindependentmeasures(e.g., Σcrit = 4πGD ∼ z (2) Kochanek 2002a,b); these are resolved once the less restric- L L tive assumptions of free-form models are permitted (Read where G is Newton’s gravitational constant. The angular et al. 2007). Hybrid methods, using a mass grid on top separationbetweenthelensedimagesisofordertheEinstein a parametric model, have also been explored (e.g., Vegetti radius θ , which is related to the mass by: E et al. 2010). θ ∼ RGDLS (3) (ii) Modelensembles:Modelensembles,exploringadi- E D D verse range of possible mass distributions that nonetheless L S all fit the data, are a way of combating the non-uniqueness where R = GM/c2 (with M the projected mass enclosed G ofmodels.Suchensemblesarepossibleinparametricmodels within θ ) is the gravitational radius. If the source is a E (e.g., Bernstein & Fischer 1999; Jullo et al. 2010; Richard quasarorotherwiserapidlyvariable,atimedelay∆tinthe et al. 2014; Johnson et al. 2014; Coe et al. 2014), but are variability will be present where: morecommoninfree-formmodels,where–sincesuchmod- ∆t∼R /c (4) els are deliberately under-constrained – they become vital G (Williams&Saha2000;Saha&Read2009;Lubini&Coles So in principle, one can not only measure the mass of 2012). the lens, one can use the dependence on the cosmology- (iii) Stellar kinematic constraints:Thiswasfirstsug- dependentD factorsto extractthe cosmologicalmodeland gested by Treu & Koopmans (2002) as a means to break all its parameters. Zwicky (1937) drew attention to the for- lensingdegeneracies.Theideaisthatstellarkinematicscan mer, and Refsdal (1964, 1966) pointed out the latter, all provide an independent estimate of the Einstein radius, via long before lenses were discovered. The difficulty with ac- the virial theorem: tually doing this, however, became apparent soon after the (cid:104)v2 (cid:105) θ D discoveryofthefirstlensbyWalshetal.(1979).Inthefirst los ≈ E S (5) everpaperonlensmodelling,Youngetal.(1981)foundthat c2 6πDLS manyplausiblemassdistributionscouldreproducethedata. where (cid:104)v2 (cid:105) is the line of sight stellar velocity dispersion, los Young et al. (1981) were remarkably prescient about and the above relation becomes exact for isothermal lenses. the subsequent development of lens modelling. First, they This can then be used to probe cosmological parameters if introduced the technique of choosing a parametric form for lensesareknowntobeisothermal(e.g.,Collettetal.2012); the lensing mass and then fitting for the parameters, which or to break the steepness degeneracy in the more general is still the most common strategy (see for example Keeton situation (see §2.3). The technique has since been applied 2010; Kneib & Natarajan 2011). Second, they pointed out to many lenses (e.g., Koopmans et al. 2006; Bolton et al. the non-uniqueness of lens models – lensing degeneracies. 2008).Goingfurther,theuseoftwo-dimensionalkinematics Third, they suggested combining lensing data with stellar (Barnab`e et al. 2011) is especially interesting. kinematicsandX-rays,toreducetheeffectofthedegenera- (iv) Stellar mass constraints: The stellar mass in a cies. Later work, as well as following up these suggestions, lens can be inferred from photometry and compared with has introduced some further new ideas. Five of these are the total mass (e.g., Keeton et al. 1998; Kochanek et al. important for the present work: 2000; Rusin et al. 2003; Ferreras et al. 2005, 2008; Leier et al. 2011). Since the inferred stellar mass depends on the (i) Free-form modelling: In ‘free-form’ or non- assumedIMF,lensesinwhichstellarmassdominatescanbe parametric modelling, thereis no specified parametric form used to derive upper bounds on the stellar M/L (Ferreras forthemassdistribution.Therearestillassumptions(orpri- etal.2010).LowerboundsonstellarM/Lhavealsorecently ors) on the mass distribution, such as smoothness or being been claimed by fitting ΛCDM semi-analytic models to the centrally concentrated (Saha & Williams 1997; Diego et al. tilt of the fundamental plane (Dutton et al. 2013). 2005;Mertenetal.2009;Coeetal.2010)butthesearemuch (v) Testing modelling strategies:Usingmockdatato lessrestrictivethanparametricforms.Aparticularlyelegant see how well a given model can recover simulated lenses priorisimplementedbyLiesenborgsetal.(2006),requiring is increasingly being recognised as essential. Simple blind that the mass distribution to be non-negative and no extra testshaveappearedinearlierwork(forexample,Figure2in images allowed. To be concrete, we define from here on: Williams&Saha2000),butmorerecently,testsagainstdy- Non-parametric, or ‘free-form’ ≡ more parameters than data namicallysimulatedgalaxiesorclustersarefavoured(Read constraints (i.e. deliberately under-constrained) et al. 2007; Liesenborgs et al. 2007; Merten et al. 2009; Barnab`e et al. 2009; Coe et al. 2010). 6 Here, c is the speed of light in vacuo and H0 is the Hubble There are three further key modelling ideas in the lit- parameter. erature that we will not touch upon in this present work: to use X-ray intensity and temperature profiles as a mass constraint (e.g., Newman et al. 2013); and to model mul- The lens equation: tiple lenses simultaneously, with one or more cosmological D parametersvariablebutsharedbetweenthelenses.Thislat- β=θ− LSα(θ) D ter strategy has been used to constrain H0 from time delay 4G (cid:90)S (θ−θ(cid:48)) (6) lenses(Sahaetal.2006;Coles2008;Paraficz&Hjorth2010) α(θ)= Σ(θ(cid:48)) d2θ(cid:48) c2D |θ−θ(cid:48)|2 and recently the cosmological parameters Ω as well (Sereno L & Paraficz 2014). Third, it is in principle possible to esti- maps an observed image position θ to a source position β. mate the Ω parameters even from a single lens, if there are Using the thin lens approximation, the lens can be thought lensedsourcesatmultipleredshifts(Lubinietal.2014)orby of as a projected surface density Σ which diverts the path using additional priors (Jullo et al. 2010; Suyu et al. 2014). of a photon instantaneously through the bending angle α. In this paper, we introduce a new non-parametric lens TheD factors,asintheprevioussection,areangulardiam- modellingframework–Glass(GravitationalLensingAnal- eter distances, which depend on the cosmological density- ysiS Software). This shares some aspects with an earlier parametersΩ,theredshiftsz ,z ofthelensandthesource, L S code PixeLens (Saha & Williams 2004; Coles 2008). How- and the Hubble parameter H , thus 0 egevrraoelru,nkGedyluawpsasy–s–s:iwgnhiifichcacnotnlytaiimnsparollvnesewupcoondePwixrietLteennsfroinmstehve- DLS = Hc011++zzLS (cid:90)zLzS (cid:112)Ωm(1+dzz)3+ΩΛ (7) andD ≡D ,D ≡D .Onewaytounderstandthelens (i) At the heart of Glass is a new uniform sampling al- L 0,L S 0,S equation is via Fermat’s principle. We can think of light as gorithmforhighdimensionalspaces(Lubini&Coles2012). travelling only along extremum paths where lensed images This allows for large ensembles of > 10,000 models to be occur.Suchpathsoccurattheextremaofthephotonarrival efficiently generated. time t(θ) that depends on the geometric path the photon (ii) Glassprovidesamodularframeworkthatallowsnew takesandthegeneralrelativisticgravitationaltimedilation priors to be added and modified easily. due to a thin lens at redshift z : (iii) The basis functions approximating a model can be L easily changed (in this paper, we assume pixels as in Pixe- ct(θ) = 1|θ−β|2· DS Lens). (1+zL)DL 2 DLS (8) (iv) With so many models in the final ensemble, we can 4GD (cid:90) − L Σ(θ(cid:48))ln|θ−θ(cid:48)|d2θ(cid:48) afford to apply non-linear constraints (for example stellar c2 kinematicdata;ortheremovalofmodelswithspuriousextra Wecansimplifytheaboveequationbyintroducingadimen- images) to accept/reject models in a post-processing step. sionless time τ and density κ: (v) Thecentralregionofthemassmapcanhaveahigher resolution to more efficiently capture steep models. ct(θ) Σ(θ) τ(θ)= ; κ(θ)≡ (9) (vi) Stellar density can be used as an additional con- (1+z )D Σ L L crit straint on the models. and hence rewrite Eq. (8) as: (vii) Pointorextendedmassobjectscanbeplacedinthe field. τ(θ)= 1|θ−β|2· DS − 1 (cid:90) κ(θ(cid:48))ln|θ−θ(cid:48)|d2θ(cid:48) (10) 2 D π As a first application, we use Glass on mock data to de- LS termine which combination of lensing, stellar mass and/or Thescaledarrivaltimeτ islikeasolidangle.Itisoforderthe stellar kinematic constraints best constrain the projected area(insteradians)ofthefulllensingsystem.Theexpression massprofileandshapeofagravitationallens.Wewillapply |θ−β|2 is of order the image-separation squared, and the Glass to real lens data in a series of forthcoming papers. othertermsareofsimilarsize.Forthisreason,isconvenient This paper is organised as follows. In §3, we describe to measure τ in arcsec2. theGlasscode.In§2,wereviewthekeyelementsoflensing Lensing observations provide information only at θ theory,stellarpopulationsynthesis,andstellardynamicswe wherethereareimages.Hence,thearrival-timesurfaceτ(θ) willneed.In§4,wedescribeourmockdata.In§5,wepresent isnotitselfobservable.Itsusefulnessliesinthatobservables ourresultsfromapplyingGlasstothesemockdata.Finally, canbederivedfromit.Animageobservedatθ1impliesthat in §6 we present our conclusions. ∇τ(θ1)=0.Ameasurementoftimedelaysbetweenimages at θ and θ implies that t(θ )−t(θ ) is known. Interest- 1 2 1 2 ingly,boththesetypesofobservationsgiveconstraintsthat are linear in κ and β. 2 THEORY The rather complicated dependence of lensing observ- 2.1 Lensing essentials ablesonthemassdistributionκ(θ)hasanimportantconse- quence:verydifferentmassdistributionscanresultinsimilar In the following summary, we follow Blandford & Narayan observables.Thisisthephenomenonoflensingdegeneracies. (1986) with some differences in notation, in particular While the non-uniqueness of lens models noted by Young putting back the speed of light c and the gravitational con- et al. (1981) already hinted at degeneracies, their existence stant G. was first derived by Falco et al. (1985). The most impor- tant is the so-called mass-sheet degeneracy, which is that image positions remain invariant if τ(θ) is multiplied by an arbitraryconstant.Thiscorrespondstorescalingthesurface densityattheimagesκ(θ).Infactthereareinfinitelymany degeneracies(Saha2000)becauseanytransformationofthe of the stars; ν(r) is the three dimensional stellar density; arrival-time surface away from the images has no effect on σ (r) are the radial and tangential velocity dispersions, r,t the lensing observables. In particular, there are degenera- respectively; β(r) = 1−σ2/2σ2 = const. is the velocity t r ciesthatinvolvetheshapeofthemassdistribution(Saha& anisotropy(hereassumedtobeconstant,andnottobecon- Williams 2006; Schneider & Sluse 2014). Degeneracies tend fused with β(θ) from lensing); G is Newton’s gravitational to be suppressed if there are sources at very different red- constant;andM(r)isthemassprofilethatwewouldliketo shifts or ‘redshift contrast’ (AbdelSalam et al. 1998; Saha measure. By convention, we always write R for a projected & Read 2009), because the presence of different factors of radius, and r for a 3D radius. D /D intheimageplanemakesitmoredifficulttochange ItisimmediatelyclearfromEq.(12)that,evenassum- S LS the mass distribution and the arrival-time surface without ing spherical symmetry, we have a degeneracy between the affecting the lensing observables. But degeneracies are still enclosedmassprofileM(r)andthevelocityanisotropyβ(r). present with multiple source redshifts (Liesenborgs et al. This can be understood intuitively since β(r) measures the 2008; Schneider 2014). relativeimportanceofradialversuscircularorbitsandisin- trinsically difficult to constrain given only one component of the velocity vector for each star. Nonetheless, β(r) can 2.2 Stellar populations be constrained given sufficiently many stars, since radial For many galaxy lenses, the gravitational potential in the Doppler velocities sample eccentric orbits as r → 0 and inner region is dominated by the stellar mass. Stellar mass tangential orbits as r → ∞ (e.g., Wilkinson et al. 2002). canbeestimatedbycombiningphotometryandcolourswith ItcanalsobeestimatedifanindependentmeasureofM(r) modelsofthestellarpopulations.Suchestimatesarereason- is available – for example coming from strong lensing. ablyrobust,evenifthestar-formationhistoryisveryuncer- While M(r) is difficult to measure from stellar kine- tain: given a stellar-population model (such as Bruzual & matics alone, the mass within the half light radius is ro- Charlot2003)andaninitialmassfunction(IMF),thestellar bustly recovered (e.g., Walker et al. 2009; Wolf et al. 2010; mass can be inferred to 0.1 to 0.2 dex using just two pho- Agnello & Evans 2012) since stellar systems in dynamic tometric bands (see, e.g., Figure 1 in Ferreras et al. 2008). quasi-equilibriumobeythevirialtheorem(equation5).This By comparing the lensing-mass and stellar-mass profiles in meansthatstellarkinematicscanbreakthesteepnessdegen- elliptical galaxies, it is possible to extract the radial depen- eracyifr1/2 (cid:54)=rE,whererE =DLθEisthephysicalEinstein denceofthebaryonicvsdark-matterfraction(Ferrerasetal. radius. We test this expectation in §5. 2005, 2008; Leier et al. 2011). We describe our numerical solution of Eq. (12) in §3.7 The major uncertainty at present in the stellar mass and present tests applied to mock data in §5. is probably the IMF. In the lensing galaxy of the Einstein Cross, the IMF cannot be much more bottom-heavy than Chabrier (2003), because otherwise the stellar mass would 3 NUMERICAL METHODS exceedthelensingmassFerrerasetal.(2010).Moremassive 3.1 A new lens modelling framework: Glass galaxies, however, do appear to have more of their stellar massinlow-massstars.Thisisindicatedbymolecularspec- Glass is the Gravitational Lensing AnalysiS Software. It tralfeaturescharacteristicoflowmassstars(Cenarroetal. extends and develops some of the concepts from the free 2004;Conroy&vanDokkum2012;Ferrerasetal.2013).The formmodellingtoolPixeLens(Saha&Williams2004;Coles Chabrier (2003) IMF would, however, still provide a robust 2008), but with all new code. The most compute intensive lowerlimitonthestellarmassandhence,alsoalimitonthe portion was written in C but Python was chosen because total mass. Accordingly, Glass allows a constraint of the of its flexibility as a language and for its large scientific li- form brary support. The flexibility allows Glass to have quite sophisticated behavior while at the same time simplifying M(θ)≥M (θ) (11) stel the user experience and reducing the overall development on the total mass. time. One of the striking features is that the input file to GlassisitselfaPythonprogram.UnderstandingPythonis not necessary for the most basic use, but this allows a user 2.3 Stellar kinematics tobuildcomplexanalysisofamodeldirectlyintotheinput Another useful constraint follows from the velocity of stars file. Glass may furthermore be used as an external library within the lensing galaxy. Assuming spherical symmetry, to other Python programs. The software is freely available stars obey the projected Jeans equations (e.g., Binney & for download or from the first author.7 Tremaine 2008): The key scientific and technical improvements are: (i) A new uniform sampling algorithm for high dimen- 2 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:18) R2(cid:19) νσ2r sional spaces. σ2(R)= dr 1−β √ r ; (12) p I(R) r2 r2−R2 R AttheheartofGlassliesanewalgorithmforsamplingthe highdimensionallinearspacethatrepresentsthemodelling r−2β (cid:90) ∞ GM(r(cid:48)) σ2(r)= r(cid:48)2βν dr(cid:48) (13) solution space. This algorithm was described and tested in r ν r(cid:48)2 r where σ is the projected velocity dispersion of the stars as p 7 http://www.jpcoles.com afunctionofprojectedradiusR;I(R)isthesurfacedensity Lubini & Coles (2012); it is multi-threaded allowing it to close to the main lens. The substructure may have only a run efficiently on many-cored machines. small effect if the lens is a single galaxy, but if the lens is a group or cluster then a potential can be added for each of (ii) A modular framework that allows new priors to be the known member galaxies. A few standard functions are added and modified easily. alreadyincludedinGlassincludingthoseforapointmass, Each prior is a simple function that adds linear constraints apowerlawdistribution,oranisothermal(aparticularcase that operate on either a single lens object or the entire en- of the power law). sembleofobjects.Glasscomeswithanumberofusefulpri- ors (the default ones will be described in §3.3), but a user 3.2 Analysis Tools canwritetheirowndirectlyintheinputfile,orbymodifying the source code. Glass is not only a modeling tool but also an analysis en- gine. Glass provides many functions for viewing and ma- (iii) The basis functions approximating a model can be nipulatingthecomputedmodels.Thesefunctionscaneither changed. becalledfromaprogramwrittenbytheuserorbyusingthe Glass currently describes the lens mass as a collection of program viewstate.py included with Glass. There is also pixels,butthecodehasbeendesignedtosupportalternative a tool, lenspick.py for creating a lens, either analytically methods. In particular, there are future plans to develop a or from an N-body simulation file. To load the simulation module using Bessel functions. This will require a new set data, Glass relies on the Pynbody library (Pontzen et al. of priors that operate on these functions. 2013)andcanthusloadanyfilesupportedbythatpackage. (iv) Non-linear constraints can be imposed in an auto- mated post-processing step. 3.3 Pixelated models OnceGlasshasgeneratedanensembleofmodelsgiventhe Forthispaper,wewillrestrictourselvestousingapixelated linear constraints, any number of post processing functions basissetasusedbyPixeLens(Saha&Williams2004;Coles can be applied. Not only can these functions be used to 2008),butnotethatitisstraightforwardtoaddotherbasis derive new quantities from the mass models, they can also functionexpansionstoGlass.Thealgorithmforgenerating beusedasafiltertoacceptorrejectamodelbasedonsome models in Glass samples a convex polytope in a high di- non-linear constraint. For example, we can reject models mensional space whose interior points satisfy both the lens that have spurious extra images (§3.6), or models that do equation and other physically motivated linear priors (Lu- notmatchstellarkinematicconstraints(§3.7).Theplotting bini & Coles 2012). A limitation of our sampling strategy functions within Glass will correctly display models that is that only linear constraints may be applied when build- have been accepted or rejected. ingthemodelensemble;however,non-linearconstraintscan beappliedinpost-processing(see§3.6and§3.7).Wethere- (v) The central region can have a higher resolution to foreformulateallofourequationsasequationslinearinthe capture steep models. unknowns. We describe the density distribution κ as a set With the default basis set of pixels, the mass distribution of discrete grid cells or pixels κ and rewrite the potential i of the lens is described by a uniform grid. However, in the (Eq. A4) as: centralregionofalensinggalaxywherethemassprofilemay (cid:88) rise steeply, the center pixel uses a higher resolution. This ψ(θ)= κnQn(θ) (14) allows the density to increase smoothly but still allow for n a large degree of freedom within the inner region without where the sum runs over all the pixels and Q is the inte- n allowing the density to be arbitrarily high. gral of the logarithm over pixel n. The exact form for Q is described in Appendix B. We can find the discretized lens (vi) Stellar density can be used as an additional con- equation by simply taking the gradient of the above equa- straint. tions. Themassininnerregionsofgalaxiesisoftendominatedby The pixels only cover a finite circular area with physi- the stellar component which one can estimate using stan- cal radius R and pixel radius R with the central cell map pix dard mass-to-light models. This data can be added to the centered on the lensing galaxy. To account for any global potentialasdescribedlaterin§5.3.Byusingthestellarmass shearingoutsidethisregionfrom,e.g.,aneighboringgalaxy, onecanplacealowerboundonthemassandhelpconstrain we also add to Eq. (14) two shearing terms: the inner most mass profile. γ (θ2−θ2)+2γ θ θ . (15) 1 x y 2 x y (vii) Pointorextendedmassobjectscanbeplacedinthe We can continue adding terms to account for other poten- field. tials.Forinstance,wemaywanttoimposeabasepotential A shear term can be added to the potential, as shown later over the field, or add potentials from the presence of other in Eq. (15), to account for mass external to the modelled galaxies in the field. Glass already includes potentials for region.Thisisusefultocapturethegrosseffectsofadistant apointmassoranexponentialform,butcustompotentials neighbour,sincethereisadegeneracybetweentheellipticity are straightforward to add and can be included directly in of a lens and its shear field (the greater the allowed shear, theinputfile.Ifthestellardensityκ hasbeenestimatedwe s the more circular the lens may be). Glass also allows fur- canusethisasalowerboundwherethestellarpotentialisa ther analytic potential components to be included. These knownconstantoftheformEq.(14),e.g.,κ =κ +κ n dm,n s,n can be used to model substructure or multiple neighbours for a two-component model. 3.3.1 Priors 3.4 Building the model ensemble The lens equation and the arrival times alone are typically In the simplest form, a single model for a lens is a tuple notenoughtoformaclosedvolumeinthesolutionspace.We M =(κ,β,γ ,γ ). Asingle model represents asingle point 1 2 thereforerequireadditionallinearconstraints–priors.Some in the solution space polytope. Using the MCMC sampling oftheseare‘physical’inthesensethattheyareunarguable– strategy described in Lubini & Coles (2012) we uniformly forexampledemandingthatthemassdensityiseverywhere sample this space. Collectively, the sampled models are re- positive;othersaremoresubjective,forexampledemanding ferred to as an ensemble E ={M }, where we usually gen- i that the mass map is smooth over some region. Such ‘regu- erate |E|∼1000 models. One can choose to further process larisation’ priors may be switched off for all or some of the thesemodelstoimposepriorsthatmaybedifficulttoenforce mass map if the data are sufficiently constraining. during the modeling process. For instance, non-linear con- ThepriorsbuiltintoGlassaresimilartothoseusedin straints,orsimplyfilteringofmodelsthatdonotmeetsome PixeLens(Coles2008).Thephysicalpriorsarealwaysused criteria can be excluded, or weighted against as discussed bydefault;theregularisationpriorsareusedsparingly–i.e. previously.Inthispaper,wedonotexcludeanymodelsand only if the data are not sufficiently constraining to obtain treat all models as equally likely. sensible solutions without them: The time to generate the model ensemble is mostly a function of the size of the parameter space. The MCMC Physical priors algorithmhasa“warm-up”phasewhereitestimatesthesize (i) The density must be non-negative everywhere. andshapeofeachdimensioninthesolutionspace.Oncethis (ii) Image parity is enforced. has been completed, the models are sampled very quickly. Infact,thereislittledifferencebetweengenerating1,000or Regularisation priors 10,000 models, although we find little statistical difference after1,000models.Forthemocklenses,thetypical“warm- (i) The local gradient everywhere must point within 45◦ up” time was about 4s, and the modelling time was 20s of the center. usingaparallelshared-memorymachinewith40cores.The (ii) Theazimuthallyaverageddensityprofilemusthavea abilitytorapidlygeneratesomanymodelsiswhatallowsus slope everywhere ≤0. tothenaccept/rejectmodelstoapplynon-linearconstraints (iii) The density is inversion symmetric. (see §3.6 and §3.7). This is a key advantage over our earlier For typical lens data, the regularisation priors are very im- pixelated strong lens tool PixeLens. portant for creating physically sensible solutions. Prior (i) demands that the peak in the mass density is at the centre 3.5 Raytracing ofthemassmap.Secondary‘plateaus’inthemassmapare possible, but not secondary peaks. Note that this prior still Glass can also determine the position of images and time successfully allows merging galaxy systems to be correctly delaysfromparticle-basedsimulationoutputgivenasource captured, provided that the two galaxies are not equally position β. This is used to generate the lens configurations dense in projection (see, for example the PixeLens model usedintheparameterstudy.Theparticlesarefirstprojected of the merger system B1608 in Read et al. 2007); and for ontoaveryhighresolutiongridrepresentingthelensplane. the successful detection of ‘meso-structure’ in strong lens- Thecentersθ ofeachofthegridcellsaremappedbackonto i ing galaxy clusters (Saha et al. 2007). Prior (ii) is arguably thesourceplaneusingEq.(6).Ifthelocationonthesource a physical prior since a positive slope in the azimuthally plane β is within a user specified ε of β then θ is i accept i averaged density profile would be unstable (e.g., Binney & accepted and further refined using a root finding algorithm Tremaine2008).Notethatthispriordoesnotprecludesuc- untilthedistancetoβisnearlyzero.Ifmultiplepointscon- cessfulmodellingofmergersorsubstructureunlessthetotal vergetoanε ofeachotherthenonlyonepointistaken. root projected mass in substructure is comparable to the pro- Care must be taken that the grid resolution is high enough jectedmassofthehostinanazimuthalannulus(Readetal. that the resulting image position error is below the equiva- 2007; Saha et al. 2007). Prior (iii) is only used for doubles lent observational error. Time delays are then calculated in that ought to be inversion symmetric and quads where in- order of the arrival time at each image (Eq. A2). version symmetry is clear from the image configuration. Finally,weremindthereaderthatalloftheregularisa- tionpriorscanbeswitchedofforchanged/improveddepend- 3.6 Removing models with extra images ing on the data quality available. For clusters, substructure While linear constraints are applied in Glass by the na- can be explicitly modelled by adding analytic potentials at tureofthesamplingalgorithm,non-linearconstraintsmust the known locations of galaxies; furthermore the above pri- be applied in post-processing. Models that are inconsistent orscanberelaxedinregionsofthemassmapwherethedata with such constraints must then be statistically discarded areparticularlyconstraining(forexampleneartheimages). via a likelihood analysis. An example of such a non-linear We will apply Glass to a host of strong lensing clusters in constraint is the spurious presence of unobserved images. forthcomingwork,wherewewillexplicitlytesttheprioron This ‘null-space’ prior was first proposed and explored by mock data that has significant substructure. Liesenborgs et al. (2006) and found to be extremely pow- erful. We find that our gradient prior in Glass (see §3.3), performs much of the same function as Liesenborgs et al.’s null-space prior, but some models can still rarely turn up spurious images. We reject these in a post-processing step, where we sweep through the model ensemble applying the Galaxy γ(cid:63) M(cid:63) γDM MDM Rmap ray tracing algorithm described in 3.5. star1.0-dmCore 1 4 0.05 112.95 50kpc star1.0-dmCusp 1 4 1 112 50kpc star1.5-dmCore 1.5 21.5 0.16 112.84 50kpc 3.7 A post-processing module for stellar star1.5-dmCusp 1.5 21.5 1 112 10kpc kinematics Table1.Profileparametersforthefourmockgalaxies.Thename Similarly to the null-space constraint (§3.6), stellar kine- indicates whether the galaxy is centrally dark matter or stellar matic constraints constitute a non-linear prior on the mass dominated with a shallow or cuspy dark matter density profile. map and must be applied in post-processing. We sweep Masses are in units of 1.8×1010M(cid:12). The scale lengths for all through the model ensemble performing an Abel deprojec- lenses are (a(cid:63),aDM) = (2,20)kpc. Rmap is the 2D projected tion to determine M(r) from the projected surface den- radius used to generate the lens configurations. In the case of sity Σ(R) assuming spherical symmetry (e.g., Binney & star1.5-dmCusp, the profile is sufficiently steep that the profile Tremaine 2008; Broadhurst & Barkana 2008): couldbetruncatedatRmap=10kpc. (cid:90) π/2 (cid:20) 1 M(r) = Mp(<r)−4r2 Σ(x) cos2θ dark matter contribute equally to the total mass at a∗. 0 The dark matter scale length is fixed for all models at (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) sinθ cosθ − arctan dθ (16) aDM = 20kpc. These values were chosen to closely resem- cos3θ sinθ blethelensinggalaxyPG1115+080(Weymannetal.1980). where We place the galaxy at a redshift of zL = 0.31 for lens- (cid:90) r ing.Throughout,weassumeacosmologywhereH0−1 =13.7 Mp(<r)=2π RΣ(R)dR (17) Gyr,ΩM =0.28,andΩΛ =0.72.Thecriticallensingdensity 0 is κ ∼1.8×109M /kpc2. crit (cid:12) istheprojectedenclosedmassevaluatedat3Dradiusr;and Thegalaxiesweregeneratedasthreedimensionalparti- x=r/cosθ. cle distributions as in Dehnen (2009). Each component fol- This de-projection algorithmwas testedon triaxial fig- lows the profile: ures in Saha et al. (2006). They found that for triaxiali- M tiestypicalofourcurrentcosmology,themethodworksex- ρ(r˜)= (3−γ)(r˜/a)−γ(1+r˜/a)γ−4 (18) 4πa3 tremely well unless the triaxial figure is projected directly whereaisthecomponentscaleradiusmentionedinTable1; alongthelineofsightsuchthatweseethegalaxyorgalaxy r˜2 = (x/λ )2+(y/λ )2+(z/λ )2 is the ellipsoidal radius; cluster ‘down the barrel’. Such a situation is unlikely, but 1 2 3 and the axis ratios are λ : λ : λ = 6 : 4 : 3. In the case in any case avoidable since the resultant figure appears 1 2 3 wherethecentraldensityprofileindexγ isunity(andinthe sphericalinprojection.Thisleadstotheseeminglycounter- limit of spherical symmetry), this is the Hernquist profile intuitiveresultthatthekinematicconstraints–thatrelyon (Hernquist 1990). The four combinations of profile indices the above de-projection – are most secure for systems that are shown in Table 1. do not appear spherical in projection (unless independent InFigure1,weshowthe3Dradialdensity,the2Dpro- datacanconfirmthethreedimensionalshapeisindeedvery jected density, and the 2D enclosed mass for each galaxy. round). We use the deprojected mass to numerically solve Eq. (12) for constant β(r), assuming either β(r) = 1 or 4.2 Lens configurations β(r)=0atallradiitobracketthetwoextremumsituations. Where the data are good enough, these two may be distin- For each of the four galaxies, we used the raytracing fea- guished giving dynamical information about β(r). In more ture of Glass described in §3.5 to construct 6 basic lensing typical situations, however, we seek to simply marginalise morphologies: over the effect of β(r), using the stellar kinematics as a ro- (i) one double and one extended double; bust measure of M(r ) (see §2.3). 1/2 (ii) one quad and one extended quad; (iii) two 2-source quads with varying redshift contrast. The ‘extended’ configurations use multiple point sources at 4 THE MOCK DATA the same redshift to simulate an extended source that will We now present a study of four mock galaxies with known produces an arc-like image. Figure 2 shows the lens con- analytic forms. These are used to verify that Glass is able figurations for the star1.5-dmCusp galaxy. The configura- tocorrectlyrecoverthemassprofile,and–moreimportantly tions for the other galaxies are similar. The labels Z1, Z2, –todeterminewhattypeandqualityofdatabestconstrain Z3withinthenamesrefertotheredshiftofthesources.We the mass profile and shape of a lens. have chosen Z1=1.72, Z2=0.72, and Z3=0.51 so that the radial distribution of the images is roughly equally spaced. For all mocks, we do not apply any external shear field. 4.1 The triaxial N-body mock galaxies Only the central image of the Z1 source is used to avoid We generate four two-component mock galaxies, where the over-constraining the models, otherwise all the central im- darkmatterandstellarprofilesareallowedtobebothsteep ageswouldfallwithinthecentralpixelandnosolutionexists and shallow. The enclosed mass of the stars and dark mat- thatsatisfiesalllocationssimultaneouslyforonepixelvalue. ter are both fixed to be M = 1.8 × 1010M at the Each of these configurations were modelled with and ∗,DM (cid:12) stellar scale radius a = 2kpc, such that the stars and withouttimedelays;withandwithoutacentralimage;and ∗ 109 1010 1012 108 3pc)107 109 R)1011 /k(cid:12)106 Σ < (M105 M( ρ104 star1.5-dmCore 108 1010 star1.5-dmCusp 103 star1.0-dmCusp star1.0-dmCore 100 101 100 101 100 101 r(kpc) R(kpc) R(kpc) Figure 1. Profilesofthefourmockgalaxiesshowingthestellar(dotted)anddarkmatter(dashed)componentsandthetotal(solid). Left: The spherically averaged density. The stars in models star1.5-dmCore and star1.5-dmCusp contribute significantly to the central potential. Middle: The radially averaged two-dimensional projected density. The critical lensing density at zL =0.31, κcrit ∼ 1.8×109M(cid:12)/kpc2,ismarkedbythehorizontalline.Right:Theenclosedprojectedmass. DoubleZ1a ExtendedDoubleZ1 ExtendedQuadZ1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 − − 0.5 − 1.0 1.0 − − 1.0 − 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 − − − − − − QuadZ1a ZContrastZ1Z2 ZContrastZ1Z3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 − − − 1.0 1.0 1.0 − − − 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 − − − − − − Figure2.Thelensconfigurationsforthesixtestcasesusingthestar1.5-dmCuspmockgalaxy.Theothermockgalaxiesproducesimilar results.Here,thecentralimageisshown,althoughnotalltestsincludeit.Thenamingconventionindicatestheredshiftofthesources withZ1=1.72,Z2=0.72,andZ3=0.51.ThecentralimageonlybelongstotheZ1sourcetoavoidover-constrainingthemodels(see§4.2 for further details). Small diamonds identify the location of the source(s) and images of the same shape share a common source. The extended source examples have been constructed so that the images will form arclets. The maximum separation of the sources in the sourceplaneis2.23kpcintheextendeddoubleand0.92kpcintheextendedquad.Greycirclesareavisualaidtohelpdetermineradial separationbetweenimages.Theaxesareinarcseconds. with and without the stellar mass as a lower bound, for a masswasradiallysymmetric(Priorvi).Forourmockdata, totalof 48testcases. (The central image istypically highly this is known to be true; it is most often the case with real demagnified.Forgalaxylensesitisverydifficulttofindsince galaxies,unlessthereisanobviousobservedasymmetry.(We it lies along the sight line to the bright lensing galaxy; in explore the effect of switching off the symmetry prior in clusters, however, such images have been seen – e.g., Inada Appendix C. For the quads, the difference is small; for the et al. 2005). We assumed for all our tests that the lensing doubles–asexpected–theresultsaresignificantlydegraded without this prior.) We use, by default, 8 pixels from the ofmockdatateststodeterminetheroleofdataversusprior centre to the edge of the mass map; the central pixel was in strong lensing. further refined into 5×5 pixels to capture any steep rise Figure6andFigure7showtheresultsforourfullmock in the profile (two of the four mock galaxies have a steeply dataensemble.Eachsubplotcorrespondstoadifferentmock rising inner profile). We demonstrate that our results are galaxy,asmarked.Weshowthefractionalerrorofthemass robust to changing the grid resolution in Appendix D. distribution for each of the test configurations with (red) In all cases – despite applying no external shear to the and without (black) stellar mass. In Figure 6 we define the mocklenses–weallowabroadrangeofexternalshearinour error: loernzsemroodshelearercionnsatlrluccatsieosn.s.ItGilsapsosssciobrlreectthlaytremtuorrenscoamsmplaelxl (cid:80)i(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)M(i)−M(cid:99)(i)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) f = (19) shear fields present in real lensing galaxies could introduce R (cid:80)M(cid:99)(i) further degeneracies beyond those discussed here. However, anysuchshearfieldcan,atleastinprinciple,beconstrained basedonthemassM(i)ofeachpixelringiandthemassM(cid:99) bydata(e.g.,combiningweaklensingconstraints,orassum- from the mock galaxy. In Figure 7 the error is defined over ingthattheshearfieldcorrelateswithvisiblegalaxies–e.g., all the pixels θ: Merten et al. 2009; Wong et al. 2011). (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:80)θ(cid:12)(cid:12)M(θ)−M(cid:99)(θ)(cid:12)(cid:12) f = (20) θ (cid:80) M(cid:99)(θ) θ 5 RESULTS Since both error measurements consider the mass of each 5.1 Radial profile recovery pixel, we are implicitly weighting the recovered density by the varying size of the pixels. The value f emphasises the Figure 3 shows some example reconstructions of the radial R error one would see from radial profiles, while f is useful profile of our mock lenses. The left column shows the en- θ as a measure of how well each individual pixel is recovered. semble average arrival time surface with images marked as For both f and f , we only consider mass up to one pixel circles and the inferred source positions as diamonds. The R θ length passed the outermost image, since there is no longer centre column shows the radial density profile. The error any lensing information beyond that point. This means we bars cover a 1σ range around the median; the grey bands typicallyuse8bins,linearlyspaced,ignoringtheoutermost show the full ensemble range. The true density profile from 3bins.Thespacingchanges,however,attheborderbetween the mock data is also plotted for comparison. The vertical the high resolution region in the middle. lines mark the radial position of the images. The right col- The abundance of strong lensing data increases from umnshowstheenclosedmass.Fromtoptobottom,therows left to right within each plot. As a result, there is a gen- correspond to an extended double for star1.5-dmCusp; an eral trend for the reconstruction quality to increase (and extended double with stellar mass constraints for star1.5- therefore for f to decrease). When both time delays and a dmCusp;aquadwithtimedelaydataforstar1.5-dmCusp; centralimagearepresent(TD+central),thequalityishigh- andaquadwithtimedelaysforstar1.0-dmCore.Figure5 est. A double is known to provide very little constraint on shows an example 2D reconstruction for star1.5-dmCusp the mass distribution. This is particularly evident in galax- for a quad; we discuss shape recovery further in §5.2. ies star1.0-dmCusp and star1.5-dmCusp where the mass As expected, the accuracies and precisions are best in profile is steepest and the reconstruction of the double is the range of radii with lensed images where the most infor- poorest.However,the addition ofan arcfrom theextended mation about the lens is present. Even in the weakly con- source is sufficient to correct this. Notice that, as in Fig- strainedcaseoftheextendeddoublewheretheradialprofile ure 3, the recovery for star1.5-dmCusp quickly saturates; ispoor,thetrueenclosedmassM(<R)iswellrecoveredat there is little improvement as the data improves beyond a theimageradiiandourensemblealwaysencompassesit.We single quad. This occurs because the Glass sample prior haveverifiedthisisthecaseinallofourtests,althoughfor in the absence of data favours steep models like star1.5- brevity we have not included the plots here. In all cases, dmCusp over shallower models like star1.0-dmCore (see there is a dip in the profile at large R due to the cut off in also Figure 3). massinthelensingmap.Thisisoflittleimportance,though, as there is no lensing information there. Notice that the extended double (top row) gives the 5.2 Shape recovery poorest constraints, as expected. Adding stellar mass (sec- Figure 7already givesus important information abouthow ond row) significantly improves the constraints, for this ex- wellwecanrecovertheshapeofalens.Thetrendsarevery amplewherethestarscontributesignificantlytothepoten- similarto theradialprofilerecovery inFigure6,suggesting tial. Moving to a quad with time delays gives constraints thatiftheradialprofileiswell-recoveredthen,typically,the almost as strong as the double with stellar mass, but note shapeistoo.Anotableexceptionisforthestar1.5-dmCusp that focussing only on the goodness of the fit can be mis- modelswhereaddingstellarmassconstraintsaidstheshape leading. In the third row of Figure 3, we obtain a better recovery,butlittle-improvestheradialmassprofile.Avisual recoverythaninthebottomrowforprecisely the same data example of the shape recovery is given in Figure 5. quality.ThisoccursbecausetheGlasspriorfavourssteeper We can also more directly probe the recovery of the models consistent with star1.5-dmCusp, but not star1.0- shape of the mass distribution by considering the ratio of dmCore.ItistheGlassprior,ratherthanthedatathatis the major and minor axes λ ,λ of the inertia ellipse. If drivingthegoodrecoveryforstar1.5-dmCuspinthisexam- 1 2 they are equal, the mass is distributed uniformly on the ple. This emphasises the importance of using a wide range 2 star1.5-dmCusp ExtendedDoubleZ1 1011 DM 1013 N-bodyDM+Stars 1 1010 1012 c R) arcse 0 Σ109 M(<1011 1 1010 − 108 2 109 − 107 2 1 0 1 2 100 101 100 101 − − arcsec R(kpc) R(kpc) 2 star1.5-dmCusp ExtendedDoubleZ1 1011 Total(DM+Stars) 1013 DM Stars N-bodyDM+Stars 1 1010 1012 c R) arcse 0 Σ109 M(<1011 1 1010 − 108 2 109 − 107 2 1 0 1 2 100 101 100 101 − − arcsec R(kpc) R(kpc) Figure 3. Two reconstructions of the mock galaxy star1.5-dmCusp for an extended double without stellar mass (Top) and with stellarmass(Bottom).Notimedelayswereassumed.Theimprovedconstraintsonthemassdistributionwhenalowerboundisgiven by the stellar mass is evident in the reduced range of allowable models. Left: The ensemble average arrival time surface with just the iso-contoursforthesaddlepointsdrawn.Thecentraldiamondsshowthereconstructedsourcepositions.Middle:Thesurfacedensityof thedarkmatter(DM;magenta);thestars(yellow);andthetotal(black).TheoriginalN-bodymassmodel(withstars)usedtocreate the lens is shown in green. The vertical lines mark the radial positions of the images. The higher resolution feature of Glass has been usedonthecentralpixelallowingthesteepprofiletobecaptured.Right:Thecumulativemass.Theerrorbarsonallplotsare1σ;the greybandsshowthefullrangeofmodels. projecteddisc.Themoredissimilartheyare,themoreellip- 5.3 Stellar mass ticalthemassdistribution.Wedefinetheglobalmeasureof Thestellarmassdistributiongivesalowerboundontheto- lens shape as: talmass.Wherethestarsdominatethecentralpotential,it s≡λ /λ (21) canprovideapowerfulconstraintextratothestronglensing 1 2 data. We took the stellar mass directly from the generated whereλ andλ aretheeigenvaluesofthe2Dinertiatensor: 1 2 galaxies and projected the particles onto the pixels. Glass (cid:18) (cid:80) M(θ)θ2 −(cid:80) M(θ)θ θ (cid:19) also offers an option to interpolate any map of stellar mass −(cid:80)θM(θ)θyθ (cid:80)θM(θ)θx2 y (22) (e.g., from an observation) onto the pixels. The linear con- θ x y θ x We always take λ to be the largest value. As with f and straint is added to Glass by writing κn = κdm,n+κs,n as 1 R the sum of the dark matter and stellar mass components f , we only consider mass up to one radial position passed θ in the potential (Eq. 14). Since each κ is just a constant the outermost image and compute the fractional error as: s,n we do not add new, separate equations for each pixel. Al- f =|s−s|/s (23) though we assume a perfect recovery of the stellar mass shape (cid:98) (cid:98) with no error on the lower mass bound, it is straightfor- where s is the shape of the mock galaxy. The distribution (cid:98) ward to add errors as the stellar mass constraint remains of f for each mock galaxy and each test case is shown shape linear: κ = κ +(cid:15)κ , where (cid:15) ∼ 1 is an additional n dm,n s,n in Figure 8. Interestingly, for this global shape parameter error parameter. recoveryitappearsmoreimportanttohavetimedelaydata Withthestellarmasslowerbound,thereisasignificant and/or a central image (TD,TD+central) than to have a improvementofthereconstructionqualityshowninFigure6 quad or multiple sources with wide redshift separation. In and Figure 7 for the doubles in the steepest mock galaxies all cases, the stellar mass little-aids the recovery, reflecting (star1.0-dmCusp and star1.5-dmCusp). This is because thefactthatsisheavilyweightedtowardstheshapeatthe thesemodelsaredominatedbystarsintheinnerregion.By edge of the mass map, rather than at the centre where the contrast,theothertwogalaxies–wherethestarscontribute stars may dominate the potential (see Eq. (22)). negligibly to the potential – are largely unaffected.

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